What Is A Lunar Standstill II PDF
What Is A Lunar Standstill II PDF
What Is A Lunar Standstill II PDF
Fabio Silva, Kim Malville, Tore Lomsdalen and Frank Ventura (eds.),
The Materiality of the Sky: Proceedings of SEAC 2014,
Lampeter: Sophia Centre Press.
2 Lionel Sims
Lionel Sims
ABSTRACT: Fifty years after Thom’s rediscovery of lunar standstills there remains no
scholarly consensus over their properties or meaning. This paper critiques the six main
theories of lunar standstills extant within archaeoastronomy with a view to contributing
to a common conceptual vocabulary within the discipline. Prehistoric monument
alignments on lunar standstills have variously been and currently are interpreted for
horizon range, perturbation event, crossover event, eclipse prediction, solstice full moon
and the solarization of the dark moon. Tests of ascending power that draw upon
positional astronomy, monument design, archaeology and anthropology evaluate the
strengths and weaknesses of each theory.
and for about a year for 13 times the moon returns to these ‘same’ positions. The
moon therefore has eight horizon limits unlike the sun’s four. Throughout its
18.6 year cycle the moon rises and sets on intermediate horizon positions
between the moon’s horizons extremes. A lunar alignment is therefore a
selection of just one horizon moment during one day or night out of about 27
days and nights. While like the sun a lunar alignment is therefore a selection
from all possible horizon positions, unlike the sun it is not a observation
repeated over the course of a week, but a one moment time lapsed observation
separated by periods of about 26-27 days. While it takes the moon 27.3 days to
circle the earth, during that time the earth is also moving around the sun.
Therefore its phase is 2.2 days an earlier phase than the previous lunar phase
alignment. An alignment on lunar standstill (sidereal) phases therefore present
in reverse sequence to when we view the moon’s phases over the course of a
synodic month5. Lastly there are very small differences in the position of the
maximum range limits of the standstill of the order of a few minutes of arc.
Modern heliocentric positional astronomy has shown that at different positions
in its orbit of earth these perturbations exhibit a regular sinusoidal alternation of
the order of about 10' of arc.
horizon range displayed only during the major standstill of the moon.
Throughout this period of about a year for every thirteen or so days, and at the
latitude of Stonehenge, the moon reaches its northern and southern limit at
azimuths roughly 50° above and below the west-east line, which is about 10°
beyond the sun at its solstice horizon positions6. Between these moments the
moon touches the horizon in intermediate daily/nightly changes. These
intermediate positions pass the range limits of the minor standstill, which the
moon reaches 9.3 years later. Compared to the major standstill the minor
standstill has little significance according to the width of its horizon range. The
solarist presumption behind this choice is that the moon at a major standstill is a
‘superior sun’ by virtue of wide horizon range alone. Authors who adopt this
view emphasise the period of 18.61 years as the time span of lunar standstills.
death’, in C. L. N. Ruggles and A. W. Whittle, eds., Astronomy and Society in Britain During
the Period 4000-1500 BC (Oxford: BAR, 1981), pp. 243-74.
9 John North, Stonehenge: Neolithic Man and Cosmos (London: Harper Collins, 1996).
10 Fabio Silva and Fernando Pimenta, ‘The Crossover of the Sun and the Moon’, Journal of
It is not clear that the moon’s perturbations will be observed at Stonehenge. The
architecture of the monument does not assist such high fidelity observations.
From the Heel Stone the dimensions of the upper window would have been a
height of about 10' and a width about one degree. Since the lunar disc is about
30' in diameter this upper window would not have framed the full moon nor its
40' of azimuth perturbation range. That is assuming the perturbations could be
seen. The distance from the Heel Stone to the Grand Trilithon is about 88 metres
which is not enough to provide the resolution to discern the movements of a few
minutes of arc of any (obscured) edge of the lunar disc. But as the moon is
constantly changing its declination, and since the moment of the geocentric
declination extreme is generally independent of the moment when the moon
meets the horizon, by the time the moon is on any horizon the moon’s
declination is at a different value from its limit. There will therefore be no
regular zigzag horizon movement of the moon at its minor standstill limit but
irregular movements12. Finally, every standstill at its horizon limit, whether
major or minor, north or south, rises or sets, exhibits similar perturbations to
that of the southern minor standstill moonsets, so either all of these are equally
‘magical’ or none of them are. North defines the minor standstill by the
boundary oscillations of the lunar horizon range limits, and the major standstill
by its greater horizon range than that of the sun. This model also therefore
emphasises the period of 18.61 years which separates major standstills.
Silva’s and Pimenta’s solstice lunar crescent crossover model, the second within
this group, offers an alternative explanation to that of alignments on the minor
standstill. They demonstrate that during summer and autumn the first crescent
moon always sets to the left of sunset, but within a period of 150 days over
winter the moon switches and sets to the right of the sun. The pattern of
alignments for this crossover event is a non-Guassian distribution with a
marked modal frequency which coincides with that of the southern minor
standstill of the moon. Any monument with an alignment on the minor
standstill would, the authors suggest, be better explained by this annual event.
According to the authors the preferred function for the crossover event would
have been to mark annual calendrical calculations, while the major standstill of
the moon is best explained by its wide horizon range13.
While the authors choose the nomenclature of a solstice and first crescent moon
crossover, during the period of the 2014/5 minor standstill of the moon the
actual date of the crossover is the 12th December, not the 21st December at the
winter solstice. Not just the time but the place of the crossover event is also
highly variable. While the azimuth band for the range limit of the minor
standstill is only about 40´, that of the first crescent winter crossover horizon
event is spread over an azimuth range of about 26° - a full forty times greater
than that of the minor standstill. The Stonehenge axial upper window which
captures the southern minor standstill moonsets would not be able to capture
the vast majority of these crossovers.
13 Silva and Pimenta, ‘The crossover of the sun and the moon’, 202 and 206.
8 Lionel Sims
The third group of theories for lunar standstills identifies shared properties
between the major and the minor standstills and there are presently three
What is a lunar standstill II 9
different theories with this approach. Thom14 suggested that monuments aligned
on both types of standstills were devices to predict lunar eclipses. In both cases
eclipses occur when the moon’s perturbations coincide and add to the horizon
range limits that occur every 9.3 years. Since the maximum perturbation only
very rarely occurs when the moon is on the horizon, Thom suggested that
‘elaboration devices’ were necessary to interpolate the precise moment of the
maximum. There is however no evidence for such devices and it would not be
possible to track these tiny horizon movements with low resolution
alignments15. Nevertheless, as these maximum perturbations always occur close
to the equinoxes, and as NW European late Neolithic/EBA prehistoric
monuments which conflate the moon with the sun choose the solstice sun and
not the equinoxes16, the monument builders appear to be avoiding an eclipsed
moon. Since an eclipsed moon is an interrupted full moon, it seems that the
monument builders were selecting for some aspect of an uninterrupted cycle of
lunar phases at their ritual centres.
The final two models current within the archaeoastronomy of lunar standstills
engage with the intrinsic properties of the moon’s phases rather than just their
horizon location. Ruggles suggests that the monument builders entrained their
monuments on lunar standstill full moons. Ruggles’ critique of Thom’s work
was based on a major field work exercise of five regional groups of monuments
in the British Isles. From the data emerged a strong preference for lunar
alignments on the southern lunar standstills, both major and minor, and
particularly onto settings rather than risings. Ruggles concluded that along these
alignments they would have observed the full moon setting17. A full moon does
present itself on these southern standstill alignments, but only at summer
solstice18. Since all of these monument groups also included alignments on the
winter solstice sunsets, not summer solstice, and since they paired the southern
standstill moons with the winter solstice, this could not have conflated full
17 Ruggles, Astronomy in Prehistoric Britain and Ireland 75, 96-98, 107, 128, 130, 138-9, 149,
18 Sims, Solarization of the Moon, Figure 5, p. 199.
10 Lionel Sims
moon with the winter solstice. In keeping with the details of this architecture
design we need to ask the question of what happens when the two axial
alignments are considered as conflated alignments.
The final sixth model of lunar standstills addresses the emergent properties
from their combination with the sun’s solstices. During southern standstills,
both major and minor, at winter solstice the moon is always dark moon.
Conversely, during northern standstills, both major and minor, at summer
solstice the moon’s phases are once again dark moons. A full moon does occur
on the northern standstill, major and minor, alignments during winter, but
always about two weeks after the solstice, and vice versa on the southern
standstills19. This is an invariant property for all lunar standstills. However
extending this understanding to dark moon seems counter-intuitive for
observational astronomy – ‘...this makes no sense...[when] the moon is new, and
hence invisible...’20. It was probably for this reason that Ruggles characterised his
own field data with an emphasis on solstice and standstill alignments to the
south west as ‘anomalous’21. But adopting an ethnographic rather than
astronomical method towards the skyscape opens up an entirely new ‘sense’,
and Sims22 suggests they were for solarised dark moon rituals.
There are good sky-watching reasons for wanting a ritual timed for dark moon.
23Chris Knight, Blood Relations: Menstruation and the Origins of Culture (London: Yale,
12 Lionel Sims
It is true that a dark moon alignment makes little sense for lunar observations.
But with clear skies during the three days of dark moon within the seven days of
winter solstice a ritual can therefore take place during the longest darkest night
possible. Such a ritual will therefore allow a view of the greatest number of stars
possible to be seen by the naked eye, and also leads to seeing the reappearance
of first crescent moon as it begins to set on the western horizon. Both of these
vistas are well-attested in the ethnographic literature, in religious symbolism
and in mythic narratives. A solarised dark moon would therefore provide the
optimal context to stellar alignments found in any archaeoastronomy field data
and to the symbolic appropriation of the dialectical ‘birth’ of waxing crescent
moon as it ‘dies’ on the western horizon.
It may be thought that when dark moon coincides with the sun’s solstices
outside of the period of lunar standstills that this invalidates selecting this
conjunction for standstills alone. For example dark moons occurred during the
winter solstice week in 2003, 2011 and will do so in 2017. None of these are
standstill years. However the issue is that none of these occurrences could be
identified by a stable alignment spread over the course of a year or so. The
moon’s horizon range limits occupy two very small and stable parts of the
horizon only at the major and minor standstills. This is not possible during inter-
standstill years where the range limits are constantly changing. Only during a
standstill could an alignment on a horizon reversed suite of lunar phases
culminating in dark moon be enshrined into the axial centre of the monuments.
the moon’s position around the time of the equinoxes. The line of the nodes
must be at latitudes 0° and 180° and the moon must be in quadrature at latitudes
90° and 270°25. The standstill trend maximum and minimum values combine
with the equinox perturbations when the moon is at first or third quarter which
therefore always fixes dark moon at the time of the solstices. There will not
therefore be a precise synchronisation of the 9.3 year periodicity which will
identify the moment of the solarised dark moon, and the periodicity is better
expressed as ‘about nine years’26.
Only this last model can help to explain the archaeological and anthropological
details. The archaeological materiality model sees Stonehenge as part of an
integrated complex including avenues, river and the earth and wooden
Durrington Walls27. The archaeoastronomy of lunar-solar conflation explains
why not just Stonehenge, but also the Avebury monument complex
demonstrates that the axial alignments of stone monuments on the southern
standstills (minor at Stonehenge, major at Avebury) are paired with wooden
monuments aligned on the northern standstills (respectively major at
Durrington Walls and minor at the West Kennet Palisades)28. Both regional
complexes therefore alternated in opposite combinations by about nine-year
intervals, not 18.61 years, between the major and minor standstills.
reversal from horizontal bride service gift exchange systems to vertical bride
price inheritance. This process is particularly clear in the gradual transition from
hunting to pastoralism, which in turn is associated with the emergence of the
male monopolisation of ritual and age set systems 30. This is the social foundation
for the syncretism of an ancient egalitarian lunar cosmology conjoined with and
in the process of displacement by a stratifying and solarising religion.
Depending upon the extent of displacement of directly lunar aspects to a
culture’s cosmology, we would expect the world’s religious systems to reveal a
variety of local adaptations. The nine year cycle of the Cretan levy for 7
Athenian boys and girls to meet the bulls, the nine-yearly lunar standstill
Septeria Apollonian ritual re-enactment of the killing of the dragon Python at
Delphi31 and the 8/9 year Norse blood rituals of human sacrifice at Uppsala 32 all
fit the same alternating timescale to be found in prehistoric monument nine-
yearly lunar-solar alignments.
30 Lionel Sims, ‘Where is cultural astronomy going?’ In Fernando Pimenta (ed.) Stars and
Stones: voyages in archaeoastronomy and cultural astronomy – a meeting of different worlds.
31 Robert Graves, The Greek Myths (London: Penguin, 1992).
32 Goran Henrikkson, ‘The pagan Great Midwinter Sacrifice and the ‘royal’ mounds at
(Cambridge: UP, 1985); David Maybury-Lewis, ‘Age and Kinship: A Structural View’ in
D. I. Kertzer and J. Keith (eds.) Age and Anthropological Theory (London: Cornell UP, 1984).
What is a lunar standstill II 15
standstills and fits the criteria for the further transformation of the proposed
lunar-solar transformational template35. The model is also consistent with
precursor Palaeolithic cosmological evidence. Bones and ivory dated from
33,000 to 12,000 BP have been found from west Europe to Africa inscribed with
non-decorative notational systems to track these lunar phases with an emphasis
on dark moon, and anthropological evidence suggests that one purpose of such
records was for Palaeolithic hunting cultures to track the human menstrual and
pregnancy cycles36.
35 E. Lucas Bridges, Uttermost Part of the Earth: Indians of Tierra del Fuego (New York:
Dover 1988) p. 433; Claude Levi-Strauss, The Raw and the Cooked (London: Penguin 1969).
36 Michael Rappenglück, ‘Earlier Prehistory’ in C. Ruggles and M. Cotte
(Authors/Editors) Heritage Sites of Astronomy and Archaeoastronomy in the Context of the
UNESCO World Heritage Convention, (Paris: IAU 2010), pp. 13-26.
37 Anthony F. Aveni ‘The Thom paradigm in the Americas’ in C. L. N. Ruggles, Records in