TN 8 Bhihin
TN 8 Bhihin
TN 8 Bhihin
Srl. Part Number Description Batch HSN/SAC Tax Qty. Rate Taxable Tax Paid Labour
Amount Amount Charges
Demanded Repairs-Others/Suggested Jobs
1 57711M56R10 PANEL,FRONT FENDER,L (ED AB 8708 28% 1.000 835.93 501.56 0.00
40% 60% BS
Demanded Repairs-Others/Suggested Jobs
1 ZF9993 PAINTING CHARGES 998729 4,370.63
2 ZF9992 DENTING CHARGES 998729 290.00
I acknowledge that the jobs/repairs/service carried out in my vehicle and the respective cost estimates were
explained to me. I have received my vehicle after completion of all repairs being carried out to my satisfaction and
I confirm that my vehicle is in good condition. I further authorize this workshop to contact me by call or sms to Customer Signature
inform me with any other information in relation to my vehicle.
Mobile No.:
Gate Pass
GP No. : GP19005895 Date : 20-DEC-19 13:05:02 Job Card No. Bill.No. Bill Date Amount
Cust. Name : NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY Model : New Dzire Petrol JC19006093 BR/19004552 20-DEC-19 2,600.00
Tech. Name : VINOTH V Reg.No. : TN88P0211 JC19006093 BI/19000902 20-DEC-19 5,142.00
Customer Signature
Accountant Signature