Bca Notes

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Bachelor of Computer Applications - I Year

W.E.F. 2019-2020
Paper Name (Theory) Lec
Hours Min Max
bca-101 Cyber Security Technologies & Practices 3 3 18 50

bca-102 Computer Fundamentals 3 3 18 50

bca-103 Data Structure 3 3 18 50

bca-104 Programming in C 3 3 18 50

bca-105 Discrete Mathematics 3 3 18 50

bca-106 Multimedia Basics 3 3 18 50

Total of Theory Marks 300

Pract Exam MARKS

Paper Name (Practical)
Hours Hours Min Max
bca-107 Data Structure Lab 3 3 18 50

bca-108 C Programming Lab 3 3 18 50

bca-109 Multimedia 3 3 18 50

Total of Practical Marks 150

Total of Theory & Practical Marks 450

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Part A:
1. 10 Question of 1.5 mark each – 15 marks
2. Answer should not exceed more than 50 words
3. All questions are compulsory
Part B:
1. 5 Questions of 3 marks each – 15 marks
2. Answer should not exceed more than 50 words
3. All questions are compulsory
Part C:
1. 3 Questions of 7+7+6 marks each – 20 marks.
2. There will be an internal choice in each question.
3. Answer should not exceed 400 words

Practical & Projects:

Practical exams shall be conducted by one internal and one external examiner of a batch of 40
students in a day.
Duration of Practical exam is 3 hours.
A Laboratory Exercise File should be prepared by each student for each practical paper and
should be submitted during practical examinations.
Practical of 50 marks distribution is as under:
a. 30 marks for practical examination exercise for 3 questions
b. 10 marks for Viva-voce
c. 10 marks for Laboratory Exercise File

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Duration: 3 hours Max Marks: 50
bca-101 Cyber Security Technologies & Practices

Information security concepts, Overview: Background and current scenario, types of attacks, goals
for security, E-commerce security, Computer forensics, steganography

Security threats and vulnerabilities, overview of security threats, weak/strong passwords, insecure
network connections, malicious code, programming bugs, cybercrime and cyber terrorism,
information warfare and surveillance, virus, Trojan, worms, botnet, ransomware, shells, backdoors

Security management practices, overview of security management, information classification

process, security policy, risk management, security procedures and guidelines, business continuity
and disaster recovery, ethics and best practices

Security laws and standards, security assurance, security laws, intellectual property rights,
international standards, security audit

Access control and intrusion detection, overview of identification and authorization, overview of
intrusion detection systems, intrusion detection systems and intrusion prevention systems

Server management and Firewalls, user management, overview of Firewalls, type of Firewalls

Wireless networks and security, components of wireless networks, security issues in wireless

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Duration: 3 hours Max Marks: 50
bca-102 Computer Fundamentals
Introduction to Computer: Definition, Characteristics, Classification of Computers, Analog
Computers, Digital Computers, Hybrid Computers, Classifications of computer on the basis of size
and speed, different type of computers, generation of computers.

Computer keyboard, pointing devices, mouse, track ball, touch pad, joystick, touch – sensitive
screens, pen – based systems, digitizer, data scanning devices, optical recognition systems, bar code
readers, optical mark readers, optical scanners, drum scanners, hand scanner, flatbed scanner, web
camera, game pad, digital camera.

Hard copy devices: Printer, impact printers, daisy wheel, dot matrix printer, line printer, chain
printers, comb printers, non-impact printers, DeskJet, inkjet printers, laser printer, thermal transfer
printer, barcode printers.

Computer Display: CRT, LCD, projection displays, plasma display panel, display standard,
monochrome display adapter, HGA, CGA, EGA, VGA, MGA, SVGA, XGA, QVGA, SXGA, UXGA

Introduction to memory, classifications, random-access memory, volatile memory, non-volatile

memory, flash memory, read-only memory, secondary memory, the cache memory, auxiliary storage
memory, memory hierarchy, storage devise, magnetic tape, magnetic disk, floppy disk, hard disks,
CD, DVD, magneto-optical.

Number system, binary, octal, hexadecimal, addition, subtraction, multiplications, computer code:
BCD, ASCII, EBCDIC code, Excess-3 code, gray code, software, User interface, system software,
programming software, application software logic gates and Boolean algebra representation and
simplifications by kMap.

Computer Viruses: Introduction, history, types of computer viruses, classification of viruses ways to
catch a computer virus, symptoms of a computer virus.

Application of computer: Desktop publishing, sports, design and manufacturing research and design,
military, robotics, planning and management, marketing, medicine and health care, arts,
communications, scientific, education.

Introduction of internet, history, IP, TCP and UDP, application protocol, world wide web, how the
web works, web standards, website, overview, types of websites, electronic mail, internet, e-mail
header, saved message file extension, messages and mailboxes, introduction to intranet, uses,
advantages, disadvantages.

Introduction to data warehouse, components of a data warehouse, different methods of storing

data in a data warehouse, advantages of using data warehouse

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Duration: 3 hours Max Marks: 50

bca-103 Data Structure

Definitions of Data Structure and Algorithm – Time and Space complexity- Algorithm notations.

Merge sort, quick sort, dynamic programming

Control structures- Variables – Data types- Arrays- String processing – Sorting and Searching-
Insertion- Selection- Binary Search- Linear Search

Binary tree- Representation – Traversing - Binary Search tree- Insertion deletion into a binary search

Graph- Representation of Graph- Shortest path – Operation on Graphs- Traversing a Graph

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Duration: 3 hours Max Marks: 50

bca-104 Programming in C
Overview of C Language: History of C, Character set, C tokens, Identifiers, Keywords, Data types,
Variables, Constants, Symbolic Constants , Operators in C, Hierarchy of Operators, Expressions, Type
Conversions and Library Functions.

Managing Input and Output Operation: Formatted and Unformatted I/O Functions, Decision making,
branching and looping: Decision Making Statements - if Statement, if–else statement, nesting of if-
else statements, else–if ladder, switch statement, ?: operator

Looping - while, do-while, for loop, Nested loop, break, continue, and goto statements. Functions:
Function Definition, prototyping, types of functions, passing arguments to functions, Nested
Functions, Recursive functions.

Arrays: Declaring and Initializing, One Dimensional Arrays, Two Dimensional Arrays, Multi-
Dimensional Arrays - Passing arrays to functions. Strings: Declaring and Initializing strings,
Operations on strings, Arrays of strings, passing strings to functions. Storage Classes - Automatic,
External, Static and Register Variables

Structures-Declaring and Initializing, Nested structure, Array of Structure, Passing Structures to

functions, Unions, typedef, enum, Bit fields. Pointers – Declarations, Pointer arithmetic, Pointers and
functions, Call by value, Call by reference, Pointers and Arrays, Arrays of Pointers, Pointers and
Structures. Meaning of static and dynamic memory allocation, Memory allocation functions.

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Duration: 3 hours Max Marks: 50

bca-105 Discrete Mathematics

Sets: definition and types, set operations, partition of set, cardinality, recursive definition of set.
Functions: concept, some special functions (polynomial, exponential & Logarithmic, absolute value,
floor & ceiling, mod & div functions) properties of functions, cardinality of infinite set, countable and
uncountable set, pigeon hole principle, composition of function

Relations: Boolean matrices, binary relation, adjacency matrix of relation, properties of relations,
operations of relations, connectivity relation, transitive closure, Warshall Algorithm, equivalence
relation, equivalence class

Proof Methods: Vacuous, trivial, direct, indirect by contrapositive and contradiction, constructive &
non-constructive proof, counterexample. The division algorithm, divisibility properties (prime
numbers & composite numbers) principle of mathematical induction, the second principle of
mathematical induction, fundamental theorem of arithmetic. Algorithm correctness: partial
correctness, loop invariant, testing the partial correctness of linear and binary search, bubble and
selection sorting

Graph theory: Graphs, directed, undirected, simple, adjacency & incidence, degree of vertex, sub-
graph, complete graph, cycle & wheel graph, bipartite & complete bipartite graph, weighed graph,
union of simple graphs. Complete graph isomorphic graphs, path, cycles & circuits Euclerian &
Hamiltonian graphs. Trees: spanning trees – Kruskal’s Algo, finding spanning tree using depth first
search, breadth first search, complexity of graph, minimum spanning tree.

Language of Logic: Proposition, compound proposition, conjunction, disjunction, implications,

converse, invers and contrapositive, bi-conditional statements, tautology, contradiction,
contingency, logical equivalence, quantifiers, arguments.

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Duration: 3 hours Max Marks: 50

bca-106 Multimedia Basics

Introduction to Multimedia computer and its peripheral devices, communications and
entertainment; framework for multimedia systems: Advantages of MM, system components and the
user interface, MM platform, hardware software, commercial tools and standard.

Images and applications, image capture, compression, standards, audio compression and
decompression, audio synthesis, MIDI, speech recognition and synthesis, video capturing,
compression and decompression, digital video and image compression; jpeg image compression
standards; mpeg motion video compression; DVI technology; time-based media representation and

Developing Applications, methodology, design, multimedia object sharing multimedia and

multimedia and the law

Application of Multimedia: Intelligent Multimedia system, training and education, kiosks, multimedia
in office and home.

Photoshop: Fundamentals, Opening and Importing Images, Resolution, Models and Colour Spaces,
Layers. Painting Pixels: The Painting Tools, Erasing, Fills, Type. Selection And Allied Operations:
Marquee selection and cropping, Lasso Selection, Paths, Combining and Transforming Selections.
Adjustments and Retouching: Tonal Adjustment, Colour Adjustments, Retouching By Hand. Effects
and Filters: Blurring and Sharpening, Special Effects and Distortion, Layer Effects and Layer Styles.

Flash: Animation with Interacting, Basic Concepts, Drawing, Lines and Shapes, Strokes and Fill,
Shapes and Brushes, Selection, Transformation and Reshaping, Importing Artwork and Manipulating
Images. Animation: Animating One Frame at a Time, Motion Tweening , Symbols and Instances ,
Shape Tweening , Sound.

Actions: Buttons, Button action, Frame Action, Action and Movie Clip Symbols , Actions , Browsers
and Networks , Beyond the Basic Actions. Flash CS 6: Interface Elements, Panels, Tools, Layer
Folders, Accessibility, Video.

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