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ESME T&CS Conducts a Series of
training on Heating, Ventilation, Air
Conditioning (HVAC) Systems and
Industrial Ventilation was given to
25 employees of the Ethiopian
Construction Works Corporation (ECWC)
employees from December 10-14, 2018. The
Industrial Hydraulics training
venue was at Genet Hotel and the trainer
was Engineer Solomon Mekuanint.
“Fundamentals of Maintenance & Mainten-
ance Management” was the second training
being conducted at the MIDI training hall
for 12 trainees who came from three
industries, 8 from Horizon Addis Tyre, 3
from Awash Melkassa Aluminum Sulphate
and a trainer from FDRE Leather Industry
Development Institute (LIDI). This training
was successfully conducted since an actual
gap analysis was undertaken at the Horizon
Addis Tyre manufacturing company and the
training content was fully customized based
on the actual maintenance gaps discovered.
Group Picture of HVAC Trainees All the trainees were very happy on the
training and they promised to implement
ESME T&C has conducted a couple of the knowledge they have gathered during
trainings on Industrial Hydraulics and the training. The trainer, Mr. Matiyas who
fundamentals of maintenance and has specialized in Maintenance
maintenance management from March 04 – Management fields both locally and abroad
08, 2019 has a vast experience in the field and has
“Industrial Hydraulics for Mechanical taken much training related to his career.
Engineers” was being delivered to 5 trainees He was also the main participant in the gap
of all from Dangote Cement as a second analysis work.
batch. It was astonishing to hear the
trainees admirably satisfied by the training
coverage as well as the mode of delivery
with the practical lab assisted explanation.
For ESME, there is nothing more satisfying
than hearing the trainees are wordless to
appreciate the training. The trainer, Mr.
Hairedin Ismael who is an instructor at the
AAiT, has also a practical experience in the
industry and taken a lot of trainings in the Training on Fundamentals of Maintenance &
area. Maintenance Management
A second training on Boiler Standards,
Installation, Operation, Safety and Mainte-
nance (BSIOS&M) (ESME 001) was given to functionality of the elevator against the
20 employees of Dashen Brewery Share actual contract.
Company at the company’s premises in
Debrebirhan from December 24-28, 2018. ESME T&CS Manager Resigns from
The trainer was Engineer Dawit Akloweg. Her Post
ngineer Tigist Teshome who served
ESME Technical and Consultancy
Service (T&CS) as a competent and
dedicated Manager for about one
year and seven months resigned from her
job to take up another paying and
challenging post. Prior to joining the
business wing, Engineer Tigist had served
ESME in the capacity of an Executive
Group Picture of BSIOS&M Trainees Manager where she promoted ESME
passionately. The board of ESME has
A third training on “Advanced Automotive” decided to recognize her outstanding
was given to 59 employees of Ethiopian contribution to the Society and its business
Construction Works Corporation (ECWC) wing during the upcoming May 5, 2019
from January 22-25, 2019 at Genet Hotel. annual conference of ESME in the presence
The trainer was Engineer Ashenafi Bahiru. of the general assembly.
ubsequent to the resignation of
Engineer Tigist, a call was made to
ESME members by email to apply
for the vacancy. It was also
advertised on the Amharic Reporter
Newspaper. Five contestants applied for the
Group Picture of Advanced Automotive post of
Trainees which four
A fourth training on Industrial Hydraulics eligible for
for Mechanical Engineers (IHME) was given
to 59 employees of ECWC from February
11-15, 2019. The venue was at AAiT facility
and the trainer was Engineer Hairedin Engineer
Ismael. Muluken
ESME T&CS Undertakes Consultancy
Work Based on
their responses, experiences and what
n elevator handover supervision work ESME can pay, it was resolved that a fellow
was done for Amhara National Mechanical Engineer-Muluken Melkamu
Regional State Revenues Authority. had the most required caliber and
The contractor and subcontractor of the accordingly his employment was effected as
project were 3M Engineering PLC and of February 20, 2019. We have all
Equatorial Business Group (EBG) PLC welcomed him to the office.
respectively. ESME T&CS did its part as an
external body to check the technical
6. Mechanical Engineering Innovations that could
change the Industrial Game
1. An absorber design using a natural hyperbolic material
for harvesting solar energy
4. Biodiesel Production from Waste Cooking Oil by Using
an Ultrasonic Tubular Reactor
This emphasizes on the character rather actions aimed at achieving common good
than the rights or duties. The character is and social (internal) good such as social
the pattern of virtues (morally-desirable justice, promotion of health, creation of
features). The theory advocated by Aristotle. useful and safe technological products and
Stressed on the tendency to act at proper services. Five types of virtues that
balance between extremes of conduct, constitute responsible professionalism,
emotion, desire, attitudes to find the golden namely public-spirited virtues, proficiency
mean between the extremes of excess or` virtues, team-work virtues, self-governance
deficiency`. The examples shown below virtues, and cardinal virtues are discussed
illustrate the theory: in # 2.10.3.
“ESME Should Involve Directly In Quality of Education”
Ato Teshome Bogale
Ethiopians can run this department.
ESME Focus: Would you please kindly tell I am the first to take the department
us about your profile in brief, i.e. with full responsibility as a head for
about your background including the last eight years. I am proud of
your education? changing the attitude of the top
Ato Teshome: I was born in Addis Alem 55 management the foundation here in
kms from Addis Ababa enrolled at Ethiopia and abroad.
Assela Chilalo Terarra primary and ESME Focus: How committed are you in
secondary school. I joined AAU and working with ESME?
got diploma in Metal Technology Ato Teshome: The College is committed to
(TTE) B.Sc. in Manufacturing work with ESME. It has two
Technology from Nazareth Tech- mechanical engineering depart-
nical College and M.Sc. in ments with sub-specification
Manufacturing Engineering from Automotive Technology and Manufa-
Adama University cturing Technology which is directly
ESME Focus: What initiated you to do related to ESME and we hope we
technical activities related to will contribute for the strength and
manufacturing? Was there your growth of the society.
role model? ESME Focus: Do you have anything to
Ato Teshome: to tell you the truth it was add?
not my first choice but after I Ato Teshome: ESME provide a lot of
engaged in it, I developed interest support to professionals and
towards mechanical components, institutes. Beyond this ESME
mechanisms of machinery, prod- should involve directly in quality of
uction of machine elements, and education to set standard for all
selection of proper material for universities which deliver
specific components, and design for mechanical engineering courses,
manufacturing (to solve manufa- working with Ministry of Education
cturing difficulties) and Ministry of Science and
ESME Focus: Menschen fur Menschen is Technology. I am sure through this,
known for its Humanitarian works. ESME will make standard in the
How do you try to relate its area of mechanical engineering.
humanitarian activities with your
profession and position as Head of
its Manufacturing Technology
Ato Teshome: Training the youth makes
them well qualified and practically
capable. Nothing inspires me more
than this.
ESME Focus: Could you tell us what you
think is a good example of your
contribution in your career to any
one of the organizations or
institutions you worked with?
Ato Teshome:
Previously Manufacturing Techno-
logy Department of ATTC was lead
by foreigners. They do not trust that
Ato Teshome
Profile of Menschen fur Menschen