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Design Basis for Fire Protection System C2C Engineering

C2C-18125-RPA-601 Value Added Engineering


Client’s Name & Address Consultant’s Name & Address

Deccan Fine Chemicals India Pvt. Limited C2C Engineering

Kesavaram, New No.5, 10 Sector,
Patakaraopet Mandal 65 Street, K.K.Nagar,
Vishakapatnam Dt. A.P Chennai – 600 078.
Tel: +91-44-23663048/0469





PROJECT NO : 18125

DOCUMENT NO : C2C-18125-RPA-601


3 16.09.2019 Revised as per client comments SA PS RR BP

2 05.08.2019 Issued for Approval SA PS RR BP
1 05.03.2019 Issued for Approval SA PS RR BP
0 28.01.2019 Issued for enquiry SA PS RR BP

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Design Basis for Fire Protection System C2C Engineering
C2C-18125-RPA-601 Value Added Engineering


1. INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................... 3
2. SCOPE OF WORK ........................................................................................................................ 3
3. FIRE PROTECTION PHILOSOPHY ............................................................................................. 3
4. PROJECT DESCRIPTION ............................................................................................................ 4
5. CODES AND STANDARDS ......................................................................................................... 4
6. DESIGN CONCEPTS .................................................................................................................... 5
7. HAZARD AREA CLASSIFICATION ............................................................................................. 5
8. FIRE WATER PUMP SET ............................................................................................................. 5
9. FIRE WATER STORAGE TANK .................................................................................................. 6
10. FIRE WATER RINGMAIN ............................................................................................................. 7
11. EXTERNAL YARD HYDRANT SYSTEM ..................................................................................... 8
12. INTERNAL HYDRANT SYSTEM .................................................................................................. 8
13. FIXED WET FOAM WATER SPRINKLER SYSTEM ................................................................... 9
15. AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER SYSTEM ......................................................................................... 15
16. WATER CURTAIN SYSTEM ...................................................................................................... 16
17. FIRE DETECTION AND ALARM SYSTEM ................................................................................ 16
17.1. MANUAL CALL POINTS .................................................................................................. 17
17.2. FIRE DETECTION .......................................................................................................... 17
17.3. NOTIFICATION APPLIANCES ........................................................................................... 18
17.4. MODULES .................................................................................................................... 18
17.5. FIRE ALARM CONTROL PANEL (FACP) ......................................................................... 18
17.6. CONTROL CABLES ....................................................................................................... 19
18. PUBLIC ADDRESS SYSTEM ..................................................................................................... 19
19. FIRE EXTINGUISHERS .............................................................................................................. 19
20. CLEAN AENT GAS FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEM ................................................................ 20
21. EYE WASH WITH SHOWER ...................................................................................................... 21
22. EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT RACK............................................................................................ 21

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Design Basis for Fire Protection System C2C Engineering
C2C-18125-RPA-601 Value Added Engineering

Deccan fine chemicals India Private Limited is involved in producing agriculture based fine
chemicals and specialty chemicals for crop protection and solutions for enhancing productivity
& yield and having products in seeds, seeds care, yield protection.

This Design Brief Report is to provide design and engineering requirement for fire protection
system to be provided for the proposed expansion of the production plant Block-4,
hydrogenator, tank farm etc. within the existing facility at Tuni, Vishakapatnam, Andhra
Pradesh. This design basis describes the methods and equipment which are utilized to control
and fight with any fire occurrence in the whole chemical plant.


The existing agro chemical manufacturing facility at Tuni is provided with external yard hydrant
system, internal fire escape hydrant system, fixed automatic wet foam water sprinkler system,
fixed manual dry type foam system, fire detection & alarm system, public address system etc.
all the existing fire fighting system installation are being well maintained and keeping in good
working condition.

The scope of the fire protection system proposed herein is to design and provide appropriate
system and equipment to control and fight any fire occurrence in the whole production plant.
The proposed expansion of Block-4 & hydrogenator, tank farm shall be provided with external
fire hydrant, internal fire escape hydrants with hoe reel, fire detection & alarm system, fixed
automatic foam water sprinkler system, deluge water spray system, fire extinguishers etc. in
accordance with Latest edition of internationally recognized National Fire Code (NFC) released
by National Fire Protection Association (NFPA).


The aim of the fire protection policy is to minimize loss of life or serious injury, contain and
prevent the spread of a fire, extinguish it in the early stages if possible and thus minimize the
damage and financial loss caused by such an incident.

To achieve these aims the following design guidelines are followed and equipment supplied:

I. The factory layout is such that an incident in one area of operation will not spread to
adjacent plot areas due solely to the proximity of the plots to one another.

II. Any outbreak of fire is alarmed automatically to the appropriate personnel and facilities
are available for site operatives to initiate a manual alarm from any location on the

III. Adequate fixed and mobile fire fighting facilities are available.

IV. Adequate training in the use of fire fighting equipment is given to the site operatives.

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C2C-18125-RPA-601 Value Added Engineering


The fire fighting & fire alarm system for the proposed expansion area shall include the following
buildings as listed below.
a. Production plant Block-4
The proposed Production plant named as Block-4 is a RCC structure with ground plus four
upper levels and terrace floor. Each level has reactors and vessels and its accessories and
cooling tower & its accessories at terrace level. Chiller units and its MCC panes are located
at ground floor, DCS control room at first floor, second to fourth floor is having MCC switch
gear room, each level have a vacant space for equipment storage and wash. There are
solvent & intermediate storage tanks at terrace level.
b. Hydrogenator block
The hydrogenator block is located adjacent to the production building. The wall between
production & hydrogenator building is constructed out of RCC to prevent damaging to
adjacent building in case of fire or explosion occurs and other sides by block work. The
building consists of ground floor plus two upper floors and each floor have reactors and
vessels where all the processes take place with hydrogen predominantly.
c. Tank farm & tanker unloading
Bulk raw material storage tank and neutralizations tanks and its pumping station are located
adjacent to production block within the dike enclosure. Intermediate chemicals are stored in
RM storage tanks. Between RM & neutralization tank farm, there is drum unloading area.


The Fire protection system for the proposed expansion in the agriculture product manufacturing
plant shall be designed and installed as per the following internationally recognized codes and
• National Fire Protection Handbook, 20 Edition
• NFPA 1 – Uniform fire Code
• NFPA 10 – Standard for portable extinguishers
• NFPA 11 – Standard for low-, medium- & high - expansion foam system
• NFPA 13 – Standard for the installation of Sprinkler systems
• NFPA 14 – Standard for the installation of standpipe and hose systems
• NFPA 15 – Standard for water spray fixed system for fire protection
• NFPA 16 – Standard for the installation of foam water sprinkler and foam water spray
• NFPA 20 – Standard for the installation of stationary pumps for fire protection
• NFPA 22 – Standard for water tanks for fire protection
• NFPA 24 – Standard for the installation of private fire service mains and their

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C2C-18125-RPA-601 Value Added Engineering
• NFPA 25 – Standard for the inspection, testing and maintenance of water based fire
protection systems
• NFPA 30 – Flammable and combustible liquids code
• NFPA 72 – National fire alarm code
• NFPA 484 – Standard for combustible metals
• NFPA 400 – Hazardous materials code
• NFPA 2001 – Standard on clean agent fire extinguishing system

Other applicable NFPA Codes and specifications related to fire safety of Buildings and
materials to be used for fire protection systems.

Indian Standard Code of practice which is relevant to fire fighting systems

In accordance with NFPA / IS Codes & Standards, the following Fire Protection systems need
to be provided for the protection of proposed expansion area within the existing agro chemical
products manufacturing facility as listed below.

• External yard hydrant system around the production plant (Block-4), hydrogenator
building and tank farm etc.
• Internal Fire hydrant and hose reel ssystem in block-4 and hydrogenator building.
• Automatic Fire detection & Alarm System in hydrogenator & block-4 building, tank farm.
• Fixed automatic wet type foam water sprinkler system for Block-4.
• Fixed automatic wet type sprinkler system for hydrogenator building.
• Fixed automatic deluge foam water spray system for tank farm area.
• Fire Extinguishers (Portable & Trolley type) in all buildings.
• Water curtain system for RM & drum charging storage tanks and organic waste storage
• NOVEC gas suppression system for DCS Network server room at production plant


According to NFPA the agro chemical manufacturing facility shall be classified in to Ordinary
Hazard Group-2 occupancy as per NFPA 13 clause A 5.3.2. The raw material & organic waste,
drum charging storage tank farm area shall be classified as High hazard Occupancy as the
proposed facility is using, handling and storing flammable and combustible liquids.


Fire water pump set is most critical part of the fire protection system which is exists within the
agro-chemical manufacturing facility and are maintaining well and in good working condition.
The following are the existing fire pump details

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C2C-18125-RPA-601 Value Added Engineering
Table-1: Existing Fire Pump Details

Quantity Description Type Prime Mover Details
A For Hydrant System
Make: Kirloskar
Horizontal Diesel
1 1 No Diesel Pump Capacity: 273 m³/hr
split case Engine
Head: 88 m
Make: Kirloskar
Electrical Horizontal Electric
2 2 Nos Capacity: 273 m³/hr
Pump split case Motor
Head: 88 m
Make: Kirloskar
Horizontal Electric
3 1 No Jockey Pump Capacity: 27 m³/hr
end suction Motor
Head: 88 m
B For Sprinkler System
Make: Kirloskar
Horizontal Diesel
1 1 No Diesel Pump Capacity: 273 m³/hr
split case Engine
Head: 88 m
Make: Kirloskar
Electrical Horizontal Electric
2 1 Nos Capacity: 273 m³/hr
Pump split case Motor
Head: 88 m
Make: Kirloskar
Horizontal Electric
3 1 No Jockey Pump Capacity: 27 m³/hr
end suction Motor
Head: 88 m


Fire water storage tank is a reliable and dedicated source of water only to provide supply for the
fire safety system such as hydrants, water & foam monitors, fixed automatic pre-action foam
water sprinkler system, Water curtain system, deluge water spray system, internal fire escape
hydrants etc. There is a dedicated fire water storage reservoir near to the fire water pump room
with capacity of 550 m³ and an additional 550 m³ capacity in an emergency to cater supply for
the entire fire fighting system within the premises. The water supply from emergency fire water
tank is closed at all times and the same can be utilized by opening the control valve by manual
in the event of an fire or emergency.

Moreover, the suction header of the existing fire pump set is also connected to clarifier water
storage tank which has 2x450 m³ capacity. The fire pump room is located underground as the
reservoir is at underground and the pumps are operating as positive suction. The existing
reservoir is to accomplish fire water supply for the proposed fire fighting system within the

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C2C-18125-RPA-601 Value Added Engineering

The fire water ring main pipe is routed around the entire agro-chemical manufacturing facility
and pressurized by two sets of fire water pumps. The pipes are installed aboveground by laid
on pipe racks always & pedestals and underground wherever presence of road crossing. The
fire water pipe for the proposed expansion area shall be extended from the existing hydrant &
sprinkler network. The size of the existing hydrant and sprinkler main pipe is 200 mm diameter
and 300 mm diameter respectively available near to the proposed expansion area. The
minimum pressure required at tie-in point shall be not less than 7.0 kg/cm² (bar) to avail
residual pressure at remotest hydrant 7.0 kg/cm² as per NFPA standard. The pressure
available at tie-in point on exiting ring main pipe near to production block-4 to be checked.

The proposed fire water pipes shall be laid aboveground around the periphery of the production
plant (Block-4) and hydrogenator building by supporting on pedestals or on the pipe rack.
Where there is no availability of pipe rack, the hydrant main pipe shall be laid underground on
trench and covered with perforated grating. The trench shall be minimum slope towards the
storm water drain to collect rain water and avoid stagnation. The size of the fire water ring main
shall be minimum 8” (200mm) & 6” (150mm) diameter by consideration of friction loss in the
piping network. The pipe is being laid in trench shall be coated with anti corrosive wrapping and
coated material.

The Piping Material for aboveground and underground shall be Carbon Steel (C.S), ERW,
Class C as per IS 1239 Pt-1 & IS 3589 for pipe up to bladder tank and joined by welded fittings
and flanges. The pipe from bladder to the water spray nozzle / foam water sprinkler shall be
Galvanized Steel (G.I) and fittings shall be grooved type confirming to relevant IS / ASTM
codes. The aboveground pipes shall be protected by painting with one coat of red oxide or Zinc
chromate primer and two coats of synthetic enamel paint of fire red colour shade no. 536 as per
IS 5 or RAL3000. The underground pipe shall be protected by means of providing anti-corrosive
wrapping and coating.

Isolation valves shall be provided on the fire water ring mains and on each of the branches to
fix the fire water equipment and systems. This will permit sections to be isolated for
maintenance or repair without significantly impairing the fire fighting capability of the installed
systems. The isolation valve shall be installed at maximum intervals of between every five
hydrant points of the ring main and at fire water ring main junctions. A washout valve shall be
provided remotely at lower point of ring main to flush out the water and refill the pipe with fresh

Air release valve shall be provided at highest vessel on fire water ring main between 750 m
intervals to vent out trapped air present during pressurizing the system.

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Hydrants shall be designed and located on site in accordance with the requirements of NFPA-
24. The basic design is a 3” stand pipe with single outlet hose valve positioned inclined towards
the ground fitted with 63.5 mm (2½”) instantaneous couplings to meet the nationally recognized
Standards and at 1.2 m height above grade. All couplings are protected with caps and retaining

The existing hydrant ring main pipe shall be extended to and routed around the proposed
production plant, hydrogenator building, raw material, drum charging & organic waste storage
tank farm, scrubber etc.

Hydrants shall be spaced to suit the degree of hazard being protected. As a guidelines of local
statutory requirement and NFPA standards, the space between hydrants shall be 30.0 m as the
proposed facility is classified as High hazard areas. Hydrant shall be placed minimum 2.0m and
no more than 15.0m away from the building to be protected. Minimum flow and pressure
required at remotest hydrant shall be 946 LPM (250 US GPM) and 7.0 kg/ cm² (7.0 Bar)

Fire hydrant hose box shall be provided along with each hydrant valve containing of two (2) fire
fighting RRL hoses, 63 mm dia. (2½”) and each 15 m long, a 63mm dia 2½”) water spray/ fog
nozzle and valve key in the facility. The construction of the boxes shall meet the requirements
of NBC standards. The hydrant valve shall confirm to IS 5290 and must ISI mark.


The internal hydrant system shall be provided in the proposed production block-4 and
hydrogenator building etc. design and installation of internal hydrant system shall be in
accordance with NFPA 14.

The internal hydrant shall be Class-III standpipe system which consists of both 63.5 mm dia
single outlet hydrant valve & fire hose reel drum with 19NB x 30 m long braided hose. Internal
hydrant shall be provided at all floor levels near to each exit staircase. A hose box shall be
provided near each hydrant valve at all floor level containing of two (2) fire fighting RRL hoses,
63 mm dia. (2½”) and each 15 m long, a 63mm dia 2½”) water spray/ fog nozzle and valve key
in the facility.

The minimum flow and residual pressure required at farthest hydrant shall be 950 LPM and 7.0
kg/cm² and for hose reel shall be 24 LPM and 4.5 kg/cm² respectively as per NFPA 14.

Each standpipe system shall be provided with air release valve at topmost point to vent out the
trapped air and pressure gauge with an isolation valve for measuring the pressure available.

The below image is a hydrant valve and hose reel installed within a factory premises for
representation purpose only.

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First aid fire hose reel

Fire escape hydrant

Hose Box

Fig. Internal fire escape hydrant and hose reel arrangement


The proposed production plant shall be protected by automatic fixed foam water sprinkler
system at all floor levels. The design and installation of pre-action foam water spray system
shall be in accordance with NFPA 16.

The proposed foam system is a wet type pre-primed system which shall be employed with an
alarm control valve and is activated by the closed head conventional sprinklers (quartzoid bulb)
installed in the protected area. The foam water sprinkler system shall be fitted with a Y-type
strainer & control valve at upstream side of alarm control valve.

Pre-primed system: These systems have the piping normally filled with foam solution so that
there is an immediate discharge of solution when the sprinkler operates. They are the fastest,
simplest, and most reliable of all types of sprinkler systems.

The fixed automatic foam system is a wet system containing foam water solution in the entire
piping network under pressure and the closed head sprinklers are acts as detectors when the
protected area reaches the preset temperature rating in the event of fire. The alarm control
valve shall comprise of basic trims & alarm gong bell etc. as similar system installed at site for
protection of existing production plant.

Foam equipments such as foam bladder tank, ratio controller etc. shall be installed in the foam
water sprinkler system of production plant. Water supply to foam water sprinkler system shall
be tapped off from the existing 300mm diameter sprinkler ring main pipe. The same ring main
pipe shall be extended to the nearest plot with isolation valve for future expansion.

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C2C-18125-RPA-601 Value Added Engineering
Closed head sprinkler (conventional sprinkler) shall be installed in all floor levels of production
plant at ceiling level as the discharge device and detection system. For periodic testing of the
sprinkler system, Test & Drain lines shall be envisaged at the end of mains and cross mains
with a normally closed ball valve at the end and the line shall be diverted to the nearest toilet /
collection pit. As general practice, a sprinkler shall be installed in the test line with a normally
closed valve. Upon opening of the valve, the flow from one sprinkler shall operate the alarm
valve and motor gong.

Flow through alarm control valve shall be monitored through a flow switch and the same shall
be interfaced with fire alarm control panel which is located in the control room at first floor level.



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Table-2: Water demand requirement for foam water sprinkler system

Building Design area Design Water 10% Supplementary Pump Duration of Duration of Total water Total
assumed Density demand hydraulic hose demand as capacity water supply in foam spillage foam
maximum (LPM/m³) (m³/hr) imbalance per NFPA 16, in m³/hr minutes as per supply in envisaged/ required
area of as per with 3% required in Cl.no. NFPA 16, minutes as required in in liters
operation NFPA 16, foam & m³ cl.no. per NFPA m³
(sq.m) as per Cl. No. 97% 16, Cl no.
NFPA-16, Cl water
465 6.5 181.35 18.135 57 256.485 60 10 256.485 997.5
Block - 4


1. The amount of fire water spillage from each area is equal to the amount of water required to prevent the spread of fire in each area. This quantity to be
considered while estimating the spillage water containment size.

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The proposed raw material storage tank farm, tanker unloading & neutralization tank farm area
shall be provided with medium velocity cum foam water spray system to cool the external
surface of the tanks and dissipation of heat radiation and extinguish pool fire which may cause
due to leakage and spillage of flammable or combustible liquids stored in the tank. The MV
water spray and foam system shall be designed and installed in accordance with NFPA 15 and
NFPA 11 respectively.

Exposure Protection – Absorption of heat through application of water spray to structures or

equipment exposed to a fire, to limit surface temperature to a level that will minimize damage
and prevent failure.

Spill or Pool fire – When occurrence of liquid spillage due to leakage from storage tank will be
contained within the diked area as secondary containment may cause pool fire by presence of
heat and hot work.

Water spray shall be applied to vessel surfaces (including top and bottom surfaces of vertical
vessels) at a net rate of not less than 0.25 gpm/ft² [10.2 (L/min)/m²] of exposed surface.

Where rundown is contemplated, the distance between nozzles at different levels or elevations,
protecting vertical or inclined surfaces, shall not exceed 12 ft (3.7 m) as measured along the
surface. The horizontal distance between nozzles shall be such that spray patterns meet or
overlap at the protected surface.

The MV water spray cum foam system shall be equipped with a deluge valve as the activation
device and that will be opened by the detection system (quartzoid bulb) installed in the same
area which means pilot sprinkler as hydraulic actuation and combustible gas (LEL) detector for
electrical actuation. The LEL detector shall be looped to FACP via relay control module to send
control signal when the detector senses the real fire occurs in tank farm and the FACP shall be
integrated with solenoid valve. It is an electrical actuated valve mounted on 6-way manifold of
deluge valve for activation.

The deluge valve shall be installed outside the tank farm area at easily accessible &
approachable location. Water supply for MV water spray system shall be tapped from the
existing 300 mm diameter sprinkler ring main pipe.

The water spray cum foam nozzle is an non air aspirated open head discharge device installed
around the each tank within maximum 1.0 m distance away from the tank and closed head
quartzoid bulb detector (pilot sprinkler) shall be installed in the same area as the detection
system to activate the deluge valve.

Flow control valve shall be installed in upstream and downstream side of deluge valve.

The installation of water spray nozzle shall be based on the manufacturer’s data sheet and
discharge pattern of the nozzle. The working pressure of the water spray nozzle shall be 1.4
bar to 3.5 bar.

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In case of the flammable liquid storage tank is insulated thermally, the deluge water spray
system can be avoided.




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Table - 3: Fire water demand requirement for tank farm area

Design density Water

Adjacent Total flow
Approx. area for water spray demand for Supplement Pump Duration Duration of
Water tank rate to 10% Total
of the tank to system in adj. tank hose stream capacity water foam supply
Area demand surface foam hydraulic foam
in minutes as
be protected LPM/m² as per density 2 demand in required supply in required
in m³/hr area in calculation imbalance per NFPA 16,
in m² NFPA 15, Cl. LPM/m² (in m³/hr in m³/hr minutes in liters
m² In m³/hr Cl no.
No. 7.4.2 m³/hr)

RM storage
& organic 43.9 (tank 175.6 (4
10.2 26.86 21 47.86 52.65 57 109.65 60 10 263.25
waste Tank under fire) tanks)

30.16 (tank 81 (3
charging 10.2 18.46 9.73 28.2 31 57 88 60 10 155
under fire) tanks)

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The utility area like chillers unit, vessels cleaning area located at ground and upper levels of
proposed production block and hydrogenator building shall be protected by automatic fixed wet
sprinkler system. The design and installation of sprinkler system shall be in accordance with
NFPA 13.

A fixed automatic sprinkler fire extinguishing system is a wet water based system. The system
is pressurized at all times and actuates when a quartzoid bulb detector (conventional sprinkler)
installed at protected area operates.

It comprises of a distributed piping network designed for the specific hazard to cover the
complete area of protection. Based on the design criteria, the sprinklers are evenly spaced and
fixed on the piping network.

The proposed system shall be equipped with alarm control valve outside the protected area
activated by hydraulic trims and water alarm gong bell. The sprinkler system shall be fitted with
a control valve at upstream side and flow switch at downstream side alarm control valve to
provide positive indication of water flow on Fire alarm control panel when the system actuates
via modules.

A test & drain valve shall be provided in the sprinkler system to facilitate periodic sectional
testing of the sprinkler system as well as for sectional draining for maintenance or modification

Inspector test valve of 25mm diameter shall be provided with last branch pipe of the sprinkler
piping network and extended to outside and fix a pendent sprinkler at end.

Air release valve shall be provided at top most point on the sprinkler riser to vent out trapped air
during filling of the sprinkler system.

Table-4: Water demand required for sprinkler system

Assumed area Design Suppleme Pump Water

to be protected Density nt Hose Capacity Supply
Area demand
as per NFPA in LPM stream in required in required in
in m³
13 in m² / m² m³ m³/hr minutes

Utility area in
production 139 8.1 67.5 57 124.5 60 – 90

139 8.1 67.5 57 124.5 60 - 90

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In accordance with NFPA the raw material storage tank farm and neutralization tank farm shall
be provided with water draft curtain system to restrict the movement of fire or smoke to adjacent
area / building.

Water curtain is such a fire sprinkler system which makes curtain in the form of water by
supplying water through pipes to the seriously mounted curtain nozzles on pipes downward.
The water curtain system acts as a fire barrier wall to restrict the movement of either fire or
smoke to adjacent area/ building. The water curtain system comprises of curtain nozzles, piping
network, electric operated deluge valve and necessary cut-off valves etc. Water curtain nozzle
shall be placed around the tank farm and installed at least 1 m above the tank. The water
curtain system shall be designed and installed in accordance with relevant IS & NFPA codes
and standard.

LEL detector shall be placed in and around the tank farm area to detect the concentration of
hydrocarbon the flammable liquid and it is connected to Fire alarm control panel located at DCS
control room at first floor of production block. The piping for fixing curtain nozzles is tapped off
from the sprinkler header pipe. The deluge valve is a dry pipe valve where no water at
downstream side.

The K-factor & effective working pressure of a water curtain nozzle shall be K-23 & 1.4 to 3.5
bar respectively.

Operation philosophy

The water curtain pipe is always dry at normal condition and the curtain nozzle is also open
type. The activation of water curtain deluge valve shall be by means of LEL detectors are
located in the tank farm area. When the concentration of hydrocarbons reached to the pre-set
level of the LEL detector by occurrence of spillage due to leak, the fire alarm panel will transfer
a control signal to solenoid valve fitted at deluge valve for activation. When deluge valve is
activated water enter through the pipes and discharges through the nozzle to form water curtain
toward down. The solenoid valve fitted on electrically actuated deluge valve fitted on the pipe
and linked with fire alarm control panel through a control module.


The existing agro chemical manufacturing facility, Deccan Fine Chemical India private Limited
is already provided with dedicated fire alarm system in each production block, warehouse etc.
The main controller is located at emergency control room for 24x7 monitoring. In addition
depending on the location and potential risk to the overall safety of the site, the proposed
expansion area will be provided with separate and dedicated fire detection and alarm system.
The fire alarm system shall be analogue addressable type. The systems shall be designed to
meet the requirements of NFPA-72 National Fire alarm & signalling code.

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The existing production block is provided with conventional fire alarm system with manual call
point and hooters only. No fire detector is provided in all production block. The warehouse is
provided with VESDA (Very Early Smoke Detection Apparatus), a high sensitivity smoke
detection system to detect smoke very early by collecting air samples through pipes and
analyse using laser rays at testing chamber in the controller.

The main function of the Fire Detection and Alarm System (FDAS) is to detect fires at a stage
sufficiently early to allow an effective response by alerting the operator. The operator shall then
activate the appropriate protective responses based on the characteristics of the incident.
Except for specific cases no executive action will be taken on detection of fire. The main
controls shall be in the emergency control room for monitoring by 24x7.

The following equipment shall be installed in the prescribed risk areas of the plant to initiate fire
detection and alarm system to notify the operators who will available in the plant during
operation and actuate manual alarm in the event of fire.

17.1. Manual Call points

A manual call point (MAC) shall be located near to each exit at ground floor, near to each exit
staircase at all upper floors of the production plant, Hydrogenator area, utility block, office room,
MCC rooms etc.

The actuation of a call point shall sound the bells/ sounders in the building and alarm the
building fire detection and alarm panel and thus transmit the alarm to the Main fire Control
panel at emergency control room.

The call point installed in PCC room, office room, MCC room, brine chiller plant room shall be
normal type and the same shall be either explosion or flame proof type wherein it is installed at
all floor levels of production plant.

In Buildings the maximum travel distance between manual call points shall not be in excess of
61 meters. All the manual call point shall be pull station type with flame proof enclosure.

17.2. Fire Detection

The proposed expansion area such as production plant, raw material, Neutralization,
Hydrogenator, brine chiller plant shall be provided with fire detection system as per NFPA

Linear Heat Detector:

There are many chemical processes takes place in the production plant at all floor levels and
using & handling of various chemicals and solvents which are highly flammable in nature and
occurrence of high temperature during operation, linear heat sensing cable shall be laid at
ceiling level throughout the entire plant to detect fire at early stage. The LHS cable shall be
integrated with fire alarm control panel through relay control modules and activate the foam
water sprinkler system. The LHS sensor spacing shall be varied from 2m, 4m, 7m, & 10m
respectively. The LHS cable shall be integrated with fire alarm control panel through with an
interface module.
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Design Basis for Fire Protection System C2C Engineering
C2C-18125-RPA-601 Value Added Engineering
Smoke Detector:

The MCC room, control room, PCC room, office room, chillers unit, toilets in production block
shall be provided with ordinary spot type smoke detector. Smoke detector shall be provided
above the false ceiling and below false floor wherever required and those are connected with
response indicator for visual identification. The smoke detector shall be analogue assessable
type. The maximum spacing and coverage of the smoke detector shall be 9.0m and 81 m²

Combustible Gas Detector:

LEL detector (combustible gas detector) shall be installed around the raw material
intermediate storage tank farm to measure the release of hydrocarbon from the tanks.
Hydrogen gas leak detector shall be installed in hydrogenator building to detect the
concentration of hydrogen gas release. The gas detector will monitor the concentration of
combustible gas released from storage tanks. The gas detector will provide alarm when the
concentration of gas reaches the minimum set level at detector. The gas detectors shall be
connected with the proposed fire alarm control panel which will be located in DCS control room
at first floor of production block via modules.

17.3. Notification appliances

Upon initiation of the manual call point or any fire & flame detector installed in the proposed
expansion area, the notification appliances like sounder with strobe shall sound an alarm within
the premises. The sounder with strobe shall be installed along with every manual call point and
strategically located within the facility.

The fire alarm sounders installed in the production plant and tank farm area shall be flame or
explosion proof type and rest of the areas shall be ordinary type.

17.4. Modules

The fire detection and alarm system shall be employed specific and necessary modules to
integrate mechanical devices into fire alarm system. Monitor module (single input module) shall
be used to integrate the actuation of water flow detector (flow switch) and deluge valve, alarm
control valve and supervised butterfly valve in to fire alarm system for monitoring. Relay control
module shall be activation of deluge valve and double interlock pre-action valve in the event of
fire occurs. Short circuit isolator module shall be provided on the loop between every twenty
(20) fire alarm detectors to bring connectivity in case of electric short circuit.

17.5. Fire Alarm Control Panel (FACP)

The proposed expansion area block-4 & hydrogenator shall be provided with dedicated fire
alarm control panel and located in DCS control room at first floor.

Each area / building within the battery limit of the proposed expansion area shall be identified
as a separate zone and fire detectors & modules at particular zone shall be looped in the
separate loop for easy installation and maintenance.

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Design Basis for Fire Protection System C2C Engineering
C2C-18125-RPA-601 Value Added Engineering
The proposed FACP shall be interconnected to the existing main fire alarm control panel
located at proposed emergency control centre (ECC) room for 24x7 monitoring.

The following third party integration shall be accomplished with the fire alarm system.

a. Activation of deluge water cum foam system of tank farm area

b. Activation of water curtain system of tank farm area
c. Sprinkler flow switch and supervisory switch on sprinkler header in each floor
d. Integration of deluge valve, alarm control valve etc.
e. Supervisory switch in external hydrant network, OS & Y gate valve etc.

17.6. Control Cables

The fire alarm system control cables shall be armoured, XLPE insulated, FRLS, tinned copper
conductor to connect all fire alarm devices with fire alarm control panel.


The proposed expansion of block – 4 s in the existing agro-chemical manufacturing facility at

Tuni shall be provided with public address system to alert operators through audio message in
the event of an emergency or fire. The existing production block is provided with intercom
facility to communicate between each buildings and its controller located at existing security

The public address system (PA system) is an electronic sound amplification and distribution
system with a microphone, amplifier and loudspeakers used to allow a person to address an
operators at production plant, tank farm, office, MCC & VFD room, chiller units, toilet etc. The
PA system can be used for announcement of emergency call within the premises.

Ordinary box type wall mounted type speaker shall be installed in non-hazardous area such as
office, MCC & VFD room, DCS room and chiller units etc.Box type Flame or explosion proof
speaker (Ex.id) shall be installed at all floor levels of production plant, hydrogenator building.

Flame / explosion proof Horn speaker shall be installed outside the production plant in
designated location and tank farm area.

Amplifier for all the speakers installed in the proposed area shall be added and interconnected
to the existing PA main controller at emergency control centre (ECC).

The PA system control cables shall be armoured, XLPE insulated, FRLS, tinned copper
conductor to connect all speakers with amplifier.


Portable fire extinguishers are provided for use on small fires in plant and building areas
according to the requirements of the NFPA-10. The hand held fire extinguishers shall be
mounted on wall by 1.5 m above from finished level. In case of keeping on floor the fire
extinguishers shall be raised at least 100 mm above by using stand. Fire extinguisher with
capacity more than 10 kg will be fixed on trolley to carry to nearest places.
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Design Basis for Fire Protection System C2C Engineering
C2C-18125-RPA-601 Value Added Engineering
The following are the classes of fire described in NFPA 10

Class A Fires. Class A fires are fires in ordinary combustible materials, such as wood, cloth,
paper, rubber, and many plastics.

Class B Fires. Class B fires are fires in flammable liquids, combustible liquids, petroleum
greases, tars, oils, oil-based paints, solvents, lacquers, alcohols, and flammable gases.

Class C Fires. Class C fires are fires that involve energized electrical equipment.

Class D Fires. Class D fires are fires in combustible metals, such as magnesium, titanium,
zirconium, sodium, lithium, and potassium.

Class K Fires. Class K fires are fires in cooking appliances that involve combustible cooking
media (vegetable or animal oils and fats).

Note: For extinguishment of Class D metal fire, Sodium chloride dry powder shall be used as
extinguishment agent.

Table-6: Fire Extinguisher requirement for buildings

6kg / 4.5 kg / 50 liters

Sl. Class of 9 liters
Building Description 9kg 9kg Foam Remarks
No Fire Foam
ABC CO2 Trolley

Ground floor Class B ✓ ✓ ✓

MCC Room Class C ✓
First Floor Class B ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ CO2

Production Second floor Class B ✓ ✓ ✓ shall be installed

plant presence of
Office room Class A Electrical (Class
C) Installation.
Third floor Class B ✓ ✓ ✓
Fourth floor Class B ✓ ✓ ✓
Terrace Class B ✓ ✓
2 Scrubber Class A ✓
3 Hydrogenator
Class A
✓ ✓
RM, Organic
waste & drum
charging tank
Class B ✓ ✓ ✓

✓- To be provided

The gas based total flooded fire suppression system shall be provided for the protection of
enclosed rooms with electrical and electronics equipments where water is not permitted as an
appropriate fire protection of such areas.

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Design Basis for Fire Protection System C2C Engineering
C2C-18125-RPA-601 Value Added Engineering
The DCS server / network room at first floor of production plant shall be protected by the gas
based clean agent fire suppression system. NOVEC 1230 (FK 5-1-12) can be used as an
extinguishing media which replaces the earlier extinguishing medium of FM-200 (HFC 227ea)

The design concentration for protection of electrical and electronic equipment with NOVEC
1230 gas shall be 4.5 percentages and the required gas quantity shall be calculated by
multiplying the volume of the room to be protected and the total flooding factor. The predefined
total flooding factor for respective gas concentration and operating temperature shall be as per
NFPA 2001.

The clean agent system consists of storage cylinder, discharge nozzle, piping network,
detectors, extinguishing panel, hooters, strobe light etc. The system shall be integrated with the
central fire alarm system by means of two numbers of single input (monitor) modules on the
addressable loop. Designing and installation of clean agent fire suppression system shall be in
accordance with NFPA 2001 and FM Global data sheet 4-9 Clean Agent Fire Extinguishing


Emergency eye wash with shower shall be strategically located preferably near to exit and the
reactor / vessel where using of hazardous chemicals and handling. The water supply piping for
eye wash & shower shall be tapped from the existing water supply pipe available outside the
proposed building.


The fire fighting emergency equipment rack shall be provided at outside of the product block
which consists of the following equipments.

a. Each two numbers of portable fire extinguishers of ABC, CO2 and mechanical foam type.
b. Minimum 5 nos of 65mm fire hose with instantaneous coupling on both ends.
c. Plastic containers with foam concentrate solution minimum 100 liters.
d. Gun metal Branch pipe with different application like jet, fog, spray nozzle.
e. Self contained breathing apparatus, helmet, goggles, fireman axe etc.
f. Miscellaneous equipments as per existing arrangement.

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