Geography Revision Questions
Geography Revision Questions
Geography Revision Questions
(h) (i) Identify two relief features from 9198.
(ii) Name one means of transport each used on the roads found adjacent to Gangawada.
(iii) Name two agents of erosion acting over the area in the given map extract. Justify your answer.
(i) (i) Differentiate between the drainage pattern in 9295 and 8494
(ii) Identify two primary occupations and one secondary occupation practiced by the people of Panswala.
(iii) Explain R.F. scale of the given map. How is it different from the statement scale?
(j) (i) The northwestern corner of the given map extract experiences scanty rainfall while north
eastern part experiences moderate rainfall. Justify the statement.
(ii) Differentiate between the black dots in 9292 and the black dots in 8395.
(iii) State the difference between ∆ 277 and (8998) and 284 (9294).
Map of India
1. The hills in the south which are absent 14. An area with laterite soil in the northeast
between river Godavari and Krishna – 15. Alluvial soil in southern India.
Eastern Ghats 16. The plateau rich in Black soil
2. The plateau considered as the Ruhr of India 17. Administrative Capital of India- Delhi
– Chotanagpur plateau 18. Kochi
3. A Sparsely populated State in India – 19. Mumbai
Arunachal Pradesh 20. Vishakhapatnam
4. Largest oilfield in India – Mumbai High 21. The Western Ghats
5. On shore oil-reserve in India – Digboi 22. Karakoram Range
6. The Temperate Cyclonic Winds – Western 23. Satpura Range
Disturbances 24. Mount Godwin Austin
7. Winds that bring Winter Monsoons to the 25. Nathula Pass
coast of Tamil Nadu – Tropical Cyclones 26. Gulf of Kutch
8. Winds that bring rainfall to Punjab during 27. Chilka Lake
summer 28. Ganga plains
9. The monsoon winds which blow parallel to 29. River Cauveri
Coromandel Coast in summer 30. River Son
10. Indian Standard Meridian 31. River Satluj
11. Konkan Coastal Plains 32. River Yamuna
12. Malabar Coast 33. River Gomti
13. Northern Circars 34. Wular Lake
(i) Study the climatic data provided below and answer the questions that follow:
Stn. Month J F M A M J J A S O N D
A Temperature 21.0 22.6 26.3 29.2 29.7 27.5 25.1 24.5 24.8 25.5 22.5 20.5
in 0C
Rainfall in 0.1 0.1 0.5 1.5 2.7 11.4 16.7 9.0 13.4 9.0 2.7 0.3
(i) Identify the wettest and hottest month.
(ii) Calculate the mean annual temperature and rainfall for the station.
(iii) Does the station have a maritime or a continental climate? Give a reason for your
(iv) Which winds bring maximum rainfall to the station?
(v) Name a city which has similar kind of climatic conditions. Justify your answer.
(j) Study the climatic data provided below and answer the questions that follow:
Stn. Month J F M A M J J A S O N D
A Temperature 11.7 14.1 21.1 30.8 36.2 38.1 36.3 32.4 28 26.7 16.1 13.6
in 0C
Rainfall in 2.1 2.3 1.0 0.9 1.5 5.6 21.1 19.2 15.1 0.6 0.3 1.8
(i) Name the driest and coldest month.
(ii) Calculate the range of the temperature, total annual rainfall and total annual
temperature of the station.
(iii) Name a city with same kind of climatic characteristics. Justify your answer.
(iv) Which winds bring rainfall to the given city during winter?
(a) Define the following:
(i) Soil (iv) In situ Soil
(ii) Khadar (v) Soil conservation
(iii) Leaching (vi) Soil erosion
(b) (i) What is soil fertility?
(ii) Why are the alluvial soils of south India darker in colour?
(iii) State the need for soil conservation-Give two reasons.
(c) (i) Which soil is the most extensive soil in India? Why?
(ii) How is laterite soil formed? In which climate do we find laterite soil?
(d) (i) Why is alluvial soil good for crop cultivation?
(ii) Why is black soil known as ‘self ploughed’soil?
(e) Differentiate between black soil and alluvial soil on the basis of their formation.
(f) State two causes of soil erosion in India and the one remedy for each.
(g) (i) State the formation of red soil.
(ii) Why do we find red soils in the plateau regions of India?
(h) Name the following:
(i) One mineral, one cash crop, and one food crop grown in alluvial, black, red, and
laterite soil
(ii) One transported and one in-situ soil
(i) Differentiate between:
(i) Black Soil and Red Soil.
(ii) Lowland and Upland Laterite soil
(iii)Deltaic and Coastal Alluvial soil
(iv) Sheet Erosion and Gully Erosion.
(j) Give a geographical reason for the following:
(i) Red soil needs regular manuring.
(ii) Laterite soils have the characteristics of both in-situ and transported soil.
(iii) Terrace farming is an ideal way to stop soil erosion on the hill slopes.
(iv) Alluvial soil is red in colour in the Valleys of Assam.
(v) Black soil does not get leached.
(vi) Alluvial soil differs in texture
(vii) Laterite soil is a leached soil
(viii) Alluvial soil is black in colour in the Godavari Delta.
(ix) Deltaic alluvial soil is clayey
(x) Alluvial soil in the Ganga plains is loamy.
(xi) Laterite soils have low fertility.
(xii) The soils of lower Ganga valley are more compact than the soils of upper Ganga
(xiii) The foothills of Western Himalayas experience extensive soil erosion.
(a) Explain Natural Vegetation.
(b) (i) Give two features of the Rainforest of India.
(ii) Why do we come across Tropical Evergreen forest in the north eastern part of the
(iii) Name any two trees found in the Tropical Evergreen forests.
(c) State the difference in the type of vegetation found on the windward and leeward side
of Western Ghats
(d) (i) Mention three trees of the Tropical thorn forest and state one use of each of the
(ii) The trees in the Tropical Desert Forest have stunted growth. Justify.
(e) (i) Why the deciduous forest is commercially most exploited? (2 points)
(ii) Give Reason – The trees in Monsoon Deciduous forests, shed their leaves for
about 6-8 weeks during March and April.
(f) Give the climatic conditions of the Montane forest.
(g) (i) What are Tidal forests?
(ii) State two characteristic features of the Tidal forest.
(iii) Give two areas in India where it is found.
(h) How do forests play a vital role in protecting the environment? (3 points)
(i) Differentiate between Reforestation and Afforestation
(j) State one use of the following trees:
(i) Mulberry (iv) Ber
(ii) Sal (v) Sundari
(iii) Sissoo (vi) Spruce
(k) Name the tree and the forest to which the following belong:
(i) Used for making hookahs and ploughs
(ii) Used for rearing of shellac worms
(iii) Light reddish brown wood used for making tea chests
(l) To which type of forest do these trees belong:
(i) Ebony (iv) Semul
(ii) Deodar (v) Palas
(iii)Khair (vi) Sal
(m) What is silviculture? Mention two conservation methods that should be undertaken to
arrest deforestation.
(n) State the difference in the type of vegetation found on the windward and leeward side
of Aravallis.
(k) Mention three reasons why forests must be conserved.
(a) Name the following:
(i) Another name for Inclined Plane Method.
(ii) The place which receives the highest amount of rainfall.
(iii) Primary and Secondary source of water.
(iv) Two States where tank and canal irrigation are prominent.
(v) Which two rivers have been interlinked in order to make Rayalaseema district
(vi) Another name for kutcha well.
(vii) In this method vertical pole is used for balancing the bucket and an equivalent
load is fixed at the other end.
(viii) It is built in the lower course of the river and it helps to raise the level of the
(b) Explain the following terms:
(i) Conduits (vi) Wells
(ii) Catchments (vii) Tank
(iii) Storage facility (viii) Tube well
(iv) Recharge facility (ix) Inclined plane method
(v) Irrigation (x) Lever method
(c) Name two important canals in the following states:
(i) Karnataka (iv) Maharashtra
(ii) Bihar (v) Tamil Nadu
(iii) Haryana (vi) Rajasthan
(d) What are Percolation Pits?
(e) Differentiate between ground water and water table.
(f) (i) Why does India need to manage its water resources?
(ii) What is Watershed Management?
(iii) What is the main aim of hariyali?
(g) (i) What is Rain Water Harvesting?
(ii) Why do we need to harvest rain water?
(iii) State the mechanisms for rainwater harvesting. Explain the same.
(iv) Why is rainwater harvesting of greater significance in urban areas?
(h) (i) Why are Perennial canals preferred over Inundation canals?
(ii) Canal irrigation is popular in Northern Plains. Give Reasons
(iii) Give three advantages and disadvantages of canal irrigation.
(i) Give the ideal conditions for tube wells.
(j) Give the advantages and disadvantages of well irrigation.
(k) Why is tank irrigation popular in Southern India?
(l) Give the drawbacks of conventional methods of irrigation.
(m) With reference to modern methods of irrigation answer the following:
(i) Why is drip irrigation is very efficient method of irrigation?
(ii) Differentiate between furrow irrigation and spray irrigation.
(iii) What is the disadvantage of sprinkler irrigation?
(iv) Why drip irrigation cannot be practiced in hilly areas?
(n) How do multi-purpose projects solve the twin-problem of floods and water shortage?
(o) Irrigation in India has solved the problem of India being self-sufficient to certain extent.
iii. Goa vii. Maharashtra
iv. Jharkhand viii.Odisha
(p) From where does the entire oil production come from?
(q) Why is Mumbai High so called?
(r) Name the following:
(i) The biggest oil field in India.
(ii) Two oil fields in Gujarat.
(iii) The oldest oil field in India.
(iv) The first refinery in the private sector.
Answer the following:
(a) Give the full form of CNG and LPG.
(b) What is the main component of LPG?
(c) Which gas will be added to LPG so that any leakage can be detected?
(d) What are the advantages and disadvantages of Natural Gas?
(e) Which is the second largest refinery in India?
(f) Name the first Public Sector refinery.
(g) Name the only coastal refinery.
(h) What is hydel power?
(i) What are the advantages and disadvantages of hydroelectricity?
(j) With reference to Bhakra Nangal Dam answer the following:
i. Name the river on which it is built.
ii. Name the two dams on which it is built.
iii. Where are the power houses located?
iv. What is the main aim of Bhakra Canal System?
(k) With reference to Hirakud dam answer the following:
i. On which river it is located?
ii. Give any three uses of Hirakud Dam.
(l) With reference to Sardar Sarovar Project answer the following:
i. On which river it is located?
ii. Give the benefits of this dam.
(e) What are wind farms?
(f) What are the advantages of wind energy?
(g) How is tidal energy produced?
(h) What are the advantages of tidal energy?
(i) How is Geothermal energy produced?
(j) What are the advantages of geothermal energy?
(k) Where are the geothermal energy located?
(l) Name the elements of nuclear energy.
(m) How is nuclear energy generated?
(n) What are the advantages of nuclear energy?
(o) What is biogas composed of?
(p) How is it produced?
(q) Give the full form of WRRSE.
(r) What are the advantages of biogas?
(s) Give the full form of MNES.
(t) Give its aim.
(a) Explain the following terms:
(i) Shifting agriculture
(ii) Bud grafting
(iii)Oil cake
(a) Explain the following and name the crop to which they are associated:
(i) Rolling (iv) Withering
(ii) Ratooning (v) Roasting
(iii)Retting (vi) Ginning
(b) Differentiate between the following:
(i) Subsistence agriculture and Mixed farming
(ii) Geographical conditions required for cultivation of-
# wheat and rice
# tea and coffee
(iii)Arabica and Liberica
(iv) Drilling and Dibbling
(v) Upland rice and Lowland rice
(c) (i) Why does Agriculture play a significant role in the Indian economy?
(ii) State the problems of agriculture in India and solutions for the same.
(iii) Compare the characteristics of Intensive Commercial farming and Extensive Commercial
(iv) State two advantages of Plantation agriculture.
(v) What is the importance of Green Revolution? (Three points)
(d) What happens when-
(i) it rains during the harvesting of cotton.
(ii) it rains before the harvesting of wheat.
(iii)it floods during the maturing of sugarcane.
(iv) the tea bushes are pruned.
(v) Sugarcane is not processed in the first 48 hrs. of harvesting
(e) Give the geographical term for each of the following-
(i) The residue after crushing of oilseeds.
(ii) The process by which latex is hardened into rubber.
(iii)Propagation of sugarcane by using the pieces of good quality sugarcane.
(iv) Propagation of sugarcane by using root stock of the harvested cane.
(v) Shifting the saplings from nursery beds to the main field
(f) (i) Differentiate between Kharif crop and Rabi crop. Give one example each.
(ii) Give Reason - Coffee plantations are surrounded by shady trees.
(iii) State an advantage and a disadvantage of Coffee Robusta.
(g) With reference to the cereal crop that has registered the sharpest increase in the
production post Green Revolution, answer the following:
(i) Name the crop. Name an important state where it is cultivated.
(ii) What is threshing?
(iii)How was this crop threshed earlier and how is it threshed now?
(i) Why does rice not form the staple food of people in North India?
(ii) State the importance of Transplantation in agriculture. Name two crops which go
through this process besides rice.
(iii) What is the advantage of growing rice in nurseries before it is transplanted?
(iv) Why does rice grow well in a soil with a clay like subsoil?
(i) Why is the sett method of cultivation of sugarcane preferred to the ratoon method?
(ii) State the problems of Sugarcane cultivators and the role of the government in
solving them.
(iii) Why is production of sugar cane increasing in Maharashtra?
(iv) Why is a lot of labour required for cultivation of sugarcane?
(i) Name two non-edible oil seeds and two uses each.
(ii) Cultivation of Pulses as a commercial food crop has increased over the years. Explain.
(iii) Give Reason - Pulses are usually rotated with other crops by farmers.
(iv) Millets are known as dry crops. – Justify.
(i) Explain briefly the processing of Cotton.
(ii) Name the State which leads in production of Cotton in India.
(iii) State the climatic conditions which affect the Cotton crop adversely.
(iv) Give the geographical requirement for cultivation of cotton and jute.
(v) Jute is referred to as the golden fibre. – Give Reason.
(vi)Why is Mesta considered a substitute of jute?
(i) Mention the geographical conditions required for cultivation of Tea.
(ii) Give Reason - Tea shrubs are cultivated on hill slopes.
(iii) State the difference in characteristics of Black tea and Green tea.
(iv) Tea is widely grown in the Nilgiri hills. Explain with special reference to its
(v) Why does Tea grown in different parts of India taste different? How is this
limitation overcome?
(vi) Why are mostly women employed to harvest it?
(a) (i) Classify industries on the basis of the nature of its product. Give one example each.
(ii) Explain with the help of an example each the factors which affect Industrialization
in India.
(iii) Why are industries beneficial for the economy of the country?
(b) (i) Khadi and Handloom industry is an important industry in India-Give reason.
(ii) State any two problems faced by Khadi and Handloom industry.
(i) State the problems faced by the Sugar industries.
(ii) Mention the factors which have led to the growth of Sugar industry in South India.
(iii) Explain the by-products of Sugar and state its use.
(iv) India produces very little cane sugar though it is one of the largest producer of
sugarcane in the world-Give reason.
(v) Differentiate between the Northern Indian Sugar industry and Sugar industry in
the peninsular India.
(vi) The sugar industry is better developed in South India.
(i) Mention three problems each of Cotton textile industry in India.
(ii) Kolkata is an important Cotton manufacturing centre in spite of West Bengal not
being a leading producer of Cotton. Explain. (Giving two points.)
(iii) Why is Ahmedabad is a leading producer of Cotton textile in India?
(iv) State the factors which lead to development of the Ahmedabad-Vadodara Industrial
region and name two agro based industries in this region.
(v) Why is Cotton textile industry an agro based industry?
(vi) Suggest a measure and explain how it will strengthen the cotton textile industry.
(vii) Why is the Cotton textile industry losing foreign markets?
(i) Why is Silk industry considered as a small scale industry?
(ii) Name two types non-mulberry Silk.
(iii) Silk industry is well developed in Karnataka. Give reason.
(iv) What is Sericulture? Why is Karnataka leading producer of Mulberry silk?
(v) State the problems of Silk Industry.
(vi) Name one silk weaving centre each in Uttar Pradesh and Tamil Nadu. Which
silk is famous in the state of Assam?
(vii) The silk mills require modernization. – Give Reason.
(a) Name the places from where Tata Iron and Steel company get its following raw
(i) Manganese (iv) Water supply
(ii) Dolomite (v) Labour force
(iii) Iron ore (vi) Power supply
(b) (i) Name the foreign collaborator of Rourkela Steel Plant.
(ii) State the source from where it gets its iron ore and coal reserves.
(c) (i) State the advantages of the Vishakhapatnam steel plant over other steel plants in
India. Give two points.
(ii) Vishakhapatnam is an important centre for shipbuilding. Give reason.
(d) (i) From where does Tata iron and steel industry get its coal and iron ore?
(ii) Heavy industries require huge capital investments. Justify.
(e) (i) Where was the first aircraft industry set up in India?
(ii) State the factors that affect the location of integrated steel plant.
(iii) Industries are mainly concentrated in the areas near the coal fields. Justify.
(f) (i) State the advantage and disadvantage of integrated iron and steel plant.
(ii) Drawbacks of mini steel plant.
(iii) The first integrated plant in India which is based on the latest technology in the
petrochemical field.
(g) (i) Mini steel plant is encouraged by the government. Give two reasons.
(ii) Petrochemical products are highly preferred / Petrochemical products are replacing
natural products. Justify.
(iii) Name the two most important centres of electronic industry in India.
(iv) The electronics industry contributes to the development of the country
(h) Name the following:
(i) The public sector plant set up in 1956 to fulfil the need of electronics in the defence
(ii) A landmark organisation in Space Technology is located in Hyderabad.
(iii) Full form of BEL.
(iv) The steel plant set up with German Collaboration.
(p) (i) What is the meaning of the 3 R’s in waste management?
(ii) Give an example for each one of the above.
(q) (i) List some important initiatives of the Indian Government to improve the
management of solid wastes.
(ii) Give two individual initiatives taken to reduce environmental pollution.