CONQUER Product Catalog

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Go Further.
Go Conquer.

Conquer Electronics Co., Ltd.

24888 新北市五股區五權五路 26 號
No. 26, Wucyuan 5th Road, Wugu District, 
New Taipei City, 248, Taiwan
T +886-2-8990-2189
F +886-2-8990-2577

Peitou Factory
11259 台北市北投區立德路 120 巷 15 號
No. 15, Lane 120, Lite Road, Peitou, 11259,
Taipei, Taiwan
T +886-2-2895-8895
F +886-2-2895-8880

Conquer Electronics (Shen Zhen) Co., Ltd

518109 廣東省深圳市龍華區龍華街道建設東路北側
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F +86-755-2373-9213

Suzhou Office
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Product Catalog
T +86-512-6586-7087
F +86-512-6586-7539

Copyright © 2018 Conquer Electronics Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.

2019/01 Version 1.0_#2000
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Go Further. To provide the advanced

technology to the market,
A fuse for every application
Go Conquer. electronics need to be equipped
with reliable circuit protection—
With tens of fuse products and hundreds of fuse specifications, we protect electric circuits in thousands
of different applications. If this isn’t enough, we will custom design fuses that are perfectly suited to
individual client needs.
that’s why our clients choose
Conquer. With over forty years of Consumer Electronics Electric Vehicles Lighting
knowledge and experience, we
are the leading fuse designer
No. 1 fuse company in Taiwan and manufacturer in the Asia-
No. 1 global supplier of micro fuses
Pacific region.

No. 1 supplier for the global notebook industry

Applicable Products: Applicable Products: Applicable Products:
No. 3 supplier in the LCD segment
06LT ............................................... 23 ABB-A ........................................... 81 06LF ............................................... 23
12LV ............................................... 25 K8F/K8F-A ................................... 90 06LT ............................................... 24
Improvement MMT ............................................... 50 EVS ................................................ 91 SET .................................................. 30
MST ............................................... 51 BMC ................................................ 95 MMT ............................................... 50
For over 40 years, Conquer has
UDA-P ........................................... 72 MST ............................................... 51
pushed itself to achieve more—with
UDE ................................................. 75
6 new products coming out each
UDE-A ........................................... 75
year and a total of 52 patents in the
industry, we are only just beginning.
Telecom Home Appliances Power Tools

Supported by fully automated
production facilities, Conquer keep
developing new fuses that ensure
innovation in electronics can safely
progress forward.
Applicable Products: Applicable Products: Applicable Products:

SEF .................................................. 29 06LF ............................................... 23 06LF ............................................... 23

Partnerships SET .................................................. 30 MST ................................................ 51 MMS................................................ 36
SEH ................................................. 31 UBM-A .......................................... 70 MMS-P........................................... 37
As leaders in the electronics industry UDA ................................................
UBM ................................................ 69 73 UBM-A .......................................... 70
are competing to make smaller size UBM-A .......................................... 70 UDA-A .......................................... 74 UDA ................................................ 73
electronic products to satisfy the needs UBF ................................................. 71 UXT ................................................. 76 UDA-A .......................................... 74
of customers, they know they can rely UBF-A ............................................ 71
on Conquer to deliver excellent circuit AXT ................................................. 77
protection— included the smallest, AXT-A ............................................ 77
most powerful circuits. AMC ................................................ 94
4 | Table of Contents Table of Contents | 5

Table of Contents
About Conquer P. 2 Surface Mount Fuses — LTCC Chip P. 22-27
Current Agency Approvals
Series Rating (Volt)
Related Industries P. 4-6 Surface Mount Fuses — SMD P. 28-37 Pg.
Size F/T Rating

Product Cross-Reference Chart P. 7 Subminiature Fuses P. 38-51

Subminiature Fuses

Fuse Reference Guide P. 8-14 Axial Lead and Cartridge Fuses P. 52-87
41 PSP 2.7Ø x 7.1 mm T 0.5-5A 125V 125V V V

Purchasing Information P. 15 Power Fuses P. 88-95 42 PMP 2.7Ø x 7.1 mm T 0.375-7A 250V 125V V V

43 PBS/PBP 3.6Ø x 10 mm F 0.1-8A 250V - V V

Standards P. 16-21 Other Products P. 96-119
44 PTS/PTP 3.6Ø x 10 mm T 0.1-5A 250V - V V

45 PBU 3.6Ø x 10 mm F 0.1-6.3A 250V - V V V V V

46 PTU 3.6Ø x 10 mm T 0.25-6.3A 250V - V V V V V

Current Agency Approvals 47 MEF 8.35Ø x 7.7 mm F 0.05-6.3A 250V - V V V V V V V
Series Rating (Volt)
Pg. Size F/T Rating
(Amps) 48 MET 8.35Ø x 7.7 mm T 0.05-10A 250/277V - V V V V V V V V

49 MSF 8.35 x 4.3 x 7.7 mm F 0.05-6.3A 250V - V V V V V V

Surface Mount Fuses — LTCC Chip
50 MMT 8.35 x 3.95 x 5.0 mm T 0.05-8A 250/300/400V - V V V V V
23 CQ06LF 1.6 x 0.8 mm F 1-8A - 32/63V V
51 MST 8.35 x 4.3 x 7.7 mm T 0.05-10A 250V V V V V V V V V V V
24 CQ06LT 1.6 x 0.8 mm T 1-8A - 32/63V V
Axial Lead & Cartridge Fuse
25 CQ12LV 3.1 x 1.6 mm F 1-20A - 24/63/125V V

26 CQ12LH 3.1 x 1.6 mm T 1-20A - 24/63/125V V 53 SGS/SGP-A 4.5Ø x 14.5 mm F 0.1-3.5A 125/250V - V V V

27 CQ12LI 3.1 x 1.6 mm F 10-30A - 48/63V V 54 SMP-A 4.5Ø x 14.5 mm F 1-8A 350V 140V V V

55 SDL/SDP-A 4.5Ø x 14.5 mm T 0.1-8A 125/250V - V V V V

Surface Mount Fuses — SMD
56 SCF/SCF-A 4.5Ø x 14.5 mm F 1-8A 125/250/350V - V
29 SEF(G) 6.1 x 2.6 x 2.6 mm F 0.062-20A 65/86/125V 65/86/125V V V V V
57 SCD/SCD-A 4.5Ø x 14.5 mm T 1-8A 125/250/350V - V
30 SET(G) 6.1 x 2.6 x 2.6 mm T 0.2-7A 125V 125V V V V
58 GFE/GFP-A 5.2Ø x 20 mm F 0.2-10A 125/250V - V V V
31 SEH(G) 10.1 x 3.1 x 3.1 mm - 20-30A 125V - V
59 GTE/GTP-A 5.2Ø x 20 mm T 0.5-10A 125/250V - V V V V V
32 SEI(G) 10.1 x 3.1 x 3.1 mm - 0.5-5A 250V - V V V
60 GSL/GST-A 5.2Ø x 20 mm T 0.6-8A 125/250V - V V V
33 SEJ 10.1 x 3.1 x 3.1 mm T 1.25A 250V 250V V V V V V
61 GBF/GBF-A 5.2Ø x 20 mm F 1-20A 250V - V
34 SEL 10.1 x 3.1 x 3.1 mm - 10-35A 250V - V
62 GBM/GBP-A 5.2Ø x 20 mm F 0.1-15A 125/250V - V V V V
35 SEM 10.1 x 3.1 x 3.1 mm - 0.5-2A 600V - V
63 GDA/GPA-A 5.2Ø x 20 mm T 1-15A 125/250V - V V V V V
36 MMS-P 7.3 x 5.8 x 4.0 mm - 20-50A - 35/60V V
64 UFE/UFE-A 5.2Ø x 20 mm F 0.063-10A 250V - V V V V V V V V
37 MMS 7.3 x 5.8 x 4.0 mm - 20-100A - 80V V
65 USL/USL-A 5.2Ø x 20 mm T 0.063-0.4A 250V - V V V V V V

Subminiature Fuses 66 UTE/UTE-A 5.2Ø x 20 mm T 0.5-16A 250V - V V V V V V V V V V

39 MCT 8.35 x 3.95 x 5.0 mm T 1-6.3A 250/300/400V 250V V V V V V 67 UDL/UDL-A 5.2Ø x 20 mm T 0.5-10A 250V - V V V

40 PFP 2.7Ø x 7.1 mm F 0.125-15A 32/125V 32/125V V V V V 68 UBM-P 5.2Ø x 20 mm F 1-10A 250V - V V V V V
6 | Table of Contents Table of Contents | 7

Product Cross-Reference Chart

Current Agency Approvals
Series Rating (Volt) Prodoct Product
Pg. Size F/T Rating Bussmann Littlefuse Bel Fuse Schurter AEM Daito
Name Line Model

CQ06LF - All series - - F0603FF -

Axial Lead & Cartridge Fuse
CQ06LT CC06H, 0603FA All series - USF 0603 F0603SB -
Surface Mount
69 UBM 5.2Ø x 20 mm F 0.063-16A 250V - V V V V V V V V V V V Fuse - LTCC CQ12LH CC12H, 3216FF All series - - F1206FA -
Chip Fuse
CQ12LV CC12H, 3216FF All series C1S USF 1206 F1206SB -
70 UBM-A 5.2Ø x 20 mm F 0.063-16A 250/277V - V V V V V V V V V
CQ12LI CC12H - - USF 1206 F1206HB, F1206HC -

71 UBF/UBF-A 5.2Ø x 20 mm F 8-25A 420/500/600V 420/450V V V SEF(G) CB61F 451, 453 SSQ - - -

SET(G) 6125TD 452, 454 SST - - -

72 UDA-P 5.2Ø x 20 mm T 1-10A 250V - V V V V V
SEH(G) - 456 - - - -
73 UDA 5.2Ø x 20 mm T 0.5-25A 250V - V V V V V V V V V V V V Surface Mount
SEI(G) 1025TD 443 UMTS - - -
Fuse - SMD
SEJ - 443E - UMT 250 - -
74 UDA-A 5.2Ø x 20 mm T 0.5-25A 250V - V V V V V V V V V V V
SEL - - 0678L - - -
75 UDE/UDE-A 5.2Ø x 20 mm T 0.5-25A 500V 500V V V
SEM TCP 461 SMP - -

76 UXT 6.3Ø x 25.4 mm - 3-13A 240V - V V PFP MCR 251, 253 - 172322 - -

MET SR-5H 0663(LT5) MRT MST 250 - -

77 AXT/AXT-A 6.3Ø x 25.4 mm T 1-50A 60/125/250V 60/125V V Subminiature
MST SS-5 392, 400 RST - - -
78 AFE/AFP-A 6.3Ø x 32 mm F 0.5-30A 32/125/250V - V V V V PMU MCRS 777 MS - - -

PTU - 677 - SPT 3.6x10 - -

79 ATE/ATP-A 6.3Ø x 32 mm T 0.5-8A 125/250V - V V V
SMP - - 3JQ - - -
80 ADL/ADP-A 6.3Ø x 32 mm T 0.2-30A 32/125/250V - V V V V UDL-A S508-V 219XA 5ETP - - -

UBM-P - 216SP - - - -
81 ABB/ABB-A 6.3Ø x 32 mm F 1-30A 500V 500V V
UBM S501 216 5HE SP 5x20 - -
82 ABE 6.3Ø x 32 mm F 0.1-40A 125/250V 125/250V V V V V V V
UBM-A S501-V 216XE 5HFP SP 5x20 Pigtail - -

83 ABP-A 6.3Ø x 32 mm F 0.1-30A 125/250V 125/250V V V V V V V UBF - 487 - - - -

UBF-A - 487XE - - - -
84 ABF/ABF-A 6.3Ø x 32 mm F 10-30A 450/500V 250/500/600V V
UDA-P S505-SC 215SP - - - -
Axial Lead
85 ADA/APA-A 6.3Ø x 32 mm T 0.1-30A 125/250V 125V V V V V V V & UDA-A S505-V 215XE 5HTP SPT 5x20 Pigtail - ES5R
Cartridge Fuse
UDE - 477 - - - -
86 AUE 10.3Ø x 38.1 mm - 0.5-60A 32/250V - V V V V
UDE-A - 477XE - - - -
86 AUB 10.3Ø x 38.1 mm - 0.5-80A 250/500/600V - UXT TDC180 - - - - -

AXT TCP70 688 - - - -

Power Fuse
ABE ABC 314 3AB - - HA2

89 K6F/K6F-R 10Ø x 38 mm - 15-30A 600V 600V V V V

ABP-A ABC-V 324 3ABP - - HA1, HC

ADA MDA 326 GSA - - -

24.1Ø x 91.6 mm
90 K8F/K8F-A - 50-400A 800V 800V V V
35.2Ø x 95 mm APA-A MDA-V 325 GSAP - - -

91 EVS 10Ø x 38 mm - 30A - 450V K6F/K6F-R PVM KLKD - - - -

K8F/K8F-A FWP L75QS - - - -

92 AUC 10.4Ø x 38.5 mm - 25-70A 250/500V 125V V
EVS EV-10 HEV - - - -

93 ALC 14.6Ø x 38.5 mm - 25-63A 250/600V 125V V Power Fuse AUC - - - - - GAC

ALC - - - - - LAC
94 AMC 14.6Ø x 22.3 mm - 30-80A - 170V V
AMC TPS TLS - - - -
95 BMC 17.4Ø x 42 mm - 25-180A 240V 150V V V BMC LET - - - - -
8 | Fuse Reference Guide Fuse Reference Guide | 9

Fuse Reference Guide

About Fuses 保險絲 Fuse Selection Guide 保險絲參考指南

Fuses protect electronic and electrical equipment 何謂保險絲?它們是防止電子及電器設備受到過載電 A fuse needs to be able to carry the normal 保險絲應能承載電路的正常電流負載,不會出現異常
from overload current damage. Under normal 流傷害的保護者。當電流經由保險絲流入電路直到超 current load of a circuit, without the occurrence 開路情況。但是,當出現過載情況時,保險絲應能切
circumstances, current flows through the circuit 過保險絲的規格時,保險絲會熔斷且停止電流 運作。 of abnormal open circuit events. In case of an 斷過載電流,限制能量流,同時能有效抵抗端子之間
until excessing the specification of fuse, at which overload event, however, the fuse must be able 的電弧放電。想要正確選擇保險絲,必須考慮以下因
time the fuse blows and cuts off the current. to interrupt the overcurrent, limit the energy flow, 素:
and withstand the arcing between terminals. To • 正常工作電流(在 25°C 溫度下運作時,保險絲
properly select a fuse, the following factors must 的額定電流通常會降低 25%,以避免影響熔斷。
例如,額定電流為 10A 的保險絲,在考慮存在
be considered:
Fuse Types
• Normal operating current (the current rating of 25% 降額時,通常不建議在 7.5A 以上的電流條
Time Lag Fuses 慢速熔斷型 / 時間延遲型保險絲 a fuse is typically derated 25% for operation at 件下使用。
Time Lag fuses are suitable for circuits with a 慢速熔斷型保險絲非常適合用於含有瞬間電流突波或 25°C to avoid nuisance blowing. For example, • 保險絲的過載電流和熔斷時間
transient surge or power-on inrush, which includes 開機突波流入的電路。這些電路包含:馬達、變壓器、 a fuse with 10 A current rating is not usually
• 適用電壓(交流或直流電壓)
motors, transformers, incandescent lamps and 白熾燈及可適用負載的裝置。 recommended for operation at more than 7.5
• 浪湧電流、突波電流、脈衝及/或啟動電流
A after considering 25% derating)
• 環境溫度
capacitate loads.
• Overload current and melting time of the fuse
• 安全認證(即 UL、CSA 等)
• Application voltage (AC or DC voltage)
• 其他考量因素:形狀、尺寸、安裝方式(表面貼
Quick-Acting / Fast-Acting Fuses 快速反應型保險絲 • Inrush currents, surge currents, pulses, and/or
start-up currents
Fast-acting fuses are not time lag characteristic
and are used in circuits without transient 突波電流的電路。 • Ambient temperature
inrush currents • Safety certification(i.e. UL, CSA , etc.)
• Other considerations: Shape, dimension,
installation (surface mount or through hole…)

Ambient Temperature 環境溫度

The current carrying capacity of fuses is tested at 保險絲的載流能力是在 25°C 標準溫度下測量。環境
25 ºC. Any deviations in ambient temperature will 溫度與標準溫度有任何偏差時,都會影響保險絲的載
affect current carrying capacity. The higher the 流能力,且環境溫度越高,保險絲的使用壽命越短,
ambient temperature, the shorter life of the fuse. 反之,保險絲在低溫下工作,使用壽命較長。
Conversely, fuses operating at low temperatures
will exhibit a longer fuse life.
10 | Fuse Reference Guide Fuse Reference Guide | 11

Normal Current Conditions 正常的電流狀態 Breaking Capacity 分斷能力

UL type fuse 符合 UL 規範類型的保險絲: The maximum fault-current at which the fuse 保險絲在額定電壓下可以安全斷開的最大故障電流。
can safely open at the rated voltage. For safe 為確保使用安全,請勿損壞保險絲的外部結構。
Catalog Fuse Nominal Operating Current 保險絲最大的 工作電流值
= operation, it is prohibited to damage the structure
降額定電流 (In)
Rating 0.75 x temperature de-rating 溫度因素 x UL 規範的極限 of fuse.
( 固定為 0.75)
for example

3.56 Amperes 3.56 Amperes
0.75 x 0.95
= 5 Amperes Fuse (at 80 ˚C)
0.75 x 0.95
= 5 Amperes Fuse (at 80 ˚C) Voltage Rating
For general circuit protection, the voltage rating 在一般的電路保護方面,電路的額定電壓僅需要等於
IEC type fuse 符合 IEC 規範類型的保險絲: of the circuit needs to be equal to or less than the 或小於保險絲的額定電壓即可。如果保險絲所在電路

工作電流值 的電壓超過保險絲額定電壓時,會降低保險絲安全切
voltage rating of the fuse. If a fuse is used in a
Nominal Operating Current
斷故障電流的能力,例如,額定電壓為 250V 的保險
Catalog Fuse =
降額定電流 (In)
= circuit with a voltage exceeding the voltage rating
Rating Temperature de-rating 溫度因素
of the fuse, it will reduce the fuse’s ability to safely 絲,可以在低於 250V 的電壓下使用。
interrupt a fault current. For example, fuses with a
ON CURRENT-CARRYING CAPACITY 250V rating can be used at voltages of less than

140 140
Curve A: Dual-Element Slow Blow Fuses 曲線 A: 雙重合金慢速熔斷保險絲
曲線 B: 特快速反應型、快速反應型及
Curve B: Very Fast-Acting, Fast-Acting,
and Wire Wound Slow Blow
120 A Fuses
120 A 繞線式慢速熔斷型保險絲


100 100
Ampere Squared Seconds, l²t


80 80
This is the measure of heat energy developed
斷 l²t ”、“電弧 l²t ”、以及二者的總和“清除 l²t ”。
60 60
within a circuit during the fuse blow. There are
“ l ” 是指有效的通過電流 (RMS),“ t ” 表示熔斷時間
25ºC 25ºC
“melting l²t”, “arcing l²t” and the sum of them
40 40

20 20
“clearing l²t”. “l” is the effective let-through current ( 秒 )。
(RMS), and “t” means melting time (seconds).
-60ºC -40ºC -20ºC 0ºC 20ºC 40ºC 60ºC 80ºC 100ºC 120ºC 140ºC -60ºC -40ºC -20ºC 0ºC 20ºC 40ºC 60ºC 80ºC 100ºC 120ºC 140ºC
-76ºF -46ºF -4ºF 32ºF 66ºF 104ºF 140ºF 176ºF 212ºF 248ºF 284ºF -76ºF -46ºF -4ºF 32ºF 66ºF 104ºF 140ºF 176ºF 212ºF 248ºF 284ºF



140 140
曲線 C: L 系列貼片型保險絲
曲線 D: MMS,MMS-P 系列貼片型
Curve C: L Type Chip Fuse
Curve D: MMS,MMS-P
120 120 保險絲

100 100

80 80

60 60
25ºC 25ºC
40 40

20 20

-60ºC -40ºC -20ºC 0ºC 20ºC 40ºC 60ºC 80ºC 100ºC 120ºC 140ºC -60ºC -40ºC -20ºC 0ºC 20ºC 40ºC 60ºC 80ºC 100ºC 120ºC 140ºC
-76ºF -46ºF -4ºF 32ºF 66ºF 104ºF 140ºF 176ºF 212ºF 248ºF 284ºF -76ºF -46ºF -4ºF 32ºF 66ºF 104ºF 140ºF 176ºF 212ºF 248ºF 284ºF


12 | Fuse Reference Guide Fuse Reference Guide | 13

Calculating Pulse l²t 計算脈衝 I²t Pulse Cycle Withstand Capability 突波循環抵抗能力
The energy contained in a current pulse depends 電流脈衝含有的能量大小,取決於電流脈衝波形的形 100,000 Pulses 量測脈衝 I2t 的值小於 / 等於保險絲熔斷 I2t 數值的
on the waveform shape, peak current and duration 狀、峰值電流以及持續時間。測量特定波形含有的能 Pulse l2t ≤ 22% of nominal melting l2t 22% 時,該保險絲可承受高達 100,000 次的脈衝突
量可能非常困難,表 1 列出各種波形及其對應的 I²t 波。
of pulse. Determining the energy contained
in a particular waveform can be very difficult.
Table 1 presents a variety of waveforms and 計算公式。大多數應用對應的電流脈衝可依據表 1 的
the I²t calculation formula of the corresponding 其中一個波形進行近似計算,而複雜波形,則可分成 10,000 Pulses 量測脈衝 I2t 的值小於 / 等於保險絲熔斷 I2t 數值的
幾個簡單的波形。複雜波形 I²t 的估算值為多個簡單 29% 時,該保險絲可承受高達 10,000 次的脈衝突
2 2
waveforms. Current pulses in most applications Pulse l t ≤ 29% of nominal melting l t
can be approximated by one of the waveforms 波形 l²t 的總和。 波。
in Table 1. For a complex waveform, it could be
separated into several simple waveforms. The 1,000 Pulses
estimation of a complex waveform’s I²t is the sum 量測脈衝 I2t 的值小於 / 等於保險絲熔斷 I2t 數值的
Pulse l2t ≤ 38% of nominal melting l2t
of the several simple waveform’s l²t. 38% 時,該保險絲可承受高達 1,000 次的脈衝突波。

Table 1. Waveform I2t formula

Waveforms Joule-integral Values 100 Pulses 量測脈衝 I2t 的值小於 / 等於保險絲熔斷 I2t 數值的
波形 焦耳積分值 Pulse l2t ≤ 48% of nominal melting l2t 48% 時,該保險絲可承受高達 100 次的脈衝突波。

100,000 100,000
ia 1
1 ib I2t = 3

ip 1
2 I2t = 3
ip2t 10,000 10,000

Number of Pulses

ip 1
3 I2t = 2
1,000 1,000

4 I2t = ip2t

ip 100 100
5 0.368ip I2t = ip2t 10% 100% 10% 100%
2 Table 2. Pulse I²t / Average Melting I²t 表格 2. 脈衝 I²t / 平均熔斷 I²t

ip OR Note: Adequate time (10 seconds) must exist 註釋:從消散先前事件提供的熱到脈衝事件之間須存

6 I2t = 5
ip2t between pulse events to make heat from the 在足夠的時間 (10 秒 )。
t t previous event to dissipate.
14 | Fuse Reference Guide Fuse Reference Guide | 15

Purchasing Information

Example: 例題: Conquer 功得

MST, as an example, is capable of withstanding 選 擇 保 險 絲 的 類 型:MST 擁 有 可 以 抵 抗 Circuit protection requires a combination of 最新型保險絲及保險絲配件結合電路保護設計。
100,000 pulse cycles. The normal operating 100,000 次 的 脈 衝 循 環。 正 常 工 作 電 流 為 2A fuses and fuse accessories. We will provide you
我們會 依據您不同的需求提供最有利的組合。例
current is 2 A at an ambient temperature of 25ºC. 在 環 境 溫 度 為 25ºC 且 其 波 形 如 下 圖 1 所 示。 suitable combinations according to your needs.
The waveform is shown in Figure 1. For example, fuses without a lead wire to connect 如:一個保險絲夾或保險絲座適用於管狀保險絲
10A/div 10A/div with a PCB will require a fuse clip or fuse holder. 無引腳型式與 PCB 板 連接,方便使用者更新與
These accessories can be easily changed or fixed. 替換。 保險絲座的選擇必須考慮到最大能量散熱
ip=55A ip=55A
For fuse holders, the maximum energy dissipation
( 本體溫升 ) 的 應用及架設時必須特別檢查,關
於在最大的環境溫度下保險絲座的溫升條件。 想
(temperature increases) must be considered.
Special attention needs to be paid to the
maximum ambient temperature of the fuse holder, 了解更詳細的保險絲連接選用資訊及應用請諮詢
and conditions for temperature increase. 我們。

t=6ms 2ms/div t=6ms 2ms/div

Fig 1 waveform of pulse 圖 1 脈衝波型 Return of Goods

Answer: 解答: Return of unused merchandise is permitted 未使用過的商品僅在出貨後 30 天內接受退回並
需付清運 費及關稅。退貨服務費用相當於原售價
within 30 days of shipment. The party returning
Step 1: 步驟 1. the goods is responsible for freight and duty
Refer to table 1 and select suitable pulse 參考表格 1 並選擇合適的脈衝波形及相對應的公式來 costs. A returning fee of 15% will be charged to 的 15% ( 最低金額為 100 美元 ),在退回商品更
waveforms and formulas to calculate l2t. 計算 l t。
the original sales price (minimum of USD 100). 換或扣帳前請先與業務部門諮詢並取得同意。授
l2t = 1/3 (ip)2 t l2t = 1/3 (ip)2 t Please consult with the sales department for 權碼必須註明在要被退回的包裹上,否則將不予
= 1/3 x (55)2 x 6 ÷ 1000 = 1/3 x (55)2 x 6 ÷ 1000 authorization prior to returning merchandise for
= 6.05 A2 Sec = 6.05 A2 Sec credit or replacement. An authorization number
此數值被稱為 “ 脈衝 I2t ”。
This value is referred to as the “Pulse l2t” must appear on all packages returned, or they will

not be accepted.
Step 2: 步驟 2.
Refer to table 2 to determine the nominal melting 參 考 表 格 2 決 定 保 險 絲 的 熔 斷 I2t。 量 測 脈 衝 I2t We guarantee defective products within a 料的更換。賣方或製造商將對任何的損失或損
l2t (100,000 pulses). Recall that “Pulse l2t=22% of 的 值 為 保 險 絲 熔 斷 I2t 數 值 的 22% 時, 該 保 險 reasonable period of time after delivery. We 壞、直接或間接的、對不能使用的那些產品負責。
Nominal Melting l2t. Therefore: 絲 可 承 受 高 達 100,000 次 的 脈 衝 突 波。 所 以: are only liable for replacing defective material.
在使用之前,使用者要確定 產品的合適性有無符
Sellers or manufacturers should be liable for any
Nominal Melting l2t = Pulse l2t ÷ 0.22 保險絲的 I t injury, loss or damage, direct or consequential,
= Pulse I2t ÷ 0.22
= 6.05 ÷ 0.22 = 6.05 ÷ 0.22 rising out of the use of or the inability to use the 的所有風險及責任。
= 27.5 A2 Sec = 27.5 A2Sec products. Before using, the user shall determine
the suitability of the product for his intended use. 保有更改目錄上所有任何項目規格的權利。
Step 3: 步驟 3. The user assumes all risk and liability whatsoever
檢查微型保險絲時間延遲型的 l t 等級數據。MST 部 in connection therewith.
2 2
Check the l t rating data for the time lag radial
lead micro fuse. The l2t of part number MST002 分,2 安培設計在 36 A Sec, 的等級,可容納步驟 2

所計算出的 27.5 A Sec 為保險絲的最小等級。

Reserves the right to change specifications on any
(rating 2A) is 36 A2sec, which is the minimum fuse 2

rating that is higher than the 27.5 A2sec calculated and all items shown in this catalog.
in Step 2.
16 | Standards Standards | 17


UL 248-14 Low-Voltage Fuses for Supplementary Overcurrent Protection UL Recognized ( USA 美國 )

(maximum 600V and 60 A)
過電流保護 (600V 為電壓上限 )
UL Recognized components or materials
are tested and verified for use in a 將會運用未來將申請 UL 列名認證服務
complete product or system. These
components are intended for use in
UL LISTED ( USA 美國 ) final products that may be eligible for
UL certification.
UL Listed fuses are verified to meet all the requirements of the UL Standard. These
requirements are based on UL’s published standards, in addition to nationally
recognized safety standards.
UL 已對代表性樣品進行了測試,並確定其符合 UL 的要求。
CSA Certification ( Canada 加拿大 )
而這些要求通常是於基於 UL 公佈的以及國家認可的安全標準。
A CSA Certified product has been 該產品已經過測試,符合電氣,配管和 /
Current Rating ln (A) Overload Maximum Clearing Time tested to meet the certification 或機械產品的認證要求。
電流 (%) requirements for electrical, plumbing
Test Current
MIN MAX and/or mechanical products.
1 ln 100 4 hr

≤30 A 1.35 ln 135 1 hr

2 ln 200 2 min (Micro fuses 1 min)

1 ln 100 4 hr
CSA Acceptance ( Canada 加拿大 )

31 A~60 A 1.35 ln 135 1 hr A CSA Accepted product has been tested 該產品已經過測試,符合零組件產品的
2 ln 200 4 min and verified to meet the certification 認證要求。
requirements for a component product.

A UL listed fuse with a voltage rating of 125 V UL LISTED 所列的保險絲分斷能力 125Vac 至

has a minimum interrupting rating of 10,000 A. 少測試電流為 10,000A。 當申請保險絲額定電
A fuse with a voltage rating of 250 V may have 流為 250Vac,至少需通過 10,000A 125Vac
a dual interrupting rating: 125 V at 10,000 A, or 的分斷測試與 250Vac 的試驗電流,如下表所
250 VAC at a minimum interrupting rating, as 示: Electrical Appliance and Material Safety Law (Japan)
電氣用品安全法 ( 日本 )
specified in the following table.

Current Rating ln (A) Minimum Interrupting Rating (A) Voltage Rating

保險絲額定電流 分斷電流 額定電壓 PSE Mark ( Japan 日本 )

0~1 35 Japan’s Ministry of Economy, Trade and 電氣用品安全法由日本經濟產業省

Industry (METI) established the Electrical (METI) 制定,旨在規範電子電氣產品的
1.1 ~ 3.5 100
Appliance and Material Safety Law to
3.6 ~ 10 200 250 VAC
regulate electronic and electrical
10.1 ~ 15 750 product safety.
15.1 ~ 30 1500
18 | Standards Standards | 19

International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC)

國際電工委員會 (IEC)

The IEC 60127 series (miniature fuses) is IEC 60127 標準 ( 小型保險絲 ),區分為第一至第十 IEC 60127 Part 3 includes the following sheets: IEC 60127 第三部分,定義了一種分斷能力等級
subdivided into parts 1-10. 部分 (Breaking capacity),

IEC 60127 標準,定義了三種分斷能力等級 : Sheet 1—Type F, Low Breaking Capacity (50 A) Sheet 1— 快速動作,低分斷能力 (50A)
IEC 60127 defines three breaking capacity levels:
1) 低分斷能力保險絲 ( 符號:L):必須通過 35A 或 Sheet 2—Type F, Low Breaking Capacity (50 A) Sheet 2— 快速動作,低分斷能力
1) Low breaking capacity fuses — must pass a 10 倍額定電流的測試,取其中最大為準。 (50A, 尺寸與 Sheet 1 有差異 )
test of either 35 A or 10 times the rated current
(whichever is greater) Sheet 3—Type F, Low Breaking Capacity Sheet 3— 快速動作,低分斷能力
2) 增強分斷能力保險絲 ( 符號:E ):必須通過 150A (35 A or 10 ln, whichever is greater) (35A or 10In, whichever is greater)
2) Enhanced breaking capacity fuses—must pass 的測試。
a test of 150 A Sheet 4—Type T, Low Breaking Capacity Sheet 4— 慢速動作,低分斷能力
3) 高分斷能力保險絲 ( 符號:H ):必須通過 1500A (35 A or 10 ln, whichever is greater) (35A or 10In, whichever is greater)
3) High breaking capacity fuses—must pass a 的測試。
test of 1500 A ‘Type F’ and ’Type T’ represent fast-acting and 快速動作符號:F,慢速動作符號:T
time delay, respectively.
IEC 60127 第二部分包含以下表單:
IEC 60127 Part 2 includes the following sheets:
Sheet 1 — 快速動作,高分斷能力
Sheet 1 — Type F Quick Acting, High Breaking (5 mm x 20 mm) IEC 60127 Part 4 defines three breaking capacity IEC 60127 第四部分,定義了三種分斷能力等級
Capacity (5 mm x 20 mm) levels: (interrupting rating),
Sheet 2 — 快速動作,低分斷能力
Sheet 2 — Type F Quick Acting, Low Breaking (5 mm x 20 mm)
Capacity (5 mm x 20 mm)
Sheet 3 — 慢速動作,低分斷能力 Interrupting Rating Voltage Rating (A) Interrupting Rating (A)
Sheet 3 — Type T Time-Lag, Low Breaking (5 mm x 20 mm) 分斷能力類型 測試電壓 測試電流
Capacity (5 mm x 20 mm)
Sheet 4 — 快速動作,低分斷能力
35 A or 10 ln
Sheet 4 — Type F Quick Acting, Low Breaking (6.3 mm x 32 mm) 12.5~63 V
(10 倍額定電流)
Capacity (6.3 mm x 32 mm)
Sheet 5 — 慢速動作,高分斷能力 Low Breaking Capacity
50 A or 10 ln
Sheet 5 — Type T Time-Lag, High Breaking (5 mm x 20 mm) 低分斷能力 125 V
Capacity (5 mm x 20 mm) (10 倍額定電流)
Sheet 6 — 慢速動作,增強分斷能力
Sheet 6 — Type T Time-Lag, Enhanced Breaking (5 mm x 20 mm)
250 V 100 A
Capacity (5 mm x 20 mm)
Sheet 7 — 快速動作,增強分斷能力
Sheet 7 — Type F Quick Acting, Enhanced (6.3 mm x 32 mm) Intermediate Breaking Capacity
250 V 500 A
Breaking Capacity (6.3 mm x 32 mm) 中分斷能力
Sheet 8 — 慢速動作,增強分斷能力
Sheet 8 — Type T Time-Lag, Enhanced Breaking (6.3 mm x 32 mm)
High Breaking Capacity
250 V 1500 A
Capacity (6.3 mm x 32 mm)
Sheet 9 — 快速動作,高分斷能力
Sheet 9 — Type F Quick Acting, High Breaking (6.3 mm x 32 mm)
Capacity (6.3 mm x 32 mm)
Sheet 10 — 慢速動作,高分斷能力
Sheet 10 — Type T Time-Lag, High Breaking (6.3 mm x 32 mm)
Capacity (6.3 mm x 32 mm)
20 | Standards Standards | 21

The IEC 60127 standard specifies that fuses shall not Note 1: 備註 1:
open at 1.25 times the rated current within 1 hour Type Pre-Arcing Time IEC Specification: The rated current for fuses can IEC 規範,保險絲的額定電流最大到 10A
類型 熔斷時間 reach up to 10 A
(after the endurance test), and should open at 2 times
the rated current within 2 minutes. An overload at 10
times the rated current is used to determine the fuse FF Less than (小於) 0.001 s Note 2: 備註 2:
IEC has opening time requirements at 275%, IEC 規範有定義 275%、400%、1000% 的要求,表
characteristic. The opening time for different fuse 400%, and 1000%;, which are not listed in the
要求不同, 所以相同的額定電流,安規不同不可互
F 0.001 s to 0.01 s
characteristics is listed in the table on the right.: chart. The purpose of the chart is to demonstrate
that fuses with the same ampere ratings at 換。
而保險絲電流特性,在 125% 電流下,通電 1 小時不能熔
T 0.01 s to 0.1 s different specifications are not interchangeable

斷,在 200% 電流下,需在 2 分鐘內熔斷,在 1000% 電 UL 248-14 fuses need to consider a 25% derating. UL & CSA 248-14 的保險絲,需考慮 25% 的降額,
TT 0.1 s to 1.0 s
For example, a 1 A fuse should not exceed an the 以 1A 的保險絲,工作電流不應超過 0.75A
operating current of 0.75 A.

A Comparison Chart for the Opening Time of Different Standards, Ranging from 100% to 210% of
Current Ratings

UL & CSA 248-14 與 IEC 60127 ( 第二部分 ) FUSE 與 PSE 電氣要求差異

Percent of UL & CSA IEC Type F IEC Type F IEC Type T IEC Type T PSE
Current 248-14 Sheet 1 Sheet 2 Sheet 3 Sheet 5
電流百分比(%) IEC IEC IEC IEC
快速動作 快速動作 慢速動作 慢速動作
Sheet 1 Sheet 2 Sheet 3 Sheet 5

4 hrs

1 hr

1 hr

1 hr 1 hr 1 hr 1 hr
(min) (min) (min) (min)

1 hr

2 minutes 2 minutes
(max) (max)
30 minutes 30 minutes 2 minutes 30 minutes
(max) (max) (max) (max)
22 | LTCC Chip Fuse LTCC Chip Fuse | 23

1.6 x 0.8 mm (0603)
Fast-Acting Fuse
Ideal for use in a wide range of home
appliance panels

Safety Approvals Electrical Characteristics

Agency Ampere Rating Opening Time

1 ln 2 In 3 In 10 ln
Recognized Component Current
1A - 8A
for Canada and US MIN MAX MAX MAX

1A - 8A 4 hr 5 sec 0.5 sec 0.02 sec

Interrupting Rating

60 amperes at 32V DC
35 amperes at 63V DC Catalog Ampere Voltage
Nominal Nominal
Marking Resistance Melting l2t
Number Rating (ln) Rating (V)
Cold Ohms A2 Sec

CQ06LF 001 H 1A 0.300 0.041

Product Characteristics
CQ06LF 1.50 K 1.5A 0.130 0.083

Operating Temperature -55 ºC to 125 ºC CQ06LF 002 N 2A 0.066 0.098

CQ06LF 2.50 O 2.5A 0.038 0.126

Body: Ceramic CQ06LF 003 P 3A 0.027 0.187
Termination: Silver(Ag) /
Material CQ06LF 3.50 R 3.5A 32V 0.020 0.258
Nickel(Ni) / Tin(Sn)
Fuse Element: Silver(Ag) CQ06LF 004 S 4A 0.018 0.331

CQ06LF 005 T 5A 0.012 0.570

CQ06LF 006 U 6A 0.009 0.752

CQ06LF 007 V 7A 0.008 1.087


Surface Mount Fuse -

CQ06LF 008 W 8A 0.006 1.472
Packaging Option Quantity * Measured at ≤ 10% of rated current at 25º C
* Melting l2t at 1000% of current rating

LTCC Chip Fuse

On Tape 4,000 pcs / reel * Certified (cRUus) and Customized to 63V
* Application testing is strongly recommended.
* Surface Mount Fuse is a small device designed for secondary protection of circuits used in
space constrained applications.

The patented hollow cavity design offers superb heat Mechanical Dimensions (mm)

resistance and an extremely high interrupting rating, allowing 0.8±0.2

it to withstand a high degree of inrush current.

1.6±0.2 0.8±0.2
24 | LTCC Chip Fuse LTCC Chip Fuse | 25

1.6 x 0.8 mm (0603) 3.1 x 1.6 mm (1206)
Time-Lag Fuse Fast-Acting Fuse
Specially customized for use in game Used in wireless chargers
consoles and controllers

Safety Approvals Electrical Characteristics Safety Approvals Electrical Characteristics

Agency Ampere Rating Opening Time Agency Ampere Rating Opening Time
Rated Rated
1 ln 2 ln 3 In 10 ln 1 ln 2.5 In
Recognized Component Current Recognized Component Current
1A - 8A 1A - 20A
for Canada and US MIN MIN MAX MAX MAX for Canada and US MIN MAX

1A - 8A 4 hr 1 sec 120 sec 3 sec 0.05 sec 1A - 20A 4 hr 5 sec

Interrupting Rating Interrupting Rating

60 amperes at 32V DC 100 amperes at 63V DC

1A - 8A:
35 amperes at 63V DC Catalog Ampere Voltage
Nominal Nominal 50 amperes at 125V DC Catalog Ampere Voltage
Nominal Nominal
Marking Resistance Melting l2t Marking Resistance Melting l2t
Number Rating (ln) Rating (V) Number Rating (ln) Rating (V)
Cold Ohms A2 Sec Cold Ohms A2 Sec
10A - 20A: 150 amperes at 24V DC
CQ06LT 001 H 1A 0.225 0.130 CQ12LV 001 H 1A 0.250 0.090
Product Characteristics
CQ06LT 1.50 K 1.5A 0.085 0.293 CQ12LV 1.50 K 1.5A 0.110 0.113

Operating Temperature -55 ºC to 125 ºC CQ06LT 002 N 2A 0.052 0.400 CQ12LV 002 N 2A 0.065 0.160
Product Characteristics
CQ06LT 2.50 O 2.5A 0.040 0.625 CQ12LV 2.50 O 2.5A 0.030 0.188
Body: Ceramic CQ06LT 003 P 3A 0.026 1.170 Operating Temperature -55 ºC to 125 ºC CQ12LV 003 P 3A 0.026 0.225
Termination: Silver(Ag) /
Material CQ06LT 3.50 R 3.5A 32V 0.022 1.838 CQ12LV 3.50 R 3.5A 63V 0.020 0.245
Nickel(Ni) / Tin(Sn)
Fuse Element: Silver(Ag) CQ06LT 004 S 4A 0.015 2.210 Body: Ceramic CQ12LV 004 S 4A 0.015 0.320
Termination: Silver(Ag) /
CQ06LT 005 T 5A 0.010 2.500 Material CQ12LV 005 T 5A 0.010 0.750
Nickel(Ni) / Tin(Sn)
CQ06LT 006 U 6A 0.007 5.040 Fuse Element: Silver(Ag) CQ12LV 006 U 6A 0.009 0.900

CQ06LT 007 V 7A 0.006 5.212 CQ12LV 007 V 7A 0.008 1.470

CQ06LT 008 W 8A 0.005 7.680 CQ12LV 008 W 8A 0.007 1.728
Packaging Option Quantity * Measured at ≤ 10% of rated current at 25º C CQ12LV 010 10 10A 0.006 3.000
* Melting l2t at 1000% of current rating CQ12LV 012 12 12A 0.005 4.320
On Tape 4,000 pcs / reel * Certified (cRUus) and Customized to 63V 24V
Packaging Option Quantity CQ12LV 015 15 15A 0.004 6.750
* Application testing is strongly recommended.
* Surface Mount Fuse is a small device designed for secondary protection of circuits used in CQ12LV 020 20 20A 0.003 16.00
space constrained applications. On Tape 4,000 pcs / reel
* Measured at ≤ 10% of rated current at 25º C
Mechanical Dimensions (mm) * Melting l2t at 1000% of current rating
* Certified (cRUus) and Customized up to 125V
* Application testing is strongly recommended
Mechanical Dimensions (mm) * Surface Mount Fuse is a small device designed for secondary protection of circuits used in

space constrained applications.


1.6±0.2 0.8±0.2

3.1±0.2 0.9±0.3
26 | LTCC Chip Fuse LTCC Chip Fuse | 27

3.1 x 1.6 mm (1206) 3.1 x 1.6 mm (1206)
Time-Lag Fuse Fast-Acting Fuse
2014 Taiwan Excellence Award Widely used in all kinds of battery
Recipient packs

Safety Approvals Electrical Characteristics Safety Approvals Electrical Characteristics

Agency Ampere Rating Opening Time Agency Ampere Rating Opening Time
Rated Rated
1 ln 2 ln 3 In 8 ln 1 ln 3.5 In
Recognized Component Current Recognized Component Current
1A - 20A 10A - 30A
for Canada and US MIN MIN MAX MAX MAX for Canada and US MIN MAX

1A - 20A 4 hr 1 sec 120 sec 3 sec 0.05 sec 10A - 30A 4 hr 5 sec

Interrupting Rating Interrupting Rating

100 amperes at 63V DC 100 amperes at 63V DC

1A - 8A: 10A - 25A:
50 amperes at 125V DC Catalog Ampere Voltage
Nominal Nominal 250 amperes at 24V DC Catalog Ampere Voltage
Nominal Nominal
Marking Resistance Melting l2t Marking Resistance Melting l2t
Number Rating (ln) Rating (V) Number Rating (ln) Rating (V)
Cold Ohms A2 Sec 200 amperes at 36V DC Cold Ohms A2 Sec
10A - 20A: 150 amperes at 24V DC 10A - 30A:
150 amperes at 48V DC
CQ12LH 001 H 1A 0.230 0.170 CQ12LI 010 10 10 A 0.0054 14.0

CQ12LH 1.50 K 1.5A 0.125 0.394 30A: 300 amperes at 24V DC CQ12LI 012 12 12 A 0.0040 19.0

CQ12LH 002 N 2A 0.075 0.720 CQ12LI 015 15 15 A 0.0033 33.0

Product Characteristics 24V
CQ12LH 2.50 O 2.5A 0.050 0.938 CQ12LI 020 20 20 A 0.0020 56.0

Operating Temperature -55 ºC to 125 ºC CQ12LH 003 P 3A 0.032 1.350 CQ12LI 025 25 25 A 0.0017 210
Product Characteristics
CQ12LH 3.50 R 3.5A 63V 0.027 1.838 CQ12LI 030 30 30 A 0.0013 260
Body: Ceramic CQ12LH 004 S 4A 0.018 2.240 Operating Temperature -55 ºC to 125 ºC * Measured at ≤ 10% of rated current at 25º C
Termination: Silver(Ag) / * Melting l2t at 1000% of current rating
Material CQ12LH 005 T 5A 0.013 3.000
Nickel(Ni) / Tin(Sn) * Surface Mount Fuse is a small device designed for secondary protection of circuits used in
Fuse Element: Silver(Ag) CQ12LH 006 U 6A 0.009 4.680 Body: Ceramic
space constrained applications.
Termination: Silver(Ag) /
CQ12LH 007 V 7A 0.008 6.370 Material
Nickel(Ni) / Tin(Sn)
CQ12LH 008 W 8A 0.007 8.320 Fuse Element: Silver(Ag)
CQ12LH 010 10 10A 0.006 12.00
Packaging Packaging
CQ12LH 012 12 12A 0.005 17.28
Packaging Option Quantity CQ12LH 015 15 15A 0.003 29.25
CQ12LH 020 20 20A 0.002 52.00
On Tape 4,000 pcs / reel
* Measured at ≤ 10% of rated current at 25º C Packaging Option Quantity
* Melting l2t at 1000% of current rating
* Certified (cRUus) and Customized up to 125V On Tape 4,000 pcs / reel
* Application testing is strongly recommended
Mechanical Dimensions (mm) * Surface Mount Fuse is a small device designed for secondary protection of circuits used in
space constrained applications.

Mechanical Dimensions (mm)



3.1±0.2 0.9±0.3

3.1±0.2 0.9±0.3
28 | Surface Mount Fuse Surface Mount Fuse | 29

6.1 x 2.6 x 2.6 mm
Fast-Acting Fuse
Protects base stations from overcurrent

Safety Approvals Electrical Characteristics

Agency Ampere Rating Opening Time

Certified products for U.S. 1 ln 2 In
62mA - 5A Current
and Canada MIN MAX
Recognized Component
6A - 25A
for Canada and US 62mA - 10A 4 hr 5 sec

PSE 1A - 15A
12A - 25A 4 hr 60 sec

Interrupting Rating
Nominal Nominal
Catalog Ampere Voltage
50 amperes at 125V AC/DC Resistance Melting l2t
62mA - 10A: Number Rating (ln) Rating (V)
300 amperes at 32V DC Cold Ohms A2 Sec

50 amperes at 65V AC/DC SEF .062 62mA(1/16A) 6.6530 0.000961

12A - 15A: 200 amperes at 86V AC/DC
SEF .080 80mA 4.9740 0.001000
300 amperes at 24V DC
SEF .100 100mA 5.8165 0.001500
50 amperes at 65V AC/DC
20A - 25A: SEF .125 125mA 5.8395 0.003120
300 amperes at 24V DC
SEF .200 200mA 2.0195 0.008000
SEF .250 250mA 1.1050 0.009380
Product Characteristics SEF .315 315mA 0.8554 0.018000

Operating Temperature -55 ºC to 125 ºC SEF .375 375mA 0.7819 0.021100

SEF .400 400mA 0.5200 0.032000
Body: Ceramic
SEF .500 500mA 0.4895 0.037500
Material Termination: Glod Plated
Brass Caps SEF .750 750mA 0.2425 0.153100
SEF 001 1A 0.1407 0.385000

Surface Mount Fuse - SMD

SEF 1.50 1.5A 0.1130 0.725000
SEF 002 2A 0.0594 0.894000
Packaging Option Quantity SEF 2.50 2.5A 0.0384 1.182000
SEF 003 3A 0.0333 1.475000
The design of wire-in-air structure makes fuses durable On Tape 1,000 pcs / reel
SEF 3.15 3.15A 0.0296 1.655000
SEF 3.50 3.5A 0.0268 2.055000
and reliable. Mechanical Dimensions (mm) SEF 004 4A 0.0209 3.882000
SEF 005 5A 0.0179 5.480000
SEF 006 6A 0.0117 8.520000
SEF 007 7A 0.0104 9.931000

SEF 008 8A 0.0095 18.82000

SEF 010 10A 0.0067 22.50000
SEF 012 12A 0.0042 43.20000
SEF 015 15A 0.0029 112.5000
6.1±0.2 2.6±0.1
SEF 020 20A 0.0025 141.5200
SEF 025 25A 0.0019 246.5536

*1: 86V optional

30 | Surface Mount Fuse Surface Mount Fuse | 31

6.1 x 2.6 x 2.6 mm 10.1 x 3.1 x 3.1 mm
Time-Lag Fuse Perfectly suited for a wide range of
battery protection boards
Inrush current withstand capability

Safety Approvals Electrical Characteristics Safety Approvals Electrical Characteristics

Agency Ampere Rating Opening Time Agency Ampere Rating Opening Time
Rated Rated
Recognized Component 1 ln 2 In 3 In 8 In Recognized Component 1 ln 2 In
200mA - 7A Current 20A - 30A Current
for Canada and US MIN MIN MAX MIN MAX MIN MAX for Canada and US MIN MAX
PSE 1A - 7A
200mA - 7A 4 hr 1 sec 60 sec 0.2 sec 3 sec 0.02 sec 0.1 sec 20A - 30A 4 hr 60 sec

Interrupting Rating

100 amperes at 125V AC

Interrupting Rating 20A:
Nominal Nominal
300 amperes at 100V DC Nominal Nominal
Catalog Ampere Voltage Catalog Ampere Voltage
50 amperes at 125V AC/DC Resistance Melting l2t Resistance Melting l2t
Number Rating (ln) Rating (V) 100 amperes at 100V DC Number Rating (ln) Rating (V)
300 amperes at 32V DC Cold Ohms A2 Sec 25A - 30A: Cold Ohms A2 Sec
100 amperes at 125V AC
SET .200 200mA 1.5751 0.0600 SEH 020 20A 0.0033 18.000

SET .250 250mA 1.2585 0.0680 SEH 025 25A 125V 0.0022 45.000
Product Characteristics SET .300 300mA 1.2512 0.0900 SEH 030 30A 0.0016 101.00
Product Characteristics
SET .350 350mA 0.9366 0.1000
Operating Temperature -55 ºC to 125 ºC
SET .375 375mA 0.5232 0.2109
Operating Temperature -55 ºC to 125 ºC
Body: Ceramic
SET .400 400mA 0.5150 0.2400 Body: Ceramic
Material Termination: Glod Plated
SET .500 500mA 0.3291 0.3750 Material Termination: Glod Plated
Brass Caps
Brass Caps
SET .750 750mA 0.1600 0.6260

SET 001 1A 0.1090 1.9090

SET 1.50 1.5A 125V 0.0511 3.8350

Packaging SET 002 2A 0.0550 8.5600
SET 2.50 2.5A 0.0287 16.550
Packaging Option Quantity
SET 003 3A 0.0228 22.540
Packaging Option Quantity

On Tape 1,000 pcs / reel SET 3.15 3.15A 0.0224 23.000

On Tape 2,500 pcs / reel
SET 3.50 3.5A 0.0190 29.400

SET 004 4A 0.0140 35.820

SET 005 5A 0.0130 54.800

Mechanical Dimensions (mm)
SET 006 6A 0.0090 64.800
Mechanical Dimensions (mm)
1.45±0.1 SET 007 7A 0.0074 89.830 1.75±0.2


6.1±0.2 2.6±0.1 10.1±0.4 3.1±0.2

32 | Surface Mount Fuse Surface Mount Fuse | 33

10.1 x 3.1 x 3.1 mm 10.1 x 3.1 x 3.1 mm
Time-Lag Fuse

Safety Approvals Electrical Characteristics Safety Approvals Electrical Characteristics

Agency Ampere Rating Opening Time Agency Ampere Rating Opening Time
Recognized Component 1 ln 2.5 In Recognized Component Rated Current 1.25 ln 2 In 10 ln
500mA - 5A Current 1.25A
for Canada and US MIN MAX for Canada and US MIN MAX MIN MAX
TUV 500mA - 5A TUV 1.25A
500mA - 5A 4 hr 120 sec 1.25A 60 min 120 sec 10 ms 100 ms

KTL 500mA - 5A PSE 1.25A

KTL 1.25A
Nominal Nominal Nominal Nominal
Catalog Ampere Voltage Catalog Ampere Voltage
Interrupting Rating Number Rating (ln) Rating (V)
Resistance Melting l2t CQC 1.25A Number Rating (ln) Rating (V)
Resistance Melting l2t
Cold Ohms A2 Sec Cold Ohms A2 Sec

50 amperes at 250V AC SEI .500 500mA 0.5479 1.963 SEJ 1.25 1.25A 250V 0.105 5.04
Interrupting Rating
SEI .750 750mA 0.2600 3.375
200 amperes at 280V AC
SEI 001 1A 0.1800 11.22
200 amperes at 250V AC
Product Characteristics SEI 1.50 1.5A 0.1027 14.85 200 amperes at 63V AC
SEI 002 2A 0.0504 19.84 100 amperes at 250V DC
Operating Temperature -55 ºC to 125 ºC 250V 100 amperes at 125V DC
SEI 2.50 2.5A 0.0370 20.50 200 amperes at 63V DC
Body: Ceramic SEI 003 3A 0.0280 54.00
Material Termination: Glod Plated
SEI 3.50 3.5A 0.0199 57.82
Brass Caps Product Characteristics
SEI 004 4A 0.0158 125.6

SEI 005 5A 0.0120 185.0

Operating Temperature -55 ºC to 125 ºC

Body: Ceramic
Material Termination: Glod Plated
Brass Caps
Packaging Option Quantity

On Tape 2,500 pcs / reel Packaging

Packaging Option Quantity

Mechanical Dimensions (mm) On Tape 2,500 pcs / reel

Mechanical Dimensions (mm)


10.1±0.4 3.1±0.2

10.1±0.4 3.1±0.2
34 | Surface Mount Fuse Surface Mount Fuse | 35

10.1 x 3.1 x 3.1 mm 10.1 x 3.1 x 3.1 mm
The SEL series offer high-amp circuit Designed to allow compliance
protection and surface mount fuses with Telcordia GR-1089-CORE and
help space saving TIA968-A

Safety Approvals Electrical Characteristics Safety Approvals Electrical Characteristics

Agency Ampere Rating Opening Time Agency Ampere Rating Opening Time
Rated Rated
Recognized Component 1 ln 2 In Recognized Component 1 ln 2.5 In
10A - 35A Current 500mA - 2A Current
for Canada and US MIN MAX for Canada and US MIN MIN MAX

10A - 35A 4 hr 60 sec 500mA - 2A 4 hr 1 sec 120 sec

Interrupting Rating Interrupting Rating

100 amperes at 250V AC 60 amperes at 250V AC
150 amperes at 125V AC 60 amperes at 600V AC
Nominal Nominal Nominal Nominal
130 amperes at 80V DC Catalog Ampere Voltage 50 amperes at 250V DC Catalog Ampere Voltage
Resistance Melting l2t Resistance Melting l2t
300 amperes at 72V DC Number Rating (ln) Rating (V) 100 amperes at 125V DC Number Rating (ln) Rating (V)
Cold Ohms A2 Sec Cold Ohms A2 Sec

SEL 010 10A 0.0067 75.000 SEM .500 500mA 0.480 1.40

SEL 015 15A 0.0050 141.75 SEM 1.25 1.25A 600V 0.100 22.0
Product Characteristics Product Characteristics
SEL 020 20A 0.0030 356.00 SEM 002 2A 0.055 24.0
Operating Temperature -55 ºC to 125 ºC SEL 025 25A 0.0024 625.00 Operating Temperature -55 ºC to 125 ºC
SEL 030 30A 0.0018 900.00
Body: Ceramic Body: Ceramic
SEL 035 35A 0.0014 1320.0
Material Termination: Glod Plated Material Termination: Glod Plated
Brass Caps Brass Caps

Packaging Packaging

Packaging Option Quantity Packaging Option Quantity

On Tape 2,500 pcs / reel On Tape 2,500 pcs / reel

Mechanical Dimensions (mm) Mechanical Dimensions (mm)

1.75±0.2 1.75±0.2


10.1±0.4 3.1±0.2 10.1±0.4 3.1±0.2

36 | Surface Mount Fuse Surface Mount Fuse | 37

7.3 x 5.8 x 4.0 mm 7.3 x 5.8 x 4.0 mm
Specially customized for use in power Specially customized for use in power
tool battery packs tool battery packs

Safety Approvals Electrical Characteristics Safety Approvals Electrical Characteristics

Agency Ampere Rating Opening Time Agency Ampere Rating Opening Time
Rated Rated
Recognized Component 1 In 2.5 In Recognized Component 1 In 2.5 In
20A - 50A Current 20A - 100A Current
for Canada and US MIN MAX for Canada and US MIN MAX

20A - 50A 4 hr 60 sec 20A - 100A 4 hr 60 sec

Interrupting Rating Interrupting Rating

300 amperes at 35V DC 600 amperes at 35V DC

300 amperes at 60V DC 600 amperes at 65V DC
Nominal Nominal Nominal Nominal
Catalog Ampere Voltage 450 amperes at 80V DC Catalog Ampere Voltage
Resistance Melting l2t Resistance Melting l2t
Number Rating (ln) Rating (V) Number Rating (ln) Rating (V)
Cold Ohms A2 Sec Cold Ohms A2 Sec

MMS-P 020 20A 0.0020 108.00 MMS 020 20A 0.00200 108.00
Product Characteristics
MMS-P 030 30A 0.0012 270.00 Product Characteristics MMS 030 30A 0.00120 270.00
Operating Temperature -55 ºC to 125 ºC 60V
MMS-P 040 40A 0.0010 416.00 MMS 040 40A 0.00100 416.00
Operating Temperature -55 ºC to 125 ºC
Body: Ceramic MMS-P 050 50A 0.0007 1750.0 MMS 050 50A 80V 0.00080 750.00
Termination: Copper(Cu), Body: Ceramic
* Measured at ≤ 10% of rated current at 25º C MMS 060 60A 0.00065 1260.0
Material Tin(Sn) Termination: Copper(Cu),
* Melting l2t at 1000% of current rating
Element: Copper(Cu), Material Tin(Sn) MMS 080 80A 0.00055 3110.0
Tin(Sn) Element: Copper(Cu), MMS 100 100A 0.00040 7560.0
Mechanical Dimensions (mm) Recommended Land Pattern * Measured at ≤ 10% of rated current at 25º C
* 20A - 60A: Melting I2t at 1000% of current rating
2.7 * 80A / 100A: Melting I2t at 600% of current rating
Packaging Option Quantity
Packaging Option Quantity Mechanical Dimensions (mm) Recommended Land Pattern


On Tape 1,000 pcs / reel 2.7

On Tape 1,000 pcs / reel

7.3±0.3 4.4

Reflow Solder

Reflow Solder

38 | Subminiature Fuse Subminiature Fuse | 39

8.35 x 3.95 x 5.0 mm
Time-Lag Fuse

Safety Approvals Electrical Characteristics

Agency Ampere Rating Opening Time

Recognized Component Rated Current 1.25 ln 2 In 10 ln

1A - 6.3A
for Canada and US MIN MAX MIN MAX
TUV 1A - 6.3A
1A - 6.3A 60 min 2 min 10 ms 100 ms

PSE 1A - 6.3A

KC 1A - 6.3A
Nominal Voltage Nominal
Catalog Ampere Voltage
CQC 1A - 6.3A Number Rating (ln) Rating (V)
Resistance Drop (mv) Melting l2t
Cold Ohms MAX A2 Sec

MCT 001 1A 0.0745 300 6.5998

Interrupting Rating
MCT 1.25 1.25A 0.0576 300 9.2800
160 amperes at 250V AC MCT 1.60 1.6A 0.0405 300 17.700
100 amperes at 250V DC
130 amperes at 300V AC (Optional) MCT 002 2A 0.0342 300 31.200
100 amperes at 400V AC (Optional) MCT 2.50 2.5A 250V*1 0.0233 300 39.938

MCT 3.15 3.15A 0.0184 300 55.635

Product Characteristics MCT 004 4A 0.0137 300 115.05

MCT 005 5A 0.0101 300 135.00

Operating Temperature -55 ºC to 125 ºC
MCT 6.30 6.3A 0.0083 300 214.33

Base and Cover: Brown *1: 300V/400V optional

thermoplastic, UL 94-V0
Flat lead wire: Tin Plated

Subminiature Fuse Packaging

Packaging Option Quantity

Conquer’s best-selling fuse made with high frequency
On Tape 2,000 pcs / reel
soldering technology, increasing fuse stability and reliability.
Mechanical Dimensions (mm)

8.35±0.5 3.95±0.2


40 | Subminiature Fuse Subminiature Fuse | 41

2.7Ø x 7.1 mm 2.7Ø x 7.1 mm
Very Fast-Acting Fuse Time-Lag Fuse

Safety Approvals Electrical Characteristics Safety Approvals Electrical Characteristics

Agency Ampere Rating Opening Time Agency Ampere Rating Opening Time
Rated Rated
Recognized Component 1 ln 2 ln 2.75 In 4 In 10 In Recognized Component 1 ln 2 In
125mA - 15A Current 500mA - 5A Current
for Canada and US MIN MAX MAX MAX MAX for Canada and US MIN MAX
TUV 125mA - 5A PSE 1A - 5A
125mA - 5A 4 hr 1 sec 300 ms 30 ms 4 ms 500mA - 5A 4 hr 120 sec

PSE 1A - 5A
5.1A - 7A 4 hr 1 sec - - -

CCC 375mA - 5A Interrupting Rating

7.1A - 10A 4 hr 3 sec - - -
Nominal Nominal
Catalog Ampere Voltage
50 amperes at 125V AC/DC Resistance Melting l2t
12A - 15A 4 hr 10 sec - - - Number Rating (ln) Rating (V)
Cold Ohms A2 Sec

Interrupting Rating PSP .500 500mA 0.2755 0.420

50 amperes at 125V AC PSP 001 1A 0.1346 1.017

125mA - 10A: Product Characteristics
300 amperes at 125V DC Nominal Nominal PSP 1.50 1.5A 0.0594 3.418
Catalog Ampere Voltage
50 amperes at 32V AC Number Rating (ln) Rating (V)
Resistance Melting l2t Operating Temperature -55 ºC to 125 ºC PSP 002 2A 0.0445 6.293
10.1A - 15A: Cold Ohms A2 Sec 125V
300 amperes at 32V DC PSP 2.50 2.5A 0.0278 11.03
Body: Encapsulated,
PFP .125 125mA 0.3340 0.0152
Epoxy-Coated PSP 003 3A 0.0255 16.74
PFP .375 375mA 0.2951 0.0268 Leads Wire: Tin Plated PSP 004 4A 0.0166 20.39
PFP .500 500mA 0.2782 0.0750
Product Characteristics PSP 005 5A 0.0129 21.51
PFP .750 750mA 0.1452 0.1867 Leads Wire Ø0.65mm
Operating Temperature -55 ºC to 125 ºC PFP 001 1A 0.0745 0.2420

Body: Encapsulated, PFP 1.25 1.25A 0.0716 0.2603

Epoxy-Coated PFP 1.50 1.5A 0.0544 0.4820
Material Packaging
Leads Wire: Tin Plated
PFP 002 2A 0.0361 0.5414
Copper 125V
PFP 2.50 2.5A 0.0257 1.2183 Packaging Option Quantity
Ø0.65mm 10A and Less
Leads Wire PFP 003 3A 0.0240 1.3511
Ø0.8mm 12A and 15A In Bulk 3,000 pcs / box
PFP 3.50 3.5A 0.0218 2.3887

PFP 004 4A 0.0170 2.8269

PFP 005 5A 0.0144 6.3630

PFP 6.30 6.3A 0.0097 8.8884 Mechanical Dimensions (mm)
Packaging Option Quantity PFP 007 7A 0.0090 10.071

PFP 010 10A 0.0055 30.384


In Bulk 3,000 pcs / box

PFP 012 12A 0.0052 36.936
PFP 015 15A 0.0031 77.625 7.1 REF. 28.0±2.0

Mechanical Dimensions (mm)


7.1 REF. 28.0±2.0

42 | Subminiature Fuse Subminiature Fuse | 43


3.2Ø x 7.1 mm 3.6Ø x 10 mm 3.6Ø x 10 mm
Time-Lag Fuse Fast-Acting Fuse Fast-Acting Fuse

Safety Approvals Electrical Characteristics Safety Approvals Safety Approvals

Agency Ampere Rating Opening Time Agency Ampere Rating Agency Ampere Rating
Recognized Component 1 ln 2 ln 3 ln 8 In
375mA - 7A Current UL Listed 100mA - 8A UL Listed 100mA - 8A
PSE 1A - 5A (125V) CSA Certified 100mA - 8A
375mA - 7A 4 hr 1 sec 60 sec 200 ms 3 sec 20 ms 100 ms

Interrupting Rating
Interrupting Rating
Interrupting Rating 50 amperes at 250V AC
50 amperes at 250V AC
Nominal Nominal
Catalog Ampere Voltage
50 amperes at 250V AC/ 125V DC Number Rating (ln) Rating (V)
Resistance Melting l t2

Cold Ohms A2 Sec

Product Characteristics
PMP .375 375mA 0.3618 0.225 Product Characteristics
Operating Temperature -55 ºC to 125 ºC
PMP .500 500mA 0.2455 0.484
Product Characteristics Operating Temperature -55 ºC to 125 ºC
PMP .600 600mA 0.2442 0.685 Body: Ceramic /
Operating Temperature -55 ºC to 125 ºC Body: Ceramic / Caps: Nickel Plated Brass
PMP .750 750mA 0.1733 1.311 Material
Caps: Nickel Plated Brass
PMP 001 1A 0.1109 2.304 Ø0.6 mm 5A and less.
Body: Encapsulated, Leads Wire Ø0.8 mm for rating above 6A to 7A.
Epoxy-Coated PMP 1.50 1.5A 0.0898 5.103
Material Ø1.0 mm for rating above 8A.
Leads Wire: Tin Plated PMP 002 2A 250V 0.0457 8.748
Copper Electrical Characteristics * With Heat Shrink Tubing (VM-1)
PMP 2.50 2.5A 0.0313 12.36
Option over body
Leads Wire Diameter Ø0.64mm PMP 003 3A 0.0242 13.37 Opening Time * PBP Series Available on Tape & reel
PMP 3.50 3.5A 0.0211 19.74 Rated Current 1 ln 2 ln
PMP 004 4A 0.0158 22.18 Electrical Characteristics
PMP 005 5A 0.0128 45.90 Opening Time
PMP 007 7A 0.0090 91.26 100mA - 8A 4 hr 5 sec
Rated Current 1 ln 2 ln
Packaging Option Quantity
In Bulk 2,000 pcs / box
Packaging 100mA - 8A 4 hr 5 sec

Packaging Option Quantity

Mechanical Dimensions (mm)
Bulk 5,000 pcs / box
Packaging Option Quantity

Bulk 500 pcs / box


Mechanical Dimensions (mm) On Axial Tape & Reel 1,500 pcs / box
7.1±0.1 28.0±2.0

Mechanical Dimensions (mm)


11.0±0.75 30.0±2.0
44 | Subminiature Fuse Subminiature Fuse | 45


3.6Ø x 10 mm 3.6Ø x 10 mm 3.6Ø x 10 mm
Time-Lag Fuse Time-Lag Fuse Fast-Acting Fuse

Safety Approvals Safety Approvals Safety Approvals Electrical Characteristics

Agency Ampere Rating Agency Ampere Rating Agency Ampere Rating Opening Time
1.5 ln 2.1 ln 2.75 ln 4 ln 10 In
UL Listed 100mA - 5A UL Listed 100mA - 5A UL Recognized 100mA - 6.3A Current
CSA Certified 100mA - 5A VDE 250mA - 6.3A
100mA - 5A 60 min 30 min 10 ms 3 sec 3 ms 300 ms 20 ms

Interrupting Rating CSA Acceptance 100mA - 6.3A

Interrupting Rating 6.3A 60 min 30 min 50 ms 10 sec 5 ms 400 ms 20 ms

50 amperes at 250V AC KTL 250mA - 6.3A

50 amperes at 250V AC

CCC 1A - 5A
Product Characteristics Catalog Ampere Voltage
Nominal Voltage Nominal
Resistance Drop (mv) Melting l2t
Product Characteristics Number Rating (ln) Rating (V)
Operating Temperature -55 ºC to 125 ºC Cold Ohms MAX A2 Sec

Operating Temperature -55 ºC to 125 ºC Interrupting Rating PBU .100 100mA 3.7880 600 0.0014
Body: Ceramic /
Material PBU .125 125mA 2.7540 550 0.0071
Body: Ceramic / Caps: Nickel Plated Brass 35 amperes or 10 x rated current; whichever is
Caps: Nickel Plated Brass greater at 250V AC. PBU .160 160mA 1.7210 500 0.0115
Ø0.6 mm 5A and less.
Leads Wire Ø0.8 mm for rating above 6A to 7A. PBU .200 200mA 1.2330 480 0.0180
Ø1.0 mm for rating above 8A. PBU .250 250mA 0.3950 440 0.0212

Electrical Characteristics * With Heat Shrink Tubing (VM-1) Product Characteristics PBU .315 315mA 0.2640 400 0.0419
Option over body
PBU .400 400mA 0.1970 370 0.0818
Opening Time * PTP Series Available on Tape & reel Operating Temperature -55 ºC to 125 ºC
PBU .500 500mA 0.1270 350 0.1519
Rated Current 1 ln 2 ln
Body: Ceramic PBU .630 630mA 0.1150 320 0.1598
Electrical Characteristics Material
MIN MAX Caps: Nickel Plated Brass
PBU .800 800mA 250V 0.0940 300 0.2880
Opening Time
100mA to 5A 4 hr 60 sec Ø0.6 mm 4A and less. PBU 001 1A 0.0660 280 0.4572
Leads Wire
Rated Current 1 ln 2 ln Ø0.8 mm 5A and 6.3A
PBU 1.25 1.25A 0.0470 280 0.8314
MIN MAX PBU 1.60 1.6A 0.0410 250 1.1354

PBU 002 2A 0.0310 240 1.8972

Packaging 100mA to 5A 4 hr 60 sec
Packaging PBU 2.50 2.5A 0.0240 200 3.5370
Packaging Option Quantity PBU 3.15 3.15A 0.0160 180 6.3265
Packaging Packaging Option Quantity
PBU 004 4A 0.0130 160 9.9302
Bulk 5,000 pcs / box
Packaging Option Quantity Bulk 500 pcs / box PBU 005 5A 0.0110 150 15.131

PBU 6.30 6.3A 0.0070 150 44.922

Bulk 500 pcs / box On Axial Tape & Reel 1,500 pcs / box

Mechanical Dimensions (mm) On Axial Tape & Reel 1,500 pcs / box

Mechanical Dimensions (mm)

Mechanical Dimensions (mm)


11.0±0.75 30.0±2.0
11.0±0.75 30.0±2.0
46 | Subminiature Fuse Subminiature Fuse | 47

3.6Ø x 10 mm 8.35Ø x 7.7 mm
Time-Lag Fuse Fast-Acting Fuse

Safety Approvals Electrical Characteristics Safety Approvals Electrical Characteristics

Agency Ampere Rating Opening Time Agency Ampere Rating Opening Time
Rated Rated
Recognized Component 1.5 ln 2.1 ln 2.75 ln 4 ln 10 In 1.5 ln 2.1 ln 2.75 ln 4 ln 10 In
250mA - 6.3A Current UL Recognized 50mA - 6.3A Current
VDE 50mA - 6.3A
VDE 250mA - 6.3A
250mA - 5A 60 min 2 min 400 ms 10 sec 150 ms 3 sec 20 ms 150 ms 50mA - 5A 60 min 30 min 10 ms 3 sec 3 ms 300 ms 20 ms
CSA Acceptance 50mA - 6.3A
CSA Acceptance 250mA - 6.3A
6.3A 60 min 5 min 1 sec 20 sec 150 ms 3 sec 20 ms 150 ms 6.3A 60 min 30 min 50 ms 10 sec 5 ms 400 ms 20 ms
PSE 1A - 6.3A
KTL 250mA - 6.3A
CQC 6.3A
CCC 250mA - 6.3A
CCC 50mA - 5A
Nominal Voltage Nominal Nominal Voltage Nominal
Catalog Ampere Voltage Catalog Ampere Voltage
Resistance Drop (mv) Melting l2t Resistance Drop (mv) Melting l2t
Number Rating (ln) Rating (V) Number Rating (ln) Rating (V)
Cold Ohms MAX A2 Sec Cold Ohms MAX A2 Sec
Interrupting Rating
Interrupting Rating PTU .250 250mA 0.7310 240 0.3262 MEF .050 50mA 5.4500 850 0.003000
35 amperes or 10 x rated current; whichever is
35 amperes or 10 x rated current; whichever is PTU .315 315mA 0.4720 220 0.5255 MEF .063 63mA 2.8020 750 0.001429
greater at 250V AC.
greater at 250V AC. PTU .400 400mA 0.3160 200 0.7296 MEF .080 80mA 1.7100 650 0.007258

PTU .500 500mA 0.2560 190 1.3100 MEF .100 100mA 1.1600 600 0.009000
Product Characteristics
PTU .630 630mA 0.1700 180 2.6179 MEF .125 125mA 1.0002 550 0.012566

Product Characteristics PTU .800 800mA 0.1130 160 4.0645 Operating Temperature -55 ºC to 125 ºC MEF .160 160mA 0.8290 500 0.023040

PTU 001 1A 0.0860 140 6.6388 MEF .200 200mA 0.5200 480 0.032400
Operating Temperature -55 ºC to 125 ºC Base and Cover: Black
PTU 1.25 1.25A 250V 0.0640 130 14.738 thermoplastic, UL 94-V0 MEF .250 250mA 0.7007 440 0.081563
Body: Ceramic PTU 1.60 1.6A 0.0460 120 29.768 Round Pins: Tin Plated MEF .315 315mA 0.3820 400 0.093768
Material Copper
Caps: Nickel Plated Brass
PTU 002 2A 0.0340 100 32.976 MEF .400 400mA 0.3006 370 0.129600
Ø0.6 mm 4A and less. PTU 2.50 2.5A 0.0260 100 61.200 MEF .500 500mA 0.2471 350 0.303750
Leads Wire 250V
Ø0.8 mm 5A and 6.3A
PTU 3.15 3.15A 0.0190 100 91.197
Packaging MEF .630 630mA 0.1460 320 0.375071

PTU 004 4A 0.0140 100 149.98 Packaging Option Quantity MEF .800 800mA 0.1040 300 0.691200

PTU 005 5A 0.0100 100 188.60 MEF 001 1A 0.0800 280 0.720000
Packaging PTU 6.30 6.3A 0.0080 100 276.76
In Bulk 1,000 pcs / box MEF 1.25 1.25A 0.0581 280 1.125000

MEF 1.60 1.6A 0.0406 250 3.225600

Packaging Option Quantity On Tape 1,000 pcs / box
MEF 002 2A 0.0330 240 3.600000
Bulk 500 pcs / box MEF 2.50 2.5A 0.0229 200 7.031250
Mechanical Dimensions (mm) MEF 3.15 3.15A 0.0179 180 8.037225
On Axial Tape & Reel 1,500 pcs / box
MEF 004 4A 0.0133 160 19.40000

MEF 005 5A 0.0109 150 21.37500

MEF 6.30 6.3A 0.0087 130 42.86520

Mechanical Dimensions (mm)



11.0±0.75 30.0±2.0
5.08±0.2 Ø0.62±0.1
Short Leads Long Leads
48 | Subminiature Fuse Subminiature Fuse | 49

8.35Ø x 7.7 mm 8.35 x 4.3 x 7.7 mm
Time-Lag Fuse Fast-Acting Fuse

Safety Approvals Electrical Characteristics Safety Approvals Electrical Characteristics

Agency Ampere Rating Opening Time Agency Ampere Rating Opening Time
Rated Rated
1.5 ln 2.1 ln 2.75 ln 4 ln 10 In 1.5 ln 2.1 ln 2.75 ln 4 ln 10 In
UL Recognized 50mA - 6.3A (250V/277V) Current UL Recognized 50mA - 6.3A Current
VDE 50mA - 6.3A
60 2 400 10 150 3 20 150 VDE 50mA - 6.3A 60 30 10 3 3 300 20
CSA Acceptance 50mA - 6.3A 50mA - 6.3A 50mA - 5A
min min ms sec ms sec ms ms min min ms sec ms ms ms
TUV 8A / 10A CSA Acceptance 50mA - 6.3A
60 5 1 20 150 3 20 150 60 30 50 10 5 400 20
8A - 10A 6.3A
PSE 1A - 10A (250V/277V) min min sec sec ms sec ms ms PSE 1A - 6.3A min min ms sec ms ms ms

KTL 50mA - 6.3A

CQC 6.3A
CCC 50mA - 6.3A
Nominal Voltage Nominal CCC 50mA - 5A Nominal Voltage Nominal
Catalog Ampere Voltage Catalog Ampere Voltage
Interrupting Rating Resistance Drop (mv) Melting l2t Resistance Drop (mv) Melting l2t
Number Rating (ln) Rating (V) Number Rating (ln) Rating (V)
Cold Ohms MAX A2 Sec Cold Ohms MAX A2 Sec
35 amperes or 10 x rated current; whichever is Interrupting Rating
greater at 250V AC. MET .050 50mA 8.9000 550 0.0225 MSF .050 50mA 5.4500 850 0.003000
35 amperes or 10 x rated current; whichever is 35 amperes or 10 x rated current; whichever is
MET .063 63mA 5.4053 480 0.0446 MSF .063 63mA 2.8020 750 0.001429
greater at 277V AC. (Optional) greater at 250V AC.
MET .080 80mA 3.6870 400 0.0634 MSF .080 80mA 1.7100 650 0.007258

Product Characteristics MET .100 100mA 2.4063 350 0.1080 Product Characteristics MSF .100 100mA 1.1600 600 0.009000

MET .125 125mA 1.6194 300 0.1223 MSF .125 125mA 1.0002 550 0.012656
Operating Temperature -55 ºC to 125 ºC Operating Temperature -55 ºC to 125 ºC
MET .160 160mA 1.2458 280 0.1700 MSF .160 160mA 1.4923 500 0.023040

Base and Cover: Black MET .200 200mA 0.8240 260 0.3060 Base and Cover: Black MSF .200 200mA 1.0965 480 0.032400
thermoplastic, UL 94-V0 thermoplastic, UL 94-V0
Material MET .250 250mA 0.6300 240 0.6019 Material MSF .250 250mA 0.7007 440 0.081563
Round Pins: Tin Plated Round Pins: Tin Plated
Copper MET .315 315mA 0.3800 220 0.8216 Copper MSF .315 315mA 0.3820 400 0.093768

MET .400 400mA 0.2700 200 1.4832 MSF .400 400mA 0.3006 370 0.129600

Packaging MET .500 500mA 0.1950 190 2.7000 Packaging MSF .500 500mA 0.2471 350 0.303750
MET .630 630mA 0.1322 180 3.1792 MSF .630 630mA 0.1460 320 0.375071
Packaging Option Quantity 250V*1 Packaging Option Quantity
MET .800 800mA 0.0907 160 5.7600 MSF .800 800mA 0.1040 300 0.691200

In Bulk 1,000 pcs / box MET 001 1A 0.0750 140 8.7300 In Bulk 1,000 pcs / box MSF 001 1A 0.0800 280 0.720000

MET 1.25 1.25A 0.0550 130 14.766 MSF 1.25 1.25A 0.0581 280 1.125000
On Tape 1,000 pcs / box On Tape 1,000 pcs / box
MET 1.60 1.6A 0.0425 120 23.040 MSF 1.60 1.6A 0.0406 250 2.188800

MET 002 2A 0.0316 100 36.000 MSF 002 2A 0.0330 240 3.600000
Mechanical Dimensions (mm) Mechanical Dimensions (mm)
MET 2.50 2.5A 0.0241 100 56.250 MSF 2.50 2.5A 0.0229 200 7.031250

MET 3.15 3.15A 0.0188 100 93.768 MSF 3.15 3.15A 0.0179 180 8.037225

MET 004 4A 0.0136 100 158.40 MSF 004 4A 0.0133 160 19.44000

MET 005 5A 0.0100 100 202.50 MSF 005 5A 0.0109 150 21.37500

MET 6.30 6.3A 0.0074 100 310.77 MSF 6.30 6.3A 0.0087 130 46.43730



MET 008 8A 0.0042 80 155.52

MET 010 10A 0.0034 75 288.00 8.35±0.5


Ø8.35±0.2 * 1 : 277V Optional

5.08±0.2 Ø0.62±0.1 5.08±0.2 Ø0.62±0.1

Short Leads Long Leads Short Leads Long Leads

50 | Subminiature Fuse Subminiature Fuse | 51

8.35 x 3.95 x 5.0 mm 8.35 x 4.3 x 7.7 mm
Time-Lag Fuse Time-Lag Fuse
2015 Taiwan Excellence Award The best-selling fuse of its kind the
Recipient world

Safety Approvals Electrical Characteristics Safety Approvals Electrical Characteristics

Agency Ampere Rating Opening Time Agency Ampere Rating Opening Time
Rated Rated
Recognized Component 1.5 ln 2.1 ln 2.75 ln 4 ln 10 ln 35 amperes or 10 x rated current ; whichever is 1.5 ln 2.1 ln 2.75 ln 4 ln 10 In
50mA - 6.3A Current Current
greater at 250V AC
UL Recognized 50mA - 10A
TUV 50mA - 6.3A
60 2 400 10 150 3 20 150 VDE 50mA - 6.3A 50mA - 6.3A 60 min 2 min 400 ms 10 sec 150 ms 3 sec 20 ms 150 ms
50mA - 6.3A
PSE 1A - 6.3A min min ms sec ms sec ms ms
CSA Acceptance 50mA - 6.3A
KC 50mA - 6.3A TUV 50mA - 10A 8A - 10A 60min 5 min 1 sec 20 sec 150 ms 3sec 20 ms 150 ms
PSE 1A - 10A
CQC 50mA - 6.3A
KTL 50mA - 6.3A Catalog Ampere Voltage
Nominal Voltage Nominal
Nominal Voltage Nominal Resistance Drop (mv) Melting l2t
Catalog Ampere Voltage CCC 50mA - 6.3A Number Rating (ln) Rating (V)
Interrupting Rating Number Rating (ln) Rating (V)
Resistance Drop (mv) Melting l2t Cold Ohms MAX A2 Sec
Cold Ohms MAX A Sec
2 SEMKO 63mA - 10A
MST .050 50mA 8.9000 550 0.0225
35 amperes or 10 x rated current; whichever is 130 amperes at 250V AC(optional)
MMT .050 50mA 8.9000 550 0.0225 MST .063 63mA 5.4053 480 0.0446
greater at 250V AC.
Recognized Component MST .080 80mA 3.6870 400 0.0760
160 amperes at 250V AC MMT .063 63mA 5.4053 480 0.0446 50mA - 10A
for Canada and US
100 amperes at 250V DC MMT .080 80mA 3.6870 400 0.0634
MST .100 100mA 2.4063 350 0.1080
TUV 50mA - 10A
130 amperes at 300V AC (Optional) MST .125 125mA 1.6194 300 0.1223
100 amperes at 400V AC (Optional) MMT .100 100mA 2.4063 350 0.1080 PSE 1A - 10A MST .160 160mA 1.2458 280 0.1700
MMT .125 125mA 1.6194 300 0.1223 KTL 500mA - 6.3A MST .200 200mA 0.8240 260 0.3060
MMT .160 160mA 1.2458 280 0.2444 CQC 500mA - 10A MST .250 250mA 0.6300 240 0.6019
Product Characteristics
50 amperes at 300V AC(optional) MST .315 315mA 0.3800 220 0.8216
MMT .200 200mA 0.8240 260 0.3060
Operating Temperature -55 ºC to 125 ºC MST .400 400mA 0.2700 200 1.4832
MMT .250 250mA 0.6300 240 0.6019 Recognized Component
50mA - 10A MST .500 500mA 0.1950 190 2.7000
for Canada and US
Base and Cover: Black MMT .315 315mA 0.3800 220 0.8216 MST .630 630mA 0.1322 180 3.1792
TUV 50mA - 10A 250V*1
thermoplastic, UL 94-V0 MMT .400 400mA 0.2700 200 1.4832 MST .800 800mA 0.0907 160 5.7600
Material PSE 1A - 10A
Round Pins: Tin Plated MST 001 1A 0.0750 140 8.7300
MMT .500 500mA 0.1861 190 2.7000
Copper 250V*1 100 amperes at 400V AC (optional) MST 1.25 1.25A 0.0550 130 14.766
MMT .630 630mA 0.1401 180 3.1792
Recognized Component MST 1.60 1.6A 0.0425 120 23.040
50mA - 10A
MMT .800 800mA 0.0982 160 5.7600 for Canada and US MST 002 2A 0.0316 100 36.000
PSE 1A - 10A MST 2.50 2.5A 0.0241 100 56.250
MMT 001 1A 0.0757 140 8.7300
Packaging Option Quantity 100 amperes at 250V DC (optional) MST 3.15 3.15A 0.0188 100 93.768
MMT 1.25 1.25A 0.0550 130 9.2800
Recognized Component MST 004 4A 0.0136 100 158.40
MMT 1.60 1.6A 0.0426 120 17.700 50mA - 10A
In Bulk 1,000 pcs / box for Canada and US MST 005 5A 0.0100 100 202.50
MMT 002 2A 0.0318 100 36.000 TUV 50mA - 10A MST 6.30 6.3A 0.0074 100 310.77
On Tape 1,000 pcs / box MMT 2.50 2.5A 0.0246 100 39.938 MST 008 8A 0.0057 80 368.64
Product Characteristics MST 010 10A 0.0034 75 288.00
MMT 3.15 3.15A 0.0173 100 55.635
* 1 : 300V/400V optional
Mechanical Dimensions (mm) MMT 004 4A 0.0126 100 115.05 Operating Temperature -55 ºC to 125 ºC
Mechanical Dimensions (mm)
MMT 005 5A 0.0090 100 135.00
Base and Cover: Black
MMT 6.30 6.3A 0.0073 100 214.33 thermoplastic, UL 94-V0
* 1 : 300V/400V optional Round Pins: Tin Plated





8.35±0.5 8.35±0.5
Packaging Option Quantity

5.08±0.2 Ø0.62±0.1 In Bulk 1,000 pcs / box
Short Leads Long Leads 5.08±0.2 Ø0.62±0.1
On Tape 1,000 pcs / box
Short Leads Long Leads
52 | Axial Lead & Cartridge Fuse Axial Lead & Cartridge Fuse | 53

4.5Ø x 14.5 mm 4.5Ø x 14.5 mm
Fast-Acting Fuse Fast-Acting Fuse

Safety Approvals Safety Approvals

Agency Ampere Rating Agency Ampere Rating

UL Listed 10mA - 3.5A UL Listed 10mA - 3.5A

CSA Certified 10mA - 3.5A CSA Certified 10mA - 3.5A

PSE 1A - 3.5A PSE 1A - 3.5A

Interrupting Rating
Interrupting Rating
100mA - 3.5A: 10,000 amperes at 125V AC
100mA - 3.5A: 10,000 amperes at 125V AC
100mA - 1A: 35 amperes at 250V AC
100mA - 1A: 35 amperes at 250V AC
1.1A - 3.5A: 100 amperes at 250V AC
1.1A - 3.5A: 100 amperes at 250V AC

Product Characteristics
Product Characteristics Operating Temperature -55 ºC to 125 ºC

Operating Temperature -55 ºC to 125 ºC Body: Glass /

Caps: Nickel Plated Brass
Body: Glass /
Material Ø0.63 mm 7A and less.
Caps: Nickel Plated Brass Leads Wire
Ø1.0 mm for rating above 8A.

Electrical Characteristics Electrical Characteristics

Opening Time Opening Time

Rated Current 1 ln 1.35 In 2 In Rated Current 1 ln 1.35 In 2 In

Axial Lead & Cartridge Fuse 100mA - 10A


4 hr

1 hr

5 sec 100mA - 10A


4 hr

1 hr

5 sec

Our highly versatile axial lead and cartridge fuses offer cost- Packaging
efficient and reliable overcurrent protection solutions, suitable Packaging
Packaging Option Quantity
Packaging Option Quantity
for a wide-range of applications across industries. Bulk 500 pcs / box
Bulk 2,000 pcs / box
On Axial Tape & Reel 1,000 pcs / box

Mechanical Dimensions (mm) Mechanical Dimensions (mm)


15.2±0.5 38.0±2.0
54 | Axial Lead & Cartridge Fuse Axial Lead & Cartridge Fuse | 55


4.5Ø x 14.5 mm 4.5Ø x 14.5 mm 4.5Ø x 14.5 mm
Fast-Acting Fuse Time-Lag Fuse Time-Lag Fuse

Safety Approvals Electrical Characteristics Safety Approvals Safety Approvals

Agency Ampere Rating Opening Time Agency Ampere Rating Agency Ampere Rating
Recognized Component 1 ln 1.35 In 2 In UL Listed 10mA - 8A UL Listed 10mA - 3.5A
100mA - 8A Current
for Canada and US MIN MAX MAX CSA Certified 10mA - 8A UL Recognized 3.75A - 8A

1A - 8A 4 hr 1 hr 5 sec PSE 1A - 5A CSA Certified 10mA - 3.5A

Interrupting Rating PSE 1A - 5A

Interrupting Rating
100 amperes at 350V AC.
100mA - 8A: 10,000 amperes at 125V AC Interrupting Rating
100mA-3.5A: 100 amperes at 140V DC Nominal Nominal
Catalog Ampere Voltage
Number Rating (ln) Rating (V)
Resistance Melting l2t
100mA - 1A: 35 amperes at 250V AC 100mA - 8A: 10,000 amperes at 125V AC
Cold Ohms A2 Sec
1.1A - 3.5A: 100 amperes at 250V AC 100mA - 1A: 35 amperes at 250V AC
SMP-A 001 1A 0.1248 0.3454
Product Characteristics 3.75A - 8A: 200 amperes at 250V AC 1.1A - 3.5A: 100 amperes at 250V AC
SMP-A 1.25 1.25A 0.0913 0.6182

SMP-A 1.50 1.5A 0.0756 0.8910

3.75A - 8A: 200 amperes at 250V AC
Operating Temperature -55 ºC to 125 ºC
SMP-A 1.75 1.75A 0.0639 1.4535 Product Characteristics
Body: Glass SMP-A 002 2A 0.0521 2.0160
Product Characteristics
Material Operating Temperature -55 ºC to 125 ºC
Caps: Nickel Plated Brass
SMP-A 2.50 2.5A 0.0428 3.1275 Operating Temperature -55 ºC to 125 ºC
Body: Glass /
Ø0.63 mm 7A and less. SMP-A 003 3A 0.0326 5.7600 Material
Caps: Nickel Plated Brass Body: Glass /
Leads Wire Ø1.0 mm for rating above SMP-A 3.15 3.15A 0.0315 6.9997
Caps: Nickel Plated Brass
SMP-A 3.50 3.5A 350V 0.0244 8.2394
Electrical Characteristics Ø0.63 mm 7A and less.
SMP-A 004 4A 0.0231 8.9856
Leads Wire
Ø1.0 mm for rating above 8A.
SMP-A 4.50 4.5A 0.0211 11.155
Opening Time
Packaging Rated Current 1 ln 1.35 In 2 ln
SMP-A 005 5A 0.0183 13.325 Electrical Characteristics
Packaging Option Quantity SMP-A 006 6A 0.0158 20.545 MIN MAX MIN MAX Opening Time
SMP-A 6.30 6.3A 0.0134 22.964
100mA - 10A 4 hr 1 hr 3 sec 120 sec Rated Current 1 ln 1.35 In 2 ln
Bulk 500 pcs / box SMP-A 007 7A 0.0126 27.766

SMP-A 7.50 7.5A 0.0110 28.985

On Axial Tape & Reel 1,000 pcs / box Packaging
SMP-A 008 8A 0.0109 30.205 100mA - 10A 4 hr 1 hr 3 sec 120 sec
Packaging Option Quantity

Bulk 2,000 pcs / box Packaging

Mechanical Dimensions (mm)
Packaging Option Quantity
Mechanical Dimensions (mm)

Bulk 500 pcs / box

On Axial Tape & Reel 1,000 pcs / box


15.2±0.5 38.0±2.0 Mechanical Dimensions (mm)


15.2±0.5 38.0±2.0
56 | Axial Lead & Cartridge Fuse Axial Lead & Cartridge Fuse | 57


4.5Ø x 14.5 mm 4.5Ø x 14.5 mm 4.5Ø x 14.5 mm 4.5Ø x 14.5 mm
Fast-Acting Fuse Fast-Acting Fuse Time-Lag Fuse Time-Lag Fuse

Safety Approvals Safety Approvals Safety Approvals Safety Approvals

Agency Ampere Rating Agency Ampere Rating Agency Ampere Rating Agency Ampere Rating

Certified products for U.S. and Canada 100mA - 8A Certified products for U.S. and Canada 100mA - 8A Certified products for U.S. and Canada 100mA - 8A Certified products for U.S. and Canada 100mA - 8A

Interrupting Rating Interrupting Rating

Interrupting Rating Interrupting Rating
1A - 8A: 10,000 amperes at 125V AC 1A - 8A: 10,000 amperes at 125V AC
1A - 8A: 10,000 amperes at 125V AC 1A - 8A: 10,000 amperes at 125V AC
1A - 8A: 200 amperes at 250V AC 1A - 8A: 200 amperes at 250V AC
1A - 8A: 200 amperes at 250V AC 1A - 8A: 200 amperes at 250V AC
1A - 8A: 100 amperes at 350V AC 1A - 8A: 100 amperes at 350V AC
1A - 8A: 100 amperes at 350V AC 1A - 8A: 100 amperes at 350V AC

Product Characteristics Product Characteristics

Product Characteristics Operating Temperature -55 ºC to 125 ºC Product Characteristics Operating Temperature -55 ºC to 125 ºC

Operating Temperature -55 ºC to 125 ºC Body: Ceramic / Operating Temperature -55 ºC to 125 ºC Body: Ceramic /
Material Material
Caps: Nickel Plated Brass Caps: Nickel Plated Brass
Body: Ceramic / Body: Ceramic /
Material Ø0.63 mm 7A and less. Material Ø0.63 mm 7A and less.
Caps: Nickel Plated Brass Leads Wire Caps: Nickel Plated Brass Leads Wire
Ø1.0 mm for rating above 8A. Ø1.0 mm for rating above 8A.

Electrical Characteristics Electrical Characteristics Electrical Characteristics Electrical Characteristics

Opening Time Opening Time Opening Time Opening Time

Rated Current 1 ln 1.35 In 2 In Rated Current 1 ln 1.35 In 2 In Rated Current 1 ln 1.35 In 2 ln Rated Current 1 ln 1.35 In 2 ln


1A - 8A 4 hr 1 hr 5 sec 1A - 8A 4 hr 1 hr 5 sec 1A - 8A 4 hr 1 hr 2 sec 120 sec 1A - 8A 4 hr 1 hr 2 sec 120 sec

Packaging Packaging
Packaging Packaging
Packaging Option Quantity Packaging Option Quantity
Packaging Option Quantity Packaging Option Quantity
Bulk 500 pcs / box Bulk 500 pcs / box
Bulk 2,000 pcs / box Bulk 2,000 pcs / box
On Axial Tape & Reel 1,000 pcs / box On Axial Tape & Reel 1,000 pcs / box

Mechanical Dimensions (mm) Mechanical Dimensions (mm) Mechanical Dimensions (mm) Mechanical Dimensions (mm)


14.5±0.75 14.5±0.75
15.2±0.5 38.0±2.0 15.2±0.5 38.0±2.0
58 | Axial Lead & Cartridge Fuse Axial Lead & Cartridge Fuse | 59

5.2Ø x 20 mm 5.2Ø x 20 mm
Fast-Acting Fuse Time-Lag Fuse

Safety Approvals Electrical Characteristics Safety Approvals Electrical Characteristics

Agency Ampere Rating Opening Time Agency Ampere Rating Opening Time

Rated Current 1 ln 1.35 In 2 In UL Listed 500mA - 10A Rated Current 1 ln 1.35 In 2 ln

UL Listed 10mA - 10A
MIN MAX MAX CSA Certified 500mA - 3.5A MIN MAX MIN MAX
CSA Certified 10mA - 10A
200mA - 20A 4 hr 1 hr 5 sec CSA Acceptance 3.6A - 10A 500mA - 10A 4 hr 1 hr 2 sec 120 sec
GFE: 1A - 5A (125V / 250V)
PSE 6A - 10A (250V) GTE: 1A - 5A (125V)
GFP-A: 1A - 10A (125V / 250V) PSE 1A - 10A (250V)
Catalog Ampere Voltage
Nominal Nominal GTP-A: 1A - 10A (125V / 250V)
Resistance Melting l2t
Number Rating (ln) Rating (V)
Interrupting Rating Cold Ohms A2 Sec KTL 500mA - 10A Catalog Ampere Voltage
Nominal Nominal
Resistance Melting l2t
GFE / GFP-A .200 200mA 3.4980 0.0085 Number Rating (ln) Rating (V)
200mA - 10A: 10,000 amperes at 125V AC Cold Ohms A2 Sec
GFE / GFP-A .250 250mA 2.3610 0.0142 Interrupting Rating
200mA - 1A: 35 amperes at 250V AC GFE / GFP-A .300 300mA 1.9400 0.0197 GTE / GTP-A .500 500mA 0.5106 0.2160
500mA - 10A: 10,000 amperes at 125V AC
GFE / GFP-A .315 315mA 1.4960 0.0218
1.1A - 3.5A: 100 amperes at 250V AC 500mA - 1A: 35 amperes at 250V AC GTE / GTP-A .600 600mA 0.4219 0.3240
GFE / GFP-A .350 350mA 1.4466 0.0375
3.6A - 10A: 200 amperes at 250V AC 1.1A - 3.5A: 100 amperes at 250V AC GTE / GTP-A .630 630mA 0.4016 0.4001
GFE / GFP-A .400 400mA 1.1030 0.0561
GFE / GFP-A .500 500mA 0.4195 0.0930 3.6A - 10A: 200 amperes at 250V AC GTE / GTP-A .700 700mA 0.2876 0.5423

Product Characteristics GFE / GFP-A .600 600mA 0.3262 0.1555 GTE / GTP-A .750 750mA 0.2560 0.6075
GFE / GFP-A .630 630mA 0.2853 0.2000 Product Characteristics GTE / GTP-A .800 800mA 0.2377 0.7603
Operating Temperature -55 ºC to 125 ºC GFE / GFP-A .700 700mA 0.2370 0.2714
GFE / GFP-A .750 750mA 0.2107 0.3240
Operating Temperature -55 ºC to 125 ºC GTE / GTP-A 001 1A 0.1647 1.5480
Body: Glass GTE / GTP-A 1.25 1.25A 0.1198 2.9250
Material GFE / GFP-A .800 800mA 0.1905 0.3456
Body: Glass
Caps: Nickel Plated Brass Material
GFE / GFP-A 001 1A 0.1438 0.5940 Caps: Nickel Plated Brass GTE / GTP-A 1.50 1.5A 0.0968 6.6600
Ø0.8 mm 14A and less. GFE / GFP-A 1.25 1.25A 0.1029 1.1250
GTE / GTP-A 1.60 1.6A 0.0885 7.3485
Ø1.0 mm for rating above GFE / GFP-A 1.50 1.5A 0.0885 1.7820 Ø0.8 mm 14A and less.
Leads Wire 15A to 19A. GFE / GFP-A 1.60 1.6A 0.0757 2.0644
Ø1.0 mm for rating above GTE / GTP-A 002 2A 0.0618 11.772
Ø1.2 mm for rating above Leads Wire 15A to 19A. GTE / GTP-A 2.25 2.25A 0.0502 15.899
GFE / GFP-A 1.75 1.75A 0.0639 2.5110
20A. Ø1.2 mm for rating above
GFE / GFP-A 002 2A 0.0588 3.2400 GTE / GTP-A 2.50 2.5A 0.0461 20.025
GFE / GFP-A 2.50 2.5A 0.0434 5.0400 250V
GTE / GTP-A 003 3A 0.0364 34.292
Packaging GFE / GFP-A 003 3A 250V 0.0394 7.9056 Packaging GTE / GTP-A 3.15 3.15A 0.0343 37.566
GFE / GFP-A 3.15 3.15A 0.0320 8.9303
Packaging Option Quantity
GFE / GFP-A 3.20 3.2A 0.0315 9.0909 Packaging Option Quantity GTE / GTP-A 3.20 3.2A 0.0321 38.187

GFE: 1,000 pcs / box GFE / GFP-A 3.50 3.5A 0.0307 10.055 GTE / GTP-A 3.50 3.5A 0.0319 38.808
Bulk GTE: 1,000 pcs / box
GFP-A: 500 pcs / box GFE / GFP-A 004 4A 0.0288 17.510 Bulk GTE / GTP-A 004 4A 0.0250 63.360
GTP-A: 500 pcs / box
GFE / GFP-A 4.50 4.5A 0.0215 21.654
On Axial Tape & Reel 1,000 pcs / box GTE / GTP-A 4.50 4.5A 0.0224 79.585
GFE / GFP-A 005 5A 0.0188 25.799 On Axial Tape & Reel 1,000 pcs / box
GFE / GFP-A 006 6A 0.0156 37.163 GTE / GTP-A 005 5A 0.0210 95.810

Mechanical Dimensions (mm) GFE / GFP-A 6.30 6.3A 0.0152 40.692 Mechanical Dimensions (mm) GTE / GTP-A 006 6A 0.0149 104.36
GFE / GFP-A 007 7A 0.0129 48.925
GTE / GTP-A 6.30 6.3A 0.0104 108.63
GFE / GFP-A 7.50 7.5A 0.0125 59.474

5.2 +0.1

5.2 +0.1

GTE / GTP-A 007 7A 0.0088 112.90

GFE / GFP-A 008 8A 0.0113 62.277
GFE / GFP-A 009 9A 0.0099 98.450 GTE / GTP-A 7.50 7.5A 0.0080 127.43
GFE / GFP-A 010 10A 0.0085 134.62 GTE / GTP-A 008 8A 0.0079 144.48
20.0±0.75 20.0±0.75
GFE / GFP-A 012 12A 0.0073 212.89
GTE / GTP-A 010 10A 0.0061 254.30
GFE / GFP-A 013 13A 0.0066 251.03


GFE / GFP-A 015 15A 0.0052 327.32

GFE / GFP-A 016 16A 0.0049 379.19
GFE / GFP-A 018 18A 0.0039 482.92

21.0±0.75 38.0±2.0 GFE / GFP-A 020 20A 0.0034 586.66 21.0±0.75 38.0±2.0
60 | Axial Lead & Cartridge Fuse Axial Lead & Cartridge Fuse | 61

5.2Ø x 20 mm 5.2Ø x 20 mm
Time-Lag Fuse Fast-Acting Fuse

Safety Approvals Electrical Characteristics Safety Approvals Electrical Characteristics

Agency Ampere Rating Opening Time Agency Ampere Rating Opening Time

UL Listed 10mA - 8A Rated Current 1 ln 1.35 In 2 ln Recognized Component Rated Current 1 ln 1.5 In 2.5 In
1A - 20A
CSA Certified 10mA - 8A

GSL: 1A - 5A (125V) 100mA - 20A 4 hr 1 hr 3 sec 120 sec 1A - 20A 4 hr 120 sec 1 sec
PSE 1A - 8A (250V)
GST-A: 1A - 8A Interrupting Rating
Nominal Nominal 1A - 20A: 200 amperes at 250V AC
Catalog Ampere Voltage
Interrupting Rating Resistance Melting l2t
Nominal Nominal
Number Rating (ln) Rating (V)
Cold Ohms A2 Sec Catalog Ampere Voltage
Resistance Melting l2t
100mA - 8A: 10,000 amperes at 125V AC Number Rating (ln) Rating (V)
Cold Ohms A2 Sec
GSL / GST-A .600 600mA 0.6260 4.0008
100mA - 1A: 35 amperes at 250V AC
GSL / GST-A .630 630mA 0.3925 4.4064 Product Characteristics GBF / GBF-A 016 16A 0.0069 270.34
1.1A - 3.5A: 100 amperes at 250V AC 250V
GSL / GST-A .700 700mA 0.3815 7.4088 GBF / GBF-A 020 20A 0.0049 430.40
Operating Temperature -55 ºC to 125 ºC
3.6A - 8A: 200 amperes at 250V AC GSL / GST-A .750 750mA 0.3377 9.2007

GSL / GST-A .800 800mA 0.3105 11.011 Body: Ceramic

Caps: Nickel Plated Brass
Product Characteristics GSL / GST-A 001 1A 0.1879 14.400

GSL / GST-A 1.25 1.25A 0.1467 19.181

Ø0.8 mm 14A and less.
Operating Temperature -55 ºC to 125 ºC Ø1.0 mm for rating above
GSL / GST-A 1.50 1.5A 0.1048 23.962 Leads Wire 15A to 19A.
Body: Glass Ø1.2 mm for rating above
Material GSL / GST-A 1.60 1.6A 0.1000 24.750
Caps: Nickel Plated Brass 20A.
GSL / GST-A 002 2A 0.0736 59.616
Ø0.8 mm 14A and less.
Ø1.0 mm for rating above GSL / GST-A 2.50 2.5A 0.0626 120.60
Leads Wire 15A to 19A. GSL / GST-A 003 3A 0.0514 176.26
Ø1.2 mm for rating above
GSL / GST-A 3.15 3.15A 250V 0.0475 193.60
GSL / GST-A 3.50 3.5A 0.0380 198.61 Packaging Option Quantity
GSL / GST-A 004 4A 0.0306 281.09
Packaging GBF: 1,000 pcs / box
GSL / GST-A 005 5A 0.0216 391.64 Bulk
GBF-A: 500 pcs / box
Packaging Option Quantity
GSL / GST-A 006 6A 0.0166 467.21

GSL: 1,000 pcs / box GSL / GST-A 6.30 6.3A 0.0158 477.81 On Axial Tape & Reel 1,000 pcs / box
GST-A: 500 pcs / box
GSL / GST-A 007 7A 0.0135 690.11

On Axial Tape & Reel 1,000 pcs / box GSL / GST-A 7.50 7.5A 0.0122 737.70

GSL / GST-A 008 8A 0.0112 785.30 Mechanical Dimensions (mm)

Mechanical Dimensions (mm) GSL / GST-A 010 10A 0.0090 975.71 -0.2
5.2 +0.1

GSL / GST-A 012 12A 0.0078 1569.7

5.2 +0.1

GSL / GST-A 015 15A 0.0051 1922.1

GSL / GST-A 020 20A 0.0029 3553.6


21.0±0.75 38.0±2.0
21.0±0.75 38.0±2.0
62 | Axial Lead & Cartridge Fuse Axial Lead & Cartridge Fuse | 63

5.2Ø x 20 mm 5.2Ø x 20 mm
Fast-Acting Fuse Time-Lag Fuse

Safety Approvals Electrical Characteristics Safety Approvals Electrical Characteristics

Agency Ampere Rating Opening Time Agency Ampere Rating Opening Time

UL Listed 10mA - 15A Rated Current 1 ln 1.35 In 2 In UL Listed 10mA - 15A Rated Current 1 ln 1.35 In 2 ln

CSA Certified 100mA - 12A MIN MAX MAX CSA Certified 100mA -12A MIN MAX MIN MAX

CSA Acceptance 12.1A - 15A 100mA - 20A 4 hr 1 hr 30 sec CSA Acceptance 12.1A -15A 1A - 20A 4 hr 1 hr 2 sec 120 sec

PSE 5.1A - 15A PSE 5.1A -15A (250V)

Nominal Nominal
KTL 1.5A -20A
Interrupting Rating Catalog Ampere Voltage
Resistance Melting l2t
Number Rating (ln) Rating (V) Interrupting Rating Catalog Ampere Voltage
Nominal Nominal
100mA - 15A: 10,000 amperes at 125V AC Cold Ohms A2 Sec
Resistance Melting l2t
Number Rating (ln) Rating (V)
1A - 15A: 10,000 amperes at 125V AC Cold Ohms A2 Sec
100mA - 1A: 35 amperes at 250V AC GBM / GBP-A .100 100mA 9.9900 0.0018
GBM / GBP-A .125 125mA 6.6320 0.0035 1A: 35 amperes at 250V AC GDA / GPA-A 001 1A 0.1970 1.1520
1.25A - 3.5A: 100 amperes at 250V AC
GBM / GBP-A .150 150mA 6.4810 0.0048 1.1A - 3.5A: 100 amperes at 250V AC GDA / GPA-A 1.25 1.25A 0.1285 2.3250
3.75A - 10A: 200 amperes at 250V AC
GBM / GBP-A .200 200mA 3.0970 0.0085 3.6A - 10A: 200 amperes at 250V AC GDA / GPA-A 1.50 1.5A 0.0890 4.4384
10.1A - 15A: 750 amperes at 250V AC GBM / GBP-A .250 250mA 2.5440 0.0142 10.1A - 15A: 750 amperes at 250V AC GDA / GPA-A 1.60 1.6A 0.0852 5.2838
GBM / GBP-A .300 300mA 2.1170 0.0197 GDA / GPA-A 002 2A 0.0585 10.656
15.1A - 20A: 200 amperes at 250V AC
Product Characteristics GBM / GBP-A .315 315mA 2.0080 0.0218 GDA / GPA-A 2.50 2.5A 0.0872 5.1183
GBM / GBP-A .350 350mA 0.7350 0.0375
Product Characteristics
Operating Temperature -55 ºC to 125 ºC GDA / GPA-A 003 3A 0.0615 9.8370
GBM / GBP-A .400 400mA 0.6030 0.0561 Operating Temperature -55 ºC to 125 ºC
Body: Ceramic GDA / GPA-A 3.15 3.15A 0.0607 12.145
Material GBM / GBP-A .500 500mA 0.4005 0.1170
Caps: Nickel Plated Brass Body: Ceramic GDA / GPA-A 004 4A 0.0410 24.023
GBM / GBP-A .600 600mA 0.2930 0.1539 Material 250V
Caps: Nickel Plated Brass GDA / GPA-A 005 5A 0.0344 35.087
Ø0.8 mm 14A and less.
GBM / GBP-A .630 630mA 0.2920 0.1715
Ø1.0 mm for rating above Ø0.8 mm 14A and less. GDA / GPA-A 006 6A 0.0231 48.413
Leads Wire 15A to 19A. GBM / GBP-A .700 700mA 0.2370 0.2190 Ø1.0 mm for rating above GDA / GPA-A 6.30 6.3A 0.0221 52.411
Ø1.2 mm for rating above GBM / GBP-A .750 750mA 0.2144 0.2430 Leads Wire 15A to 19A.
20A. Ø1.2 mm for rating above GDA / GPA-A 007 7A 0.0117 61.740
GBM / GBP-A .800 800mA 0.2100 0.2840
20A. GDA / GPA-A 008 8A 0.0104 75.422
GBM / GBP-A 001 1A 0.1637 0.4140
Packaging 250V GDA / GPA-A 010 10A 0.0074 174.02
GBM / GBP-A 1.50 1.5A 0.0813 1.4580 Packaging
Packaging Option Quantity GBM / GBP-A 002 2A 0.0576 3.1680
GDA / GPA-A 012 12A 0.0057 274.65
Packaging Option Quantity
GDA / GPA-A 015 15A 0.0041 534.24
GBM: 1,000 pcs / box GBM / GBP-A 2.50 2.5A 0.0569 3.6000
Bulk GDA: 1,000 pcs / box GDA / GPA-A 020 20A 0.0028 959.40
GBP-A: 500 pcs / box GBM / GBP-A 003 3A 0.0463 5.0625 Bulk
GPA-A: 500 pcs / box
GBM / GBP-A 3.15 3.15A 0.0461 5.8725
On Axial Tape & Reel 1,000 pcs / box
GBM / GBP-A 3.50 3.5A 0.0329 9.3726 On Axial Tape & Reel 1,000 pcs / box

Mechanical Dimensions (mm) GBM / GBP-A 004 4A 0.0275 13.683 Mechanical Dimensions (mm)
GBM / GBP-A 005 5A 0.0209 22.303

5.2 +0.1

5.2 +0.1

GBM / GBP-A 006 6A 0.0137 43.708

GBM / GBP-A 6.30 6.3A 0.0129 48.237
GBM / GBP-A 007 7A 0.0127 60.523
20.0±0.75 20.0±0.75
GBM / GBP-A 008 8A 0.0124 95.715
GBM / GBP-A 010 10A 0.0074 166.10


GBM / GBP-A 012 12A 0.0057 240.62

GBM / GBP-A 015 15A 0.0044 435.98
GBM / GBP-A 020 20A 0.0034 792.00
21.0±0.75 38.0±2.0 21.0±0.75 38.0±2.0
64 | Axial Lead & Cartridge Fuse Axial Lead & Cartridge Fuse | 65

5.2Ø x 20 mm 5.2Ø x 20 mm
Fast-Acting Fuse Time-Lag Fuse

Safety Approvals Electrical Characteristics Safety Approvals Electrical Characteristics

Agency Ampere Rating Opening Time Agency Ampere Rating Opening Time
Rated Rated
UL Recognized 63mA - 10A 1.5 ln 2.1 ln 2.75 ln 4 ln 10 ln 1.5 ln 2.1 ln 2.75 ln 4 ln 10 ln
Current UL Recognized 63mA - 400mA Current
VDE 63mA - 400mA
CSA Acceptance 63mA - 10A 60 30 10 500 3 100 20 60 2 200 10 40 3 10 300
63mA - 100mA 63mA - 100mA
min min ms ms ms ms ms CSA Acceptance 63mA - 400mA min min ms sec ms sec ms ms
PSE 1A - 10A
60 30 50 2 10 300 20 KTL 63mA - 400mA 60 2 600 10 150 3 20 300
KTL 63mA - 6.3A 125mA - 6.3A 125mA - 400mA
min min ms sec ms ms ms min min ms sec ms sec ms ms
CCC USL only: 63mA - 400mA
CQC 8A / 10A 30 30 50 2 10 400 40
8A - 10A
CCC UFE only: 63mA - 6.3A min min ms sec ms ms ms BSI USL only: 63mA - 400mA

BSI UFE only: 63mA - 6.3A Nominal Voltage Nominal

Catalog Ampere Voltage
Resistance Drop (mv) Melting l2t
Interrupting Rating Number Rating (ln) Rating (V)
Cold Ohms MAX A2 Sec
Interrupting Rating Catalog Ampere Voltage
Nominal Voltage Nominal
Resistance Drop (mv) Melting l2t 35 amperes or 10 x rated current; whichever is USL / USL-A .063 63mA 12.960 3000 0.0108
Number Rating (ln) Rating (V) greater at 250V AC.
35 amperes or 10 x rated current; whichever is Cold Ohms MAX A2 Sec
USL / USL-A .080 80mA 8.8800 3000 0.0244
greater at 250V AC.
UFE / UFE-A .063 63mA 10.331 5000 0.0009 USL / USL-A .100 100mA 6.8600 2500 0.0520

UFE / UFE-A .080 80mA 7.6860 4000 0.0018 Product Characteristics USL / USL-A .125 125mA 3.4100 2000 0.0910
Product Characteristics
UFE / UFE-A .100 100mA 4.5675 3500 0.0023 USL / USL-A .160 160mA 250V 2.8600 1900 0.1000
Operating Temperature -55 ºC to 125 ºC
Operating Temperature -55 ºC to 125 ºC UFE / UFE-A .125 125mA 3.2205 2000 0.0028 USL / USL-A .200 200mA 1.9900 1500 0.2424

UFE / UFE-A .160 160mA 2.6655 2000 0.0054 Body: Glass USL / USL-A .250 250mA 1.2876 1300 0.5450
Body: Glass Material
Material Caps: Nickel Plated Brass
Caps: Nickel Plated Brass UFE / UFE-A .200 200mA 1.8220 1700 0.0160 USL / USL-A .315 315mA 0.8212 1100 1.1330

UFE / UFE-A .250 250mA 1.3237 1400 0.0250 Leads Wire Ø0.8 mm USL / USL-A .400 400mA 0.5019 1000 1.5380
Leads Wire Ø0.8 mm
UFE / UFE-A .315 315mA 0.4159 1300 0.0396

UFE / UFE-A .400 400mA 0.2954 1200 0.1250

Packaging Packaging
UFE / UFE-A .500 500mA 0.2482 1000 0.2077

Packaging Option Quantity UFE / UFE-A .630 630mA 0.1932 650 0.3029 Packaging Option Quantity

UFE / UFE-A .800 800mA 250V 0.1265 240 0.7477 USL: 1,000 pcs / box
UFE: 1,000 pcs / box Bulk
Bulk USL-A: 500 pcs / box
UFE-A: 500 pcs / box UFE / UFE-A 001 1A 0.0800 200 1.1925

UFE / UFE-A 1.25 1.25A 0.0692 200 2.0869 On Axial Tape & Reel 1,000 pcs / box
On Axial Tape & Reel 1,000 pcs / box
UFE / UFE-A 1.60 1.6A 0.0502 190 7.2069

UFE / UFE-A 002 2A 0.0373 170 7.9544

Mechanical Dimensions (mm) UFE / UFE-A 2.50 2.5A 0.0302 170 8.7019
Mechanical Dimensions (mm)
UFE / UFE-A 3.15 3.15A 0.0224 150 17.208
- 0.2

- 0.2
5.2 +0.1

5.2 +0.1

UFE / UFE-A 004 4A 0.0177 130 28.368

UFE / UFE-A 005 5A 0.0149 130 49.140

20.0±0.5 UFE / UFE-A 6.30 6.3A 0.0103 130 93.017 20.0±0.5

UFE / UFE-A 008 8A 0.0077 130 157.59


UFE / UFE-A 010 10A 0.0058 130 253.08

21.0±0.75 38.0±2.0 21.0±0.75 38.0±2.0

66 | Axial Lead & Cartridge Fuse Axial Lead & Cartridge Fuse | 67

5.2Ø x 20 mm 5.2Ø x 20 mm
Time-Lag Fuse Time-Lag Fuse

Safety Approvals Electrical Characteristics Safety Approvals Electrical Characteristics

Agency Ampere Rating Opening Time Agency Ampere Rating Opening Time
Rated Rated
1.5 ln 2.1 ln 2.75 ln 4 ln 10 ln Recognized Component 1.5 ln 2.1 ln 2.75 ln 4 ln 10 ln
UL Recognized 500mA - 10A Current 500mA - 6.3A Current
Recognized Component
11A - 16A 60 2 600 10 150 3 20 300 VDE 500mA - 10A 60 2 600 10 150 3 20 300
for Canada and US 500mA - 6.3A 500mA - 6.3A
min min ms sec ms sec ms ms min min ms sec ms sec ms ms
VDE 500mA - 10A CQC 500mA - 10A
30 2 600 10 150 3 20 300 30 2 600 10 150 3 20 300
8A - 16A 8A - 10A
CSA Acceptance 500mA - 10A min min ms sec ms sec ms ms min min ms sec ms sec ms ms

TUV 11A - 15A Interrupting Rating

Nominal Voltage Nominal
Catalog Ampere Voltage
Resistance Drop (mv) Melting l t2

PSE 1A - 15A Number Rating (ln) Rating (V) 150 amperes at 250V AC Nominal Voltage Nominal
Cold Ohms MAX A2 Sec Catalog Ampere Voltage
Resistance Drop (mv) Melting l2t
Number Rating (ln) Rating (V)
KTL 500mA - 6.3A UTE / UTE-A .500 500mA 0.1989 900 0.7740 Cold Ohms MAX A2 Sec

UTE / UTE-A .630 630mA 0.1403 300 1.1510 UDL / UDL-A .500 500mA 0.314 900 5.2500
UTE: 8A / 10A
UTE-A: 500mA - 10A UTE / UTE-A .800 800mA 0.1089 250 2.3850 Product Characteristics
UDL / UDL-A .630 630mA 0.210 300 8.3500
UTE / UTE-A 001 1A 0.0776 150 4.5000 Operating Temperature -55 ºC to 125 ºC UDL / UDL-A .800 800mA 0.145 250 8.4609
CCC UTE only: 500mA - 6.3A
UTE / UTE-A 1.25 1.25A 0.0566 150 10.809 UDL / UDL-A 001 1A 0.105 150 21.940
BSI UTE only: 500mA - 6.3A UTE / UTE-A 1.60 1.6A 0.0438 150 17.118 Body: Glass /
Material UDL / UDL-A 1.25 1.25A 0.081 150 35.419
Caps: Nickel Plated Brass
UTE / UTE-A 002 2A 0.0349 150 29.088 UDL / UDL-A 1.60 1.6A 0.059 150 51.963
UTE / UTE-A 2.50 2.5A 0.0241 120 49.905 Leads Wire Ø0.8 mm UDL / UDL-A 002 2A 0.041 150 68.508
Interrupting Rating UTE / UTE-A 3.15 3.15A 0.0187 100 74.304 UDL / UDL-A 2.50 2.5A 0.033 120 144.09
UTE / UTE-A 004 4A 0.0145 100 140.01 UDL / UDL-A 3.15 3.15A 0.022 100 198.16
35 amperes or 10 x rated current; whichever is
greater at 250V AC. UTE / UTE-A 005 5A 0.0107 100 159.29 UDL / UDL-A 004 4A 0.016 100 308.74
UTE / UTE-A 6.30 6.3A 0.0083 100 178.56 UDL / UDL-A 005 5A 0.013 100 459.14
UTE / UTE-A 008 8A 0.0059 100 264.96 Packaging Option Quantity UDL / UDL-A 6.30 6.3A 0.010 100 743.71
Product Characteristics UTE / UTE-A 010 10A 0.0043 100 552.60 UDL / UDL-A 008 8A 0.007 100 1163.9
UDL: 1,000 pcs / box
UTE / UTE-A 011 11A 0.0040 100 666.00 Bulk
Operating Temperature -55 ºC to 125 ºC UDL-A: 500 pcs / box UDL / UDL-A 010 10A 0.005 100 1584.0
UTE / UTE-A 12.5 12.5A 0.0035 100 793.80
Body: Glass / On Axial Tape & Reel 1,000 pcs / box
Material UTE / UTE-A 015 15A 0.0027 100 1121.0
Caps: Nickel Plated Brass
UTE / UTE-A 016 16A 0.0026 100 1365.4
Ø0.8 mm 12A and less.
Leads Wire Ø1.0 mm for rating above
12.1A. Mechanical Dimensions (mm) Mechanical Dimensions (mm)
- 0.2

- 0.2
5.2 +0.1

5.2 +0.1

20.0±0.5 20.0±0.5
Packaging Option Quantity


UTE: 1,000 pcs / box

UTE-A: 500 pcs / box

On Axial Tape & Reel 1,000 pcs / box

21.0±0.75 38.0±2.0 21.0±0.75 38.0±2.0
68 | Axial Lead & Cartridge Fuse Axial Lead & Cartridge Fuse | 69

5.2Ø x 20 mm 5.2Ø x 20 mm
Fast-Acting Fuse Fast-Acting Fuse

Safety Approvals Electrical Characteristics Safety Approvals Electrical Characteristics

Agency Ampere Rating Agency Ampere Rating Opening Time

Rated Rated
Recognized Component 2.1 ln 2.75 ln 4 ln 10 ln 1.5 ln 2.1 ln 2.75 ln 4 ln 10 ln
1A - 10A Current UL Recognized 63mA - 10A Current
Recognized Component
TUV 1A - 10A 10.1A - 16A
1A - 4A 30 min 10 ms 2 sec 3 ms 300 ms 20 ms for Canada and US 63mA - 4A 60 min 30 min 10 ms 2 sec 3 ms 300 ms 20 ms
VDE 63mA - 10A
PSE 1A - 10A
5A - 6.3A 30 min 10 ms 3 sec 3 ms 300 ms 20 ms 5A - 6.3A 60 min 30 min 10 ms 3 sec 3 ms 300 ms 20 ms
CSA Acceptance 63mA - 10A
KTL 1A - 10A
8A - 10A 30 min 40 ms 20 sec 10 ms 1 sec 30 ms 8A - 16A 30 min 30 min 40 ms 20 sec 10 ms 1 sec 30 ms
TUV 12.5A / 16A
CQC 1A - 10A
PSE 1A - 5A
Nominal Voltage Nominal
KTL 63mA - 6.3A Catalog Ampere Voltage
Nominal Voltage Nominal Resistance Drop (mv) Melting l2t
Catalog Ampere Voltage Number Rating (ln) Rating (V)
Resistance Drop (mv) Melting l2t Cold Ohms MAX A2 Sec
Interrupting Rating Number Rating (ln) Rating (V) CQC 8A / 10A
Cold Ohms MAX A2 Sec
UBM .063 63mA 10.390 8800 0.00079
1500 amperes at 250V AC UBM-P 001 1A 0.0937 1000 1.1151 CCC 63mA - 6.3A
UBM .080 80mA 7.7820 7600 0.00128
UBM-P 1.25 1.25A 0.1420 800 0.8010 BSI 63mA - 6.3A UBM .100 100mA 6.3375 7000 0.00200
UBM-P 1.60 1.6A 0.0971 600 1.5660
SEMKO 63mA - 6.3A UBM .125 125mA 3.3280 5000 0.00770
UBM-P 002 2A 0.0642 500 3.5280 UBM .160 160mA 2.7060 4300 0.01272
Product Characteristics
UBM-P 2.50 2.5A 0.0503 400 4.6260 UBM .200 200mA 2.0270 3500 0.06300
Operating Temperature -55 ºC to 125 ºC UBM-P 3.15 3.15A 250V 0.0362 350 9.4050 Interrupting Rating UBM .250 250mA 1.4370 2800 0.08820
UBM-P 004 4A 0.0239 300 20.664 UBM .315 315mA 0.9381 2500 0.08905
Body: Ceramic 1500 amperes at 250V AC
Material UBM-P 005 5A 0.0185 250 27.630
Caps: Nickel Plated Brass UBM .400 400mA 0.3740 2000 0.14400
UBM-P 6.30 6.3A 0.0140 200 68.580 UBM .500 500mA 0.2500 1800 0.20700
Ø0.65 mm 6.3A and less.
Leads Wire UBM-P 008 8A 0.0098 200 79.488
Ø0.8 mm 8A/10A Product Characteristics UBM .630 630mA 0.1624 1500 0.36512
UBM-P 010 10A 0.0069 200 189.00 UBM .800 800mA 0.1132 1200 0.58481
Operating Temperature -55 ºC to 125 ºC
UBM 001 1A 0.0910 1000 0.91982
Body: Ceramic UBM 1.25 1.25A 250V 0.1462 800 0.80190
Packaging Caps: Nickel Plated Brass
UBM 1.60 1.6A 0.0916 600 1.34055

Packaging Option Quantity UBM 002 2A 0.0727 500 1.87920

Packaging UBM 2.50 2.5A 0.0509 400 4.50810

Bulk 500 pcs / box
UBM 3.15 3.15A 0.0370 350 7.13700
Packaging Option Quantity
UBM 004 4A 0.0283 300 14.5440
On Axial Tape & Reel 1,000 pcs / box
UBM 005 5A 0.0208 250 23.7780
Bulk 1,000 pcs / box
UBM 6.30 6.3A 0.0150 200 38.8863

UBM 008 8A 0.0106 200 91.5381

Mechanical Dimensions (mm) Mechanical Dimensions (mm) UBM 010 10A 0.0075 200 189.180

UBM 012 12A 0.0058 200 296.369

5.2 +0.1

5.2 +0.1

UBM 12.5 12.5A 0.0055 200 323.438

UBM 015 15A 0.0047 200 412.420

UBM 016 16A 0.0040 200 462.274

20.0±0.5 40.0±2.0 20.0±0.5
70 | Axial Lead & Cartridge Fuse Axial Lead & Cartridge Fuse | 71

5.2Ø x 20 mm 5.2Ø x 20 mm
Fast-Acting Fuse Fast-Acting Fuse

Safety Approvals Electrical Characteristics Safety Approvals Electrical Characteristics

Agency Ampere Rating Opening Time Agency Ampere Rating Opening Time
Rated Rated
1.5 ln 2.1 ln 2.75 ln 4 ln 10 ln Recognized Component 1 ln 2.1 ln 2.75 ln 4 ln 10 ln
1500 amperes at 250V AC Current 8A - 25A Current
UL Recognized 63mA - 10A
TUV 8A - 25A
Recognized Component 63mA - 4A 60 min 30 min 10 ms 2 sec 3 ms 300 ms 20 ms 8A - 25A 60 min 30 min 40 ms 20 sec 10 ms 1 sec 30 ms
10.1A - 16A
for Canada and US
5A - 6.3A 60 min 30 min 10 ms 3 sec 3 ms 300 ms 20 ms
VDE 63mA - 10A

CSA Acceptance 63mA - 10A 8A - 16A 30 min 30 min 40 ms 20 sec 10 ms 1 sec 30 ms Interrupting Rating
Nominal Nominal
Catalog Ampere Voltage
TUV 12.5A / 16A 300 amperes at 420V AC/DC Resistance Melting l2t
Number Rating (ln) Rating (V)
400 amperes at 450V DC Cold Ohms A2 Sec
PSE 1A - 5A 8A - 16A:
200 amperes at 500V AC
Nominal Voltage Nominal 200 amperes at 600V AC UBF / UBF-A 008 8A 0.01431 62.000
KTL 63mA - 6.3A Catalog Ampere Voltage
Resistance Drop (mv) Melting l2t
Number Rating (ln) Rating (V) UBF / UBF-A 010 10A 0.01033 128.00
Cold Ohms MAX A2 Sec 300 amperes at 420V DC
CQC 1A - 10A
400 amperes at 450V DC UBF / UBF-A 12.5 12.5A 0.00856 169.00
UBM-A .063 63mA 10.390 8800 0.00079 20A - 25A:
SEMKO 63mA - 6.3A 200 amperes at 420V AC UBF / UBF-A 015 15A 420V 0.00664 195.00
UBM-A .080 80mA 7.7820 7600 0.00128 200 amperes at 500V AC
500mA - 16A: 1500 amperes at 277V AC(optional) UBF / UBF-A 016 16A 0.00615 260.00
UBM-A .100 100mA 6.3375 7000 0.00200
UBF / UBF-A 020 20A 0.00417 395.00
Recognized Component UBM-A .125 125mA 3.3280 5000 0.00770
500mA - 16A
for Canada and US UBF / UBF-A 025 25A 0.00246 1250.0
UBM-A .160 160mA 2.7060 4300 0.01272 Product Characteristics
TUV 500mA - 16A
UBM-A .200 200mA 2.0270 3500 0.06300
Operating Temperature -55 ºC to 125 ºC
UBM-A .250 250mA 1.4370 2800 0.08820
Product Characteristics Mechanical Dimensions (mm)
UBM-A .315 315mA 0.9381 2500 0.08905 Body: Ceramic /
Operating Temperature -55 ºC to 125 ºC Caps: Nickel Plated Brass

- 0.2
5.2 +0.1
UBM-A .400 400mA 0.3740 2000 0.14400

UBM-A .500 500mA 0.2500 1800 0.20700 Ø1.0 mm 16A and less.
Body: Ceramic
Material Leads Wire Ø1.2 mm for rating above
Caps: Nickel Plated Brass UBM-A .630 630mA 0.1624 1500 0.36512
UBM-A .800 800mA 0.1132 1200 0.58481 20.0±0.5
Ø0.8 mm 12A and less.
Leads Wire Ø1.0 mm for rating above UBM-A 001 1A 0.0910 1000 0.91982

UBM-A 1.25 1.25A 250V 0.1462 800 0.80190
UBM-A 1.60 1.6A 0.0916 600 1.34055
UBM-A 002 2A 0.0727 500 1.87920 Packaging Option Quantity
21.0±0.75 38.0±2.0
Packaging Option Quantity UBM-A 2.50 2.5A 0.0509 400 4.50810
UBF: 1,000 pcs / box
UBM-A 3.15 3.15A 0.0370 350 7.13700 Bulk
UBF-A: 500 pcs / box
Bulk 500 pcs / box
UBM-A 004 4A 0.0283 300 14.5440
On Axial Tape & Reel 1,000 pcs / box
UBM-A 005 5A 0.0208 250 23.7780
On Axial Tape & Reel 1,000 pcs / box
UBM-A 6.30 6.3A 0.0150 200 38.8863

UBM-A 008 8A 0.0106 200 91.5381

Mechanical Dimensions (mm)
UBM-A 010 10A 0.0075 200 189.180

UBM-A 012 12A 0.0058 200 296.369


UBM-A 12.5 12.5A 0.0055 200 323.438

UBM-A 015 15A 0.0047 200 412.420

UBM-A 016 16A 0.0040 200 462.274

21.0±0.75 38.0±2.0
72 | Axial Lead & Cartridge Fuse Axial Lead & Cartridge Fuse | 73

5.2Ø x 20 mm 5.2Ø x 20 mm
Time-Lag Fuse Time-Lag Fuse

Safety Approvals Electrical Characteristics Safety Approvals Electrical Characteristics

Agency Ampere Rating Agency Ampere Rating Opening Time

Rated Rated
Recognized Component 2.1 ln 2.75 ln 4 ln 10 ln 1.5 ln 2.1 ln 2.75 ln 4 ln 10 ln
1A - 10A Current UL Recognized 500mA - 10A Current
Recognized Component
10.1A - 25A
TUV 1A - 10A for Canada and US
1A - 3.15A 30 min 750 ms 80 sec 95 ms 5 sec 10 ms 150 ms 60 30 250 80 50 5 5 150
500mA - 800mA
VDE 800mA - 12A min min ms sec ms sec ms ms
PSE 1A - 10A
4A - 6.3A 30 min 750 ms 80 sec 150 ms 5 sec 10 ms 150 ms CSA Acceptance 800mA - 10A 60 30 750 80 95 5 10 150
1A - 3.15A
KTL 1A - 10A min min ms sec ms sec ms ms
8A - 10A 30 min 750 ms 80 sec 150 ms 5 sec 10 ms 150 ms TUV 15A - 20A
60 30 750 80 150 5 10 150
CQC 1A - 10A PSE 1A - 15A 4A - 6.3A
min min ms sec ms sec ms ms
KTL 1A - 10A
30 30 750 80 150 5 10 150
8A - 25A
Nominal Voltage Nominal
CQC 8A / 10A min min ms sec ms sec ms ms
Catalog Ampere Voltage
Interrupting Rating Number Rating (ln) Rating (V)
Resistance Drop (mv) Melting l2t
CCC 1A - 6.3A
Cold Ohms MAX A2 Sec

1500 amperes at 250V AC BSI 1A - 6.3A

UDA-P 001 1A 0.0744 350 6.9120
SEMKO 800mA - 12A / 25A Nominal Voltage Nominal
UDA-P 1.25 1.25A 0.0618 300 9.0000 Catalog Ampere Voltage
Resistance Drop (mv) Melting l2t
Number Rating (ln) Rating (V)
UDA-P 1.60 1.6A 0.0781 200 6.2640 Cold Ohms MAX A2 Sec

Product Characteristics UDA-P 002 2A 0.0478 190 11.088 Interrupting Rating UDA .500 500mA 0.2276 850 0.7290
UDA-P 2.50 2.5A 0.0385 180 24.750 500mA - 12A: 1,500 amperes at 250V AC UDA .630 630mA 0.1392 650 1.6880
Operating Temperature -55 ºC to 125 ºC
UDA-P 3.15 3.15A 250V 0.0265 140 41.697 UDA .800 800mA 0.1180 500 2.3040
15A - 16A: 500 amperes at 250V AC
Body: Ceramic UDA-P 004 4A 0.0175 100 95.904 UDA 001 1A 0.0730 350 6.5570
Material 20A: 400 amperes at 250V AC
Caps: Nickel Plated Brass
UDA-P 005 5A 0.0130 100 112.50 UDA 1.25 1.25A 0.0630 300 7.8125
Ø0.65 mm 6.3A and less. UDA-P 6.30 6.3A 0.0099 100 130.10 25A: 300 amperes at 250V AC
Leads Wire UDA 1.60 1.6A 0.0600 200 8.9600
Ø0.8 mm 8A/10A
UDA-P 008 8A 0.0075 100 194.69 UDA 002 2A 0.0499 190 18.576
UDA-P 010 10A 0.0059 100 331.20 Product Characteristics UDA 2.50 2.5A 0.0384 180 29.070

UDA 3.15 3.15A 0.0290 140 39.564

Operating Temperature -55 ºC to 125 ºC
Packaging UDA 004 4A 250V 0.0186 100 97.920
Body: Ceramic UDA 005 5A 0.0135 100 166.77
Packaging Option Quantity Material
Caps: Nickel Plated Brass
UDA 6.30 6.3A 0.0105 100 198.48
Bulk 500 pcs / box UDA 008 8A 0.0068 100 230.19
Packaging UDA 010 10A 0.0050 100 377.77
On Axial Tape & Reel 1,000 pcs / box
Packaging Option Quantity UDA 012 12A 0.0034 100 848.88

UDA 015 15A 0.0032 100 900.32

Bulk 1,000 pcs / box UDA 016 16A 0.0030 100 1086.6
Mechanical Dimensions (mm) UDA 020 20A 0.0023 100 1687.0

Mechanical Dimensions (mm) UDA 025 25A 0.0018 100 4121.4

5.2 +0.1

5.2 +0.1

20.0±0.5 40.0±2.0

74 | Axial Lead & Cartridge Fuse Axial Lead & Cartridge Fuse | 75

5.2Ø x 20 mm 5.2Ø x 20 mm
Time-Lag Fuse Time-Lag Fuse

Safety Approvals Electrical Characteristics Safety Approvals Electrical Characteristics

Agency Ampere Rating Opening Time Agency Ampere Rating Opening Time
Rated Rated
1.5 ln 2.1 ln 2.75 ln 4 ln 10 ln Recognized Component 1.5 ln 2.1 ln 2.75 ln 4 ln 10 ln
UL Recognized 500mA - 10A Current 500mA - 25A Current
Recognized Component
10.1A - 25A
for Canada and US TUV 500mA - 25A
60 30 250 80 50 5 5 150 60 30 250 80 50 5 5 150
500mA - 800mA 500mA - 800mA
VDE 800mA - 12A min min ms sec ms sec ms ms min min ms sec ms sec ms ms

CSA Acceptance 800mA - 10A 60 30 750 80 95 5 10 150 Interrupting Rating 60 30 750 80 95 5 10 150
1A - 3.15A 1A - 3.15A
min min ms sec ms sec ms ms min min ms sec ms sec ms ms
TUV 15A - 25A
500mA - 25A: 100 amperes at 500V AC
60 30 750 80 150 5 10 150 60 30 750 80 150 5 10 150
PSE 1A - 15A 4A - 6.3A 4A - 6.3A
min min ms sec ms sec ms ms min min ms sec ms sec ms ms
500mA - 3.15A: 1,500 amperes at 500V DC
KTL 1A - 10A
30 30 750 80 150 5 10 150 30 30 750 80 150 5 10 150
8A - 25A 8A - 25A
CQC 8A / 10A min min ms sec ms sec ms ms 4A - 12A: 500 amperes at 500V DC min min ms sec ms sec ms ms

CCC 1A - 6.3A
16A - 25A: 400 amperes at 500V DC
Nominal Voltage Nominal
SEMKO 800mA - 12A Catalog Ampere Voltage
Resistance Drop (mv) Melting l2t
Number Rating (ln) Rating (V)
Cold Ohms MAX A2 Sec Nominal Voltage Nominal
Product Characteristics Catalog Ampere Voltage
Resistance Drop (mv) Melting l2t
Number Rating (ln) Rating (V)
UDA-A .500 500mA 0.2276 850 0.7290 Cold Ohms MAX A2 Sec
Interrupting Rating UDA-A .630 630mA 0.1392 650 1.6880
Operating Temperature -55 ºC to 125 ºC
UDE / UDE-A .500 500mA 0.1795 850 0.9128
UDA-A .800 800mA 0.1180 500 2.3040 Body: Ceramic /
500mA - 12A: 1,500 amperes at 250V AC UDE / UDE-A .630 630mA 0.1369 650 1.6324
UDA-A 001 1A 0.0730 350 6.5570 Caps: Nickel Plated Brass
15A - 16A: 500 amperes at 250V AC UDE / UDE-A .800 800mA 0.1029 500 2.7936
UDA-A 1.25 1.25A 0.0630 300 7.8125 Ø0.8 mm 12A and less.
20A: 400 amperes at 250V AC UDE / UDE-A 001 1A 0.0710 350 4.2017
UDA-A 1.60 1.6A 0.0600 200 8.9600 Leads Wire Ø1.0 mm for rating above
16A. UDE / UDE-A 1.25 1.25A 0.0551 300 8.3700
25A: 300 amperes at 250V AC UDA-A 002 2A 0.0499 190 18.576
UDE / UDE-A 1.60 1.6A 0.0690 200 9.1332
UDA-A 2.50 2.5A 0.0384 180 29.070
UDE / UDE-A 002 2A 0.0521 190 9.8964
UDA-A 3.15 3.15A 0.0290 140 39.564 Packaging
UDE / UDE-A 2.50 2.5A 0.0411 180 20.053
UDA-A 004 4A 250V 0.0186 100 97.920
Product Characteristics Packaging Option Quantity UDE / UDE-A 3.15 3.15A 0.0294 140 39.650
UDA-A 005 5A 0.0135 100 166.77 500V
Operating Temperature -55 ºC to 125 ºC UDA-A 6.30 6.3A 0.0105 100 198.48 UDE: 1,000 pcs / box UDE / UDE-A 004 4A 0.0193 100 78.739
UDA-A 008 8A 0.0068 100 230.19
UDE-A: 500 pcs / box UDE / UDE-A 005 5A 0.0137 100 97.946
Body: Ceramic
Material UDA-A 010 10A 0.0050 100 377.77 UDE / UDE-A 6.30 6.3A 0.0113 100 117.15
Caps: Nickel Plated Brass On Axial Tape & Reel 1,000 pcs / box
UDA-A 012 12A 0.0034 100 848.88 UDE / UDE-A 008 8A 0.0058 100 209.32
Ø0.8 mm 12A and less.
UDA-A 015 15A 0.0032 100 900.32 UDE / UDE-A 010 10A 0.0050 100 382.68
Leads Wire Ø1.0 mm for rating above
15A. UDA-A 016 16A 0.0030 100 1086.6
Mechanical Dimensions (mm) UDE / UDE-A 012 12A 0.0049 100 578.15
UDA-A 020 20A 0.0023 100 1687.0 UDE / UDE-A 016 16A 0.0033 100 1049.2
- 0.2
5.2 +0.1

UDA-A 025 25A 0.0018 100 4121.4 UDE / UDE-A 020 20A 0.0024 100 1733.0

UDE / UDE-A 025 25A 0.0016 100 4127.1

Mechanical Dimensions (mm)
Packaging Option Quantity


Bulk 500 pcs / box

On Axial Tape & Reel 1,000 pcs / box

21.0±0.75 38.0±2.0 21.0±0.75 38.0±2.0
76 | Axial Lead & Cartridge Fuse Axial Lead & Cartridge Fuse | 77

6.3Ø x 25.4 mm 6.3Ø x 25.4 mm
British Fuse Time-Lag Fuse
Custom-designed for 4G base stations

Safety Approvals Electrical Characteristics Safety Approvals Electrical Characteristics

Agency Ampere Rating Opening Time Agency Ampere Rating Opening Time
Rated Rated
1.6 ln 1.9 In Recognized Component 1 In 2 In
CCC 1A - 13A Current 1A - 50A Current
MIN MAX for Canada and U.S MIN MAX
ASTA 1A - 13A
1A - 13A 0.5 hr 0.5 hr 1A - 50A 4 hr 120 sec

Interrupting Rating
3,000 amperes at 60V AC/DC
Interrupting Rating 1,500 amperes at 125V AC
Nominal Wates Loes Nominal 1A - 30A: Nominal Nominal
Catalog Ampere Voltage 2,000 amperes at 125V DC Catalog Ampere Voltage
6,000 amperes at 240V AC Number Rating (ln) Rating (V)
Resistance 100% In(n) Melting l2t
1,500 amperes at 250V AC Number Rating (ln) Rating (V)
Resistance Melting l2t
Cold Ohms Max A2 Sec Cold Ohms A2 Sec
2,000 amperes at 60V AC/DC
UXT 003 3A 0.0383 1W 19.00 1,500 amperes at 125V AC AXT / AXT-A 005 5A 0.0199 43.290
35A - 50A:
UXT 005 5A 0.0186 1W 81.00 2,000 amperes at 125V DC AXT / AXT-A 006 6A 0.0173 76.824
Product Characteristics 1,500 amperes at 250V AC
UXT 007 7A 240V 0.0115 1W 196.0 AXT / AXT-A 010 10A 0.0078 319.20
Operating Temperature -55 ºC to 125 ºC UXT 010 10A 0.0065 1W 576.0 AXT / AXT-A 015 15A 0.0051 657.55
UXT 013 13A 0.0047 1W 1000.0 AXT / AXT-A 020 20A 0.0039 1084.5
Body: Ceramic /
* I²t values stated for 10 msec opening time Product Characteristics
Material Caps: Nickel Plated AXT / AXT-A 030 30A 0.0020 3858.3
Copper Alloy AXT / AXT-A 040 40A 0.0013 9273.6
Operating Temperature -55 ºC to 125 ºC
AXT / AXT-A 050 50A 0.0010 15868
Body: Ceramic /
Caps: Tin Plated Brass
Ø0.8 mm 12A and less.
Packaging Option Quantity Ø1.0 mm for rating above Mechanical Dimensions (mm)
Leads Wire 13A to 19A.
Ø1.2 mm for rating above

Bulk 500 pcs / box

25.4 +0.1
Mechanical Dimensions (mm) Packaging

- 0.05

Packaging Option Quantity


AXT: 500 pcs / box

AXT-A: 250 pcs / box 26.8±0.75 38.0±2.0
25.4 +0.8
78 | Axial Lead & Cartridge Fuse Axial Lead & Cartridge Fuse | 79

6.3Ø x 32 mm 6.3Ø x 32 mm
Fast-Acting Fuse Time-Lag Fuse

Safety Approvals Electrical Characteristics Safety Approvals Electrical Characteristics

Agency Ampere Rating Opening Time Agency Ampere Rating Opening Time

Rated Current 1 ln 1.35 In 2 In Rated Current 1 ln 1.35 In 2 In

UL Listed 10mA - 10A UL Listed 500mA - 8A
UL Recognized 12A - 30A CSA Certified 500mA - 8A

CSA Certified 10mA - 30A 500mA - 30A 4 hr 1 hr 5 sec ATE: 1A - 8A (250V) 500mA - 8A 4 hr 1 hr 2 sec 12 sec
PSE 1A - 5A (125V / 32V)
AFE: 1A - 10A (250V)
Above 30A 4 hr 1 hr 120 sec ATP-A: 1A - 8A
PSE 1A - 5A (125V / 32V)
AFP-A: 1A - 10A
Nominal Nominal Nominal Nominal
Interrupting Rating Catalog Ampere Voltage Catalog Ampere Voltage
Resistance Melting l2t Interrupting Rating Resistance Melting l2t
Number Rating (ln) Rating (V) Number Rating (ln) Rating (V)
Cold Ohms A2 Sec Cold Ohms A2 Sec
500mA - 10A: 10,000 amperes at 125V AC
500mA - 10A: 10,000 amperes at 125V AC
500mA - 1A: 35 amperes at 250V AC AFE / AFP-A .500 500mA 0.5955 0.1603 ATE / ATP-A .500 500mA 0.7628 0.2931
500mA - 1A: 35 amperes at 250V AC
AFE / AFP-A .600 600mA 0.4523 0.2013 ATE / ATP-A .600 600mA 0.4902 0.4970
1.2A - 3.5A: 100 amperes at 250V AC
AFE / AFP-A .630 630mA 0.4287 0.2143 1.2A - 3.5A: 100 amperes at 250V AC ATE / ATP-A .630 630mA 0.4895 0.5650
3.75A - 10A: 200 amperes at 250V AC AFE / AFP-A .700 700mA 0.3500 0.2646
3.75A - 8A: 200 amperes at 250V AC ATE / ATP-A .700 700mA 0.4123 0.7610
300 amperes at 32V AC AFE / AFP-A .750 750mA 0.3133 0.3544
ATE / ATP-A 750 750mA 0.3739 0.9455
12A - 30A: 200 amperes at 125V AC AFE / AFP-A .800 800mA 0.2668 0.4032
100 amperes at 250V AC ATE / ATP-A 800 800mA 0.3354 1.3788
AFE / AFP-A 001 1A 0.1978 0.7200
Product Characteristics
ATE / ATP-A 001 1A 0.2184 2.4644
Product Characteristics AFE / AFP-A 1.20 1.2A 0.1445 1.1664
AFE / AFP-A 1.50 1.5A 0.1165 1.8225 Operating Temperature -55 ºC to 125 ºC ATE / ATP-A 1.25 1.25A 0.1481 5.3063
Operating Temperature -55 ºC to 125 ºC AFE / AFP-A 1.60 1.6A 0.0979 2.0736 ATE / ATP-A 1.50 1.5A 0.1171 7.9578
Body: Glass /
AFE / AFP-A 002 2A 0.0716 5.7154 Material ATE / ATP-A 002 2A 0.0735 18.603
Body: Glass / Caps: Nickel Plated Brass 250V
Material AFE / AFP-A 2.50 2.5A 0.0572 8.7581
Caps: Nickel Plated Brass ATE / ATP-A 2.50 2.5A 0.0569 30.076
AFE / AFP-A 003 3A 250V 0.0422 13.885 Leads Wire Ø0.8 mm 12A and less. ATE / ATP-A 003 3A 0.0483 42.152
Ø0.8 mm 12A and less.
AFE / AFP-A 3.15 3.15A 0.0401 13.926
Ø1.0 mm for rating above ATE / ATP-A 3.50 3.5A 0.0377 67.156
Leads Wire 13A to 19A. AFE / AFP-A 3.20 3.2A 0.0396 14.280
ATE / ATP-A 004 4A 0.0309 92.160
Ø1.2 mm for rating above AFE / AFP-A 3.50 3.5A 0.0350 18.879 Packaging
20A. ATE / ATP-A 005 5A 0.0152 95.562
AFE / AFP-A 004 4A 0.0313 26.208
Packaging Option Quantity ATE / ATP-A 006 6A 0.0135 170.61
Packaging AFE / AFP-A 4.50 4.5A 0.0252 38.088
AFE / AFP-A 005 5A 0.0230 49.968 ATE / ATP-A 6.30 6.3A 0.0114 186.38
ATE: 500 pcs / box
Packaging Option Quantity AFE / AFP-A 006 6A 0.0205 70.378 Bulk ATE / ATP-A 007 7A 0.0105 221.77
ATP-A: 250 pcs / box
AFE / AFP-A 6.30 6.3A 0.0172 84.199 ATE / ATP-A 008 8A 0.0097 314.55
AFE: 500 pcs / box
Bulk AFE / AFP-A 007 7A 0.0158 111.50
AFP-A: 250 pcs / box ATE / ATP-A 010 10A 0.0070 504.56
AFE / AFP-A 7.50 7.5A 0.0148 124.87
Mechanical Dimensions (mm)
Mechanical Dimensions (mm) AFE / AFP-A 008 8A 0.0136 137.35
AFE / AFP-A 010 10A 0.0107 209.95

AFE / AFP-A 012 12A 0.0085 362.88

AFE / AFP-A 013 13A 0.0074 425.88
AFE / AFP-A 015 15A 0.0064 583.20
31.75±0.75 31.75±0.75
AFE / AFP-A 016 16A 0.0062 615.00


AFE / AFP-A 018 18A 0.0049 933.12

AFE / AFP-A 020 20A 0.0045 1080.0
AFE / AFP-A 025 25A 0.0036 2475.0

33.0±0.75 38.0±2.0 AFE / AFP-A 030 30A 0.0024 4412.9 33.0±0.75 38.0±2.0
80 | Axial Lead & Cartridge Fuse Axial Lead & Cartridge Fuse | 81

6.3Ø x 32 mm 6.3Ø x 32 mm
Time-Lag Fuse Super Fast-Acting Fuse

Safety Approvals Electrical Characteristics Safety Approvals Electrical Characteristics

Opening Time Opening Time
Agency Ampere Rating Agency Ampere Rating
Rated Current 1 ln 1.35 In 2 In
ADL: 200mA - 10A Recognized Component Rated Current 1 ln 1.35 In 2.5 In
UL Listed MIN MAX MIN MAX 1A - 30A
ADP-A: 200mA - 8A for Canada and US MIN MAX MAX
Recognized Component ADL: 10.1A - 30A 200mA - 3A 4 hr 1 hr 5 sec 120 sec
for Canada and US ADP-A: 8.1A - 30A 3.15A - 30A 4 hr 1 hr 12 sec 120 sec 1A - 15A 4 hr 120 sec 0.2 sec
ADL: 200mA - 10A Above 30A 4 hr 1 hr 12 sec -
CSA Certified
ADP-A: 200mA - 8A Interrupting Rating 15.1A - 30A 4 hr 300 sec 3 sec
ADL: 1A - 15A (250V)
PSE 1A - 5A (125V / 32V) Nominal Nominal 1A - 20A: 200 amperes at 500V AC/DC
Catalog Ampere Voltage
ADP-A: 1A - 15A Resistance Melting l2t
Number Rating (ln) Rating (V)
Cold Ohms A2 Sec 20.1A - 30A: 100 amperes at 500V AC/DC
Interrupting Rating ADL / ADP-A .200 200mA 6.6545 0.1400 Catalog Ampere Voltage
Nominal Nominal

ADL / ADP-A .250 250mA 3.4490 0.1875 Resistance Melting l2t

Number Rating (ln) Rating (V)
200mA - 10A: 10,000 amperes at 125V AC Cold Ohms A2 Sec
ADL / ADP-A .300 300mA 3.1170 0.7477
200mA - 1A: 35 amperes at 250V AC ADL / ADP-A .315 315mA 2.9595 0.7520 ABB / ABB-A 001 1A 0.2399 1.1952
ADL / ADP-A .350 350mA 2.9590 0.9211 Product Characteristics
1.2A - 3.5A: 100 amperes at 250V AC ADL / ADP-A .375 375mA 1.9532 1.0078
ABB / ABB-A 1.60 1.6A 0.1149 2.3454

ADL / ADP-A .400 400mA 1.9175 1.0944 Operating Temperature -55 ºC to 125 ºC ABB / ABB-A 002 2A 0.0840 3.8160
3.75A - 30A: 200 amperes at 250V AC
ADL / ADP-A .500 500mA 1.0522 4.5000 ABB / ABB-A 005 5A 0.0503 12.667
10.1A - 30A: 1,000 amperes at 32V AC Body: Ceramic /
ADL / ADP-A .600 600mA 0.7820 5.2000 Material
Caps: Nickel Plated Brass ABB / ABB-A 6.30 6.3A 0.0337 31.910
ADL / ADP-A .630 630mA 0.7300 5.6700
Product Characteristics ADL / ADP-A .700 700mA 0.6042 7.0560 Ø0.8 mm 12A and less. ABB / ABB-A 010 10A 500V 0.0195 98.280
ADL / ADP-A .800 800mA 0.5074 10.620 Ø1.0 mm for rating above ABB / ABB-A 012 12A 0.0133 164.20
Operating Temperature -55 ºC to 125 ºC ADL / ADP-A 001 1A 0.3445 16.740 Leads Wire 13A to 14A.
ABB / ABB-A 015 15A 0.0108 253.53
ADL / ADP-A 1.25 1.25A 0.2234 25.290 Ø1.2 mm for rating above
Body: Glass /
Material ADL / ADP-A 1.50 1.5A 0.1947 33.840 15A. ABB / ABB-A 020 20A 0.0067 464.40
Caps: Nickel Plated Brass
ADL / ADP-A 1.60 1.6A 0.1707 37.260 ABB / ABB-A 025 25A 0.0041 1512.0
Ø0.8 mm 12A and less. ADL / ADP-A 1.75 1.75A 0.1401 77.220
ABB / ABB-A 030 30A 0.0036 1986.1
Ø1.0 mm for rating above ADL / ADP-A 002 2A 0.1101 106.56
Leads Wire 13A to 19A. ADL / ADP-A 2.50 2.5A 0.0822 136.60
Ø1.2 mm for rating above
ADL / ADP-A 2.80 2.8A 0.0660 142.20
20A. 250V
ADL / ADP-A 003 3A 0.0648 202.50 Packaging Option Quantity
ADL / ADP-A 3.15 3.15A 0.0600 203.10
Packaging ADL / ADP-A 3.20 3.2A 0.0585 237.77 ABB: 500 pcs / box
Packaging Option Quantity
ADL / ADP-A 3.50 3.5A 0.0504 340.10 ABB-A: 250 pcs / box
ADL / ADP-A 004 4A 0.0399 360.00
ADL: 500 pcs / box ADL / ADP-A 005 5A 0.0301 498.64
Bulk ADL / ADP-A 006 6A 0.0216 857.22
ADP-A: 250 pcs / box
ADL / ADP-A 6.30 6.3A 0.0197 928.35
Mechanical Dimensions (mm)
Mechanical Dimensions (mm) ADL / ADP-A 007 7A 0.0167 999.48
ADL / ADP-A 7.50 7.5A 0.0163 1323.3


ADL / ADP-A 008 8A 0.0162 1910.1

ADL / ADP-A 010 10A 0.0113 2426.7
ADL / ADP-A 012 12A 0.0082 3393.7
ADL / ADP-A 013 13A 0.0081 4277.7
31.75±0.75 ADL / ADP-A 015 15A 0.0064 5561.0 31.75±0.75
ADL / ADP-A 016 16A 0.0063 5760.0


ADL / ADP-A 018 18A 0.0048 6872.4

ADL / ADP-A 020 20A 0.0028 7560.0
ADL / ADP-A 025 25A 0.0034 17663
33.0±0.75 38.0±2.0 ADL / ADP-A 030 30A 0.0026 24300 33.0±0.75 38.0±2.0
82 | Axial Lead & Cartridge Fuse Axial Lead & Cartridge Fuse | 83

6.3Ø x 32 mm 6.3Ø x 32 mm
Fast-Acting Fuse Fast-Acting Fuse

Safety Approvals Electrical Characteristics Safety Approvals Electrical Characteristics

Agency Ampere Rating Opening Time Agency Ampere Rating Opening Time

Rated Current 1 ln 1.35 In 2 In Rated Current 1 ln 1.35 In 2 In

UL Listed 10mA - 15A UL Listed 10mA - 15A
UL Recognized 15.1A - 30A UL Recognized 15.1A - 30A
Recognized Component 100mA - 30A 4 hr 1 hr 30 sec Recognized Component 100mA - 30A 4 hr 1 hr 30 sec
15.1A - 40A 15.1A - 30A
for Canada and US for Canada and US
CSA Certified 100mA - 15A Above 30A 4 hr 1 hr 120 sec CSA Certified 100mA - 15A Above 30A 4 hr 1 hr 120 sec

CSA Acceptance 15.1A - 25A CSA Acceptance 15.1A - 25A

PSE 5.1A - 15A (250V) Nominal Nominal PSE 5.1A - 15A (250V) Nominal Nominal
Catalog Ampere Voltage Catalog Ampere Voltage
Resistance Melting l2t Resistance Melting l2t
Number Rating (ln) Rating (V) Number Rating (ln) Rating (V)
Cold Ohms A2 Sec Cold Ohms A2 Sec
Interrupting Rating
Interrupting Rating ABE .100 100mA 14.600 0.0027 ABP-A .100 100mA 14.600 0.0027
ABE .125 125mA 10.200 0.0042 100mA - 20A: 10,000 amperes at 125V AC ABP-A .125 125mA 10.200 0.0042
100mA - 20A: 10,000 amperes at 125V AC ABE .150 150mA 7.7000 0.0061 100mA - 10A: 750 amperes at 250V DC ABP-A .150 150mA 7.7000 0.0061
100mA - 10A: 750 amperes at 250V DC ABE .160 160mA 7.0000 0.0069 ABP-A .160 160mA 7.0000 0.0069
100mA - 1A: 35 amperes at 250V AC
ABE .200 200mA 6.0000 0.0108 ABP-A .200 200mA 6.0000 0.0108
100mA - 1A: 35 amperes at 250V AC
ABE .250 250mA 3.6150 0.0141 1.25A - 3.5A: 100 amperes at 250V AC ABP-A .250 250mA 3.6150 0.0141
1.25A - 3.5A: 100 amperes at 250V AC ABE .300 300mA 2.8000 0.0243 ABP-A .300 300mA 2.8000 0.0243
3.75A - 10A: 200 amperes at 250V AC
3.75A - 10A: 200 amperes at 250V AC ABE .315 315mA 2.3000 0.0267 ABP-A .315 315mA 2.3000 0.0267
ABE .350 350mA 2.0000 0.0441 10.1A - 15A: 750 amperes at 250V AC/DC ABP-A .350 350mA 2.0000 0.0441
10.1A - 15A: 750 amperes at 250V AC/DC ABE .375 375mA 1.9540 0.0443 15.1A - 20A: 750 amperes at 250V AC/DC ABP-A .375 375mA 1.9540 0.0443
15.1A - 20A: 750 amperes at 250V AC/DC ABE .400 400mA 1.4000 0.0720 ABP-A .400 400mA 1.4000 0.0720
ABE .500 500mA 0.6879 0.1603 100 amperes at 250V AC
100 amperes at 250V AC ABP-A .500 500mA 0.6879 0.1603
ABE .600 600mA 0.4740 0.2013 20.1A - 30A: 400 amperes at 125V DC
20.1A - 30A: 400 amperes at 125V DC 1,000 amperes at 125V AC ABP-A .600 600mA 0.4740 0.2013
ABE .630 630mA 0.4287 0.2143
1,000 amperes at 125V AC ABP-A .630 630mA 0.4287 0.2143
ABE .700 700mA 0.3500 0.2646
Product Characteristics ABP-A .700 700mA 0.3500 0.2646
1,000 amperes at 250V AC ABE .750 750mA 0.3129 0.3544
30.1A - 40A: ABP-A .750 750mA 0.3129 0.3544
400 amperes at 150V DC ABE .800 800mA 0.2828 0.4032
Operating Temperature -55 ºC to 125 ºC ABP-A .800 800mA 0.2828 0.4032
ABE 001 1A 0.1886 0.7200
ABP-A 001 1A 0.1886 0.7200
ABE 1.25 1.25A 0.1428 1.2713
Product Characteristics Body: Ceramic / ABP-A 1.25 1.25A 0.1428 1.2713
ABE 1.50 1.5A 0.1132 1.8225 Material
Caps: Nickel Plated Brass ABP-A 1.50 1.5A 0.1132 1.8225
ABE 002 2A 0.1987 5.3880
250V ABP-A 002 2A 250V 0.1987 5.3880
Operating Temperature -55 ºC to 125 ºC ABE 2.50 2.5A 0.0794 5.6250
ABE 003 3A 0.0635 7.1280
Ø0.8 mm 12A and less. ABP-A 2.50 2.5A 0.0794 5.6250
Body: Ceramic / ABE 3.50 3.5A 0.0538 10.584
Ø1.0 mm for rating above ABP-A 003 3A 0.0635 7.1280
Material Leads Wire 13A to 19A. ABP-A 3.50 3.5A 0.0538 10.584
Caps: Nickel Plated Brass ABE 004 4A 0.0329 13.824
ABE 4.50 4.5A 0.0302 27.338
Ø1.2 mm for rating above ABP-A 004 4A 0.0329 13.824
ABE 005 5A 0.0286 33.750 20A. ABP-A 4.50 4.5A 0.0302 27.338
Packaging ABE 006 6A 0.0233 58.450 ABP-A 005 5A 0.0286 33.750
ABE 6.30 6.3A 0.0184 73.514 Packaging ABP-A 006 6A 0.0233 58.450
Packaging Option Quantity ABE 007 7A 0.0164 88.200 ABP-A 6.30 6.3A 0.0184 73.514
ABE 7.50 7.5A 0.0143 101.25 Packaging Option Quantity ABP-A 007 7A 0.0164 88.200
ABE 008 8A 0.0124 115.20 ABP-A 7.50 7.5A 0.0143 101.25
Bulk 500 pcs / box
ABE 010 10A 0.0105 255.46 Bulk 250 pcs / box ABP-A 008 8A 0.0124 115.20
ABE 012 12A 0.0086 398.39 ABP-A 010 10A 0.0105 255.46
ABE 013 13A 0.0085 517.14 ABP-A 012 12A 0.0086 398.39
Mechanical Dimensions (mm) ABE 015 15A 0.0061 567.00
Mechanical Dimensions (mm) ABP-A 013 13A 0.0085 517.14
ABE 016 16A 0.0060 645.12 ABP-A 015 15A 0.0061 567.00


ABE 018 18A 0.0055 874.80 ABP-A 016 16A 0.0060 645.12
ABE 020 20A 0.0044 1283.0 ABP-A 018 18A 0.0055 874.80
ABE 025 25A 0.0036 2691.0 ABP-A 020 20A 0.0044 1283.0
ABE 030 30A 0.0026 4155.3 ABP-A 025 25A 0.0036 2691.0
31.75±0.75 ABE 040 40A 0.0016 9100.8 33.0±0.75 38.0±2.0 ABP-A 030 30A 0.0026 4155.3
84 | Axial Lead & Cartridge Fuse Axial Lead & Cartridge Fuse | 85

6.3Ø x 32 mm 6.3Ø x 32 mm
Super Fast-Acting Fuse Time-Lag Fuse

Safety Approvals Electrical Characteristics Safety Approvals Electrical Characteristics

Agency Ampere Rating Opening Time Agency Ampere Rating Opening Time

Recognized Component Rated Current 1.5 ln 2 In 3 In ADA: 100mA - 20A Rated Current 1 ln 1.35 In 2 In
10A - 30A UL Listed
for Canada and US MAX MAX MAX APA-A: 100mA - 15A MIN MAX MIN MAX
UL Recognized APA-A only: 15.1A - 20A
10A - 30A 30 min 30 min 10 sec 100mA - 30A 4 hr 1 hr 2 sec 120 sec
Recognized Component
20.1A - 30A
Interrupting Rating for Canada and US

20,000 amperes at 450V AC CSA Certified 100mA - 15A

10A - 12A:
1,000 amperes at 250V DC Nominal Nominal
Nominal Nominal CSA Acceptance 15.1A - 20A Catalog Ampere Voltage
Catalog Ampere Voltage Resistance Melting l2t
Resistance Melting l t2 Number Rating (ln) Rating (V)
50,000 amperes at 500V AC Number Rating (ln) Rating (V) PSE 5.1A - 15A (250V) Cold Ohms A2 Sec
15A - 30A: Cold Ohms A2 Sec
20,000 amperes at 500V DC ADA / APA-A .100 100mA 16.570 0.0200
ABF / ABF-A 010 10A 0.0166 111.50 Interrupting Rating
450V / 250V ADA / APA-A .125 125mA 10.705 0.0313
15A - 25A: 10,000 amperes at 600V DC ABF / ABF-A 012 12A 0.0119 198.10 100mA - 30A: 10,000 amperes at 125V AC ADA / APA-A .150 150mA 9.5450 0.0563
ADA / APA-A .160 160mA 8.3850 0.0640
ABF / ABF-A 016 16A 0.0066 92.500 100mA - 1A: 35 amperes at 250V AC
ADA / APA-A .175 175mA 7.2250 0.0766
ABF / ABF-A 020 20A 500V / 600V 0.0054 136.70 1.25A - 3.5A: 100 amperes at 250V AC ADA / APA-A .180 180mA 6.0650 0.0879
Product Characteristics ABF / ABF-A 025 25A 0.0041 248.00 3.75A - 10A: 200 amperes at 250V AC ADA / APA-A .200 200mA 4.9050 0.1400
ABF / ABF-A 030 30A 500V 0.0036 322.00 10.1A - 15A: 750 amperes at 250V AC ADA / APA-A .250 250mA 4.3940 0.1875
Operating Temperature -55 ºC to 125 ºC ADA / APA-A .300 300mA 3.8881 0.7477
1,500 amperes at 250V AC (ADA)
15.1A - 20A: ADA / APA-A .315 315mA 3.8821 0.7520
400 amperes at 250V AC (APA-A)
ADA / APA-A .350 350mA 2.8762 0.9211
Body: Ceramic / 1,500 amperes at 250V AC
Material 20.1A - 30A: ADA / APA-A .375 375mA 2.2000 1.0078
Caps: Nickel Plated Brass 10,000 amperes at 125V DC
ADA / APA-A .400 400mA 1.5237 1.0944
Product Characteristics ADA / APA-A .500 500mA 0.8705 4.5000
Ø0.8 mm 19A and less.
Leads Wire Ø1.0 mm for rating above ADA / APA-A .600 600mA 0.5779 0.4970
Operating Temperature -55 ºC to 125 ºC
20A to 30A ADA / APA-A .700 700mA 0.4208 0.7610
Body: Ceramic / ADA / APA-A .750 750mA 0.3801 0.9455
Caps: Nickel Plated Brass ADA / APA-A .800 800mA 0.3425 1.3788
Ø0.8 mm 12A and less. ADA / APA-A 001 1A 0.2394 2.4644
Packaging Ø1.0 mm for rating above ADA / APA-A 1.25 1.25A 0.1667 5.3063
Leads Wire 13A to 19A. ADA / APA-A 1.50 1.5A 0.1234 7.5265
Packaging Option Quantity Ø1.2 mm for rating above ADA / APA-A 1.60 1.6A 0.1126 11.748
20A. ADA / APA-A 002 2A 0.1993 7.8624
ABF: 500 pcs / box Packaging ADA / APA-A 2.50 2.5A 0.1208 11.674
ABF-A: 250 pcs / box ADA / APA-A 003 3A 0.0885 16.061
Packaging Option Quantity ADA / APA-A 3.50 3.5A 0.0823 28.190
ADA: 500 pcs / box ADA / APA-A 004 4A 0.0592 40.320
Bulk ADA / APA-A 4.50 4.5A 0.0453 56.984
APA-A: 250 pcs / box
Mechanical Dimensions (mm) ADA / APA-A 005 5A 0.0401 73.647
Mechanical Dimensions (mm)
ADA / APA-A 006 6A 0.0308 116.96


ADA / APA-A 6.30 6.3A 0.0293 117.30

ADA / APA-A 007 7A 0.0156 119.50
ADA / APA-A 008 8A 0.0132 150.00
ADA / APA-A 010 10A 0.0098 270.00
31.75±0.75 31.75±0.75 ADA / APA-A 012 12A 0.0080 417.32
ADA / APA-A 013 13A 0.0076 587.91


ADA / APA-A 015 15A 0.0054 777.44

ADA / APA-A 020 20A 0.0043 1296.0
ADA / APA-A 025 25A 0.0030 2715.8
33.0±0.75 38.0±2.0 33.0±0.75 38.0±2.0 ADA / APA-A 030 30A 0.0024 4446.1
86 | Axial Lead & Cartridge Fuse Axial Lead & Cartridge Fuse | 87

AUE AUB Ordering Options

10.3Ø x 38.1 mm 10.3Ø x 38.1 mm
Tape/Reel Specifications
Fuse Type A (Pitch) B (Tape Width)

2.8 x 7.1 mm 5 mm 53.0 mm

Safety Approvals Product Characteristics 3.18 x 7.1 mm 5 mm 53.0 mm

3.6 x 10 mm 10 mm 56.5 mm
Agency Ampere Rating Operating Temperature -55 ºC to 125 ºC

Body: Ceramic / 4.5 x 14.5 mm 10 mm 56.5 mm

UL Listed 500mA - 3.5A
Material Caps: Nickel Plated Brass
Option: Nickel Plated Available 5 x 20 mm 10 mm 52.0 mm B
UL Recognized 4A - 30A
Ampere Rating 500mA to 80A 6 x 30 mm 10 mm 56.5 mm REEL Packaging
Recognized Component
30.1A - 60A
for Canada and US To order, please specify “TR” after part number, (i.e. GST-A 1A 250V TR)
Voltage Rating 600V and less
CSA Certified 500mA - 30A

Radial Lead Forming Dimensions

Product Characteristics Electrical Characteristics
Fuse Sizes
Operating Temperature -55 ºC to 125 ºC Opening Time
Pig Tail Shapes* 3.6 x 10 mm 4.5 x 14.5 mm 5 x 20 mm 6 x 30 mm
Body: Glass / Rated Current 1 ln 1.35 In 2 In
Caps: Nickel Plated Brass A** B** A** B** A** B** A** B**
Material MIN MAX MAX
Option: Nickel Plated / Gold
Plated Available AL 13.8 13.8 18.0 18.0 25.0 25.0 35.0 35.0
500mA - 80A 4 hr 1 hr 120 sec
Ampere Rating 500mA to 80 A AR 16.0 12.5 18.0 15.0 25.0 20.0 35.0 30.0

Voltage Rating 250V and less AK - - 18.0 16.0 26.0 21.5 36.0 32.0
AU 24.0 6.0 - - 31.5 5.8 - -
Packaging Option Quantity
Electrical Characteristics AUR 23.5 6.5 - - 32.6 6.5 - -

Bulk 150 pcs / box AUK 20.5 5.0 - - 31.3 6.0 - -

Opening Time

Rated Current 1 ln 1.35 In 1.5 In 2 In * To order, please specify “AL”, “AR”, “AK”, or “AU” (i.e. GST-AL 1A 250V)
** Different values of A & B are available. Please contact factory for details.
Mechanical Dimensions (mm)
500mA - 30A 4 hr 1 hr - 120 sec AL AR AK AU AUR AUK

Above 30A 4 hr - 1 hr 120 sec A A A


Packaging Option Quantity

Bulk 150 pcs / box B B B B B B


Mechanical Dimensions (mm)
• Pig-tail fuses are available with heat-shrink tubing covering the fuse body.
• Tubing prevents contact with live parts, prevents shorting to circuit traces,

and permits safe installation in tight spaces.

• Insulating tubing with ul listed and csa certified approval.

88 | Power Fuse Power Fuse | 89

10Ø x 38 mm
Over current protection in solar system

Safety Approvals Electrical Characteristics

Agency Ampere Rating Opening Time

Certified products for U.S. 1 ln 1.13 ln 1.35 ln 1.45 ln 2 ln
15A - 30A Current
TUV 15A - 30A 4 60 60 60 240
15A - 30A - - -
hr min min min sec
CQC 15A - 30A

Nominal Watts Loss Watts Loss Nominal

Interrupting Rating Catalog Ampere Voltage
Resistance 70% In 100% In Melting l2t
Number Rating (ln) Rating (V)
Cold Ohms (W) (W) A2 Sec
150,000 amperes at 600V AC
50,000 amperes at 600V DC K6F/K6F-R 015 15A 0.0081 2.2 5.4 51.64

K6F/K6F-R 020 20A 0.0049 2.6 6.3 206.48

UL248-19 50,000 amperes at 600V DC 600V
K6F/K6F-R 025 25A 0.0037 3.1 6.9 1067.18
IEC60269-6 K6F/K6F-R 030 30A 0.0028 3.5 7.6 1740.00
10,000 amperes at 600V DC
GB / T13539.6

Mechanical Dimensions(mm)
Product Characteristics
Operating Temperature -55 ºC to 125 ºC


Body: Ceramic /
Caps: Nickel Plated
Material Copper Alloy /

Power Fuse
Terminal: Tin Plated
38.0±0.6 39.35±0.5

Conquer’s power fuses, with voltage ratings up to 600V, offer Packaging

optimal protection against overload and short-circuit events Packaging Option Quantity

in high power AC/DC circuits. K6F:

10 pcs / inner box
10 inner box / outside box
50 pcs / set
20 set / box
90 | Power Fuse Power Fuse | 91

24.1Ø x 91.6 mm / 35.2Ø x 95.0 mm 10Ø x 38 mm
Ideal for use in electric vehicles Compliant with the LV 124 standard
charging protection boards

Safety Approvals Interrupting Rating Electrical Characteristics

Agency Ampere Rating 10,000 amperes at 450V DC Opening Time

Catalog Ampere Voltage
Recognized Component for
Number Rating (ln) Rating (V) 1 ln 1.1 ln 1.35 ln 1.5 ln
50A - 400A 20,000 amperes at 500V DC Current
K8F / K8F-A 050 50A
CCC 50A - 400A K8F / K8F-A 075 75A
30A 100 hr 4 hr 150 sec 3600 sec 10 sec 1000 sec
K8F / K8F-A 100 100A
K8F / K8F-A 125 125A Product Characteristics
K8F / K8F-A 150 150A
K8F / K8F-A 175 175A Operating Temperature -55 ºC to 125 ºC
Interrupting Rating K8F / K8F-A 200 200A Opening Time
K8F / K8F-A 225 225A Body: Ceramic / Rated
50,000 amperes at 800V AC Caps: Nickel Plated 2 ln 3 ln 5 ln
K8F / K8F-A 250 250A Current
20,000 amperes at 800V DC Material Copper Alloy /
Terminal: Tin Plated
K8F / K8F-A 350 350A Copper
K8F / K8F-A 400 400A 30A 500 ms 100 sec 100 ms 15 sec 50 ms 1 sec

Product Characteristics Packaging

Operating Temperature -55 ºC to 125 ºC Packaging Option Quantity
Nominal Nominal
Catalog Ampere Voltage Max Voltage
Body: Ceramic Packaging Option Quantity Resistance Melting l2t
50A-150A: 175A-400A: Number Rating (ln) Rating (V) Drop (mv)
Material Caps: Tin Plated Copper Bulk Cold Ohms A2 Sec
20 pcs / box 10 pcs / box 50 pcs / set
Terminal: Tin Plated Copper Bulk
20 set / box EVS 30 30A 450/500V 0.0025 3024.0 200 mv

Mechanical Dimensions (mm)

Mechanical Dimensions(mm)


E1 E2 W2
L1 W1 L2
B1 B2



D1 D2

K8F Series A1 B1 C1 D1 E1 H1 L1 T1 W1

50A - 150A 8.8±1.0 12.4±1.0 19.1±1.0 91.6±3.6 69.0±2.5 27.1±2.0 111.6±2.0 3.0±0.2 24.1±2.0

175A - 400A 10.5±1.0 15.1±1.0 26.0±1.0 95.0±4.5 69.2±2.5 38.2±2.0 117.6±2.0 3.2±0.2 35.2±2.0

K8F-A Series A2 B2 C2 D2 E2 H2 L2 T2 W2

50A - 150A 8.8±1.0 12.4±1.0 19.1±1.0 91.6±3.6 69.0±2.5 24.1±2.0 111.6±2.0 3.0±0.2 24.1±2.0

175A - 400A 10.5±1.0 15.1±1.0 26.0±1.0 95.0±4.5 69.2±2.5 35.2±2.0 117.6±2.0 6.0±0.2 35.2±2.0
92 | Power Fuse Power Fuse | 93

10.4Ø x 38.5 mm 14.6Ø x 38.5 mm
Designed for use in large-scale air Designed for over-current protection in
conditioning units high voltage applications

Safety Approvals Electrical Characteristics Safety Approvals Electrical Characteristics

Agency Ampere Rating Opening Time Agency Ampere Rating Opening Time
Rated Rated
Recognized Component 1 In 2 In Recognized Component 1 In 2 In
25A - 70A Current 25A - 63A Current
for Canada and US MIN MAX for Canada and US MIN MAX

25A - 70A 4 hr 120 sec 25A - 63A 4 hr 120 sec

Interrupting Rating
Interrupting Rating
1,500 amperes at 600V AC
2,000 amperes at 500V AC Nominal Nominal 2,000 amperes at 250V AC Nominal Nominal
2,000 amperes at 250V AC Catalog Ampere Voltage
Resistance Melting l2t 500 amperes at 125V DC Catalog Ampere Voltage
Resistance Melting l2t
1,000 amperes at 125V DC Number Rating (ln) Rating (V)
Cold Ohms A2 Sec
Number Rating (ln) Rating (V)
Cold Ohms A2 Sec

AUC 040 40A 0.0019 2616.00 ALC 063 63A 250V / 600V 0.0013∆ 9892.95
AUC 050 50A 0.0014 3975.00 Product Characteristics
AUC 063 63A 0.0011 6271.00
Product Characteristics Operating Temperature -55 ºC to 125 ºC
AUC 070 70A 0.0010 11760.0
Mechanical Dimensions(mm)
Operating Temperature -55 ºC to 125 ºC Body: Ceramic /
Caps: Nickel Plated 38.5±1.0 18.0±0.3
Body: Ceramic / Material Copper Alloy /
Caps: Nickel Plated Mechanical Dimensions(mm) Terminal: Tin Plated
Material Copper Alloy / Copper

Terminal: Tin Plated 38.5±1.0 14.0±0.3



Packaging Option Quantity

Bulk 60 pcs / box 8.0±0.2 2.0±0.2

Packaging Option Quantity 32.0±0.5
1.0±0.1 1.5±0.2
Bulk 80 pcs / box 6.25±0.2
94 | Power Fuse Power Fuse | 95

14.6Ø x 22.3 mm 17.4Ø x 42 mm
Suitable for the telecommunications Ideal for use in electric vehicles
industry charging protection boards

Safety Approvals Electrical Characteristics Safety Approvals

Agency Ampere Rating Opening Time Agency Ampere Rating Nominal Watts Loss Clearing at
Catalog Ampere Voltage
Resistance 100% In 240V l2t
Recognized Component Rated Current 1 ln 1.35 In 2 In Recognized Component
Number Rating (ln) Rating (V)
Cold Ohms (W) (A2 Sec)
40A - 80A 50A - 180A
for Canada and US MIN MAX MAX for Canada and US
BMC 050 50A 0.00183 8.800 2463.00
CCC 50A / 80A / 180A BMC 060 60A 0.00156 11.00 3574.30
31A - 60A 4 hr 1 hr 6 min
BMC 070 70A 0.00117 12.50 4047.00
Interrupting Rating 61A - 80A 4 hr 2 hr 8 min BMC 080 80A 0.00098 13.70 5447.00
100,000 amperes at 170V DC BMC 100 100A 0.00072 16.20 8352.00
Interrupting Rating
BMC 125 125A 0.00060 22.00 10077.0
160,000 amperes at 240V AC BMC 150 150A 0.00049 25.00 15100.0
Catalog Ampere Voltage
Nominal Nominal 50,000 amperes at 150V DC
Resistance Melting l2t BMC 180 180A 0.00038 25.00 17268.0
Product Characteristics Number Rating (ln) Rating (V)
Cold Ohms A2 Sec

Operating Temperature -55 ºC to 125 ºC AMC 040 40A 0.00156 1974

Body: Ceramic / AMC 050 50A 0.00123 4139 Product Characteristics Mechanical Dimensions(mm)
Caps: Nickel Plated AMC 060 60A 0.00090 6454
Material Copper Alloy / Operating Temperature -55 ºC to 125 ºC
AMC 080 80A 0.00074 8236
Terminal: Tin Plated

Copper * I²t test at 170V short circuit Body: Ceramic /
Caps: Tin Plated

Material Copper Alloy /
Mechanical Dimensions(mm) Terminal: Tin Plated
AMC-LS 14.6±0.2 AMC-V 26.75±2.45 17.4±0.3
Packaging Option Quantity 56.0±2.4

Packaging 9.7±1.8
Bulk 10 pcs / box

Packaging Option Quantity



ref. Bulk 10 pcs / box

23.96±0.52 12.7±0.2 42.0±3.0

22.36±0.52 18.78±0.52
96 | Fuse Accessories Fuse Accessories | 97

Mini-Blade Type, Transparent Body Blade Type, Transparent Body

Ampere Rating Body Color Voltage Rating Ampere Rating Body Color Voltage Rating

2A Gray 2A Gray

3A Violet 3A Violet

4A Pink
4A Light Pink
5A Tan
5A Tan
7.5 A Brown
7.5 A Brown
32 V 10 A Red 32 V
10 A Red
15 A Light Blue
15 A Light Blue
20 A Yellow
20 A Yellow
25 A Natural

25 A Natural 30 A Light Green

30 A Light Green 35 A Purple

Fuse Accessories
Fuse accessories are designed to make the fuse to be easily in-
stalled and replaced. They can be used for varies of circuits and
industrial applications. There are several surface coatings and
materials to satisfy the requirements of specific rated current,
dielectric strength and insulation resistance.
98 | Resettable Fuse Resettable Fuse | 99

Polymeric Positive Temperature Coefficient (PPTC) Product Characteristics

Operating Temperature -40 ºC to +85 ºC

Maximum Device Surface Temperature In Tripped State, 125 ºC

Passive Aging 85 ºC, 1000 hours, ±5% Typical Resistance Change

Humidity Aging 85 ºC, 85% R.H., 1000 hours, ±5% Typical Resistance Change

Thermal Shock +85 ºC to -40 ºC, 20 times, ±10% Typical Resistance Change
Safety Approvals Packaging
Vibration MIL-STD-202, Method 201, 1 No Change
Agency Agency File Number Packaging Option Applicable Products Quantity

Bulk All 500 pieces per box

UL E201504 / E319079
R30-090 to R30-250 3,000 pieces per box Mechanical Dimensions
Ammo Pack
TUV R50274672 A E
R30-300 to R30-400 1,500 pieces per box

Electrical Properties

Maximum Time to Trip Resistance Agency Approval
Vmax lmax lhold at ltrip at Pd max
(VDC)1 (A)2 25ºC (A)3 25ºC (A)4 (W)5 Current (A) Time (Sec) Rimin (Ω)6 UL TUV-PS
Rimax (Ω)6 R1max (Ω)7

R30-030 30 40 0.30 0.60 0.44 8.00 0.3 0.370 0.720 1.080

R30-040 30 40 0.40 0.80 0.45 8.00 0.3 0.250 0.430 0.645

R30-050 30 40 0.50 1.00 0.46 8.00 0.3 0.150 0.400 0.600

R30-065 30 40 0.65 1.30 0.47 8.00 0.4 0.120 0.300 0.450

R30-075 30 40 0.75 1.50 0.48 8.00 0.4 0.100 0.250 0.375

Physical Dimension
R30-090 30 40 0.90 1.80 0.60 4.50 5.9 0.070 0.145 0.220 • •
Physical Dimensions (Unit: mm/In)
R30-110 30 40 1.10 2.20 0.70 5.50 6.6 0.050 0.120 0.170 • •
Model Material Lead Style
R30-135 30 40 1.35 2.70 0.80 6.75 7.3 0.040 0.085 0.130 • • A (Max.) B (Max.) C (Typ.) D (Min.) E (Max.)

R30-160 30 40 1.60 3.20 0.90 8.00 8.0 0.030 0.070 0.110 • • R30-030 7.4 / 0.29 10.2 / 0.40 5.1 / 0.2 7.6 / 0.3 3.0 / 0.12 Straight

R30-040 7.4 / 0.29 11.4 / 0.45 5.1 / 0.2 7.6 / 0.3 3.0 / 0.12 Straight
R30-185 30 40 1.85 3.70 1.00 9.25 8.7 0.030 0.060 0.090 • •
R30-050 7.4 / 0.29 11.4 / 0.45 5.1 / 0.2 7.6 / 0.3 3.0 / 0.12 Straight
R30-250 30 40 2.50 5.00 1.20 12.50 10.3 0.020 0.040 0.070 • •
R30-065 7.4 / 0.29 11.4 / 0.45 5.1 / 0.2 7.6 / 0.3 3.0 / 0.12 Straight
R30-300 30 40 3.00 6.00 2.00 15.00 10.8 0.020 0.050 0.080 • •
R30-075 7.4 / 0.29 11.4 / 0.45 5.1 / 0.2 7.6 / 0.3 3.0 / 0.12 Straight
Tin Plated Copper-Clad Steel
R30-400 30 40 4.00 8.00 2.50 20.00 12.7 0.010 0.030 0.050 • •
R30-090 (24 AWG), 7.4 / 0.29 12.2 / 0.48 5.1 / 0.2 7.6 / 0.3 3.0 / 0.12 Kink
R30-500 30 40 5.00 10.00 3.00 25.00 14.5 0.010 0.030 0.050 • • Ø 0.51 mm (0.020 in)
R30-110 7.4 / 0.29 14.2 / 0.56 5.1 / 0.2 7.6 / 0.3 3.0 / 0.12 Kink

R30-600 30 40 6.00 12.00 3.50 30.00 16.0 0.005 0.020 0.040 • • R30-135 8.9 / 0.35 13.5 / 0.53 5.1 / 0.2 7.6 / 0.3 3.0 / 0.12 Kink

R30-700 30 40 7.00 14.00 3.80 35.00 17.5 0.005 0.020 0.030 • • R30-160 8.9 / 0.35 15.2 / 0.60 5.1 / 0.2 7.6 / 0.3 3.0 / 0.12 Kink

R30-800 30 40 8.00 16.00 4.00 40.00 18.8 0.005 0.020 0.020 • • R30-185 10.2 / 0.40 15.7 / 0.62 5.1 / 0.2 7.6 / 0.3 3.0 / 0.12 Kink

R30-250 11.4 / 0.45 18.3 / 0.72 5.1 / 0.2 7.6 / 0.3 3.0 / 0.12 Kink
R30-900 30 40 9.00 18.00 4.20 40.00 20.0 0.005 0.010 0.020 • •
R30-300 11.4 / 0.45 17.3 / 0.68 5.1 / 0.2 7.6 / 0.3 3.0 / 0.12 Straight
• Vmax = Maximum voltage that device can withstand without damage at rated current (lmax)
R30-400 14.0 / 0.55 20.1 / 0.79 5.1 / 0.2 7.6 / 0.3 3.0 / 0.12 Straight
• lmax = Maximum fault current device can withstand without damage at rated voltage (vmax)
• Ihold = hold current: maximum current device with sustain for 4 hours without tripping (at 25 ºC, still air) R30-500 14.0 / 0.55 24.9 / 0.98 10.2 / 0.4 7.6 / 0.3 3.0 / 0.12 Straight
Tin Plated Copper (20 AWG),
• ltrip = trip current: minimum current at which the device will trip (at 25 ºC, still air) R30-600 16.5 / 0.65 24.9 / 0.98 10.2 / 0.4 7.6 / 0.3 3.0 / 0.12 Straight
Ø 0.81 mm (0.032 in)
• Pd = power dissipated from device when in the tripped state (at 25 ºC, still air) R30-700 19.1 / 0.75 26.7 / 1.05 10.2 / 0.4 7.6 / 0.3 3.0 / 0.12 Straight
• Rimin/max = minimum/maximum resistance of device in initial (un-soldered) state
R30-800 21.6 / 0.85 29.2 / 1.15 10.2 / 0.4 7.6 / 0.3 3.0 / 0.12 Straight
• R1max = maximum resistance of device at 25 ºC, measured one hour after tripping
CAUTION: operation beyond the specified ratings may result in damage and possible arcing and flame R30-900 24.1 / 0.95 29.7 / 1.17 10.2 / 0.4 7.6 / 0.3 3.0 / 0.12 Straight
100 | Resettable Fuse Resettable Fuse | 101

Polymeric Positive Temperature Coefficient (PPTC) Product Characteristics

Operating Temperature -40 ºC to +85 ºC

Maximum Device Surface Temperature In Tripped State, 125 ºC

Passive Aging 85 ºC, 1000 hours, ±5% Typical Resistance Change

Humidity Aging 85 ºC, 85% R.H., 1000 hours, ±5% Typical Resistance Change

Thermal Shock +85 ºC to -40 ºC, 20 times, ±10% Typical Resistance Change
Safety Approvals Packaging
Vibration MIL-STD-202, Method 201, 1 No Change
Agency Agency File Number Packaging Option Applicable Products Quantity

Bulk All 500 pieces per box

UL E201504 / E319079 R60-010 to R60-090 3,000 pieces per box Mechanical Dimensions
R60-017 2,500 pieces per box A E
Ammo Pack
R60-110 to R60-185 1,500 pieces per box
TUV R50274672
R60-250 to R60-375 -

Electrical Properties

Maximum Time to Trip Resistance Agency Approval

Vmax lmax lhold at ltrip at Pd max

(VDC) 1
(A) 2
25ºC (A) 3
25ºC (A) 4
(W) 5
Current (A) Time (Sec) Rimin (Ω)6 UL TUV-PS
Rimax (Ω)6 R1max (Ω)7

R60-010 60 40 0.10 0.20 0.38 0.50 4.0 2.50 4.50 7.50 • •

R60-017 60 40 0.17 0.34 0.48 0.85 3.0 2.50 5.21 8.00 • •

R60-020 60 40 0.20 0.40 0.41 1.00 2.2 1.25 2.75 4.40 • •

R60-025 60 40 0.25 0.50 0.45 1.25 2.5 0.65 1.95 3.00 • • Physical Dimension

R60-030 60 40 0.30 0.60 0.49 1.50 3.0 0.45 1.33 2.10 • • Physical Dimensions (Unit: mm/In)
Model Material Lead Style
R60-040 60 40 0.40 0.80 0.56 2.00 3.8 0.40 0.86 1.29 • • A (Max.) B (Max.) C (Typ.) D (Min.) E (Max.)
R60-050 60 40 0.50 1.00 0.77 2.50 4.0 0.35 0.77 1.17 • • Tin Plated Copper alloy,
R60-010 0.205mm2 (24AWG), 7.4 / 0.29 12.7 / 0.50 5.1 / 0.2 7.6 / 0.3 3.1 / 0.12 Kink
R60-065 60 40 0.65 1.30 0.88 3.25 5.3 0.25 0.48 0.72 • •
Ø0.51mm (0.020 in).
R60-075 60 40 0.75 1.50 0.92 3.75 6.3 0.20 0.40 0.60 • • R60-017 7.4 / 0.29 12.7 / 0.50 5.1 / 0.2 7.6 / 0.3 3.1 / 0.12 Kink

R60-090 60 40 0.90 1.80 0.99 4.50 7.2 0.15 0.31 0.47 • • R60-020 7.4 / 0.29 12.7 / 0.48 5.1 / 0.2 7.6 / 0.3 3.1 / 0.12 Kink
Tin Plated Copper-Clad Steel,
R60-110 60 40 1.10 2.20 1.50 5.50 8.2 0.13 0.25 0.38 • • R60-025 0.205mm2 (24AWG), 7.4 / 0.29 12.7 / 0.50 5.1 / 0.2 7.6 / 0.3 3.1 / 0.12 Kink
Ø0.51mm (0.020 in)
R60-135 60 40 1.35 2.70 1.70 6.75 9.6 0.10 0.19 0.30 • • R60-030 7.4 / 0.29 13.0 / 0.51 5.1 / 0.2 7.6 / 0.3 3.1 / 0.12 Kink

R60-160 60 40 1.60 3.20 1.90 8.00 11.4 0.07 0.14 0.22 • • R60-040 7.6 / 0.30 13.5 / 0.53 5.1 / 0.2 7.6 / 0.3 3.1 / 0.12 Kink

R60-185 60 40 1.85 3.70 2.10 9.25 12.6 0.06 0.12 0.19 • • R60-050 7.9 / 0.31 13.7 / 0.54 5.1 / 0.2 7.6 / 0.3 3.1 / 0.12 Kink

R60-065 Tin Plated Copper, 9.7 / 0.38 14.5 / 0.57 5.1 / 0.2 7.6 / 0.3 3.1 / 0.12 Kink
R60-250 60 40 2.50 5.00 2.50 12.50 15.6 0.04 0.08 0.13 • •
0.205mm2 (24AWG),
R60-075 Ø0.51mm (0.020 in) 10.4 / 0.41 15.2 / 0.60 5.1 / 0.2 7.6 / 0.3 3.1 / 0.12 Kink
R60-300 60 40 3.00 6.00 2.80 15.00 19.8 0.03 0.06 0.10 • •
R60-090 11.7 / 0.46 15.8 / 0.62 5.1 / 0.2 7.6 / 0.3 3.1 / 0.12 Kink
R60-375 60 40 3.75 7.50 3.20 18.75 24.0 0.02 0.05 0.08 • •
R60-110 13.0 / 0.51 18.0 / 0.71 5.1 / 0.2 7.6 / 0.3 3.1 / 0.12 Straight
• Vmax = Maximum voltage that device can withstand without damage at rated current (lmax)
R60-135 14.5 / 0.57 19.6 / 0.77 5.1 / 0.2 7.6 / 0.3 3.1 / 0.12 Straight
• lmax = Maximum fault current device can withstand without damage at rated voltage (vmax)
• Ihold = hold current: maximum current device with sustain for 4 hours without tripping (at 25 ºC, still air) R60-160 16.3 / 0.64 21.3 / 0.84 5.1 / 0.2 7.6 / 0.3 3.1 / 0.12 Straight
Tin Plated Copper,
• ltrip = trip current: minimum current at which the device will trip (at 25 ºC, still air) R60-185 0.52mm2 (20AWG), 17.8 / 0.70 22.9 / 0.90 5.1 / 0.2 7.6 / 0.3 3.1 / 0.12 Straight
• Pd = power dissipated from device when in the tripped state (at 25 ºC, still air) Ø0.81mm (0.032 in)
R60-250 21.3 / 0.84 26.4 / 1.04 10.2 / 0.4 7.6 / 0.3 3.1 / 0.12 Straight
• Rimin/max = minimum/maximum resistance of device in initial (un-soldered) state
R60-300 24.9 / 0.98 30.0 / 1.18 10.2 / 0.4 7.6 / 0.3 3.1 / 0.12 Straight
• R1max = maximum resistance of device at 25 ºC, measured one hour after tripping
CAUTION: operation beyond the specified ratings may result in damage and possible arcing and flame R60-375 28.5 / 1.12 33.5 / 1.32 10.2 / 0.4 7.6 / 0.3 3.1 / 0.12 Straight
102 | Resettable Fuse Resettable Fuse | 103

mSMD(1812) Series
Polymeric Positive Temperature Coefficient (PPTC) Product Characteristics

Operating Temperature -40 ºC to +85 ºC

Maximum Device Surface Temperature In Tripped State, 125 ºC

Passive Aging 85 ºC, 1000 hours, ±5% Typical Resistance Change

Humidity Aging 85 ºC, 85% R.H., 1000 hours, ±5% Typical Resistance Change

Thermal Shock +85 ºC to -40 ºC, 20 times, ±33% Typical Resistance Change
Safety Approvals Packaging
Vibration MIL-STD-202, Method 201, No Resistance Change
Agency Agency File Number Packaging Option Quantity

UL E201504 / E319079 Tape & Reel 1,500 pieces per box

Mechanical Dimensions Recommended Layout

A C 1.78±0.1 1.78±0.1

Electrical Properties

Maximum Time to Trip Resistance Agency Approval
Vmax lmax lhold at ltrip at Pd max B
(VDC)1 (A)2 25ºC (A)3 25ºC (A)4 (W)5 Current (A) Time (Sec) Rimin (Ω)6 UL TUV
R1max (Ω)7

mSMD010 30.0 100 0.10 0.30 0.8 0.5 1.50 0.750 15.00 •

mSMD014 60.0 100 0.14 0.34 0.8 1.5 0.15 0.650 6.000 E D 3.2±0.1

mSMD020 30.0 100 0.20 0.40 0.8 8.0 0.02 0.350 5.000

mSMD030 30.0 100 0.30 0.60 0.8 8.0 0.10 0.250 3.000

mSMD050 15.0 100 0.50 1.00 0.8 8.0 0.15 0.150 1.000 •
Physical Properties
mSMD050-33V 33.0 100 0.50 1.00 0.8 8.0 0.15 0.150 1.000
mSMD050-60V 60.0 100 0.50 1.00 0.8 8.0 0.15 0.150 1.400
Model Material
mSMD075 13.2 100 0.75 1.50 0.8 8.0 0.20 0.090 0.450 • Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Min.

mSMD110 8.00 100 1.10 2.20 0.8 8.0 0.30 0.050 0.250 • mSMD010 4.37 4.73 3.07 3.41 0.50 1.00 0.30 0.25

mSMD014 4.37 4.73 3.07 3.41 0.50 1.00 0.30 0.25

mSMD110-16V 16.0 100 1.10 2.20 0.8 8.0 0.30 0.050 0.250
mSMD020 4.37 4.73 3.07 3.41 0.50 1.00 0.30 0.25
mSMD125 16.0 100 1.25 2.50 0.8 8.0 0.40 0.050 0.140
mSMD030 4.37 4.73 3.07 3.41 0.50 1.00 0.30 0.25
mSMD150 8.00 100 1.50 3.00 0.8 8.0 0.50 0.040 0.160 •
mSMD050 4.37 4.73 3.07 3.41 0.40 0.90 0.30 0.25
mSMD150-16V 16.0 100 1.50 3.00 0.8 8.0 0.50 0.040 0.160
mSMD050-33V Tin-Plated Nickel-Copper 4.37 4.73 3.07 3.41 0.70 1.30 0.30 0.25
mSMD160 8.00 100 1.60 2.80 0.8 8.0 1.00 0.030 0.130 mSMD050-60V 4.37 4.73 3.07 3.41 1.10 1.80 0.30 0.25

mSMD200 8.00 100 2.00 4.00 0.8 8.0 2.00 0.020 0.100 • mSMD075 4.37 4.73 3.07 3.41 0.40 0.90 0.30 0.25

mSMD260 8.00 100 2.60 5.00 0.8 8.0 2.50 0.015 0.050 mSMD110 4.37 4.73 3.07 3.41 0.40 0.90 0.30 0.25

mSMD300 8.00 100 3.00 5.00 0.8 8.0 4.00 0.012 0.040 mSMD110-16V 4.37 4.73 3.07 3.41 0.60 0.90 0.30 0.25

mSMD125 4.37 4.73 3.07 3.41 0.60 1.30 0.30 0.25

mSMD350 6.00 100 3.50 6.00 2.0 10.0 4.00 0.008 0.030
mSMD150 4.37 4.73 3.07 3.41 0.30 1.30 0.30 0.25
• Vmax = Maximum voltage that device can withstand without damage at rated current (lmax)
mSMD150-16V 4.37 4.73 3.07 3.41 0.30 0.80 0.30 0.25
• lmax = Maximum fault current device can withstand without damage at rated voltage (vmax)
• Ihold = hold current: maximum current device with sustain for 4 hours without tripping (at 25 ºC, still air) mSMD160 4.37 4.73 3.07 3.41 0.30 0.80 0.30 0.25

• ltrip = trip current: minimum current at which the device will trip (at 25 ºC, still air) mSMD200 Tin-Plated Nickel-Copper 4.37 4.73 3.07 3.41 0.40 0.80 0.30 0.25
• Pd = power dissipated from device when in the tripped state (at 25 ºC, still air) mSMD260 4.37 4.73 3.07 3.41 0.50 1.10 0.30 0.25
• Rimin/max = minimum/maximum resistance of device in initial (un-soldered) state
mSMD300 4.37 4.73 3.07 3.41 0.50 1.20 0.30 0.25
• R1max = maximum resistance of device at 25 ºC, measured one hour after tripping
CAUTION: operation beyond the specified ratings may result in damage and possible arcing and flame mSMD350 4.37 4.73 3.07 3.41 0.50 1.20 0.30 0.25
104 | Fuse Clip Fuse Clip | 105

Conquer fuse clips are professional designed for varies of circuits and fusing applications.
These clips are available in several finishing's and base materials which meet specific current,
strength, and conductivity requirements.

CQ-301B CQ-203B CQ-203K CQ-203LR

For 3.6mm Dia. Fuses For 5mm Dia. Fuses For 5mm Dia. Fuses For 5mm Dia. Fuses

3.6 6.0 6.2 6.0

Ø1.2x4 Ø1x2.5 Ø1x3.5 2-Ø1x2.1



4.0 6.4



Mounting Holes 6.5 Mounting Holes 6.0
5.0 Mounting Holes Mounting Holes
2.0 6.0 1.6 6.2
1.0 5.1 1.7
5.0 4.0 3.0 7.6 6.5 7.8

CQ-203E CQ-203H CQ-203P CQ-203S

For 5mm Dia. Fuses For 5mm Dia. Fuses For 5mm Dia. Fuses For 5mm Dia. Fuses






5.0 5.0

25º 6.8

Mounting Holes 5.4 Mounting Holes 6.4
Mounting Holes
7.4 Top Side
1.2 5.0 1.2 5.0 1.5 6.8
5.0 5.4 6.4

Item Number CQ-301B CQ-203B CQ-203E CQ-203H Item Number CQ-203K CQ-203LR CQ-203P CQ-203S

Metal Material Brass Phosphor Bronze Phosphor Bronze Brass Metal Material Phosphor Bronze Phosphor Bronze Brass Brass

Material Thickness 0.4 mm 0.3 mm 0.5 mm 0.4 mm Material Thickness 0.4 mm 0.3 mm 0.4 mm 0.5 mm

Suitable Rated Current 10 A 10 A 15 A 10 A Suitable Rated Current 10 A 10 A 10 A 15 A

Fuse Type Ear Type Ear Type Ear Type Ear Type Fuse Type Ear Type Ear Type Ear Type Ear Type

Plating Type Bright Tin Plated Bright Tin Plated Bright Tin Plated Bright Tin Plated Plating Type Bright Tin Plated Bright Tin Plated Bright Tin Plated Bright Tin Plated
106 | Fuse Clip Fuse Clip | 107

Conquer fuse clips are professional designed for varies of circuits and fusing applications.
These clips are available in several finishing's and base materials which meet specific current,
strength, and conductivity requirements.

CQ-203SF(C) CQ-203SP CQ-205D CQ-205E

For 5mm Dia. Fuses For 5mm Dia. Fuses For 6.3mm Dia. Fuses For 6.3mm Dia. Fuses


2-Ø1x1.7 2-Ø1x1.9




6.0 5.2 6.0


6.5 6.3 5.8
Mounting Holes Mounting Holes Mounting Holes
1.2 6.0 1.2 5.2 1.5 6.0
6.5 6.3 5.8 7.0

CQ-203T CQ-205B CQ-205DH CQ-205S

For 5mm Dia. Fuses For 6.3mm Dia. Fuses For 6.3mm Dia. Fuses For 6.3mm Dia. Fuses

7.0 7.6 7.0


Ø1x4.5 Ø1x5.5 2-Ø1x2.1 2-Ø1x2.0





Ø3.5 Ø1.3
6.0 7.5


4.9 8.5
Mounting Holes

5.8 Mounting Holes

Mounting Holes 4.8 Mounting Holes
8.4 1.5 6.0 1.5 7.5
4.9 1.2
9.7 5.8 8.0

Item Number CQ-203SF(C) CQ-203SP CQ-203T CQ-205B Item Number CQ-205D CQ-205E CQ-205DH CQ-205S

Metal Material Brass Brass Brass Brass Metal Material Brass Phosphor Bronze Phosphor Bronze Brass

Material Thickness 0.4 mm 0.4 mm 0.4 mm 0.5 mm Material Thickness 0.4 mm 0.5 mm 0.4 mm 0.5 mm

Suitable Rated Current 10 A 10 A 10 A 15 A Suitable Rated Current 15 A 15 A 15 A 25 A

Fuse Type Ear Type Ear Type Ear Type Ear Type Fuse Type Ear Type Ear Type Ear Type Ear Type

Plating Type Bright Tin Plated Bright Tin Plated Bright Tin Plated Bright Tin Plated Plating Type Bright Tin Plated Bright Tin Plated Bright Tin Plated Bright Tin Plated
108 | Fuse Clip Fuse Clip | 109

Conquer fuse clips are professional designed for varies of circuits and fusing applications.
These clips are available in several finishing's and base materials which meet specific current,
strength, and conductivity requirements.

CQ-205SPP CQ-111 CQ-115 CQ-216(G)

For 6.3mm Dia. Fuses For Blade For AST For 10.3mm Dia. Fuses
Auto Fuse ATQ Type Mini BladeType Fuse

Ø2.0 7.0 4.0 7.1 Ø3.6

2-Ø1x1.8 2-Ø1.2x2.5


Ø1.2 Ø2.0






Mounting Holes 12.3
4.2 5.0 Mounting Holes
1.0 10.2 1.8 10.2
1.3 6.0 2.5 2.0 10.7
Mounting Holes Mounting Holes
6.9 2.0 3.0 1.8 12.3

CQ-112 CQ-114 CQ-05CT CQ-216

For AST For ATQ Blade Tape / Reel For 10.3 mm Fuses
Mini Blade Type Fuse Horizontal Clip For 5mm Dia. Fuse


6.0 6.35 Ø3.6



Ø1.7 Ø2.7





3.65 12.3

15.5 5.0 Mounting Holes
1.6 10.2 2.5 10.2
Mounting Holes 2.0 10.7
3.8 1.6 4.6 Mounting Holes
Mounting Holes 12.3
12.7 0.5

Item Number Item Number CQ-115 CQ-216(G) CQ-05CT CQ-216

CQ-205SPP CQ-111 CQ-112 CQ-114

Metal Material Phosphor Bronze Brass Brass Brass Metal Material Brass Brass Phosphor Bronze Brass

Material Thickness 0.5 mm 0.35 mm 0.3 mm 0.3 mm Material Thickness 0.3 mm 0.7 mm 0.3 mm 0.7 mm

Suitable Rated Current 15 A 15 A 20 A 15 A Suitable Rated Current 15 A 30 A 10 A 30 A

Fuse Type Ear Type ATQ Type AST Type ATQ Type Fuse Type AST Type Ear Type Ear Type Ear Type

Plating Type Bright Tin Plated Bright Tin Plated Bright Tin Plated Bright Tin Plated Plating Type Bright Tin Plated 24Kt. Gold Plated Bright Tin Plated Bright Tin Plated
110 | Fuse Block Fuse Block | 111

Conquer fuse block are available for 1/4" x 1-1/4" and 5x20mm fuses. The special phenolic resin
base offers extremely high insulative values and unless otherwise noted include special dual-
purpose connection tabs for either quick-connect, push-on terminal wires or for soldering use. A
wide variety of sizes, shapes and mounting configurations fulfill all fuse application. Additionally,
conquer designers are available to produce a fuse block to meet your specific applications.

CQ-121 CQ-122 CQ-2004 CQ-2005

For ATQ Blade Type Fuse For AST Mini For 5x20mm Fuse For 5x20mm Fuse
Blade Type Fuse

9.5 12.3 3.2

19.0 14.7
4-Ø2.5 4-Ø1.0x2.1






5.0 4.0 5.0 3.7 4.3 3.7
25.0 0.4 22.0
0.5x1.2 1.2
Mounting Detail Mounting Detail 1.2 22.6
22.6 9.0

CQ-200C CQ-200CT CQ-2007 CQ-2009

For 5 mm Fuses For 5 mm Fuses For 5x20mm Fuse For 5x20mm Fuse

10.1 24.0 25.8±0.5 3.2 3.2










0.4 22.0 0.4 22.0
11.3±0.3 9.0±0.3 1.2 1.2
1.4 22.4 22.6 22.6
24.8 Drawing For Cover 9.0 9.0

CQ-2001(S) CQ-2002 CQ-200PT CQ-200N

For 5x20mm Fuse For 5x20mm Fuse For 5x20mm Fuse For 5x20mm Fuse

9.4±0.3 12.0 26.5

9.5 12.3 6.8








0.5x1.2 24.4 25.0 0.4 3.2

1.2 9.0 9.0
1.2 2.5 22.6 Drawing For Cover
15.0 9.0 24.7

Item Number CQ-121 CQ-122 CQ-200C CQ-200CT CQ-2001(S) CQ-2002 Item Number CQ-2004 CQ-2005 CQ-2007 CQ-2009 CQ-200PT CQ-200N
Insertion & Extraction Force 1Kg. Min. 1Kg. Min. 1Kg. Min. 1Kg. Min. 1 Kg. Min. 1Kg. Min. Insertion & Extraction Force 1 Kg. Min. 1Kg. Min. 1Kg. Min. 1Kg. Min. 1 Kg. Min. 1.5 Kg. Min.

Dielectric Strength For 60 Sec AC 2000V Min. AC 500V Min. AC 500V Min. AC 500V Min. AC 500V Min. AC 500V Min. Dielectric Strength For 60 Sec AC 500V Min. AC 2000V Min. AC 2000V Min. AC 2000V Min. AC 2000V Min. AC 2000V Min.

Suitable Rated Current 15A/250V 20A/250V 6.3A/250V 6.3A/250V 6.3A/250V 6.3A/250V Suitable Rated Current 6.3A/250V 6.3A/250V 6.3A/250V 6.3A/250V 6.3A/250V 15A/250V

Insulation Resistance At500VDC 100MΩ Min 100MΩ Min 100MΩ Min 100MΩ Min 100MΩ Min 100MΩ Min Insulation Resistance At500VDC 100MΩ Min 100MΩ Min 100MΩ Min 100MΩ Min 100MΩ Min 500MΩ Min

Temperature Rise 50ºC Max 50ºC Maxz 50ºC Max 50ºC Max 50ºC Max 50ºC Max Temperature Rise 50ºC Max 60ºC Max 60ºC Max 60ºC Max 60ºC Max 60ºC Max

Voltage Drop 20mV Max. 20mV Max. 20mV Max. 20mV Max. 20mV Max. 20mV Max. Voltage Drop 20mV Max. 15mV Max. 15mV Max. 15mV Max. 15mV Max. 15mV Max.
112 | Fuse Block Fuse Holder | 113

Conquer fuse block are available for 1/4" x 1-1/4" and 5x20mm fuses. The special phenolic resin
base offers extremely high insulative values and unless otherwise noted include special dual-
purpose connection tabs for either quick-connect, push-on terminal wires or for soldering use. A
CV-2 CV-2A(S)
wide variety of sizes, shapes and mounting configurations fulfill all fuse application. Additionally, For CQ -2005~CQ-2007, CQ-2009~CQ-2011, For CQ-2005~CQ-2007, CQ-2009~CQ-2011.
Fuse block, Material PS Fuse block, Material PC UL 94V2
conquer designers are available to produce a fuse block to meet your specific applications.
26.5 26.5


CQ-201C CQ-200I
9.0 9.0




For 5x20mm Fuse For 5x20mm Fuse
5.0 5.0

CV-4 CV-6
For 5x20 Fuse Block For 5x20 Fuse Block
11.9 22.55 12.0

Ø1.5 22.0




11.3 9.3


Ø2.4 2-Ø1.3
0.5 22.6±0.5
15.0 25.0 25.0

1.2 22.6
Mounting Holes 15.0

25.8 Ø5.0

CV-7 CV-8
CQ-201N For 6x32 Fuse Block For CQ-2001~CQ-2004 Fuse Block

For 6.3x32mm Fuse


4. 33.0



7.0 12.0

34.4 34.4



40º Ø8.0
24.4 9.4



the others

CV-9 CV-10
For 4.6x15 Fuse Block For 6x30 Fuse Block

18.0 31.8




CQ-201NI CQ-201NF CQ-201NL CQ-201NR CQ-201NS 20.0 20.0 34.2 34.2

Item Number CQ-201C CQ-200I CQ-201N CV-20 CV-21

Insertion & Extraction Force 1 Kg. Min. 1 Kg. Min. 1.5 Kg. Min. For 10.3x38.1 Fuse Clip For 5x20 Fuse Block
Dielectric Strength For 60 Sec AC 3000V Min. AC 2000V Min. AC 3000V Min.

Suitable Rated Current 6.3A/250V 6.3A/250V 30A/250V


Insulation Resistance At500VDC 100MΩ Min 100MΩ Min 500MΩ Min
43.4 43.4

Temperature Rise - 50ºC Max 60ºC Max
24.2 9.4
Voltage Drop - 20mV Max. 20mV Max.
114 | Fuse Holder Fuse Holder | 115

Conquer fuse holders feature for easy removal, clearly printed/imprinted “fuse” designation for easy
panel identification and keyed mounting hole requirement for anti-rotation safety. All fuse holders
include mounting washer and solder lugs for wiring.
• Insulating body : flame retarding UL 94 V0 thermoplastic material.
• Contact : Nickel or Tin plated copper alloy.

CQ-206S CQ-206C CQ-206F CQ-206M

For 5x20mm Fuse For 5x20mm Fuse For 5x20mm Fuse For 5x20mm Fuse

37.5 12.0
35.0 5.5 30.0 10.0 Ø12.4 12.0
30.6 2-Ø1.3 35.0
16.0 12.0
4.0 12.0








6.5 5.0 1.1 Mounting Holes 1.5 Mounting Holes
5.5 11.0 3.0 Mounting Holes Mounting Holes

CQ-206CV CQ-206CH CQ-207A CQ-207D

For 6.3x32mm Fuses
For 5x20mm Fuse For 5x20mm Fuse For 6.3x32mm Fuses

28.0 13.0 13.2 43.6 11.9 12.5

13.0 2-Ø1.3 13.2

44.0 13.4 13.6












1.1 0.5 9.3
4.0 28.0 5.0 9.3
9.2 0.5 2.2 Mounting Holes
Mounting Holes 1.1 Mounting Holes
16.5 10.0
9.2 12.4 10.4 Mounting Holes 4.8

CQ-206HU CQ-206D CQ-207HU CQ-207TU

For 5x20mm Fuse For 5x20mm Fuse For 6.3x32mm Fuses For 6.3x32mm Fuses

11.5 24.5 15.0 14.0 30.5 4.0 12.0 32.5 M15x1.0 13.5 16.0 31.6 12.0 11.6 12.0










8.5 7.0 Mounting Holes 4.0 11.8 Mounting Holes Mounting Holes Mounting Holes
11.0 41.4

Item Number CQ-206S CQ-206C CQ-206CV CQ-206CH CQ-206HU CQ-206D Item Number CQ-206F CQ-206M CQ-207A CQ-207D CQ-207HU CQ-207TU

Rated Current 10A / 250V 10A / 250V 10A / 250V 10A / 250V 10A / 250V 10A / 250V Rated Current 10A / 250V 10A / 250V 10A / 250V 15A / 250V 10A / 250V 10A / 250V
Insulation Resistance Insulation Resistance
100MΩ Min 100MΩ Min 100MΩ Min 100MΩ Min 100MΩ Min 100MΩ Min 100MΩ Min 100MΩ Min 100MΩ Min 100MΩ Min 100MΩ Min 100MΩ Min
At 500 VDC At 500 VDC
Contact Resistance 5mΩ At 1A DC 5mΩ At 1A DC 5mΩ At 1A DC 5mΩ At 1A DC 5mΩ At 1A DC 5mΩ At 1A DC Contact Resistance 5mΩ At 1A DC 5mΩ At 1A DC 5mΩ At 1A DC 5mΩ At 1A DC 5mΩ At 1A DC 5mΩ At 1A DC
Dielectric Strength Dielectric Strength
AC2000V Min. AC1000V Min. AC1000V Min. AC1000V Min. AC2000V Min. AC1500V Min. AC1500V Min. AC2000V Min. AC1500V Min. AC1500V Min. AC1500V Min. AC1500V Min.
For 60 Sec For 60 Sec
Screw Driver Knob Screw Driver Knob
Approval Approval
116 | Fuse Holder In-Line Fuse Holder | 117

Conquer fuse holders feature for easy removal, clearly printed/imprinted “fuse” designation for easy Conquer in-line fuse holders are easy removal and adopted for varies of circuits applications,
panel identification and keyed mounting hole requirement for anti-rotation safety. All fuse holders easy to inspect and change fuses. The waterproof feature for exposed locations and harsh
include mounting washer and solder lugs for wiring. environments.
• Insulating body : flame retarding UL 94 V0 thermoplastic material. • Contact : brass, Tin / Nickel plated
• Contact : Nickel or Tin plated copper alloy. • With other wire size or lengths available on special order.
• To install fuses with “loop” type wires, simply cut loop into two separate wires of desired

CQ-215 CQ-225
CQ-219D CQ-219N
For 10.3x38.1mm For 10.3x38.1mm
(5AG) Fuses (5AG) Fuses For 5x20mm Fuse For 5x20mm Fuse
Special Fuse Holder Special Fuse Holder Interlock Type Bayonet Type

19.0 19.0 9.0

29.0 54.0 11.0 Ø22.4





10.2 48.5 24.0 22.3



15.3 46.0








16.0 Mounting Holes

5.0 Mounting Holes
CQ-219P CQ-209B
For 5x20mm Fuse For 6.3x30/6.3x32mm Fuses
Bayonet Type Bayonet Type
MET Fuse Holder MST Fuse Holder
For MET Fuse For MST Fuse Ø3.6 21.0 Ø3.5 43.1





5.08 5.08
Ø15.0 42.0 Ø7.7 64.5 Terminals

CQ-209D CQ-209F1
For 6.3x30/6.3x32mm Fuses Only For 6.3x30 mm Fuses


Bayonet Type Hinged Body Type

0.5 1.0 Ø4.4 Ø8.6



Item Number CQ-215 CQ-225 MET Fuse Holder MST Fuse Holder
Ø6.5 61.4 Ø15.2 55.1 5.8 Terminals

Rated Current 30A / 600V 30A / 600V - -

Housing - - PBT UL94-V0 Glass filled polyester UL94-V0
Item Number CQ-219D CQ-219N CQ-219P CQ-209B CQ-209D CQ-209F1
Insulation Resistance 100MΩ Min 100MΩ Min 10³MΩ at V=100V 10³MΩ at V=100V
Temperature Range - - -55ºC to 125ºC -55ºC to 125ºC Rated Current 6.3A 10A 10A 20A 15A 10A
Beryllium coppergold plated, Beryllium coppergold plated,
Inner Clip - - Insulation Resistance At 500VDC 100MΩ Min 100MΩ Min 100MΩ Min 100MΩ Min 100MΩ Min 100MΩ Min
Heat treated Heat treated
Plating - - Nickel / Tin Nickel / Tin
Contact Resistance 5mΩ At 1A DC 5mΩ At 1A DC 5mΩ At 1A DC 5mΩ At 1A DC 5mΩ At 1A DC 5mΩ At 1A DC
Max. Current Rating - - 6.3A 3A
Contact Resistance 5mΩ At 1A DC 5mΩ At 1A DC <20mΩ <20mΩ Dielectric Strength For 60 Sec AC2000V Min. AC1500V Min. AC1500V Min. AC1500V Min. AC1500V Min. AC1500V Min.

Dielectric Strength For 60 sec AC3000V Min. AC3000V Min. - -

Body Material Thermoplastic Nylon Nylon A.B.S. Nylon P.P.
Insertion Force - - <200g <250g
20#AWG / 18#AWG / 18#AWG / 14#AWG / 16#AWG / 18#AWG /
Supply Standard UL Wire-AWG/Length
Withdrawal Force - - >50g >50g 8”Loop 8”Loop 8”Loop 8”Loop 8”Loop 8”Loop
118 | In-Line Fuse Holder In-Line Fuse Holder | 119

Conquer in-line fuse holders are easy removal and adopted for varies of circuits applications,
easy to inspect and change fuses. The waterproof feature for exposed locations and harsh
• Contact : brass, Tin / Nickel plated
• With other wire size or lengths available on special order.
• To install fuses with “loop” type wires, simply cut loop into two separate wires of desired

CQ-209F3 CQ-209F4 CQ-211MI CQ-211A

For 6.3x30/6.3x32mm Fuses For 6.3x30/6.3x32mm Fuses For AMT(MAX) Blade Type Fuse For ATQ Blade Type Fuse
Hinged Body Type Hinged Body Type Hinged Body Type
39.0 14 AWG WIRE
44.4 7.5 26.1 26.1













62.4 12.0 Terminals 59.6 9.0 Terminals
79.5 19.5 19.5

CQ-210 CQ-209P CQ-211N CQ-211C

For 6.3x30/6.3x32mm Fuses For 6.3x30/6.3x32mm Fuses For ATQ Blade Type Fuse For ATQ Blade Type Fuse
Screw Type Bayonet Type Hinged Body Type
Ø6.7 12 AWG WIRE
54.0 31.4 31.4






63.0 Ø15.4 60.2

CQ-209V CQ-211SN CQ-211CN CQ-211P

For 6.3x30/6.3x32mm Fuses For AST Blade Type Fuses For ATQ Blade Type Fuse For ATQ Blade Type Fuse
Heavy Duty Bayonet Type Hinged Body Type Hinged Body Type

11.2 21.3 28.0 15.0












64.5 Terminals 11.0 54.5 16.6 16.7 12.7 130.0 40.8 130.0 23.3 23.0
12.7 11.0

Item Number CQ-209F3 CQ-209F4 CQ-210 CQ-209P CQ-209V CQ-211SN Item Number CQ-211MI CQ-211A CQ-211N CQ-211C CQ-211CN CQ-211P

Rated Current 15A 20A 20A 5A 40A 30A Rated Current 80A 20A 30A 30A 30A 20A

Insulation Resistance At 500VDC 100MΩ Min 100MΩ Min 100MΩ Min 100MΩ Min 100MΩ Min 100MΩ Min Insulation Resistance At 500VDC 100MΩ Min 100MΩ Min 100MΩ Min 100MΩ Min 100MΩ Min 100MΩ Min

Contact Resistance 5mΩ At 1A DC 5mΩ At 1A DC 5mΩ At 1A DC 5mΩ At 1A DC 5mΩ At 1A DC 5mΩ At 1A DC Contact Resistance 5mΩ At 1A DC 5mΩ At 1A DC 5mΩ At 1A DC 5mΩ At 1A DC 5mΩ At 1A DC 5mΩ At 1A DC

Dielectric Strength For 60 Sec AC1500V Min. AC1500V Min. AC2000V Min. AC1000V Min. AC2000V Min. AC1000V Min. Dielectric Strength For 60 Sec AC3000V Min. AC1500V Min. AC2000V Min. AC1000V Min. AC1000V Min. AC1500V Min.

Nylon With Nylon,

Body Material Nylon Nylon Bakelite P.P. P.V.C. Body Material P.V.C. Nylon Nylon P.V.C. P.V.C.
Fiber Glass Thermo Plastic
16#AWG / 12#AWG / 12#AWG / 18#AWG / 12#AWG / 12#AWG / 8#AWG / 14#AWG / 12#AWG / 12#AWG / 12#AWG/
Supply Standard UL Wire-AWG/Length Supply Standard UL Wire-AWG/Length -
8”Loop 8”Loop 8”Loop 8”Loop 8”Loop 10”Loop 5” x 2 8”Loop 8”Loop 12”Loop 130mm*2

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