5.7.1 For One & half breaker bus switching scheme during a fault in CB
compartment, No bus bar and feeder is permitted out of service during
maintenance and repair/replacement.
5.7.2 For Double Main bus switching scheme during a fault in CB
compartment, No bus bar permitted out of service during maintenance
and repair/replacement.
5.7.3 During a fault in GIS compartment other than CB compartment,
maximum one bus bar and/or one feeder permitted out of service
during maintenance and repair/replacement.
The enclosure shall be of continuous design and shall meet the requirement as
specified in of IEEE 80 2013 (special considerations for GIS).
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For 400 kV and above voltage class GIS, wherever required, stairs, fixed ladder,
platforms, and walkways for operation and maintenance access to the operating
mechanism and monitoring devices should be provided to permit access. The
structures shall be either aluminum or hot-dipped galvanized steel. All structures,
stairs, platforms, and walkways shall conform to the relevant occupational health
and safety regulations and designed in accordance with the latest industry standards
and guidelines. The platforms and walkways shall have anti-skid surfaces that can
be walked on. Handrails shall be provided where necessary. The GIS supplier shall
provide 3-D arrangement drawing to show the location of equipment and access to
In addition to above suitable portable scissor lift shall be provided for access of
distant portion of GIS installation.
New Gasket, sealant and desiccant shall be installed for permanent sealing of all
site/field assembled joints. No gaskets are to be reused for any permanent seal
broken or disturbed in the field/site.
The sealing provided between flanges of two modules / enclosures shall be such that
long term tightness is achieved. For outdoor portion of GIS a second seal
ring/Sealant or other suitable mean required to protect the gas seal from the external
environment shall be provided.
Temperature rise of all current carrying parts and enclosures shall be limited to the
values stipulated in IEC-62271-1, under rated current and the climatic conditions as
UHF sensors for PD detection:
Adequate number of UHF sensors shall be provided in the offered GIS for detection
of Partial discharge (of 5 pC and above) as per IEC 60270. The number and
location of these sensors shall be based on laboratory test on typical design of GIS
as per recommendations of CIGRE Document No. 654 (APPLICATION GUIDE
DETECTION SYSTEM FOR GIS). Offered numbers and location of UHF sensors
shall be submitted based on above said criteria along with attenuation calculation
for approval of the employer. Further UHF sensors shall necessarily be provided in
close proximity to VT compartments.
However adequacy of number of sensors and their location shall be verified at site
as per recommendations of above CIGRE Document No. 654. In case during site
testing, additional UHF sensors are required, the same shall also be supplied &
installed to complete the technical requirement.
The calibration and frequency response of PD couplers shall be as per NGC
Technical Guidance note TGN (T) 121, issue 1, 1997. Data sheet shall be submitted
for the UHF couplers meeting this requirement.
Gas Insulated Bus (GIB) layout :
GIB shall be designed based on the following criteria
(1) Maximum weight of gas in a gas tight section of GIB shall not exceed 400 Kg
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(for 765 kV & 400 kV)/ 250 Kg (for 220 kV & 132 kV).
(2) GIB shall be generally in horizontal layer. However in exceptional
circumstance GIB in vertical layers can be provided with the approval of
(3) The minimum vertical ground clearance of GIB at road crossing shall be 5.5
(4) The horizontal clearance between GIB and GIS building /any other building
wall shall be preferably three (3) meters.
(5) The GIB route inside the GIS Hall shall not obstruct easy access to GIS and
control room buildings and shall not obstruct movement of crane, equipment
including HV test equipment for maintenance works.
(6) The GIB clear height outside the GIS hall in switchyard area shall be minimum
3.5 meter, so as not to obstruct easy access to GIB, movement of crane for
maintenance work.
(7) Optimization of outdoor GIB length using overhead AIS connection with Bus
Post Insulator of respective voltage class is generally acceptable subject to
meeting the electrical clearances as stipulated.
(8) For the maintenance of GIB of one circuit, only that circuit shall be isolated.
Adequate clearance between bus ducts of two circuit shall be ensured by the
contractor during layout finalization.
(9) GIS manufacturer as per their design shall preferably use maximum three
standard straight horizontal outdoor bus duct lengths for entire GIS installation
to optimize the spare requirement.
The contractor shall prepare and submit to the employer, drawings, details that
show the GIS design in order for the employer to verify the equipment conform
to the specifications. The Design Document to be submitted for review and
approval are as follows:
i.Design Review Document as per clause no. 20 of this specification
ii. Single Line Diagram
iii. Gas Schematic Diagram
iv. GTP-Guaranteed Technical Particulars
v. GIS layout (Plan and Section) including 3D drawing
vi. GIS Component Drawings
vii. Interface modules drawing for GIS extension
viii. Rating and Name Plate Drawing
ix. GIS/LCC Schematics Drawing
x. Foundation loading plan and detail
xi. GIS Support Structure Drawing
xii. GIS platforms and Walkway Drawing
xiii. GIS grounding plan and details along with design calculation for GIS
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Specification for GIS Rev-5
xiv. GIS key Diagram enlisting and marking each and every GIS Module clearly
and separately identifiable (indoor and outdoor). This separately identified
module shall be complete along with its enclosure, gasket and all active parts
such as conductor, conductor joints, corona shield etc.
xv. Method Statement along with sequential instruction for dismantling and
assembling of all major components of GIS exhibiting service continuity
xvi. Type Test Reports
xvii. Seismic Analysis Report
xviii. Study report of VFTO generated for GIS installation for 400 kV and above.
xix. The general arrangement drawing of interconnecting bus-duct from GIS bay
module to XLPE cable termination end
xx. The general arrangement drawing of Terminal connection arrangement to
connect GIS duct to SF6/Oil bushing and duct mounting arrangement details
xxi. Gas handling procedure
xxii. The design & construction proposal of the building along with necessary
information, data, and drawings according to the complete requirements
xxiii. Capacity calculation of EOT crane for GIS hall considering a factor of safety
of 5
xxiv. Method statement/ procedure of ON SITE high voltage testing with PD
measurement and Switching Impulse test
xxv. Additional CB data to be furnished during detailed engineering :
a) Design ata on capabilities of circuit breakers in terms of time and number of
operations at duties ranging from 100 fault currents to load currents of the
lowest possible value without requiring any maintenance or checks.
b) Curves supported by test data indicating the opening time under close open
operation with combined variation of trip coil voltage and hydraulic pressure.
c) Contact Travel: Operating mechanism operating shaft travel and contact
overlap of Circuit Breaker to be provided
xxvi. PD Monitoring System
a) The technical proposal for PDM system along with detailed design
b) Data sheet for the UHF couplers.
c) The Sub-station GIS layout as a separate drawing indicating position of
spacers, spread over of PD sensors with distance, sensor identification, the
detector unit identification etc., total numbers of offered UHF Sensors along
with attenuation calculation.
d) Guaranteed Technical Particulars & Data Sheet for various components used
in the PDM system.
e) Electromagnetic compatibility Test Reports.
f) List of critical spares.
xxvii. Installation and Operation & Maintenance Manual
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Specification for GIS Rev-5
13. GIS TO CABLE TERMINATION (If applicable)
13.1. This scope covers the supply, erection, commissioning of connection
assembly of fluid-filled or extruded cables to gas-insulated metal
enclosed switchgear (GIS) as per IEC 62271-209
13.2. The XLPE cables shall be connected to GIS by the interfacing of XLPE
cable sealing end to GIS Cable termination enclosure.
13.3. The GIS to XLPE cable termination shall conform to IEC-62271-209.
13.4. The rating of XLPE cables for different voltages are specified in the Section
13.5. The limits of supply of gas-insulated metal-enclosed switchgear and
the cable termination shall be in accordance with IEC 62271-209.
13.6. Cable termination and cable connection enclosure shall be suitable for the
requirements for which it is designed. This interface section shall be
designed in a manner which will allow ease of operation and maintenance.
14.1. TRANSFORMER / REACTOR Direct Connection with GIS (if
14.1.1. The scope covers the supply, erection and commissioning of connection
assembly of Oil filled Transformer to gas-insulated metal enclosed
switchgear (GIS) as per IEC 62271-211.
14.1.2. The limits of supply of gas-insulated metal-enclosed switchgear and
the direct connection to oil filled transformer shall be in accordance with
IEC 62271-211.
14.1.3. The transformer / reactor termination module enables a direct transition from
the SF6 gas insulation to the bushing of an oil-insulated transformer /
reactor. For this purpose, the transformer/reactor bushing must be oil-tight,
gas-tight and pressure resistant. Any temperature related movement and
irregular setting of the switchgear’s or transformer’s/reactor’s foundations
are absorbed by the expansion fitting.
14.1.4. Terminal connection arrangement to connect GIS duct to bushing and duct
mounting arrangement details shall be submitted during detailed engineering
for Employer’s approval and for co-ordination with transformer and reactor
supplier. Any modification suggested by transformer and reactor supplier
shall have to be carried out by the GIS supplier to facilitate proper
connection with the bushings of the transformer and reactors.
14.2. TRANSFORMER / REACTOR Connection with SF6/Air Bushing
14.2.1. The oil filled transformers and reactors are as shown in the substation SLD.
The oil to air bushings of the transformers and reactors shall be supplied by
the respective Transformer/Reactor supplier and the same shall be connected
to the SF6 ducts thru air to SF6 bushings to be provided under present scope.
14.3. In case of single phase Transformers/Reactors are being installed in the
substation, HV&IV auxiliary bus for the Transformer/Reactor bank for
connecting spare unit shall be formed inside the GIS hall as per the SLD
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furnished and as specified in Section project.
15.1 Functions
15.1.6 Where plugs and sockets connect control cabling between the local control
cubicle and the switchgear these shall not be interchanged. In plug in
connector type cable arrangement, min 2 cores of the cable with connected
condition on both side up to the TB to be left unused as spare.
15.2 Constructional features
15.2.3 For LCC panel of each feeder bay (i.e. line, transformer, and reactor etc.),
separate AC/DC supply for power circuit of GIS switchgear shall be
provided, fed directly from ACDB/DCDB. The control DC supply (for
control, interlocking, signaling) shall be tapped from respective relay &
protection panel. For LCC panel illumination and heating purpose Loop in
Loop out AC Supply can be provided.
15.2.4 Each panel shall be provided with necessary arrangements for receiving,
distributing and isolating of DC and AC supplies for various control,
signaling, lighting and space heater circuits. The incoming and sub-circuits
shall be separately provided with Fuses/MCBs. All fuses shall be HRC
cartridge type conforming to IS: 13703 mounted on plug-in type fuse bases.
The short time fuse rating of Fuses shall be not less than 9 KA. Fuse carrier
base shall have imprints of the fuse 'rating' and 'voltage'.
15.3 Cabling between LCC Panel and GIS equipment
15.3.1 The unarmored screen cable shall be of 1.1kV grade, multi core, annealed
copper conductor, Tinned copper braided screen (approx. 85% coverage).
15.3.2 The core insulation and outer sheath of cable shall be of halogen-free special
15.3.3 The cable shall be flame-retardant, flexible, abrasion-and wear-resistant
15.3.4 The size of core shall not be less than 2.5 sq. mm for instrument transformers
and 1.5 sq. mm for other control cable.
15.3.5 Prefabricated cables with heavy duty multi-point plug-in connections on GIS
end shall be provided.
15.3.6 All instrument transformer connections shall be hard wired to terminal block
via ring type connection.
16.3 For finalizing the dimensions of GIS building the requirement of Turning
radius to rotate the largest removable component for assembly/disassembly
shall be taken in to consideration.
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Specification for GIS Rev-5
17.1 Two EOT Cranes for 765 kV GIS hall and One EOT cranes for 400 kV GIS
hall of suitable capacity shall be provided for erection & maintenance of
largest/heaviest GIS component/assembly. The crane shall consist of all
special requirements for erection & maintenance of GIS equipment.
17.6 Crane shall be designed for operation under following variable speeds
through VVVF drives at full load :
Hoisting: 0.3 – 3 Meters per Minute
Cross Travel: 1.6 – 16 Meters per Minute
Long Travel: 2.0 – 20 Meters per Minute
19.7 Further, the manufacturer shall furnish the following information during
detailed engineering:
a) Study report of VFTO generated for GIS installation for 400 kV and above.
b) Calculation for adequacy of UHF sensors to be provided in GIS Installation
as per clause no 5.41.
c) The calculations and documents in support of the average intensity of
electromagnetic field on the surface of the enclosure.
d) Calculations to show that there is no Ferro resonance due to capacitance of
GIS for the voltage transformers.
e) Calculations in support of touch & step voltages in all enclosures and
earthing of complete GIS installation.
f) Measures to mitigate transient enclosure voltage by high frequency currents.
g) The acceptance criteria and limits of impact (of impact recorder) in all three
directions which can be withstood by the equipment during transportation
and handling.
23.6Blanking plates, caps, seals, etc., necessary for sealing the gas sections during
shipment to site which may on later stage necessarly be used during repair and
maintenanace shall remain the property of POWERGRID. Balance blanking
plates, caps, seals, etc shall be returnable to the contractor. If considered
necessary, blanking plates or other sealing devices shall be provided with
facilities for measuring the gas pressure and recharging at any time during the
transport period. Any seals, gaskets, ‘O’ rings, etc. that may be used as part of
the arrangement for sealing off gas sections for shipment of site, shall not be
used in the final installation of the equipment at site. Identification numbers
shall be stamped into the blanking plates, etc., and on the switchgear equipment
to which they are fitted so that they can easily be identified and refitted should it
ever be necessary to ship sections of the switchgear back to the manufacturer’s
works for repair.
23.7The contractor shall ensure that during the period between arrival at site and
erection, all materials and parts of the contract works are suitably stored in such
approved manner as to prevent damage by weather, corrosion, insects, vermin
or fungal growth. The scope of providing the necessary protection, storing on
raised platform, as required etc. is included in the works to be performed by the
contractor. Cost of the raised platform for temporary storage is deemed to be
included in overall cost. The raised platform needs to be made ready before
arrival of GIS equipment at site. The contractor may use the available storage
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Specification for GIS Rev-5
areas at site with permission of site in charge.
23.11 For the purpose of release of payment linked to receipt and physical
verification in case of GIS equipment it shall mean random opening and
physical verification of one number of packing unit of each type of main
equipment (i.e. GIS CB/ISO/ES/PT/LA etc.) for each voltage level.
Thereafter proper re-packing of the GIS unit shall be ensured as per
manufacturer recommendation.
24.1Civil works of GIS Hall shall be completed in all respects before taking up the
installation and it shall be ensured that Ventilation System is operational and all
dust and dirt in the hall are removed. The GIS hall needs to be in positive
pressure before starting Installation.
24.3Un-packaging of GIS modules shall be done outside the GIS hall and in no case
module to be taken inside GIS hall with packing.
24.7 GIS hall door shall have automatic close facility after entry of personnel to
avoid dust and moisture entry. Walls and ceiling shall be in a condition so that
neither dirt nor plaster might fall or rub off and formation of condensation water
in ceiling shall be prevented under any circumstances.
24.12 Maintenance room (as a part of LCR room) shall be constructed for carrying
out repair works/ small part assembly All excess material (not required for
immediate installation works) test equipment and tools and tackles to be stored
separately from GIS hall in this room for rework.
24.13 Erection agency shall submit method statement and make available formats
for checking during each stage of hall preparation, assembly process and final
checks to be approved by POWERGRID site before start of erection. Shock
recorder down loaded data and analysis shall be submitted preferably before
commencement of erection work. In case of violation of shock limits, expert
form manufacturer shall visit and do the joint internal inspection and shall
submit analysis report before giving clearance for erection. If required the
module shall be taken back to factory for further analysis and testing.
After the GIS Switchgear has been fully installed at site and SF6 gas filled at
rated filling density, the complete assembly shall be subjected to the site tests
as per IEC-62271-203 and POWERGRID Asset Management Controlled
Document No: D-3-01-09-01-01. After the above, Special Dielectric test
(Switching Impulse test) shall be conducted for 765 kV GIS with the test
voltages specified below:-
25.1. Application of Power Frequency voltage test for duration of 1 minute with
the value 760 kV (r.m.s.) as per IEC 62271-203.
25.2. Directly after the above test at 25.1 Switching impulse test with three
impulses of each polarity and with the value 1240 kVp(80 % of the rated
switching Impulse withstand level) as per IEC 62271-203.
25.3. In case of a disruptive discharge in the gas as outlined in clause no: C.6.2.2
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Specification for GIS Rev-5
Procedure b), Annexure-C of IEC 62271-203 during the AC voltage test and
a repeat test is performed due to this failure, then the repeat test shall be
carried out at Specified voltage.
25.4. In case of a disruptive discharge in the gas as outlined in clause no: C.6.2.2
Procedure b) Annexure-C of IEC 62271-203 during Oscillating Switching
Impulse Test and a repeat test is performed due to this failure then the repeat
test shall be carried out at a value equal to 90 % of the rated switching
Impulse withstand level.
25.5. Method statement/ procedure of ON SITE high voltage testing, PD
measurement and Switching Impulse test shall be submitted by contractor in
Design, engineering, manufacture, testing, supply on FOR destination site basis
including transportation & insurance, storage at site of Mandatory spares for the
GIS(As specified in BPS). Standard list of Mandatory Spares is as per Annexure-10
27.2Gas filling and evacuating plant : (Gas Processing unit)
The minimum capacity parameters of evacuation plant will be as under :
Oil Free Suction (Recovery) Pump: 30 M3/Hour
Compressor (Two Stage): 15 M3/Hour
Oil Free Vacuum Pump: 100 M3/Hour
27.5 Online Partial Discharge Monitoring System (Applicable for 765kV& 400
The scope shall cover Engineering, supply, installation, testing and commissioning
of partial discharge continuous monitoring system, with all necessary auxiliaries and
accessories to make a complete system as per technical specification, including site
demonstration of successful operation. Any items/accessories necessary to make the
system fully functional for the trouble free online PD monitoring of complete GIS
installation shall be considered as included in the scope.
The PDM system shall be provided with all its hardware and software, with readily
interfacing to the UHF PD couplers installed in the GIS of present bays and future
bays as shown in SLD plus 20% additional as extra. Details of this shall be
submitted during engineering stage for approval.
The integration of UHF PD coupler in future GIS bays shall be done in respective
package. The number of UHF PD coupler for future bays shall be decided based on
GIS layout finalized under present scope (considering present GIS equipment with
future provision).
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The GIS manufacturer shall design, manufacture, test, deliver and guarantee the GIS
components and services as defined in this Technical Specification. The complete GIS
based on the Single Line Diagram and as defined in Section Project, shall be provided for
connection to Power Transformers/Reactors/Lines feeders with associated circuit breaker,
disconnect switch and grounding switch (maintenance and high speed), instrument
transformers, and surge arrestor (if applicable) etc.
2.1. The SF6 gas insulated metal enclosed switchgear shall be totally safe against inadvertent
touch of any of it's constituent parts. It should be designed for indoor application with
meteorological conditions as specified.
2.2. All parts of the bus bar, switchgear and the bus ducts (for both indoor and outdoor
applications) shall be as mentioned below:
2.3. The design should be such that all parts subjected to wear and tear are easily accessible for
maintenance purposes. The equipment offered shall be protected against all types of voltage
surges and any equipment necessary to satisfy this requirement shall deemed to be included.
The GIS offered shall confirm to IEC 62271-203 and other relevant IEC standard except to
the extent explicitly modified in the specification and shall be in accordance with
requirement specified in GTR.
The metal-enclosed gas-insulated switchgear, including the operating devices, accessories
and auxiliary equipment forming integral part thereof, shall be designed, manufactured,
assembled and tested in accordance with the following International Electro-technical
Commission (IEC) Publications including their parts and supplements as amended or
revised as on date of bid opening:
IEC 62271-203 Gas Insulated metal-enclosed switchgear for rated voltages above
52 KV
IEC 62271-207 Seismic qualification for gas-insulated switchgear assemblies for rated
The components and devices which are not covered by the above standards shall conform
to, and comply with, the applicable standards, rules, codes and regulations of the
internationally recognized standardizing bodies and professional societies as may be
approved by the Employer and the manufacturer shall list all such applicable standards,
codes etc.
In case the requirements laid down herein differ from those given in above standard in any
aspect the switchgear shall comply with the requirements indicated herein in regard thereto.
4.1. Assembly: Assembly refers to the entire completed GIS equipment furnished under
4.2. Bay: Bay refers to the area occupied by one Circuit Breaker and associated equipment.
4.3. Compartment: When used in conjunction with GIS equipment, compartment refers to a gas
tight volume bounded by enclosure walls and gas tight isolating barriers.
4.4. Enclosure: When used in conjunction with GIS equipment, enclosure refers to the grounded
metal housing or shell which contains and protects internal Power system equipment
(breaker, disconnecting switch, grounding switch, voltage transformer, current transformer,
surge arresters, interconnecting bus etc.)
4.5. Manual Operation: Manual operation means operation by hand without using any other
source of power.
5.7.1. For One & half breaker bus switching scheme during a fault in CB compartment, No bus bar
and feeder is permitted out of service during maintenance and repair/replacement.
5.7.2. For Double Main bus switching scheme during a fault in CB compartment, No bus bar
permitted out of service during maintenance and repair/replacement.
5.7.3. During a fault in GIS compartment other than CB compartment, maximum one bus bar
and/or one feeder permitted out of service during maintenance and repair/replacement.
5.8. The material and thickness of the enclosures shall be such as to withstand an internal flash
over without burns through for a period of 300 ms at rated short time withstand current. The
material shall be such that it has no effect of environment as well as from the by-products of
SF6 breakdown under arcing condition. This shall be validated with Type Test.
5.9. Each section shall have plug- in or easily removable connection pieces to allow for easy
replacement of any component with the minimum of disturbance to the remainder of the
1 “Gas Refill level: This will be used to 'Gas Refill' level :This will be used to
annunciate the need for the gas annunciate the need for gas refilling.
refilling. The contractor shall provide a The contractor shall provide a contact
2 “SF6 low level” : This will be used to “SF6 low level” : This will be used to
annunciate the need for urgent gas annunciate the need for urgent gas
filling . A contact shall be provided for filling . A contact shall be provided
remote indication for remote indication
The density monitor/pressure switch contacts shall be in accordance with the above
It shall be possible to test all gas monitoring relays/devices without de-energizing the
primary equipment & without reducing pressure in the main section. It shall also damp the
pressure pulsation while filling the gas in service, so that flickering of the pressure switch
contacts does not take place.
5.43.2. Gas Supply: The contractor shall include the supply of all SF6 gas necessary for filling &
putting into operation the complete switchgear installation being supplied. The empty gas
cylinders shall be returnable to the contractor.
5.44. Documentation
The contractor shall prepare and submit to the employer, drawings, details that show the GIS
design in order for the employer to verify the equipment conform to the specifications. The
Design Document to be submitted for review and approval are as follows:
i. Design Review Document as per clause no. 19 of this specification
ii. Single Line Diagram
iii. Gas Schematic Diagram
iv. GTP-Guaranteed Technical Particulars
v. GIS layout (Plan and Section) including 3D drawing
b. Reclosing against trapped charges : Duty same as under (a.) above. The first, third
and fourth closures are to be on de-energised line while second closing is to be
made with lines against trapped charge of 1.2 p.u. of opposite polarity.
No allowance shall be made for heat dissipation of resistor during time interval between
successive closing operations. The resistors and resistor supports shall perform all these
duties without deterioration. Calculations and test reports of resistors proving thermal rating
for duties specified above shall be furnished during detailed engineering. The calculations
shall take care of adverse tolerances on resistance values and time settings.
220/132kV 50 to 200
132/33kV 10 to 50
2. Interrupting line/cable charging current as per IEC without re-strikes and without use of
opening resistors. The breaker shall be able to interrupt the rated line charging current
as per IEC-62271-100 with test voltage immediately before opening equal to the
product of U/√3 and 1.4
3. Clearing short line fault (Kilometric faults) with source impedance behind the bus
equivalent to symmetrical fault current specified.
4. Breaking 25% the rated fault current at twice the rated voltage under phase opposition
5. The breaker shall satisfactorily withstand the high stresses imposed on them during fault
clearing, load rejection and re-energisation of shunt reactor and/or series capacitor
compensated lines with trapped charges.
220kV 25 to 50 2.3
6.5. Total Break Time :The total break time shall not be exceeded under any of the following
duties :
a) Test duties T10,T30,T60,T100 (with TRV as per IEC- 62271-100 )
b) Short line fault L90, L75 (with TRV as per IEC-62271-100 )
The Contractor may please note that total break time of the breaker shall not be exceeded
under any duty conditions specified such as with the combined variation of the trip coil
voltage (70-110%), pneumatic/hydraulic pressure and SF6 gas pressure etc. While
furnishing the proof for the total break time of complete circuit breaker, the contractor may
specifically bring out the effect of non-simultaneity between poles and show how it is
covered in the total break time.
The values guaranteed shall be supported with the type test reports.
6.6. Constructional features :
The features and constructional details of breakers shall be in accordance with requirements
stated hereunder:
6.6.1. If multi-break interrupters are used, these shall be so designed and augmented that a uniform
voltage distribution is developed across them. Calculations/ test reports in support of the
same shall be furnished. The thermal and voltage withstand rating of the grading elements
shall be adequate for the service conditions and duty specified.
6.6.2. Contacts: All making and breaking contacts shall be sealed and free from atmospheric
effects. Contacts shall be designed to have adequate thermal and current carrying capacity
for the duty specified and to have a life expectancy so that frequent replacement due to
excessive burning will not be necessary. Provision shall be made for rapid dissipation of
heat generated by the arc on opening.
l) An overload relay shall be provided for protection of the spring charging motor.
6.8.2. The CSD shall be provided in 765kV/400kV Circuit breakers for controlling transformers
and reactors (ie for breakers of switchable line reactor and in Main& Tie circuit breakers of
Transformers, Transmission lines with non-switchable line reactors and Bus reactors). The
requirement of CSD shall be explicitly specified in price schedule
6.8.3. Technical Requirement for Controlled switching device:
a) The CSD shall be designed to operate correctly and satisfactorily with the excursion
of auxiliary A/C & DC voltages and frequency as specified in section - GTR.
b) The CSD shall meet the requirements of IEC-61000-4 16 class IV regarding HF
disturbance test and fast transient test shall be as per IEC-61000 – 4-4 level IV and
insulation test as per 60255 – 5.
c) The CSD shall have functions for switching ON & OFF the circuit breakers.
d) The CSD shall get command to operate the breakers manually or through auto re-
close relay at random. The controller shall be able to analyze the current and voltage
waves available through the signals from secondaries of CTs & CVTs for the
purpose of calculation of optimum moment of the switching the circuit breaker and
issue command to circuit breaker to operate.
e) The CSD shall have an adaptive control feature to consider the next operating time
of the breaker in calculation of optimum time of issuing the switching command. In
calculation of net operating time of the breaker the controller must consider all
factors that may affect the operating time of the breaker such as, but not limited to,
ambient temperature, control voltage variation, SF6 gas density variations etc.
Schematic drawing for this purpose shall be provided by the contractor. The
6.10. Tests :
i. In accordance with the requirements stipulated under Section GTR the circuit breaker
along with its operating mechanism shall conform to the type tests as per IEC-62271-
ii. The type test report of Electromagnetic Compatibility Test (EMC) of CSD shall be
submitted for approval
Routine tests as per IEC: 62271-100 shall be performed on all circuit breakers.
In addition to the mechanical and electrical tests specified by IEC, the following shall also
be performed.
i. Speed curves for each breaker shall be obtained with the help of a suitable operation
analyzer to determine the breaker contact movement during opening, closing, auto
reclosing and trip free operation under normal as well as limiting operating control
voltage conditions. The tests shall show the speed of contacts directly at various stages
of operation, travel of contacts, opening time, closing time, shortest time between
separation and meeting of contacts at break make operation etc. This test shall also be
performed at site for which the necessary operation analyzer along with necessary
transducers, cables, console etc. shall be arranged by the contractor at his own cost.
After completion of site pre-commissioning test, 03 nos. travel transducer shall be
handed over to POWERGRID.
ii. During testing of CB, dynamic contact resistance measurement (DCRM) shall be
carried out for close-open (CO) operations with delay of 300ms between close and trip
operations. Minimum 100A current shall be injected for DCRM test. Travel
characteristics, injected current, trip/close coil current shall also be recorded along with
DCRM test.
iii. Routine tests on Circuit breakers with Controlled switching device as per IEC/TR
7.1. Disconnectors shall be three-pole group operated or Single-pole individual operated (as per
single line diagram of the substation) and shall be installed in the switchgear to provide
electrical isolation. The disconnectors shall conform to IEC- 62271-102 and shall have the
ratings as specified in BPS.
7.2. Construction & Design.
7.2.1. The disconnectors shall be operated by electric motor suitable for use on DC system and
shall be equipped with a manual operating mechanism for emergency use. The motor shall
be protected against over current and short circuit.
7.2.2. Disconnectors shall be suitable to switch the bus charging currents during their opening and
closing and shall confirm to all three test duties viz TD1,TD2 and TD3 as per Annexure –F
8.1. Safety grounding switches shall be three-pole group operated or single-pole individual
operated (as per single line diagram of the substation). It shall be operated by DC electric
motor and shall be equipped with a manual operating mechanism for emergency use. The
motor shall be protected against over-current and short circuit.
8.2. Each safety grounding switch shall be electrically interlocked with its associated
disconnectors and circuit breaker such that it can only be closed if both the circuit breaker
and disconnectors are in open position. Safety grounding switch shall also be mechanically
key interlocked with its associated disconnectors.
8.3. Each safety grounding switch shall have clearly identifiable local positive driven
mechanical indicator together with position indicator on the Local Control Cabinet (LCC)
and provision for taking the signal to Control room.
8.5. Interlocks shall be provided so that manual operation of the switches or insertion of the
manual operating device will disable the electrical control circuits.
8.6. Each ground switch shall be fitted with auxiliary switches having 4 NO (Normally Open)
and 4 NC (Normally Closed) contacts for use by others over and above those required for
local interlocking and position indication purposes.
8.7. Provision shall be made for padlocking / suitable locking arrangement for the ground
switches in either the open or closed position.
8.8. All portions of the grounding switch and operating mechanism required for grounding shall
be connected together utilizing flexible copper conductors having a minimum cross-
sectional area of 100 sq. mm.
8.9. The main grounding connections on each grounding switch shall be rated to carry the full
short circuit current for 1 sec. and shall be equipped with a silver-plated terminal connector
suitable for steel strap of adequate rating for connection to the grounding grid.
8.10. The safety grounding switches shall conform to the requirements of IEC- 62271- 102 and
shall have electrical endurance class: E0 & shall have mechanical endurance class M2 for
765/400 kV & M1 for 220/132 kV voltage level.
8.11. The grounding switch shall be provided with test provision (insulated link) to permit test
voltage up to 10 kV and up to 200 A to be applied to the main conductor without removing
SF6 gas from the enclosure and without disassembling the enclosure except for ground
shunt leads.
8.12. Combined Disconnectors & Safety grounding switch arrangement shall also be acceptable.
8.13. Mechanical position indication shall be provided locally at each switch and Electrical
indication at each Local Control Cabinet (LCC) / SAS.
9.1. Grounding switches located at the beginning of the line feeder bay modules shall be of the
high speed, make proof type and will be used to discharge the respective charging currents,
trapped charge in addition to their safety grounding function. These grounding switches
shall be capable of interrupting the inductive and capacitive currents and to withstand the
a) The current transformers incorporated into the GIS will be used for protective relaying
and metering purposes and shall be of metal- enclosed type.
b) Each current transformer shall be equipped with a secondary terminal box with terminals
for the secondary circuits, which are connected to the Local Control Cubicle. The star/
delta configuration and the inter connection to the line protection panels will be done at
the CT terminal block located in the local control cubicle.
c) Current transformers guaranteed burdens and accuracy class are to be intended as
simultaneous for all cores.
d) The rated extended currents for 800 kV and 420 kV class Current transformers shall be
as given below:
The voltage transformers shall conform to IEC- 61869 and other relevant standards except
to the extent explicitly modified in the specification.
Voltage transformers shall be of the electromagnetic type with SF6 gas insulation. The earth
end of the high voltage winding and the ends of the secondary winding shall be brought out
in the terminal box.
10.2.1. Ratios and Characteristics: The rating, ratio, accuracy class, connection etc. for the
voltage transformers shall be in accordance with Annexure 4 & Table 4A.
10.2.2. Rating and diagram plates :Rating and diagram plate shall be provided complying with
the requirements of the IEC specification incorporating the year of manufacture and
including turns ratio, voltage ratio, burden, connection diagram etc.
10.2.3. Secondary Terminals, Earthing
The beginning and end of each secondary winding shall be wired to suitable terminals
accommodated in a terminal box mounted directly on the voltage transformer section of the
SF6 switchgear.
All terminals shall be stamped or otherwise marked to correspond with the marking on the
diagram plate. Provision shall be made for earthing of the secondary windings inside the
terminal box.
10.2.4. The transformer shall be able to sustain full line to line voltage without saturation of
10.2.5. Constructional Details of Voltage Transformers :
a) The voltage transformers shall be located as a separate bay module and will be
connected phase to ground and shall be used for protection, metering and
b) The voltage transformers shall be of inductive type, nonresistant and shall be contained
in their own-SF6 compartment, separated from other parts of installation. The voltage
transformers shall be effectively shielded against high frequency electromagnetic
transients. The supplier shall ensure that there is no risk of Ferro resonance due to the
capacitance of the GIS.
c) The voltage transformers shall have three secondary windings.
d) Voltage transformers secondary shall be protected by Miniature Circuit breakers
(MCBs) with monitoring contacts for all the windings. The secondary terminals of the
VT’s shall be terminated to preferably stud type non-disconnecting terminal blocks in
the secondary boxes via the fuse.
10.3. Tests:
10.3.1. In accordance with the requirements in Section-GTR, Current Transformer and Voltage
Transformer should have been type tested and shall be subjected to routine tests in
accordance with relevant IEC.
10.3.2. The test reports of type tests, as applicable, as per IEC-61869-2 for CT, and IEC-61869-3
for IVT and following additional tests shall be submitted for the Employer’s review. The
type tests for which the procedure is under consideration as per above said IEC is not
required to be considered.
a) Current Transformers (CT): Transmitted over voltage test for 145kV and above
voltage rating
b) Inductive Voltage Transformers (IVT): Transmitted over voltage test for 145kV
and above voltage rating
11.1. The surge arrestors shall confirm in general to latest IEC –60099-4.
11.2. Insulation co-ordination and selection of surge arrestor: The contractor shall be fully
responsible for complete insulation co-ordination of switchyard including GIS. Contractor
shall carry out detailed studies and design calculations to evolve the required parameters
locations, energy capability etc. of surge arrestors such that adequate protective margin is
available between peak impulse, surge and power frequency discharge voltages and BIL of
the protected requirement. The locations of surge arrestors shown in single line diagram is
indicative only. If the contractor feels that at some more locations the surge arrestors are
required to be provided the same should also be deemed included in the offer.
The contractor shall perform all necessary studies and the report shall detail the limits of all
equipment parameters which could affect the insulation co-ordination. The report shall also
detail the characteristics of the surge arrestor and shall demonstrate that the selected
arrestor’s protective and withstand levels, discharge and coordinating currents and arrestor
ratings and comply with the requirement of this specification.
11.3.1. The surge arrestor shall be SF6 gas insulated metal oxide and gapless type. The metal
housing of the arrestor shall be connected to the metal enclosure of the GIS with flange,
bolted and gasketed joint so that the arrestor housing is grounded through GIS enclosure.
11.3.2. Surge arrestor shall be disconnect-link type and be attached to the gas-insulated system in
such a manner that they can be readily disconnected from the system while the system is
being dielectrically tested.
11.3.3. The surge arrester shall be of heavy duty station class and gapless (Metal oxide) type
without any series or shunt gaps.
11.3.4. The surge arresters shall be capable of discharging over-voltages occurring during switching
of unloaded transformers, reactors and long lines.
11.3.5. Surge arresters for the 765 kV network shall be capable of discharging of severe re-
energisation switching surges on a 765kV line with surge impedance of 270hms and
capacitance of 13 nF/Km.
765 kV class arrester shall be capable of discharging energy equivalent to class 5 of IEC for
a 765 kV system on two successive operation followed immediately by 50 HZ energisation
with a sequential voltage profile as specified below:
1000 kVp for 3 peaks
910 kVp for 0.1 Sec.
885 kVp for 1 Sec.
866 kVp for 10 Secs.
11.3.6. Surge arresters for the 400 kV network shall be capable of discharging of severe re-
energisation switching surges on a 400 kV, 450 Km long line with surge impedance of 300
ohms and capacitance of 12 nF/Km and over voltage factor of 2.3 p.u at the arrestor
400 kV class arrester shall be capable of discharging energy equivalent to class 4 of IEC for
a 400 kV system on two successive operation followed immediately by 50 HZ energisation
with a sequential voltage profile as specified below:
650 kVp for 3 peaks
575 kVp for 0.1 Sec.
550 kVp for 1 Sec.
11.3.7. 245 & 145kV class arrester shall be capable of discharging energy equivalent to class 3 of
IEC for 245 kV & 145 kV system respectively on two successive operations.
11.3.8. The reference current of the arresters shall be high enough to eliminate the influence of
grading and stray capacitance on the measured reference voltage.
11.3.9. The surge arresters are being provided to protect the followings whose insulation levels are
indicated in the table given below:-
11.4.1. In accordance with the requirements stipulated, the surge arrestors shall conform to type
tests and shall be subjected to routine and acceptance tests in accordance with IEC
11.4.2. Each metal oxide block shall be tested for the guaranteed specific energy capability in
addition to the routine/acceptance test as per IEC-60099.
11.4.3. Test on Surge Monitors: The Surge monitors shall also be connected in series with the test
specimens during residual voltage and current impulse withstand tests to verify efficacy of
the same. Additional routine/functional tests with one 100A and 10 kA current impulse,
(8/20 micro sec.) shall also be performed on the surge monitor.
11.5. Technical Parameters: Technical parameters are as per Annexure 5.
Outdoor bushings, for the connection of conventional external conductors to the SF6 metal
enclosed switchgear, shall be provided where specified and shall conform to the requirements
given in GTR.
The dimensional and clearance requirements for the metal enclosure will be the responsibility of
the manufacturer and their dimensions must be coordinated with the switchgear.
Bushings shall generally be in accordance with the requirements of IEC -60137.
12.1. Insulation levels and Creepage distances: All bushings shall have an impulse and power
frequency withstand level that is greater than or equal to the levels specified for GIS.
The creepage distance over the external surface of outdoor bushings shall not be less than 25
mm/kV and in highly polluted area it shall not be less than 31mm/kV (as per section- Project).
12.2. Bushing types and fitting: The details of bushing shall be as follows
SF6 to air Bushing shall be of Polymer / composite type and shall be robust and designed
for adequate cantilever strength to meet the requirement of seismic condition, substation
layout. The electrical and mechanical characteristics of bushings shall be in accordance with
IEC: 60137. All details of the bushing shall be submitted for approval and design review.
Polymer / composite insulator shall be seamless sheath of a silicone rubber compound. The
housing & weather sheds should have silicon content of minimum 30% by weight. It should
protect the bushing against environmental influences, external pollution and humidity. The
hollow silicone composite insulators shall comply with the requirements of the IEC
publications IEC 61462 and the relevant parts of IEC 62217. The design of the composite
insulators shall be tested and verified according to IEC 61462.
17.7. The electric overhead cranes shall be provided with walkways, platforms. shall be
provided along the bridge rails and on the crab of EOT crane to facilitate
cleaning/maintenance of the crane and to give access to the GIS room high bay lighting
and ventilation duct and grilles.
17.8. The platform and walkways shall be designed to support any weight to be imposed upon
them during crane overhaul.
17.9. An access platform shall be provided together with a guarded ladder to allow access to
the bridge rails.
17.10. The crane shall be provided with pendant control and RF control.
2. Further the following tests may be done at site after installation of the crane at site
a. Check all the accessories for proper function
b. No load test
c. Load test as per site conditions
The test reports of the above type tests for GIS (including type test report on Circuit breaker,
Disconnect Switch, Grounding switches, Current and Voltage transformers as per relevant
IEC and type tests of SF6/Air & Oil bushing as per IEC 60137 shall be submitted for
approval as per Section- GTR, Technical Specification.
21.1. Painting of enclosure: All enclosures shall be painted externally as per manufacturer’s
painting procedure.
21.2. Heaters: Wherever required, heaters shall be provided to prevent moisture condensation
inside various Marshaling boxes.
21.3. Identification & rating plate
Each bay shall have a nameplate showing
a) Each module will have its own Identification & rating plate. The rating plate marking
for each individual equipment like Circuit breaker, Disconnect Switch Grounding
switches, Current transformer, Voltage transformers, Surge arrester etc shall be as
per their relevant IEC.
b) A schematic diagram indicating their relative locations.
Testing & Maintenance equipment shall be offered, as per relevant schedule of BPS.
27.1. SF6 Gas leakage detector.
The detector shall be portable, battery operated, hand held type and having a minimum SF6
gas leakage sensitivity of 5gm/year. The sensor shall be connected through a flexible wand
for easy accessibility to joints, seals and couplings in GIS equipment and provided with a
protection filter. The equipment shall have on/off switch & suitable indicating lamps/LEDs,
variable pitch audible signal for leakage indication. The equipment shall have automatic
zeroing of background signals suitable for detecting SF6 gas leakage in charged switchyard.
The test kit shall be compatible for EMI/EMC environment as per IEC 1000.
27.4. Portable Partial Discharge(PD) monitoring system (Shall generally applicable for
220kV&132 kV)
• The equipment shall be used for detecting different types of defects in Gas Insulated
Stations (GIS) such as Particles, Loose shields and Partial Discharges as well as for
detection of Partial discharges in other types of equipment such as Cable Joints, CTs and
• It shall be capable for measuring PD in charged GIS environment as EHV which shall have
bandwidth in order of 100 MHz–2GHz with possibility to select a wide range of
intermediate bandwidths for best measurement results. The principle of operation shall be
based on UHF principle of detection. The instrument should also be able to detect partial
discharges in cable joints and terminations.
• Detection and measurement of PD and bouncing particles shall be displayed on built in large
LCD display and the measurement shall be stored in the instrument and further
downloadable to a PC for further analysis to locate actual source of PD such as free
conducting particles, floating components, voids in spacers, particle on spacer surfaces etc.
Software for display and diagnosis of PD signals and an expert software system for accurate
interpretation of cause of PD shall also be supplied and installed by the contractor.
• The equipment shall meet the following requirements
1. Measurement shall be possible in noisy environment.
2. Stable reading shall be possible in presence of vibrations within complex GIS
assemblies, which can produce signals similar to PD.
3. Equipment should have necessary synchronizing circuits to obtain PD correlation
with power cycle and power frequency.
4. The equipment shall be battery operated with built-in-battery charger. It shall also
be suitable for 230V AC/50 Hz input.
27.5. Online Partial Discharge Monitoring System (Applicable for 765kV& 400 kV GIS)
• GIS equipment shall be designed so as to minimize partial discharge or other electrical
discharge. A state-of-the art Partial Discharge Monitoring system shall be provided to
monitor the entire GIS installation.
The integration of UHF PD coupler in future GIS bays shall be done in respective
package. The number of UHF PD coupler for future bays shall be decided based on GIS
layout finalized under present scope (considering present GIS equipment with future
The PD Monitoring PC Work Station shall be housed in a lockable cabinet with duplicate
keys and shall be located in the control room of the GIS substation. Workstation PCs
shall be pre-loaded with all necessary Hardware & Software. The PCs shall have each
Combo drive & Retrievable disk drive (1 TB), Ethernet port 100Mbps, printer. The
workstation PC shall be powered by suitable dedicated UPS and same is included in the
present scope.
• Design of on-line PDM System
1. The technical proposal for PDM system along with detailed design documentation
shall be submitted for EMPLOYER’S approval during engineering stage.
2. To guarantee that sufficient coverage is available for complete GIS installation to
monitor PD activity all design details shall be submitted as part of the above for
3. The sensitivity of the offered system shall be in accordance with CIGRE Document
No. 654 that will be verified as part of site sensitivity tests.
Software Updates: It shall be possible to upgrade / update the system software throughout
the lifetime of the system with the ongoing development / refinement in PD technology.
• Fault investigation : In case of any indication of suspected PD activity by the on line system,
further investigation has to be carried out by the contractor for the PD defect
identification and location during the warranty period
• Special Tools / equipment, Spare Parts, software packages
Special Tools: Special tools for cutting and crimping of coaxial cable with ‘N
Connectors’ shall be supplied.
Spare parts: The contractor has to supply critical spares with replacement procedure for
the trouble free operation of the system during its expected lifetime as part of the
contract. A detailed list shall be included in the tender and also submitted for
EMPLOYER’S approval during the detailed engineering stage.
Software Packages: The complete software package shall be supplied as part of a back-up
facility in the form of DVD/CDs viz. Windows operating system with end user license,
PDM Software including HV Test, Drivers for modems etc., software for remote access,
printer etc. The list shall be submitted for reference.
Pulse generator for UHF sensor sensitivity test shall also be supplied as a standard
• Operation & Maintenance Manual :A complete O&M manual covering all aspects of trouble
shooting of PDM system in six sets in original shall be provided & also in CD’s. For diagram
references colour pictures shall be provided. A step-by-step procedure for spare parts
replacement shall also be included.
• Factory / Site Test Formats: The factory & site tests format to be submitted for approval. The
format shall cover all possible tests to confirm healthiness of the system and to record the test
• List of References: The bidder shall provide a reference list of PD monitoring system,
which is supplied by them and in successful operation worldwide in a power utility.
with with
tolerance as tolerance
2. Rated frequency 50 HZ 50 HZ 50 HZ 50 Hz
6. Rated short time 50/40 kA for 1 63/50/40 kA for 1 50/40 kA for 1 31.5 kA for 1
withstand current Sec. Sec. Sec. second
of isolator and
earth switch(as
applicable )
8. Rated insulation
One minute power 960 kV rms 650 kV rms. 460 kV rms. 275 kV rms.
freq. Withstand
voltage: To earth :
One minute power 1270 kVrms 815 kV rms. 530 kV rms. 315 kV rms.
freq. Withstand
9. Mechanical M2 M2 M2
Endurance clause
as per IEC
No. of Core Application Current Output Accurac Min. Knee Pt. Max. CT Sec. Max. Excit. Current at Vk
Cores. No. Ratio Burden y Class Voltage wdg. Resistance (in mA)
(VA) (Vk) (in )
6 1 BUS DIFF. 3000/ - PX 3000/ 15/10/2.5 20 on 3000/1 TAP;
CHECK 2000/ 2000/ 30 on 2000/1;
500/1 500 120 on 500/1 tap
2. BUS DIFF. 3000/ - PX 3000/ 15/10/2.5 20 on 3000/1 TAP;
MAIN 2000/ 2000/ 30 on 2000/1;
500/1 500 120 on 500/1 tap
3. METERING 3000/ 20 0.2S - -
2000/ 20 0.2S - -
500/1 20 0.2S - -
4. METERING 3000/ 20 0.2S - -
2000/ 20 0.2S - -
500/1 20 0.2S - -
No. of Core Application Ratio Output Accuracy Min. Knee Max. CT Max. Excit.
cores No. Burden Class Pt. Voltage Sec. wdg. Current at Vk
(Vk) Resistance (in mA)
(in )
No.of Core Appli- Current Output Accuracy Min. knee Max. CT Max. Excit-
Cores No. cation ratio burden class pt.volt- sec.wdg. ation cur-
(VA) age (Vk) resist- rent at Vk
ance(ohms) (in mA)
5 1 BUS DIFF 1600- - PX 1600/ 8/4 25 on
CHECK 800/1 800 1600/1
Tap; 50 on
800/1 Tap
No.of Core Appli- Current Output Accuracy Min. knee Max. CT Max. Excit-
Cores No. cation ratio burden class pt.volt- sec.wdg. ation cur-
(VA) age Vk resist- rent at Vk
ance(ohms) (in mA)
5 1 BUS DIFF 600- - PX 600/ 6/3 30 on
CHECK 300/1 300 600/1
60 on
3 No. of 3 3 3 3
1.5 for 30 seconds 1.5 for 30 seconds 1.5 for 30 seconds 1.5 for 30 seconds
5 Phase angle ±10 minutes (for metering core) ±10 minutes (for metering core) ±10 minutes (for metering core) ±10 minutes (for metering
error core)
Sec I Sec II Sec III Sec I Sec II Sec III Sec I Sec II Sec III Sec I Sec II Sec III
110/√3 110/√3 110/√3 110/√3
6. Rated
voltage (V)
7. Application Protection Protection Metering Protection Protection Meterin Protection Protection Metering Protection Protecti Metering
g on
9. Output 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50
burden (VA)
Page 1 of 8
Annexure-10 Rev-1
2.1 Complete Circuit Breaker (one phase) without PIR with Set 2 1
interrupter, main circuit, enclosure and Marshalling Box with
operating mechanism to enable one to one replacement of
applicable type of CB by spare. (if applicable)
2.2 Complete Circuit Breaker (one phase) with PIR with interrupter, Set 2 1
main circuit, enclosure and Marshalling Box with operating
mechanism to enable one to one replacement of applicable type of
CB by spare. (if applicable)
2.3 Fixed, moving and arcing contacts including insulating nozzles of Set 1 1
each type (for Main Chamber & PIR Chamber as applicable)
2.4 Trip coil assembly with resistor as applicable Set 3 3
2.5 Closing coil assembly with resistor as applicable Set 3 3
2.6 Relays, Power contactors, push buttons, timers & MCBs etc. of Set 1 1
each type
2.7 Auxiliary switch assembly of each type Set 3 1
2.8 Operation Counter Set 3 1
2.9 Windoscope / Observing window of each type Set 2 2
2.11 For Hydraulic Operated Mechanism, if applicable
2.11.1 Hydraulic operating mechanism with drive motor of each type Set 3 1
2. 11.2 Ferrules, joints and couplings of each type Set 3 1
2. 11.3 Hydraulic filter of each type Set 3 1
2. 11.4 Hose pipe of each type Set 3 1
2. 11.5 N2 Accumulator of each type Set 3 1
2. 11.6 Valves of each type Set 3 1
2. 11.7 Pipe length (copper & steel) of each size & type Set 3 1
2. 11.8 Pressure switches of each type Set 3 1
2. 11.9 Pressure gauge with coupling device of each type Set 3 1
2.11.10 Hydraulic oil (20% of total Oil quantity) Set 1 1
2.11.11 Pressure Relief Device of each type Set 3 1
2.12 For Spring Operated Mechanism, if applicable
2.12.1 Complete Spring Operating Mechanism including charging Set 3 1
mechanism etc. of each type
2.12.2 Spring Charging Motor Nos. 2 1
2.13 For Hydraulic-Spring Operated Mechanism, if applicable
2.13.1 Complete Hydraulic-Spring Operating Mechanism including Set 3 1
charging mechanism etc. of each type
2.13.2 Spring Charging Motor Nos. 2 1
2.13.3 Pressure switches of each type Set 3 1
Page 2 of 8
Annexure-10 Rev-1
2.13.4 Pressure gauge with coupling device of each type Set 3 1
3.0 Disconnector Switches/Earthing Switchis:
3.1 Complete set of 3-phase dis-connector of each type including Set 1 1
main circuit, enclosure, driving mechanism and support Insulator
etc. to enable complete one to one replacement of all applicable
type of Isolator by spare
3.2 Complete set of 3-phase Maintenance Earthing switch of each Set 1 1
type, including main circuit, enclosure, driving mechanism and
support Insulator etc to enable complete one to one replacement
of all applicable type of Earth Switch by spare
3.3 Complete set of 3-phase Fast Earthing switch of each type, Set 1 1
including main circuit, enclosure, driving mechanism and support
Insulator etc. to enable complete one to one replacement of all
applicable type of Earth Switch by spare (if applicable)
3.4 Copper contact fingers & corona shield for dis-connector male & Set 1 1
female contact–for one complete (3-phase) dis-connector of each
3.5 Copper contact fingers & corona shield for Maintenance Earthing Set 1 1
switch male & female contacts, for one complete (3- phase)
earthing switch of each type
3.6 Copper contact fingers & corona shield for Fast Earthing switch Set 1 1
male & female contacts, for one complete (3-phase) earthing
switch of each type (if applicable)
3.7 Open/Close contactor assembly, timers, key interlock,
interlocking coils, relays, push buttons, indicating lamps, Power
contactors, resistors, fuses, MCBs & drive control cards etc. one
of each type for one complete MOM box
3.7.1 For Disconnector Set 2 1
3.7.2 For Maintenance Earth switch Set 2 1
3.7.3 For Fast Earthing Switch (if applicable) Set 2 1
3.8 Limit switches and Aux. Switches for one complete MOM box
3.8.1 For Disconnector Set 2 1
3.8.2 For Maintenance earth switch Set 2 1
3.8.3 For Fast Earthing Switch (if applicable) Set 2 1
3.9 Drive Mechanism of each type
3.9.1 For Disconnector Set 2 1
3.9.2 For Maintenance earth switch Set 2 1
3.9.3 For Fast Earthing Switch (if applicable) Set 2 1
3.10 Motor for Drive Mechanism of each type
3.10.1 For Disconnector Set 3 1
3.10.2 For Maintenance earth switch Set 3 1
Page 3 of 8
Annexure-10 Rev-1
3.10.3 For Fast Earthing Switch (if applicable) Set 3 1
4.1 Complete CT of each type and rating as supplied with enclosure Nos. 2 1
and primary conductors to enable one to one replacement of all
applicable type/rating of CT by spare
5.0 Voltage Transformer
5.1 Complete PT of each type with enclosure to enable one to one No. 1 1
replacement of all applicable type/rating of VT by spare (if
6.1 Complete Gas insulated Surge arrester of each type and ratings No. 1 1
with enclosure and insulator (if applicable)
6.2 Surge counter/ monitor of each type (if applicable) No. 2 1
7.0 Local Control Cubicle (LCC)
7.1 Aux. relays, Contactors, Push Buttons, Switches, Lamps, Set 5 2
Annunciation Windows, MCB, Fuses, Timers, Terminal Blocks
etc. of each type & rating
1. Any equipment which is not supplied as main equipment, mandatory spare for that is not
2. Any equipment specified in Technical Specification with different types (including
different current ratings), if the contractor has supplied higher rating equipment against
such different types of equipment, mandatory spare for higher rating only shall be
Page 4 of 8
Annexure-10 Rev-1
Sl. No. Description Unit Quantity Quantity
(New S/s) (Extn. S/s)
For 220kV and 132kV Voltage Class as applicable
1.0 General
1.1 Complete GIS modules, along with enclosure, all active parts
such as conductor, conductor joints, shields, end covers etc. for
Set 1 1
each type of
Bus Bar Sections (including Bus Bar Interconnection
Bus Ducts Sections (including Compensators/expansion
SF6/Air Bushing.
Oil/SF6 Bushing
Cable Termination kit
1.2 SF6 gas Pressure Relief Device assembly of each type Set 1 1
1.3 SF6 Pressure gauge cum switch /Density monitors and pressure Set 5 3
switch as applicable, of each type
1.4 Coupling device for pressure gauge cum switch for connecting Set 2 2
Gas handling plant of each type
1.5 Rubber Gaskets, “O” Rings and Seals for SF6 gas for GIS Set 5 3
enclosures of each type
1.6 Molecular filter for SF6 gas with filter bags (10 % of total Set 1 1
1.7 Control Valves for SF6 gas of each type Set 3 1
1.8 SF6 gas (20 % of total gas quantity) Lot 1 1
1.9 Pipe length (Copper or Steel as applicable) for SF6 Circuit of Set 2 1
each type (if applicable)
1.10 Locking device to keep the Dis-connectors (Isolators) and Set 2 1
Earthing/Fast Earthing switches in close or open position in case
of removal of the driving Mechanism
1.11 UHF PD Sensors of each type along with BNC Connector Nos. 5 2
1.12 Support Insulators (gas through) of each type (complete with Nos. 10 4
metal ring etc.)
1.13 Gas Barriers of each type (complete with metal ring etc.) Nos. 10 4
1.14 SF6 to air bushing of each type complete in all respect No. 2 1
2.1 Complete Circuit Breaker (Three Phase) with interrupter, main Set 1 1
circuit, enclosure and Marshalling Box with operating mechanism
to enable one to one replacement of applicable type of CB by
spare. (if applicable)
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Annexure-10 Rev-1
2.3 Fixed, moving and arcing contacts including insulating nozzles of Set 1 1
each type (for Main Chamber & PIR Chamber as applicable)
2.4 Trip coil assembly with resistor as applicable Set 3 3
2.5 Closing coil assembly with resistor as applicable Set 3 3
2.6 Relays, Power contactors, push buttons, timers & MCBs etc. of Set 1 1
each type
2.7 Auxiliary switch assembly of each type Set 3 1
2.8 Operation Counter Set 3 1
2.9 Windoscope / Observing window of each type Set 2 2
2.11 For Hydraulic Operated Mechanism, if applicable
2.11.1 Hydraulic operating mechanism with drive motor of each type Set 3 1
2. 11.2 Ferrules, joints and couplings of each type Set 3 1
2. 11.3 Hydraulic filter of each type Set 3 1
2. 11.4 Hose pipe of each type Set 3 1
2. 11.5 N2 Accumulator of each type Set 3 1
2. 11.6 Valves of each type Set 3 1
2. 11.7 Pipe length (copper & steel) of each size & type Set 3 1
2. 11.8 Pressure switches of each type Set 3 1
2. 11.9 Pressure gauge with coupling device of each type Set 3 1
2.11.10 Hydraulic oil (20% of total Oil quantity) Set 1 1
2.11.11 Pressure Relief Device of each type Set 3 1
2.12 For Spring Operated Mechanism, if applicable
2.12.1 Complete Spring Operating Mechanism including charging Set 3 1
mechanism etc. of each type
2.12.2 Spring Charging Motor Nos. 2 1
2.13 For Hydraulic-Spring Operated Mechanism, if applicable
2.13.1 Complete Hydraulic-Spring Operating Mechanism including Set 3 1
charging mechanism etc. of each type
2.13.2 Spring Charging Motor Nos. 2 1
2.13.3 Pressure switches of each type Set 3 1
2.13.4 Pressure gauge with coupling device of each type Set 3 1
3.0 Disconnector Switches/Earthing Switchis:
3.1 Complete set of 3-phase dis-connector of each type including Set 1 1
main circuit, enclosure, driving mechanism and support Insulator
etc. to enable complete one to one replacement of all applicable
type of Isolator by spare
3.2 Complete set of 3-phase Maintenance Earthing switch of each Set 1 1
type, including main circuit, enclosure, driving mechanism and
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Annexure-10 Rev-1
support Insulator etc to enable complete one to one replacement
of all applicable type of Earth Switch by spare
3.3 Complete set of 3-phase Fast Earthing switch of each type, Set 1 1
including main circuit, enclosure, driving mechanism and support
Insulator etc. to enable complete one to one replacement of all
applicable type of Earth Switch by spare (if applicable)
3.4 Copper contact fingers & corona shield for dis-connector male & Set 1 1
female contact–for one complete (3-phase) dis-connector of each
3.5 Copper contact fingers & corona shield for Maintenance Earthing Set 1 1
switch male & female contacts, for one complete (3- phase)
earthing switch of each type
3.6 Copper contact fingers & corona shield for Fast Earthing switch Set 1 1
male & female contacts, for one complete (3-phase) earthing
switch of each type (if applicable)
3.7 Open/Close contactor assembly, timers, key interlock,
interlocking coils, relays, push buttons, indicating lamps, Power
contactors, resistors, fuses, MCBs & drive control cards etc. one
of each type for one complete MOM box
3.7.1 For Disconnector Set 2 1
3.7.2 For Maintenance Earth switch Set 2 1
3.7.3 For Fast Earthing Switch (if applicable) Set 2 1
3.8 Limit switches and Aux. Switches for one complete MOM Box
3.8.1 For Disconnector Set 2 1
3.8.2 For Maintenance earth switch Set 2 1
3.8.3 For Fast Earthing Switch (if applicable) Set 2 1
3.9 Drive Mechanism of each type
3.9.1 For Disconnector Set 2 1
3.9.2 For Maintenance earth switch Set 2 1
3.9.3 For Fast Earthing Switch (if applicable) Set 2 1
3.10 Motor for Drive Mechanism of each type
3.10.1 For Disconnector Set 3 1
3.10.2 For Maintenance earth switch Set 3 1
3.10.3 For Fast Earthing Switch (if applicable) Set 3 1
4.1 Complete CT of each type and rating as supplied with enclosure Nos. 2 1
and primary conductors to enable one to one replacement of all
applicable type/rating of CT by spare
5.0 Voltage Transformer
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Annexure-10 Rev-1
5.1 Complete PT of each type with enclosure to enable one to one No. 1 1
replacement of all applicable type/rating of VT by spare (if
6.1 Complete Gas insulated Surge arrester of each type and ratings No. 1 1
with enclosure and insulator (if applicable)
6.2 Surge counter/ monitor of each type (if applicable) No. 2 1
7.0 Local Control Cubicle (LCC)
7.1 Aux. relays, Contactors, Push Buttons, Switches, Lamps, Set 5 2
Annunciation Windows, MCB, Fuses, Timers, Terminal Blocks
etc. of each type & rating
1. Any equipment which is not supplied as main equipment, mandatory spare for that is not
2. Any equipment specified in Technical Specification with different types (including
different current ratings), if the contractor has supplied higher rating equipment against
such different types of equipment, mandatory spare for higher rating only shall be
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Annexure-11 Rev-0
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Annexure-11 Rev-0
2.1 Complete Circuit Breaker (one phase) with interrupter, main circuit, Set 1
enclosure and Marshalling Box with operating mechanism to enable
one to one replacement of applicable type of CB by spare. (if
2.3 Fixed, moving and arcing contacts including insulating nozzles of each Set 1
type (for Main Chamber & PIR Chamber as applicable)
2.4 Trip coil assembly with resistor as applicable Set 3
2.5 Closing coil assembly with resistor as applicable Set 3
2.6 Relays, Power contactors, push buttons, timers & MCBs etc. of each Set 1
2.7 Auxiliary switch assembly of each type Set 1
2.8 Operation Counter Set 3
2.9 Windoscope / Observing window of each type Set 1
2.11 For Hydraulic Operated Mechanism, if applicable
2.11.1 Hydraulic operating mechanism with drive motor of each type Set 1
2. 11.2 Ferrules, joints and couplings of each type Set 1
2. 11.3 Hydraulic filter of each type Set 1
2. 11.4 Hose pipe of each type Set 1
2. 11.5 N2 Accumulator of each type Set 1
2. 11.6 Valves of each type Set 1
2. 11.7 Pipe length (copper & steel) of each size & type Set 1
2. 11.8 Pressure switches of each type Set 1
2. 11.9 Pressure gauge with coupling device of each type Set 1
2.11.10 Hydraulic oil (20% of total Oil quantity) Set 1
2.11.11 Pressure Relief Device of each type Set 1
2.12 For Spring Operated Mechanism, if applicable
2.12.1 Complete Spring Operating Mechanism including charging mechanism Set 1
etc. of each type
2.12.2 Spring Charging Motor Nos. 1
2.13 For Hydraulic-Spring Operated Mechanism, if applicable
2.13.1 Complete Hydraulic-Spring Operating Mechanism including charging Set 1
mechanism etc. of each type
2.13.2 Spring Charging Motor Nos. 1
2.13.3 Pressure switches of each type Set 1
2.13.4 Pressure gauge with coupling device of each type Set 1
3.0 Disconnector Switches/Earthing Switchis:
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Annexure-11 Rev-0
3.1 Complete set of 3-phase dis-connector of each type including main Set 1
circuit, enclosure, driving mechanism and support Insulator etc. to
enable complete one to one replacement of all applicable type of
Isolator by spare
3.2 Complete set of 3-phase Maintenance Earthing switch of each type, Set 1
including main circuit, enclosure, driving mechanism and support
Insulator etc to enable complete one to one replacement of all
applicable type of Earth Switch by spare
3.3 Complete set of 3-phase Fast Earthing switch of each type, including Set 1
main circuit, enclosure, driving mechanism and support Insulator etc.
to enable complete one to one replacement of all applicable type of
Earth Switch by spare (if applicable)
3.4 Copper contact fingers & corona shield for dis-connector male & Set 1
female contact–for one complete (3-phase) dis-connector of each type
3.5 Copper contact fingers & corona shield for Maintenance Earthing Set 1
switch male & female contacts, for one complete (3- phase) earthing
switch of each type
3.6 Copper contact fingers & corona shield for Fast Earthing switch male Set 1
& female contacts, for one complete (3-phase) earthing switch of each
type (if applicable)
3.7 Open/Close contactor assembly, timers, key interlock, interlocking
coils, relays, push buttons, indicating lamps, Power contactors,
resistors, fuses, MCBs & drive control cards etc. one of each type for
one complete MOM box
3.7.1 For Disconnector Set 1
3.7.2 For Maintenance Earth switch Set 1
3.7.3 For Fast Earthing Switch (if applicable) Set 1
3.8 Limit switches and Aux. Switches for one complete MOM box
3.8.1 For Disconnector Set 1
3.8.2 For Maintenance earth switch Set 1
3.8.3 For Fast Earthing Switch (if applicable) Set 1
3.9 Drive Mechanism of each type
3.9.1 For Disconnector Set 1
3.9.2 For Maintenance earth switch Set 1
3.9.3 For Fast Earthing Switch (if applicable) Set 1
3.10 Motor for Drive Mechanism of each type
3.10.1 For Disconnector Set 1
3.10.2 For Maintenance earth switch Set 1
3.10.3 For Fast Earthing Switch (if applicable) Set 1
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Annexure-11 Rev-0
4.1 Complete CT of each type and rating as supplied with enclosure and Nos. 1
primary conductors to enable one to one replacement of all applicable
type/rating of CT by spare
5.0 Voltage Transformer
5.1 Complete PT of each type with enclosure to enable one to one No. 1
replacement of all applicable type/rating of VT by spare (if applicable)
6.0 Local Control Cubicle (LCC)
7.1 Aux. relays, Contactors, Push Buttons, Switches, Lamps, Annunciation Set 2
Windows, MCB, Fuses, Timers, Terminal Blocks etc. of each type &
1. Any equipment which is not supplied as main equipment, mandatory spare for that is not
2. Any equipment specified in Technical Specification with different types (including
different current ratings), if the contractor has supplied higher rating equipment against
such different types of equipment, mandatory spare for higher rating only shall be
3. *BPS Quantity for Mandatory spare of complete HYBRID GIS/MTS Assembly shall be
minimum 1 (One) No. per 6 (six) feeders bays and shall be minimum 2 (Two) Nos. for
more than 06 feeder bays.
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