PIP pnsc0035 Steam Tracing Specification
PIP pnsc0035 Steam Tracing Specification
PIP pnsc0035 Steam Tracing Specification
August 2002
Steam Tracing Specification
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In an effort to minimize the cost of process industry facilities, this Practice has
been prepared from the technical requirements in the existing standards of major
industrial users, contractors, or standards organizations. By harmonizing these technical
requirements into a single set of Practices, administrative, application, and engineering
costs to both the purchaser and the manufacturer should be reduced. While this Practice
is expected to incorporate the majority of requirements of most users, individual
applications may involve requirements that will be appended to and take precedence
over this Practice. Determinations concerning fitness for purpose and particular matters
or application of the Practice to particular project or engineering situations should not
be made solely on information contained in these materials. The use of trade names
from time to time should not be viewed as an expression of preference but rather
recognized as normal usage in the trade. Other brands having the same specifications
are equally correct and may be substituted for those named. All Practices or guidelines
are intended to be consistent with applicable laws and regulations including OSHA
requirements. To the extent these Practices or guidelines should conflict with OSHA or
other applicable laws or regulations, such laws or regulations must be followed.
Consult an appropriate professional before applying or acting on any material
contained in or suggested by the Practice.
This Practice is subject to revision at any time by the responsible Function Team and will
be reviewed every 5 years. This Practice will be revised, reaffirmed, or withdrawn.
Information on whether this Practice has been revised may be found at www.pip.org.
PIP will not consider requests for interpretations (inquiries) for this Practice.
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August 2002
Steam Tracing Specification
Table of Contents
1. Introduction .................................. 3 5.10 Selection and Application of Heat
1.1 Purpose ............................................. 3 Transfer Compounds....................... 13
1.2 Scope................................................. 3
1.3 Tracing Systems................................ 3 6. Installation.................................. 13
1.4 Supporting Documents ...................... 3 6.1 Tracer Tube Cutting and Shaping ... 13
6.2 Tubing Unions ................................. 13
2. References.................................... 3 6.3 Steam Supply Layout ...................... 13
2.1 Process Industry Practices................ 3 6.4 Trap and Condensate Return
2.2 Industry Code and Standards............ 3 Systems ........................................... 14
6.5. Tracer Location and Routing ........... 14
3. Definitions .................................... 4
6.6 Trap Station Installation................... 15
4. Mechanical Criteria ...................... 7 6.7 Tracing Identification ....................... 16
4.1 Tracing System Temperature 6.8 Tracers on Valves and Pumps ........ 16
Control ............................................... 7 6.9 Tracers on Vessels.......................... 17
4.2 Steam Supply Design/Layout ............ 7 6.10 Tracing on Instruments.................... 17
4.3 Steam Trap Selection ........................ 7 6.11 Heating Systems for Instruments
4.4 Steam Pressure Selection ................. 7 Enclosures....................................... 17
4.5 Selection of Tracer Type ................... 8 6.12 Process Piping Supports ................. 18
4.6 Size and Number of Tracers ........... 10 6.13 Preinsulated Lead Supports ............ 18
6.14 Tracing Installation Sequence ......... 18
5. Materials ..................................... 11 6.15 Surface Preparation of Piping ......... 19
5.1 General ............................................ 11 6.16 Surface Preparation of Tracers ....... 19
5.2 Preinsulated Leads.......................... 11 6.17 Tracer Securement to Process
5.3 Tracer Material ................................ 11 Lines ................................................ 19
5.4 Copper Tubing................................. 11 6.18 Pressure Testing and Cleaning ....... 19
5.5 Stainless Steel Tubing..................... 12 6.19 Insulation Installation ....................... 19
5.6 Preinsulated Tracers ....................... 12
5.7 Tracer Tubing Fittings...................... 12 7. Inspection ................................. 20
5.8 Steam Traps .................................... 12 7.1 Inspection Access............................ 20
5.9 Insulation System ............................ 12 7.2 Inspection Requirements................. 20
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Steam Tracing Specification August 2002
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August 2002 Steam Tracing Specification
1. Introduction
1.1 Purpose
This Practice provides a guideline for the design and installation of steam tracing
systems with process fluids that require heating to prevent condensation, freezing,
unacceptable viscosity, crystallizing, separation, or temperature control.
1.2 Scope
This Practice covers minimum requirements for design, materials of construction,
installation, leak testing, and inspection of steam tracing systems on equipment, piping,
and instruments including steam supply piping, steam tracers, tracer traps, and
condensate collection.
2. References
Applicable requirements in the latest edition (or the edition indicated) of the following
Practices, industry codes and standards, and detail drawings shall be considered an integral part
of this Practice. Short titles will be used herein when appropriate.
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Steam Tracing Specification August 2002
3. Definitions
For the purpose of this Practice, the following definitions apply:
air convection tracing: Tracers attached to the pipe without the use of heat-transfer compounds.
Tubing can be bare or may have a polymer jacket. A tracer is attached to the pipe with high-
temperature tape, tie-wires, or bands. Heat transfer is by means of air convection movement of
heat in the annular space between the thermal insulation and the heated pipe.
condensate: Water that is formed in the steam tracer tube when latent heat from the steam is
given up to the heated pipe or equipment
conduction tracing: Tracer tube that is thermally bonded to the heated pipe or equipment by
heat-transfer compound when the primary heat transfer means is by conduction directly into the
metal wall of the pipe or equipment being heated
contractor: Party that is responsible for furnishing and/or installing the insulation system
heat loss: The rate at which heat flows from a hot surface such as a process pipe to a cooler
atmosphere, usually stated in Btu/h feet (kcal/m) of length of pipe. The heat loss is generally
from the pipe through the pipe insulation to the cooler atmosphere, but may also be from
conduction through hangers and supports.
heatsink: A surface or mass such as a flange or valve that is at a lower temperature than the
warm pipe
heat tracing: The application of hot liquid, vapor, steam tracing tubes, electric heating cables, or
tapes to pipes, fittings, valves, pumps, tanks instruments, or instrument lines to offset the heat
loss through thermal insulation
heated pipe: Any process, service, or utility pipe that is heat traced
heating media: Dry-saturated steam that flows from the point of supply on the steam main
through to the inlet of the tracing circuit steam trap
heat-up: A steam tracing application in which process pipe or equipment requires the addition
of heat to raise its temperature from a lower to a higher level
high-pressure steam: Steam at a pressure of 250 psig to 600 psig (1,723 kPag to 4,136 kPag)
inline instruments: Instruments that are installed in the piping. These instruments are normally
traced with the same tracing circuit as the piping.
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August 2002 Steam Tracing Specification
instruments: Devices that are either used separately or in combination to measure, analyze, or
monitor the various aspects of a process
instruments piping: All piping, tubing or tubing bundles, valves, and fittings used to connect
instruments to process piping and to other instruments and apparatus for measuring, analyzing,
or monitoring purposes
isolated tracing: Tracing for sensitive piping and processes where the tracer tube is separated
from the pipe or equipment by a low conductive material. This tracing includes preinsulated
tubing with a polymer protective jacket. Heat transfer is primarily by air-convection movement
of heat in the annular space between the thermal insulation and the heated pipe.
low-pressure steam: Steam at a pressure of 15 psig to 50 psig (68 kPag to 344 kPag)
medium-pressure steam: Steam at a pressure of 50 psig to 250 psig (345 kPag to 1,722 kPag)
pockets: Bends, loops, or dips in a tracer tube circuit where condensate can collect and prevent
the tracer circuit from being self-draining
process maintenance temperature: The temperature level that must be held on plant process
pipes and equipment to keep the contents from solidifying, condensing, crystallizing,
separating, or becoming too viscous to pump
NOTE: The term is often used to refer to all traced utility, service, or process pipes.
process piping: Piping used to transport fluids between storage tanks and within process units
per ASME B31.3
remote instruments: Instruments that are installed at a location that is remote from the piping.
These instruments are traced with a tracing circuit that is separate from the tracing circuit(s)
used to trace the piping.
saturated steam: Steam at the temperature at which vaporization takes place for that pressure
and is free of moisture
service piping: Piping used to transport water, brine, steam, air, or other substances to process
piping or equipment to bring about the successful completion of the process
steam supply manifolds: Modular prefabricated steam supply distribution manifolds designed
specifically for supplying steam to tracing circuits
steam and condensate manifolds: Modular prefabricated steam supply and condensate
collection units designed specifically for steam tracing circuits
steam and condensate return leads: Preinsulated tubing with a weather-protective jacket that is
used to interconnect headers to manifolds and manifolds to tracers for steam supply and
condensate return. Referred to as leads, runs, lines, and takeoffs.
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Steam Tracing Specification August 2002
steam boiler: A closed vessel in which water is vaporized into steam to provide mechanical
power and process heat such as steam for tracing circuits
steam header: The principal steam line supplying steam to all users in an area including tracer
circuits that is assumed to be supported on overhead pipe rack and may have several branches.
steam-out: A process for cleaning residue from piping by passing steam through the piping. It is
necessary to select a tracer material that can withstand exposure to the steam-out temperature.
Steam traced piping: All references to steam traced piping throughout this Practice is meant to
imply all steam traced piping, fittings, valves, pumps, tanks, vessels, instruments, instrument
lines and any other materials or equipment requiring steam tracers.
steam tracing: A tube or small pipe carrying steam, which is placed parallel and attached to the
surface of the pipe or equipment to be heated. The tube is referred to as the “tracer,” “tracer
tube,” or simply “tracing.”
steam tracing condensate subheader: A line that collects and returns condensate from one or
more tracer circuits via a condensate collection manifold to the condensate header
steam tracing subheader: A branch from the steam header to the steam distribution manifold for
tracer circuits
steam trap: Automatic device used to hold steam in a steam tracing circuit until it has given up
its latent heat and allows condensate, air, and other gases to pass while preventing the passage
of steam
superheated steam: Steam at a temperature higher than that at which vaporization takes place
for that pressure
temperature controllers: Automatic devices used to control steam pressure and/or flow to
maintain pipe temperature for freeze protection or process temperature control
thermal insulation: For steam tracing purposes, it refers to materials used to retard the flow of
heat from piping and equipment to the surrounding atmosphere.
utilities piping: Piping that transports the primary plant commodities such as fuel gases, fuel oil,
water, air, steam, and condensate
vessel: The term “vessel” in this specification refers to any large surface such as tanks, towers,
drums, reactors, or exchangers.
weather barrier: A protective material covering the outer surface of thermal insulation to repel
rain, snow, sleet, hose wash-down, or any other substance that might negatively affect the
thermal insulation
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August 2002 Steam Tracing Specification
4. Mechanical Criteria
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Steam Tracing Specification August 2002
e. Plant site environmental design criteria (summer and winter design temperatures
and mean wind velocity)
f. Pressure differential between steam trap discharge and the condensate return
header including any static pressure head
g. Pressure of plant steam that is dedicated for steam tracing
h. Required maintenance temperatures (allowable minimum/maximum temperature
range for traced piping)
i. Safety factor for drops in steam pressure
j. Size and desired maximum length of all steam supply and condensate return leads
k. Traced piping size (outside diameter [OD]) and material of construction
l. Tracing size and type (air convection, conduction, or isolated tracing)
m. Type and thickness of the insulation system
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August 2002 Steam Tracing Specification
5. Materials
5.1 General
5.1.1 All materials used to construct steam tracing components shall be new and in
accordance with this specification and its references. Refer to PIP piping and
line class specifications as required for piping details.
5.1.2 Steam supply, condensate return, and tracer tubing wall thickness shall be in
accordance with ASME B31.3.
5.1.3 Steam supply subheaders and tracing steam distribution manifolds shall be of
the same materials as the steam header.
5.1.4 Condensate return subheaders and tracing condensate collection manifolds shall
be of the same materials as the condensate return header.
the saturated steam pressure or the item being traced does not exceed 400qF
ASTM Standard B68 and ASTM Standard B75. Copper tubing shall be used if
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Steam Tracing Specification August 2002
has a maximum temperature between 400qF (204qC) and 800qF (427qC), and
tubing and shall be used if the saturated steam pressure or the item being traced
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August 2002 Steam Tracing Specification
6. Installation
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Steam Tracing Specification August 2002
6.3.2 Each tracer supply line (subheader) from the steam header shall be:
a. Equipped with an isolation valve. These valves shall be located where
they are accessible to the plant operation personnel.
b. Routed from off the top of the tracer supply header at the highest point
possible flowing downward to the tracer steam supply distribution
manifold subheader.
6.3.3 Preinsulated tubing with factory-applied insulation and a polymeric weather-
protective jacket may be used for steam supply and condensate return leads.
6.3.4 Preinsulated leads shall be routed as follows:
a. From the distribution manifold block valve outlet to where the tracer that
is attached to the piping enters the insulation.
b. From the point of connection where the tracer piping exits the insulation
to the inlet connection of the steam trap station located on the condensate
collection manifold.
c. All lines should be routed symmetrically and run together when possible
to maintain a neat appearance. Pockets shall be avoided when possible.
d. To ensure a cost-effective design, the length of the supply and return leads
must be kept to a minimum, preferably from 25 feet (7.6 m) to 70 feet
(21 m) in length.
6.3.5 Steam supply manifolds shall be strategically located along the tracing route
and shall be accessible from grade, platform, or permanent ladder.
6.3.6 Steam supply manifolds shall be fitted with an isolation valve.
6.3.7 Supply manifolds shall be drained via a trap and discharged to the atmosphere
directed to a safe location when condensate is not returned.
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August 2002 Steam Tracing Specification
6.5.2 The steam supply should start at the highest point of the lines to be traced, and
the tracers shall be arranged so that flow is generally downward avoiding
pockets as much as possible. The accumulated vertical tracer rise (pocket
height) in feet should not exceed 15% of the steam supply pressure without
specific permission of the owner.
6.5.3 Each tracer shall be continuous from the supply manifold to the trap with no
vents, drains, or dead-end extensions at intermediate points. In general, branch
connections shall be avoided. If branches are required, each branch that is used
shall have its own trap.
6.5.4 All tracers shall be installed parallel to and against the heated pipe or equipment
and shall be placed on the most accessible surface location in regard to
supports, ease of installation, connection, and thermal insulation. Multiple
tracers shall be equally spaced around the circumference of the pipe.
6.5.5 Expansion of bare (convection) tracer tubes shall be absorbed at elbows and
flanges when possible. For long straight runs, a 12-inch (.305-m) diameter
horizontal loop shall be provided at 60-feet to 100-feet (18-m to 30-m)
intervals, preferably midway between fittings. Tracer loops provided
specifically for expansion should not contain unions.
6.5.6 Tracer loops around flanges shall be horizontal so as to drain on shutdown, and
unions shall be provided so tracers can be disconnected at valves, pumps, tanks,
or other flange-connected equipment.
6.5.7 Tracing shall be included on dead legs and similar heatsinks along the traced
6.5.8 Each tracer circuit shall have a separate trap station installed at the end of the
tracer circuit.
6.5.9 Slots shall be provided in the thermal insulation to accommodate expansion of
the tracer where it joins and leaves the traced line. See detail drawing ST-17 for
arrangement details.
6.5.10 Extra tracer lengths are not generally required at pipe hangers, piping tees, and
6.5.11 Design shall include extra tracer length for valves or large pieces of equipment.
The engineer will indicate on critical service if pipe supports or flanges require
additional tracer length. Insulated pipe supports will be considered on critical
temperature maintenance situations.
6.5.12 All tracers should be arranged to accommodate maintenance and removal of
traced valves, instruments, and other equipment.
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Steam Tracing Specification August 2002
6.6.2 Each tracer circuit shall be trapped individually at the tracer termination point
determined from the circuit design information. A new tracer shall be installed
for continuing the tracing if the pipe-run exceeds the specified maximum
trapping length.
6.6.3 Isolation valves shall be installed to accommodate servicing of the trap.
6.6.4 When condensate will be discharged to an overhead return line or against a lift,
a swing check valve shall be installed in the discharge line just beyond the trap
at the bottom of the lift if the trap does not have an integral check valve or is
not otherwise designed to prevent back flow. The discharge line from the trap
shall feed into the top of the return main.
6.6.5 The pressure due to the lift shall be added to the pressure in the overhead return
line to determine the total back pressure against which the trap must discharge.
Use 0.5 psi per vertical foot of lift (11.31 kp/m) to calculate the pressure due to
lift. The back pressure shall not exceed the allowable limit of the selected trap.
6.6.6 A test tee should be installed just downstream of the trap to allow checking of
the trap performance.
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Steam Tracing Specification August 2002
7. Inspection
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