Dissertation Anil Mittal
Dissertation Anil Mittal
Dissertation Anil Mittal
Recent corporate scandals worldwide and security of investment made by institutional investors has
made corporate governance in the organization an important agenda for the board room discussions.
Any organization is part of the eco-system in which it thrives and is dependent on other stakeholders
for its survival and growth. The responsibility of Board members to ensure implementation of
policies, guidelines, adequate disclosures and guard against adverse selection and moral hazard has
come to fore front compared to what it used to be few decades ago. The Board is ultimately
responsible to share holders for all the actions taken by its management and executives.
The objective of this dissertation is to study what Corporate Governance is, its need for an
organization, ill effects of not implementing them and various codes, measurement criteria and inter-
relation with various factors like shareholding pattern, debt component; study of acts which provide
framework for organizations to rise above the governance, various research that have happened in
Corporate Governance is the process which adds value to its stakeholders for their continued interest
in the organization and this include shareholders, investors, employees, suppliers, environment and
the society at large who are the ultimate beneficiary of existence of any corporation and without
whom its existence would not have been possible and where the persons who manage the operations
of the firm also live and thrive for their existence. The research on corporate governance codes
addressed questions of dynamics, motivation and effectiveness of compliance and non-compliance
with the code guidelines, the impact of the country’s legal regime on the adoption and the efficiency
of the code, and the impact of compliance on a firm’s performance and stock valuation (Aluchna,
In this dissertation, we have attempted to identify the parameters that affects the organization’s
profitability and other financial performance; the true meaning of compliance and have tried to de-
mystify the myth that good corporate governance will be costly and will take the control out of hands
of promoters. We have used the results of study of various researchers and compiled the main and
basic parameters that are of significance; how the compliance will help the organizations be more
respected by the shareholders and other stakeholders which will help them lower the cost of capital,
higher share prices on stock exchange and make the organization a running entity for a longer period
of time.
The project is to identify which factors are missing and how they can be implemented in the
organization under consideration. We will identify the gaps in disclosure norms, stakeholder
engagement and how the same can be implemented in any organization. We will identify various
tools that are available and adoption of same for easy disclosure and making the organizations more
So, the question arises what is corporate governance and why is it needed, how do we measure it and
Corporate Governance
Corporate Governance is the set of processes, laws of land which a firm has to follow, customs that
have been in existence for long and any other institution that requires the firm to act and operate in
the best interest of all of its stakeholders. Corporate Governance is an acceptance of the fact by the
management that the firm is truly owned by the shareholders and that they themselves are the
The term governance has been derived from the word ‘gubernare’, which means ‘to rule
However, over the years it has found significant relevance in the corporate world on
account of growing number and size of corporations, the widening base of their
shareholders, increasing linkages with the physical environment, and overall impact on
the society’s well-being. Governance is the process whereby people in power make
decisions that create, destroy or maintain social systems, structures and processes.
Corporate Governance is therefore the process whereby people in power direct, monitor
and lead corporations, and thereby either create, modify or destroy the structures and
promoting corporate fairness, transparency and accountability.” (Prof. Mehul Raithatha, 2012). The
corporates should adopt corporate governance practices as part and parcel of their routines instead of
law prescribing them to do so. Though profitability of the corporate is the primary motive of the
corporation, however only those corporations are able to stand out distinctly and attract the loyalty,
of various shareholders and stake holders, who are seen to be transparent, follow various established
best practices of corporate governance so as to benefit not only in terms of return on money invested
but also overall benefit to stake holders like environment, society at large and entire social eco-
system where individuals including managers and stakeholders live and thrive on these best
practices. Research has proven that there may not be short term profitability for these corporates but
in the long term, they enjoy loyalty and support of various stakeholders who are willing to pay
premium if their rights are better protected which goes a long way in delivering the return to them.
Effective legal protection will assure the investors that they will be paid the profits instead of being
Corporate governance principles in India have been laid out in Chanakya’s Arthashastra as early as
4th century highlighting the need to provide alignment of shareholders and stakeholders interests.
A corporate is an independent legal person and is granted this status by statute. It can hold property
in its name, can file suit and can die only through a legal process. The corporation is governed by a
constitution that is its Memorandum and Articles of Association. All the real persons who manage
the operation of corporation are bound by these two documents, needless to mention by law of land
The need of Corporate Governance arises due to structure of the corporate management where share
holders are separated from the managers whom they entrust the decision-making power in their best
interests. Thus, in order to achieve the objective of safeguarding the interest of shareholders, a
framework of best codes of practice is put in place which is called Corporate Governance. The board
has a key role to play in framing the organizations strategy, developing directional policy, appointing
and remunerating senior executives and ensuring accountability of the organization to its
The transparency and good governance are the keys to engage the stakeholders. If they find that the
corporation is being managed to deliver the expected outcomes, they will engage with the firm else
not. The result will be lack of confidence of various stakeholders in the stock market, higher interest
rates of capital raised and government intervention if it becomes chronic. Competitive advantage is
another reason why companies should adopt good corporate governance. Various ways in which
Several key factors and developments in the world of corporate sector are behind the development of
sound CG principles:
institutions was visible on a large scale in 1997 East Asian financial crisis when exit of
foreign capital from countries like South Korea, Philippines, Indonesia, Thailand and
Enron and Worldcom in 2000, corporate scandals of Tyco, Adelphia Communications and
AOL led to passage of Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 considered to be the most sweeping
corporate governance regulation in the past 70 years (Prof. Mehul Raithatha, 2012). The
2. Changing patterns of ownership: In USA and UK, the changing pattern of ownership has
led to more concentration in the hands of institutional investors. The same wave is catching
up in other countries as well. The institutional investors, due to substantial share holding
institutional investors now operate and due to faster means of communication, the investors
4. External funds: family owned, or investor owned businesses now require large scale funding
which may come from domestic or international resources. These resources in turn require
5. Legal perspective: Even though firms are operating in international environment, but firms
are still subject to national corporate governance from the legal perspective.
6. Country dynamics: Good corporate governance in a country brings confidence in its stock
With the scandals of Enron, AOL and Satyam in India, the risks associated with lack of good
corporate governance has taken the front seat. As the demand for investment increases way beyond it
used to be decades ago, the institutional investors is now a established class who can bring in this
volume of money. But this requires a safety net for their money and return on investment. This can
be achieved only with good corporate governance, more disclosures and transparency.
Corporate mis-governance causes information asymmetry which in turn reduces the value of its
assets and ultimately the value of the company. Investors invest money in companies with good
governance record to ensure that their assets are not downgraded. Under these situations, the equity
of the firm may be incorrectly priced. The information asymmetric arises in equity market because
dispersed shareholders cannot directly see the manager’s efforts which creates moral hazard problem
and adverse selection problem creating more agency risk and investors factor in these risks by
demanding higher premium and thus the cost of capital of the investment gets raised. Good
management’s action, controlling manager’s opportunistic behavior and improving the quality of
The master guideline that forms the basis of all other documents and codes framed till date is 1999
Governance that was further revised in 2004. This document frames a benchmark of governance by
The World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) in 2004 released its work on
the Corporate Governance particularly, accountability and reporting. The Cadbury committee code of
best practices in the U.K. in 1990, the combined code of London Stock Exchange, the Blue ribbon
committee of U.S.and joint framework by World Bank and OECD to develop benchmarks in
corporate governance have ensured that corporates now are slowly but becoming more aligned to the
International Finance Corporation and UN Global Compact released a report in 2009 titled
‘Corporate Governance - the Foundation for Corporate Citizenship and Sustainable Business’,
linking the environmental, social and governance responsibilities of a company to its financial
performance and long-term sustainability (Raut). The Indian corporate governance model slowly
picked up with the formation of various committees to give suggestions ultimately leading to
formation of Corporate Governance Code in India. The development took place in stages (Prof.
Rights and Equitable Treatment of shareholders: Organizations should respect the rights of
shareholders and help them exercise those rights by communicating easy to understand
Interest of other stakeholders: Organizations should recognize that they have legal and other
Role and responsibilities of the board: The board need to have skill, time commitment to
directors and executives to promote ethical and responsible decision making instead of simply
relying on the integrity and ethics of individuals which is a recipe for failure.
Disclosure and Transparency: Organizations should make public know the roles and
responsibilities of board and management, set procedures in place to ensure verification and
integrity of its financial reporting system and the disclosure of company matters should be
timely and balanced to ensure that investors have access to clear and factual information.
Mechanisms and Controls: The corporate governance requires setting up such controls that
reduce inefficiencies arising from moral hazards and adverse selection. These controls can be
Internal Corporate controls: The authority vested with board of directors to control
managers by way of their compensation and control over their jobs helps to exercise the
internal control procedures. The balance of power between various functions ensure
checks and balances between various decision makings. The remuneration of CEO linked
with share capital has its advantages to the extent that S(he) works for the performance
improvement of the corporation but it has side effects on stakeholders outside the firm if
S(he) manipulates the growth for his/her advantage. A big debate goes on whether CEO
and Chairman of the board can be the same person and if yes, what control mechanism
External Corporate Governance Controls: External controls are control that entities
The corporate governance failure occurs basically due to tendency of human beings to twist rules to
their advantage instead of following or governing the corporations on principles which remain fixed
as north star (Raut). The corporate governance has six basic tenets of accountability. Termed as 6
Valuing Dissent
With more studies and forays in the field of corporate governance, CRG is the term coined to avoid
wasteful overlaps between governance, risk management and compliance activities. GRC typically
encompasses activities such as corporate governance, enterprise risk management (ERM) and
While governance is all about exercise of control by the executives in a timely manner over effective
and timely implementation of strategies and direction set out by executives, the risk management is
about identification, analysis and responding appropriately before it may affect the organizational
performance. The list of risks that organizations face is very large ranging from technological,
commercial and Information technology to legal and regulatory compliances which are of utmost
importance from GRC point. Compliance with regulations, laws, strategies is achieved by setting
internal processes; analyzing the risks and potential costs of non-compliance against projected
expenses to achieve compliance. The widespread interest in compliance was sparked off by
Sarbanes-Oxley Act and the need for US companies to design and implement suitable governance
Various researchers have analyzed determining what are those parameters that have a profound effect
on the level of disclosures made by the corporates. Two techniques have been primarily used. First is
the impact of a single parameter on CG and another one is use of a CG index (CGI).
The audit committee was a significant factor associated with level of voluntary disclosure,
while the proportion of nonexecutive directors on the board was negatively associated by
Subramanian 2006. The study used the Standard & Poor’s “Transparency and Disclosure
Survey Questionnaire” for collection of data. The study finally concluded that “there were
transparency and information disclosure were concerned. It had also been observed that
private companies disclose more information under the category of board and
Prof. Mehul Raithatha determined whether any relationship exists between the
characteristics like Market Capitalization, Net Profit Margin, Leverage Ratio, FII Stake
and Promoter Stake (Prof. Mehul Raithatha, 2012). The paper found that no such relation
exists. The state of corporate governance in India is not an important factor for FII’s to
buy stake in Indian companies. It was also observed that myth surrounding small and
practices was proved wrong. However, it was also found that creditors do a thorough
analysis of corporate governance mechanism in place before lending. This research also
confirmed the earlier version that Strength of Committee’ and ‘Competency level of
ROA) has a positive association with CG and there also exists an association between
ROA, ownership structure variables and debt equity ratio (Roy, 2017).
The second approach in terms of CG index analyzes the impact of various parameters as a whole by
creating an index on the firm’s CG structure. It is also the view of researchers that creation of such an
index will facilitate the regulators to judge how the CG reforms are working it would be helpful to
companies to realize the benefit of adopting good CG practice and such a CGI can work as a rating
tool and CGI would be helpful to investors to pick well governed companies. The principal
international academic indices include; Gompers, Ishii and Metrick’s G-Index (2010);Bebchuk,
Cohen and Ferrell’s E-Index (2009) and Brown and Caylor’s Gov-Score Index (2006) (Roy, 2017).
Various indices have been developed by consultancy firms and rating agencies e.g. The Corporate
Library (USA), CLSA Ltd (Asia) and CRISIL (India). However, the commercial and academic
indices differ in the way the various CG level parameters are handled.
The various studies have reached a conclusion that CG is a complex environment and using a single
parameter to gauge the CG compliance of a firm may not give the real picture while multi-parameter
environment require formation of indices by the identification of accurate and relevant parameters,
the weights given to them and also incorporating influence of various external influences on them
Various studies thus concluded that compliance with best practices of corporate governance can be
measured by using various parameters and their affect on the profitability, engagement of stake
holders, credit rating and long-term advantage to keep the firm going as a profitable venture. CG
disclosures are made by the firm in compliance with the requirements of Companies Act and clauses
35 and 49 of SEBI guidelines (annexure-I). The CG disclosure requirements in India fall in two
categories, namely, mandatory and voluntary. Most of the SEBI’s clause 49 requirements are
mandatory. Some of these parameters which are directly related to the firm’s performance are:
1. Investors look for firms having sound compliance with CG principles as this give them
owned businesses as well as share holder held categories both benefit by CG compliance.
However, evidence suggest that agency cost and risk can be reduced to a greater extent by
sharing ownership of the firm with large shareholders who have substantial investment at
stake and voting power enabling more compliance with CG (Roy, 2017).
3. The extent of debt in capital structure does influence the compliance with CG as more
diligence is exercised by lenders before they lend loan or debt to a firm related to its
mechanism to CG compliance. Sarkar and Sarkar (2012) observe that as the component of
the controlling and monitoring activities of the firm. (S. sarkar, 2012)
6. Firm operating performance like ROA, ownership structure and debt equity ratio have a great
require investor to demand higher premium on investment raising the cost of capital.
9. No evidence of the number of years of operation of the company with better CG compliance
Various recent studies have shown that corporate governance positively affects the performance
measure ratings like Tobin’s Q. Tobin’s Q is the ratio of market value to book value of assets. The
Tobin’s Q was found to be 56% basis points higher in case of firms with stronger shareholder’s
rights compared to otherwise. A study by Gompers, Ishii, and Metrick (2003) found that companies
with strong shareholder rights yielded annual returns that were 8.5 % greater than those with weak
Various models have been developed at international level. However, none is considered to
encompass all the best practices. However, the following models are considered to provide
framework for all other local and country wise codes and regulations. The OECD principles are
considered to be the most accepted framework. It not only acknowledges the importance of legal
protection but also other mechanisms of corporate governance. The popular models of corporate
They provide the framework for identifying key practical issues- rights and equitable
Controls. The OECD Principles are universally applicable to all types of corporate
governance systems in countries at all levels of economic development. The OECD Principles
have gained acceptance throughout much of the world as an appropriate framework for
analyzing the corporate governance environments of different markets and as a starting point
parties interested in the development of corporate governance practices. ICGN has furthered
The Council of Institutional Investors (CII) is an organization that represents large pension
funds in the U.S. They have developed a set of recommended corporate governance policies
The Conference Board is a non-profit research organization based in the U.S. They formed a
Commission on Public Trust and Private Enterprise which consists of 12 very highly
respected business and financial industry leaders such as the then Intel Chairman Andy
Grove, former SEC Chairman Arthur Levitt, former Chairman of the federal Reserve Paul
Volcker, Chairman of Vanguard Group John Bogle and others. This commission formulated a
set of recommended corporate governance standards which were released in January 2003.
In view of the large scale scams, rising cost of capital due to information asymmetric, it is important
that shareholders and managers are aware of the corporate Governance issues, capability to
implement guidelines and the openness to restrict themselves while managing the firm so that the
stakeholders get the information in transparent manner without any distortion, they get the profit of
the firm without manager’s investing in infructuous projects out of their fancies which only suits
them. Different firms may react differently to the changes and implementation of new norms
provided under various CG codes. In general, the codes appear to be more effective in countries
with a stronger stock market (Aluchna, 2018). The compliance with good corporate governance has
been found to be less effective in family owned or concentrated stock holding firms. The capital
structure and requirement to attract outside capital has positive correlation with CG. The corporate
governance system in transition and emerging markets is found to be insider dominated, closed and
based on hierarchies combined with poorly developed external mechanisms and weak investor
We were thus able to identify the linkage between improved performance of the firm with corporate
governance in place through this dissertation. We observed that corporate governance compliance is
not a burden but an attitude on the part of organizations. In the modern era, where organizations life-
cycle is very limited, it is prudent to adopt the good Corporate Governance principles in the early
stage of its life-cycle. The organizations cannot thrive without the support of institutional
investments who for the safety of their investments and good ROI, demand greater transparency,
financial disclosures and an effective board who can oversee the actions of executive.
The legal framework for corporate governance in India falls under two domains:
1. Regulations under SEBI (LODR) Regulation 2015
2. Companies Act 2013
Some of the salient features and sections of the two acts are as below:
17 (2A) Quorum for Board meetings 174 Quorum for Board meetings
18(2) (C) Power of audit committee 292 (A) (7) Power of audit committee
of 1956 Act
20 Composition of stakeholder 178 (5) Composition of stakeholder
relation committee in a listed relation committee in a listed
entity entity
21 Risk management committee No such requirement under
this act
26(1) No of Directorships 165 No of Directorships
26(5) Disclosure wrt personal interest of 184 Disclosure if interest
members of management of
27 Report on corporate governance No such report required in
2013 Act
Schedule V Compliance certificate from No such report required in
auditors 2013 Act
Aluchna, M. (2018). Compliance with Corporate Governance Best. Journal of Management, 9-26.
Madhani, D. P. (2009, Nov). Corporate Governance from Compliance to Competitive Advantage. ICFAI
Business School.
Prof. Mehul Raithatha, D. V. (2012). Corporate Governance Compliance Practices of Indian Companies.
Research Journal of Finance and Accounting.
Roy, A. (2017). Corporate Governance Compliance, Governance Structures, and Firm. SSRN Electronic
Journal, 1-21.