HSS F 314 Course Handout 1st Sem 2019-20 PDF
HSS F 314 Course Handout 1st Sem 2019-20 PDF
HSS F 314 Course Handout 1st Sem 2019-20 PDF
The interdisciplinary and inter-governmental scope of maritime studies makes the course contemporary,
relevant and useful in a globalised economy of today. Maritime history, political economy, naval
diplomacy and maritime governance and protocol shall be educative as well as very interesting and
useful in multiple ways. The objective of the course is to expose and familiarise students into the
emerging potentials of maritime sector. The course aims to equip students with analytical skills to
critically look at and examine issues and challenges associated with maritime sector and by familiarising
them with the intellectual (rather than technical) contributions made by maritime experts, understand
and possibly develop few solutions and directions that could be useful for maritime communities.
2. Text Book:
1. Vijay Sakhuja & Gurpreet S. Khurana (2015);(eds) “Maritime Perspectives 2014”, National
Maritime Foundation, New Delhi, 2015; ISBN: 978-81-930159-1-9, PP316, Rs.600.
2. Somen Banerjee, “Maritime Power Through Blue Economy in the Indian Context; Vivekananda
International Foundation, 2018, New Delhi.
Reference Books:
1. Admiral Arun Prakash, (2007) “From the Crow’s Nest: A Compendium of Speeches and Writings
on Maritime and Other Issues”, National Maritime Foundation, New Delhi & Lancer, pp.225,
2. Vice Admiral Pradeep Chauhan Captain (Dr.)(eds.) Gurpreet S Khurana; “Maritime Perspectives
2018”, National Maritime Foundation, New Delhi, 2019; Rs. 600/.
3. Broad Course Plan: Course is divided into four broad components as given below-
4 Maritime Strategic Maritime Strategic Theories; ; Heart Land vs. Rim Literature shall
Theories Land; Islands & Ocean Powers as Maritime Security be provided in
Instruments; Mahan, Mackinder & Indo-Pacific the Class.
Strategic Space; Island Nations vs. Asia-Pacific to
Indo-Pacific Transition; India & Indian Ocean
Strategic Compulsions & Challenges.
Shipping evolution & An Introduction to Maritime History; Introduction Specific Material
Sea Ports as to the pre & post 19th century maritime economy. Shall be
Economic Growth Development of Sea Ports as Economic Growth suggested
Models; Shipping Modules and maritime Strategic Assets-
Sector and Global Performance & Potentials;
Maritime Economy
Comparative Evolution of Global Shipping Sector; Evolution of
Analysis Vessel Classes; & Shipping Sector; Trades and Trade
Routes: the places and the impact of steam &
beyond. Maritime Trade blocks.
5. Evaluation scheme:
Component Duration Weight age (%) Date and Time
Mid Term Test 1.5 hr. 30 03/10/19, Thursday 2:00 PM -
3:30 PM
Assignments/ 30 Shall be announced
Comprehensive 3 hrs. 40 09.12.19 (AN)
Course IC