Tax Reviewer All About Taxation
Tax Reviewer All About Taxation
Tax Reviewer All About Taxation
Ch.4 taxable net income, rules on taxable net income, tax base, source rate, due, classes of individual:
Special individual taxpayer—taxed at the preferential single/flat tax rate of 0%, 15% or 25% based only in the gross from within the
- not required to file ITR
- income already net of final tax withheld
-not entitled to claim of deduction
Ordinary income taxpayer—file their ITR
-tax at progressive income tax rates of 5% to 32% based on taxable net income
-entitled to claim the ff. deduction:
bus. Expenses
allowed personal exemption
health hospitalization insurance premium
Summarized rules on individual income taxation
2. Resident Alien,
Non-resident Citizen,
Non-resident Alien
engage in business in
2. Taxable net income world* = gross income (-) allowable deduction/bus. Expense (-) allowance and exemption incurred/paid within
and without Philippines[allowed personal exemption, health hospitalization insurance premium]
2. taxable net income in phil—determined by gross income earned w/in phil. Only
-allowed deduction(bus. Exp.) and allowance and exemption paid in the Philippines(APE & HHIP)
*taxable net in come phil
*net loss phil—neither taxable nor refundable
Format 1: standard formula/pattern:
Compensation income in Philippines
(+)bus. Income in Philippines
(+)other income in Philippines
Gross income in Phil.
(-) Allowed deduction Phil.
(-)Bus. Expense in Phil.
Formula : for employee only (fixed earner or pure compensation income earner)
Gross compensation income P210,000
(-)APE (single) P50,000
(-)HHIP 2,400 (52,400)
Taxable net income or taxable compensation income P157,600
Basic Salary in Phil.
(+) Allowance in Phil.
(+)Other Compensation in Phil.
Gross Compensation income, in Phil.
Income tax due and withheld (at 15%)
B. Final Income tax for SAFE
C. Income exempt from income tax for SAFE
Special Alien or Filipino Employee—refer to foreigner or counterpart Filipino
-who is holding a managerial and/or technical position,
-employe by certain specified bus. Org. in the Phil.
-describe as follows:
1. Regional Area Headquarters of Municipal Companies
2. Regional Operating Headquarters of Multinational Companies
3. Offshore Banking Units
4. Foreign Petroleum Service Contractor or Subcontractor engaged in Petroleum Operation in the Philippines
-shall have options to be taxed either:
1. 15% of gross compensation income in Phil
2. Basic income tax rates 5% to 32% on his taxable net income in Phil.
*456non-agricultural sector
*419 other sectors
*30COLA increase