7 Commerce

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1.1 Business Policy Analysis

Unit I:
Government and business; its interrelationship, Role of the Government as a regulator,
promoter, entrepreneur, educator of business ideas; Government’s role in changed

Unit II:
Government policies on business-Industrial Policy Resolutions and statements; Industrial
Development and Regulation Act 1951; Industrial licensing-Critical analysis; Fiscal and
monetary policy.

Unit III:
Public ownership of business; Privatization and dis-investment of PSU, Exit policy.

Unit IV:
Foreign trade-policies and plans; Control of foreign trade; Exim policy and other recent
export promotional measures.

Unit V:
Foreign investment-need and importance; types of foreign investment; its implication on
domestic economy; Foreign investment policy in India, Technical foreign collaboration.

Unit VI:
Multinational companies-their role in host country; Modes of entry of MNCs; Govt. policy
towards MNCs; position of MNCs in India; Transnational corporations.

Unit VII:
Special package for economic development of north eastern region; DONER and its role in
economic development, infrastructure and industry; North East Industrial Policy-promotional
measures for cross-border trade, Role of NEC and NEDFI.

Books Recommended:

1. Business Environment: Sikidar, Das Nath and Nath

2. Business and Government: N.K. Sengupta, Vikas Publishing Co, New Delhi.
3. Indian Economy: Rudder Dutta and Sundaram
4. Business and Government: Franchis Cherunilam, Huimalaya Publishing House.
5. Indian Economy: Agarwal, A.N.
6. NEC Journal
7. Indian Economy: S.K. Misra and V.K. Puri, Himalaya Publishing House.
1.2 Financial Analysis
Unit I:
Constituents of Financial Statement and their features, Elements of Financial Statement and
their features; Accounting Information, Sources of Accounting Information, Qualitative
features of Accounting Information; Various user groups of Accounting Information and
their Accounting Information need in decision-making process.

Unit II:
Conceptual Framework of Accounting and Reporting; GAAP and Accounting Standards,
their application in the preparation of Financial Statements; Accounting Standard Setting
Process in India, and their compliance requirement.

Unit III:
Review of Companies Act. 1956 (including its amendments) in the preparation and
presentation of Financial Statement.

Unit IV:
Techniques and tools of Financial Statement Analysis: Accounting Ratios, Common size
Statement, Trend Analysis, Comparative Statement.

Unit V:
Application of Accounting Ratios in Decision Making; Predictive Value of Accounting
Ratios. Ratio Analysis for Performance Evaluation (Activity and Profitability). Ratio
Analysis for Financial Health (Solvency and Structural Analysis).

Unit VI:
Liquidity Analysis: Application of Accounting Ratios in the Analysis of Working Capital
and Inter Firm Comparison.

Unit VII:
Statement of Changes in Financial Position: Funds Flow Analysis and Cash Flow Analysis;
Cash Flow Statement and Cash Flow Accounting, Models of Cash Flow Accounting.

Unit VIII:
Valuation of Assets, Liabilities and Owners’ Equity; Application of relevant Accounting

Unit IX:
Cash Studies

Books Recommended:
1. Financial Statement Analysis- Foster, Pearson Education, New Delhi.
2. Financial Policy and Management Accounting, - Bhabatosh Banerjee, Prentice hall of
India, New Delhi.
3. Financial Statement Analysis – Sujit Sikidar & H.C. Gautam, New Central Book Agency,
4. Management Accounting – M.Y. khan and P.K. Jain, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co.
Ltd. New Delhi.
5. Financial Accounting for Business Managers Ashis Kumar Bhattacharjee, Prentice Hall
of India, New Delhi.
6. Accounting Theory- L.S. Porwal, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co. Ltd., New Delhi.

1.4 Marketing Policy Analysis

Unit I:
The nature and scope of Marketing: Role of marketing and its functions with special
reference to an emerging economy. Modem concept of Marketing. Marketing as a philosophy
of management. Relationship of marketing with other functional areas and general
management in organization. Analyzing the micro-environment.

Unit II:
Product Policies- their importance: new product management- basic requirements for new
product success. Developing the new product policies regarding addition, elimination and
diversification of product lines. Simplication and standardization. Brand and trade mark.
Style and design. Package planning and development.

Unit III:
Sales forecasting and planning: Developing and formulating sale plans, setting quantitative
and qualitative objective, procedure for determining forecasts, study of seasonal demands,
effect of changes in fashion and taste in planning sales programmes and campaign.

Unit IV:
Marketing strategies for distribution: planning channels of distribution suitable to various
classes of goods and customers appraisal of sales, costs and profit possibilities of each
channel distribution of raw materials. The changing face of retail.

Unit V:
Role of marketing communication, developing effective communication, identify the target
audience. Determine the communication objective. Design the communication strategy
developing and managing and advertising programme, sales promotion events and
experiences, public relation.

Unit VI:
Developing and communication of positioning strategy for creating brand equity. Devising a
branding strategy. Branding identify andd customer loyalty. Brand image and personality.
Unit VII:
Direct marketing; benefits, Direct mail, catalogue marketing telemarketing, interactive
marketing, placing ads and promotion on line, E-marketing guidelines, ethical issues,
relationship marketing.

Unit VIII:
Case studies

Books Recommended:
1. Marketing Management- Philips Kotler, Prentice Hall India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi. (2001).
2. Principle of Marketing- Kotler, Armstrong, Pearson Education 2004.
3. Marketing Management an Indian Perspective- P.K. Agarwal Pragati Prakasan, 2003.
4. E-Marketing- Judy Straus, Adel EL-Ansary, Raymond Frost, Prentice Hall, India, 2004.
5. Brand Switch- Jagdeep Kappor, Jaico Books, 2004.
6. Marketing Managerial Introductin- IC. Gandhi, Tata McGraw Hill Publication, 1993.
7. Market Based Management Strategies for Growing Customer value and profitability-
Roger J. Best, Prentice Hall India Pvt. Ltd. 2005.
8. Marketing- Michael. J. Etzel, Bruce J. Walker, William J. Stanton, Tata McGraw Hill
publication, 2004.
9. Marketing Management Planning, Implementation and Control, The Context V.S.
Ramswamy, S. Namakumari, Macmilan India Ltd. 2001.
10. Marketing Management – Philips Kotler, Kenin Lane Keller, Prentice Hall of India,
11. Brand Management Text & Case an Indian Perceptive- Dr. S.L. Gupta, Himalya
Publication House, 2000.
12. Marketing Management- Ranjan, Saxena, Tata McGraw Hall.
13. Kumar, Marketing & Branding, Perason Education, Delhi-92.

1.4 Business Statistics

Unit I: probability and Probability Distributions:

Probability: Various approaches to probability, dependent and independent events,
conditional probability, Baye’s rule, importance of probability theory in decision making;
mathematical expectation & variance of a random variable, laws of expectation; concept
of probability distribution, normal probability distribution.

Unit II: Sampling Distribution, Theory of Estimation and Testing of Hypothesis

Sampling distribution of a statistic and its standard error, statement of Central Limit
Theorem, estimation of the mean and the variance of the sampling distribution of the
sample means; Testing of hypothesis: Type I and Type II errors, one tailed and two tailed
tests, tests based on standard normal test, ‘t’ test, chi-square (x2) test and F-test.

Unit III: Partial and Multiple Correlation and Regression, Association of Attributes:
Concept of partial and multiple correlation and regression, various formulate and
problems; association of attributes: concept, order of a class, class frequency, consistency
of data, kinds of association of attributes, methods of measuring association between two
attributes, partial association.

Unit IV: Business Forecasting:

Steps in business forecasting, methods of business forecasting: Naïve method barometric
method, econometric method, utility and reliability of business forecasting

Unit V: Measures of Inequality

The variance and the coefficient of variation, the standard deviation of logarithms, the
Lorenz curve and Gini coefficient.

Unit VI: Statistical Quality Control (SQC)

Meaning of SQC, process control; control charts: X, R, P and C charts, product control;
single and double sampling inspection plans, concepts of OC curve, AQL, LTPD, AOQ
and AOQL.

UNIT VI: Decision Theory:

Steps in decision making environments, decision making under conditions of uncertainty,
decision making under conditions of risk, decision trees, advantages and limitations of
decision trees.

Books Recommended:
1. Essential Statistics for Economics and Commerce: Padmalochan Hazarika, Akansha
Publishing House, New Delhi.
2. Business Statistics- S. Saha, New Central Book Agency.
3. Basic Statistics- B.L. Agarwal, New Age International Limited.
4. Statistics for Management Prentice Hall of India Limited Levin Richard, and Rubin
5. Quantitative Techniques for Decision Making- Anand Sharma, Himalaya Publishing

1.5: Financial Markets

Unit I:
Nature and Role of Financial System; Financial System and Economic Development, Overview
of Indian Financial System. Major Components-Money Market, Capital Market, Forex Market
and Derivative Market.

Unit II:
Money Market, constituents of money market, participants in money market, money market
instruments; Capital Market, Primary Market: Equity and Debt Market, Secondary Market- stock
market and trading mechanism, Derivatives and risk management- various types of derivatives-
forward, futures and options, trading on derivatives.
Unit III:
Financial Institutions: Commercial Banks-Functions of modern commercial bank, Development
of Commercial Banks in India, structure of commercial banks in India, Role of Commercial
banks, Reforms in commercial banking.

Unit IV
Non-banking Financial Institutions (NBFIs)- Role of NBFIs, sources of finance, functions and
investment policies, Types of NBFIs; Mutual Funds- Concept, types, role of mutual funds in
financial market, regulation of mutual funds under SEBI, Credit Rating and Credit Rating

Unit V:
Regulatory Institutions- Role of Government in Financial markets, Reserve Bank of India;
Functions, Role of RBI in regulating financial market, Securities and Exchange Board of India
and regulating provisions, Securities (Contract and Regulation) Act 1956.

Unit VI:
Foreign Capital flows: forms of foreign capital, uses of foreign capital, international financial
instruments, trends of foreign capital inflows in India.

Books Recommended:
1. Financial Institution and Markets- L.M. Bhole, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi.
2. Financial Institutions and Markets- Bharati Pathak, Pearson Educational Foundation,
New Delhi.
3. The Indian Financial System and Development- Vasant Desai, Himalaya Publishing
House, Mumbai.
4. Foundations of Financial Markets and Institutions- Frank Fabzzi, Franco Modigliani,
Frank Jones and M.G. Ferri, Pearson Education, New Delhi.
2nd Semester

2.6 Economic Legislations

Unit1: Competition Act. 2002

Objective and definitions- Prohibition of certain agreements, abuse of dominant position
and regulation of combinations- Competition commission of India: duties, powers and
function of commission- Duties of Director General, Penalties- Provisions relating to
finance, account and audit- Miscellaneous provisions.

Unit II: Foreign Exchange Management Act. 1999

Objects and definitions- Regulation and management of foreign exchange, Dealings in
foreign exchange, holding of foreign exchange etc, current account transactions, capital
account transactions, export of goods and services, realization and repatriation of foreign
exchange, exemption, authorized person- contravention & penalties- Adjudication &
appeal, directorate of enforcement- Miscellaneous provisions.

Unit III: Standards of Weights and Measures Act 1976

Objects, detailed study of the provisions relating to packaged commodities under the Act-
Applicable provisions concerning penalties and offences.

Unit IV: Securities and Exchange Board of India Act. 1992

Objects, organization and management of SEBI- powers and functions of the board-
registration certificate- provisions relating to finance, accounts and audit- penalties and
adjudication- Securities appellate tribunal.

Unit V: The Essential Commodities Act. 1955

Object, power of the central government, seizure and confiscation of essential
commodities, summary trial.

Unit VI: Law relating to pollution control and environment protection

Sailent features of the Air (prevention and Control of Pollution) Law, Water and
Environment (Protection) Law- various Boards and their functions and powers; duties of
occupier of specified industries to ensure adherence to standards; offences by companies.
Legal and regulatory framework, procedures of obtaining various environments
clearances: role and functions of Environment Tribunal Authority.

Unit VII: The Right to Information Act 2005

Preliminary, right to information and obligation of public authority, The Central
Information Commission, the State Information Commission, powers and functions of the
Information Commissions, appeals and penalties.

Books Recommended:
1. Economic Laws- Taxman Publication
2. Foreign Exchange Law & Practice- Gupta S.k. & Ajay Jain
3. Commentaries on Essential Commodities Act.- D.P. Varshini.
4. Essential Commoties Act Sarjoo Prasad.
5. Lall’s Commentaries on water and Air Pollution Act- Law Publisher, Allahabad
6. Economic Laws & Practice- Sanjeev Kumar (Vrinda Publication)
7. R.T. Act., 2005.
8. Economic Labour & Industrial Laws- Gulshan & Kapoor.

2.7 Organizational Behaviour

Unit I:
Behaviour in Organization: Concept-Goals importance different approaches to human
behaviour, Organizational Goals: Concept-goal setting-process, individual goal,
organizational goals-goal succession-goal displacement-goal distortion-goal
Unit II:
Personality Development and Theories: different theories and their needs, importance-
management of sick personality workers- Rationality and its limits.
Unit III:
Perception concept-process-application, Learning: concept-process-classical
conditioning-operational conditioning application.
Unit IV:
Transactional Analysis: concept-types, transaction proper-life script-strove analysis,
game analysis-utility-development of interpersonal relationship.
Unit V:
Organizational Climate: nature of climate-factors affecting OC-impact of OC. Influence
of culture in organization-management culture.
Unit VI:
Organizational Effectiveness: effectiveness and efficiency-factors affecting OE
Unit VII:
Group dynamics: Formal groups-reasons for growth-group structure-group conflict-
weaknesses-benefits of IFO.
Unit VIII:
Management of conflict in Organization: conflict at individual level, group level and
organizational level-modes of conflict management.
Unit IX:
Controlling and directing organizational behaviour-leadership-theories and practices,
motivation-theories and practices.

Unit X:
Stress and behaviour: the general adaptation syndrome, stress responses, basic forms of
stress, frustration and anxiety, source of stress, consequences of job stress, stress and
jobs, performance, job burnout, coping with stress.
Unit XI:
Study of cases relevant to the above chapters.
Books Recommended:
1. Organization Behaviour- Luthans Fred, McGraw Hill.
2. Behaviour in Organization – Rebbet E. Cottee Anthroury G. Athens Pepet A. Thoynoled.
3. Organization Structure and Dynamic- Bakka L. W. Gris A. Ragysic.
4. Organizational Behaviour- Deka, G.C., A Conceptual and Applicational Approach.
5. Organizational Behaviour – Keith Davis
6. Organizational Behaviour- Stephen P. Robbins.
7. Administrative Behaviour – Herbert A. Simon.
8. Organizational Behaviour concepts and controversies
9. Organizational Behaviour- Human Behaviour at work- Newetrom Hohn W. and Daris
10. Organizational Behaviour – S.S. Khanks, S. Chand & Co.
11. Organizational Behaviour – Uma Sekharan, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co.
12. Organizational Behaviour- R. Banerjee, New Central Book Agency, Calcutta.
13. Organizational Behaviour- L.M. Prasad, S. Chand & Co., New Delhi.

2.8 Operations Research & Computer in Business

Group-A: Operations Research
Unit I:
Origin and development of Operations Research (O.P.), phases of O.R., characteristics of
O.R. model, role of O.R. in managerial decision making, use and limitations of O.R.

Unit II: Linear Programming Problem (LPP)

Meaning, uses and limitations, formulation of general LPP, solutions of LPP, solutions
of LPP by graphic method and simplex method, artificial variable technique, duality in
linear programming, economic interpretations of dual variables.

Unit III: Assignment and Transportation Problems:

Concept of assignment problem; transportation problem: definition, mathematical
formulation of transportation problem, to find the initial basic feasible salutation, to
derive optimal solution by Modi Method, difference between a transportation problem
and an assignment problem.

Unit IV: Theory of Games and Investment Analysis:

Theory of Games: Origin, two person and zero-sum (rectangular) game, strategy,
maximin and minimax criteria of optimality, saddle point, solution of a rectangular game
with an without saddle point, limitations of games in competition;
Investment Analysis: methods of investment analysis, breakeven analysis, payback
period method, average (accounting) rate of return method, time adjusted or discounted
cash flow (DCF) method, discounted rate, certainty-equivalent approach, expected
monetary value and Hillier and Hertz’s models.

Books Recommended:
1. Operations Research- Swarup Kanti, P.K. Gupta, Sultan Chand & Sons.
2. Quantitative Techniques in Management- N.D. Vohra, Tata McGraw Hill.
3. Operations Research- An Introduction –A. Taha Hamdy, Mecmillan Publishing
4. Operations Research- P.K. Gupta and D.S. Hira, S. Chand & Sons Company Ltd.
5. Operations Research- S.D. Sharma, Kedar Nath Ram Nath & Co.

Group-B: Computer Business

Unit V:
System Analysis and Design: concept of system; characteristics of a system, elements of
a system; types of systems, systems models; open or closed systems; man-made
information system; computer based information system.
Information System Development: The process of system development, system life
cycle; system development methodologies.
System Analysis: System planning and initial investigation, information gathering, tools-
interview, questionnaire; tolls used in structured analysis data flow diagram (DFD), data
dictionary, structured English, decision trees, decision tables.
System Design: The process and stages of system design, logical and physical design,
design methodologies, input/output and forms design; file organization and data base
System Implementation: System testing quality assurance, hardware/software selection,
system security.

Unit VI: Introduction to E-Commerce:

Meaning and concept; scope and promise; E-commerce and E-business; lure of E-
commerce; different categories of E-commerce; encryption and authentication; elements
of encryption, encryption keys; different devises of authentication, digital signatures,
categories of digital signature, cryptographic algorithms, digital certificates, secure socket
layer (SSL) secure electronic transaction (SET) biometrics; future of E-commerce.

Books Recommended:
1. Understanding Electronic Commerce- Kosivr, David, Microsoft Press, Washington.
2. E-Commerce- A Managers’ Guide to E-Commerce- Parag Diwan and Sunil Sharma,
Excel Books, New Delhi.
3. System Analysis and Design- Kendall and Kendall, Pearson Education, Singapore.
4. System Analysis and Design- E.M. Award, Galgotia Publication, New Delhi.
5. An Introduction to Database System- C.J. Date, Pearson Education, (Singapore), New
2.9: A Financial Management and Control
Unit I:
Introduction to Financial Management- objectives, nature and scope of finance function,
components of financial system.

Unit II:
Financing Decision- operating and financial leverage, capital structure theories, Net
income approach, net operating income approach, traditional approach, factors affecting
capital structure, optimal structure, over capitalization and under-capitalization.

Unit III:
Working capital management, estimation of working capital requirements, working
capital policy-conservation, moderate and aggressive, cash management, receivables
management, financing current assets-sources, regulations of bank finance and
recommendation of various committees.

Unit IV:
Long-term investment decisions-principles and methods of appraisal- concept and
measurement of cost of capital- risk and return analysis of capital investments.
Computation of various types of return.

Unit V:
Dividend Decision- dividend and valuation-MM hypothesis, Walter’s Model, Gordon’s
model, determinants of dividend policy- dividend pay-out ratio consideration, market

Unit VI:
Inflation and financial management, effects of inflation on current assets, fixed assets,
liabilities working capital and profit, inflation and capital budgeting.

Unit VII:
Constituents and preparation of project Report: contents, evaluation of projects and
techniques of evaluation.

Books Recommended:
1. Financial Management and Control- A.K. Chakraborty, McMillan
2. Financial Management- M.Y. Khan & P.C. Jain (TMH)
3. Financial Management, Theory & Practice- Prasanna Chandra (TMG) 4, Financial
Management- Vanhorne.
2.10: A Security Analysis & Portfolio Management
Unit I:
Investment: concept of investment, investment objectives, security and non-security form
of investment, concept of portfolio management, phases of portfolio management; risk
and return, types of risk, measurement of risk.

Unit II:
Securities market: securities market and their functions, methods of raising capital, stock
market in India, security market Indices- purpose, factors influencing construction of
index, methods of constructing index.

Unit III:
Analysis of equity investment: economic analysis, industry and company analysis,
technical analysis, efficient market hypothesis.

Unit IV:
Portfolio Analysis: meaning, portfolio risk and return, markwitz risk-return optimization,
single index model, sharpe index model, portfolio data, efficient frontier; portfolio
selection- risk and investor preference, capital asset pricing model.

Unit V:
Portfolio Revision: meaning, significance and strategies; portfolio evaluation meaning,
performance measurement of portfolios, Sharpe’s, Treynor’s and Jensens’s measure of
portfolio performance.

Unit VI:
Derivative: meaning and evaluation of derivatives, options, futures, portfolio
management using futures and options.

Books Recommended:
1. Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management- M. Ranganathanam and R.
Madhumathi, Pearson Education.
2. Security Analysis and Portfolio Management- V.A. Avadhani, Himalaya Publishing
3. Security Analysis and Portfolio Management- Jordan and Gordon, Prentice Hall India.
4. Portfolio Management –Samir K. Barua, J. Verma & V. Raghunathan, Tata McGraw
5. Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management- Prasanna Chandra.
2.9 B: Human Resource Planning & Management

Unit I:
Basic Human Resource Planning: Macro level scenario of Human Resource Planning,
concept and process of Human Resource Planning, Methods and Techniques- Demand
and supply forecasting.

Unit II:
Job Analysis: concept, scope and limitation, job description, job specification.

Unit III:
Action Areas: issues and experiences, selection and recruitment, induction and
placement, performance and potential appraisal, transfer, promotion and reward policies,
retrenching, separation, down signing, outplacement, managing diversity, managing
compensation, succession planning.

Unit IV:
Measurement of Human Resource Planning: Human resource information system, human
resource accounting, human resource audit, productive incentive.

Unit V:
Human Resource Development: concept, evolution, definition, scope, functions and
importance of Human resource scanning, Role of HRM in strategic planning.

Unit VI:
Importance of training, preparation of training programme and their implementation,
training of operative personnel, executive development programme, career development
challenges, self development. Evaluation of training effectiveness.

Unit VII:
Promoting work effort, motivation, theories of motivation, incentive schemes, principles
of fringes, labour turnover and absenteeism.

Unit VIII:
A brief introduction to wage and salary policies and administration Job enlargement and
environment, job design, employees moral and industrial productivity, occupational
hazard and safety, accident analysis and prevention.

Unit IX:
Disciplining and counseling of employees, importance of human relation, concept of
industrial relation, present state of industrial relation in India, an idea about trade
unionism, industrial disputes- causes and remedial measures, union regulation, collective
bargaining, workers participation in management, labour legislation, cost-benefit concept
in HRM. Challenges to HRM.
Unit X:
Short case studies in strategic human resource management, corporate culture, HRM
planning and industrial relations.

Books Recommended:
1. Personnel Management- E.B. Flippo (1984), McGraw Hill
2. Personnel Management- North, Coltcf, Principles and Practice.
3. Personnel Management- D.P. Scot.
4. Personnel Management & Industrial Relations- Yoder Dale, Prentice Hall, New Delhi
5. Managing Human Resources- Mejia, Balkin, Cardy, Pearson Education.
6. Managing Human Resources- W.Casio, McGraw Hill, New York.
7. Human Resources Management- Concepts and Practices- Decenzo Devid and Robin
Stephen, Wileg, New York.
8. Managing Human Resources- Schuler Randall, St. Paul, West Publishing.
9. Human Resources Management- Dipak Kr. Bhattacharyya, Excel Book, Excel Printers C-
206, Naraina Industrial Area, Phase I, New Delhi-110028.
10. Human Resources Management- S.S. Khanka, S. Chand & Co.
11. Mondy, Human Resources Management, Pearson Education, Delhi-92

2.10 B: Marketing Research & Consumer Behaviour

Unit I:
Introduction to Marketing Research: Its growth and evolution Nature and scope of
marketing and research, interaction between management and marketing research,
applications and limitation of marketing research, marketing information system.

Unit II:
Marketing Research Management: Importance of research management, qualities of
marketing research manager, organization of marketing research deptt. (Organisation
within the group and out side the group) organization of marketing research function,
evaluation and control.

Unit III:
Scientific method and the marketing research process: Steps in designing a research,
formulating the research problem, research design, source of data, primary and secondary
data, sampling design, sampling size, organizing and conducting the field survey,
processing and analyzing the collected data, preparing the research report. What is
scientific method, scientific method in the physical science and marketing, difficulties in
applying the scientific method to marketing.

Unit IV:
Data collection, sampling and reporting: Primary data, secondary data, interpretation,
analysis, preparation of report and evaluation oral and written reports.
Unit V:
Importance of consumer behaviour in marketing in management approaches to the study
of consumer behaviour. Variable influencing consumer behaviour Economic variable
determining consumption, income, prices and utility. Social influence or consumer
behaviour, cultural and sub-cultural influences, social classes, social groups, life styles,
self-concept, family in consumer behaviour.

Unit VI:
Psychological concepts in consumer behaviour, learning process perception, cognition
mapping, attribution process, motivation an personality, attitude.

Books Recommended:
1. Marketing Research Text and Cases- Harper W. Boyd Jr. Ralph Westfall Stanely F.
Starch, AITBS, 2004.
2. Marketing Research- G.C. Beri, Tata McGraw Hill, 2001.
3. Marketing Research- B.S. Goel, Pragati Prakashan, 1998.
3rd Semester

3.11: Research Methodology

Unit I:
Concept and nature of research, objectives of research, criteria of a good research, social
science research, business research, approaches to research-qualitative and quantitative
research, types of research- pure and applied research, descriptive and analytical research,
exploratory and empirical research, case study research, research and research
methodology, difficulties of social science research in India.

Unit II:
Research Design- features of a good research design, defining research problem,
components of research problem, selection and formulation of research problem;
formulation of hypothesis, types of research design research design for experimental,
exploratory and descriptive research.

Unit III:
Sampling Design: meaning and significance of sample, sampling process, principles of
sampling: essentials of a good sample, methods of sampling: random sampling, stratified
sampling, judgment or purposive sampling, double and multistage sampling;
determination of sample size.

Unit IV:
Data Collection: types of data, methods of collection of primary data, collection
secondary data and limitations of secondary data.

Unit V:
Data processing, analysis and interpretation: steps in data processing, editing, coding,
classification and tabulation, analysis and interpretation of data.

Unit VI:
Test of Significance and Analysis of Variance (ANOVA): testing of hypothesis, Z-test,
chi-squire test and F-test; ANOVA: meaning, basics principles, assumptions, one-way
and two-way ANOVA.

Unit VII:
Report Writing: Types of report, steps in report writing, format of report, presentation

Books Recommended:
1. Research Methodology in Social Science- P. Sarvanavel, Katiab Mahal.
2. Research Methodology in Management- V.P. Michael, Himalaya Publishing House.
3. Research Methodology: Methods and Techniques- C.R. Kothari, New Age International.
4. Research Methodology for Business Students- M. Saunders, Philip Lewis and Adrian
Thornhill, Pearson Education.
5. Statistics for Management- R.I. Levin and D.S. Rubin, Prentice Hall of India.
3.12 Project Management

Unit 1: Project Management – Meaning and scope, Need of project management, Life cycle of
a project – conception and selection, planning and scheduling, implementation and control,
evaluation and termination. (6)

Unit 2: Project Analysis and Selection – Identification of investment opportunities, project

initiation, Market and Demand Analysis, Technical Analysis, Economic and Financial Analysis,
Social Cost and Benefit Analysis, Formulation of Detailed project report. (18)

Unit 3: Project Planning & Scheduling – Planning Resources, Planning of Physical Resources,
Planning of Human Resources, Planning Financial Resources, Project organizing, Planning Time
Scales-Network/PERT Analysis. (10)

Unit 4: Implementation and Control – Project Management Information System, Monitoring

and Reporting –Physical resources, human resources, and financial resources-cost control.

Unit 5: Project Completion and Evaluation- Integrated Project Management Control System,
managing Transition for project to operation, project completion and evaluation, project review,
project termination. (8)

Suggested Readings:

1. Project Planning, Analysis, Selection Implementation and Review by Prasanna Chandra,

Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi.
2. Fundamentals of Project Management by P Lewis, AMACOM Div, American
Management Association.
3. Project Management – A Systems Approach to Planning and Controlling by Harold
Kerznor, Pearson Education Inc.
4. Project Management and Control by Narendra Singh, Himalaya Publishing House,

3.13 : Entrepreneurship Management

Unit I:
Introduction: definition-nature-scope and importance its relevance in different economic
systems- its significance to Indian economy under the new economic order.

Unit II:
Setting-up of an entrepreneurial venture
a) Identifying and conceiving opportunities in agriculture, trade, industry, transports,
insurance and related service organizations.
b) Converting conceived business opportunities into reality: location, infrastructure
facilities, Aid from Government, semi-up of an enterprise on hand (case studies in setting
up of as enterprise covering a minimum of five years of initial period).
Unit III:
Management of the Venture
a) Stages of development- small, medium and large scale.
b) Management of functional areas viz. production, purchase, Marketing, Finance,
Personnel, Finance, at different stages development in terms of planning and control and
decision making- management of conflict.
c) Environment facing different kinds of ventures at different stages of development-
governmental laws.
d) Self-development of the entrepreneur-self-evaluation of the individual and institution
at different stages of enterprise and entrepreneurial growth, motivation for individual and
institutional development- training needs of the entrepreneur evaluation of the
organization structures.
e) Creativity and Techno-economic innovation for entrepreneurs management of family
business-socio-psychological factors influencing entrepreneurship development
Unit IV:
Professional entrepreneurship and professional managers- their role in managing on
enterprise-position in the Indian management scene-agencies promoting entrepreneurial
development –role of concessions, subsidies incentives- technical assistance.

Unit V:
Entrepreneurs in India- study of profiles- recent trends- scope use profitability profit-
oriented and non-profit oriented organization.

Books Recommended:
1. Indian Entrepreneurship and Industries: Challenges Ahead- Dr. Vivek Deolankar,
Commonwealth Publishers, New Delhi, 1996.
2. Management of Small Scale Industries- Dr. Vivek Deolankar, Commonwealth
Publishers, New Delhi, 1996.
3. Entrepreneurship of Small Scale Industries; Concept Growth Management M.U.
Deshpande, Deep and Deep Publications, New Delhi, 1982.
4. Labour Laws- Taxman, Taxman Allied Services, (P) Ltd. New Delhi, 1995.
5. Small-Scale Industries and Entrepreneurship- Dr. Vasanta Desai, Himalaya Publishing,
1st Edn. 1995.
6. Entrepreneurial Challenge in Under Developed Sectors- P. Subba Rao & M. Sundaram,
Entrepreneurial Development Programme Series, Kanishka Publishers Distributors,
Delhi, 1993.
7. Self-Mode Impact Making Entrepreneurs- Research Teamby Gautam Raj Jani and M.
Akbar Ansari, Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India, Ahmedabad 1988.
8. No-born- The created entrepreneurs- Jose Subastian and Thakur, Entrepreneurship
Development Institute of India, Ahmedabad 1994.
9. Zimmerer: Essential of Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management, Pearson
Education, Delhi-6.
3.14 A: International Financial Management
Unit I:
International Finance- Importance, Finance Function in Multinational Firm, Trends in
International Trade and Cross-border Financial Flows, Gains from international trade and
investment, Balance of Payments. Currency convertibility, concept of revenue account
and capital account convertibility.

Unit II:
International Monetary System. Exchange Rate Regimes, International Monetary Fund,
European Monetary System, European Monetary Union, World Bank.

Unit III:
International Finance Markets-Euro-markets Institutions.

Unit IV:
Foreign Exchange Market, Structure of Foreign Exchange Markets and participants, Type
of Transactions, Mechanism of Currency Dealing. Exchange Rate Quotations, Arbitrage,
Forward Rates. Foreign Exchange Market in India.

Unit V:
Exchange Rate Theories: Purchasing Power Parity Theory, Interest Rate Parity, future
spot exchange rate, methods of forecasting exchanges rates.

Unit VI:
Nature and measurement of exposure and risk- defining foreign exchange exposure,
transactions exposure, translation exposure, operating exposure, hedging strategies.

Books Recommended:
1. International Financial Management- P.G. Apte, Tata McGraw Hill.
2. International Financial Institutions and Monetary Management- S. Sikidar, D. Bhorali,
Kalyani Publishers.
3. International Financial Management- P.K. Jain
4. Multinational Financial Management- Shapiro, Prentice Hall India.
5. International Financial Management- V. Sharan, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi.
3.14 B: Industrial Relations & Labour Laws
Unit I:
Approaches to industrial relations, Dynamics of Industrial conflict, unfair labour
practices and victimization. Industrial work force analysis, size and composition.
Problems of Commitment. Trade Unionism. Theories, structure, types and growth, trade
union in developing economy.

Unit II:
Trade union movement in India, issues in trade unions democratic unionism, problems:
size, structure, finance, problem of leadership. Political influence on trade unions.
Workers Education. The trade union rivalry and reorganization. Employers organization.
Role of trade union in the changed economic scenario.

Unit III:
Management Vs. Union, rights, unions and technological changes. Industrial relation
system. Role of state in industrial relations. Industrial relations and labour policy since
independence. Instruments of economic coerlion, discipline, domestic enquiry grievance
procedure and disciplinary action. Principle of natural justice.

Unit IV:
Machinery for prevention of industrial disputes. Welfare Officer works committees. Joint
Management Council, Ethical Codes.

Unit V:
Methods of setting Industrial Disputes. Arbitration Adjudication, Tripartite and Bipartite

Unit VI:
Collective Bargaining, workers’ participation in management. Labour management and
co-operation. Industrial relations and related legislations with special reference to
industrial disputes Act. 1947 labour welfare and social security.

Unit VII:
Lok Adalat as a body to conduct mediation.

Unit VIII:
Case studies
Books Recommended:
1. Dynamic of Industrial Relationship- C.B. Memoria.
2. Industrial Relations and Labour Law- S.C. Srivastava.
3. Labour and Management in Industrial Society- Keer Clark
4. Industrial Relations- Mayers Chars A. and Subbiah.
5. Industrial Relations and the government- Me Naughtm, Wayne HH & Joseph Hazn.
6. Labour Management Relations in India- Subramaniam
7. Unions, Employees and Government- V.D. Kennedy.
8. Labour Problems in India- S.N. Mehrotra
9. Collective Bargaining and the Indian SCENE- B.K. Tandon
10. Industrial Relations Systems- Dunlop, J.T.
11. Issues in Indian Labour Policy- Johri C.K.
12. National Commission of Labour- Report.
13. Industrial Relations & Personnel Management- Dale Yoder.
14. Human Resource Management- Biswajit Pattnaik.

3.15 A: Advanced Cost and Management Accounting

Unit I
Const concepts and Analysis: Relevant costs for decision making, Decision in pricing,
product mix, make or buy, shut down etc.

Unit II:
Management control system: Objectives, Maximization of value or Profit, Management
control system Vis-à-vis strategy formulation and control, Management control

Unit III:
Responsibility Accounting: Transfer Pricing.

Unit IV:
Budgetary control: Behavioural aspect of Budget, Participation in budgetary process,
performance budgeting and zero-based budgeting.

Unit V:
Management Information System: Concept, Objectives, Functions, types and nature or
Reports and their contents. Application of computer in Management Accounting

Unit VI:
Value analysis, cost control reduction and productivity, cost efficiency and effectiveness.

Unit VII:
Cost and Management Audit.

Unit VIII:
Activity based costing: Human Resource Accounting; Environmental Accounting.

Unit IX:
Case studies

Books Recommended:
1. Advanced Cost Accounting- Khan & Jain
2. Cost Accounting- B. Banerjee, World Press, P. Ltd. Calcutta.
3. Principles and Practice of Cost Accounting- N.N. Prasad, Book Syndicate.
4. Principles and Application of Cost Accounting- Mitra & Ghosh, Tee Dee Pub.
5. Cost and Management Audit- Saxena, Vishist, Sultan Chand.
6. Introduction to Management Accounting- Pearson Education, Delhi092.
7. Management Control Systems- Anthony, Weldon & Vancil.
8. Management Accounting- Shastry & Dhameja.

3.15 B: International Marketing

Unit I:
Framework of International Marketing: concept, scope its growing importance, factors
affecting international marketing; controllable and uncontrollable factors; International
Marketing environment: cultural, political, geographical economic and legal requisitions
trade clearance (tariff and non tariff behaviours).

Unit II:
Market Selection- Market profiling, market segment selection. Market entry strategies:
MNCs and World Markets. Market Agreements in Force Free trade zones. Export
Finance- EXIM Bank, Institutional Finance for import; IDBI ECGC and export credit

Unit III:
International Marketing decision; International product planning Product design strategy,
new product development; branding packaging and labeling. International pricing
strategy. Pricing objectives, pricing methods dumping, transfer pricing, retrograde
pricing, International Channels of Distribution; International channel system direct
exports, indirect exports, marketing environment and distribution strategies, international
logistics. International promotion: determining advertising strategy, communication mix
role of export organization, management of sales force.

Unit IV:
Organization and Planning International Marketing. New perspectives on organization-
corporate, networking; dimensions of international planning and strategy. International
marketing information system and marketing research.

Unit V:
WTO and trade liberalization International Marketing institutions; Central advisory
council; Export development councils, commodity boards, Export promotion council,
Trade development authority; Trade fair authority, STC, MMTC, India’s foreign trade
and balance of payment position. Export procedure, export incentives and subsidies.
Books Recommended:
1. International Marketing- Francis Cherunilam, Himalaya Publishing House.
2. International Marketing- Subhash C. Jain, Asian Book Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2001.
3. International Marketing- Rathore, Jain Rathore, Himalaya Publishing House.
4. International Marketing- Sreenivasan, Prentice Hall India.

4.16 Strategic Management

Marks – 80

1. Corporate strategy & Planning: Concept Strategy-organizational purpose and missions-

Objective and Goals- Policies-Programme Strategies, Kinds of Strategies-McKinsey 7-S
framework-Corporate Policy & Planning in India-Definition-Characteristics-benefits-
Why Corporate planning fails.
2. Board of Directors: Role & Function- Responsibility of BOD’s- Size, Types and
composition of Boards- Boards in Public & Private Sector Enterprises, Enhancing Boards
Effectiveness0 Top Management- CEO- Role & Functions of top management-
Corporate values.
3. SWOT Analysis: Environmental analysis- Constituents and Impacts Assessing the
impact of Opportunities-Competitive Analysis- Economist’s Viewpoint- Marketing
Viewpoint- Porter’s Framework- Competitor.
Analysis-Strategy-Performance-Strengths & Weaknesses- Reaction; Internal Corporate
Analysis- Criteria for determining & measuring Strengths & Weaknesses- Identifying
Strengths & Weakness- Concept of Synergy.
4. strategic Analysis: Cost Dynamics- Cost levels in India-Causes & Effects of High Cost
in India-Break-Even Analysis-Sensitivity Analysis-portfolio Display Matrics-Boston
Consulting Group’s Growth Share Matrix; McKinsey Matrix- Artur D. Little Company’s
matrix; Operating & Financial, Analysis- Techniques of strategic Financial Analysis-
Financial Ratios, Return on Sales & Investment.
5. Strategic Choices: Strategic alternatives- classification- selection; Diversification-Types-
Related & Unrelated-Integration-synergy; diversifications vs. Expansion- Mergers &
acquisitions- Merger Motivations- screening process- Valuation for Mergers &
Acquisitions- Merger policies.
6. Implementation & evaluation of Strategy: Resource Allocation-Organisation structure-
Leadership-Communication of strategy-evaluation and control of strategy-evaluation &
control process- key variables-performance standards Analysis & follow up action for
control-problems of control systems, turnaround strategies
7. Case Studies: What is case? –Objective of Case Method-Benefits Analytical Tools-
SWOT Analysis-Ratio analysis-Portfolio Analysis-Strategic Audit-Guide for Case
Books Recommended:

1. Corporate Business Policy and Planning –P.K. Ghosh, Sultan Chand Sons, New Delhi-2.
2. Corporate Strategy – Ranjan Das, Tata McGraw Hill Pub. Company.
3. Business Policy-Azhar Kazmi, Tata McGraw Hill.
4. Business Policy and Strategic Management – Cherruneelam Francis, Himalaya
Publishing House.

4.17: Marketing of Services

Total Marks 80
Unit I:
Introduction to service marketing service-definitions, characteristics, reasons for growth
in service sector with special reference to India- Marketing mix for service; marketing
segmentation-market information system.

Unit II:
Service strategy, market oriented service strategy. Demand variation in service and its
management. Determinations of service quality, its management, Dimensions of total
quality management; Service triangle; service models.

Unit III:
Service Products: development of a new service, differentiation, service product mix,
packaging, branding, strategy for service; approaches to pricing of services- objectives,
pricing strategies. Service location and providers, working of a service distribution

Unit IV:
People in Marketing of services: role of employees, managing customer participation,
internal marketing objectives, influence of employee behaviour in service quality.
External marketing-need, promotional campaign design, word of mouth communication.
The service inter-action process, enhancing customer participation.

Unit V:
Marketing of Financial Services: Concept-factors governing the customer behaviour and
psychology- marketing mix of financial services-Marketing of financial services in Indian

Unit VI:
Marketing of Health Services; characteristics of health services; type of health services-
product planning and development- segmentation –pricing and promotion strategy in the
Indian Environment.
Unit VII:
Marketing of tourism: Tourism product, development and management of tourist spot;
pricing, strategic tourism promotion, tourism marketing prospects and promotion in
North East region.

Books Recommended:
1. Text-book of Marketing Services- Nimit Choudhury, Monica Choudhury, The Indian
Experience, McMillan, 2005.
2. Service Marketing- K. Rama Mohana Rao, Pearson Education, 2005.
3. Service Marketing- R. Srinivasana, The Indian Context, PHI, 2005.
4. Service Marketing- S.M. Jha, Himalaya Publishing House, 2004.
5. Service Marketing- Christopher Love Lock, Wirtz, People Technology Strategy,
Peearson Education, 2005.
6. Verma, Harsh, Service Marketing, Pearson Education, 2008.

4.18: Financial Services

Total Marks 80
Unit I:
Evolution and Role of Financial Services in India- NBFCs; Banks, comparison of NBFCs
with Banks, service provided.

Unit II:
Leasing- concept and classification, advantages and disadvantages of leasing, evolution
of Indian Leasing Industry, Leasing and Commercial Banks, Tax implications of Leasing.

Unit III:
Hire Purchase- concept and characteristics, calculation of effective interest rate, tax-
implication of Hire Purchase.

Unit IV:
Consumer Finance- Role of Consumer Credit, Features of Consumer Credit Transactions.

Unit V:
Venture capital- nature and scope, Investment process, (types of VC financing)
evaluation criteria, limitations, venture capital funds in India.

Unit VI:
Insurance-services; Definition- Life Insurance, Marine Insurance, Miscellaneous

Unit VII:
Miscellaneous financial services, Housing Finance, demat, depository services and stock
broking services.

Books Recommended:
1. Financial Services- M.Y. Khan, Tata McGraw Hill.
2. Emerging Scenario of Financial Services- Gorden and Natarajan, Himalaya Publishing
3. Lease Financing, Theory & Practices- B.B., Himalaya Publishing House.
4. Venture Capital Financing in India- Verma

4.19 Tax Planning

Total Marks 80
Unit I:
Meaning concept of tax planning and tax management- distinction between tax planning,
tax evasion and tax avoidance with illustrations. Tax planning through selection of
suitable form of business organization, selection of type of business and industry and
location; diversion of income and application of income.

Unit II:
Tax planning through the provisions of section 10 of the Income Tax Act. Relating to ‘tax
free incomes’- tax planning in regard to salary income of an individual; deductions and
exemptions allowed in computing income from salaries and income from house property.
Tax planning in regard to setting up and dates of commencement of business, make or
buy decision; valuation of stock and export and domestic sales decision.

Unit III:
Capital assets in the context of capital gains and assets outside the purview of capital
gains- taxation of long term and short term capital gains and exemptions thereof, for tax
planning purposes.

Unit IV:
Tax planning in regard to residuary and non-residuary headings of income from other
sources; taxability of interest on government securities and dividend from Indian
companies- Tax planning and clubbing of incomes under section 64 of the IT Act.
Important factors to be considered in regard to tax planning in case of an individual with
reference to splitting of income and investment of surplus funds in selected securities.
Tax planning and tax deducted at source and advance payment of tax by an individual

Unit V:
Tax planning by a partnership firm assessed as such and as association of persons. Tax
planning by a company through the timing of payment of statutory dues, joint ventures
abroad and foreign collaboration and transfer from holding company to subsidiary.
Function of the tax planning department of a company Fringe benefit tax.

Books Recommended:
1. Taxation- Vinod Kr. Singhania, Taxmann Publication, New Delhi.
2. Official publication of national institute of Financial Planning, New Delhi.
3. Official Publication of CBDT, New Delhi.
4. lal: Direct Taxes, Income Tax, Wealth Tax and Tax Planning; Pearson Eduction, New

4.20 Micro Finance

Total Marks 80

1. Micro Finance - Meaning and Concept, Nature and Scope, Objectives of micro finance,
micro finance and micro credit, Evolution and characteristics of micro finance, Benefits
of micro finance, Development of micro finance in India.
2. Micro finance Institutions- Structure of micro finance institutions, various models of
micro finance institutions and their functions, sources of fund, credit delivery mechanism
for micro credit, Non-financial services and MFIs.
3. Micro finance in India- Indian financial sector- financial inclusion, micro finance
movement in India, demand for and supply of micro financial services, Role of
NABARD for micro finance, Problems and Prospects of MF in India.
4. Management of MFIs- Fund Management, Various types of risk in MFIs and their
management, Performance Management- measurement of operational efficiency and
productivity, Impact Assessment and Social Assessment of MFIs.
5. Legal and Regulatory Framework for Micro Finance, Need for Regulation of MF and
MFIs, Various Laws governing MF activities in India, The Cooperative society Act., The
RBI Act, The Banking Regulation Act, The Micro Finance Institutions (Development and
Regulation) Bill 2012.

Suggested Books:
1. Micro Finance: Perspectives and Operations, IIBF, Macmillan, 2009.
2. Micro Finance-Redefining the Future, V. Somnath, Excel Books.
3. Fundamentals of Micro Finance, D.Das and R Tiwari, Global Publishing House,
Guwahati (India).
4. Understanding Micro Finance, D. Panda, Wiley India Pvt. Ltd., 2009.
5. The Economics of Microfinance, Armendr Z, Beatriz, Morduch and Jonathan, PHI.
6. Micro Finance: Impacts and Insight, Rajgopalan S and Nirali Parikh, ICFAI Press.

4.21 International Business

Total Marks 80
1. Foreign Direct Investment and Multinational Corporations – MNC culture, MNCs and
LDCs, joint venures.
2. Regional Economic Integration, SAARC, ASEAN, European Economic Community,
3. India and WTO – Free and Fair trade, Trade in Services, Removal of trade barriers, Tariff
and non-tariff barriers Dispute settlement mechanism, Innovation and Intellectual
property Rights.
4. Export Impolicy, Duty entitlement Pass Book (DEPB), Letter of credit, Bank finance for
export and import, documentation, customs duty Foreign exchange management, Foreign
exchange exposure, risk management, transfer of international payments-Western Union
Money Transfer.
5. Convertibility of Rupee currency, current and capital account transactions, Issues and
Perceptions-heading techniques, derivatives and future IMF and World Bank.
6. Foreign Investment Institutions, Instruments: GDRs, ADRs, FIIs-their role in Indian
Capital Market. Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement (DTAA).
7. Merger, Acquisition, takeover International merger and acquisition (M&A) International
Strategic Alliance.

Suggested Books:
1. Heniz Weihrich, Mark V Cannice, Harold Koontz, Management: A Global and
Entrepreneurial Peerspective, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co. Ltd., New Delhi 2008.
2. Y.K. Sarma, International Financial Management Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi.
3. V.A. Avadhani, International Finance, Himalaya Publishing House, Mumbai.
4. Helen Doresky, International Management, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi.
5. Magandhi Ananta R, International Management, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi.
6. Franchis Cherunilam, International Business, Prentice Hall of India, PHI, New Delhi.

Total Marks: 80

Unit-I: Introduction to E-Commerce: Emergence of E-Commerce, different business models, E-

business model based on relationship of transaction types- Brokerage Model, Aggregator Model,
Info-mediary model, community model, value chain model; scope and promises of E-commerce,
future of E-commerce. 10

Unit-II: Technology in E-commerce: Introduction to internet environment, Types of Network,

Data Communication, Modes of data transmission, Network topologies, OSI models, different
layers, concept of Protocols, URLs, ISP, Switching, Cookies, Bandwidth, www Browsers,
Services, DNS. 20

Unit-III: Privacy and Security in E-commerce: Security methods, Encryption and

Authentication, Elements and algorithm of encryption, Digital Signature and its categories,
cryptographic algorithms, Encryption Standard, Digital certificates and their uses, Concept of
Biometrics technology, Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) and its features, Firewall concept and its
benefits. 15

Unit-IV: E-marketing: Concept of online marketing and its advantages, Idea of E-advertising, E-
branding, Spiral branding, Different marketing strategies, Internet marketing trends; E-customer
Relationship Management (CRM)- different issues of E_CRM. 10

Unit-V: E-payment Systems: Online payment categories, Micro payment system, E-cash –
properties and legal issues, Idea of digital currency and E-cheque, Designing E-payment
systems. 10

Unit-VI: E-banking: Impact of IT on Bank, functions of ATM, advantages and limitation of

ATM, concept of Mobile Banking, Tele Banking, Internet Banking, Technique of Electronic
Funds Transfer, Automated Clearing System (ACS) and its elements. 15


1. E-Commerce – A Managerial Perspective, P.T. Joseph, Prentice Hall of India.

2. Electronic Commerce –A Manager’s Guide, by Ravi Kalakota and Andew B. Whinston,
Pearson Education, New Delhi.
3. E-Commerce Logistics & Fulfillment by Deborah L. Bayles, Pearson Education, New

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