Iso 26262 Dis Tutorial 2010 Final - 1 PDF
Iso 26262 Dis Tutorial 2010 Final - 1 PDF
Iso 26262 Dis Tutorial 2010 Final - 1 PDF
Part 2: Management of Functional Safety
Part 3: Concept Phase
Part 4: Product Development: System Level
Part 5: Product Development: Hardware Level
Part 6: Product Development: Software Level
Part 7: Production and Operation
Part 8: Supporting Processes
Part 9: ASIL-oriented and Safety-oriented Analyses
Key aspects that have evolved over time
ISO 26262 Road Vehicles - Functional Safety
Draft International Standard Tutorial 3
ISSC 2010 Minneapolis, Minnesota
Barbara J. Czerny
Technical Services
1a System design inspectiona + ++ ++ ++
1b System design walkthrougha ++ + o o
2a Simulationb + + ++ ++
2b System prototyping and vehicle tests b + + ++ ++
3 Safety analysesc see Table 1
a Methods 1a and 1b serve as check of complete and correct detailing and implementation of the technical safety requirements
into system design.
b Methods 2a and 2b can be used advantageously as a fault injection technique.
c For conducting safety analyses, see ISO 26262-9: —, Clause 8.
Rami Debouk
Combination of the probability of occurrence of
harm and the severity of that harm
Severity State of being in an operational
measure of the extent of harm situation that can be hazardous
to an individual if coincident with the failure mode
in a specific situation under analysis
Harm Controllability
Physical injury or damage avoidance of the specified harm or damage
to the health of people through the timely reactions of the persons
Other technology
E/E Components Communication
A software component consists of one or more software components, or software units, or both
Systematic Failures
failure of an element or item that is caused in a deterministic way during
development, manufacturing, or maintenance
all software faults and a subset of hardware faults are systematic
Rami Debouk
Functional Safety Service
4 Product Development
System level
product dev elopment
Planning 4.11 Release for production
7.5 Production
Back to appropriate
lif ecycle phase
after SOP
Define responsibilities of persons, departments and organisations in charge of each phase during the overall safety
Define management activities during the complete safety lifecycle
To define responsibilities of the persons, departments and organisations in charge of functional safety for each
phase during development
Includes activities to ensure functional safety of the item
Includes activities for confirmation of functional safety measures
Define management activities during the development phases
Confirmation review
Purpose: Evaluate the safety activity work products for compliance with the requirements of ISO 26262
How: Work products are evaluated for compliance after completion of select safety activities, and a subsequent review of this
compliance evidence is conducted, resulting in confirmation review reports
Functional safety audit
Purpose: Evaluate the development process applied (as defined by the product’s safety plan)
How: Phased reviews during the development process, resulting in audit reports
Functional safety assessment
Purpose: Evaluate the achieved functional safety of the item
How: Progressive review of processes and safety measures applied during development to achieve functional safety of the item
To define responsibilities of persons, departments and organisations in charge of functional safety after SOP
Relates to general activities necessary to ensure the required functional safety of the item
Organizational measures to achieve functional safety
Management of functional safety after SOP
Field monitoring and collection of data
Malfunction survey
Malfunction analysis
Malfunction solution
Rami Debouk
Functional Safety
Requirement Functional
“New development”
Consider all safety lifecycle steps relevant
Vehicle Usage
Environmental Conditions
Foreseeable driver use and misuse
Interaction between vehicle systems
S0 S1 S2 S3
No injuries Light and moderate injuries Severe and life-threatening injuries Life-threatening injuries (survival
(survival probable) uncertain), fatal injuries
E0 E1 E2 E3 E4
Incredible Very low probability Low probability Medium probability High probability
C0 C1 C2 C3
Controllable in Simply controllable Normally controllable Difficult to control or uncontrollable
A safety goal is to be determined for each hazardous event evaluated in the hazard analysis
ASIL determined for the hazardous event is to be assigned to the corresponding safety goal.
If similar safety goals are determined, they can be combined into one safety goal that will be
assigned the highest ASIL of the similar goals
Fault Y
Hazard B Safety Goal N
Fault Y
Per analysis results, Fault Y is implicated for both
Goals M and N but since Goal N is associated with a
Fault Z
higher ASIL (C), safety mechanisms to cover for Fault
Y must satisfy ASIL C requirements.
Item definition
Impact Analysis
Hazard analysis and risk assessment
Safety goals
Review of hazard analysis, risk assessment and the safety goals
Functional safety concept
Review of the functional safety requirements
Barbara J. Czerny
Safety Validation
Sub-system A Sub-system B
Specification of the technical safety requirements Specification of the technical safety requirements
4-6 4-6
Verify Refine
Describe how to implement the
Functional Safety Concept Technical
Preliminary architectural
assumptions Safety
Requirement Prelim. Arch.
Technical safety requirements Assumptions
Technical Safety Concept
Implementation of
Technical Safety
Requirements Verify System
Technical Design
Requirement Verify
Overall requirements for the control of random hardware failures during operation
e.g., specify measures for detection and control, set target values for metrics in part 5 for final evaluation
at the item level, etc.
Allocate Hardware
Requirement Allocate Software
Verify that the system design is correctly implemented by the entire item
Hardware-software integration and testing
Item Integration and testing
Evidence of compliance with the 4-8
Validation of safety goals is applied to the item integrated at the vehicle level
Includes: E/E system, software (if applicable), hardware, elements of other technologies, external measures
Validation plan includes
Validation test procedures for each safety goal with pass/fail criteria
Scope of the application
e.g., configuration, environmental conditions, driving situations, etc.
Objective 4-8
Item Integration and testing
Recommendations from
Conduct Assessment
previous Functional Safety
according to Part 2 Considering Assessments
Results from functional safety
Review processes & safety measures applied audits and confirmation
during development to achieve functional reviews
safety of the item
Acceptance Rejection
Acceptance Perform corrective actions and
Functional Safety Considered Evident
ISO 26262 Road Vehicles - Functional Safety
Draft International Standard Tutorial 69
ISSC 2010 Minneapolis, Minnesota
Release for Production Part 5: Product
development: hardware
Part 6: Product
development: software
level level
Item Integration and testing
Specify the criteria for the release for
production at the completion of item development
Safety Validation
Confirmation that the item complies with
the requirements for functional safety 4-10
Functional safety
at the vehicle level
Ready for series-production and operation 4-11
Release for
Only approved if the required work products are available and provide confidence of
functional safety
Functional safety assessment report, safety case
Requires appropriate documentation of functional safety for release for production
Name and signature of person in charge of release, Version of released item, etc.
1. Where are the safety mechanisms specified and where are they allocated to hardware and
A. Item Definition and Hazard Analysis and Risk Assessment
B. Hazard Analysis and Risk Assessment
C. Functional Safety Concept and Functional Safety Requirements
D. Technical Safety Requirements and System Design
2. Which of the following is true concerning Safety Validation?
A. Item tested as integrated at vehicle level
B. Test procedures for each safety goal (pass/fail)
C. Within scope of driving situations, environmental conditions, configuration, etc.
D. All of the above
1. Where are the safety mechanisms specified and where are they allocated to hardware and
A. Item Definition and Hazard Analysis and Risk Assessment
B. Hazard Analysis and Risk Assessment
C. Functional Safety Concept and Functional Safety Requirements
D. Technical Safety Requirements and System Design
2. Which of the following is true concerning Safety Validation?
A. Item tested as integrated at vehicle level
B. Test procedures for each safety goal (pass/fail)
C. Within scope of driving situations, environmental conditions, configuration, etc.
D. All of the above
1. Where are the safety mechanisms specified and where are they allocated to hardware and
A. Item Definition and Hazard Analysis and Risk Assessment
B. Hazard Analysis and Risk Assessment
C. Functional Safety Concept and Functional Safety Requirements
D. Technical Safety Requirements and System Design
2. Which of the following is true concerning Safety Validation?
A. Item tested as integrated at vehicle level
B. Test procedures for each safety goal (pass/fail)
C. Within scope of driving situations, environmental conditions, configuration, etc.
D. All of the above
Rami Debouk
of Safety Goal
Hardware Integration
& Testing
Individually evaluate each single point fault, residual fault and dual point failure
of the hardware parts which violate the considered safety goal.
A single point fault occurring in a hardware part shall be considered as acceptable, if the
corresponding hardware part failure rate is:
Failure Rate Class
Safety Goal
Class 1 (10-10) +
D dedicated measures to ensure Class 1
Class 2 (10-9) +
C dedicated measures to ensure Class 2
OR Class 1 (10-10)
Class 2 (10-9)
B OR Class 1 (10-10)
Barbara J. Czerny
Planning 6-5
Initiation of Product development at the software
Evaluate work products to ensure they Ensure that the item developed, or
meet previously established requirements parts of it, comply with the
Reference Phase Model for the Software Development requirements
Source ISO/DIS 26262
(including their ASIL) and the system design specification 6-8 SW Unit 6-9 SW Unit
Des. & Imp. Testing
Functional Safety
Verify that the SW safety requirements are consistent with the Concept
technical safety requirements and the system design Functional
specification Safety
Technical Safety
Technical Design
Compliant with technical safety requirements and Safety
System Design Requirement
system design, and consistent with relevant Refine /
hardware safety requirements Verify Allocate Verify
6-5 Spec. of SW Software Safety
Safety Reqs. Requirements
6-7 SW Arch. 6-10 SW
Develop a SW architectural design that Design Integration Tstg.
6-6 Spec. of SW
Safety Reqs. Target
Design Hardware
Guidelines Compliant
Adherent 6-7 SW Arch. Compatible
6-6 Spec. of SW
Safety Reqs.
Coding 6-7 SW Arch. Software
Guidelines Design Interface
Selection of test methods to demonstrate that the SW components and embedded SW achieve
Compliance with the architectural design and the HW/SW interface
Correct implementation of the functionality
Sufficiency of the resources to support the functionality
Example test methods - Fault injection, resource usage tests, …
Methods for deriving test cases
Analysis of requirements, boundary value analysis, …
Requirements on the test environment
6-7 SW Arch. 6-10 SW
Design Integration Tstg.
Selection of test environments
Hardware-in-the-loop, vehicles, …
Execution on the target hardware
Evaluation criteria
Compliance with expected results, coverage of the software safety requirements, pass/fail criteria
Barbara J. Czerny
Production objectives
Develop a production plan for safety-related products
Ensure that the required functional safety is achieved during the production process
Includes planning for safety-related special characteristics
e.g., temp. range for specific processes, material characteristics, configuration …
Considers requirements for production, conditions for storage, transport, and handling of hardware elements,
approved configurations, …
Describes, as applicable production process flow and instructions, production tools and means, …
Considers requirements for operation, the warning and degradation concept, measures for field data collection and
analysis, …
Maintenance plan describes methods required for maintenance including steps, intervals, means of maintenance,
and tools
Field monitoring process for functional safety events related to the item needs to be implemented as
Barbara J. Czerny
Supporting Processes
Interfaces within distributed developments
Specification and management of safety requirements
Configuration management
Change management
Qualification of software tools
Qualification of software components
Qualification of hardware components
Proven in use argument
Describe procedures and allocate responsibilities within distributed developments ( e.g.,
vehicle manufacturer and supplier) for items and elements
Ensure correct specification of safety requirements with respect to attributes and
Support consistent management of safety requirements throughout the safety lifecycle
Clause includes requirements for
Notations for the specification of safety requirements
Attributes and characteristics of safety requirements
Unambiguous and comprehensible, atomic, internally consistent …
Properties for the collection of safety requirements
Hierarchical, complete, externally consistent, maintainable, …
Management of safety requirements
Traceability, configuration management, verification
Work Product – Safety Plan (refined)
Systematically planning, controlling, monitoring, implementing, and documenting changes, while maintaining
consistency of all work products
Clause includes
Planning of qualification of a software tool
Classification of a software tool
Tool impact
Possible violation of safety requirement if tool is malfunctioning or producing erroneous output (TI0 – no
possibility, TI1 – possibility)
Tool detection
Possibility of preventing or detecting that the software tool is malfunctioning or producing erroneous output
(TD1 – TD4)
Tool confidence level
Based on tool impact and tool detection determinations (TCL1 – TCL4)
Work Products
Qualification plan
Hardware component testing plan, if applicable
Qualification report
Provide guidance for proven in use argument
Alternate means of compliance with ISO 26262 requirements
May be used in case of reuse of existing items or elements
when field data is available
Proven in use credit does not eliminate need for
integration safety lifecycle activities
Service period for the item/element
Changes to the candidate for a future
D 1.2 · 109
Work Products C 1.2 · 108
Proven in use credit B 1.2 · 108
Definition of candidate for proven in use argument A 1.2 · 107
1. What specifies the interfaces between a manufacturer and supplier in a distributed development?
A. The system specification
B. The purchase order
C. The Development Interface Agreement (DIA)
2. What tools are subject to configuration management?
A. Software tools and software development environments
B. Test tools and test environments
C. All of the above
3. What is the objective of verification?
A. Ensure that all work products are correct, complete, and consistent
B. Ensure that all work products meet ISO 26262 requirements
C. All of the above
4. What is required for a Proven in Use Argument?
A. Definition of the candidate for proven in use argument
B. Analysis of changes to the candidate
C. Analysis of field data
D. All of the above
1. What specifies the interfaces between a manufacturer and supplier in a distributed development?
A. The system specification
B. The purchase order
C. The Development Interface Agreement (DIA)
2. What tools are subject to configuration management?
A. Software tools and software development environments
B. Test tools and test environments
C. All of the above
3. What is the objective of verification?
A. Ensure that all work products are correct, complete, and consistent
B. Ensure that all work products meet ISO 26262 requirements
C. All of the above
4. What is required for a Proven in Use Argument?
A. Definition of the candidate for proven in use argument
B. Analysis of changes to the candidate
C. Analysis of field data
D. All of the above
1. What specifies the interfaces between a manufacturer and supplier in a distributed development?
A. The system specification
B. The purchase order
C. The Development Interface Agreement (DIA)
2. What tools are subject to configuration management?
A. Software tools and software development environments
B. Test tools and test environments
C. All of the above
3. What is the objective of verification?
A. Ensure that all work products are correct, complete, and consistent
B. Ensure that all work products meet ISO 26262 requirements
C. All of the above
4. What is required for a Proven in Use Argument?
A. Definition of the candidate for proven in use argument
B. Analysis of changes to the candidate
C. Analysis of field data
D. All of the above
1. What specifies the interfaces between a manufacturer and supplier in a distributed development?
A. The system specification
B. The purchase order
C. The Development Interface Agreement (DIA)
2. What tools are subject to configuration management?
A. Software tools and software development environments
B. Test tools and test environments
C. All of the above
3. What is the objective of verification?
A. Ensure that all work products are correct, complete, and consistent
B. Ensure that all work products meet ISO 26262 requirements
C. All of the above
4. What is required for a Proven in Use Argument?
A. Definition of the candidate for proven in use argument
B. Analysis of changes to the candidate
C. Analysis of field data
D. All of the above
1. What specifies the interfaces between a manufacturer and supplier in a distributed development?
A. The system specification
B. The purchase order
C. The Development Interface Agreement (DIA)
2. What tools are subject to configuration management?
A. Software tools and software development environments
B. Test tools and test environments
C. All of the above
3. What is the objective of verification?
A. Ensure that all work products are correct, complete, and consistent
B. Ensure that all work products meet ISO 26262 requirements
C. All of the above
4. What is required for a Proven in Use Argument?
A. Definition of the candidate for proven in use argument
B. Analysis of changes to the candidate
C. Analysis of field data
D. All of the above
Rami Debouk
Decomposing safety requirements into redundant safety requirements (not necessarily identical) to allow
ASIL tailoring at the next level of detail
In this decomposition, the relevant safety goal is only violated if both elements fail simultaneously
Some Requirements
ASIL decomposition is performed considering each allocated safety requirement of the element
Initial safety requirements are implemented by sufficiently independent elements and redundant safety
requirements are derived for each of these elements
In the case of coexistence in the same element of safety-related sub-elements with different ASILs, a sub-
element shall only be treated as a lower ASIL sub-element if it is shown that it does not interfere with any other
sub-element assigned a higher ASIL, for each of the safety requirements allocated to the element
Identification of potential for dependent failures from safety analyses
Evaluation for dependent failures in order to determine if a reasonably foreseeable cause exists which
will cause the dependent failures to occur and violate a safety goal
Resolution of dependent failures in change requests to mitigate the root cause in the sub-phases of the
safety lifecycle for which analysis of dependent failure is applied
To examine the influence of faults and failures on items or elements regarding their
architecture, functions and behaviour
Provide information on conditions and causes that could lead to violation of a safety
goal or safety requirement
Contribute to the identification of new functional or non-functional hazards not
previously considered during hazard analysis and risk assessment
1. ASIL Decomposition is about decomposing safety requirements into identical redundant requirements
A. True
B. False
2. Why perform dependent failure analysis?
A. To reduce the ASIL requirement of a component
B. To identify any single event or single cause that could bypass or invalidate the independence required to satisfy the safety goals
of a system.
C. To analyze field data
D. All of the above
1. ASIL Decomposition is about decomposing safety requirements into identical redundant requirements
A. True
B. False
2. Why perform dependent failure analysis?
A. To reduce the ASIL requirement of a component
B. To identify any single event or single cause that could bypass or invalidate the independence required to satisfy the safety goals
of a system.
C. To analyze field data
D. All of the above
1. ASIL Decomposition is about decomposing safety requirements into identical redundant requirements
A. True
B. False
2. Why perform dependent failure analysis?
A. To reduce the ASIL requirement of a component
B. To identify any single event or single cause that could bypass or invalidate the independence required to satisfy the safety goals
of a system.
C. To analyze field data
D. All of the above
Item Development
3 - 7 Hazard analysis and risk
Hazard analysis and risk
assessment assessment
Hazard analysis
analysis and and risk
risk assessment assessment
SEooC Development
3 - 7 Hazard analysis and risk
ASIL Capability
Capability Hazard analysis and risk assessment
Concept phase
Assumptions on safetyon
Assumptions goals
safety goals ( ASIL
Safety Element out of Context Specification
Specification of safety
of safety goals goals
(ASIL of per
Capability Safety
failure out of Context)
8- 6 Over all manage ment of saf et y r equi r e ment s
with assumed
4 - 6 Specification of technical safety
requirements (e.g., Specification ofconcept technical safety concept
ASIL), confirmed Specification ofof
Specification technical safety safety requirements
when used in an
Pr oduct devel op ment
4 - 7 System
System design
Hardware arerequirements
safety safety requirements Softw
Software arerequirements
safety safety requirements