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Simple Linear Regression

Prepared by: Engr. Allen Paul C. Alcantara
Simple linear regression
• A statistical method that allows us to summarize and study
relationships between two continuous (quantitative) variables:
• One variable, denoted x, is regarded as the predictor, explanatory,
or independent variable.
• The other variable, denoted y, is regarded as
the response, outcome, or dependent variable.
• Because the other terms are used less frequently today, we will use
the "predictor" and "response" terms to refer to the
variables x and y
• Simple linear regression gets its adjective "simple" because it
concerns the study of only one predictor variable.
Types of Relationship
• Deterministic (or functional) relationships. Here is an example of a
deterministic relationship.

• Note! that the observed (x, y) data points fall directly on a line. As you may
remember, the relationship between degrees Fahrenheit and degrees
Celsius is known to be:
Types of Relationship
• Here are some examples of other deterministic
relationships that students from previous semesters have
– Circumference = π × diameter
– Hooke's Law: Y = α + βX, where Y = amount of stretch in a
spring, and X = applied weight.
– Ohm's Law: I=V/r, where V = voltage applied, r = resistance,
and I = current.
– Boyle's Law: For a constant temperature, P = α/V,
where P = pressure, α = constant for each gas, and V = volume
of gas.
• For each of these deterministic relationships, the
equation exactly describes the relationship between the
two variables.
• But we are interested in statistical relationships,
(probabilistic) in which the relationship between the
variables is not perfect.
Statistical Relationship
•The response variable y is
the mortality due to skin
cancer (number of deaths
per 10 million people) and
the predictor variable x is the
latitude (degrees North) at
the center of each of 48
states in the United States
•There appears to be a
negative linear relationship
between latitude and
mortality due to skin cancer,
but the relationship is not
•The plot exhibits some
"trend," but it also exhibits
some "scatter." Therefore, it
is a statistical relationship,
not a deterministic one.
Best Fitting Line
•In order to examine which of the two lines is
a better fit, we first need to introduce some Equation of the best fitting line
common notation:
1. yi denotes the observed response
for experimental unit i
2. xi denotes the predictor value for
experimental unit i
3. ŷi is the predicted response (or
fitted value) for experimental unit i
How do we get the equation of the best fitting line?
How do we get the equation of the best fitting line?
Method of Least Squares
Method of Least Squares
The least squares procedure produces a line that minimizes the sum of squares of
vertical deviations from the points to the line.
A procedure whereby the total variation in the dependent variable
is subdivided into meaningful components that are then observed
and treated in a systematic fashion.

Computed f – value > fα(1,n-2)


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