Orthodontics Classification of Skeletal PDF
Orthodontics Classification of Skeletal PDF
Orthodontics Classification of Skeletal PDF
Orthodontic dental classification used is dated more than 100 years ago. Skeletal and dental classifica-
tion of malocclusion has an important role in diagnosis and treatment planning. The aim of this study is
to facilitate the grouping of skeletal and dental malrelationships and to build an accurate diagnosis and
to suggest treatment planning.
Material and method
The main orthodontic classification systems for skeletal and dental relationship were reviewed.
The proposed skeletal and dental classification proved detailed accuracy and focus on relating the cat-
egories with the suggested treatment planning. The new modification of the skeletal and dental classifi-
cation explained clearly the occlusal relationship and helped in setting treatment strategies.
This present skeletal and dental classification is faster, accurate and easily applicable clinically and dealt
with the shortcoming of the previous classification systems. It also helped in the suggestion of Orthodon-
tic treatment protocols.
Keywords: orthodontic malocclusion, skeletal classification, dental classification
*Corresponding author:
Associate Prof. Dr. Adil Osman Mageet
PhD, BDS, CES (France), MSc (Orthodontic, UK), M.Orth.RCSEd, FDS.RCSEd
Department of Orthodontics, Hamdan Bin Mohamed College of Dental Medicine, MBR University, Dubai, UAE , P.O.Box 505097 Dubai UAE
Tel: +971 4 424 8631 ; Fax: +971 4 424 8687
e-mail: Adil.mageet@hbmcdm.ac.ae
There is a harmonious relationship antero-posteriorly; the problem is either in the vertical or trans-
Skeletal I verse plane. Advice surgical correction if needed.
Functional appliance (growing children) or mandibular surgery (adult or syndromic patients e.g.
Type 1
Pierre Robin).
Here the treatment could of combination, functional [removable e.g. twin block or fixed e.g. Forsus],
Skeletal II Type 3 Headgear, camouflage with the extraction of upper 1st premolars alone or in combination with lower
2nd premolars or Bi-maxillary orthognathic surgery.
Type 2 Mandibular excess is treated with surgery e.g. Bilateral sagittal split osteotomy (BSSO).
antero-posterior plane is normal or within average. and type 3 (combination of both). (Fig. 1)
There is always a question arises in cases where it The same applies for Class III (concave profile),
is straight to mild convexity or mild concavity. The again Salzmann did not specify either it is due to
author view is to enlarge the description of skeletal maxillary retrusion or mandibular protrusion. Ac-
I so as to include the mild convexity and mild con- cording to my explanation it could be due to max-
cavity as far as it is confirmed by the ANB angle. illary retrusion (Skeletal III type 1), or mandibular
The range of skeletal I would be straight to mild protrusion (Skeletal II type 2), or a combination of
convexity or mild concavity. both (skeletal III type 3), which gives detailed ex-
Salzmann Skeletal II (convex profile) did not indi- planation aiding in diagnosis and treatment plan-
cate either it is due to protruded maxilla or retrud- ning. (Fig.1)
ed mandible or a combination of both. In this pres-
ent study, Skeletal II could be of three types; type Occlusal Classification: revisited
1 (retruded mandible), type 2 (protruded maxilla) The BSI and Katz’s classification deal with partial
description of the malocclusion. The British system velop the older classification. The reconsideration
of classification related to the anterior teeth where is done in the antero-posterior and on both sides,
it needs further elaboration while Katz system fo- where molar classification is more elaborated. In
cuses on the premolar occlusion and ignore the this revision class IV, V and VI are generated which
canines and molar classification. helped in treatment planning and suggesting
Snyder and Jerrold (2007), have concluded that treatment protocol.
a modification of Angle’s system that is more de- Accurate and detailed classification is always
scriptive is needed, after they have sent e-mail needed to drive an accurate diagnosis and treat-
survey to the department chair or the program ment plan.
director of every orthodontic program in the Unit- The author followed the BSI incisor classification
ed States, Canada, and Puerto Rico (n = 80). The with modifications for class II and III, accepts ca-
survey included photos of models placed into ¼ nine classification and modifies molar classifica-
cusp, ½ cusp, and ¾ cusp distal occlusions, and tion, which are further elaborated for the ease of
the participants were asked to classify them by se- diagnosis and accuracy of treatment planning in
lecting from a list of terms or writing one of their orthodontics.
own. They were also asked whether they thought
that the Angle molar classification was adequate Incisor’s Classification (Fig. 2)
for communication and diagnosis. A fourty surveys Class I: When the mandibular incisor edge lie or
were completed and returned. The results showed below the cingulum plateau of the maxillary inci-
a variety of terminology being taught, and most sor (BSI, 1983), the overjet is 2-4 mm.
educators do not use Angle’s classification as he Class II: When the mandibular incisors edges lie
defined it. About half of the respondents were dis- posterior to the cingulum plateau of the maxillary
satisfied with the Angle molar classification sys- incisors (BSI, 1983). It could be:-
tem.17 Class II/1: Proclined maxillary incisors with overjet
Siegel in 2002 conducted 57 surveys which were more than 4 mm.
mailed to department chairs in the United States, Class II/2a: Retroclined maxillary centrals and pro-
asking them to identify the definition to which their clined laterals, or both central and lateral incisors
orthodontic residency program subscribes; 34 sur- are retroclined with normal or reduced overjet.
veys were returned. Class II/2b: Retroclined maxillary centrals and pro-
Twenty-two responses supported the notion that clined laterals, or both central and lateral incisors
subdivision refers to the Class II side, 8 responses are retroclined but with increased overjet.
said that it refers to the Class I side, 3 responses Class III: When the mandibular incisors edges lie
supported neither view, and 1 response indicated anterior to the cingulum plateau of the maxillary
that not everyone in the program could agree on incisors (BSI, 1983).
the meaning of subdivision. Class III type 1: Positive overjet but less than 2 mm.
Although the prevailing belief appears to be that Class III type 2: Edge to edge incisors relationship.
subdivision indicates the side with a molar mal- Class III type 3a: Negative overjet.
occlusion, the orthodontic community does not Class III type 3b: Negative overjet but patient can
have a consistent standard, and it is time to resolve make edge to edge (pseudo Class III).
this controversy.18 Due to the low reliability of the The author believes that incisor classification could
Angle’ method, a reconsideration is needed to de- also be used for esthetic considerations.
Suggested Treatment Protocol
Non extraction:
stripping, expansion, derotation, uprighting or distalisation
Class I malocclusion U/L 4s, U/L 5s, U/L 6s, U/L 7s or a symmetric extraction e.g. right U/L 4s + left U/L 5s, U/L 6s
+ U/L 4s or 5s, single tooth extraction.
Non extraction:
Distalisation with headgear
Type 1 Extraction:
4s, (U 4s + L 5s), (U/L 6s), (U/L 7s) or a symmetric extraction e.g. (right U/L 4s + left U/L
5s), (U/L 6s + U/L 4s or 5s). or a single U4.
Always advise non extraction treatment using a headgear + Nudger or an intra-oral distal-
Type 2a If crowding is to be relieved by extraction, then it is advisable to extract the 2nd premolar
than the 1st premolar because of difficulty of space closure.
Class II malocclusion
Transfer the case to CL II/1 and treat accordingly.
Headgear + Nudger
Type 2b Orthognathic surgery treatment (proclined upper anteriors and retroclined lower anteriors-
decompensation: plan for surgery)
Camouflage with stripping lower arch and proclining upper teeth.
Type 1
Expansion of upper arch ± fixed appliance therapy.
Expansion of upper arch ± fixed appliance therapy with CL III elastics.
Extraction of lower 1st premolars and upper 2nd premolars + U/L fixed orthodontic therapy
Type 2 with CL III elastics.
Expansion of upper arch + extraction of a single lower central incisor + U/L fixed orthodon-
tic therapy with CL III elastics.
Expansion of upper arch ± fixed appliance therapy with CL III elastics.
Extraction of lower 1st premolars and upper 2nd premolars + U/L fixed Orthodontic therapy
Type 3a with CL III elastics.
Class III malocclu- Expansion of upper arch + extraction of a single lower central incisor + U/L fixed orthodon-
sion tic therapy with CL III elastics.
Expansion of upper arch ± fixed Orthodontic therapy.
Extraction of lower 1st premolars and upper 2nd premolars + U/L fixed Orthodontic therapy.
Type 3b
Expansion of upper arch + extraction of a single lower central incisor + U/L fixed Orth-
odontic therapy with CL III elastics.
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Licensed by CPQ (UAE), the Saudi Commission for Higher Specialties and the Sudanese Medical Council as
a consultant orthodontist. I treat orthodontic problems from mild to complex cases with variety of treatment
options, removable, functional, fixed, clear orthodontics, orthodontic part of orthognathic surgery and cleft
lip / palate cases. I also manage snorers and mild to moderate obstructive sleep apnoea hypopnoea patients
using intra-oral appliances. I have been working as an orthodontist for the past 20 years. Examiner of the
RCSEd for the 2nd part MFDS and the M.Orth. Reviewer of the Oral Hygiene and Dental Management
Journal. Published many articles in reputable journals.
An 11 years old female patient with a chief complaint “my upper teeth are crowd-
ed”. She presented with a Class II/2 incisor relation, class II ½ unit canines and
molars, on Skeletal II base deep bite and centre line shift. Lateral cephalometry
shows SNA of 84°, SNB 78° ANB of 6° and decreased maxillary mandibular plane
angle. The treatment would be:
qa. Extraction of 14 and 24 with upper and lower fixed Orthodontics treatment;
qb. Distalisation of upper 16 and 26 by HG and a Nudger appliance with upper and lower fixed
qc. Extraction of 14, 24, 35 and 45 with upper and lower fixed Orthodontics;
qd. Transfer the case to CL II/1 and treat with functional appliance and treat accordingly.
What is the treatment of choice in case of skeletal Class III cases is with reduced anterior
cranial base and retruded maxilla in a 9 years old boy.
qa. Rapid palatal expansion alone;
qb. Functional appliance and fixed Orthodontics;
qc. Rapid palatal expansion and Face mask;
qd. Orthognathic surgery by Le Fort I osteotomy.
How you define Class II/2b incisor relation from the article:
qa. Upper incisors retroclined laterals are procline;
qb. All upper anteriors are retroclined with increased overjet;
qc. All upper anteriors are retroclined with a deep bite;
qd. Upper incisors retroclined laterals are procline.