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Anti-dandruff Shampoo
Aim: This study aims to formulate and evaluate synthetic anti-dandruff shampoo. Materials and Methods: The
anti-dandruff agents used in the present study are sulfur and benzoic acid. The other ingredients include sodium lauryl
sulfate (surfactant), urea (solubilizing agent), citric acid (sequestering agent), sodium ethylenediaminetetraacetic
acid (chelating agent), guar gum (foam stabilizing agent and thickening agent), tween 80, and distilled water
(vehicle). All ingredients were purchased from SD fine chemicals, boisar. Results and Discussions: The prepared
anti-dandruff shampoo was evaluated for physical appearance/visual inspection, determination if pH, determine
% of solid contents, rheological evaluation, surface tension measurement, foam ability, and antimicrobial activity.
The pH range was 6.1–6.7, physical appearance was pale yellow, the percentage of solid contents ranges from
26.9 to 28.1%, viscosity was in the range of 1289–1712, surface tension was found to be 31.08–34.12, and foam
volume ranges from 144 to 178. The antimicrobial activity was done using Staphylococcus aureus, and the zone
of inhibition was observed using 1% solution of sulfur, salicylic acid, and benzoic acid in the ratio of 0.75:2:0.25,
which has shown 3.4 mm inhibitory action.Conclusion: Study indicates zone of inhibition for F1 obtained was
best compared to other formulations against S. aureus after incubating for 24 h. It may have fair anti-dandruff
activity efficiency.
Key words: Anti-dandruff shampoo, Pityrosporum ovale, salicylic acid and benzoic acid, sulfur
and moisturizing alcohols to prevent too much of the hair Evaluation of prepared anti-dandruffSS shampoo
and scalp’s natural oils from being stripped away during
cleansing.[1-4] Physical appearance/visual inspection
The formulations prepared were evaluated in terms of their
Composition of Shampoos clarity, foam producing ability, and fluidity.[5,6]
The following are the ingredients used for the preparation Determination of pH
of shampoos. They include three anti-dandruff agents such The pH of 10% shampoo solution in distilled water was
as sulfur, salicylic acid and benzoic acid, sodium lauryl determined at room temperature 25°C.[7,8]
sulfate as surfactant, urea as solubilizing agent, citric acid as
sequestering agent, sodium ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid Determine percent of solid contents
(EDTA) as chelating agent, guar gum as foam stabilizing
agent and thickening agent, tween 80, and distilled water as A clean dry evaporating dish was weighed and added 4 g of
vehicle. shampoo to the evaporating dish. The dish and shampoo was
weighed. The exact weight of the shampoo was calculated
(only solids) and evaporating dish with shampoo was placed
on hot plate until the liquid portion was evaporated. The weight
of the shampoo (only solids) after drying was calculated.
The anti-dandruff agents used in present study are sulfur and
benzoic acid. The other ingredients include sodium lauryl Rheological evaluation
sulfate (surfactant), urea (solubilizing agent), citric acid
(sequestering agent), sodium EDTA (chelating agent), guar The viscosity of the shampoos was determined using
gum (foam stabilizing agent and thickening agent), tween 80, Brookfield viscometer by setting different spindle speeds
and distilled water (vehicle). All ingredients were purchased from 0.3 to 10 rpm. The viscosity of the shampoos was
from SD fine chemicals, boisar. measured using spindle T95. The temperature and sample
container’s size was kept constant during the study.
Preparation of anti-dandruff shampoo
Surface tension measurement
The anti-dandruff shampoo was formulated using simple
mixing process. Formulations were made using two anti- Measurements were carried out with a 10% shampoo
dandruff agents such as sulfur and benzoic acid. The other dilution in distilled water at room temperature. Thoroughly
ingredients used are sodium lauryl sulfate as surfactant, clean the stalagmometer using chromic acid and purified
urea as solubilizing agent, citric acid as sequestering agent, water. Because surface tension is highly affected with grease
sodium ethylene diamine ethylene diamine tetra acetic or other lubricants.[9,10] The data calculated by following
acid acid as chelating agent, guar gum as foam stabilizing equation given below:
agent and thickening agent, tween 80, and distilled water as
vehicle [Table 1]. R2= (W3-W1)n1/(W2-W1)n2 × R1
Determination of pH
Figure 3: Antimicrobial activity of synthetic anti-dandruff The weight of the shampoo (only solids) after drying was
calculated for all the formulations and the range was found to
be 26.9–28.1% [Table 2].
Where, W1 is weight of empty beaker.
W2 is weight of beaker with distilled water.
Rheological evaluation
W3 is weight of beaker with shampoo solution.
n1 is number of drops of distilled water. The viscosity of the shampoo was determined using
n2 is number of drops of shampoo solution. Brookfield Viscometer by setting different spindle speeds
R1 is surface tension of distilled water at room temperature. from 0.3 to 10 rpm and the range of cps obtained was 1289–
R2 is surface tension of shampoo solution. 1712 [Table 3].
Measurements were carried out with a 10% shampoo dilution The prepared anti-dandruff shampoo formulations F1 to
in distilled water at room temperature and the range was F8 were subjected to antimicrobial activity using cup-plate
found to be 31.08–34.12 [Table 3]. method using agar medium. 1% antidandruff shampoo
was used to study this antimicrobial activity. The zone of
Foaming ability inhibition was observed successfully for formulation F1 than
other formulations [Table 4].
Cylinder shake method was used for determining foaming
ability. 50 ml of 1% shampoo solution was put into a 250 ml
graduated cylinder and covered the cylinder with hand and CONCLUSION
shaken for 10 times and the range of values obtained was
found to be 144–178 [Table 3]. In the present work, efforts have been made to prepare and evaluate
anti-dandruff shampoo using three anti-dandruff agents such as
Table 2: Evaluation of formulation for physical benzoic acid, salicylic acid, and sulfur by various combinations.
appearance, pH, and solids Zone of inhibition for F1 obtained was best compared to other
formulations against S. aureus after incubating for 24 h. It may
Formulation Physical appearance Ph Solids (%)
have fair anti-dandruff activity efficiency. Hence, the formulation
F1 Pale yellow 6.5 27.9
F1 has met the objectives.
F2 Pale yellow 6.3 27.3
F3 Pale yellow 6.1 27.5
F4 Pale yellow 6.5 28.1 ACKNOWLEDGMENT
F5 Pale yellow 6.6 26.9
F6 Pale yellow 6.7 28.0 The authors are thankful to secretary Shri. C. Gangi Reddy
through Principal of Annamacharya college of Pharmacy,
F7 Pale yellow 6.5 27.6
Rajampet, Andhra Pradesh, for providing necessary facilities
F8 Pale yellow 6.4 27.8 to carry out this research work.