Ferrozine Test
Ferrozine Test
Ferrozine Test
(where X is the residue of a fluorinated diketone). It is The authors are indebted to M. J. A. Reade for assistance in
possible to determine such chelates using the same method and, mass spectrometry.
hence, to estimate zirconium and hafnium in aqueous solution.
Work is proceeding upon the determination of zirconium and RECEIVEDfor review December IS, 1969. Accepted February
hafnium in alloys and ores by this procedure. 16,1970.
soaking in concentrated hydrochloric acid for several hours
will produce satisfactory and reproducible results. Place
Figure 2. Visible absorption spectrum of ferrous complex of 50.00 ml of freshly drawn sample water in a 125-ml Erlen-
ferrozine meyer flask. Add 1.00 ml of acid reagent solution. Heat
the solution on a hot plate and hold at the boiling point for
ten minutes. Cool to 20°C and transfer the contents quanti-
27,900 and the Beer-Lambert law is obeyed to approximately tatively to a 50-ml volumetric flask. Add 1.00 ml of buffer
4 mg/liter of Fe (Figure 2). solution and dilute to the mark with demineralized water.
It has been determined by spectrophotometric titration Mix thoroughly and allow 1 minute for full color develop-
that ferrozine forms the expected tris complex with ferrous ment. Measure the absorbance at 562 nm against a calibra-
iron (8). The end point for the titration of 9 X 10-6 mole tion curve prepared from standard solutions treated in the
of ferrozine occurs at 3 X 10-6 mole of ferrous ion. The same manner.
formation constant of the complex is too large to evaluate Interference Studies. A standard 1.00 mg/liter Fe solution
from this data by conventional methods. Details of the was used for all interference work, with varying concentrations
complex structure are given in the discussion (Figure 3). of other species added. The criterion for an interference
The magenta Fe(ligand)a2+ species will form completely in was an absorbance value varying more than 5% from the
aqueous solution between the pH values of 4 and 9. Once expected value.
formed between these values, the complex is stable to IN
perchloric acid (Figure 4). RESULTS
Determination of Iron in Potable Water. REAGENTSRE-
QUIRED. Acid Reagent Solution. Dissolve 5.14 g of ferro- Numerical results and statistical data are given in Tables
zine and 100 g of hydroxylamine hydrochloride in a small I, II, and III concerning Ames City water, Hach Chemical
amount of water. Cautiously add 500 ml of concentrated Company well water, and interference studies.
hydrochloric acid. Cool to 20°C and dilute to 1 liter with Of copper, cobalt, calcium, magnesium, lead, silver, molyb-
demineralized water. denum, aluminum, nickel, zinc, arsenic, manganese, hexa-
Buffer Solution, pH 5.5. Dissolve 400 g of ammonium valent chromium, and trivalent chromium, divalent cobalt
acetate in water. Add 350 ml of concentrated ammonium and monovalent copper are the only metals other than iron
hydroxide and dilute to 1 liter with demineralized water. which form colored species with ferrozine under the test
Iron Standard Solution. Dissolve 100.0 mg of electrolytic conditions given above. At least 1000 mg/liter of the alkali
iron in concentrated hydrochloric acid and dilute to 1 liter metals and the alkaline earths had no effect on the determina-
with demineralized water. Make serial dilutions of this tion. Many heavy metals will react with ferrozine in com-
stock solution to prepare a calibration curve. petition with iron, but with the excess reagent used in the
PROCEDURE.Clean all glassware. For this determination, procedure above, this did not affect results.
Figure 3. Spectrophotometric titration of 4.62 mg of
ferrozine with 3.0 X to-3M iron solution
an immiscible organic liquid, such as one of the higher
Table II. Determination of Iron in Haeh Chemical Company alcohols or nitrobenzene, it eliminates the compound from
Well Water, Ames, Iowa consideration as a reagent for completely automated analysis
Iron found, on a practical scale. To overcome this situation, the triazine
Trial mg/liter Deviation from mean was sulfonated. Infrared evidence suggests that both sulfonic
1 1.09 +0.02 acid groups occupy the 4 position on their respective rings.
2 1.07 0.00 Evidently the ferroin group may be formed from the pyridyl
3 1.07 0.00
nitrogen and either the 2- or 4-triazine nitrogen. However,
4 1.06 -0.01
5 1.07 0.00 in the second case, steric hindrance would prevent three such
6 1.08 +0.01 structural isomers of the ligand from entering the octahedral
7 1.06 -0.01 coordination sphere of divalent iron. With the one structural
8 1.07 0.00 isomer thus allowed, two optical isomers are possible as with
9 1.05 -0.02
10 1.07 0.00 any system of bidentate ligands in octahedral coordination.
Because of the nonsymmetrical nature of the ligand, two
Mean = 1.07. a = 0.01 = 0.93%.
positional isomers are possible for each optical isomer. On
the basis of steric considerations only, the trans positional
Table III. Interference Studies isomer would appear to be the preferred structure for both
Iron taken, Foreign ion Iron found, optical isomers.
mg/liter added, mg/liter mg/liter Deviation, % Many methods have been published for the complete dis-
1.00 i.oo ce« 1.00 0.00 solution of a sample prior to the determination of iron.
1.00 2.00 C02+ 1.01 +1.00 These are most useful when the sample contains organic
1.00 5.00 C02+ 1.03 +3.00 matter or refractory iron oxides such as the ferrites. Sus-
1.00 8.00 C02+ 1.05 +5.00 pended iron oxides in potable water are generally not difficult
1.00 1.00Cu+ 1.03 +3.00 to dissolve. The digestion procedure given in this work
1.00 2.00 Cu+ 1.05 +5.00 proves quite adequate, having been checked with more
1.00 5.00 co- 1.15 +15.00
rigorous methods (17).
1.00 1.00 CW 0.99 -1.00
The two major advantages of the use of ferrozine are its
1.00 5.00CW 0.97 -3.00
1.00 10.00 CN- 0.95 -5.00 sensitivity and its low cost. Its molar absorptivity of 27,900
compares favorably with 22,600 for TPTZ, 22,143 for batho-
phenanthroline, and 11,100 for 1,1O-phenanthroline. In-
terferences are at a minimum. The advantage of low cost is
The only anionic interferences were oxalate in concentra-
difficult to defend in a time of constantly fluctuating prices,
tions over 500 mg/Iiter, cyanide, and nitrite. The latter two
were destroyed by heating with the acid reagent solution and but based on fundamental ease of manufacture, the cost of
did not interfere with the final colorimetry (8). this reagent should be approximately one half the current
price of 1,1O-phenanthroline.
The unsulfonated triazine as prepared by Case is in itself a RECEIVED for review January 23, 1970. Accepted March
good reagent for iron, but like other high molecular weight 13, 1970. This material was presented in part before the
compounds containing the ferroin group, it suffers the dis- 1970 Pittsburgh Conference on Analytical Chemistry and
advantage of being quite insoluble in water in the useful pH Applied Spectroscopy.
range, as does its ferrous complex. Although for classical
laboratory analysis this drawback is somewhat compensated
for by the ability of the ferrous complex to be extracted into (17) J. Tetlow and A. Wilson, Analyst, 89, 442 (1964).