Nordstrom Way PDF PDF
Nordstrom Way PDF PDF
Nordstrom Way PDF PDF
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The Nordstrom Way - Page 1
The Nordstrom Way is to focus solely and exclusively on doing whatever it takes to create a satisfied customer.
The underlying philosophy and culture of the Nordstrom Way is disarmingly simple: Use your own initiative to provide customers
with exceptional levels of service. You’ll never be criticized for doing too much for a customer, only for doing too little. If you’re ever
in doubt, err on the side of doing too much rather than too little.
How the company organizes and empowers its employees to use their initiative in practice is impressive. Firstly, the company has
a culture which lauds exceptional acts of customer service and stresses employees are free to use their initiative at all times and
in all situations -- to act as if they were entrepreneurs in business for themselves. But equally importantly, the company then delivers
on that basic premise by supporting its employees in the decisions they make.
The result is employees find innovative and appropriate ways to provide customers with knock-out levels of service. Customers
love it, employees thrive on the responsibility and flexibility of their job and sales soar.
And paradoxically, the Nordstrom Way illustrates the direct link which many companies fail to realize -- specifically that the more
front-line employees are trusted and empowered, the stronger the long-term relationship that can be built between a company and
its customers. When a company gets the mix right (like Nordstrom has), it creates a sustainable competitive advantage that endures
and flourishes.
The Nordstrom Way is the gold standard of customer service.
1. Key Thoughts
America’s #1 in Customer Service
‘‘What separates Nordstrom from its competitors is its army of
highly motivated self-empowered people who have an
Main Idea entreprenurial spirit, who feel that they’re in this to better
Nordstrom is the gold standard of customer service -- the themselves and to feel good about themselves, to make more
measuring stick by which other companies (in a variety of money and to be successful.’’
industries) measure themselves. -- Bruce Nordstrom
What’s interesting about that fact, however, is that Nordstrom’s ‘‘Nordstrom’s sales people have the opportunity to be successful
is not just one company -- it is actually structured as an army of because Nordstrom gives its employees the freedom to make
self-motivated, self-empowered men and women who use their decisions. And Nordstrom management is willing to live with
own initiative to create satisfied customers using the Nordstrom those decisions. Everything else flows from that premise.’’
model of customer service. -- Robert Spector & Patrick McCarthy
Supporting Ideas
‘‘Nordstrom gives all of their employees the charge to service the
The foundation of the Nordstrom model for delivering customer
customer and the authority to do it. The evidence is clear. You
service are:
look like a far better manager and supervisor when you give
1. Empowered employees. power to the people, because it energizes them; you get their
Many companies give lip service to this idea, but employees ideas and not just your own, so you have a much broader base
don’t have real authority to do anything too meaningful. of ideas from which to draw when you are making decisions.’’
Nordstrom is the exact opposite -- employees are fully and -- Donald E. Petersen, retired chairman, Ford Motor Company
completely authorized to do whatever is required to create a
‘‘Giving away responsibility and authority is the ultimate
satisfied customer, and the company will live with it.
expression of leadership. At Nordstrom, we create an
2. Employees who act like business owners. environment for empowerment. We assemble a team and allow
Since each employee has wide discretion to take the them to fail, but obviously, we’re there for them when they need
initiative, talking to an employee is just like working with the us.’’
owner of a small business. They can take the initiative and -- Jammie Baugh, general manager,
act without impediments to create added value for the Southern Californian Region
‘‘The thing that makes Nordstrom’s emphasis on service so
3. A supportive management structure. appealing is not the fuzzy warmth of personal pampering.
To create a fertile sales environment, the company carried Customers go there because terrific service makes Nordstrom
full inventories, with a wide and deep selection of sizes, so incredibly convenient. Nordstrom helps consumers save
materials and so on. That breadth of selection represents the time.’’
company’s investment in customer service. -- Edward H. Meyer, Direct Marketing Magazine
4. A mystique for heroic acts. ‘‘People who don’t want to sell will never make it in our system
Nordstrom employees are idolized for delivering outstanding because if you don’t understand how important that is, and if you
customer service -- for performing acts for customers that don’t understand how important the relationship with the
are ‘‘above and beyond the call of duty’’. By idolizing customer is, you just won’t do well here.’’
exceptional acts of service, the company encourages -- Martha Wikstrom, general manager, Capital Region
employees to go out and deliver the same exceptional
degree of service. ‘‘Management is afraid to give frontline employees the power and
authority to make a difference. They are afraid someone will
To reinforce this foundation, new employees attend a one day
screw up, which will make them look bad. We all know mistakes
orientation course. They are given a gray card (which is the entire
will be made, and that every now and then there will be a bad
Nordstrom Employee Handbook) which reads:
apple. But that shouldn’t deter a company from following a
process of continuing to improve how it functions. The leadership
Welcome to Nordstrom has to make it clear that empowering workers is part of the ethic
We’re glad to have you with our Company. and approach of the organization. Ed Deming said that
customers would get better products and services when workers
Our number one goal is to provide were encouraged to use their minds -- as well as their hands --
outstanding customer service. on the job. At Ford, it was wonderful to watch how energized
Set both your personal and professional goals high. people became when you empower them. It became obvious to
We have great faith in your ability to achieve them. me, as I got more acquainted with the Nordstrom stores, that this
Nordstrom Rules: was their magic. Until another store gets brave enough to go as
Rule #1: Use your good judgment in all situations. far as Nordstrom does in that respect, I say there is no one that
There will be no additional rules. equals the Nordstrom approach to customer service.’’
-- Donald E. Petersen, retired chairman, Ford Motor Company
Please feel free to ask your department manager,
store manager or division general manager
any question at any time.
The Nordstrom Way - Page 3
4. Key Thoughts
How Nordstrom Creates A Compelling Place To Visit
‘‘The ideal Nordstrom shopping experience is where men and
women are invited not only to buy the merchandise but also to
Main Idea relax and linger, their Nordstrom credit card at the ready.’’
Nordstrom’s objective is always to create a memorable -- Robert Spector & Patrick McCarthy
experience whenever a customer visits one of its stores. To this
end, what’s in the store is considered to be another facet of the ‘‘In the 1970s, shopping was entertainment. In the 1980s, it was
way Nordstrom provides superior customer service. the quest for trendy merchandise. In the 1990s, it’s a mission:
find it, buy it and get out.’’
Supporting Ideas -- Laura Petrucci, Marketing Corporation of America
The key elements which combine to create a memorable
shopping experience at Nordstrom are: ‘‘We foolishly treat the consumer’s time as a cost-free good in
the same careless way that we sued to treat our precious air and
1. Sphere of Influence.
water. This omission is costly.’’
Before consumers enter the store, Nordstrom focuses on -- Professor Theodore Kemper
providing adequate parking. The company also provides
valet parking during busy sales times. ‘‘The whole point of everything we do is to make the customer
happy for the long haul. If people are satisfied and excited about
2. Convenience, ease and openness.
the experience of shopping at Nordstrom, they will come back.
Nordstrom works on the concept it has 15 seconds to get And if you haven’t created that atmosphere, they won’t come
people enthused when they enter the store. Therefore, the back. It’s just that simple.’’
store layout features wide aisles so people can circulate -- David Lindsey, vice president, store planning
freely, and goods arranged by lifestyle so that entire
wardrobes can be assembled quickly and conveniently -- ‘‘When customers first come into the store, we’ve got about
with the assistance of sales associates who stay with them fifteen seconds to get them excited about it. First, are they able
right through the entire store. to meander through the store without impediments, such as
Nordstrom stores are usually set out in a circular design, with narrow aisles? When they’re walking down an isle and another
the escalator well as the hub. There are no dividing walls customer is coming the other way, do they have enough room
between the various departments, so customers have an to pass? If the answer is no, all of a sudden, they’re distracted.
unobstructed view of the entire store. Every department has Instead of looking at the nice sweater, they’ve got a stroller
warm and cosey furnishings, making it a comfortable place banging them in the ankles. When they think about our store,
to shop. they don’t think of jostling and banging, they think of it as a
pleasant experience. What’s that worth?’’
As a result, about 50-percent of the total floor space is -- John Nordstrom
dedicated to selling for a Nordstrom store -- compared to
about 70-percent in stores like Macy’s. Offsetting that, ‘‘All of these images, collectively, convey the persona of our store
however, is the fact Nordstrom packs selling space with more and what we are trying to be. We believe in portraying an inviting
inventory per square foot than other retailers. image of timelessness, comfort and warmth. Because we are
3. A focus on every aspect of customer comfort. designing for a much longer time curve, our stores have an
updated, traditional look, just like our clothing. When you put on
Nordstrom considers it is the attention to detail that adds an updated traditional suit, it should be immediately comfortable;
value to the consumer shopping experience. For example, you should look and feel good -- today and tomorrow. You have
in a Nordstrom footware department, there are plush a favorite suit or tie. We want to be your favorite store.’’
upholstered sofas and chairs. The chairs are custom made -- David Linsey, vice-president of store design
to withstand the wear and tear of every day use. These chairs
have legs and arms that are a little taller than average -- so ‘‘Nordstrom has some of the most modern stores in the country
that customers won’t have to worry about whether they’ll because its most dramatic expansion came in the late 1970s and
have difficulty getting up from the chair. That increases the 1980s when financing was readily available to build new stores
comfort level, and allows customers to focus on the shoes in new malls and very few competitors were matching
rather than the seats. Nordstrom’s spending. From 1978 through 1995, Nordstrom
4. Offering a variety of food and restaurant services. opened forty-six full-line stores in California, the Washington
D.C. area, New Jersey, New York, suburban Chicago, suburban
This has come about in response to changing consumer
Minneapolis and Indianapolis. As the company expanded, so did
tastes -- more consumers today are shopping with children
the size of its stores. In the early 1970s, the average Nordstrom
or doing lunchtime shopping. By offering people the
store area was 60,000 to 70,000 square feet; today it’s about
opportunity to sit down, relax and have something to eat
200,000 square feet.’’
without having to leave the store, the quality of the overall
-- Robert Spector & Patrick McCarthy
shopping experience is magnified and enhanced.
Nordstrom offers Espresso Bars (coffee and pastries), Cafe
Nordstrom (soups, salads and sandwiches), Garden Courts
(full service dining) and the Pub (sandwiches, salads, stouts
and ales). About half Nordstrom stores offer at least two of
these food formats.
The Nordstrom Way - Page 6
5. ‘‘We can hire nice people and teach them to sell, but we can’t
A Company of Independent Entrepreneurs hire salespeople and teach them to be nice.’’
-- Bruce Nordstrom
Main Idea ‘‘We didn’t used to feel reluctant to hire salespeople who had
The salespeople who thrive under the Nordstrom system are worked elsewhere, but as time went on, we learned that people
those who have an entreprenuerial mindset, who are motivated who haven’t worked for anybody else haven’t learned to say "no"
self-starters and who love the flexibility that comes from being to the customer.’’
dedicated to doing whatever it takes to create a satisfied -- Jim Nordstrom
‘‘Potential Nordies have to prove to us and to themselves that
Supporting Ideas they really believe in helping others and genuinely like to give
To encourage employees to think and act like entrepreneurs: customer service.’’
1. Hire nice people rather than experienced. -- John Whitacre, co-president
The company hires nice people and teaches them to sell ‘‘Working at Nordstrom means caring about your business every
rather than trying to retrain salespeople taught other minute, every hour, and being excited about what you do.
methods. Nordstrom believes the best people are have been Consistency is very important. Carelessness and laziness are a
trained by their parents while growing up. disease. I feel that I have my own little Chanel store, and I will
2. Maximum flexibility. be there no matter what happens. That’s the consistency.’’
-- Kazumi Ohara, sales associate
The company has little in the way of formal sales training.
that way, people have the freedom to do whatever is ‘‘I want the customer to think of me as being Nordstrom. I believe
appropriate in their own best judgment. the Bellvue Square Savvy Department is my franchise. This
3. A minimum of operating rules. company gives you the freedom to help the customer with
Since the company does not have extensive operating everything. No one tells you that there’s only one way to do your
guidelines or manuals, sales associates are free to focus on business. Nordstrom lets you do whatever it takes to make the
creating a satisfied customer, instead of worrying about customer happy, as long as it’s legal. They are not going to say
whether or not they are inadvertently breaking one rule or "no" to you if the end result is a happy customer.’’
another. -- Patrice Nagasawa
4. High expectations. ‘‘What we resist like crazy is making a rule because one person
Sales associates are judged solely on what they achieve -- made a mistake. then everybody has to live by a rule because
not on how well they adhere to company guidelines. If sales one person did something they shouldn’t have done. Get those
associates don’t meet expectations, their employment is rules out of the way because all you get are people who are
terminated. In that way, a natural selection process occurs, paralyzed. Companies say they are empowering their workers.
where only the fittest survive and flourish. But when you ask to see their employee handbook, they show
you a 400-page manual. Who’s going to do anything if they are
5. Individual creativity is actively encouraged.
afraid they are going to break the rules?’’
Sales associates are consistently encouraged to act like -- Martha Wikstrom, general manager, Capital Region
small business owners, and to apply their creativity to
everything they do. This sense of shared ownership provides ‘‘The company has very high expectations, and if you don’t make
an opportunity for new and productive systems to bubble to it, you’re out of there. People would ask me if it was true that if
the surface -- where any really good ideas can be you didn’t do a good job at Nordstrom you’re gone. I’d say, "Yes,
communicated throughout the entire organization. In this I hope so". This is not civil service. It’s hard work. There are
way, the best sales techniques are constantly being pressures and expectations.’’
integrated into the company’s ongoing operations -- enabling -- Betsy Sanders, former vice-president, California Division
Nordstrom to upgrade and improve its performance on an
‘‘The point is that Nordstrom attracts and rewards a special type
ongoing basis.
of employee, and the rest of us should punch in elsewhere.
Key Thoughts Competitors can be expected to mimic the act (and have been
trying to). Before long, workers will be getting a taste of what
‘‘I think we have some exceptional people and I think we have
many an entrepreneur has learned, that you’re never really
some average people who work at an exceptional level and,
master of your own destiny, but somewhat servile to your
given another set of circumstances, wouldn’t be able to do that.
Our culture supports that.’’
-- The Wall Street Journal
-- Martha Wikstrom, general manager, Capital Region
‘‘Nordstrom sales associates are ordinary people who have
decided to set extraordinary goals. It’s up to the individual. You
can give people all the tools in the world, but only some will take
command. The most successful people may not have all the
qualifications, but they have the enthusiasm and energy and like
coming to work.’’
-- David Butler, shoe salesman, Tacoma store
The Nordstrom Way - Page 7