Coconut Strategy 2018 PDF
Coconut Strategy 2018 PDF
Coconut Strategy 2018 PDF
national institutions from 39 coconut-producing countries, representing more than 98% of the global production
COGENT aims to strengthen international collaboration in conservation and use of coconut genetic resources; to
promote improving coconut production on a sustainable basis, and to boost livelihoods and incomes of coconut
stakeholders in developing countries.
Bioversity International is a global research-for-development organization. We have a vision – that agricultural
biodiversity nourishes people and sustains the planet. We deliver scientific evidence, management practices and policy
options to use and safeguard agricultural biodiversity to attain sustainable global food and nutrition security. We work
with partners in low-income countries in different regions where agricultural biodiversity can contribute to improved
nutrition, resilience, productivity and climate change adaptation. Bioversity International is a member of the CGIAR
Consortium – a global research partnership for a food secure future.
CIRAD is the French agricultural research and international cooperation organization working for the sustainable
development of tropical and Mediterranean regions. CIRAD works with its partners in southern countries to generate
and pass on new knowledge to support agricultural development. It puts its scientific and institutional expertise at the
disposal of policymakers in those countries and global debates on the main issues concerning agriculture. It also
supports French scientific diplomacy operations.
While every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the information reported in this publication, COGENT, Bioversity
International, CIRAD and any contributing authors cannot accept any responsibility for the consequences of the use of
this information.
Citation: COGENT. 2018. A Global Strategy for the Conservation and Use of Coconut Genetic Resources, 2018-2028.
(R. Bourdeix and A Prades, compilers). Bioversity International, Montpellier, France.
The layout, design, and editing of this publication were done by Claudine Picq, Vincent Johnson, Ane de la Presa and
Alvaro Ullivari. All the plates presented in this document were done by using photographs authored by Dr Roland
Bourdeix, many of them provided free under the copyright of Diversiflora International. These plates are freely
downloadable in large poster format at the URL:
Cover illustrations:
ISBN: 978-92-9043-984-4
© Bioversity International and CIRAD
This document has been developed by experts both in coconut genetics and breeding, as well as other experts from
along the coconut value chain. COGENT considers that it provides an informed and realistic foundation for prioritising
coconut research and development. The goal is to use this Strategy to envigorate the commercial coconut sector in a
sustained manner, while protecting food security, by encouraging partnerships that increase the impact of research
and adoption of technological innovations. COGENT encourages international, regional and national public research
organizations, development agencies, NGOs, the private sector and other stakeholders to use the priorities set out
herein to guide their activities and investment decisions. This strategy document should continue evolving as
information becomes available. All views and opinions expressed herein are those of the contributors but do not
necessarily reflect the views and opinions of their individual institutes. In case of specific questions and/or comments,
please direct them to the COGENT Secretariat at Bioversity International.
Table of Contents
Introductory pages
Preface ........................................................................................................................... vii
Foreword ....................................................................................................................... viii
Outline .............................................................................................................................ix
Coconut glossary ............................................................................................................xi
Acronyms ...................................................................................................................... xiii
1. Introduction to the Global Coconut Strategy ...............................................................
1.1 The coconut, a tree of many lives ............................................................................. 2
1.1.1 Origin, history and dynamics of coconut cultivation ........................................ 4
1.1.2 Cultivation and current production of coconut ................................................. 8
1.1.3 Importance of coconut genetic diversity ........................................................ 10
1.1.4 Constraints linked to the biology of the plant................................................. 15
1.1.5 Major threats to coconut genetic resources .................................................. 20
1.1.6 The International Coconut Genetic Resources Network – COGENT ........... 23
1.1.7 The urgent need for a revised Global Strategy ............................................. 25
1.2 Global Strategy vision, goal, objectives, outputs and outcomes ........................... 28
1.2.1 Vision and goal .............................................................................................. 28
1.2.2 Objectives ...................................................................................................... 28
1.2.3 Outputs .......................................................................................................... 29
1.2.4 Expected outcomes ....................................................................................... 29
1.2.5 Link with outcomes of CGIAR research programs ........................................ 30
1.3 Process for developing the Global Strategy ........................................................... 32
1.4 References .............................................................................................................. 34
2. Where we are today? 37
2.1 The genetic diversity of coconut............................................................................. 38
2.1.1 The coconut genepools ................................................................................. 38
2.1.2 Coconut domestication .................................................................................. 39
2.1.3 International coconut nomenclature .............................................................. 41
2.2 Methodologies for conserving coconut genetic resources .................................... 43
ii Global Strategy for the Conservation and Use of Coconut Genetic Resources
Plate 2.1. Tall-type coconut varieties from the Pacific region ...................................... 50
Plate 2.2. Diversity of coconut palm trunks .................................................................. 78
Plate 2.3. Coconut, climate change and coastal areas ................................................ 92
Plate 2.4. Coconut for landscaping .............................................................................. 99
Plate 3.1. Progenies of hybrids between Malayan Dwarf-types coconut varieties.... 121
Plate 3.2. Cultivation of Malayan Dwarf-types coconut varieties ............................... 149
Plate 3.3. Compact Dwarf are crucial varieties for the future of coconut breeding ... 160
Plate 3.4. Spicata forms of coconut varieties ............................................................. 165
Introductory pages vii
Vincent Johnson
Grown on more than 12 million hectares, the coconut palm (Cocos nucifera L.) is a culturally and
economically important livelihood crop for millions across Southeast Asia, the Asia-Pacific, Africa
and Latin America. Fully developed and strategically used, coconuts could help increase food
production, improve nutrition, create employment opportunities, enhance equity and help
conserve the environment. The future of global coconut production and livelihoods critically
depends on the availability of genetic diversity and the sustainable use of this broad genetic base to
breed improved varieties. Harnessing and conserving agrobiodiversity are critical to sustainably
boosting productivity and livelihoods, and addressing important challenges including those posed
by climate change or pest and disease epidemics.
More than 95% of coconut farmers are resource-poor smallholders lacking the voice needed to
influence government policy or private sector practices. In support of these smallholders, the
CGIAR agreed to include coconut in its research portfolio in 1991. Bioversity International’s parent
organization1 organized the International Coconut Genetic Resources Network (COGENT) to
promote global collaboration for the effective conservation and use of coconut genetic resources.
COGENT began in 1992 with 15 coconut-growing countries as members, and has subsequently
expanded to 39 member-countries representing more than 98% of global production.
Over many years, and with the support of Bioversity International and latterly the CGIAR research
program Forests, Trees and Agroforestry (FTA), COGENT has continued to coordinate the
refinement of this progressive global strategy for conserving and harnessing coconut germplasm
(the Strategy), aiming to cost-effectively optimize the conservation and use of as much
representative diversity as possible. During the 2012, 2014 and 2017 COGENT Steering Committee
meetings, agreements were made on finalizing this updated Strategy, and designing further related
research in terms of: conservation in national field collections; conservation in the multisite
International Coconut Genebank (ICG); in vitro embryo culture, somatic embryogenesis and
cryopreservation; in situ and on-farm conservation; promoting conservation through use, and
‘Polymotu’ - a concept employing geographic isolation to avoid costly controlled pollination.
COGENT would like to acknowledge the work and support of those many stakeholders, including
the CGIAR, the Global Crop Diversity Trust, and the more than one hundred contributors who
have been instrumental in developing and refining this important Strategy. It is hoped that, as an
evolving document, it will provide the benchmark for effectively implementing the comprehensive
conservation and research agenda proposed by the international coconut research community, as a
route to the enhanced wellbeing of the millions of coconut smallholders across the globe.
Bioversity International/COGENT coordinator, Montpellier, France
1 The International Board for Plant Genetic Resources (IBPGR) –then becoming the International Plant Genetic Resources
Institute (IPGRI), which finally became Bioversity International in 2006.
viii Global Strategy for the Conservation and Use of Coconut Genetic Resources
Prof Gabrielle J. Persley AM
Coconut is indeed the “Tree of Life”. More than 100 million people living in fragile coastal
areas of the Indo Pacific region, including the coastal lands bordering South and Southeast
Asia, the islands of the Pacific Ocean and the coastal areas of Africa and Latin America,
depend on coconut for their livelihoods. Coconut provides food and water, timber and
leaves to build homes, and oil and copra for fuel and as a source of income. In times of
environmental disasters, such as cyclones and tsumanis, coconut is often the last tree
standing, able to protect and sustain communities in the immediate aftermath of the disaster,
providing food, water and shelter while people rebuild their lives.
Globally, the demand for coconut products is growing exponentially. The estimated global
market for coconut water alone is predicted to be in the order of USD 10 billion by 2030. This
growing export market for a wider range and higher value of coconut products offers new
opportunities for increasing incomes for millions of small- scale coconut producers.
Increasing productivity and profitability of coconut as both an essential “tree of life” to
sustain livelihoods in fragile environments and as a source of increasing income through the
sale of coconut for higher value products is now feasible.
At a time when the demand for coconut and coconut products is growing worldwide, it is
important to conserve and utilize the rich biological diversity of the crop. The International
Coconut Genetic Resources Network (COGENT) took up this challenge in 1992, over 25 years
ago, with the leadership and support of CGIAR, Bioversity International and its predecessor,
amongst the international agricultural research centres. The Australian Government, through
the Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR) was an early and ardent
supporter for the inclusion of coconut within the portfolio of CGIAR crops, as an important but
orphan crop whose biological diversity needed to be conserved and whose challenges,
particularly in the areas of crop improvement and crop protection needed to be addressed.
It is timely now for Bioversity to be launching a new Global Strategy for Coconut Genetic
Resources for the next ten years and beyond. It is also pleasing to learn that the Asia-Pacific
Coconut Community (APCC) will be joining with Bioversity, the Pacific Community (SPC),
ACIAR and the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) in support for this
new strategy and its implementation through COGENT and its partners across the coconut
producing world.
May I commend this strategy to the readers, congratulate the many people who developed this
impressive document and wish those responsible for it successful implementation every success
in their important endeavours.
ACIAR Commissioner, University of Queensland, St Lucia, Brisbane, Australia.
Introductory pages ix
Chapter 1 introduces the background context and rationale for this new Global
Strategy for the Conservation and Use of Coconut Genetic Resources. It articulates the
origin, history and dynamics of coconut cultivation, particularly emphasising the
importance of coconut genetic diversity and outlining the threats it faces. It then
highlights the role of the International Coconut Genetic Resources Network
(COGENT), and urgent need for this revised Global Strategy. The chapter then
outlines the Strategy’s vision, goal, objectives, outputs and outcomes, and how these
link with the CGIAR system-level outcomes (SLOs), and concludes with describing the
participatory approach to developing the Strategy.
Chapter 2 provides a global analysis of the present status of coconut genetic resources
conservation and use. It begins by describing coconut genetic diversity in terms of its
genepools, domestication, and nomenclature. It goes on to outline the current ex and in
situ conservation methodologies, and associated in vitro culture and cryopreservation
methodologies. The third section examines the current global ex situ conservation
system in greater detail, in terms of the collections’ content, management and costs, as
well as current approaches to germplasm collecting, identification, characterization,
evaluation and safety duplication. The fourth section on genetic resources information
management then covers local genebank management systems, and managing
international coconut databases and geographic information systems. Section five
describes how coconut genetic resources are currently used, including: planting
material for farmers; farmers in breeding and seednut production; past and current
coconut breeding efforts in terms of breeding for improved yield; pest and disease
resistance; quality; and drought- and other abiotic stress-resistance or tolerance. The
role of genomics and DNA markers is also explored. The use of coconut to mitigate
effects of climate change, and for ecotourism are then discussed. Section six embraces
the important area of coconut germplasm exchange, including the benefits of sharing
coconut genetic resources; Safe safe movement of germplasm and international
germplasm transfers. Coconut partnerships and networking are then briefly discussed,
before a closing section provides an overview of the emergency situation which
coconut conservation is facing.
Chapter 3 focuses on prioritizing the actions and research needed to effectively secure
coconut diversity and enhance its use, and proposes plans to develop concrete
mechanisms, skills and research that will permit the global coconut community to
achieve the Strategy’s objectives. The chapter is laid out according to following
sequence of these objectives: 1) strengthening commitment and communication; 2)
ensuring ex and in situ conservation; 3) addressing diversity gaps, 4) developing
mechanisms for effective international germplasm movements; 5) comprehensively
characterizing and evaluating coconut germplasm, and 6) reinforcing COGENT.
Section 2 revisits the concept of a Global coconut collection (including a “networked”
or “virtual” collection), stressing the importance of field genebanks and their
diversification and duplication, as well as that of sharing genetic resources. Section 3
focuses on securing existing ex situ coconut genetic resources, in terms of business
planning; extending accessions’ duration; triplication; and cryobanking.
x Global Strategy for the Conservation and Use of Coconut Genetic Resources
Coconut glossary
Accession: a collection of plant material from a particular location, received by a genebank to
ensure sustainable conservation of a single specific cultivar, landrace or population.
Allogamous: naturally fertilized by pollen from another individual. Most of Tall-type coconut
cultivars are preferentially but not exclusively allogamous. Opposite: autogamous
Allele: different partner version of the same gene (found at the same locus but in homologous
chromosomes or in different individuals.
Autogamous: reproducing naturally by self-fertilization. Many Dwarf-type coconut cultivars
are preferentially but not exclusively autogamous. Opposite: allogamous.
Axis: part of the coconut inflorescence following the peduncle and where the spikelets are
attached (except for the Spicata varieties).
Coconut water: the natural liquid endosperm that fills the cavity of a developing coconut fruit
(sometimes incorrectly called “milk” when used for in vitro tissue culture).
Coconut milk: the liquid white emulsion extracted from the grated meat/kernel of a coconut,
used in food preparation and also sometimes called “coconut cream”.
Coconut oil: the primary product of coconut cultivation with many diverse uses. obtained
from copra or fresh kernel (called virgin coconut in the last case).
Coir: natural fibre extracted from coconut husks. Used in products such as floor mats,
doormats, brushes, mattresses, geotextiles, etc.
Copra: the dried meat (kernel) of coconut, generally with 6% moisture. Once important for
storage and shipment, it yields coconut oil and the residual coconut cake which is mainly used
as fodder.
Cryoconservation: frozen in liquid nitrogen for purpose of conservation (at -196°C).
Cultivar: cultivated variety.
Ex situ: when a species is conserved outside of its usual location, such as in field genebanks as
living trees or in in vitro collections of tissues and embryos.
Genebank: type of biorepository which preserves genetic material. In the case of coconut
palm, all are presently field genebanks conserving accessions of living coconut palms.
Genotype: the hereditary constitution of an individual.
Hybrid: In the case of the coconut palm, the term “hybrid” is defined in its widest sense as the
result of a cross between population, families, or individual palms belonging to different
Impact pathways: build on logical models by giving more detail on the contribution of each
activity on its path to impact. Impact pathways unpack the links between outcome and impact.
Impact pathways are commonly presented graphically.
Inflorescence: the part of the plant that bears the flowers, including all its bracts, branches and
flowers, but excluding unmodified leaves. Coconut inflorescences have both male and female
Inbreeding: producing offspring by self-fertilization or by crossing of parents that are very
close genetically. Opposite: outbreeding.
In situ: when a species is located/conserved in its usual situation,-in farmers’ fields or in
protected areas.
In vitro: when a species is located/conserved in a glass receptacle such as test-tubes, as a part
of ex situ conservation.
xii Global Strategy for the Conservation and Use of Coconut Genetic Resources
Landrace: traditional palms specifically adapted to the environmental conditions from their
Makapuno or Macapuno: : in the Philippines, Makapuno designates a particular type of
coconut palm producing some of their coconuts with thick and soft meat, which are not able to
germinate except by embryo culture.The spelling Macapuno was adopted in the USA and
similar types in other countries have other names.
Monoecious: having both the male and female reproductive organs in the same individual;
hermaphrodite. Opposite Dioecious.
Motu: small island. Scientists generally use mainly this term for small coral islands, while
Polynesians apply it to any small islands were plants are growing.
Peduncle: the lower unbranched part of the coconut inflorescence.
Phenotype: appearance of an organism with respect to a particular character or group of
characters (physical, biochemical or physiological), as a result of the interaction of its genotype
and its environment.
Pollen competition: applies when female flowers pollinated with an equal mix of pollen of
two varieties do not give seednuts resulting from an equal mix of these two parental varieties.
Polymotu: the Polynesian-based Polymotu concept (poly=many, motu=island) is to use the
geographical isolation of dedicated sites for conservation and reproduction of individual
varieties of plants, trees and even animals.
Progeny: the subsequent generation following a mating or crossing of parents.
Seednut: the entire fruit, with the husk arount the nut, when ripe.
Seed-garden: Areas (often up to 200 hectares) planted with one or several coconut varieties for
producing coconut seednuts.
Selfing: Self-pollination and fertilization of an organism, is possible for coconut palms because
inflorescences have both female and male flowers.
Spicata: rare forms of coconut palms where most of the flowers, instead on being attached to
the spikelets, are attached directly to the axis of the inflorescence.
Spikelet: the part of the coconut inflorescence which is attached to peduncle and may bear
female and male flowers. A coconut spikelet usually bears 0-6 large female flowers and 10-
200 smaller male flowers.
Variety: a distinct, often intentionally bred subset of a species that will behave uniformly and
predictably when grown in an environment to which it is adapted. Widest sense includes
cultivar, ecotype, landrace, etc.
Theory of Change: presents an explicit identification of the ways by which change is expected
to occur from output to outcome and impact.
Introductory pages xiii
ACIAR Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research
ADB Asian Development Bank
APCC Asian and Pacific Coconut Community
CBD Convention on Biological Diversity
CDM Coconut Data Management sofware
CDC Coconut Genetic resources Database
CPCRI Central Plantation Crop Research Institute (India)
CFDV Coconut foliar decay virus
CGIAR Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research
CIRAD Centre international de recherche en agriculture pour le Développement
CNRA Centre national de recherche agronomique de Côte d’Ivoire
COGENT International Coconut Genetic Resources Network
CRP CGIAR research programme
DFID Department for International Development
FAO Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
FTA Forests, Trees and Agroforestry (CRP)
GCDT Global Crop Diversity Trust
ICG COGENT International Coconut genebanksGenebanks
IDEFOR-DPO Former name of CNRA
IDOs Intermediate Development Outcomes
IFAD International Fund for Agricultural Development
IPRs Intellectual property rights
IRHO Institut de recherche sur les huiles et oléagineux
ITPGRFA International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture
ITAG COGENT International Thematic Action Groups (7 groups were created in 2012)
KCTA Knowledge and commitment of targeted audience
LYD Lethal yellowing disease
MLS Multilateral system
MoA Memorandum of Agreement
SC Steering Committee
SMTA Standard Material Transfer Agreement
SPC Secretariat of the Pacific Community
1. Introduction to the Global Coconut Strategy 1
1 “A framework for promoting the effective conservation and use of coconut genetic resources developed in consultation with
COGENT members and partners”. Available at the URL:
2 In November 2004, the Global Crop Diversity Trust supported a meeting of the major coconut producing countries to review
and update the Strategy and identify priority conservation activities. The updated Strategy was referred to the COGENT Steering
Committee (SC), to representatives of coconut growing countries and COGENT partner research organizations, and based on
their feedback, a revised draft was produced. The COGENT SC approved the revised Strategy during its meeting in India in
November 2005. In December 2007, participants in the International Coconut Genebank (ICG) and National Genebank Curators
Workshop/COGENT SC meeting reviewed the Strategy to further rationalize the collections.
3 Available at the URL:
1. Introduction to the Global Coconut Strategy 3
4 “Dwarf” and “Dwarf-types” designate ‘Malayan-Type Dwarfs’ and ‘Compact Dwarfs’ in the Strategy (see Plate 1.1).
4 Global Strategy for the Conservation and Use of Coconut Genetic Resources
settling in New Guinea Island and Australia. These first settlers were not cultivators,
but may have used coconuts as floatation aids to reach New Guinea and Australia.
The coconut was associated with the “portmanteau biota” of the Austronesian
peoples emanating from Taiwan (Kirsch 2002), whose navigational skills enabled
colonization of the Pacific starting around 3,400 years ago. They travelled via South-
east Asia islands, the Bismarck Archipelago and via outlying islands of Solomon and
Vanuatu. Coconut fruit provided
portable water and food for their
rapid migration across Pacific Ocean.
In the 1800s, in most of the Pacific
islands, each of the various clans had
probably a limited number of coconut
palms. However, they distinguished
many coconut landraces which
served many different purposes 5.
From 1870, coconut became a major
colonial business and copra an
international commodity. Commercial
Coconut palm and children in Funafuti, Tuvalu
Islands. (R. Bourdeix) plantations of various sizes run by
European settlers or companies had a
ripple effect on the establishment of
small plantations by Pacific islanders, geared to copra production. The number of
coconut palms in the Pacific region greatly increased (probably 50 to 100-fold). In most
cases planting techniques on the atolls consisted of clearing all the natural vegetation,
letting it dry for a month, burning everything and importing coconut seednuts from
another bigger island. These planting techniques were indeed harmful to the
biodiversity of endemic species. They were also damaging from the perspective of
conserving coconut genetic diversity. Agricultural landscapes and practices were
brutally modified.
In many islands, the human population was decimated by diseases brought by
infected European mariners and traders, such as measles and influenza. These
cataclysmic events changed the social representations of the coconut palm for the
Pacific islanders, and exacerbated the erosion of traditional knowledge and the mix of
biological resources. It has been estimated that more than half of the coconut landraces
that had been developed by the islanders over several millennia were lost by dilution
in the mass of coconut palms selected purely to produce copra.
On the Pacific coast of the Americas, coconuts were present in Panama before the
Spanish arrived during the 16th century, and recent studies have shown that they are
closely related to those from the Philippines. Pre-Columbian cultivation of the coconut
was unknown; it only became a plantation crop after European settlement. Further
exploration in northwest South America may reveal untapped diversity from pre-
historical introductions to this understudied part of the Neotropics.
5 Purposes as listed in the introduction of this Strategy, plus coconut shells used as containers and husk fibre to make ropes.
1. Introduction to the Global Coconut Strategy 5
Hindu scriptural references indicate that the coconut was cultivated in the southern
Indian subcontinent even earlier than other recorded cultivations of around 2,500 to
3,000 years ago. Coconuts from the Laccadives, Maldives and Lakshadweep
archipelagos to the south-west of India in the sea of Oman were highly valued for
production of coir 6. Landraces in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands are also highly
diverse and include rare morphologies such as horned coconuts (Rajesh et al. 2008).
The earliest known record of coconuts in Sri Lanka was in the “Mahawansa” historic
chronicle from 101-77 BC; ancient accounts from pre-Portuguese travellers during the
6th century AD further support its antiquity in Sri Lanka, in India and in the Maldives.
The periphery of southern India including Sri Lanka and the island archipelagos
represents one of the two centres of coconut diversity (see Section 2.1.2 on
domestication of the coconut palm).
By the end of the first century AD the Indian Ocean embraced a network of trade
routes and coconut fruit became a popular trade commodity where exchanges were
made between northern Africa, South-west Asia and the east coast of Africa (Cappers
2003). The main hubs were the Maldives and the Laccadives Islands. In Tumbe village,
Pemba, Tanzania, archaeobotanical data suggest that coconuts and rice were already
under cultivation from the 7th to the 10th centuries. In South Oman, the tradition of
using coconut fibre (kambar) to construct dhows and cordage is attested in the 9th
century and has persisted among local fishermen and transoceanic traders (Pereira et
al. 2011) until recently. Coconut is still cultivated in Oman under irrigation. The
Comoros Islands and Madagascar also formed an integral part of this trade route and
show evidence of Bantu and Middle Eastern cultures. Molecular evidence has shown
that a proportion of coconuts from Comoros and Madagascar were admixed with
those from the Pacific and may be traced to earlier migrations around 1,500 years ago
by Austronesians from eastern Kalimantan in South-east Asia. Soon after the opening
of the navigation route to India by Vasco da Gama, coconut was introduced to the
Cape Verde islands and from there to West Africa and to the Caribbean.
Historical and pre-historical knowledge about the dynamics of coconut cultivation
and trade is still incomplete. During the 18th, 19th and even the 20th century 7, full
boats loaded with coconut seeds were sent between continents, from Asia to the
Pacific region and Indian Ocean, and vice versa. Therefore, it is imperative to establish
and understand how traditional knowledge of diverse coconut germplasm might be of
service to current agricultural and economic developments. In order to do this,
coconut conservationists and agronomists should collaborate more closely with
archaeologists and historians 8. Genetic diversity measures from the interface between
the landraces and cultivars have already provided crucial information concerning
agricultural development.
6 The Laccadives were known as Diva-kanbar (Coir Islands) by Arab geographers and writers from the 10th century.
7 For instance, according to Hugh Harries (personal communication) in 1962 a boatload reputed to be 1 million coconut
seednuts, was shipped from Sri Lanka to Cuba.
8At least two PhD students are needed: one archaeologist compiling data regarding coconut prehistory, the other analysing the
numerous international germplasm transfers conducted during the colonial period by private companies.
6 Global Strategy for the Conservation and Use of Coconut Genetic Resources
Plate 1.1
1. Introduction to the Global Coconut Strategy 7
per hectare per year 9. If an average density of 120 adult palms per hectare is
considered, the average production per palm is about 36 fruits or 7.5 kg of copra
equivalent per palm per year.10
Figure 1.1. Global coconut production and surface in 2014 (Source: FAOSTAT 2017).
The diversity of markets in some of the major producing countries is illustrated by the
following examples.
About 64 out of 72 provinces of the Philippines have coconut as a major crop. The
livelihoods of more than 20 million Filipinos (about one-quarter of the country's
population) are directly influenced by coconut that is processed into market
9Taking into account an average proportion of husk in the fruit of 40% and 900g as the weight of the nut (including shell, kernel
and water).
10 To be compared with yields obtained by some private companies (keeping in mind that it is at industrial scale): About 180
coconuts and 45 kg of copra per palm per year for Dwarf x Tall hybrids in Malaysia (more details at the URL:; and 250 tender coconuts per palm per
year obtained by Brazilian companies with Dwarf varieties (see URL above).
1. Introduction to the Global Coconut Strategy 9
derivatives of all the major components of the fruit. There are 1.6 million farmers and
around 1.9 million farm workers. The area devoted to coconut increased by about 16%
between 2000 and 2012.
In 2012, the coconut acreage of Indonesia amounted to more than one-quarter of the
world's total, with about 98% in the hands of 3.2 million small-scale farming families.
The FAO data regarding yield per hectare is probably overestimated because actual
cultivated area is probably larger. Most plantations, intercropped for subsistence, are
adversely affected by soil nutrient deficiencies.
The states of Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka account for about
90% of the coconut industry of India (Thomas 2012). The shipment of tender nuts to
markets in the large Indian cities is becoming an important part of the market.
Irrigated coconut gardens in India, especially in the state of Tamil Nadu, are regularly
harvesting an average of 250 mature coconuts per palm per year. In case of tender nuts
the average is more than 300 nuts per palm per year.
Tanzania has the fourth largest area devoted to coconut cultivation but yields are low,
partly due to loss from Lethal Yellowing disease (Eden-Green 1997), but also related to
the severity of the dry season. In spite of this, new planting continues.
A significant part of the coconut area in Brazil is under intensive management mainly
for the coconut water trade. Some of these plantations are highly profitable having
adopted drip irrigation and high levels of fertilization. By planting common Dwarf
varieties at industrial scale, such as Brazil Green, Malayan Yellow or Cameroon Red at
200 palms per hectare, a yearly average of 250 nuts per palm can be produced, giving a
total of 50,000 fruits per hectare per year. Each nut yields an average of 400 ml of water,
so that 100 L of water/tree and 20,000 L/ha can be harvested. The area devoted to
coconut cultivation has increased by about 39% over the past 30 years (FAOSTAT 2017)
Nursery of coconut seedlings from the variety "Brazil Green Dwarf" used for production on coconut
water in Brazil. (R. Bourdeix)
Plate 1.2
12 Global Strategy for the Conservation and Use of Coconut Genetic Resources
New germplasm is introduced into field genebanks as seednuts. In vitro culture has
more recently been given significant attention in coconut as well as in many other
crops. One of its greatest successes has been using an embryo rescue technique for
germinating and producing homozygous Makapuno plants (Sisunandar et al. 2010).
About Makapuno
The benefits of conserving and utilizing coconut genetic diversity will only be realized
if such diversity gains the attention of farmers and researchers engaged in breeding
programmes. Scientists worldwide have been working for years towards producing
coconut palms that can resist evolving pests and diseases, tolerate drought, strong
winds and other environmental stresses, and can produce higher yields of copra. Their
progress will be accelerated if they are provided with more information on the
germplasm available, including agronomic traits, pest and disease resistance, and
quality characteristics such as flavour, to help them prioritize materials for evaluation
in breeding trials.
Coconut genetic resources are an essential element in the development of new and
improved varieties to achieve a more sustainable and cost-effective foundation for
coconut production (see Figure 1.2). The three coconut hybrids 11 with the widest global
diffusion use a Malayan Dwarf as the female parent and cultivars from Africa and
Solomon Islands as male parents. The famous “Brazilian Green Dwarf”, widely
cultivated in Latin America for production of coconut water, initially came from
South-east Asia.
Although the safe movement of germplasm, including the necessary virus, viroid
and phytoplasma indexing, has yet to be organized at the global level, coconut
genetic resources conservation and exchange play a crucial role as part of the
strategy for the biological control of pests and diseases. Genetic disease resistance
11 Malayan Yellow Dwarf x West African Tall (PB121 or Mawa hybrid from Côte d’Ivoire); Malayan Red Dwarf x Rennell Island
Tall (MAREN Hybrid, from Solomon Islands and Côte d’Ivoire); Malayan Yellow or Red Dwarf x Panama Tall (MAYPAN hybrid
from Jamaica).
14 Global Strategy for the Conservation and Use of Coconut Genetic Resources
factors are often found in introduced varieties. This was the case in Jamaica and
Ghana for varieties tolerant to lethal diseases caused by phytoplasmas. Genetic
resistance may be overcome due to evolution of the pathogen, as occurred recently in
Jamaica. Introduction of new germplasm from safe sources should be encouraged
and rationalized, even though the recrudescence of disease sometimes makes
governmental authorities reluctant.
Figure 1.2. Links between coconut genetic diversity and sustainable coconut production
(modified from C. Turnbull, Reading University, 2012)
It is however acknowledged that the Strategy will encourage both strong coconut
breeding programmes at the regional or national level and a better understanding of
why it has proved so difficult to realize a greater yield potential of coconut.
Palm height imposes an important constraint. For the purpose of conserving coconut
genetic resources, the required palm-climbing has a significant human and economic
impact. Tall-types reach a height of about 15 meters (from the ground to the bases of
the crown) 25 to 30 years after planting. However, the real limiting factor is not the
height of the palm but the method to climb it for making controlled hand-pollinations.
Bee flying to drink the nectar from female Two ants from different species drinking the
coconut flowers. nectar of female coconut flower.
Climbing the palm trunk and staying under the leaf crown is quite simple, and
harvesting the ripe fruits from there is not difficult. The many existing remarkably
inventive techniques, are described in several videos on COGENT’s website 12.
However, the real challenge is to climb into the coconut leaf crown to reach the young
inflorescences for making the controlled hand-pollinations.
bagged. In this case, the annual yield falls to 20 to 30 fruits per palm. To make only one
controlled cross, for instance using a Dwarf as female and a Tall as male, it is necessary
to climb the palms seven or eight times 14. Thus, the average cost for producing one
seedling from controlled hand-pollination is US$8-10. Such factors considerably limit
the choice between crossing systems and the number of palms per accession to be
conserved in the genebanks.
14 Climbing the tree is needed to install and remove the bag for collecting the pollen on the male parent, check the status of the
inflorescence to be pollinated, install the bag on the female parent and make emasculation, make three successive pollinations
and remove the bag after the last pollination; assess the level of fruit set at three months. Depending on the countries, harvest of
the seednuts is made from the ground (for instance in Côte d’Ivoire) or by climbing the palm again (India).
1. Introduction to the Global Coconut Strategy 17
Plate 1.3
18 Global Strategy for the Conservation and Use of Coconut Genetic Resources
A smaller group comprises self-pollinating types: all Dwarfs except from the above-
mentioned Compact Dwarfs and a few “semi-Talls” such as the famous “King coconut”
of Sri Lanka. The female and male flowers of these varieties mature at the same time.
Ninety to 95% of all coconut palms worldwide are Talls, whilst Dwarfs are mainly
found in gardens, and are increasingly widely cultivated, especially for coconut water
The complexity of the natural breeding mode of the coconut palm remains a challenge
which needs to be better addressed by scientists. Further research is required to assess
the rate of inbreeding in Talls which probably varies according to the varieties, the
season, the climate and the conditions of cultivation 15. The average pollination
distance, which is a crucial issue for both seed production and in situ conservation, is
also not sufficiently assessed. In the case of Dwarf seed-gardens, it was estimated that
a 300-meter forest barrier was sufficient to guarantee the necessary isolation (De Nucé
de Lamothe and Rognon 1975). In the case of Tall varieties, the average number of
male parents naturally contributing to a coconut bunch has not yet been assessed.
In most scientific publications, it is indicated that coconut palms cannot be vegetatively
propagated. Whilst this is true for most coconut varieties, surveys conducted by
COGENT indicate that such propagation is possible for at least some. Coconuts able to
both produce suckers and fruits have been described in Indonesia (Novarianto and
Miftahorrachman 2000), and a young coconut able to produce suckers was recently
seen (R. Bourdeix, personal communication) 16 during a survey conducted by the
COGENT secretariat in the Fakarava Atoll, Tuamotu Archipelago, in French
Polynesia 17. None of these special coconut palms have been transferred to an ex situ
coconut collection.
15 Although Tall varieties are predominantly allogamous, self-pollination may occur via pollination of female flowers from an
inflorescence by the pollen of the following inflorescence of the same palm. The probability of such an overlap increases with
the rate of inflorescence production, which responds to individual vigour of the tree, growing conditions and climatic
variations. When selecting well-performing Talls it is possible to inadvertently select trees with a higher tendency for selfing
causing a strong inbreeding handicap.
16See also suckering coconut at the URL:
17 This last survey indicated that farmers do not value and, being superstitious of strange growth, even sometimes destroy
such clonable coconut palms. Planting coconut suckers is much more complicated than planting for instance banana
suckers. The coconut suckers are rare, heavy to carry, and strongly attached to main stem, usually resulting in damage and
death when removed.
1. Introduction to the Global Coconut Strategy 19
publishable results. Donors and ministries often seem to prefer funding projects that
give substantial results in 3 to 5 years, instead of funding coconut experiments that
need 12 years to give complete results. A longer-term vision, a sense of general interest
and working for the future generations need to be vigorously promoted.
... but some pleasant characteristics!
On the other hand, the plant has some advantageous characteristics. Its year-round
production allows for a balanced planning of any breeding programme. No inter- or
intra-varietal sterility has ever been observed, although pollen competition may occur
(Sangare 1981). Its perennial nature allows for long-term conservation over successive
generations and within living collections as well of multiple uses in experiment over a
long period of time. Last but not least, coconut grows mainly in attractive coastal
tropical locations, mostly close to the sea, and many coconut research centres can be
regarded as small paradises from aesthetic, environmental and human perspectives.
In the past, many islanders were forced to work in coconut plantations or at smoky
copra drying ovens, during a period when many died from imported diseases. In the
collective Western imagination, the coconut palm has become a symbol of exoticism
and tropical beaches. It is well-known that the image of the coconut palm is widely
used to promote tourism and numerous associated products ranging from fashion
accessories to financial investments. The combination of coconut with “hammocks” or
“monkeys” sometimes reinforces the stereotype of peaceful paradise, far from the
stresses of everyday life, an image which does not reflect the true situation of Pacific
islands. Islanders become disengaged when confronted with such counterfeit
representations that standardize the tropics and diminish their cultural identities.
For reasons linked to both colonization and globalization, many Pacific islanders
simultaneously “love” and “hate” this emblematic palm. Their attitude towards the
coconut is often a mixture of reverence and contempt. Nevertheless, in short
discussions with local people elsewhere in the Pacific, they rapidly change their mind
and acknowledge coconut palm as an integral part of their traditional cultures.
In other tropical regions, symbolisms associated with the coconut palm appear to be
less ambivalent than in the Pacific. For instance, Balinese women were traditionally
forbidden to even touch the coconut tree: females and coconut trees both share the
ability to reproduce and men fear that a woman's touch may drain the fertility of the
coconut tree into her own fertility. Another surprising example of social representation
linked to coconut palm came a few years ago from the Philippines (L. Sebastien,
personal communication): a Bioversity International research manager was told that:
“when you see coconut palms in the landscape, you know that rebels are living there”.
Coconut palms and the poorest people are located in the same places. Because of these
ambivalent representations, the value of implementing and funding research projects
on coconut is sometimes questioned by stakeholders and decision-makers.
banana, has forced researchers to relocate the genebank to a disease-free area. In Côte
d’Ivoire, a phytoplasma disease discovered in 2012 is now spreading in the Grand-
Lahou region within 120 km of the International Coconut Genebank which has been
involved in almost half of the international germplasm movements during the last
20 years. A duplication of this genebank is also envisioned to ensure the survival of the
Other most important diseases are the Cadang-Cadang viroid in the Philippines, the
Foliar Decay virus in Vanuatu, and various forms of Phytophthora killing the palms
and/or causing massive premature fall of immature fruits. The most important pests
are: the beetles Oryctes rhinoceros and Scapanes australis, which eat young leaves and
facilitate infestation by other insects (red palm weevil Rynchophorus sp.) which
penetrate the heart and kill the palm; Red Ring disease caused by xylophageous
nematodes in Latin America; the coconut eriophyid mite (Aceria guerreronis Keifer)
which attacks the surface of fruit and strongly reduces their size, leaf-eating
caterpillars; the white grub (Leucopholis coneophora), whitefly (Aleurodicus and
Aleurotrachelus spp.), and the hispine beetle (Brontispa longissima) that cause
considerable damage in numerous locations. Leaf hopper insects are known to be
vectors of lethal diseases.
Economic aspects
During the last 20 years, many countries have not invested sufficiently in coconut
breeding, and seednut production, and interactions with coconut farmers have been
inadequate. This was mainly caused by unacceptably low farm-gate prices reflecting
22 Global Strategy for the Conservation and Use of Coconut Genetic Resources
market conditions. Low prices for copra and oil, and their high market volatility, led to
lower interest in replanting coconut even in places where local consumption was
crucial for livelihood. The intense development of oil palm plantations has also caused
a certain loss of interest in coconut, from both farmers and researchers. Many
researchers working on coconut shifted to oil palm, coffee or cocoa. Big companies
planting crops on an agro-industrial scale can afford to support larger research
budgets unlike the millions of small coconut farmers.
Coconut cultivation is actually undergoing a
strong revival. In November 2013, delegates
from the governments of 13 Asia-Pacific
countries, including eight Ministers of
Agriculture, participated in a FAO Regional
Consultation on Coconut Sector Development
in Asia and the Pacific. They concluded that
replanting of coconut trees on a massive scale is
required if the coconut producing countries of
Asia and the Pacific are to meet the world’s
rapidly growing demand for coconut products.
According to Hiroyuki Konuma, the FAO
Regional Representative: “Asia and the
Pacific’s aging coconut trees simply can’t keep
up with the growing demand…/… Indonesia,
the top producer, would need to replant some
450,000 hectares”. For instance, Thailand, who
has diversified into a variety of export products
such as virgin coconut oil and aromatic coconut
water, is presently importing coconuts from
Tender Coconut street seller in Tonga. Indonesia and Vietnam to feed its industry.
(R. Bourdeix)
Thus, the global economic situation seems now
more favourable to coconut cultivation.
Tanzania Mexico
APCC and SPC are mainly involved in research in coconut processing and socio-
economics; although SPC has recently tested a new conservation approach in Samoa,
based on the Polymotu concept, with funding from the Trust, and in collaboration
with COGENT, Bioversity International and CIRAD 20. ACIAR focuses on socio-
economics, plant pathology and in vitro culture. CIRAD is involved in providing
contribution from its researchers to COGENT coordination and in participating in
numerous international research projects. CIRAD researchers are working on the
whole supply chain, from the production to the consumption or uses of the final
coconut products.
COGENT programme priorities and activities are decided by its Steering Committee
and reviewed by Bioversity International to enhance complementarity and effectiveness.
The COGENT Coordinator and Secretariat coordinate the planning, implementation,
monitoring and evaluation of COGENT’s programme, projects and activities, and
establish linkages with collaborating institutions, programmes and donors.
19 The ICG in PNG is currently being relocated, and with support from the UK Darwin Initiative is being upgraded and expanded
to include new collected material, with satellite genebank sites in Fiji and Samoa. See:
20 See URL:
24 Global Strategy for the Conservation and Use of Coconut Genetic Resources
Nevertheless, from a pragmatic standpoint, the 2008 version of the Strategy for ex situ
conservation did not ensure sufficient sustainability to the global coconut conservation
system. A COGENT project funded in 2012 22 by the Trust has shown that, among the
24 coconut genebanks participating in the network, 18 do not have the capability for
true-to-type regeneration of the germplasm they are conserving. This includes three of
the five international genebanks. Coconut ex situ conservation is thus facing an
emergency situation. As articulated in section 2.3, about half of the many coconut
varieties collected in the 1980s are becoming very tall. If nothing is done within a few
years, their regeneration will prove impossible using currently available techniques.
Despite the recent coconut industry revival many coconut plantations are senile and
unproductive. Most producing-countries cannot meet stakeholder demand for
material for replanting programmes. The two-decade lack of investment has resulted
in widespread planting of low yielding varieties by farmers, mainly due to the
following factors:
Most nations and regions involved in coconut improvement and production are highly
dependent on genes and varieties developed and conserved in situ and often also ex
situ in countries or regions other than their own. Most of the efforts needed to manage
these resources can therefore only be carried out through international collaboration
and the participation of all partners. There is an urgent need for a revision of the
former global strategy for the conservation and use of coconut genetic diversity and
the dissemination of related information within and beyond the coconut community.
23 See the list of projects in Annex 5 and in COGENT website at the URL:
24International frameworks such as both FAO and its Global Plan of Action (GPA) for the Conservation and Sustainable Use of
Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (PGRFA) and the Treaty also call for a more efficient and effective global
conservation and use system. This should be based on better planning and more coordination and cooperation, to reduce costs
and build conservation and management work on crop diversity on a more scientifically sound and financially sustainable
25 See URL:
1. Introduction to the Global Coconut Strategy 27
The overall goal of the Strategy is to optimize the conservation and facilitate the use of
coconut genetic resources, as the foundation of a sustainable coconut economy (from
farmers, through research, to consumers) by bringing together national and
international players in both public and private sectors.
1.2.2 Objectives
The SMARTER (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Timebound, Evaluable
and Re-evaluable [Yemm 2013]) objectives of the Strategy must be simple,
comprehensive and limited in number. Thus the Strategy focuses on seven main
1. Strengthen local, national and international commitment to identify, collect,
conserve, document and better utilize coconut genetic resources;
2. Ensure the sustainable, long-term, efficient and effective conservation of ex situ
coconut genetic resources;
3. Assess the global range of coconut genetic diversity, identify critical gaps in
existing ex situ collections, prioritize and build up missions aiming both to collect
germplasm and to secure local conservation;
4. Promote, strengthen and consolidate in situ and on farm conservation of
landraces and dissemination by local stakeholders of high quality planting
28 Global Strategy for the Conservation and Use of Coconut Genetic Resources
These seven objectives are fully articulated in the third chapter this Strategy. The
second chapter aims to provide a global analysis of present status of coconut genetic
resources conservation and use. The third chapter focuses on prioritizing the actions
and research needed to effectively secure coconut diversity and enhance its use.
1.2.3 Outputs
The expected outputs of the Strategy are the following:
• Output 1: the coconut genepool is comprehensively and sustainably conserved in
situ and ex situ for the long term by a global network of partners maintaining the
representative diversity of coconut genetic resources;
• Output 2: the use of coconut genetic diversity is comprehensively documented,
valued and strengthened;
• Output 3: an efficient global system for the safe and effective exchange of coconut
germplasm is created;
• Output 4: the sustainability and effectiveness of global efforts to conserve and use
coconut genetic resources is assured.
i) Fish; ii) Forests, Trees and Agroforestry; iii) Livestock; iv) Maize; v) Rice; vi) Roots, Tubers and Bananas; and vii) Wheat;
i) Agriculture for Nutrition and Health; ii) Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security; iii) Policies, Institutions, and Markets;
and iv) Water, Land and Ecosystems;
i)Platform for Big Data in Agriculture; ii) Excellence in Breeding Platform; iii) Genebank Platform
30 Global Strategy for the Conservation and Use of Coconut Genetic Resources
As one of the retained CRPs, “Forest, Trees and Agroforestry” (FTA) aims to enhance
the management and use of forests, agroforestry and tree genetic resources across the
landscape, from farms to forests. Coconut research is included in its portfolio 29 and
implementing this Strategy should fall within its Flagship 1: Tree genetic resources to
bridge production gaps and promote resilience. Clearly COGENT would benefit from
increased FTA support in implementing its Strategy.
The CGIAR has adopted a strategy and results framework (SRF)30 which outlines three
system-level outcomes (SLOs):
Implementing the Strategy could contribute to all of the above IDOs, although
principally 3, 5 and possibly 6.
All coconut research activities are presently conducted under the CRP-FTA, although
parts of coconut research conducted by COGENT country-members could be of great
interest to other FTA flagships 2-5, operating further along the coconut value chains,
and other CRPs/research support platforms, such as:
See URL:
30 See URL:
1. Introduction to the Global Coconut Strategy 31
This Strategy document also describes how links between coconut research, CRP-FTA
and the other abovementioned CRPs and research platforms could be strengthened.
This Strategy also aligns with Bioversity International’s delivery of scientific evidence,
management practices and policy options to use and safeguard agricultural and tree
biodiversity to attain sustainable global food and nutrition security. The scope of this
Strategy falls within Bioversity’s research initiative Effective genetic resources
conservation and use.
• the former Coconut Global Strategy published in 2008 and the Cocoa Strategy
published in 2012 by CacaoNet and Bioversity International;
• the four international surveys targeting COGENT country-members; two of which
conducted in 2012 prior to the 16th Steering Committee, the third held from May to
August 2013, and the last one held from December 2014 to January 2015;
• the ten international recommendations emitted in 2012 by the COGENT Steering
Committee 31;
• the numerous interviews conducted from 2011 to 2013 during visits of the
COGENT secretariat to ten countries - namely Brazil, Côte d’Ivoire, Fiji, Italy
(donors), Malaysia, India, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, Samoa and Sri Lanka;
• the participation of the COGENT coordinator to the ACIAR meeting on Coconut
Research and Development held in Samoa in November 2012;
• the recommendations arising from the APCC ministerial meeting held in Fiji in
January 2013;
• meetings with Bioversity International and CIRAD researchers in March 2012;
• the available scientific documentation.
A new outline for the Strategy was drafted using inputs from the above consultations
and the Cocoa Strategy. Based on this proposed outline, coconut scientists and
For each section of the Strategy, three co-author-contributors were identified according
to their expertise and their geographical location. Where possible, contributors for each
section were chosen from three distinct regions of the world. As shown in Annex 2 and
3, 85 contributors from 38 countries were solicited in this writing process, and many
others provided useful advice. Senior researchers were selected from different regions
(Pacific, Americas, Asia and Africa) to read and edit one of the three main chapters of
the Strategy.
Thus, the whole document was reviewed by a committee of three international
experts, two of whom had little or no authorial involvement.
It is expected that the continuous review and updating of this Strategy will take place
within the framework of COGENT and that this document will serve as the basis for
the direction of the global system on the conservation and use of coconut genetic
1. Introduction to the Global Coconut Strategy 33
1.4 References
Adkins, S.W., Foale, M., Samosir, Y.M.S., eds. 2006. Coconut revival—new possibilities for the ‘tree of
life’. Proceedings of the International Coconut Forum held in Cairns, Australia, 22–24 November 2005.
ACIAR Proceedings 125.
Bourdeix, R., Ruas, M., Hamelin, C., Johnson, V., Martinez, D., Sepulveda, R. 2012a. Upgrading
international coconut genebanks and evaluating accessions. Terminal Report. (01/11/2011 –
30/05/2012). Bioversity International, Montpellier, France. Available from the URL:
Bourdeix, R., Johnson, V., Araujo de Lima, S. 2012b. Organization of the 16th Steering Committee
Meeting of the International Coconut Genetic Resources Network (COGENT), 8-10 July 2012, Cochin,
India. Terminal Report (01/05/2012 – 30/10/2012). Bioversity International, Montpellier, France.
Available from the URL:
Bourdeix, R., Johnson, V., Saena Tuia, S.V., Kapé, J., Planes, S. 2013. Traditional conservation areas of
coconut varieties and associated knowledge in Polynesian Islands (South Pacific Ocean). Chapter 10
in: Larrue,S., ed. Biodiversity and Societies in the Pacific Islands. Aix-en-Provence: Presses
Universitaires de Provence (PUP), Université Aix-Marseille. pp. 199-222. Available from the URL:
Caillon, S. 2008. Arbre d'antan, arbre "des blancs". Géographie et culture 87-104. Available from the URL:; doi: 10.4000/gc.1930.
Cappers, R.T. 2003. Exotic imports of the Roman Empire: an exploratory study of potential vegetal
products from Asia. In: K. Neumann, K. Butler, S. Kahlheber, eds. Food, Fuels and Fields Progress in
African Archaeology. Heinrich Barth Inst., Köln. pp. 197-206.
De Nucé de Lamothe, M., Rognon, F. 1975. Pollinisation assistée et contamination par des pollens
indésirables. Oléagineux 30(8-9):359-364.
Eden-Green, S.J. 1997. History, world distribution and present status of lethal yellowing-like diseases of
palms. In: Proceedings of an International Workshop on Lethal Yellowing-like Diseases of Coconut.
Elmina, Ghana, November, 1995. Eden-Green S.J. and Ofori F. (eds). Natural Resources Institute,
Chatam, UK.
FAOSTAT 2017. FAO Statistics Division. Available from
gateway/go/to/home/E. Accessed on August 15, 2013, August 6, 2017 and September 25, 2017
Kirch, P.V. 2002. On the roads of the wind: an archaeological history of the Pacific Islands before
European contact. University of California Press.
Nguyen, Q.T., Dharshani Bandupriya, H.D., Foale, M., S.W. Adkins. 2016. Biology, propagation and
utilization of elite coconut varieties (makapuno and aromatics). Plant Physiology and Biochemistry
109:579-589. Available from the URL:
Novarianto, H., Miftahorrachman. 2000. Unique Coconuts of Indonesia. COGENT bulletin: 13-15.
Available from the URL:
Pereira, L., Baudouin, L., Bourdeix, R., Bait Fadil, A., Hountoundji, F.C.C. et al. 2011. Coconuts on the
edge of the desert: genetic diversity of the Cocos nucifera L. in Oman. CORD 27:9-19.
Rajesh, M.K., Nagarajan, P., Jerard, B.A., Arunachalam, V., Dhanapal, R. 2008. Microsatellite variability of
coconut accessions (Cocos nucifera L.) from Andaman and Nicobar Islands. Current
Science 49(12):1627-1631.
34 Global Strategy for the Conservation and Use of Coconut Genetic Resources
Sangare, A. 1981. Compétition pollinique et légitimité des semences produites dans les champs
semenciers de cocotiers. Oléagineux 36:424-427.
Sisunandar, Rival, A., Turquay, P. et al. 2010. Cryopreservation of coconut (Cocos nucifera L.) zygotic
embryos does not induce morphological, cytological or molecular changes in recovered seedlings
Planta (2010) 232:435. Available from the URL:
Thomas, G.V. 2012. Technological developments on coconut crop improvement, coconut
agronomy/nutrition and coconut based farming system in India. Paper presented at the 2012 APCC
Cocotech meeting held on 2–6 July 2012, Hyderabad, India.
Turnbull, C. 2012. Links between the genetic diversity and sustainable cacao production. p. 9 In: A Global
Strategy for the Conservation and Use of Cacao Genetic Resources, as the Foundation for a
Sustainable Cocoa Economy (B. Laliberté, compiler). Bioversity International, Montpellier, France.
Yemm, G. 2013. Essential Guide to Leading your Team: How to Set Goals, Measure Performance and
Reward Talent. Pearson Education: 37–39.
2. Where we are today? 35
high-tide line. Fruits with thick husks may have a natural advantage for being carried
further, longer and faster on sea currents. As germinating seeds do not remain viable
when floating in seawater, greater delayed germination seems a further advantage for
long distance travel (Harries 1978). Thus, the coconut’s range of natural dispersal has
been estimated indirectly through flotation experiments, deducing maximum travel
times from duration of retained seed viability, and computing maximal distances
travelled from estimates of current velocity.
A first shortcoming of this speculative
approach is the lack of precise data on the
main dispersal parameters. Their variation
among wild populations is unknown, so
the information is mostly based on
cultivated materials. While seedling
emergence may occur on the tree in some
rare cases, germination can take from 1 to
19 months (Zizumbo-Villarreal and
Arellano-Morin 1998). Furthermore, there
are both advantages and disadvantages
arising from slow germination. For
example, very slow germination may be
related to low vigour or potentially Bunches of the variety "Micro Laccadives
Tall" originating from Laccadives Islands in
increase the risk of predator consumption India, conserved and photographied in Côte
of the young seednuts but is a useful trait d’Ivoire.
for transporting nuts over long distances.
Also, different properties can be related to different dispersal strategies. The particular
properties of differently sized fruits – small versus large – growing on different
bunches of the same palm have not been studied (Bourdeix et al. 2005b).
A second inadequacy is the assumption that dispersal is essentially mechanistic, rather
than probabilistic, based on common variables for the species. It does not take into
account the potential impacts of rare events such as tsunamis or more frequent events
like hurricanes on long distance dispersals.
Thus, differentiating wild coconuts from Tall cultivars selected and propagated by
humans is complex. A big rounded fruit with a thin husk, selected by seafarers as food
and water reserves have been opposed to the supposedly wild type with an oblong
angular fruit and small nut. However, large and long thick-husked fruits were also
selected by Polynesians and Arabs to produce ropes from the husk fibres (coir). A
round fruit may have resulted from long-term selection within seemingly wild
populations (Leach et al. 2003).
All Malayan-type Dwarfs descend from the same ancestral population originating
from South-east Asia. In spite of a low genetic diversity of neutral markers, they
exhibit a high phenotypic polymorphism, resulting in a large number of Dwarf
cultivars, which are closely related but can be quite easily distinguished due to discrete
differences in colour and fruit shape and a relatively fragile trunk. Malayan Dwarf-
types show different combinations of traits that are attractive for humans (short
38 Global Strategy for the Conservation and Use of Coconut Genetic Resources
stature, precocity, sometimes sweet water) with traits that favour reliable reproduction
of this desirable phenotype (such as colour of the germinating sprout-for orange and
yellow forms). Its short stature and short leaves are suitable for the environment where
it is usually found (close to human habitations), but make it a poor competitor in the
wild, where it would soon disappear owing to its low vigour, low wind tolerance and
comparatively short life span.
The origin of this phenotypic diversity of Malayan Dwarf-types is multiple:
• When the self-pollination syndrome was acquired, the ancestors were still
heterozygotes and allelic segregation resulted in a number of distinct lines;
• In addition, mutation may have introduced new polymorphism;
• The above factors together with recombination among Dwarf coconuts contributed
to the enhanced diversity;
• Dwarf x Tall recombination apparently occurred in Papua New Guinea (Ashburner
et al. 2001). This would explain the larger diversity in this region compared to
South-east Asia, and the existence of a number of semi-Tall cultivars. This is
probably a rare event, because the Dwarf habit depends on several independent
traits. Despite the advice of breeders, many farmers plant the progeny of Dwarf x
Tall hybrids (from natural pollination or from advanced material) and this could
result in new attractive Dwarf phenotypes being selected.
4 COGENT and CIRAD take this opportunity to thank Dr Hugh Harries for having transmitted his huge compilation work of
coconut cultivar names.
2. Where we are today? 41
trees in field genebanks, in farmers’ fields and gardens, and in some protected areas
such as natural reserves and public places. Other technologies like in vitro plantlets or
cryopreserved embryos, pollen or tissue could be used but are not yet available and
need further refinement.
Emerging powerful new technologies such as molecular genetics, genomics,
proteomics and eco-geographical remote-sensing techniques are greatly expanding the
methodologies supporting the conservation, management and utilization of genetic
resources. Advances in informatics and communication technologies have also
markedly increased our capacity to use, analyse and communicate relevant data and
information, but are not yet in use in the coconut genebanks.
About pollination
Making controlled hand-pollination (CHP) is costly,
time-consuming and complex. The visits conducted
in many countries by the COGENT Secretariat
highlighted that existing written guidelines are not
sufficient for a research centre to develop de novo
the laboratories and skills needed for making CHPs.
For the rejuvenation of a Tall-type accession, the
CHPs are implemented over a four-month period;
the mature seednuts are harvested one year later,
also over four months; then the old accession is
removed from the field and replaced by a new one.
For regenerating an accession, or for creating a new
hybrid between two accessions, researchers often
use a minimum of 48 female parents crossed with 24
male parents. Each female parent is pollinated three
times with pollen from three distinct male parents. A
CHP gives only 1 to 2 seedlings, so this will allow the
production of about 200 seednuts within a 4-month
period. Production of the seednuts needed for the
duplication of an accession will demand one and half
years’ preparation; and will cost more than
US$2000. Only scientists with healthy research Emasculation is one of the steps of
budgets can afford ordering varieties from coconut controlled hand pollination.
genebanks. (R. Bourdeix, CIRAD)
2. Where we are today? 43
It has long been recognized that sexual reproduction (in absence of vegetative
propagation) in an allogamous species variety requires isolation to exclude other
varieties. For regeneration of allogamous Tall-types, controlled hand-pollination with
inflorescence-bagging is strongly recommended. Regenerating autogamous Dwarf-
type is much easier: the stem is shorter and seeds can be produced by open pollination
if the variety is sufficiently isolated, or with a simple bagging to isolate the whole
inflorescence and ensure selfing.
The Stantech manual gives a detailed description of the controlled hand-pollination
process. In 2008, the same subject was developed in a shorter version as a part of the
regeneration guidelines for coconut (Konan et al. 2008).
A major constraint that the curators face is the accessibility of the inflorescence for safe
and effective hand-pollination 6. Until recently, the crucial techniques of climbing the
palm crown were not discussed in COGENT documents. In 2013, a compilation of
23 videos on palm-climbing was released on the website 7.
‘Friends of coconuts’
One of the major problems experienced in the
coconut sector of India particularly in the major
producing states like Kerala is the critical shortage
of palm climbers. The number of traditional palm
climbers is consistently in decline due to the
disinterest of the younger generation for this
traditional profession. Consequently, the farmers
experience difficulty in arranging timely harvesting
and also plant protection. To overcome this
problem, the Coconut Development Board initiated
a novel scheme to provide intensive one-week
training courses in palm climbing using a
mechanical device, in nursery management and in
the control measures for common pests and
diseases to groups of educated but unemployed
rural youth.
This scheme named ‘Friends of Coconut’ has
Coconut palm climbing
already trained hundreds of young men and
mechanical device in
India. (A. Prades, women, whose services are now available to the
CIRAD) farmers for harvesting and plant protection.
Although palms can survive for more than 100 years, the average useful lifespan of
coconut accessions in most of ex situ genebanks is only 25 to 30 years. For instance, for
climbing the palms in Côte d’Ivoire, workers of the international coconut genebank 8
6 Several climbing devices exist to reach the top of the stem and harvest the fruits but, for hand pollination, it is necessary to
reach young inflorescences in the centre of the crown.
7 Available at the URL:
8International Coconut Collection for Africa and the Indian Ocean, located at the Marc Delorme Research Centre, National
Centre for Agronomic Research (CNRA) in Côte d’Ivoire.
44 Global Strategy for the Conservation and Use of Coconut Genetic Resources
use large triple aluminium ladders which can reach a maximum height of 14 meters.
Thus, palms must be regenerated within 25 to 30 years, before their stems extend
beyond 14 meters. If taller, it will be impossible to conduct controlled hand-
pollinations, unless new techniques are developed. A better, safer technique could
enable casualty-free regeneration to be conducted only every 60 years.
DNA studies show that about 50% of total coconut genetic variation is presently found
within heterozygous Tall-type cultivars. Whether the germplasm is transferred (or
regenerated) by seednuts, by in vitro culture of zygotic embryos, or by any other
means, the traceability of the planting material genealogy is crucial for three main
reasons and thus, needs to be properly recorded. Such traceability allows:
• Curators to know the numbers of female and male parents used at each generation
and to control the genetic drift;
• Checking the reliability of progenies by using DNA markers;
• Conducting genetic studies and comparing the progenies of different parents from
the same variety. For instance, within a cultivar, the progeny of a given palm can
be tolerant to a particular disease while the progenies of the other palms will die.
For each coconut palm conserved in a genebank, at least its mother palm needs to be
known. Presently, less than 20% of accessions conserved at global level meet this
requirement 9.
In vitro collections are not yet used for safety duplication of the field collections or for
rapid multiplication and dissemination of disease-free planting material. A benefit of
the approach is that it can act as a barrier to the transmission of many diseases. A
drawback of in vitro conservation is that the material demands regular sub-culturing
and might be subject to somaclonal variation. Therefore, rejuvenation and verification
of the trueness-to-type of the conserved germplasm will have to be performed
periodically. Another major drawback is that today, very few of the coconut ex situ
genebanks are equipped to use this technique or have appropriately skilled staff..
Cryopreservation offers a complementary means to enhance the security of
germplasm collections (Nguyen et al. 2015). Storage of frozen pollen samples may
offer an additional way to conserve coconut, though the parent’s genetic identity
would not be maintained as a whole. Frozen pollen is already used in some of
genebanks, such as in India.
2.2.3 Revisiting the classical delineation between in situ and ex situ conservation
Many different locations could integrate the conservation of coconut genetic resources
and even seed production by using a multifunctional land management policy.
10 Bangladesh, India, Sri Lanka, China, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam, Fiji, Papua New Guinea,
Ghana, Tanzania, Mexico and Jamaica. Report available at:
11 Assessment and improvement of farmers’ technical and traditional knowledge regarding coconut biology, in order to increase
farmers’ autonomy for production of good planting material. Available at the URL:
2. Where we are today? 47
for palm climbing and any accession’s lifetime would be extended. Instead of climbing
the palms for making controlled hand-pollination, people only have to wait for the
fruits to fall naturally to the ground. Open-pollination provides true-to-type and cheap
seednuts. Thus, the same accession can be kept as long as a sufficient number of palms
remain alive in the field. In most cases, the duration of a coconut accession would then
be extended from 25 – 30 years (current useful lifespan in ex situ collections) to 75 - 100
years. Even if some of the palms die, there is no need to remove the remainder, as is
done presently in classical genebanks. Dead palms can be replaced by new ones,
without removing the old palms still alive. Such lifespan extension represents a huge
saving of resources.
Three possible applications of the Polymotu concept are currently being studied:
“Ecotourism on Islands” (French Polynesia, Samoa), Inland (to be applied in Côte
d’Ivoire) and “Urban” in Fiji and possibly in Brazil.
Plate 2.1.
50 Global Strategy for the Conservation and Use of Coconut Genetic Resources
developed. Breeding methods will also need to be specifically adapted to identify and
select the best clones. This technique has not yet been applied on a large scale for
producing planting material for farmers.
Methods for in vitro culture of coconut embryos started to be developed in 1950s
(Cutter and Wilson 1954). Producing plantlets from mature embryos has been
successfully achieved rather quickly. It has been more difficult to obtain plantlets with
a balanced development of roots and aerial parts. In the laboratories, the best recovery
rates (from tube to palms in the field) of embryos cultivated in vitro are about 50%. In
traditional nurseries, only 65% of seednuts give rise to palms planted in field 12. The
main challenge is to obtain replicable results in a wide range of situations.
As reported in the CGRD 13, among the
408 accessions transferred from one
country to another, 68 accessions (17%)
were transferred as embryos cultivated in
vitro 14. The CGRD allows comparing the
average number of living palms for the
196 accessions planted in or before 1981,
which were transferred from one country
to another by using embryos versus using
seednuts. These average numbers of
palms per accession are 45 for accessions Coconut embryo extraction. (V. Johnson,
transferred via seednuts and 26 for Bioversity International)
accessions transferred via embryos 15.This
last number is likely overestimated, because those attempts to import coconut embryos
which completely failed have not been recorded in the CGRD. So the practical
application of embryo culture to international germplasm transfers needs further
review and refinement, because it generated a decrease of at least 42% in the
accessions’ sizes.
Funded by the Trust, a project was conducted from 2009 to 2012 to optimize, validate
and apply a standard embryo culture protocol16. This project refined existing
techniques and applied them to a range of genotypes and conditions, which then led to
the publication of improved guidelines (Cueto et al. 2012) available on COGENT
12 Some seednuts do not germinate; some seedlings are discarded at the nursery stage because of low growth or abnormalities.
13CGRD does not take into account germplasm transfers conducted during the recent embryo project funded by the Trust (it is
necessary for the accessions to be planted in the field), and the material recently taken by Mexico and Brazil from Côte d’Ivoire
(no data transmitted by countries to CGRD).
14The first accession transferred via embryo was planted in 1981 in Malaysia. Then Thailand (1991), India (1997) and Sri Lanka
(2005) succeeded in introducing accessions using embryo transfer.
15 Efficient sizes as defined in section 2.2.1 i.e. not null, limited to 45 palms for Dwarfs and 96 palms for other varieties. If real
accession sizes are considered, average accession sizes are 152 for accessions transferred via seednuts and 32 for accessions
transferred via embryos.
16 See URL:
52 Global Strategy for the Conservation and Use of Coconut Genetic Resources
website. However, successful transfer will only be achieved if those involved have the
necessary skills and resources to adhere to protocols such as this.
To ensure long-term conservation, accessions conserved in vitro can also be ‘cryo-
preserved’. Cryopreservation stops both the growth of plant cells and all processes of
biological deterioration, so that the material can be preserved for an extended period
(probably several hundreds of years) and regenerated into fully viable plants. The cost
of cryopreserving accessions is expected to pay off against the recurrent costs of in vitro
or in field maintenance over a number of years, at the exception of the material which
needs to be regularly distributed.
Since 1992 (Assy-Bah and Engelman 1992), cryopreservation protocols for zygotic
embryos have been developed and refined. A protocol based on dehydration of the
embryos was recently applied to 10 accessions representative of coconut genetic
diversity, with germination percentages of cryopreserved embryos between 13.7% and
74.7% (N´Nan et al. 2012). Research is pursued notably at least in Australia (Nguyen et
al. 2015), Brazil, Colombia, France, India (Bhavyashree et al. 2016), Indonesia, South
Korea and Mexico, with publications associating authors from more than one country
(Sisunandar et al. 2010a, Sisunandar et al. 2012). Cryopreservation of coconut zygotic
embryos does not induce morphological, cytological or molecular changes in
recovered seedlings (Sisunandar et al. 2010b), thus suggesting that the method is
appropriate to efficiently preserve coconut germplasm.
Cryopreservation of plumules from zygotic embryos and subsequent production of
somatic embryos has also been developed 17. Researchers are now working to optimize
the techniques and to evolve from validated laboratory protocols to standardized
methods giving regular and consistent results at a large scale and in a wide range of
situations. Cryopreservation of the embryogenic callus obtained from plumules has
likewise been studied. If successful this technique could allow conserving a piece of
tissue with the potential to regenerate thousands of plants from it.
Pollen, which can be easily obtained in large
quantities, can also be cryopreserved.
Exchange of germplasm through pollen
poses fewer quarantine problems than is the
case for seednuts or other propagules. Little
additional research is required to further
develop and refine this technique which is
still not used by ex situ coconut collections. If
a standard dose of desiccated pollen, such as
that prepared in a glass tube for controlled
hand-pollination, is kept for one hour in
Storage of coconut embryos in liquid nitrogen and then extracted, the pollen
cryotubes (PCA-ZRC) will germinate normally (R. Bourdeix
personal communication). Most of the pollen used by genebanks is conserved at -18°C
for only four to six months.
2. Where we are today? 53
No. of accessions
Figure 2.3 gives the evolution of the number of accessions recorded in CGRD (Coconut
Genetic Resources Database), ranked in three categories: introduction from farmers’
fields, transfer between ex situ collections, and regeneration within these genebanks.
Regeneration within genebanks started in Indonesia in the 1950s and Jamaica in 1960s.
In 1980, only 20 accessions had been rejuvenated; this number started to increase to
18 Accessions recorded in the CGRD with an accession size superior to zero, but sometimes curators do not update this
information even over a long time frame.
19 See URL:
2. Where we are today? 55
reach 103 in 1990. The following decade was the most active, with 188 accessions
rejuvenated from 1991 to 2000. Then it decreased from 2000 to 2012, with only
111 accessions rejuvenated. However, since 2017 Vanuatu started to regenerate the
national collection, showing a continuous interest in the conservation of coconuts
Most collections need to combat genetic erosion, where significant losses are often
associated with poor practices in controlled hand pollination techniques. Deviations
from the standard protocol of controlled hand-pollination may cause unwanted mixes
between accessions, resulting in useless material being conserved and errors being
propagated through germplasm transfers around the world. These deviations can
appear when genebank staff are either not well trained or have been replaced. If any
new employee is not trained by the departing staff, he/she will lack crucial
information to perform tricky and demanding conservation processes. Finally, land-
use/tenure issues also threaten the genebanks more often than expected.
Most of collections have not started removing duplicated accessions within the
collection as part of a rationalization or conscious reduction of the collection at the
global level. Although the constitution of international collections has been partially
supported by public resources, this support has not yet been secured for the long term.
The prevailing notion that genetic resources are a common heritage for humanity has
been replaced by the national sovereignty concept in the Convention on Biological
Diversity (CBD) which entered into force in 1993. The implications for crop germplasm
exchange were then articulated by FAO, leading to the negotiation of the International
Treaty which came into force in 2004.
Coconut is one of the priority crops listed in Annex 1 of the Treaty, which lists the crop
species that are subject to such facilitated access under the conditions defined in a
Standard material transfer agreement (SMTA). Countries which have ratified the
Treaty can access the coconut germplasm declared by hosting countries as being in the
public domain and thus included in the multilateral system of the Treaty. For those
which have not ratified the Treaty, access can be made through bilateral arrangements.
In order to foster a more efficient and effective system of germplasm conservation,
evaluation and safe movement, the COGENT Steering Committee decided in 1995 to
establish a multi-site International Coconut Genebank (ICG). The ICG today comprises
five regional genebanks hosted by Brazil for Latin America and the Caribbean, Côte
d’Ivoire for Africa and the Indian Ocean, India for South Asia and the Middle East,
Indonesia for South-east and East Asia, and Papua New Guinea for the South Pacific.
However, during the two last decades, most of the germplasm exchanges were done
between national genebank without using the multilateral system.
The five ICG field collections are held in trust under the auspices of FAO through a
formal agreement between Bioversity, the five countries and FAO (Table 2.1).
The designated germplasm is shared under the terms of the SMTA as part of the
multilateral system of access and benefit sharing created by the Treaty or of the
Material Transfer Agreement (MTA) specified in the Memorandum of Agreement
(MOA) establishing the ICG in the case of India.
An important article of these MOA is related to emergency situations. For instance, in
the MOA signed by Papua New Guinea, Article 2g of the agreement (Rights and
obligations of the Parties) states that “if the orderly maintenance of the ICG is impeded or
threatened by whatever event, including force majeure, the Secretary of the Treaty and
Bioversity International, with the approval of the Host Government, shall assist in its
evacuation or transfer, to the extent possible”. Such emergency situations have recently
occurred in Côte d’Ivoire and Papua New Guinea. These two international genebanks
are the most active in providing germplasm, yet within the last few years, they have
been threatened by urban pressure and emerging lethal diseases caused by
In April 2015, the Crop Trust with the help of COGENT and SPC organized a
workshop in Papua New Guinea. The objective of the workshop was to design a
project proposal to safely move the international genebank. The international experts
gathered in Port-Moresby and Madang thanks to the financial support of ACIAR and
prepared a five-year work plan to move the genebank to Punipuni, a safe location in
the south of the country. The plan was presented to the Papua New Guinea
2. Where we are today? 57
Government in 2016 and the implementation of this plan is currently under the
responsibility of Indonesian department Kokonas Indastri Koporesen (KIK).
Table 2.1. Date and types of Memoranda of Agreement signed by the five countries hosting ICG.
Table 2.2. Quality of the management of the genebanks (survey conducted in 2013 by the COGENT
Number of staff 0 7 3 2 3
During the same survey, curators were asked to estimate the annual cost per accession
of the activities conducted in the genebanks. The responses were extremely variable, as
shown in table 2.3.
Table 2.3. Estimations on the annual cost per standard accession of activities conducted in ex situ
coconut collections, and following estimation by the COGENT secretariat (check the detailed of
calculation in Annex 7).
Activity Average estimation Estimation by the Difference
by genebank COGENT
curators Secretariat
(US$/accession/year) (US$/accession/year)
Field collection maintenance 927 150 + 777
Morphological characterization 285 100 + 185
Molecular characterization 775 12 + 763
Agronomic evaluation 379 200 + 179
Germplasm health (indexing & eradication) 267 100 + 167
Information management 154 200 - 46
Estimations of average costs were calculated by the COGENT secretariat with the help
of Dr Jean-Louis Konan, the curator of the ICG for Africa and Indian Ocean.
The online survey alone was not sufficient to gather comparable and standardized data;
and so closer interactions with curators are needed. The huge difference between the
estimation cost of the curators and the COGENT Secretariat could be due to several
reasons. Firstly, researchers in charge of coconut conservation are often not only
coconut researchers. They generally assume other tasks, such as conservation of other
tree crops, breeding or other research activities. Thus, it is not always easy to
differentiate what should and should not be included as conservation costs. As such,
some staff cost could have been over-estimated by the curators.
The estimation of the manpower needed for characterizing accessions using standard
international descriptors is indeed tricky. The total staff time needed ranges from
1,409 hours (Côte d’Ivoire) to 2,395 hours (Indonesia) per accession (see Annex 8). It
requires collecting about 19,000 data per accession. As accessions are kept 30 years in
the field, the time needed for characterization is 47-80 hours per accession per year.
Labour cost varies widely between countries, so the cost will not be the same in all
the genebanks.
The other big difference between the survey cost and the COGENT secretariat
estimation (table 2.3) is the molecular analysis. For molecular characterization, a
standardized kit of 15 molecular markers is presently used for assessing the allelic
diversity of accessions. The recommended sampling sizes are 6 palms for Dwarf-type
autogamous varieties and 12 palms for other types of varieties. The cost for analysing a
Dwarf-type accession was estimated at US$204; the cost for analysing other types of
accessions was estimated at US$408 20. As an accession is kept in the field for 30 years,
the annual costs are estimated at US$6.8 per Dwarf-type accession, and US$13.6 for
other types of accessions. As a quarter of the accessions are autogamous Dwarf-types,
the average cost of molecular characterization was estimated at US$11.9.
Finally, the average annual cost for conserving, characterizing and evaluating a
standard coconut accession with the current standardized methods is presently
estimated by the COGENT secretariat at US$762. This amount is provisional, has to
be refined and will change as the methods and tools will quickly evolve during the
next 10 years.
Within the coconut collections, the main expenses normally incurred are for planting,
for characterization and evaluation during the first twelve years and for regeneration
of the accessions by controlled pollination. As the useful lifespan of an accession is
presently 30 years, the total cost has to be divided by 30 to get an average cost per year.
Except during the juvenile phase, which lasts from three to six years depending on the
variety, the value of the production generally far exceeds the cost of maintaining the
accessions in the fields. After 12 years in the field, the cost of conserving accessions is
20The cost of analysing a palm with a 15-marker kit is estimated at US$34: US$10 per palm for leaflet sampling, managing
and/or sending samples and DNA extraction; US$1 per marker for DNA analysis, and US$0.6 per marker for managing and
analysing the data.
60 Global Strategy for the Conservation and Use of Coconut Genetic Resources
21Assuming a dedicated laboratory is already fully operational. If a country is just starting to make controlled pollinations, it will
be more expensive as the lab needs to be established.
22 FAO report. In: Batugal, P., Ramanatha Rao, V., Oliver, J. (eds). 1996. Coconut genetic resources. Available from the URL:
2. Where we are today? 61
In Tuvalu, a unique and remarkable genotype was discovered with striped fruits and
almost no husk. Mature fruits had only 10% husk, whereas most coconut varieties
possess 20 to 50% (35 % on average). Such a fruit quality is highly desirable for some
coconut uses. This combination with striping may indicate that this unique palm might be
a survivor of an old traditional
landrace. A few other palms in the
same field also had striped fruits, with
good but less exceptional fruit quality.
Embryos were taken from these palms
and sent to the Papua New Guinea
genebank via the Fiji SPC lab, but they
all died due to high contamination and
low rooting rates. Farmers and
agricultural officers had been advised
to multiply the best palm locally. As a
result of both the cross-pollination habit
of the palm and the short duration of
the project, researchers do not know if "Lady coconut" variety in the Nui Island, Tuvalu
the farmers succeeded in true-to-type archipelago, with stripped fruits and very low content
reproduction. of husk. (R. Bourdeix, CIRAD)
In the case of coconut, it is indeed challenging to collect and use individual palms
having favourable traits. Twelve to 15 years are needed between discovering rare
palms with favourable traits in farmers’ fields and creating a population usable by
breeders. When such palms are found, researchers generally succeed in collecting 2 to
20 seednuts or embryos and not all of these will germinate. As many coconut varieties
are mainly cross-pollinated, hardly any of this progeny will reproduce the targeted
characteristics. Those that do reproduce will come mainly from selfing, which
generally induces a strong inbreeding depression on yields. If lucky, a few targeted
progenies will be available in the ex situ collection six to seven years later. In this event,
another generation will be needed to breed and multiply this progeny. Pollen can also
be collected but this is rarely done by surveyors. The lifespan of pollen in natural
conditions is no more than five days. Hence pollen collected in farmer’s field would
need to be immediately cryopreserved.
The early international surveys were based on rather specific objectives such as:
tolerance to Lethal Yellowing Disease (LYD) conducted by Jamaica and Tanzania, or
searching for varieties with large fruits conducted by Côte d’Ivoire, and so forth.
Thereafter, more systematic surveys based on geographical grids and/or participative
approaches were launched, including in the Philippines and in Vanuatu. According to
Pernes (1984), the best germplasm collecting programmes are carried out in two stages:
an initial exploration and preliminary survey is conducted and used for planning a
second, more systematic campaign. Such a two-step programme was conducted in
Mexico. Fruit analyses were first realized in 47 locations, and collecting was then
carried out in only 19 locations, mainly on the Pacific coast, where the greatest fruit
62 Global Strategy for the Conservation and Use of Coconut Genetic Resources
Table 2.4. Collecting index by region (number of accessions conserved in ex situ collections per million
Africa 1.1 70 64
The calculated index is based on the assumption that data is representative. Some
countries with important coconut production have quite a low collecting index, such
as Mozambique (12), Ghana (17), India (29) and The Philippines (37). On the contrary,
those countries devoting more effort to coconut germplasm collecting have higher
collecting indices: Bangladesh (977), Malaysia (626), Fiji (366) and Sri Lanka (306).
Most of the coconut genebanks have plans for collecting germplasm. They are mainly
planning to collect materials from farmers’ fields in their own countries. For instance,
in Kenya some new high yielding accessions of Dwarf-type and Tall-type varieties
have recently been collected from farmers’ fields. But there is no information
regularly collected and gathered at the COGENT Secretariat for the moment on this
important activity.
23This includes eight COGENT countries namely, by importance of cultivated surface: Myanmar, Venezuela, Colombia, Haiti,
Costa Rica, Honduras, Cook Islands, and Oman.
2. Where we are today? 63
24 See Section 1.3 and Annex 6 for detailed information on the survey conducted in 2013 by COGENT Secretariat.
64 Global Strategy for the Conservation and Use of Coconut Genetic Resources
Guinea, at the Stewart research centre, the coconut genebank is intercropped with
cocoa. The Stewart research centre also manages a cocoa field genebank but, although
in the same plantation, this genebank is not located in the same fields as the coconut
collection. In India, at CPCRI Kasaragod, some of the old coconut germplasm
plantations are intercropped. Within the coconut genebanks, crops are generally
intercropped for demonstration or research purposes, or for increasing income.
Plantations are generally designed only for the conservation of coconut genetic
resources and not for conservation of other crops.
Most of the collections do not have post-entry quarantine facilities and do not carry out
systematic virus and phytoplasma indexing. There is no information on the business
models of these structures so it is impossible to know today if they can be cost-effective
or, at least, cost-efficient. Similarly, there are no studies on the social, cultural and
environmental impacts and nor on the ecosystem services these collections account for.
25At the outset, a coconut palm often produces a few larger and rounder fruits than those it will produce later. Once mature, fruit
production often follows discontinuous rythms, especially for dwarf cultivars cultivated under average management. A coconut
loaded with more than 200 nuts may produce fewer than 10 nuts the following year.
2. Where we are today? 65
accessions conserved ex situ 26. The first studies were conducted on progenies obtained
by using controlled hand-pollination in India and Côte d’Ivoire, countries which both
are hosting international coconut collections. Such misidentifications are caused by
deviations from the standard protocol of controlled hand-pollination. As well as
inadequate isolation, other errors can occur at every stage, from pollen handling to
nursery management and field establishment or recording planting data. Current
practices therefore need to be reviewed and improved. Lack of fidelity within
collections can result in conservation of useless material and errors being propagated
through germplasm transfers around the world.
The majority of collections carry out screening for pest and disease resistance. This
reflects the objectives of the collections and the key traits of interest for breeding.
However systematic evaluation of ex situ collections for such important traits has only
been partially achieved. Uptake of accessions in breeding programmes has been
restricted. The main limiting factors mentioned by the collection curators for the
germplasm to be used in breeding are: 1) constraints in accessing materials (quarantine
and policies) 2) lack of precise information and knowledge (particularly evaluation) on
the material, 3) dearth of breeding programmes and breeders and 4) lack of funding
for research and breeding programmes.
Characterization using molecular markers is not routinely carried out. This may be
due to inadequate resources and facilities, or to the fact that such an evaluation does
not appear as a priority to curators.
26 Basically, this consists of selecting at random a subset of the female and male parents and of analysing DNA from parent
palms and their progenies. This technique can be only used when the precise pedigree of each palm planted is safely recorded,
and when the progenies are obtained by crossing parent palms one by one, and not by mixing pollen from several male parents.
Less than 20% of COGENT genebanks presently meet these two conditions.
66 Global Strategy for the Conservation and Use of Coconut Genetic Resources
There are 1,760 coconut accessions registered in the CGRD, totalling 144,559 palms
referenced as alive and covering about 900 ha. When removing the accessions which
have been already cut (because already regenerated or for another reason), and those
for which no number of palms have been reported27, there remain 1,374 accessions
with an average of 105 living palms per accession.
Table 2.5. Analysis of accessions for global efficiency of conservation (Analysis carried out in 2013).
Level of Description Total number Total number of Palms per
analysis of “globally useful” “globally useful” accessions
accessions palms
1 All living palms 1374 144,559 105
2 Excluding over representation due 1374 65,460 48
to excessive accession sizes:
- over 96 palms for Tall-types
- over 45 palms for Dwarf-types
3 Excluding (2) and cultivars 987 53,647 54
duplicated in the same genebank
4 Excluding (2),(3) and limiting the 857 47,816 56
conservation of cultivars at no more
than 3 replications worldwide
Some accessions registered in the CGRD have a number of living palms which is too
large for conservation purposes. For instance, the highest accession size was recorded
on an accession of Malayan Yellow Dwarf in Tanzania with 6,400 palms; this rather
coincides with a full seed garden and not with an accession planted for conservation. So
it is important to differentiate between the numbers of palms currently registered in the
27There are 153 old accessions removed from the fields with 0 as accession size; and more than 153 accessions do not have a
recorded size (data not sent by curators).
2. Where we are today? 67
database, and the numbers of palms really useful for conservation purposes. The
recommended sample size for an accession ranges from 72 to 9628 palms for
heterogeneous, allogamous Tall populations, and 45 palms for autogamous,
homogeneous Dwarfs.
A survey 29 conducted by the COGENT Secretariat in 2014 and 2015 among the
39 country members received a 49% response. Seventy-nine percent of the
24 genebanks (national + international) and 4 out of the 5 ICGs replied. This survey
established that among the 19 genebanks which replied, 80% of survey respondents
agreed that a backup should be applied to a selected set of priority cultivars, chosen to
represent global diversity. Not every cultivar would be secured, although every
existing cultivar would be represented in the priority set by at least one cultivar with a
very similar gene pool.
Viet Nam
150 Tanzania
Sri Lanka
400 Philippines
Papua New Guinea
300 Nigeria
250 Mexico
200 Malaysia
300 50 India
60 Haiti
50 110 120 Fiji
22 15
0 Cote d'Ivoire
AIO LAC SEA South Asia SP Brazil
and Middle
Figure 2.4. Hectares currently devoted to the genebanks (concerns 19 genebanks out of the 24)
Sixty percent of respondents estimate that support from the multilateral system should
be provided for a priority subset of the extant accessions proven to be distinct, based
on phenotypic observations. Due consideration should be given to the geographic
repartition of the origins of priority accession (to maximize genetic diversity).
28 96 palms per accession of Tall-types were considered for the present calculations.
29 See the results of the survey at
68 Global Strategy for the Conservation and Use of Coconut Genetic Resources
Accessions of high agronomic or market quality values for the country would be
funded, irrespective of whether they are sufficiently represented elsewhere or not.
Thus, it seems important to distinguish between what is needed at country level and
what is needed sensu stricto for conservation of the species at global level. Most of the
genebanks are interested in acquiring the same set of well-known, well-performing
and representative varieties. Indeed, this is useful for their national breeders, as it
serves as a core collection and basic material for breeding programmes. But when
conservation is assessed at the global level, there is no need for the same germplasm to
be conserved in more than two (according to FAO international standards) or three
genebanks (according to some coconut genebank curators) 30.
30 Except for some varieties serving as international reference controls. For Dwarf-types, the Malayan Yellow Dwarf; for Tall-
types, there is no consensus yet.
31A coconut accession is presently kept in the field during 30 years, although most of the characterization is conducted during
the first 12 years. A genetic experiment frequently covers an area of 8 hectares for a minimum period of at least 12 years. A
coconut breeder often analyses the experiments established by his/her predecessor and establishes experiments for his/her
2. Where we are today? 69
generally scattered in many small files not all having the same structure. This put the
data at further risk, because over time such bespoke software becomes obsolete, or it
becomes difficult to understand the particular structure of the numerous small files
used for storing the data.
The Coconut Data Management software (CDM) was created in 1996 by CIRAD for
managing palm-by-palm data 32. This software is presently used in only three
COGENT member-countries. Its main advantage is an efficient graphic interface for
managing the identity of the palms. The coconut database managed with CDM
software in Côte d’Ivoire is the largest and most comprehensive existing database in
any COGENT member-country. In October 2013, it contained 8.2 million observations
of fruit and bunch harvests conducted on 90,500 palms during 47 years (from 1967 to
2013); and millions of other observations of standard descriptors and fruit component
2.4.2 Managing international coconut databases
Information on morphology, evaluation, origins and locations of accessions conserved
ex situ is available in the CGRD 33 which was developed between 1994 and 2013 by
CIRAD. Until 2002, the project was funded by the French Government via Bioversity
International and implemented in collaboration with COGENT member-countries.
In 1999, the COGENT Steering Committee took the decision to release the CGRD into
the public domain, in order to disseminate this useful information and create public
awareness about coconut genetic resources 34. Since 2002 no regular funding has been
available to manage this database.
In the CGRD, data on coconut cultivars are divided in two main components:
(1) passport data and (2) characterization and evaluation data. It takes into account the
standardized descriptors for the coconut palms and the methods detailed in the
STANTECH manual. As indicated elsewhere in this Strategy, the CGRD is a crucial
strategic tool for three reasons:
• It provides the only means to assess coconut conservation at the global level. Most
strategic analyses presented in this Strategy rely on the content of CGRD;
• It provides access to information on conserved germplasm for all users. Curators
can be informed of what exists in other genebanks and request germplasm
transfers. Breeders can search for and identify the accessions they would like to
include in their plans;
• It serves as a data repository, to back up paper documents containing historical
data of accessions in the event of loss.
Version 3 of CDM delivered in March 2000 is able to manage the palm identification traits along with data on observations
during the vegetative phase, leaf morphology, stem measurements and state of the palms. It is possible to execute powerful
queries on the database, to export data into external file, and to make statistical analysis of widely used experimental designs.
The software was introduced in a COGENT training course held in Montpellier in 2002.
33 Available from URL:
34 Source: minutes of the 8th COGENT Steering Committee held in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, 20 -22 September 1999.
70 Global Strategy for the Conservation and Use of Coconut Genetic Resources
The CGRD software is too technical to be used by farmers and some other
stakeholders from the coconut value chain. In order to make germplasm information
available in the most user-friendly way, two initiatives were developed:
• A catalogue of conserved germplasm compiled and made available online.
Coconut varieties and populations conserved ex situ are each described by a page
of text and a page of standardized pictures 35;
• To aim at an online publication of the coconut data available in CGRD accessible in
a wider database system to be developed by Bioversity International for three
commodities - Musa, cocoa and coconut. This germplasm Information System,
called COCOGIS 36 for coconut, could provide user-friendly access to coconut
germplasm data, with the possibility of visualizing germplasm information
(passport and characterization standard descriptors) on geo-referenced maps and
satellite images. However, development has been suspended due to lack of
The TropGENE database, created and hosted by CIRAD, manages genomic and
phenotypic information about many tropical crops 37. TropGENE contains coconut
molecular markers and quality trait loci (QTL) data as well as genotyping studies. It is
not envisioned to include other types of information (such as phenotypic data) because
these are already available within CGRD. The data for genotyping studies included in
TropGENE have been generated by CIRAD and by institutions from COGENT
country-members, using 1,293 palms from 160 accessions collected in 34 countries.
Genesys is a global multicrop portal supported by the Secretariat of the Treaty. The
Genesys portal aims to provide users with improved access to the millions of
accessions held in genebanks worldwide. The only coconut accessions referenced in
Genesys are 18 from the USA and 147 from Côte d’Ivoire. It is expected that
COGENT data will be included at some point, but this operation requires the
signature of bilateral data sharing agreements between each COGENT country
member and the repository of the data in order to establish the intellectual property
rights of each party.
Obtaining data from curators can be challenging. More than 80% of the data presently
available on the CGRD database was obtained when COGENT experts went to the
countries and worked directly with curators and their teams. Thanks to CIRAD
(Chantal Hamelin, UMR AGAP) and to the three-month Bioversity/COGENT project
“Upgrading international coconut genebanks and evaluating accessions” funded by
the Trust, CGRD software has recently been updated and improved. Two upgraded
versions were released in 2012 and 2013 respectively. More recently, in May 2016,
Version 6.1.2 was released on the COGENT website 38 along with an updated user
manual in a downloadable pdf format.
At present, none of the COGENT databases available online includes the scientific
literature relevant to coconut genetic resources. Such a database is maintained on a
voluntary basis by Dr Hugh Harries as the Coconut Time line 39.
The climatic model also suggests some inland areas, as in the basins of the Amazon
and the Congo, where coconut is rare, or only recently introduced.
Figure 2.6 (former page) presents the geographic origin of coconut germplasm held in
the international collections under the aegis of COGENT. The Indo-Pacific region has
been relatively densely sampled. However, there are important collecting gaps along
the northern coasts of Australia, several areas in Indonesia, northern Viet Nam, the
Indian coast, southern Somalia, and eastern Madagascar. Western Africa has been
poorly explored, particularly south of the Gulf of Guinea. Similarly, in the neotropics,
germplasm from the Caribbean coasts, Gulf of Mexico, northern South America and
the equatorial Pacific are very poorly represented in the international collections.
Remote sensing analysis is the most cost-effective way to precisely map cultivated
areas and inventory coconut resources. Coconut palms are easily recognisable in
satellite images and can be counted with adapted field controls. Such an approach
was developed in French Polynesia (Teina et al. 2008, Desmier et al. 2011) and in
Kiribati (Forstreuter 2013). With the support of GIZ the same resource-mapping
exercise is in progress for Tuvalu 40. Multi-temporal aerial photographs and high-
resolution satellite images are also used to assess
shoreline changes, coastal erosion and flooding,
especially in low atolls such as Tuvalu (Ford 2013)
and Marshall Islands (Duvat et al. 2013).
In 2008, a process-based dynamic simulation model
for coconut was developed and validated for
different agro-climatic zones of India (Kumar et al.
2008). This model is being used to anticipate the
impact of climate change (Kumar et al. 2013).
Simulation analysis has indicated that agronomic
adaptations such as soil-moisture conservation,
summer irrigation, drip irrigation, and fertilizer
application may not only minimise losses in the
majority of coconut growing regions, but may also
substantially improve productivity. In India, Figure 2.7. Future coconut
implementing such strategies could increase productivity under different models of
productivity by 25–32% by 2050 to 2080, depending climate change. (from Kumar and
on the climate scenario (Figure 2.7). Aggarwal 2013)
remains low yielding and highly susceptible to prevailing diseases and pests.
Furthermore, only a very few varieties have been selected for sensory quality aimed at
the specialty coconut market. This underscores the importance of germplasm
collections and their utilization by farmers, breeders and all stakeholders in the
coconut industry.
• A second technique consists in planting two separate isolated fields. The largest
field is planted with only a variety used as female parent, while the other field is
planted with another variety used as male parent 41. In the first field, all
inflorescences are emasculated. In the second field, male flowers are harvested and
processed in order to obtain big quantities of pollen. Then a mixture of talc and
pollen is dusted on the emasculated inflorescences in the first field.
Such seed gardens now exist in several coconut-growing countries. They are managed
directly by a local genebank curator or by another service within the same institution 42.
They can also be run by a private company. Generally, one to four coconut varieties
are released on a large scale to farmers by genebank-operated seed-gardens. Producing
and transporting seednuts and seedlings is expensive. At least a year and half is
needed between pollination and field-planting a seedling. There is a time limit once
the seednut has germinated (usually within a few months of harvest) and the seedlings
are best planted out during the rainy season. A one-hectare Dwarf seed garden
(producing Dwarf x Tall hybrids) requires on average the equivalent of 1.1 full time
field workers (R. Bourdeix, personal communication 43) and generally produces
16, 000 seednuts per year (Dominguez et al. 2003) when managed without irrigation.
In many small countries, the coconut seednuts made available by breeders to farmers
remain extremely scarce. Because of the cost of operations, Government agricultural
services often promote a single variety, such as a Dwarf x Tall hybrid, which is
presented as a ‘panacea’ to farmers. Unfortunately, it was observed that after a short
trial period, farmers often refuse to continue planting this material. Farmers prefer to
think and choose for themselves, and wish to choose from a range of varieties (when
this choice is offered to them, they generally choose to plant more than one coconut
variety in their fields (Bourdeix et al. 2016). India offers a case study regarding farmers’
attitudes to coconut hybrids, as summarised in the box on next page
In almost all cases, farmers have to pay for getting seednuts from national institutions
or private companies. According to the survey conducted in 2013, 80% of COGENT
representatives believe that the genebank and its associated seed gardens provide
good material to farmers, at affordable prices (87%) and farmers are not really
reluctant to pay for new coconut planting material (67%).
41The field used for harvesting pollen is often an accession conserved in the genebank. This second technique needs more
equipment and manpower (workers and a laboratory to process the pollen). It is more flexible because it allows successively
producing hybrids with the same female parent but with different male parents.
42 According to the survey conducted in 2013, genebanks and seed gardens are under the same institution at 80%; for 47%,
they are located in the same place.
43 Based on figures from Côte d’Ivoire genebank: emasculation 0.76 man/ha; pollination 0.14 man/ha; other tasks: 0.2 man/ha.
So the yield of a Dwarf coconut seed garden is about 8.5 seednuts per hour of work. If irrigation and high level of fertilization are
applied, the yields could reach 250 seednuts per palm per year, 50,000 seednuts per hectare per year, and 27 seednuts per
hour of work. Seednuts are often sold at least half a dollar each (and often much more), it give a gross income of at least
US$13 per hour of work which represents an opportunity for many farmers and private companies.
2. Where we are today? 77
Plate 2.2
78 Global Strategy for the Conservation and Use of Coconut Genetic Resources
Table 2.6 gives the typology of varieties that are presently used by and released to
farmers. In the case of the coconut palm, the term “hybrid” is defined in its widest
sense as a cross between two structures belonging to different varieties. The term
“structure” here means a population, a family, or an individual (and is not related to
the kind of varieties that are being produced through crosses of inbred varieties as in
the case of maize).
2. Where we are today? 79
The term “improved hybrid” also refers to a cross between two structures belonging to
different varieties but at least one of these structures being improved by progeny tests
for combining ability. One more generation of experiments is needed to evolve from
hybrids to improved hybrids.
The development of mass production techniques for hybrid seednuts dates back to the
1970s. These techniques opened the way for distributing coconut hybrids at scale,
enabling many farmers to adopt them.
The first international meeting of coconut breeders was organized by Burotrop, GTZ
and IPGRI (now Bioversity) and hosted at Marc Delorme Research Station in Côte
d’Ivoire in 1994. The meeting aimed to create a connection between the existing
coconut breeding programmes around the world and to standardize the techniques
employed in coconut breeding (Batugal and Rao 1998, Santos et al. 1996). At the end of
the meeting, it was observed that most of the national breeding programmes preferred
to rely on their local cultivars rather than to introduce advanced varieties from the
largest breeding centres, such as the Marc Delorme research station in Côte d’Ivoire.
In 2001, COGENT supported the APCC in conducting a survey on farmers’ varietal
preferences in 10 coconut-producing countries. The results showed that: 1) social
facts are critical for explaining varietal preferences (Bourdeix et al. 2008); 2) although,
there is no universal hybrid, hybrids generally performed better than the Tall
traditional varieties under adequate rainfall and good soil conditions; and 3) farmers
had not focused exclusively on high yields but were also interested in other traits
such as robustness requiring low inputs and special characteristics for producing
high-value products.
Between 1999 and 2004, COGENT conducted a multi-location trial (CMT) involving
seven countries from Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean. This experiment,
funded by the Common Fund for Commodities (CFC) compared the same six
promising hybrids for copra production, shipped from Côte d’Ivoire with hybrids and
traditional varieties produced locally. Sixteen coconut hybrids tested in this project
started to flower two and a half to three years after planting, compared with the five to
six years normally required for traditional Tall-type varieties to reach flowering stage.
Potential annual copra yield projections for the best hybrids was up to 5 t/ha at the
peak of production (10-12 years) compared to the 1t/ha generally produced by the
traditional cultivars (Batugal et al. 2005a). Exploitation of mutations has also been
considered, such as the breeding work on varieties known as Makapuno/Kopyor or
Aromatic (See box next page).
Some examples illustrating the importance of coconut genetic diversity: a fruit from a
Makapuno palm pollinated by another variety will not have the soft and thick kernel specific
of Makapuno. A tender coconut from an Aromatic Green Dwarf but pollinated by another
variety will lose its special delightful fragrance. Observations conducted notably in Papua
New Guinea reveal a wide genetic diversity in fruit quality, which is extremely difficult to
capture. For instance, 10 to 20% of the fruits produced by some rare palms have tasty
kernels as crispy and tender as apples. In fact, as for Makapuno and Aromatic Green Dwarf,
the quality of the kernel and coconut water relies on the genotype of the pollen: the kernel
will be tender and crispy only when the mother-palm self-pollinates. This phenomenon
occurs less frequently for Tall varieties which are mainly pollinated by surrounding palms.
Most Dwarf varieties are homozygous and self-pollinating, so the three sets of
chromosomes in kernel and coconut water are almost identical.
Yield was the main breeding target in all locations unaffected by lethal diseases. Yield
improvement breeding strategies are either intra-varietal selection (also called mass
selection methods) or inter-varietal hybridization.
Mass selection methods, i.e. selecting the best palms within the best plots began to be
scientifically applied in the 1940s. All the research stations involved with coconut
breeding have used this mass selection method.
There are three variants of mass selection, differing according to the reproduction
system used: mass selection using open pollination; selfing 44; or intercrossing
(Bourdeix 1988). Positive mass selection using open pollination has been the most
practised, but with variable results 45. In the most favourable cases, the drastic selection
necessary to obtain a substantial improvement would considerably reduce the
potential of seednut production. One more generation of multiplication is needed to
multiply the best palms. Thus, it is better to use this generation to evaluate parent
palms not only from their own performance but also from their progeny’s
performance. In any event, breeding methods based on progeny tests within a variety
(intra population) have rarely been used, generally because the pedigree of the
progenies was not kept after planting. Pioneering work was conducted in Indonesia
where evaluation of open pollinated progenies of the Mapanget Tall (Tammes 1958)
started in 1926.
A list of hybrids tested by most coconut breeding centres was published in 1999
(Bourdeix 1999). From 1960 to 1999, about 400 hybrids between traditional cultivars
were evaluated. After 2000, the creation of new hybrids strongly decreased in favour of
44Selfing, also called self-pollination, induces a yield decline without appreciably increasing production homogeneity. In the most
favourable cases, the drastic selection necessary to obtain an improvement considerably reduces seednut production potential.
45 The main drawback of mass selection using open pollination is the unknown rate of selfing, which fluctuates according to
seasons and numerous other parameters. From a genetic point of view, this rate is important because selfing often induces
inbreeding depression in Tall-type cultivars. Efficiency of mass selection in the case of the coconut palm is hotly debated.
84 Global Strategy for the Conservation and Use of Coconut Genetic Resources
46Treatment through injection of a tetracycline-type antibiotic is efficient but its high cost and environmental effects prevent its
wide application.
2. Where we are today? 85
Until the 1960s no coconut disease was apparent in Vanuatu. During a breeding
programme initiated in 1967, many foreign coconut varieties were planted in Espiritu
Santo Island. Within a few years, these imported varieties started to die. Coconut foliar
decay virus (CFDV) is a lethal disease which is endemic in Vanuatu. The local
populations known as 'Vanuatu Tall' (VTT) constitute the only cultivar that is fully
tolerant to CFDV. All introduced cultivars and hybrids were affected to different
degrees. Between 1967 and 2008 a conventional breeding programme was conducted
with the aim of creating hybrid planting-material combining CFDV tolerance with
improved copra yield and high copra weight per nut. This objective was finally
achieved by crossing the progeny of selfed palms of the 'Rennell Island Tall' (RIT)
cultivar, selected for large fruits and CFDV tolerance in field screening tests, with VTT,
improved by mass selection and inter-crossing (Labouisse et al. 2011).
In Colombia, the International Centre for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) has been
involved in research on Red Ring Disease (RRD) caused by a nematode,
Bursaphelenchus cocophilus, transmitted by the coconut weevil Rhynchophorus palmarum.
This disease complex usually kills over 80% of palms in affected areas along the
Colombian Pacific coast. A methodology for screening for resistance by inoculation of
seedlings under greenhouse conditions has been developed.
In Mexico, a second genetic improvement phase began in 2009, to develop LYD
resistance with three components:
1. Developing coconut varieties by self-pollination of three CMT hybrids: MATAG,
Malayan Red Dwarf (MRD) x Tagnanan Tall; MRD x Vanuatu Tall (VTT); VTT x
Tagnanan Tall (TAGT); and PB121+ Malayan Yellow Dwarf x improved West
African. These progenies were evaluated from 2002 to 2011 in Tabasco for yield and
resistance to LYD;
2. Cloning open-pollinated progenies of the best MATAG hybrid and multiplication
by somatic embryogenesis. This step was also achieved;
3. Eleven coconut cultivars, (including Vanuatu Tall and Tagnanan Tall), were also
introduced from the International genebank in Côte d’Ivoire to Mexico in 2012 by
using in vitro cultivated embryos. These international transfers are not yet
registered in CGRD. VTT and TAGT will be used as the male parents for producing
seednuts from those LYD resistant hybrids identified in the multi-location trial.
47 For instance, the Sri Lanka Green Dwarf (PGD) is tolerant to LYD in Ghana but it produces small useless fruits on the sandy
African soils. The Malayan Red Dwarf (MRD) has better agronomic value. It was tolerant to the first strains of LYD in Jamaica
86 Global Strategy for the Conservation and Use of Coconut Genetic Resources
but is sensitive to the Ghanaian pathogen. The hybrid PGD x MRD was created in 1993; in 2005 the F2 generation was planted
by selfing this hybrid, so (PGD x MRD) x (PGD x MRD). From this progeny it is expected to find new Dwarf combinations with
both tolerance to LYD and good agronomic value. See the Plate 3.1 in Chapter 3.
2. Where we are today? 87
conducted on four cultivars (Assa et al. 2013). The sweeter water of immature nuts
from Dwarf-type cultivars was the most appreciated.
Along with the development of new descriptors, new quality measurement tools and
methods are now available for high throughput phenotyping. Near infrared
spectroscopy, high performance chromatography, digital image analysis combined
with proteomics and metabolomics analyses are available. Some of these tools have
already been optimized for the study of coconut fruits’ quality (Prades et al. 2006).
See more pictures at:
90 Global Strategy for the Conservation and Use of Coconut Genetic Resources
Studies have been conducted on the gene sequence, regulation pattern and expression
of various genes involved in fatty acid metabolism during in vitro culture, as well as in
the Makapuno trait and in disease resistance. Single nucleotide-amplified
polymorphism SNAP markers linked to enzymes involved in endosperm
development were shown to be polymorphic when comparing Makapuno/Kopyor
and normal coconut (Sukendahm et al. 2009). Markers associated with the Tall-type
palm trait in coconut were identified using either sequence-characterized amplification
region (SCAR) (Rajesh et al. 2013) or SSR (Bandupriya et al. 2013) markers The
genomes of key coconut pathogens (Phytoplasma, Eriophyes) has also been studied.
Apart from SSR markers, expressed sequence tag (EST)-derived single nucleotide
polymorphism (SNP) and insertion-deletion polymorphism (indel) markers also
been applied in coconut genomics research. Coconut WRKY transcription factor
genes were used to assess variation at the single nucleotide level, and SNPs were
detected. Recently, an extensive transcriptome sequencing campaign has allowed
identifying 57,304 unique genes (Fan et al. 2013) and the complete chloroplast
genome has been obtained (Huang et al. 2013). Thus, the genomics and information
revolution has generated a wealth of information which is now beginning to be used
for breeding purposes.
50 See the URL: More details about sea level change in Chapter 13 of the report at URL:
2. Where we are today? 91
the world’s biodiversity) (Kier et al. 2009) and certainly more than 50% of coconut
diversity. At least two thirds of coconut plantations are located in coastal zones and
the majority of coconut growing countries are islands.
Effects of climate change are already obvious. For example, on some Polynesian
islands in the Tuamotu Archipelago, coconut farmers point out increasingly frequent
phenomena of high tidal swell and saltwater incursions from the ocean on atolls. This
phenomenon is not new but this swell sweeps fallen coconuts off the strands and salt
water stays longer on the land and contributes to a high salinization of soils and the
fresh-water lens on atolls, inducing a decrease in coconut production (Prades and
Ollivier 2013).
Recently, a study was conducted on 10 insular biodiversity hotspots (Bellard et al.
2014), eight of which are spread over 3927 islands, which include important coconut
cultivation areas (Figure 2.8). Depending on the sea level rise scenario, the number of
“coconut” islands with submersion risk ranges from 231 to 700 (Table 2.7). Therefore,
priorities for collecting the most endangered germplasm are to be set by integrating
these projections from climate scenarios, the knowledge on in situ coconut diversity
and the analysis of the diversity presently conserved in ex situ collections.
Figure. 2.8. Localization of the eight insular biodiversity hotspots (in red) which includes important coconut
cultivation areas (in pale yellow). Adapted from Bellard et al. 2012.
In addition to sea level rise, climate change is projected to increase mean temperatures,
accentuate skewed precipitation, and increase the frequency and intensity of extreme
rainfall events and tropical cyclones, leading to more frequent flooding. Apart from
low altitude islands, the cultivation zones most endangered by climate changes will be
the river deltas and the zones prone to longer dry or hot periods. Some models project
a substantial decline in winter rainfall in South-east Asia.
Growing more resilient varieties is essential for regions that are projected to be
negatively impacted by climate change. ‘Climate resilient’ coconut varieties possessing
characteristics such as: stronger root systems, thicker and shorter stems for tolerance to
cyclones; drought tolerance for regions affected by longer dry seasons; and tolerance to
greater heat (Ranasinghe et al. 2012) and more saline environments, when appropriate.
92 Global Strategy for the Conservation and Use of Coconut Genetic Resources
Plate 2.3
2. Where we are today? 93
Table 2.8. Projected numbers of islands to be submerged by the sea - under two scenarios:
A - Rise in sea level by 1 m and B - by 6 m (From Bellard et al. 2012).
By 2030, 50% of the world population will live within 100 km of the coast (Bindo et al.
2007) and hence inside coconut cultivation areas in tropical countries. Coconut
tolerates moderate salinity and is the most adapted crop to sandy coastal areas. In
India, the CPCRI has developed a coconut-based technology for littoral sandy soil
management by adopting soil-moisture conservation measures and resorting to
intercropping. The technique converts hot sandy stretches of land into highly
productive and remunerative
cropping systems. It involves Palms for Tsunami survival
moisture conservation with coconut People of the Pacific
Region traditionally
husk and coir pith, and intercropping used coconut palm to
during the wet season with a variety survive a tsunami or
of vegetables, pineapple and fodder cyclones: for instance
grass. This system enables farmers to in the Tuamotu
double their income and has potential Archipelago, the
Polynesian practice to
for wider application. survive tsunamis was
Interactions between coconut and the following: when
isolated on a low coral
climate occur in two main ways. island, quickly climb a
While climate change influences tall coconut palm, cut
coconut plantations, the climate itself off all its leaves, and
is also moderated by the plantations. attach yourself with a
Coconut plantations are very good rope to the top of the
trunk, and wait...
candidates for mitigating greenhouse
gas emissions. Depending on their
extent of spread, coconut plantations contribute to microclimates which regulate the
weather and allow intercropping. Coconut plantations capture carbon dioxide and
release oxygen, as for any photosynthesising plant. The carbon sequestration potential
of coconut plantations is estimated to be about 8-32 Mg CO2/ha/year depending on
the age, soil type and management as well as the components considered (Kumar
2009, Roupsard et al. 2002). Apart from these, coconut oil is also used as fuel oil in
remote islands where the cost of imported fuel transportation is high, as well as in
94 Global Strategy for the Conservation and Use of Coconut Genetic Resources
some bigger islands such as those of the Philippines. Utilization of coconut biomass
residues such as shells and husks for heat and power generation is common in the
coconut and allied industries.
Although coconut palms are widely planted in coastal zones to reduce erosion, no
scientific study has yet been conducted to assess, quantify and eventually promote this
use. When used for beach landscaping, these palms tolerate flooding better than
Casuarina trees (filao). For instance, coconut palms played a crucial role during the
2004 tsunami and saved hundreds of lives by reducing the intensity of wave. In many
coastal villages, coconut palms remained standing even when many houses and other
buildings were flattened.
BenTre Festival
A fine example is the 3rd Coconut Festival
held in Ben Tre, Vietnam, with hundreds of
thousands of domestic and foreign visitors
and local people taking part. The festival is
not only a show-case of coconut products
made by local processors but it also
features the unique beauty of the Ben Tre
province. These include highly appreciated
activities such as: A coconut product
exhibition and commercial fair; Community
cultural activities; a coconut road art
installation ; a coconut food festival; a Miss
Beauty of coconut land; Visiting coconut
Dragon made from tender coconuts
plantation; a fine arts & handicrafts contest;
in Ben tre festival, Vietnam
a seminar on how to best promote the
value chain of coconut; a ceremony to
honour coconut farmers;
It is an opportunity for farmers, researchers, managers, processors and traders to
exchange their techniques on growing coconuts and processing high value products to
improve the local Ben Tre coconut industry in particular and Vietnam coconut industry in
The majority of world’s inhabitants are urban. Coconut palms are widely used for
landscaping in cities and towns in tropical regions. The number of coconut palms
planted annually in public places greatly outstrips the total number palms existing in
all the ex situ coconut genebanks. Many coconut palms are planted in public places
without considering genetic resource aspects, and even sometimes without even a
landscaping rationale.
Some exceptional coconut palms have become local tourist attractions such as the
‘Seven in one’ palm in Rarotonga, Cook Island 52, the “Seven Branch coconut freak” in
Karakit, Malaysia, the Eight-headed coconut palm in Ko Samui Island in Thailand, or
52 See the full story, including DNA molecular analysis, at URL:
96 Global Strategy for the Conservation and Use of Coconut Genetic Resources
the 14-branch coconut palm at Baa in Maalhos Island, Maldives 53. These rare
“branched” palms were never studied and sampled for conservation in ex situ
collections. They may help understand the functioning of the growing point; this may
contribute to the improvement in vitro cultivation techniques.
A 14 branched coconut palm located on the island of Baa. Maalhos (left) and The “Seven in one”
coconut palm in Rarotonga, Cook Islands (right).
The International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture
(ITPGRFA) is an international agreement with the overall goal of supporting global
food security, allowing governments, farmers, research institutes and agro-industries
to work together by pooling their genetic resources and sharing the benefits from their
use – thus protecting and enhancing food crops while giving fair recognition and
benefits to local farmers who have nurtured these crops through the millennia. It was
adopted in 2001 by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization and came
into force in 2004. The Treaty’s truly innovative solution to access and benefit sharing,
the Multilateral System, puts 64 of our most important crops – crops that together
account for 80 percent of the food we derive from plants – into an easily accessible
global pool of genetic resources that is freely available to potential users in the Treaty’s
ratifying nations for some uses. Coconut is one of these 64 crops, listed in the Annex 1
of the Treaty.
However, access to these resources is often restricted by pests and diseases affecting
the germplasm and its safe movement, by the complexity of institutional legal and
policy frameworks for the exchange of materials, and by the lack of commitment of
some countries to provide conserved germplasm at the international level.
As presented below, the safe movement and exchange of coconut germplasm has been
a major focus of COGENT and international organizations like CGIAR and FAO.
Plate 2.4
2. Where we are today? 99
The rapid growth of biotechnology over recent decades has prompted many countries
to recognize the significant economic potential of their genetic resources and
indigenous knowledge. The development of a global system on plant genetic resources
was launched in 1983 under the auspices of FAO. The Commission on Genetic
Resources for Food and Agriculture (CGRFA) aims to provide a flexible, fair and
equitable framework for sharing the benefits and burdens of conservation and use of
genetic resources.
Through the multilateral system promoted by the Treaty, stakeholders benefit from an
easier and simpler access to a broader range of coconut diversity. Such access is often
critical for increasing coconut production. Global collaboration in sharing these genetic
resources should offer numerous benefits:
• Enhanced access to a broader range of germplasm including:
Populations and cultivars collected in farmers’ fields, conserved and
characterized in several ex situ collections in different geographical areas,
Breeding populations with enhanced agronomic and quality traits
(especially pest and disease resistance),
Facilitated and more secure international germplasm movements.
• Enhanced free access to information and knowledge regarding coconut germplasm:
Global Information Systems providing reliable, standardized and
comparable data, and dedicated to the wide range of stakeholders using
coconut germplasm, such as consumers, farmers, processors and
Easier access to technologies, procedures and methods for coconut
cultivation, conservation, breeding, research, processing and use.
• New or enhanced strategic alliances and partnerships within and beyond COGENT
generate synergies in several ways including:
Effectively harnessing technologies such as standardized characterization
and evaluation of coconut germplasm; quarantine measures for pest and
diseases; genetic diversity analysis; cryopreservation of pollen, embryos or
plumules; somatic embryogenesis; and a wide range of molecular tools,
Enhancing the legal status of the genebanks for securing conservation at the
national level and extending the roles and responsibilities of NARS up to
international level,
The opportunity to interact in a much broader and more efficient manner
and to participate in defining common objectives in this Strategy,
Developing and harnessing new funding opportunities and commitments to
support the implementation of this Strategy.
100 Global Strategy for the Conservation and Use of Coconut Genetic Resources
55The International Coconut Genetic Resources Database (CGRD) does not take in account germplasm transfers conducted
during the recent embryo project funded by the Trust (it is necessary for the accessions to be planted in the field), nor the
material recently taken by Mexico and Brazil from Côte d’Ivoire (no data transmitted by countries).
102 Global Strategy for the Conservation and Use of Coconut Genetic Resources
Guinea has provided a total of 12 varieties to Côte d’Ivoire, Malaysia, Vanuatu and Sri
Lanka. In India, the international genebank provided only four varieties to Sri Lanka in
2002 and has acquired 22 varieties from other genebanks. International collections
located in Indonesia and Brazil did not distribute germplasm to other countries 56;
However, Brazil has received 10 varieties from Côte d’Ivoire; Indonesia did not receive
any variety from any other genebank. In the 2013 COGENT survey, only 40%
respondents agreed that international collections are effectively playing their role in
distributing germplasm at international level; 73% believed that the number of
international genebanks should be doubled in order to increase efficiency and number
of germplasm movements.
Among national genebanks, the Philippines was the most active germplasm
provider, even exceeding all international genebanks except Côte d’Ivoire. Sri Lanka
has provided varieties to Vietnam, Tanzania, Papua New Guinea and India; and
Bangladesh, Mauritius and Madagascar have provided varieties to India. The
national genebank of Solomon Islands provided the Rennell Island Tall to India,
Vanuatu and Fiji.
During the past 30 years, according to CGRD records, only a third of the 39 COGENT
country-members benefited from receiving coconut germplasm from 13 countries.
However, this data does not reflect the complete picture of germplasm exchange over
the period. For instance, varieties were also sent from Côte d’Ivoire to Mozambique and
Mexico, from Sri Lanka to Oman. Due to lack of budget and manpower for managing
the CGRD and to lack of response and transmission of data from national researchers,
these varieties have not yet been recorded as transferred accessions in the database.
56 The four varieties sent from Indonesia to Côte d’Ivoire came from a private company.
2. Where we are today? 103
According to the CGRD during the past four decades, germplasm exchanges have
generally decreased. Transfer between genebanks reached 99 accessions in 1980; it
doubled (104 more accessions) from 1981 to 1990, and then it increased much more
slowly: only 34 germplasm transfers from 1991 to 2000, and 34 more from 2001 to 2017.
This decrease is mainly due to emerging diseases, to the growing complexity of
regulations on germplasm exchanges, and to the technological constraints of in vitro
embryo cultivation. From a global perspective, in recent years, access to crop genetic
resources has been constrained by exclusive technological and legal restrictions
(Halewood 2013).
To our knowledge, since 2004, the year when the Treaty was signed, no Standard
Material Transfer Agreement (SMTA) was used when moving coconut germplasm,
despite the recommendations of the Treaty and the fact that many COGENT members
are contracting parties of the Treaty. The SMTA 57 is a mandatory model for parties
wishing to provide and receive material under the Multilateral System.
The first SMTA was recently signed in 2015 between CNRA and CIRAD while
exchanging very specific material called “mapping population” which was used to
prepare the sequence of the coconut genome.
COGENT countries agreed that the germplasm conserved in ex situ collections is a
common good which is not for sale. Countries requesting germplasm from ex situ
collections do not have to pay for the value of the germplasm itself. Nevertheless,
managing this germplasm is costly, so requesting countries or dedicated projects
should contribute. In 2011, the COGENT Secretariat launched a first initiative to
standardize the cost of preparing germplasm for international exchange. Côte d’Ivoire
and the Philippines, which are the main providers of coconut germplasm worldwide,
agreed on the same germplasm preparation costs which are summarized in Annex 7.
104 Global Strategy for the Conservation and Use of Coconut Genetic Resources
COGENT’s nascent international thematic action groups (ITAGs- see Annex 4) also
embrace a number of other individuals and institutions who have provided
supporting expertise during the Strategy development. Full lists of proposed members
are available on the COGENT website.
The “Coconut knowledge network for information exchange about Cocos ”, known as
the coconut Google group58 and coordinated by Dr Hugh Harries is the main
international forum in which important subjects have been usefully debated,
contributing to the relevance and focusing of this Strategy.
All these partners, particularly those holding germplasm in the public domain, as well
as any other organizations, institutions or networks involved in coconut genetic
resources in recent years, are likely to participate in the implementation of this
Strategy. The coconut genetic resources scientific community is currently collaborating
through a number of networks, projects and international legal and technical
frameworks. COGENT is linking all of the key partners in the coconut sector,
COGENT aims to harness the benefits of its networked approach, particularly in the
context of the Treaty and its global Plan of action. Since 1992, COGENT has
developed an increasing number of connections with genebank curators, decision
makers from the public and private sectors, scientists, private companies, farmers
from the field until the highest levels. The COGENT Steering Committee, where
official representatives from 39 coconut producing countries stand is a unique place
to produce recommendations going directly to the Governments. These
recommendations, being based on the inputs of hundreds of the most eminent
scientists and hundreds of stakeholders working in the coconut sector for many
years, are strong and highly reliable.
COGENT network is the only global entity able to generate a world vision of the status
of the biodiversity and genetic resources of the coconut crop. Its existence should be
recognized by FAO and UN as crucial to protect and ensure the food security of the
future generations of coconut farmers and stakeholders. Without genetic resources
preservation, the capacity of adaptation of this specific crop to challenges such as
climate change, pest, disease or urbanization will be jeopardised. Thus, the monetary
equilibrium of millions of people on the planet will be threatened.
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2. Where we are today? 111
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3. Where we need to be to secure diversity and promote use 113
Based on the constraints affecting the current conservation systems, the many
discussions conducted within COGENT and with broader coconut community, and
the effective participation of 90 key contributors in developing this document, the
future direction of the Global Strategy has the following ten strategic components (in
order of priority):
1. Reinforce COGENT as a sustainable, powerful and effective platform for the
collaborative conception, coordination and implementation of priority projects
in the field of coconut genetic resources
2. Strengthen local, national and international commitment to identify, collect,
conserve, document and better use coconut genetic resources.
3. Revisit and optimize the present organization of the COGENT coconut
collections in close collaboration with other partners.
4. Develop the mechanisms and procedure, skills, knowledge, capacity,
laboratories and other resources required for safe and facilitated international
germplasm movements.
5. Identify critical genetic and geographical gaps in existing ex situ collections,
prioritize and build up missions aiming both to collect germplasm, boost in
situ and ex situ local conservation and strengthen their interface.
6. Develop and improve national and global coconut germplasm databases and
sharing of technical information regarding germplasm and planting material.
7. Secure the conservation of existing ex situ coconut genetic resources and their
8. Prepare the field of coconut genomics that will become a crucial tool for
conservation and use of coconut genetic resources. This will be conducted by
seeking and establishing ‘strategic alliances’ with already existing genomic
research teams and set-ups.
9. Strengthen the use of the coconut genetic resources by enhancing
characterization and evaluation of germplasm, dissemination of breeding
results as well as marketing of improved varieties.
10. Promote and strengthen in situ conservation of landraces and dissemination
by local stakeholders of good planting material in a sustainable and equitable
manner. This will integrate a gender approach to better understand and
valorize the effective role of women in these activities.
1See: Creating Market Demand and Promoting Market Access for Coconut Products "The Cocommunity" - Monthly APCC
Newsletter Volume 43, Series No. 10, 1 October 2013.
116 Global Strategy for the Conservation and Use of Coconut Genetic Resources
the website, coordinate exchanges with media and help produce short videos such as
those recently released on coconut climbing techniques.
All the photographs presented in this Strategy were produced as very high definition
images. They have been made available for downloading from the COGENT website or
in the new website “Planting Material for the Pacific Region” 3. These plates can also be
printed in poster size format. They will be used to promote the various aspects of
coconut genetic resources and use.
Communication with farmers
Recommendation 3 of the 2012 COGENT Steering Committee meeting includes:
• Encouraging local stakeholders (men and women farmers, private enterprise,
NGOs and CBOs) to become more involved in supplying quality germplasm, and
to teach farmers and other stakeholders how to autonomously produce quality
seedlings of hybrids and other varieties, using the Polymotu concept or any other
adopted method.
• Assessing farmers’ knowledge regarding the reproductive biology of the coconut
palm and the use of genetic markers such as sprout colour for breeding purposes.
This study should be conducted by 1) drafting a standard gender-sensitive
questionnaire by ethno-biologists and geneticists, 2) training local researchers to
implement the survey, and 3) interviewing at least 100 farmers in each of at least 20
countries of the 39 COGENT member-countries.
• Developing a communication strategy to increase farmers’ knowledge regarding
coconut reproductive biology and breeding methods, including training tools,
video guidelines, media communication, and an approach for marketing of genetic
• Conducting a similar survey with the same questionnaire five years after launching
this process, in order to assess progress regarding the farmers’ knowledge.
As it will be discussed in section 3.7.2 and 3.9.3, the access to a database “seednuts for
farmers” will be added to the main page of the COGENT website. As not all farmers
can access internet, the database will include downloadable and multilingual technical
documentation which will be easily printed and distributed if needed.
Communication with media
Researchers cannot replace journalists, but they can greatly assist them in providing
unique raw material. Journalists generally work on a reportage for only a few days;
many researchers are in the field, interacting with stakeholders almost every day. So
researchers can capture images that journalists could never portray. Each research
centre should have at least a small High Definition camera able to record professional
quality images, videos and audio recordings. Researchers should receive a 2-4 hours
training to be able to produce good quality footage and stills. Journalists will obtain
the best footage by mixing their own recordings with those made by researchers.
In 2013, twenty–five short videos have been released by the Secretariat on the COGENT
website, of which eight were prepared by COGENT itself. During the next five years,
COGENT plan to make and release about 50 more short videos. They will last from one
to about 13 minutes each and deal with various subjects, such as: guidelines for
controlled hand-pollination and fields observations; presentation of the ex situ
collections and their curators; How do coconuts reproduce? How to distinguish a Dwarf
from a Tall coconut? The amazing diversity of the coconut palm, etc.
A provisional list of these videos is to be prepared, published on the COGENT
website, and submitted for approval during the next COGENT SC meeting. The
COGENT secretariat, together with the NGO Diversiflora International 4 has already
made HD shootings related to the all coconut value chain in more than 15 COGENT
member-countries. At least 60% of the shootings needed for making these 50 videos
are already available.
Communication with decision-makers
The communication with decision makers of COGENT Secretariat and collaborating
institutions in COGENT member-countries should follows the official channels
existing in the various national, regional and international institutions collaborating
with the network. These channels and the identities of decision makers at the
successive levels must perfectly be identified in order for COGENT communication to
be as targeted and efficient as possible.
As part of the “early warning system” for identifying threats to germplasm, an
interesting exercise could be to simulate, in each country, the worrying situation that
happened in Indonesia a few years ago. As mentioned in section 2.3.1, fifteen hectares
of coconut accessions were destroyed with bulldozers to build a horserace track. When
a genebank gets under threats, the curator should precisely know who to contact at
national level in order to solve the problem. She/he also should contact immediately
the COGENT Secretariat. Thus, the COGENT secretariat should be able to react and
alert the accurate people in national and international organizations in order for
warning calls to be instantly given to the Ministry level(s) in the country concerned.
International recommendations emitted by the COGENT SC 5 provide also an efficient
way to communicate with decision-makers on crucial aspect of conservation and use
of coconut genetic resources. This was for instance applied with the recommendation 3
of the COGENT SC held in 2012, which includes:
• Decision-makers at the local, national and international levels to adopt effective
portfolios of strategies and gender-sensitive guidelines for conservation and
sustainable use of coconut genetic resources to meet the needs of men and women
stakeholders, and especially to ensure both effective conservation and availability
of good planting material for coconut replanting programmes.
4 See:
5 It could be interesting for COGENT to associate with APCC for emitting joint international recommendations.
3. Where we need to be to secure diversity and promote use 119
• National Agricultural Services and breeders to allow farmers to make their own
decisions, and consider not advising farmers to grow a single coconut variety, be it
Tall, Hybrid, Dwarf or whatever.
• Seednut producers and agricultural services to provide farmers, at the national
level, a range of at least six different coconut varieties, including Talls, hybrids,
Dwarfs and eventually composite varieties, and to explain to farmers the specificity
of each variety regarding environmental adaptation and cultural practices. Most
farmers are very likely to choose to plant more than one variety.
6 From Dr Vinay Chand, international coconut expert, in Coconut google group, 24th October 2013: “One billion coconuts
processed when fresh generate US$2 billion in export earnings. Three million tons of coconut oil extracted from 20 billion
coconuts exported earns less than US$3 billion. Of course, there are not enough established markets to absorb another
20 billion coconuts of wet process products. But should we not be taking active steps to promoting markets for wet
120 Global Strategy for the Conservation and Use of Coconut Genetic Resources
Plate 3.1.
122 Global Strategy for the Conservation and Use of Coconut Genetic Resources
• Make at least part of the genebank closer to the planting systems used locally by
farmers, as many of them practice intercropping.
• Ensure a better agronomic management, especially for intercropped fields that
often require irrigation facilities and higher fertilization and will serve as
demonstration fields.
• Benefit from the multifunctional use of the landscape. Some coconut plantations,
especially seed gardens, are generally surrounded by other tree crops for pollen
isolation purposes. Instead of planting any tree crops, these buffers areas can also
conserve genetic resources of appropriate species.
Conversely, coconut conservation could also be integrated into many other agricultural research
centres’ programmes within the tropics. Thousands of coconut palms are planted in these
research centres without considering genetic resources and diversity aspects. As
observed for instance in 2018 in Fiji at the Koronivia research station, which is mainly
devoted to cattle breeding, researchers and breeders working on other crops did not
know the names of coconut varieties they are planting in their research centres. Thus,
developing multifunctional land use is one of the highest priorities, and hence has thus
recently been included as a new theme of the CGIAR research program on Forests,
Trees and Agroforestry (FTA). As discussed in section 2.2.3, the CNRA is starting to
implement this last approach by duplicating accessions of the international coconut
collection in Côte d’Ivoire. Coconut germplasm will be planted in isolated small units
of about one hectare, each conserving only one Tall-type accession and each planted in
reproductive isolation in the middle of other tree-crop plantations, in 5 of the 13 CNRA
research centres scattered around the country.
3.2.3 Geostrategy: doubling the number of international genebanks
COGENT will continue to strengthen links between the 24 genebanks of its member-
countries, FAO, the Crop Trust, the Governing Body of the International Treaty,
CGIAR and other international stakeholders in order to promote the placing of
coconut germplasm collections in the public domain under the Treaty’s designation.
This has already officially been achieved with genebanks in Brazil, Côte d’Ivoire, India,
Indonesia and Papua New Guinea. Once coconut accessions have been given public
domain status, they can become freely available to bona fide users and exchanged
legally, transparently and fairly, via a standard material transfer agreement (SMTA).
Non-contracting parties to the international Treaty are also encouraged to use SMTAs
to facilitate germplasm exchange.
Despite set-up costs, designating or creating new international coconut genebanks should not
been seen as a costly and demanding strategy. This will often involve using pre-existing
facilities and providing them with extra status. Two additional international coconut
genebanks (large coconut plantations of minimum 200 ha) could also be de novo
established. These new genebanks could become profitable and self-funding within a
few years. Success regarding self-funding will depend very much on quality and stable
management to achieve potential yields, and added value generated from the
production of coconut products.
124 Global Strategy for the Conservation and Use of Coconut Genetic Resources
In Southeast Asia, the Indonesian international genebank now faces many difficulties.
As discussed above, part of the genebank was recently destroyed. The genebank lacks
the necessary manpower and budget to conduct controlled hand-pollinations. Until
2012, all the Tall-type allogamous accessions had been regenerated by open
pollination, resulting in unwanted varietal mixes. Excepting a few common varieties,
the conserved germplasm originated from within Indonesia only. According to the
CGRD, no germplasm was released from the ICG to other COGENT countries. Within
the region, the Philippines are the most active in exchanging germplasm, and their
genebank is more diversified than the Indonesian one. Considering the constraints
encountered in Indonesia, part of those facilities already existing in the Philippines or in
another COGENT country from the region could be formally developed as a new ICG, thus
doubling the number of international genebanks in the region.
In South Asia, the international genebank located in India is very active for collecting
germplasm abroad, as well for breeding and research activities. However, as discussed
in section 2.6.3, during the past 15 years, only a few coconut accessions were released
by India to other COGENT countries. At the regional level, Sri Lanka is the most active
country in term of exchanging germplasm. It has a smaller genebank than the Indian
one, but well-managed and efficiently maintained. Considering constraints faced in India,
part of those facilities already existing in Sri Lanka or in another COGENT country from the
region could be formally developed as a new ICG, thus doubling the number of international
genebanks in the region.
For Africa and the Indian Ocean, the Marc Delorme research centre, based in Côte
d’Ivoire, has been the main provider of coconut germplasm worldwide. It is now
threatened by urban development 7 and by the spreading of a phytoplasma lethal
disease, which is at about 150km from the genebank. Other countries, such as Ghana,
Kenya, Mozambique, and Tanzania are also strongly affected by these kinds of
diseases. As recently highlighted by a COGENT recommendation 8, Madagascar has
unique coconut genetic diversity. Indonesian travellers visited Madagascar more than
ten centuries ago, bringing their own coconuts that created exceptional mixes between
the Indo-Atlantic and Pacific coconut groups. Considering the threats faced by the
genebank in Côte d’Ivoire, Madagascar could provide a good location for the creation of a second
ICG, and could significantly strengthen its role in providing germplasm and planting material
at the sub-regional level - on the condition that the phytosanitary situation of this country
is adequate and well documented.
For Latin America and the Caribbean, Brazil is the actual international genebank but
faces several challenges to reproducing its existing accessions, including: high labour
costs, senile palms becoming too tall, lack of manpower, unsafe palm-climbing
techniques and land availability issues. It is presently envisioned to regenerate some
old Tall-type from material planted by a private company in the north of the country.
Up until 2013, no germplasm has been released by Brazil to any other COGENT
member-countries. Also, the Brazilian genebank has yet to succeed in regenerating its
own accessions, so producing seednuts by controlled hand-pollination for other
countries is currently not practically feasible. In Jamaica, lethal yellowing is spreading
and is a concern in regards to the country size. In Mexico, LYD is also very active,
especially in Yucatan, where CICY is located. Any other country from the region could
host a new ICG - on condition again that the phytosanitary situation is adequate and
well documented. Colombia is an interesting option: national institutions are already
conducting coconut research in collaboration with the CGIAR CIAT research centre located in
Cali, in the south of this country; this cooperation could be strengthened in the framework of the
creation of a new international coconut genebank.
For the Pacific region, the SPC-ACIAR regional coconut meeting held in Samoa in
October 2012 endorsed SPC to be the focal point leading a negotiation role with
technical assistance from the COGENT secretariat and linked with APCC. The current
international genebank is located in Madang, Papua New Guinea. Although it needs to
be duplicated to escape Bogia disease 9, it may not be able continue to serve as the
international genebank because of the disease. It will continue to play a crucial role for
screening coconut varieties for tolerance to the Bogia disease. Considering these
constraints, the scenarios envisioned are for Fiji and/or Samoa, or another country of the
region, to host (a) new international coconut genebank(s). The UK Darwin Initiative has
funded work to expand the ICG-SP to include sites in Fiji and Samoa. Transferring
coconut genetic resources from Madang will need to be carefully assessed and subject
to biosecurity protocols of the selected countries. As pointed out in section 3.6.3, the
creation of quarantine centres appears as a real necessity.
COGENT will continue to strengthen links between the 24 genebanks of its member-
countries, FAO, the Global Crop Diversity Trust, the Governing Body of the
International Treaty and other stakeholders, in order to promote the placing of coconut
germplasm collections in the public domain through designation under the Treaty.
This has already been achieved with genebanks in Côte d’Ivoire and Papua New
Guinea. Once coconut accessions have been given public domain status, they can
become freely available to bona fide users and exchanged legally, transparently and
fairly, via a standard material transfer agreement (SMTA).
Today, the existing ICGs face challenges which constrain their capacity to share their
germplasm and these constraints need to be addressed as COGENT envisions
upgrading selected genebanks’ status (from national to international) or increasing the
number of international genebanks, or both.
COGENT proposes a certification system to be managed in a similar manner to a
Quality Management System for the ICGs. This label should be renewed at
9 This genebank was very recently threatened by the rapid expansion of the Bogia disease (caused by phytoplasma) which
has now spread to an area less than 15 km from the collection. The genebank is isolated from both geographic and scientific
points of view. It never had the facility for making controlled pollination, so coconut breeding remains limited. Except for a few
common Dwarf and Tall varieties, all the conserved germplasm originates within Papua New Guinea. During the past
ten years, many commercial coconut hybrids were planted in the centre, but the accessions of the genebank were not
rejuvenated. These accessions have become very tall. Technicians rarely climb tall palms, and the only way they do it is
using ladders, which are now too short to reach the inflorescences.
126 Global Strategy for the Conservation and Use of Coconut Genetic Resources
appropriately frequent and regular intervals. To maintain funding from the Trust or
other international donors, genebanks should comply with any specific rules defined
by within the certification system. These rules should be defined by and within
COGENT member countries.
The COGENT Secretariat will promote the establishment of a concerted set of criteria
for the quality management system of the international genebanks. These “COGENT
Standards for ICG management” will be adapted for use by coconut field
collections from those standards already published by FAO, the Treaty and the Trust
or other institutions conserving germplasm.
Criteria for funding the conservation of accessions by international agencies could
include the following:
• Accessions placed in the public domain and available for international germplasm
transfer or which can be simply exchanged using a multilateral system.
• Size of accession reaching the standard (45 living palms for Dwarf and 92 for Tall).
• Quality of conservation: accession reproduced with a reliable technique; field
observations done; passport and characterization data available in the CGRD and
secured in two different sites; off-types well detected and removed from the fields.
• Quality of management = training session and planning for staff, safety measures
in place for coconut climbers.
• Quality of equipment = good maintenance of the equipment (field, laboratory,
computer, and vehicles), along with adequate regular investments.
• Accessions available in a zone free of those lethal diseases that are transmissible by
• Accessions preferably conserved first in their country of origin,
• Then preferably conserved by the genebank that shared most of this germplasm at
the international level,
• Then in a cryobank if feasible.
10The Crop Trust was founded by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and Bioversity International,
acting on behalf of the foremost international research organizations in this field (CGIAR).
11 See the URL:
12 See the URL:
13 Brazilian Green Dwarf (BGD) remains presently also referenced in some genebanks under another cultivar name
(Equatorial Guinea Green Dwarf). In Côte d’Ivoire which is the collecting country, the cultivar “Equatorial Guinea Green
Dwarf” was renamed as a population of BGD: Brazilian Green Dwarf Equatorial Guinea. In other genebanks, this renaming is
yet to be fully achieved.
128 Global Strategy for the Conservation and Use of Coconut Genetic Resources
To re-iterate the example of the Brazilian Green Dwarf (BGD), there is a need to
identify the three accessions of BGD located in three genebanks which would best
serve global conservation and which could be supported by a putative endowment
fund. Criteria for choosing these accessions could be the following:
• Accession placed in the public domain and effectively available for international
germplasm transfer or which can be exchanged using a bilateral or multilateral
• Size of accession reaching the minimum standard (i.e. at least 45 living palms).
• Quality of conservation: accession reproduced with a reliable technique; field
observations being carried out; passport and characterization data available in the
CGRD; off-types within the variety well detected and removed from the fields.
3. Where we need to be to secure diversity and promote use 129
The responsibility of funding such a global system could be shared by participating countries
(who could provide part of the infrastructural costs) and by donors (through an endowment
fund focusing on improvement of ex situ conservation of priority accessions). In order to
improve the quality of conservation, funding could be partially allocated on an
accession basis, according to expert evaluation conducted collectively by the
COGENT network (Bourdeix et al 2009a). The cost of managing such an organization
should not exceed 10% of the total amount of available funding.
Building such an endowment fund and securing funding for all the components of the
Strategy will certainly take time. The highest priority will be to secure the conservation
of the genetic diversity currently held in the public domain in ex situ collections and
facilitate its distribution.
3.2.5 Towards a concept of a “networked” or “virtual” coconut collection
A networked collection, also called a virtual collection, is located at more than one
geographical/institutional site; it spans the genetic diversity of a given species
(genepool) and gathers stakeholders having a mutual interest for rationally conserving
and exchanging germplasm (Bourdeix et al. 2009b). In the extreme application of this
concept, each accession could be conserved at a distinct site, as illustrated by the
CNRA project in Côte d’Ivoire described in section 2.2.3 and the recent planting of two
small islands in Samoa. All intermediate strategies are thus conceivable.
The establishment of a networked collection would involve more countries, sites and
stakeholders in the global coconut conservation system. Because most coconut
varieties are allogamous, the main limiting factor to effective conservation is the
regeneration of true-to-type accessions via controlled hand-pollination. In the case of
coconut, this regeneration technique is very costly, requiring a well-equipped
laboratory, well-trained technicians able to climb the palms, and considerable
manpower. Not all genebanks can yet afford this. In order to overcome this limiting
factor, the Polymotu concept involving reproductive isolation (see section 2.2.3) is being
proposed as a new approach and will have to be fully evaluated. Several coconut
accessions could be planted, each in a distinct, isolated site. These sites could be islets
near bigger inhabited islands, insulated valleys, large plantations of a unique variety,
large urban facilities such as university campus or golf course, or any other designs
130 Global Strategy for the Conservation and Use of Coconut Genetic Resources
using a pollen barrier. Reproductive isolation will ensure true-to-type breeding of the
crop varieties through free and natural pollination.
The criteria for an accession to be included in a possible networked collection have
been discussed: germplasm uniqueness, genetic representativeness, ability to
reproduce its trueness-to-type and policy considerations.
There is no plan to push the global system of coconut conservation into a
networked/virtual collection over the next decade. Gathering accessions held in
international genebanks (in the same legal framework, network and database) poses
the biggest challenge, including those accessions conserved on islets owned by
municipalities, islanders' clans or tourism enterprises. This possible future approach
could lead to the modification of the classical delineation between in situ and ex situ
production of their genebanks 14. For varieties such as Brazilian Green Dwarf, some
genebanks currently record an average annual fruit production of less than 60 fruits
per palm 15, when Brazilian farmers succeed in achieving annual yields of 250 fruits per
palm under comparable conditions. For both demonstration purposes and income
generation, most of genebanks should have at least one field of Dwarf cultivars
managed in a sustainable way
Another way to increase self-funding would be to process high-value coconut
products (HVCPs) within the genebank. During the SPC-ACIAR meeting held in 2012
in Samoa, the COGENT secretariat recommended that pilot units for developing new
HVCPs and integrated coconut processing centres should preferably be located in
coconut genebanks. This kind of approach has recently been initiated at the Taveuni
coconut centre (Fiji). It allows coconut stakeholders to see both the available planting
material and the new processes for producing HVPs. It will also provide a wide range
of germplasm to researchers in processing for testing their techniques and equipment.
Other by-products that could be valorized by genebanks include coconut timber and
palm hearts 16 obtained when felling old accession trees. For landscaping public places
and tourist areas, adult palms are often sold for about US$100 per meter of trunk.
Genebanks could be particularly well placed on this market because they can sell adult
palms from certified varieties. Genebanks could also produce and process toddy
which is often more profitable than selling fruit.
Another method of increasing self-funding is linked to diversification of coconut
genebanks, as discussed in section 3.2.2. A very lucrative option could be to include in
coconut genebanks plots devoted to the conservation of other palm species. There is a huge
and very profitable market for adult palms used for landscaping of public places and
tourist areas. So the genebank could also sell adult trees from other palm species and
replace them in the genebank as long as this operation remains profitable.
Thus, another way for genebanks to increase their resources could be to develop joint-
ventures with the tourism industry at both international and local levels. As stated in section
1.1.4, many coconut research centres can be regarded as small paradises from aesthetic,
environmental and human perspectives. There is great potential for developing
ecotourism activities. Ecotourism could be emphasized by the concept of coconut
genebanks being autonomous for energy. Every site could have a small unit to
produce coconut oil and biodiesel. This oil can easily run electric motors that provide
14 In many cases, the management and the sale of agricultural production fall under separate administrative services. This
situation has already been encountered in two international genebanks, but may concern many more. A curator told us that
she spent half her annual budget buying fertilizers for the genebank, yet the genebank did not benefit from the resulting yield
increases, as all the income was pooled and kept by another service.
15 Calculated on the period 9-12 years for an accession of BGD conserved in one of the international genebanks.
16 The palm heart, also called palm cabbage, has a flavour resembling fresh hazelnut. It is eaten under the name of
"millionaire's salad". Coconut hearts are sold in La Réunion, for €80 per unit (about US$108). When the COGENT secretariat
tried to convince farmers to reduce the price and increase production, farmers replied that customers agree to pay high
prices for food such as caviar, so there is no reason for customers to pay less for coconut hearts.
132 Global Strategy for the Conservation and Use of Coconut Genetic Resources
energy to the laboratory, offices, engines and, of course, guest-house for the visitors,
reducing carbon footprint.
3.3.2. Extending the duration of accessions in the fields
Extending the duration of accessions in the field should contribute to reduce costs of
maintaining ex situ coconut genebanks. Most of the expenses are conducted during the
first 12 years and when regeneration is conducted. After 12 years, the cost of
maintaining coconut palms should be covered by the value of fruit production. Thus
extending the duration of coconut accessions from 30 years to 60 years could thus
halve the conservation costs per accession. Three approaches could help extend the
lifespan of field-based accessions:
• ensure palm longevity by appropriate management.
• improve palm-climbing techniques.
• Reducing palm height.
• Farmers of the Mekong Delta use a technique to stunt Tall-type coconut varieties. A
study should assess if this technique, as shown in a recent movie 17, is manageable
for genebanks.
• The genetic determinism of Dwarfism is still unknown, but the vertical growth of
the coconut palm is very probably under phytohormonal control. When these
mechanisms will be elucidated, it could become possible to apply phytohormones
during a 2-4 years period for strongly reducing the vertical growth.
becomes more and more difficult to move germplasm. The great majority of curators
and member-countries agree that each cultivar should be kept in three countries. In
this way, it will be easier to access the germplasm they need.
Meticulous management of conservation at the accession level: a practical example
In order to better understand the constraints and specificities of this triplication
proposal, and to show how germplasm should be carefully managed, accession by
accession, it is better to illustrate the triplication process by using practical examples.
The example of the cultivar “Sri Lanka Tall” is developed in this section while some
other examples are also presented in annex 9 of this document.
The cultivar Sri Lanka Tall (SLT) is presently conserved worldwide by 103 accessions
totalling 7082 palms. The proposed triplication system is to internationally conserve
the SLT population Ambakelle in just 3 accessions of no more than 96 palms, and
located in 3 distinct countries on 3 continents. Table 3.1 gives details about some of the
accessions of Sri Lanka Tall presently conserved worldwide.
Table 3.1. Some of the 103 SLT accessions registered in CGRD and the 3 of them (in grey) to be
presently considered for conservation at global level.
Sri Lankan researchers have collected many SLT populations across their country.
They have been working on this germplasm with the help of a PhD internship partly
funded by CGIAR research program FTA. As explained in the box below, Sri Lankan
researchers will have to make decision about the future of these populations.
International cultivar names may evolve with time. For instance, researchers from Vanuatu, a
Melanesian Archipelago, gave population names to the many Tall-type accessions they
collected, under the cultivar “Vanuatu Tall”: Pélé, Nipeka, Waluembue, Walanaro, etc...
Researchers will observe in the genebank the characteristics of these populations, using
morphological, productivity and molecular traits (DNA analysis). For instance, if the population
"Vanuatu Tall Nipeka" proves to have distinct traits, its name will have to evolve: it will be
renamed as a new cultivar, probably “Nikepa Tall”. On the other hand, if the populations
"Vanuatu Tall Waluembue" and "Vanuatu Tall Walarano" prove to be identical, these accessions
or cross between selected palms of these accessions could be merged under one name only, to
be chosen by curators; when the accessions will have to be regenerated, the two accessions will
be merged, as there is no need to conserve the same germplasm as two separate accessions.
conserved in only 1 country, 11 are conserved with only 1 to 5 living palms, and 58
Tall-types are conserved with 6 to 40 living palms, values which remain far below the
recommended standard size for effective conservation. For some of these cultivars, the
first priority will be to increase their genetic bases by re-collecting seednuts, embryos
or pollen from farmers’ fields. Some of these cultivars with low palm numbers are at
risk of being also discarded from the list of cultivars to be internationally conserved if
they are deemed to have no special advantageous characteristics.
A few cultivars will also be kept by the countries which do not want to share this
particular germplasm at the international level. Despite the problems encountered
with international genebanks, COGENT past experience indicates that this case will
not be very frequent if the countries receive germplasm from abroad in exchange to their
own cultivars.
As discussed in section 2.3.6, there is another level of analysis which is not yet fully
implemented: choosing among accessions conserved under different names but which
are appear genetically similar, although molecular analysis must be supported by
phenotyping and other means to avoid the risk of excluding epigenetically-based
diversity. So in order to avoid additional and unnecessary duplication, there is a need
to prioritize deploying a three-step approach:
1. Improve the data available in the CGRD. For instance, Mexico recently obtained
many varieties from Côte d’Ivoire, but this transfer was not registered in CGRD. In
order to rationalize conservation at global level, it is highly recommended that all
the germplasm movements be appropriately registered in CGRD and done
through SMTA or at least MTA in order to be registered at the Treaty level. If not,
this will conduct COGENT to undertake useless international transfers of cultivars
which are already adequately triplicated.
2. Increase the characterization and evaluation level of selected accessions. This will
include field observations, assessment of quality traits and genomic analysis.
Encourage capacity building and/or technology transfer on coconut genomic
analysis for regions that have established laboratories and or regions that could
afford to establish genomic facilities.
3. Coordinate at COGENT level the germplasm movements for conservation
purposes with the best common interest of both member-countries and the global
conservation approach.
other systems for exchanging germplasm already exist at local and national levels
(traditional and cultural exchanges in the Pacific and in Africa for example). Other
movements like the Open Source Seed Initiative 19 are emerging today and moving
material in some countries. In the future, COGENT will try to keep its members
informed of these initiatives.
138 Global Strategy for the Conservation and Use of Coconut Genetic Resources
Such a global triplication process needs again to be precisely quantified, but would aim
to move about 250 accessions within a period of ten years. A possible strategy could be for
international donors to pay for preparing and sending the germplasm (embryos or
plantlets cultivated in vitro), and for the interested recipient countries to assume other
costs (from reception of embryos or plantlets cultivated in vitro to palms growing in
the field).
Coordinating and implementing the triplication process
Coordinating and implementing these germplasm transfers will have to integrate the
following aspects:
• The countries’ willingness to release their germplasm, be it in the public domain or
under a bilateral or multilateral exchange system.
• The curators’ and breeders’ knowledge of the germplasm they conserve and use,
part of it being made accessible in the CGRD.
• The curators’ and breeders’ preferences for germplasm they would like to receive.
• The status of accessions: is there a sufficient number of living palms? Is this
accession conserved in a place free from lethal disease(s), or transferred with a
technique ensuring that the disease(s) will not be transmitted? This last point is first
under the responsibility of the germplasm provider, but is also addressed via the
quarantine sites.
• The characterization and evaluation data of these accessions, including field data
and genomic, transcriptomic, proteomic and metabolomic analyses when available.
• The requirements in terms of global efficiency of the conservation. The
international system would not pay for the same germplasm to be conserved in
more than three countries. The requests from curators can be different from was it
needed for global conservation: for instance, many curators could ask for receiving
the Rennell Island Tall, when this cultivar is already well conserved at global level.
• The willingness of countries to place the received germplasm in the public
domain. Countries that place the received germplasm in the public domain will
be favoured for the exchanges devoted to conservation purposes at global level.
The higher costs of cryopreservation is due to the higher number of embryos needed.
It is not expected that the improvement of the technique will allow a great reduction of
embryo numbers to be preserved: one cryogenebank is generally constituted by two
sets of similar accessions; lots of embryos should also be made available for
regeneration and for the genebanks which will request the germplasm. Cryo
genebanking is discussed in the next section.
3. Where we need to be to secure diversity and promote use 139
3.3.4. Cryogenebanking
A cryogenebank of pollen is feasible now
Pollen cryopreservation is simple and affordable (Karun et al. 2006, 2014). Pollen can
be easily collected in ex situ genebanks when accessions start to flower. Frozen pollen
will serve for exchange, breeding and regeneration20. A novel application of pollen
cryopreservation could use systematically cryoconserved pollen from farmers’ fields
or from the original accession for successive regenerations. In this way, we will be sure
that at least 50% of the genes are fully conserved- those coming for the male parents
from which the pollen was cryoconserved. The drift resulting from successive
regenerations will therefore be reduced.
As pointed out in section 1.1.4, climbing the palms for implementing controlled hand-
pollination is one of the main constraints to coconut conservation and breeding. Pollen
could be harvested easily when the accessions are six to eight years old and
immediately cryoconserved. Thirty to sixty years later, when regeneration time comes,
this pollen will serve for making the controlled hand-pollination 21.
Cryopreservation of embryos
Creating a cryogenebank of embryos is indeed important. The main limiting factor is
the cost of the controlled pollination needed for producing true-to-type accessions of
Tall-type varieties already conserved in ex situ genebanks.
A drawback of the controlled pollination (CP) process could surprisingly benefit the
constitution of a cryogenebank of frozen embryos. The yield of CP is erratic, due to
many factors including climate variability and the varying physiological status of
palms and pollen. To produce enough progeny, curators and breeders are forced to
plan high numbers of controlled pollinations: one CP is normally planned to
establish one palm planted in the field. Controlled pollinations may be much more
successful. Larger numbers of seednuts are obtained, sometimes more than twice the
expected yield. In this case, surplus seednuts can be cryopreserved as embryos with
very limited additional cost. So the cryogenebank of embryos could be preferably be
constituted with embryos from surplus seednuts obtained during programmes of
field regeneration and germplasm exchange across the world.
For conserving an accession in a coconut cryogenebank, the number of embryos is still
to be identified. As the technique is not yet mature, it is difficult here to provide a
reliable figure. Some researchers propose that about 600 embryos will be needed per
accession: 200 embryos on a recurrent basis, 200 embryos as safety duplication, and
200 embryos to afford a facility for responding to requests for germplasm supply from
field genebanks and other users but this proposal has to be refined.
20For regenerating an accession or creating a new hybrid, about 25 g of pollen from about 24 male parents is
generally used. When coconut palms start to flower, 100g of pollen should be collected palm by palm and frozen.
Thus, cryopreservation of an accession will consist in 100 units of 1g, and 25 palms each producing 4g of pollen.
21 This will not fully address the constraints to palm climbing (those used as female parents) but it will reduce the
number of old palms to climb. This could also probably allow reducing the minimum size of accessions conserved
in the field.
140 Global Strategy for the Conservation and Use of Coconut Genetic Resources
Mexico and Australia seem to have recently made progress, the only method fully
available is presently to produce clones from embryo plumules. This rather unusual
situation has important consequences. It remains impossible to clone a palm, to
reproduce identically its genotype: only “sexual clones” are obtainable from the
progeny of this palm.
So, if any Tall-type accession is to be conserved via cryopreservation of the
embryogenic callus and if it is economically viable, the following steps will need to be
carried out:
• make the 75 to 96 requested controlled hand-pollinations using preferably
48 female parents and 24 male parents,
• extract the embryos from 100-120 seednuts,
• grow independently these embryos into embryogenic calluses,
• cryoconserve at least 75 sets of embryogenic calluses, each coming from a different
embryo and representing a different genotype.
Collecting embryos and pollen from these endangered varieties is envisioned and, at
the first stage, to keep them only as cryoconserved material 22. Later, when COGENT
genebanks and breeders will have both the interest and the available funding to plant
the accessions, or to use the pollen, part of the frozen material could be released. In
exchange, these genebanks will have to provide double the quantity of embryos
and/or pollen from the next generation.
For the specific purpose of collecting in the small islands most isolated and/or
endangered by climate change, a boat, possibly equipped with cryopreservation
facilities, could be used to visit selected islands and collect coconut germplasm. The
scientific expedition could also collect whole nuts and bring them to the
cryoconservation facility. Criteria for selecting these islands are discussed in
section 3.5.4.
For an economy of scale, this boat should collect not only coconut palms but also other
crops or natural resources. A multi-crop research team could be assembled to develop
this emblematic project.
Cryopreservation of embryos from farmers’ fields will require a refinement of the
techniques. The example of cassava well illustrates that the efficiency of the
cryopreservation process can drop considerably (70%) when applied during surveys in
farmers’ fields in comparison to plants sampled from ex situ genebanks (Dumet et
al. 2013). Cryopreservation will still be needed for pollen collected from farmers’ fields.
As pointed out in section 2.2.4, the challenge is now to evolve from validated
laboratory protocols to standardized methods giving regular and consistent large-scale
results in a wide range of situations.
Where to locate cryogenebank(s)?
The question of where the cryogenebank could be located has been debated. COGENT
representatives agree that each genebank should have a small cryopreservation unit,
linked to a tissue culture facility to facilitate local conservation of pollen and to allow
exporting cryopreserved samples (both embryos and pollen). In some COGENT
countries, large cryo-facilities and tissue culture laboratories are already available for
other crops that could be used for coconut conservation.
For safety duplication, a centralized cryogenebank should be established which would
conserve the coconut germplasm of all COGENT countries. For economy of scale, this
genebank will probably be best developed from a structure already serving as a
cryogenebank for other crops. As pointed out in section 3.6.3, the future centre(s) could
serve both as cryogenebanks, as disease-indexing centres, and as export facilities for
embryos and plantlets cultivated in vitro. This genebank could be located anywhere. It
could be even easier to locate it outside of the coconut cultivation zone as this could
simplify quarantine processes (as for Bioversity’s International Transit Centre (ITC)
22 A probabilistic decision support tool will be used to refine the exact number of embryos to be conserved in the
cryogenebanks, but globally it can be assumed that about 40% of conserved embryos will result in palms in the fields; the
sample size must allow for planting the accession twice in the field, so 150 palms for Tall-type varieties. This allows
conserving one “accession” as frozen and using the “other” for field regeneration or testing new hybrids. When available,
about 400 embryos and 50 to 100g of pollen per accession should be collected and frozen.
142 Global Strategy for the Conservation and Use of Coconut Genetic Resources
managing the Global Musa Genebank in, Leuven, Belgium). Thus, the centralized
cryogenebank will be located in the first politically stable country which, in accordance
with COGENT, will:
• agree to devote appropriate funding to this crucial facility with expected support
from international agencies,
• develop consistent capability for coconut cryopreservation, including regular
verification of genetic integrity of plant material maintained,
• ensure that the germplasm will be kept in trust and safely transferred to recipient
countries and stakeholders,
• make the germplasm available in perpetuity for COGENT country-members and
other committed stakeholders.
• and preferably also serve as a disease-indexing centre.
40 Brown-coloured RIT palms 25. These fields would need to be protected from pollen
contamination by any kind of design. These units will produce, simply by open
pollinated, seednuts of IVTT, RIT and their hybrid IVTTxRIT, as follows:
• Green sprouted seedlings harvested from IVTT will be IVTT.
• Brown sprouted seedlings harvested from IVTT will be natural hybrid IVTT x RIT.
• Seedlings harvest from RIT, all of brown of brown-green colour, will be either RIT
or the hybrid between RIT and IVTT.
In this scenario, palm climbing is not required; production of planting material is de-
centralized across many islands; planting material is made more accessible; more than
only one variety is released to farmers; and responsibility of producing the planting
material is shifted, at least partially, from the national institution to farmers.
The case of the University of South Pacific in Fiji
The University of South Pacific (USP) is a regional facility supported by 12 Pacific
Island Countries 26. Contact has been initiated to locate a “Polymotu unit” inside the
Suva campus (Fiji), using the amazing red compact Dwarfs recently found in Fiji and
a Tall-type sweet husk variety from Rotuma island in Fiji. The coconut palms will not
be all planted in one small separate location, but scattered between all the campus
buildings as in standard landscaping. This design offers an extraordinary
opportunity to strengthen the commitment and interest of the thousands of students
and teachers from all Pacific regions regarding more effective coconut genetic
resources conservation.
More examples from Indonesia, Fiji again, Côte d’Ivoire and Thailand
In Indonesia creating many “Kopyor” islands is envisioned, similar to the “Makapuno
Island” existing in Thailand but with a different design 27.
Fiji plans to create a “sweet husk” island such as the traditional conservatoire already
existing in Tonga but with a different design 28.
Côte d’Ivoire plans to create artificial “coconut islands” designed for conservation
purposes and seednut production and planted in the middle of plantations of other
tree crops (as described in section 2.2.3). Another project has been designed in
25These palms will have to be carefully selected using information on their progenies because they need to be genetically
homogeneous for colour.
26 Cook Islands, Fiji, Kiribati, Marshall Islands, Nauru, Niue, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tokelau, Tonga, Tuvalu and Vanuatu.
This public research university is a regional centre for teaching and research on Pacific culture and environment. USP's
academic programmes are recognised worldwide, attracting students and staff from throughout the Pacific Region as well as
from other regions and beyond.
27 The “Makapuno Island” in Thailand is planted with a mix of Tall-types and Green Dwarf types of Makapuno varieties. In
Indonesia, it is envisioned to plant in each island with a different set of varieties including both Tall-type and Dwarf types
(preferably red or yellow) Kopyor varieties, obtained or not from vitroculture.
28 The traditional conservatoire in Onoiki islet, Tonga; has been planted with only one Tall-type sweet husk variety; in Fiji, an
island will be planted with a Tall-type sweet husk variety and two red Dwarf compact varieties. This will allow conservation of
these three varieties, production of hybrid seednuts by farmers and linked ecotourism activities.
3. Where we need to be to secure diversity and promote use 145
seed garden. This kind of design was envisioned for replanting the Samoan ex situ
collection 29.
3. If such buffer zones can feasibly be used in ex situ genebanks in order to avoid
making controlled pollinations, as explained in the above Samoan example.
Presently it is estimated that conserving one accession by using buffer zones will
require 8 to 10 ha, when compared to 0.7 ha for conserving the same accession in
classical ex situ genebanks.
common priorities and rationalization need to be defined at the global level for a
coordinated international action.
The COGENT Secretariat will work to identify adequate funding for carrying out
collection trips and subsequent establishment of the collected materials in ex situ
collections (in national as well as international). Missions should no longer be devoted
only to prospecting or collecting germplasm; they must also contribute to strengthen
links between in situ and ex situ conservation at local level and make a detailed
characterization/description of the material in its geographical original site. This
approach will be systematically included in the terms of references of the surveyors.
The successful establishment of collected germplasm in an international collection will
require the willing cooperation of the host country holding this germplasm.
Experience suggests that release of such genetic resources by host countries is not
always easily achieved. COGENT will facilitate this process. Although priority setting
may need some refinement, COGENT already have a clear appraisal of which
germplasm should be collected during the next ten years, and where to collect it (see
recommendations from 2012 and 2014 Steering Committee.
3.5.1 Compact Dwarfs and other special varieties
One of the ten international recommendations emitted in 2012 by the COGENT SC
meeting deals with collecting activities 30. Recommendation 4 focus on
“Strengthening coconut genetic research, coconut conservation and specific uses
of traditional coconut varieties in the Pacific Region.”
Cultivation of Dwarf coconut varieties is rapidly expanding. This expansion is based
on a narrow genetic basis, mainly the “Malayan Dwarf” type, characterized by thin
stem easily felt down by cyclones, low resilience and sensitivity to drought. As soon as
possible, COGENT should introduce in the global system the cultivation of compact
Dwarfs and/or crossed between compact and Malayan Dwarfs. These types have
thicker stems, slower vertical growth and a better resilience. Pollen of compact Dwarfs
should be collected and sent to the coconut breeders working in COGENT country
Coconuts able to both produce suckers and fruits have been described. This
germplasm urgently need to be safeguarded and further studied, especially by
researchers who are trying to propagate the coconut palm in vitro. The organization of
national or regional coconut varietal contest was recently proposed as a new approach
to locate crucial germplasm and increase public awareness about coconut diversity
Within the next decade, it is envisioned to collect up to 50 varieties or populations of
compact Dwarfs (or intermediate forms between compact and Malayan-type
Dwarfs), and up to 50 Tall-type varieties or populations having both special
characteristics such as sweet husk, special taste and texture of kernel, special taste of
coconut water, medicinal uses or other rare quality traits.
3. Where we need to be to secure diversity and promote use 149
Plate 3.2
150 Global Strategy for the Conservation and Use of Coconut Genetic Resources
Large companies in Brazil are investing millions of dollars in producing coconut planting material,
in optimizing plantation management and in coconut processing. However, they face the
constant risk of losing consistent production due to pest and disease damage and the risk of
introducing even greater disease problems, such as Lethal Yellowing Disease. Companies from
Brazil would like to be able to access sources of interesting genetic material, as well as to
participate in implementing strategies to protect the genetic material. Public-private participation
will facilitate developing and implementing strategies of common interest for the crop.
Establishing exclusion zones or quarantine for introducing new germplasm for breeding
purposes would enhance effectiveness and efficiency. Private companies already operate in the
acquisition of new genetic material. A large, worldwide programme would give greater security to
private companies for new investments as well as the expansion of existing projects, ensuring
profitability and reducing business risks, especially with regard to industry of tender coconut
water, which is in expansion, with new companies working in the field every year.
• islands where copra was never a business because traditional varieties will
probably be better conserved,
• island where coconut was or is culturally important,
• and, as it is envisioned to collect more than coconut, islands having special interest
for researchers working on the other concerned crops or animals.
Numerous historical data and information from old planters and their families will
also be collected, so participation of an ethno-biologist to this survey will have to
be considered.
This kind of survey may concern many archipelagos, such as Maldives, Tuvalu,
Kiribati, Tuamotu, the many Indonesian atolls, etc. Highest priority is Tonga for
reasons linked to cultural context and high isolation index of some islands. The
choice of islands will also depend on willing cooperation of the host countries
holding the germplasm. As the cost of such missions is high, COGENT Secretariat
will strengthen links with international organizations, national museum, botanical
gardens, universities and research institutions programming collecting expeditions
in order to join existing collecting missions organized by national or international
teams. During these missions, scientists involved (on behalf of COGENT countries)
will follow the International Code of Conduct for Germplasm Collecting and
Transfer 31. It is envisioned to collect embryos and pollen from coconut populations,
the majority of which will be directly (and only) conserved as cryopreserved material
This activity is only envisioned when protocols for cryoconservation of coconut
germplasm will be available.
The dynamics for the Pacific Region described in section 1.1.1 have important
consequences regarding the appropriate methods for collecting Tall-type coconut
germplasm. Palms with special characteristics will be sought within populations in
farmers’ fields. In many cases, the classical approach that consists of selecting palms at
random in a given population seems no longer appropriate. Such a method samples
and conserves an uncontrolled mix of traditional varieties 32. Due to the low
multiplication rate of the coconut palm, such mixes are of little interest to breeders,
except in certain cases when prospecting for disease resistance. Thus, the collecting
method will focus on the few palms having desirable traits within populations existing
in farmers’ fields. The number of fruits collected per population will probably be
reduced when compared to previous surveys. A “change detection database” would
allow visualizing increase or reduction of plantations, deforestation or reforestation,
and coastal erosion 33. It will help prioritizing the areas where endangered coconut
germplasm must be collected.
The Strategy aims to collect embryos and pollen from 100 to 200 coconut
populations, the majority of which will be directly (and only) conserved as
cryopreserved material.
3.5.4 Filling geographical gaps
As discussed in section 2.4.3, gap analysis is applied to map the actual distribution,
agro-climatic preferences, and potential distribution of coconut. Geographic
Information Systems (GIS) are used to analyse spatial distribution of different
coconut populations. The degree of variability expected to be found in new collecting
areas is another important consideration. Information on allelic diversity in the
coconut populations could provide an important criterion to guide future collecting.
A first analysis was conducted by the COGENT secretariat at country level. Accessions
conserved in ex situ genebanks comes from only 45 countries and territories of which
30 are COGENT member-countries. According to FAO, there are 92 coconut producing
countries and territories (CPCT), so 47 (51%) are not yet represented in the germplasm
conserved ex situ. The ratio between coconut planted area and the number of
accessions conserved ex situ was calculated by region. On average, this ratio is 90
accessions per million hectares, and ranges from 64 (Africa) to 282 (Pacific Region).
This first approach indicates some basic trends, but it needs to be refinemd by adding
other criteria. Based on this single geographical criterion, the higher the ratio, the
higher the range of geographical diversity represented in the ex situ collections.
This analysis was pursued using predicted area calculated from the maps produced by
Ecoclimatic Niche Modelling. Prioritization of areas for collecting will not consider
only sizes of predicted areas, but their isolation status (for example isolated valleys
will be preferred). The ethno-biological literature and, when available, predicted allelic
diversity will also be taken in account.
Based on the sole geographic criterion, some areas like Latin America, the
Caribbean and Africa should benefit from more accessions’ registration and
preservation. The Strategy aims to collect 100 to 200 populations following the
approach of filling geographical gaps.
34 The IPPC works with Convention contracting parties, to develop phytosanitary measures that underpin the parties’ ability
to manage pest risks and the environmental, economic and social impacts of plant pests. Its Commission on Phytosanitary
Measures (CPM) meets annually to review the state of plant protection, identifies action to control the spread of pests into
new areas, develops and adopts international standards and establishes procedures for the sharing of phytosanitary
information. The IPPC works with Regional Plant Protection Organizations and international organizations to build
phytosanitary capacity, to identify and address risks that cross national borders.
154 Global Strategy for the Conservation and Use of Coconut Genetic Resources
would be preferable that these activities will not be implemented in newly built centres,
but by adding a coconut component to the facilities already existing for other crops.
As discussed in section 3.3.4 on cryogenebanking, disease indexing centre(s) will be
located in the first country(ies) which, in accordance with COGENT and other
institutions, will:
• agree to devote appropriate funding to this crucial facility with expected support
from international agencies,
• develop consistent research and capability for coconut disease indexing,
• ensure that the germplasm will be kept in trust and safely transferred to recipient
countries and stakeholders,
• and preferably also agree to host a cryogenebank.
objectives must be realistic and feasible in a global context mainly driven by market
forces. Thus, COGENT will focus on the three following targets:
1. Reach a situation where farmers will have the choice. The amount and diversity of
planting material should become sufficient to fulfil farmers’ needs. At the national
level, seednut producers and agricultural services should provide a range of at
least six different coconut varieties, including Talls, hybrids, Dwarfs and eventually
composite varieties 35. Most farmers will choose to plant more than one variety.
2. Help farmers to preserve and increase their knowledge regarding coconut palm
diversity and breeding. The specificities of each variety regarding environmental
adaptation and agricultural practices must be clearly explained to farmers. Farmers
and other stakeholders can be trained to autonomously produce quality seedlings,
including self-production of hybrids 36 using the Polymotu concept or any other
adapted method.
3. To better understand the reasons for farmers’ and consumers’ preferences. Coconut
is not only ‘agricultural’; it is a highly cultural plant. Profitability and economic
aspects are not the sole drivers of farmers’ preferences. In India for instance, farmer
preferences also embrace the planting material qualities as a cultural entity within a
human community (Bourdeix et al. 2008).
In this context the market will continue to play its regulatory role, where farmers will
enjoy better control of their business. At the global level, a reasonable objective for
the next decade could be to reach in each country the target of a maximum of a third
of the planting material produced by national institutions and large private
companies (NIPC); and to support farmers in enhancing the quality of their farm-
produced planting material.
How long it will take to achieve a third of total planting material to be produced by
NIPC depends mainly on market forces. Recently, private companies have strongly
increased their involvement in coconut seednut production, notably in India and Brazil.
Large companies in Brazil are investing millions of dollars for producing planting
material, for optimizing the management of plantations and the processing of the fruits.
Such an evolution is foreseeable, in the short term, at least in the Philippines and
Indonesia, and potentially in many other COGENT member-countries.
At the end of the next decade, the Strategy plans that, in each COGENT member-
country, at least five varieties will be made available as planting material to farmers by
national institutions and/or private stakeholders. At least 80% of these varieties will
have to be documented in the future online database described in section 3.8.3. The role
of COGENT will be to make a balance of the existing and to help countries in
developing action plans for reaching this objective.
Here again, there is an evident interest in such conducting research not only on the
coconut palm but also on other tree crops.
As discussed in section 3.3.2, farmers and other stakeholders can be taught how to
autonomously produce seedlings of hybrids and other varieties. On-farm conservation
can be strengthened through activities such as participatory variety selection, coconut
breeding and farmer field schools. There is also a great interest for developing a
simpler controlled hand-pollination method 37 which could be used by farmers and by
small research centres lacking pollen-processing labs. Such an approach was initiated
in India by transcending gender barriers and teaching Indian women to climb the
37 It will be a technique where spikelets with fresh male flowers will be introduced inside the bags isolating the emasculated
158 Global Strategy for the Conservation and Use of Coconut Genetic Resources
palms for pollination purposes 38. As discussed in section 3.1.3, videos should describe
these techniques and help make them workable for farmers. Researchers in charge of
collecting germplasm could bring some pollination bags and teach these techniques to
local stakeholders.
3.7.3 Germplasm characterization and evaluation
The benefits of conserving and utilizing the coconut genetic diversity will only be
realized if this diversity is of interest and is made available to researchers engaged in
breeding programmes. Funding to support characterization and evaluation of
accessions as well as to support the systematic documentation and dissemination of
the information is imperative to ensure efficient genebank management and use of
genetic resources by breeders. This should include the digitization and dissemination
of important historical data.
The use of accessions depends on their evaluation for economically and culturally
important traits. The main traits to be assessed are yield
determinants, adaptation to biotic and abiotic
stress,yield components, precocity and tree size (quality
and vigour). Although increased yield potential is the
main aim, yield potential can only be reliably estimated
in collections with uniform planting conditions or by
the use of appropriate statistical tools.
The list of international coconut descriptors dates back
to 1995 and needs to be revised and completed. For
instance, although a few traits regarding fruit quality
are included in the international list of standard
descriptors, there is a need to increase and standardize these quality descriptors, and
to promote their systematic evaluation. For instance, no specific data regarding tender
coconut is yet included in the Stantech Manual whereas the international market for
coconut water represents today more than two billion US$.
In order to increase differentiation of cultivars, putative new descriptors should be
studied, especially for roots, the morphology and size of female and male flowers, the
morphology of pollen, the upper part of the fruit, the three eyes of the nut, and the top
of the canopy. Organoleptic and physicochemical components linked to nutritional
qualities of the kernel and the water are other important criteria and should be better
taken into account. For some products, such as Makapuno fruits, tendernut and even
mature coconut sold as fresh fruits, the short shelf-life is limiting markets for fresh
consumption; genetic diversity for these characteristics should be assessed in
conjunction with the available preservation techniques.
Heavy winds damage coconut palms in cyclone prone locations of many countries
such as Philippines, Fiji, Jamaica, Vanuatu and India. Drought tolerance and
establishment ability in coconut have also become important traits due to the growing
concerns about climate change, notably with the dry seasons getting longer, harsher
38 See :
3. Where we need to be to secure diversity and promote use 159
and less predictable in some regions. Especially, draught tolerance could be linked to
changes in the coconut fruit biochemical composition and could lead to different nut
yields and qualities. Tolerance of coconut germplasm to such natural calamities should
be added to the descriptor list and existing databases
Plate 3.3
3. Where we need to be to secure diversity and promote use 161
Risks of disease transmission and quarantine restrictions also limit the exchange of
seednuts, although it remains possible to exchange pollen and embryos. It has proved
difficult to engage the interest of both decision-makers and coconut breeders to
collaborate on common genetic experiments. Breeders prefer to make their own
choices, closely related to the specificities of their countries.
COGENT will no longer promote a globally coordinated coconut breeding
programme. If some member-countries are interested in exchanging breeding
progenies, COGENT will continue to support them. Such a possible exchange was
recently discussed for Makapuno/Kopior varieties. The main challenge will be to
obtain the commitment of researchers, their parent institutions and countries to
exchange this sensitive material. Sending pollen is the fastest and the cheapest way to
conduct such exchanges.
The role of COGENT in breeding activities will mainly focus on the following
• Help understand the genetic determinism of the two kinds of dwarfisms existing in
the species by using field experiments and molecular approach.
• Evaluate the value of the seednuts harvested on Dwarf x Tall Hybrids, as many
farmers are planting this material.
• Ensure that appropriate methods and equipments are available for conducting
reliable controlled hand-pollination (breeders will benefit from the actions
undertaken for regeneration of genebanks).
• Promote international exchanges of pollen between breeding programmes.
• Promote multi-location trials involving research centre, small farmers and the few
existing large plantations, and increase interactions between these three categories
of stakeholders. These experimentations will be devoted in priority to complex
crosses between Dwarf types and search for tolerance to diseases caused by
• Help seednut producers to market their planting material.
• Promote the use of genomics in breeding, as discussed in section 3.9.2.
The collected material will be tested for disease tolerance. From the genetic
perspective, the samples presently multiplied do not have the same genotypes as the
palms in the fields; they come from open-pollinated progenies. It is expected that the
cause of tolerance in the parent palms is principally due to genetic factors. In this
case, if the genes involved in tolerance are dominant, the tolerance will be
transmitted to these progenies. But if these genes are recessive, only a very few of the
progenies (those resulting from natural self-pollination) may express the expected
tolerance to the Red Ring disease.
In the meantime, the embryogenic callus lineages obtained from embryos will need
to be carefully preserved. They are the only material from which the best clones
could be multiplied. The whole experiment, including field testing, will take 8 to 12
years to achieve full results. Thus, an efficient means of conserving these
embryogenic calluses is vital. As discussed in section 3.3.4, cryopreservation could be
the most effective way to conserve this material.
There is an evident interest to apply cloning both to the material existing in farmers’
fields, and to breeders’ best progenies. For instance, in the case of Colombia, it could
be interesting to cross the putative tolerant Dwarfs with the putative tolerant Talls,
and to use the resulting embryos for somatic embryogenesis and subsequent
breeding work. It will probably take again time for scaling-out such a technique from
the laboratories to the full-scale development stage.
Another application of coconut cloning could be to create bi-clonal seed gardens.
This would allow releasing seednuts from the cross between two selected coconut
palms (and no longer the crosses between two populations, as it is presently done).
The availability of clones would have strong consequences on both conservation
and breeding of the coconut palm. Such a methodology will apply first to the
selection of palms tolerant to phytoplasma diseases and to any other
characteristics wanted by breeders and other stakeholders.
Plate 3.4
166 Global Strategy for the Conservation and Use of Coconut Genetic Resources
Research needs to be conducted regarding the techniques for numbering palms in the
fields. Presently, numbers are painted on the stems but these last only four to five
years. Missing or erased numbering was identified as a main source of error for field
characterization and evaluation. Technologies such as Global Positioning Systems
(GPS) and barcoding are currently not used in coconut collections, but these are
becoming less expensive and more widely available, and likely to be increasingly
important in managing genetic resources in the future. In some countries like Brazil,
this process has already started: under a new law, all germplasm accessions of all
species will have to be geo-referenced (GPS positioned). Another cheaper and simpler
technique could be to carve numbers on the stems with basic precautions for avoiding
diseases transmission.
For a fully efficient management of palm-by-palm data and controlled pollinations, it
is expected to develop a new dedicated software. Curators of the coconut genebanks
will need to be trained to its use. Already existing data will be carefully transferred
under this new system, which will include a systematic data duplication, at least
within countries.
3.8.2 International databases on ex situ conservation
The coconut genetic resources database (CGRD) is the database gathering specific data
(passport and characterization using agreed standard descriptors) from all the
genebanks of COGENT member-countries, be they national or international 42. Given
evolving computer standards, CGRD will become outdated. So there is a need to
upgrade the CGRD. During the transition phase to upgraded software, where CGRD is
no longer operating due to material constraints, Excel templates could be developed to
help curators provide standardized information whenever possible.
The new CGRD will need to link to existing international databases (utilizing
standardized variety identification codes), such as TropGENE (a multi-crop database
storing data on molecular marker, genetic and physical maps, and phenotyping or
genotyping studies), in order to access additional information of interest to potential
users of the germplasm. This will take the form of either a direct link (taking the user to
the other database) or a web service (where information is retrieved from another
database, but integrated into the host’s output). Users of these international databases
will also be able to link back to CGRD to access information on individual accessions
and their availability.
COGENT plans to develop a data-sharing agreement (DSA) 43 between each
COGENT country-member as the data provider, and the COGENT Secretariat as
the data receiver, to increase the level of legal protection of the data and to
42 See
43A Data Sharing Agreement (DSA) comprises a number of regulations for managing shared data between the Data-provider and the
Receiver in several specific domains and contexts. This is an official accord between the parties that distinctly establishes which type of
data is being shared, the obligations involved, the permissions required and how the data can be used. It ensures the protection of the
Data-provider and the Receiver, by establishing regulations and agreed terms and conditions of use in diffusion to third parties.
3. Where we need to be to secure diversity and promote use 167
44 See
168 Global Strategy for the Conservation and Use of Coconut Genetic Resources
will include two search options: by country, and by type of variety. This section will
include coconut seednuts produced by national institutions, private companies,
NGOs, farmers and other stakeholders at the national or global level, respectively.
Such a database will gather information about the planting material and also about
people and sites involved in its production, with respect to intellectual property
rights of the countries, farmers and other stakeholders. A significant amount of
information already exists, even on the COGENT website, but this information is
presently not sufficiently accessible 45.
The private sector is also very interested in contributing to such a database. Contacts
recently initiated with private companies in Brazil, for instance, have highlighted the
following issues: an interconnected network indicating producers of superior genetic
seednuts, and the varieties most suitable for each purpose and environment, would be
of great value for farmers and companies involved in coconut production.
The number of visits and downloads of technical documents from this online
“Databases for and of farmers” will serve as an indicator for measuring the
COGENT’s success in communicating with coconut stakeholders.
45See for instance the illustrated descriptions of coconut hybrids available pages 115, 117,119 and 121 of the following
document :
3. Where we need to be to secure diversity and promote use 169
46 Nuclear DNA will be sequenced using two complementary techniques, Illumina HiSeq2500 (~150 bp) with a ≈ 80 x
coverage, Roche 454/454+ (coverage ≈15x). A new BAC library will be constructed for dwarf genotype and BAC clones will
be sequenced to get the coverage of 4 x. Targeted re sequencing of the coconut genome for the specific loci will be done
using solexa. A saturated map will be produced by anchoring a core set of SNP markers and available SSR markers to the
existing map. Genotyping by sequencing will be followed for a minimum of 100 individuals each from a population created in
Côte d’Ivoire (for saturated linkage map itself), and from a population created in the Philippines (for subsequent QTL
mapping). These progenies and their parent palms will represent the global diversity of coconut. A progeny from China,
derived from the cross between the Hainan Tall and the Malayan Yellow Dwarf, will also be integrated within a few years.
47 Functional annotation consists of attaching biological information to genomic elements to annotate their biochemical,
biological, regulatory or interactive functions.
170 Global Strategy for the Conservation and Use of Coconut Genetic Resources
• Measure of water use efficiency (WUE) and gas exchanges, possibly complemented
by the carbon isotopic signature (13C/12C ratio) is liable to uncover variations
between genetic groups and between individuals in the transpiration and
photosynthetic processes.
• Assessment of leaf functional traits (leaf life-span, leaf area, specific leaf area, etc)
are likely to shed light on the differences between Tall and Dwarfs.
• Finally, metabolomic analyses of biological samples (leaflets, inflorescence stalk,
sap, fruits) will reveal variations of the amount of components, such as minerals, in
relation with total non structural carbohydrates as well as metabolite profiling
across cultivars.
In complement to this approach, collecting soil samples from the sites of these
experiments for future metagenomics analysis will indicate if performance/
characteristics are related to soil microflora rather than genotype or epigenetics.
It is also essential to develop a genomic approach to identify and link molecular
marker associations with disease resistance genes. This will allow marker-assisted
selection (MAS) in segregating populations from various resistant or tolerant
germplasm sources.
Large breeding experiments have been planted during the last decade in COGENT
member countries. Most of these experiments devoted to improvement of hybrids are
still alive in the fields. As field data are fully available, it It is proposed to sample them
for further molecular analysis. Leaf samples will be collected and kept (or their DNA)
extracted. Molecular analyses of these samples, combined with results of hybrid’s
performance recorded for several years during the field experiment will provide
precious information
We intend to concentrate on four sets of populations corresponding to Indo-Atlantic
Talls, Pacific Talls, Pacific Dwarfs and introgressed Talls respectively. Each of these
genetic groups will be represented by two cultivars with 25 individuals per
population, so about one and half hectares of coconut plantation will be required. This
set will have to be planted by the breeders interested in developing a genomics-based approach
and who are ready to plant the field plots needed for this approach. All germplasm
exchanges will have to be carefully monitored, preferably going through a quarantine
centre having disease indexing facilities.
In order to benefit from this opportunity, associated trait data characterization should
be undertaken as early as possible. The targeted traits (e.g. oil or coconut water yield,
quality etc) should be disaggregated into as many elementary factors as possible. The
use of transcriptomics 48 and generation of expressed sequence tags (ESTs) when
analyzing genetic activity (e.g. in pathogen - host interaction or the fatty acid
conversion) can decipher genes involved in essential processes. As discussed in section
2.5, new phenotyping methodologies are likely to be introduced, based on increased
48The classification and analysis of RNA molecules with coded genetic information transcripts and their formation, structure,
and function in an individual.
3. Where we need to be to secure diversity and promote use 171
2. The pattern of diversity in the Polynesian outliers (from Palau to the Marshall
Islands and possible early Austronesian migrations.
3. The historically documented Polynesian migrations from Central Polynesia to
4. The contribution of foreign influences to the build up of coconut diversity on the
East African coast and Maldives.
5. The extent of the distribution of the Pre-Colombian coconuts on the Pacific coast of
6. A comparative analysis of spontaneous and sub-spontaneous coconut populations51.
7. ... and possibly some other aspects as well.
Landscape genomics could also be helpful for a better understanding of the coconut
climate adaptation in relation with climate change (e. g. higher global temperatures
and sea-level rises). Genome wide association studies can be applied to environmental
factors and QTLs to select and breed “adapted” genotypes.
Molecular analysis will also be particularly useful for analysing the surveys conducted
in the islands most isolated 52 and/or endangered by climate change (see section 3.5.3)
and in the framework of geographical gap filling (section 3.5.4).
51 Plus some special varieties called Niu Afa in Samoa or Niu Kafa in Tonga, with long thick-husked fruit selected for making
should meet at least once every four years. Thus, including the Steering Committee,
about two COGENT meetings per year should be held on average. As indicated in
section 1.1.6, piggybacking the APCC and COGENT meetings in the same location
increase interactions with stakeholders from the coconut value chain and generate an
economy of both time and financial resources. Once fully resourced, effectively led and
operational, these ITAGs will also oversee the implementation of this Strategy.
Through an active participation in COGENT, all relevant national institutions will be
able to ensure that the decisions made by the network are advantageous to their
country in managing and using coconut diversity. Strengthening international
cooperation under the auspices of the Treaty will facilitate the rationalization of
existing and future coconut collections; it will reduce duplication of effort to address
any gaps, and will greatly limit the risk of spreading diseases.
COGENT will engage with the International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) 53 and
its Regional Plant Protection Organizations to ensure that updated guidelines for safe
movement of coconut germplasm will be widely available to those responsible for the
phytosanitary systems in coconut-producing countries. Another important field of
collaboration is risk analysis and policy making to avoid pest and diseases
transmission by stakeholders coming from other countries or regions.
National public sectors are investing considerable resources in R&D coconut projects,
but the cost-effectiveness of these efforts could be enhanced through clearer policies
and strengthened global coordination. Capacity building, including training, is
needed to allow genebank curators and breeders to adopt new conservation and
breeding technologies.
Thus, COGENT Steering Committee and Secretariat, along with the ITAGs will
continue to support and strengthen the following aspects:
1. Represent the 39 COGENT member-countries through one voice within the
international community in order to inform and raise awareness on coconut genetic
resources conservation and use.
2. Ensure effective long-term and cost-efficient conservation of important coconut
genetic resources.
3. Provide easy access to information and knowledge on coconut genetic resources
worldwide, on quarantine regulations and precautions, on germplasm
characterization and evaluation, and on genomics data.
4. Facilitate access to standardized protocols on characterization, evaluation, data
management and long-term conservation of germplasm.
53 The IPPC works with Convention contracting parties, to develop phytosanitary measures that underpin the parties’ ability
to manage pest risks and the environmental, economic and social impacts of plant pests. Its Commission on Phytosanitary
Measures (CPM) meets annually to review the state of plant protection, identifies action to control the spread of pests into
new areas, develops and adopts international standards and establishes procedures for the sharing of phytosanitary
information. The IPPC works with Regional Plant Protection Organizations and international organizations to build
phytosanitary capacity, to identify and address risks that cross national borders.
174 Global Strategy for the Conservation and Use of Coconut Genetic Resources
Country-members and their representative institutions will continue to play a key role
in the following aspects:
1. Provide international access to a wide range of diverse coconut genetic resources
and information on these resources.
2. Build trust between country-members by providing information to facilitate
3. Create national awareness of the importance of sharing responsibility for the
conservation and use of coconut diversity.
4. Seek a dialogue with decision-making political and administrative bodies at the
5. Work towards the development and implementation of access and benefit-sharing
national legislation that is conducive to COGENT’s proposed policy.
6. Facilitate implementation of safe-movement guidelines and coconut quarantine
7. Seek funding opportunities, inform the COGENT Secretariat about it, and help
develop international project proposals.
3.11 References
Bourdeix R., Leclerc C., Thampan P.K., Baudouin L., Joly H.I. 2008. Modern and natural coconut hybrids in
southern India : Natural, technical and social facts. Journal of ethnobiology, 28 (1): 39-54. Available
from the URL:
Bourdeix, R., George, M.L., Baudouin, L., Joly, H.I., L. Guarino, L., Engels, J. 2009a. The concept of
“Networked collection” or “Virtual collection”: new developments and their applications to the
conservation of the Coconut palm. Paper presented at the 2nd European Congress of Conservation
Biology, 1-5 September 2009, Prague, Czech Republic.
Bourdeix, R., Weise S.F., Planes S., Guarino, L., T. Bambridge, T. Lusty, C. 2009b. The concept of
"Networked collection" or "Virtual collection": revisiting the classical delineation between "in situ" and "ex
situ" conservation and its consequences on database management. Paper presented at the congress of
the Biodiversity Information Standards (TDWG), 9th-13th November 2009, Montpellier, France.
Weitzman, A.L. (ed). Available from the URL:
Bourdeix R., Johnson, V. Baudouin, L., Saena Tuia, V., Kete, T., Planes, S., Lusty, C, Weise, S. 2011.
Polymotu: a new concept of island-based germplasm bank based on an old Polynesian practice.
Ogasawara research 37: 33-51.
Bourdeix, R., Johnson, V., Saena Tuia, S.V., Kapé, J. & Planes, S. 2013. Traditional Conservation areas of
Coconut Varieties and Associated Knowledge in Polynesian Islands (South Pacific Ocean). In: Larrue,
S. Biodiversity and Societies in the Pacific Islands. University Press of Provence (PUP), Aix-Marseille
Université, Aix-en-Provence, France. pp. 199-222.Dumet, D., Diebiru, E., Adeyemi, A., Akinyemi, O.,
Gueye, B., Franco, J. 2013. Cryopreservation for the 'In Perpetuity Conservation of Yam and Cassava
Genetic Resources. Cryoletters 34(2):107-118.
Dumet, D., Diebiru, E., Adeyemi, A., Akinyemi, O., Gueye, B. & Franco, J. 2013. Cryopreservation for the 'In
Perpetuity' Conservation of Yam and Cassava Genetic Resources. Cryoletters 34(2):107-118.
Foale, M. 2003. The coconut odyssey: the bounteous possibilities of the tree of life. Canberra: Australian
Centre for International Agricultural Research.
Gunn, B. F., L. Baudouin et al. 2011. Independent Origins of Cultivated Coconuts (Cocos nucifera L.) in the
Old World Tropics. PLos ONE 6(6):e21143.
Huang, Y.Y., Matzke, A.J.M. & Matzke, M. 2013. Complete sequence and comparative analysis of the
chloroplast genome of coconut palm Cocos nucifera. PloS ONE 8(8):e74736. Available from doi:
Karun, A., Sajini, K.K., Nair, M., Kumaran, P.M. & Samsudheen, K. 2006. Cryopreservation of coconut
(Cocos nucifera L.) pollen. Journal of Plantation Crops 34(3):568.
Karun, A., Sajini, K.K. et al. 2014. Coconut (Cocos nucifera) pollen cryopreservation. Cryoletters 35(5):407-
Moritz, C. 2002. Strategies to protect biological diversity and the evolutionary processes that sustain it.
Systematic biology, 51(2):238-254.
Prades, A., Salum, U.N. & Pioch, D. 2016. "New era for the coconut sector. What prospects for research?"
OCL 23(6): D607.
Sangare, A. 1981. Compétition pollinique et légitimité des semences produites dans les champs semenciers
de cocotiers. Oleagineux 36 :424-427.
176 Global Strategy for the Conservation and Use of Coconut Genetic Resources
Young, H.S., McCauley, D.J., Dunbar, R.B. & Dirzo, R. 2010a. Plants cause ecosystem nutrient depletion via
the interruption of bird-derived spatial subsidies. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences,
107(5):2072-2077. Aoconut (Cocos nucifera L.) in the Old World Tropics. PLoS ONE 6(6):e21143.
Young, H.S., Raab T.K. et al. 2010b. Coconut palm, Cocos nucifera, impacts forest composition and soil
characteristics at Palmyra Atoll, Central Pacific. Journal of vegetation science 21(6):1058-1068.
Zhu, H., Yu, F.Y., Wu, D.Y., Niu, X.Q., Tang, Q.H. & Quin, W.Q. 2010. Risk Analysis of Coconut Lethal
Yellowing Phytoplasma Imported into China. Acta Agriculturae Jiangxi 11:027.
Annex 1. COGENT member countries and linked national institutions 177
4. Annexes
Annex 1. COGENT-member-countries and linked national
This list will be regularly updated on the COGENT website.
Brazil Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuaria – Av. Beira Mar, 3250 Atalaia
EMBRAPA, Centro de Pesquisa Agropecuaria dos 49025040
Tabuleiros Costeiros Aracaju, SE
Tel: +55 79 40091332
Fax: +55 79 40091374
Indonesia Indonesian Coconuts and Palm Research Institute JI. Raya Mapanget,
(ICOPRI) Kotak Pos 1004
Manado 95001 North Sulawesi
Tel: +62 431812430
Nigeria Plant Breeding Division, Nigerian Institute for Oil Benin-Akure Road,
Palm Research (NIFOR) PMB 1030
Benin City, Edo State, Nigeria
Tel: +234 8037033231
Philippines Agricultural Research & Development Branch, 7th/f PCA Bldg., Elliptical Road,
Philippine Coconut Authority (PCA) Quezon City, Philippines
Tel: +63 29284501 to 10
Fax: +63 29267631
Vanuatu Vanuatu Agricultural Research and Training Centre P.O. Box 231,
(VARTC) Espiritu Santo,
Tel: +678 36320/36420
Vietnam Planning & International Cooperation Department 171-175 Ham Nghi St. District 1
Research Institute for Oils and Oil plants (IOOP) Ho Chi Minh City,
Tel :+84 88297336/8243526/
Annex 2. Contributors to the strategy by chapters and sections 181
Kembu Alfred Papua New Guinea Cocoa Coconut Papua New
Institute Guinea
Stewart Research Station Madang
PO Box 642, Madang
Kete Tevita Centre for Pacific Crops and Trees Fiji
Secretariat of the Pacific Community
Private Mail Bag, Suva
Tuia Valérie Centre for Pacific Crops and Trees Fiji
Saena (CePaCT), Genetic Resources Unit
Participation in drafting and refining the Strategy was done on a voluntary basis. All
coconut stakeholders were invited to participate. The COGENT secretariat has taken in
account the effective involvement of each contributor and his/her willingness to
synthesize not only personal views, but also those of the wider coconut community.
1To be eligible for COGENT membership, a country must meet a number of criteria that have recently been articulated and
published on the COGENT website. (see
2 The Chair and Vice-Chair of the Steering Committee are elected for a two-year term and each must come from a different
regional network. The members are also elected for a two-year term.
Table 4.1. Location and composition of the COGENT Steering Committee Meeting from 1997 to 2014
Annex 4. Reorganization of the COGENT Network
198 Global Strategy for the Conservation and Use of Coconut Genetic Resources
Engaging two people (one official and one alternative representatives) in COGENT
instead of only one (as before 2012) for each member-country makes communication
much more efficient and sustained.
The composition and role of the SC were modified in order both to increase its stability
and to allow other member-countries to fully participate in decision-making. It was
decided that any country hosting an international genebank will be de facto member of
the SC and involved in the coordination of its respective regional networks.
All COGENT member-countries are now invited to join the SC meetings, by sending
their official or alternative representatives, or any other delegate mandated by the
above. All stakeholders and NGOs involved in the coconut value chain and all donors
agencies involved in funding coconut research are also invited to apply for
participating in the meeting 3.
All the member-countries’ representatives who attend the SC meeting now fully
participate in decisions and votes implemented during the meeting. Decisions will be
ratified by consensus (as it was done during the 2012 SC meeting for this important
change in decision-making) or by a majority of participating member-countries, taking
account one vote per member country.
In 2012, the venue of COGENT SC meetings was fixed as biennial and linked to the
COCOTECH 4 meeting of the APCC. Organizing the two meetings back to back in the
same location allows increased interactions with stakeholders from the coconut value
chain, generates economies of scale, and proves more environmentally friendly in
reducing the number of international flights. Furthermore it is no longer necessary to
wait for separate decisions on the venue of the SC meeting. A remote decision-
making process was endorsed, using two distinct processes, remote consensus and
remote voting.
Another important innovation introduced in 2012 was the creation of seven permanent
International Thematic Action Groups (see Table 4.2 for composition). ITAGs are not
decision-making bodies. Their objectives are:
• to gather the best specialists in order to strengthen communications between
researchers working in different countries in the same thematic field,
• to provide useful recommendations and new research ideas to the COGENT SC
(the decision-making body and to the COGENT secretariat),
• to help to protect the specific research interests of COGENT member-countries.
To enable effective hosting for the COGENT Secretariat, ongoing funding is needed for
IT support, finance, administration, HR, communications, fundraising and other
associated services. CIRAD has supported COGENT by providing technical expertise
3 In 2012, all the stakeholders who applied were welcome and participated in the meeting: three representatives of private
companies located in India and Brazil, a professor from a Brazilian University, and representatives from APCC, SPC and the
Coconut Development Board of India. A representative from the Global Crop Diversity Trust also attended the meeting.
4 COCOTECH is the permanent panel on coconut technology of the APCC. This gathering of coconut development workers,
researchers, farmers, processors, importers, exporters and government policy makers in APCC member countries is held once
every two years. For more information, visit the URL:
Annex 4. Reorganization of the COGENT Network 199
and coordination for Secretariat, whereby two researchers were successively seconded
to Bioversity for coordination support from 2011 to 2016
In the wake of CGIAR systemic changes (since 2011) Bioversity has reduced access to
funds to continue its current hosting support for the COGENT Secretariat.
Furthermore, Bioversity does not have core research expertise in coconuts (although
offers farming-systems expertise linked also to other palm spp.)
For these reasons, COGENT and Bioversity have identified a new arrangement for
hosting the Secretariat to keep network effective and ensure implementation of this
Global Coconut GR Strategy. Different hosting options were considered by COGENT
and Bioversity. Any Secretariat host must have global reach, embracing all regions
(LAC, Africa/Indian Ocean; Asia - Pacific), to be able to support the network of
39 member countries, and the 24 national and 5 International Coconut Genebanks. The
final decision was made by COGENT through its Steering Committee, at its
18th SC meeting in Fiji in 2017 to transfer the Secretariat to the APCC as soon as it is
formally renamed as the international coconut community (ICC) in September 2018.
Bioversity will also transfer article 15 obligations under the Treaty, regarding ICGs in
PNG and Côte d’Ivoire, as these obligations may transfer to another organization in
any new hosting arrangement.
As articulated in Recommendation 4 issued at the COGENT 18th SC meeting 5 in
November 2017, the SC also voted for COGENT members to update the International
Thematic Action Groups (ITAGs - see table 4.2 next page for current ITAGs), in terms
of leadership and composition, and nature (adding ITAGs if a new thematic area is
deemed appropriate). The SC also recommended that a COGENT Strategy
Implementation Taskforce (SIT) be established, by remote voting, composed of the
ITAG leaders, the COGENT Coordinator, Chair and Vice-chair, along with
representatives of the ICGs and external observers. The ITAG teams will then develop
appropriate sections of the strategy implementation timeline and budget for those
activities relevant to their thematic area, with reference to the work plan developed by
Dr Bourdeix, and updating this after the ITAGs leaders have been appointed. This also
will require a fundraising task force being established and proposals developed via the
ITAG team task force (essentially ITAG team members and COGENT Secretariat).
Table 4.3. Fund generation and financial support to member countries and partner institutions.
Total 8,111.3
Annex 6. Global survey template (2012) 203
At the global level, coconut conservation is presently facing an emergency situation. We will probably need to
rethink and modify the global organization of coconut conservation. We have learned, from researchers of the CNRA
“Marc Delorme” research station, that a Lethal Yellowing Disease was identified for the first time in Côte
d’Ivoire, in the Grand-Lahou region, at about 150 km from the International Coconut Genebank for Africa and Indian
Ocean. In Papua New Guinea, the International Genebank for the Pacific Region is also strongly threatened by a
new Phytoplasma disease (see the video at:
In 2012, the COGENT secretariat released an important report which gives an overview of coconut
conservation and provides an evaluation of several genebanks. This report may help you to articulate an opinion.
It is available on line at:
If you do not succeed to connect or use the Internet version of the survey, we also provide a Word version of the
questionnaire. Please return this questionnaire by 1st July 2013, even if it is not fully completed.
For all quantitative data, we do not need very precise data but a rough estimated average. We prefer to have
now your opinions on strategically important points than to wait a long time for having a full set of
quantitative data.
The feedback received will contribute to the Global Strategy and you will have an opportunity to review its content
and provide further feedback. Your participation in the development of this initiative is highly valued. If you have
any questions or difficulties, please do not hesitate to contact Dr Roland Bourdeix, COGENT coordinator, or
Diana De la Mata, COGENT Communications.
Yours sincerely,
Dr Roland Bourdeix
COGENT Coordinator
4. Please indicate what responsibility the institute has in maintaining the collection (only one tick per row):
5. If you have answered “no” to any of these questions, please specify, where possible, who is the responsible
Annex 6. Global survey template (2012) 205
6. What is the current status of the collection with respect to the following factors?
Factors Very good / Good / Average / Poor
/ Very poor / I don’t know
Funding for maintenance
Number of trained staff
Status of buildings, facilities and equipment
Funding for collecting germplasm
Funding for research on the collection
Level of use by breeders, researchers or growers
7-8. Who funded the genebank activities during the last (in USD per year, yearly average)?
Factors Total amount per year
Self-funding (resources generated by the genebank from raw
coconut products excluding planting material)
Self-funding (selling germplasm and planting material)
Self-funding (selling high value coconut products
processed in the genebank)
Self-funding (selling other products than coconut)
National Government
National Private companies
International Private companies
International agencies
Other (______________________________________)
9. Please estimate the annual costs in US$ per accession of the following activities carried out on the
US$ / accession / year
Field collection maintenance
Morphological characterization
Molecular characterization
Agronomic evaluation
Germplasm health (indexing & eradication)
Information management
206 Global Strategy for the Conservation and Use of Coconut Genetic Resources
10. Please provide the details of any other major costs related to your activity(ies)
13. Please provide the average production of the genebank (estimation on adult palms,
average last five years)
Number of Average weight Average weight Average coconut Average
fruits of the mature of kernel water planting
per palm coconuts (g) per mature coconut per young coconut density
per year (g) (ml) (Palms per
14. What are the main factors presently threatening the genebank?
Annex 6. Global survey template (2012) 207
15. Please describe the major concerns threatening the long-term sustainability of the collection in
your country
Land pressure
Lack of budget
Lack of profitability of the genebank
Lack on manpower
Lack of infrastructure
Low agronomic management
Geographical isolation of the genebank
Scientific isolation of researchers working at the genebank
Researchers do not want to stay working at the genebank
Low commitment to coconut conservation at local level
Low commitment to coconut conservation at national level
Low commitment to coconut conservation at international
17. Please provide the average production of the seed gardens from your institution
(rough estimation on adult palms, per year, average of last years)
Type of seednuts Number Total area Number Number of Number of Number of
of mother (hectares) of fruits seednuts seednuts seedlings
palms per palm produced released to released to
per year per year farmers farmers
Tall x Tall hybrids
Dwarf x Tall hybrids
Composite varieties
19. How does the genebank from your country interact with stakeholders on the importance of
conservation and use of coconut genetic resources?
From 1 (very effecively)
to 5 (very weak)
0 = Don’t know
The website of the institution provide accurate information
on the genebank
The website of the institution provide information on germplasm
descriptors and yield characteristics
The website of the institution provide pictures of the conserved
The website of the institution provide videos on conservation and use
of coconut germplasm
Books and paper catalogues on coconut germplasm are available at
national level
The links between the genebank and the coconut stakeholders
(farmers, industrials) are satisfactory
The links between the genebank and the citizens are satisfactory
210 Global Strategy for the Conservation and Use of Coconut Genetic Resources
20. How many people are visiting the genebank? (Rough estimation, yearly average for the last five
years). If you do not have a gender estimation, please fill only the column “Total”
Female Male Total
Total number of people
Students for primary school
Students for secondary school
Students from university
Students for internships on coconut research
Farmers and other coconut stakeholders
Researchers from other institutions
Local tourists
International tourists
21. Do you think the genebank should be visited by more people? Why and by whom?
24. Do you think that the present global organization, with only five genebanks classified as
International, should be modified?
Strongly agree / Agree / Neutral / Disagree /
Strongly disagree / I don’t know
The number of international genebank should be
increased (two per region instead of one, for
instance the Philippines and/or Sri Lanka could also
become international genebanks)
The number of international genebanks should be
maintained (one per region only)
25. What changes to the present situation would you consider to be essential for the long-term
conservation of Coconut at a national or global level?
26. Please answer this question, ONLY if the coconut genebank in your country does not have the
status of international genebank
From 1 to 5
1: strongly agree
5: strongly disagree
0= Don’t know
The national genebank is effectively playing its role in:
1. conserving germplasm from the country
2. conserving germplasm from other country
3. distributing germplasm at the local level (100 km around the
4. distributing germplasm at the national level
5. capacity building at local level (100 km around the genebank)
6. capacity building at National level
7. enhancing commitment to conservation and use of coconut
genetic resources
27. How the COGENT network can help to strengthen the genebank in your country?
28. How the COGENT network can help to increase commitment at local, national and International
level to conservation and use of Coconut Genetic Resources?
7 This means that, in the Memorandum of Agreement signed by Indonesia, the Salak Green Dwarf (SKD) is one of the cultivar
listed as available for the coconut community.
8 Probably more than 20.
9 Probably more than eight.
10 At the rate of US$500 per cultivar.
Annex 9. Conserving each cultivar in three countries: what does it mean? 217
population of BRT at the international level? Curators will have to make a decision
on this point according to available data. As an allogamous Tall-type, BRT must be
reproduced by CHP. Unfortunately, the International Genebank in Brazil does not
currently have adequate skills, climbing methods and the manpower needed to
conduct CHP. Could the international system help the Brazil genebank to overcome
this constraint? Is it possible to come back to the collecting site and get BRT seednuts
from open pollination? Yes, it would become possible to transfer BRT to other
countries by developing skills for CHP technique in Brazil or by coming back to
collection site for getting BRT seednuts,. Then the process (a, b, c, d, e) described in
earlier paragraph will be applied to at least one BRT population. Negotiation within
COGENT will designate the two receiving countries. It is expected for the
international system to help Brazil genebank to improve its CHP method and to
cover the cost of the required international transfers.
4. The Rennell Island Tall (RIT) is a very useful cultivar already well conserved in 15
countries. The international system will no longer fund RIT international transfers.
Negotiation with COGENT will have to designate three RIT accessions in three
countries which will be considered as part of the global coconut collection. This
process will not only take into account the present international mandates. It will
also take into consideration the real involvement of countries in international
exchanges during the past 20 years, and their willingness to place RIT accessions
under international mandate. Then, the international system is expected to cover
part of the cost of conserving these three accessions. Of course, RIT will remain fully
available for the other genebanks which want to acquire it. This acquisition process
will be greatly facilitated by the existence of three accessions of RIT conserved
preferably under international mandate by three distinct countries.
218 Global Strategy for the Conservation and Use of Coconut Genetic Resources
24 Estimated at 44 USD per accession based on capital costs of Bioversity (banana), CIP (Andean roots and tubers, potato
and sweetpotato) and IITA (banana and cassava) for a total of 814 accessions with total cost of 35,723 USD
25 Estimated number of accessions to be maintained in cryopreservation
26 Average based on activities of maintenance of the cryopreserved accessions of Bioversity (banana) for a total of 800
accessions with total cost of 14,655 USD
27 Estimated at 4 USD per accession based on capital costs of Bioversity (banana) for a total of 800 accessions with total
cost of 3442 USD
28 Estimated number of accessions to be introduced into cryopreservation
29 Average based on activities of introduction of accessions into cryopreservation of Bioversity (banana) for a total of 35
accessions with total cost of 54,495 USD
30 Estimated at 264 USD per accession based on capital costs of Bioversity (banana) a total of 35 accessions with total cost
of 9250 USD
31 Estimated number of accessions for security duplication in a distant location (in addition to the accessions in
32 Average based on activities of security duplication of CIAT (cassava), CIP (Andean roots and tubers,) and IITA (cassava
and yam) for a total of 4141 accessions with total cost of 105,572 USD
33 Estimated at 5 USD per accession based on capital costs of Bioversity (banana), CIP (Andean roots and tubers, potato
and sweetpotato) and IITA (banana and cassava) for a total of 4141 accessions with total cost of 19,447 USD
34 Estimated number of accessions distributed every year
35 Average based on activities of distribution of CIAT (cassava), CIP (Andean roots and tubers, potato and sweetpotato) and
IITA (banana, cassava and yam) for a total of 4911 accessions with total cost of 361,274 USD
36 Estimated at 5 USD per accession based on capital costs of CIP (Andean roots and tubers, potato and sweetpotato) and
IITA (banana, cassava and yam) for a total of 4911 accessions with total cost of 22,739 USD
37 Estimated number of accessions of the CNCC
38 Average based on activities of information management of Bioversity (banana), CIAT (cassava), CIP (Andean roots and
tubers, potato and sweetpotato) and IITA (cassava) for a total of 27,742 accessions with total cost of 422,461 USD
39 Estimated at 1 USD per accession based on capital costs of Bioversity (banana), CIP (Andean roots and tubers, potato
and sweetpotato) and IITA (cassava) for a total of 27,742 accessions with total cost of 39,633 USD
40 Estimated number of accessions of the CNCC
41 Average based on general management of collection of Bioversity (banana), CIAT (cassava), CIP (Andean roots and
tubers and sweetpotato) and IITA (banana, cassava and yam) for a total of 43,707 accessions with total cost of 344,388
42 Estimated at 1 USD per accession based on capital costs of Bioversity (banana), CIAT (cassava), CIP (Andean roots and
tubers and sweetpotato) and IITA (banana, cassava and yam) for a total of 43,707 accessions with total cost of 39,940
43 Estimated number of accessions verified for identification of duplicates and integrity
44 Average based on activities of identification of duplicates and integrity of CIAT (cassava) for a total of 233 accessions with
total cost of 36,180 USD
45 Estimated at 51 USD per accession based on capital costs of CIAT (cassava) for a total of 233 accessions with total cost
11,795 USD
Annex 10. Estimated costs summary of the Global COGENT collection 221