Periodical Test in CLE 2
Periodical Test in CLE 2
Periodical Test in CLE 2
NAME: _____________________________________SCORE:_________
GRADE AND SECTION: _______________________DATE:__________
A. Circle the best answer.
1. We experience God’s love through our father, mother, brothers and
sisters. What is their role in our life?
a. classmates c. friends
b. family d. relatives
2. Aside from our own family, what family do we belong?
a. Family of Apostles c. Family of God
b. Family of our friend’s d. Family of our neighbor
3. What sacrament prepares the child’s entry into God’s family?
a. baptism c. christmas
b. birthday d. first communion
4. When did the Holy Spirit come?
a. Advent c. Easter Sunday
b. Christmas d. Pentecost day
5. Where can we listen to the Word of God?
a. church c. playground
b. mall d. television
B. Complete the following statements with the correct answer.
Choose from the box below.
A Day in the Life of the Holy Family
12 8 Jerusalem temple
teachers obedient
1-2. Jesus was _____ years old when His family went to
__________________ to celebrate the Passover.
3. His parents lost sight of Him and they found Him in the
_________________ after three days.
4. He was sitting in the middle of the __________________, listening
to them and asking them questions. .
5. Mary said that they have been searching for Him in sorrow then
Jesus went down with them to Nazareth and was
__________________ to them.
A. Direction: Write TRUE if the statement is correct and write
FALSE if not.
_________1. Each of us belongs to a family and to the greater family of
_________2. St. Magdalene is the mother of Jesus Christ.
_________3. We experience God’s love in our relationship with our family
_________4. Peter baptized the people with water from the Jordan River.
_________5. In Baptism, we became children of God and followers of
_________6. Baptism’s main act is the pouring of the holy water on the
child’s forehead.
_________7. The Church is one and universal.
_________8. People receive the Holy Spirit during Christmas.
_________9. Those people who receive the message of God were
_________10. John the Baptist told the people about the Good News that
Jesus Christ has risen from the dead.
B. Which of the following show that you belong to God’s family? Put a
Draw the symbol of the following: (2 points each)
Holy Spirit