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After going through the chapter student shall be able to understand:
 Fundamental Analysis
 Technical Analysis
(a) Meaning
(b) Assumptions
(c) Theories and Principles
(d) Charting Techniques
(e) Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH) Analysis

Investment decision depends on securities to be bought, held or sold. Buying security is based on
highest return per unit of risk or lowest risk per unit of return. Selling security does not depend on
any such requirement. A security considered for buying today may not be attractive tomorrow due
to management policy changes in the company or economic policy changes adopted by the
government. The reverse is also true. Therefore, analysis of the security on a continuous basis is a
Security Analysis involves a systematic analysis of the risk return profiles of various securities which
is to help a rational investor to estimate a value for a company from all the price sensitive
information/data so that he can make purchases when the market under-prices some of them and
thereby earn a reasonable rate of return.

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Two approaches viz. fundamental analysis and technical analysis are in vogue for carrying out
Security Analysis. In fundamental analysis, factors affecting risk-return characteristics of securities
are looked into while in technical analysis, demand/ supply position of the securities along with
prevalent share price trends are examined.

Fundamental analysis is based on the assumption that the share prices depend upon the future
dividends expected by the shareholders. The present value of the future dividends can be calculated
by discounting the cash flows at an appropriate discount rate and is known as the 'intrinsic value of
the share'. The intrinsic value of a share, according to a fundamental analyst, depicts the true value
of a share. A share that is priced below the intrinsic value must be bought, while a share quoting
above the intrinsic value must be sold.
Thus, it can be said that the price the shareholders are prepared to pay for a share is nothing but
the present value of the dividends they expect to receive on the share and this is the price at which
they expect to sell it in the future.
As a first step, to arrive at a compact expression, let us make a simple assumption, that the company
is expected to pay a uniform dividend of ` D per share every year, i.e.,
D(1) = D(2) = D(3) = … = D, (1)
The Eq., would then become:
P(0) = + 2
+ + ... + ... (2)
(1+ k) (1+ k) (1+ k)3
But it is unrealistic to assume that dividends remain constant over time. In case of most shares, the
dividends per share (DPS) grow because of the growth in the earnings of the firm. Most companies,
as they identify new investment opportunities for growth, tend to increase their DPS over a period
of time.
Let us assume that on an average the DPS of the company grows at the compounded rate of g per
annum, so that dividend D(1) at the end of the first period grows to D(1)(1+g), D(1)(1+g)2, etc, at
the end of second period, third period, etc. respectively. So we must have:
D (1) D (1) (1 + g) D (1) (1 + g)2
P(0) = + + + ... + ... (3)
(1 + k) (1 + k)2 (1 + k)3
which is a perpetual geometric series.
If growth rate in dividends, g, is less than the desired rate of return on share, k, we must have:
P(0) = (4)
(k − g)

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D(0)(1 + g)
P(0) = (5)
(k − g)

Since D(1) may be approximated as D(0)(1+g), D(0) being the DPS in the current period (0).
When growth rate in dividends, g, is equal to or greater than the desired rate of return on share, k,
the above model is not valid, since the geometric series leads to an infinite price. The condition that
g be less than k is not very restrictive, since the long-term growth in dividends is unlikely to exceed
the rate of return expected by the market on the share.
The above result [Eq.(4)] is also known as Gordon’s dividend growth model for stock valuation,
named after the model’s originator, Myron J. Gordon. This is one of the most well known models in
the genre of fundamental analysis.
In equation (5), if “g” is set at zero, we get back equation (2).
1.1 Dividend Growth Model and the PE Multiple
Financial analysts tend to relate price to earnings via the P/E multiples (the ratio between the market
price and earnings per share).
If a company is assumed to pay out a fraction b of its earnings as dividends on an average (i.e. the
Dividend Payout Ratio = b), D(1) may be expressed as b E(1), where E(1) is the earning per share
(EPS) of the company at the end of the first period. Equation (4) then becomes:
P(0) = (6)
(k − g)

bE(0) (1 + g)
P(0) = (7)
(k − g)
The fundamental analysts use the above models or some of their variations, for estimating the
fundamental or intrinsic price or the fundamental price-earnings multiple of a security. Towards this
end, they devote considerable effort in assessing the impact of various kinds of information on a
company’s future profitability and the expected return of the shareholders. If the prevailing price or
the P/E multiple of a security is higher than the estimated fundamental value (i.e. if the security
appears to be overpriced), they recommend a selling stance with respect to that security, since once
the information becomes common knowledge, the price of the security may be expected to fall. On
the other hand, if the security is under-priced in the market, the prevailing price (or the P/E multiple)
of the security being lower than the estimated fundamental value, they recommend buying the
security, counting upon a price rise.
Because of these inherent complex interrelationships in the production processes, the fortunes of
each industry are closely tied to those of other industries and to the performance of the economy as

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a whole. Within an industry, the prospects of a specific company depend not only on the prospects
of the industry to which it belongs, but also on its operating and competitive position within that
industry. The key variables that an investor must monitor in order to carry out his fundamental
analysis are economy wide factors, industry wide factors and company specific factors. In other
words, fundamental analysis encompasses economic, industrial and company analyses. They are
depicted by three concentric circles and constitute the different stages in an investment decision
making process.
Economy Analysis

Industry Analysis

Company Analysis

1.2 Economic Analysis

Macro- economic factors e. g. historical performance of the economy in the past/ present and
expectations in future, growth of different sectors of theeconomy in future with signs of
stagnation/degradation at present to be assessed while analyzing the overall economy. Trends in
peoples’ income and expenditure reflect the growth of a particular industry/company in future.
Consumption affects corporate profits, dividends and share prices in the market.
1.2.1 Factors Affecting Economic Analysis
Some of the economy wide factors are discussed as under:
(a) Growth Rates of National Income and Related Measures: For most purposes, what is
important is the difference between the nominal growth rate quoted by GDP and the ‘real’ growth
after taking inflation into account. The estimated growth rate of the economy would be a pointer to
the prospects for the industrial sector, and therefore to the returns investors can expect from
investment in shares.
(b) Growth Rates of Industrial Sector: This can be further broken down into growth rates of
various industries or groups of industries if required. The growth rates in various industries are
estimated based on the estimated demand for its products.
(c) Inflation: Inflation is measured in terms of either wholesale prices (the Wholesale Price Index
or WPI) or retail prices (Consumer Price Index or CPI). The demand in some industries, particularly

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the consumer products industries, is significantly influenced by the inflation rate. Therefore, firms in
these industries make continuous assessment about inflation rates likely to prevail in the near future
so as to fine-tune their pricing, distribution and promotion policies to the anticipated impact of
inflation on demand for their products.
(d) Monsoon: Because of the strong forward and backward linkages, monsoon is of great
concern to investors in the stock market too.

1.2.2 Techniques Used in Economic Analysis

Economic analysis is used to forecast national income with its various components that have a
bearing on the concerned industry and the company in particular. Gross national product (GNP) is
used to measure national income as it reflects the growth rate in economic activities and has been
regarded as a forecasting tool for analyzing the overall economy along with its various components
during a particular period.
Some of the techniques used for economic analysis are:
(a) Anticipatory Surveys: They help investors to form an opinion about the future state of the
economy. It incorporates expert opinion on construction activities, expenditure on plant and
machinery, levels of inventory – all having a definite bearing on economic activities. Also future
spending habits of consumers are taken into account.
In spite of valuable inputs available through this method, it has certain drawbacks:
(i) Survey results do not guarantee that intentions surveyed would materialize.
(ii) They are not regarded as forecasts per se, as there can be a consensus approach by the
investor for exercising his opinion.
Continuous monitoring of this practice is called for to make this technique popular.
(b) Barometer/Indicator Approach: Various indicators are used to find out how the economy
shall perform in the future. The indicators have been classified as under:
(i) Leading Indicators: They lead the economic activity in terms of their outcome. They relate to
the time series data of the variables that reach high/low points in advance of economic
(ii) Roughly Coincidental Indicators: They reach their peaks and troughs at approximately the
same in the economy.
(iii) Lagging Indicators: They are time series data of variables that lag behind in their
consequences vis-a- vis the economy. They reach their turning points after the economy has
reached its own already.
All these approaches suggest direction of change in the aggregate economic activity but nothing
about its magnitude. The various measures obtained form such indicators may give conflicting

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signals about the future direction of the economy. To avoid this limitation, use of diffusion/composite
index is suggested whereby combining several indicators into one index to measure the
strength/weaknesses in the movement of a particular set of indicators. Computation of diffusion
indices is no doubt difficult notwithstanding the fact it does not eliminate irregular movements.
Money supply in the economy also affects investment decisions. Rate of change in money supply in
the economy affects GNP, corporate profits, interest rates and stock prices. Increase in money
supply fuels inflation. As investment in stocks is considered as a hedge against inflation, stock prices
go up during inflationary period.
(c) Economic Model Building Approach: In this approach, a precise and clear relationship
between dependent and independent variables is determined. GNP model building or sectoral
analysis is used in practice through the use of national accounting framework. The steps used are
as follows:
(i) Hypothesize total economic demand by measuring total income (GNP) based on political
stability, rate of inflation, changes in economic levels.
(ii) Forecasting the GNP by estimating levels of various components viz. consumption
expenditure, gross private domestic investment, government purchases of goods/services,
net exports.
(iii) After forecasting individual components of GNP, add them up to obtain the forecasted GNP.
(iv) Comparison is made of total GNP thus arrived at with that from an independent agency for
the forecast of GNP and then the overall forecast is tested for consistency. This is carried out
for ensuring that both the total forecast and the component wise forecast fit together in a
reasonable manner.
1.3 Industry Analysis
When an economy grows, it is very unlikely that all industries in the economy would grow at the
same rate. So it is necessary to examine industry specific factors, in addition to economy-wide
First of all, an assessment has to be made regarding all the conditions and factors relating to demand
of the particular product, cost structure of the industry and other economic and Government
constraints on the same. Since the basic profitability of any company depends upon the economic
prospects of the industry to which it belongs, an appraisal of the particular industry's prospects is
1.3.1 Factors Affecting Industry Analysis
The following factors may particularly be kept in mind while assessing the factors relating to an

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(a) Product Life-Cycle: An industry usually exhibits high profitability in the initial and growth
stages, medium but steady profitability in the maturity stage and a sharp decline in profitability
in the last stage of growth.
(b) Demand Supply Gap: Excess supply reduces the profitability of the industry because of the
decline in the unit price realization, while insufficient supply tends to improve the profitability
because of higher unit price realization.
(c) Barriers to Entry: Any industry with high profitability would attract fresh investments. The
potential entrants to the industry, however, face different types of barriers to entry. Some of
these barriers are innate to the product and the technology of production, while other barriers
are created by existing firms in the industry.
(d) Government Attitude: The attitude of the government towards an industry is a crucial
determinant of its prospects.
(e) State of Competition in the Industry: Factors to be noted are- firms with leadership
capability and the nature of competition amongst them in foreign and domestic market, type
of products manufactured viz. homogeneous or highly differentiated, demand prospects
through classification viz customer-wise/area-wise, changes in demand patterns in the
long/immediate/ short run, type of industry the firm is placed viz. growth, cyclical, defensive
or decline.
(f) Cost Conditions and Profitability: The price of a share depends on its return, which in turn
depends on profitability of the firm. Profitability depends on the state of competition in the
industry, cost control measures adopted by its units and growth in demand for its products.
Factors to be considered are:
(i) Cost allocation among various heads e.g. raw material, labors and overheads and their
controllability. Overhead cost for some may be higher while for others labour may be
so. Labour cost which depends on wage level and productivity needs close scrutiny.
(ii) Product price.
(iii) Production capacity in terms of installation, idle and operating.
(iv) Level of capital expenditure required for maintenance / increase in productive
Investors are required to make a through analysis of profitability. This is carried out by the
study of certain ratios such as G.P. Ratio, Operating Profit Margin Ratio, R.O.E., Return on
Total Capital etc.
(g) Technology and Research: They play a vital role in the growth and survival of a particular
industry. Technology is subject to change very fast leading to obsolescence. Industries which
update themselves have a competitive advantage over others in terms of quality, price etc.

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Things to be probed in this regard are:

(i) Nature and type of technology used.
(ii) Expected changes in technology for new products leading to increase in sales.
(iii) Relationship of capital expenditure and sales over time. More capital expenditure
means increase in sales.
(iv) Money spent in research and development. Whether this amount relates to
redundancy or not?
(v) Assessment of industry in terms of sales and profitability in short, immediate and long
1.3.2 Techniques Used in Industry Analysis
The techniques used for analyzing the industry wide factors are:
(a) Regression Analysis: Investor diagnoses the factors determining the demand for output of
the industry through product demand analysis. Factors to be considered are GNP, disposable
income, per capita consumption / income, price elasticity of demand. For identifying factors
affecting demand, statistical techniques like regression analysis and correlation are used.
(b) Input – Output Analysis: It reflects the flow of goods and services through the economy,
intermediate steps in production process as goods proceed from raw material stage through
final consumption. This is carried out to detect changing patterns/trends indicating
growth/decline of industries.
1.4 Company Analysis
Economic and industry framework provides the investor with proper background against which
shares of a particular company are purchased. This requires careful examination of the company's
quantitative and qualitative fundamentals.
(a) Net Worth and Book Value: Net Worth is sum of equity share capital, preference share
capital and free reserves less intangible assets and any carry forward of losses. The total net
worth divided by the number of shares is the much talked about book value of a share. Though
the book value is often seen as an indication of the intrinsic worth of the share, this may not
be so for two major reasons. First, the market price of the share reflects the future earnings
potential of the firm which may have no relationship with the value of its assets. Second, the
book value is based upon the historical costs of the assets of the firm and these may be gross
underestimates of the cost of the replacement or resale values of these assets.
(b) Sources and Uses of Funds: The identification of sources and uses of funds is known as
Funds Flow Analysis. One of the major uses of funds flow analysis is to find out whether the
firm has used short-term sources of funds to finance long-term investments. Such methods
of financing increases the risk of liquidity crunch for the firm, as long-term investments,

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because of the gestation period involved may not generate enough surpluses in time to meet
the short-term liabilities incurred by the firm. Many a firm has come to grief because of this
mismatch between the maturity periods of sources and uses of funds.
(c) Cross-Sectional and Time Series Analysis: One of the main purposes of examining
financial statements is to compare two firms, compare a firm against some benchmark figures
for its industry and to analyze the performance of a firm over time. The techniques that are
used to do such proper comparative analysis are: common-sized statement, and financial
ratio analysis.
(d) Size and Ranking: A rough idea regarding the size and ranking of the company within the
economy, in general, and the industry, in particular, would help the investment manager in
assessing the risk associated with the company. In this regard the net capital employed, the
net profits, the return on investment and the sales figures of the company under consideration
may be compared with similar data of other companies in the same industry group. It may
also be useful to assess the position of the company in terms of technical know-how, research
and development activity and price leadership.
(e) Growth Record: The growth in sales, net income, net capital employed and earnings per
share of the company in the past few years should be examined. The following three growth
indicators may be particularly looked into: (a) Price earnings ratio, (b) Percentage growth rate
of earnings per annum, and (c) Percentage growth rate of net block.
The price earnings ratio is an important indicator for the investment manager since it shows the
number of times the earnings per share are covered by the market price of a share. Theoretically,
this ratio should be the same for two companies with similar features. However, this is not so in
practice due to many factors. Hence, by a comparison of this ratio pertaining to different companies
the investment manager can have an idea about the image of the company and can determine
whether the share is under-priced or over-priced.
Consider the following example:
Company A Company B
(a) Market price of share of ` 100 150 250
(b) Earnings per share 25 25
(c) Price earnings ratio [ (a) ÷ (b) ] 6 10

It is obvious that the purchaser of company A's shares pays 6 times its annual earnings while the
purchaser of company B's shares pays 10 times. If other factors (intrinsic value of share, growth
potential, etc.) are quite similar, it is obvious that the shares of company A are preferable. In practice,
however, the other factors are never similar in the case of two companies. The investment manager
must try to ascertain why the EPS in company B is comparatively low – may be some factors are
not apparent. EPS calculation cannot be the sole basis of deciding about an investment. Yet it is
one of the most important factors on the basis of which the investment manager takes a decision to

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purchase the shares. This is because it relates the market price of the shares and the earnings per
The percentage growth rate of net blocks shows how the company has been developing its capacity
levels. Obviously, a dynamic company will keep on expanding its capacities and diversify its
business. This will enable it to enter new and profitable lines and avoid stagnation in its growth.
In this context, an evaluation of future growth prospects of the company should be carefully made.
This requires an analysis of existing capacities and their utilisation, proposed expansion and
diversification plans and the nature of the company's technology. The existing capacity utilisation
levels can be known from the quantitative information given in the published profit and loss accounts
of the company. The plans of the company, in terms of expansion or diversification, can be known
from the Directors’ Reports, the Chairman’s statements and from the future capital commitments as
shown by way of notes in the balance sheets. The nature of technology of a company should be
seen with reference to technological developments in the concerned fields, the possibility of its
product being superseded or the possibility of emergence of a more effective method of
Growth is the single most important factor in company analysis for the purpose of investment
management. A company may have a good record of profits and performance in the past; but if it
does not have growth potential, its shares cannot be rated high from the investment point of view.
(f) Financial Analysis: An analysis of its financial statements for the past few years would help
the investment manager in understanding the financial solvency and liquidity, the efficiency with
which the funds are used, the profitability, the operating efficiency and the financial and operating
leverages of the company. For this purpose, certain fundamental ratios have to be calculated.
From the investment point of view, the most important figures are earnings per share, price earning
ratios, yield, book value and the intrinsic value of the share. These five elements may be calculated
for the past 10 years or so and compared with similar ratios computed from the financial accounts
of other companies in the industry and with the average ratios for the industry as a whole. The yield
and the asset backing of a share are important considerations in a decision regarding whether the
particular market price of the share is proper or not.
Various other ratios to measure profitability, operating efficiency and turnover efficiency of the
company may also be calculated. The return on owners' investment, capital turnover ratio and the
cost structure ratios may also be worked out.
To examine the financial solvency or liquidity of the company, the investment manager may work
out current ratio, liquidity ratio, debt-equity ratio, etc. These ratios will provide an overall view of the
company to the investment analyst. He can analyse its strengths and weaknesses and see whether
it is worth the risk or not.
(g) Competitive Advantage: Another business consideration for investors is competitive
advantage. A company's long-term success is driven largely by its ability to maintain its competitive

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advantage.Powerful competitive advantages, such as Apple’s brand name and Samsung’s

domination of the mobilemarket, create a shield around a business that allows it to keep competitors
at a distance.
(h) Quality of Management: This is an intangible factor. Yet it has a very important bearing on
the value of the shares. Every investment manager knows that the shares of certain business houses
command a higher premium than those of similar companies managed by other business houses.
This is because of the quality of management, the confidence that investors have in a particular
business house, its policy vis-a-vis its relationship with the investors, dividend and financial
performance record of other companies in the same group, etc. This is perhaps the reason that an
investment manager always gives a close look to themanagement of a company in whose shares
he is to invest. Quality of management has to be seen with reference to the experience, skills and
integrity of the persons at the helm of affairs of the company. The policy of the management
regarding relationship with the shareholders is an important factor since certain business houses
believe in very generous dividend and bonus distributions while others are rather conservative.
However, an average investor is at a disadvantage when compared with a large investor. They do
not get the facility to meet the top executives of the company. But, the fund managers interested in
investing huge amount of money generally get to meet the top brasses of an organization.
It is true that every listed company give detailed information about its management. But, the
information they give is always positive. This is because; no company will host any negative
information about its company. So, the question is how to find the dirt inside the management. The
remedy is to have a look out for the conference calls hosted by the company’s CEO and CFO. After
reading the company’s financial results, they take question and answers session from the investors.
That’s where one can pick something that can indicate about the true position about the company.
Some other ways to judge the management of the company is to read the Management Discussion
and Analysis Report. Further, it helps when top management people are also the shareholders. If
the large scale unloading of their shares are taking place and something else is communicated to
the media, then it is a sign that something is wrong. Another way to judge the effectiveness of the
management is to see the past performance of the executives, say, for five years.
(i) Corporate Governance: Following factors are to be kept in mind while judging the
effectiveness of corporate governance of an organization:
• Whether company is complying with all aspects of clause 49.
• How well corporate governance policies serve stakeholders?
• Quality and timeliness of company financial disclosures.
• Whether quality independent directors are inducted.
(j) Regulation: Regulations plays an important role in maintaining the sanctity of the corporate
form of organization. In Indian listed companies, Companies Act, Securities Contract and Regulation

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Act and SEBI Act basically look after regulatory aspects of a company. A listed company is also
continuously monitored by SEBI which through its guidelines and regulations protect the interest of
Further, a company which is dealing with companies outside India, needs to comply with Foreign
Exchange Management Act (FEMA) also. In this scenario, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) does a
continuous monitoring.
(k) Location and Labour-Management Relations: The locations of the company's
manufacturing facilities determines its economic viability which depends on the availability of crucial
inputs like power, skilled labour and raw-materials, etc. Nearness to markets is also a factor to be
In the past few years, the investment manager has begun looking into the state of labour-
management relations in the company under consideration and the area where it is located.
(l) Pattern of Existing Stock Holding: An analysis of the pattern of existing stock holdings of
the company would also be relevant. This would show the stake of various parties in the company.
An interesting case in this regard is that of the Punjab National Bank in which the Life Insurance
Corporation and other financial institutions had substantial holdings. When the bank was
nationalised, the residual company proposed a scheme whereby those shareholders, who wish to
opt out, could receive a certain amount as compensation in cash. It was only at the instance and the
bargaining strength, of institutional investors that the compensation offered to the shareholders, who
wished to opt out of the company, was raised considerably.
(m) Marketability of the Shares: Another important consideration for an investment manager is
the marketability of the shares of the company. Mere listing of a share on the stock exchange does
not automatically mean that the share can be sold or purchased at will. There are many shares which
remain inactive for long periods with no transactions being affected. To purchase or sell such scrips
is a difficult task. In this regard, dispersal of shareholding with special reference to the extent of
public holding should be seen. The other relevant factors are the speculative interest in the particular
scrip, the particular stock exchange where it is traded and the volume of trading.
1.4.1 Techniques Used in Company Analysis
Through the use of statistical techniques the company wide factors can be analyzed. Some of the
techniques are discussed as under:
(a) Correlation & Regression Analysis: Simple regression is used when inter relationship
covers two variables. For more than two variables, multiple regression analysis is followed. Here the
inter relationship between variables belonging to economy, industry and company are found out.
The main advantage in such analysis is the determination of the forecasted values along with testing
the reliability of the estimates.
(b) Trend Analysis: The relationship of one variable is tested over time using regression
analysis. It gives an insight to the historical behavior of the variable.

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(c) Decision Tree Analysis: Information relating to the probability of occurrence of the
forecasted value is considered useful. A range of values of the variable with probabilities of
occurrence of each value is taken up. The limitations are reduced through decision tree analysis and
use of simulation techniques.
In decision tree analysis, the decision is taken sequentially with probabilities attached to each
sequence. To obtain the probability of final outcome, various sequential decisions given along with
probabilities, the probabilities of each sequence is to be multiplied and them summed up.
Thus, fundamental analysis is basically an examination of the economic and financial aspects of a
company with the aim of estimating future earnings and dividend prospects. It includes an analysis
of the macro-economic and political factors which will have an impact on the performance of the
company. After having analysed all the relevant information about the company and its relative
strength vis-a-vis other companies in the industry, the investor is expected to decide whether he
should buy or sell the securities.
Apart from these, the Group Analysis has also become an important factor. SEBI, in particular,
emphasizes the need for disclosure, in public offer documents, of all relevant parameters –
especially the financial health and promise versus performance of the group companies. RBI has
also been focusing more and more on the Group Exposure Norms of commercial Banks.

2.1 Meaning
Technical Analysis is a method of share price movements based on a study of price graphs or charts
on the assumption that share price trends are repetitive, that since investor psychology follows a
certain pattern, what is seen to have happened before is likely to be repeated. The technical analyst
is concerned with the fundamental strength or weakness of a company or an industry; he studies
investor and price behaviour.
A technical analyst attempts to answer two basic questions:
(i) Is there a discernible trend in the prices?
(ii) If there is, then are there indications that the trend would reverse?
The methods used to answer these questions are visual and statistical. The visual methods are
based on examination of a variety of charts to make out patterns, while the statistical procedures
analyse price and return data to make trading decisions.
2.2 Assumptions
Technical Analysis is based on the following assumptions:
(i) The market value of stock depends on the supply and demand for a stock.

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(ii) The supply and demand is actually governed by several factors. For instance, recent
initiatives taken by the Government to reduce the Non-Performing Assets (NPA) burden of
banks may actually increase the demand for banking stocks.
(iii) Stock prices generally move in trends which continue for a substantial period of time.
Therefore, if there is a bull market going on, there is every possibility that there will soon be
a substantial correction which will provide an opportunity to the investors to buy shares at
that time.
(iv) Technical analysis relies upon chart analysis which shows the past trends in stock prices
rather than the information in the financial statements like balance sheet or profit and loss
2.3 Principles of Technical Analysis
Technical analysis is based on the following three principals:
a. The market discounts everything.
b. Price moves in trends.
c. History tends to repeat itself.
a. The Market Discounts Everything: Many experts criticize technical analysis because it only
considers price movements and ignores fundamental factors. The argument against such
criticism is based on the Efficient Market Hypothesis, which states that a company’s share
price already reflects everything that has or could affect a company. And it
includes fundamental factors. So, technical analysts generally have the view that a
company’s share price includes everything including the fundamentals of a company.
b. Price Moves in Trends: Technical analysts believe that prices move in trends. In other
words, a stock price is more likely to continue a past trend than move in a different direction.
c. History Tends to Repeat Itself: Technical analysts believe that history tends to repeat itself.
Technical analysis uses chart patterns to analyze subsequent market movements to
understand trends. While many form of technical analysis have been used for many years,
they are still are considered to be significant because they illustrate patterns in price
movements that often repeat themselves.
2.4 Theories of Technical Analysis
2.4.1 The Dow Theory
The Dow Theory is one of the oldest and most famous technical theories. It was originated by
Charles Dow, the founder of Dow Jones Company in late nineteenth century. It is a helpful tool for
determining the relative strength of the stock market. It can also be used as a barometer of business.

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The Dow Theory is based upon the movements of two indices, constructed by Charles Dow, Dow
Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) and Dow Jones Transportation Average (DJTA). These averages
reflect the aggregate impact of all kinds of information on the market. The movements of the market
are divided into three classifications, all going at the same time; the primary movement, the
secondary movement, and the daily fluctuations. The primary movement is the main trend of the
market, which lasts from one year to 36 months or longer. This trend is commonly called bear or bull
market. The secondary movement of the market is shorter in duration than the primary movement,
and is opposite in direction. It lasts from two weeks to a month or more. The daily fluctuations are
the narrow movements from day-to-day. These fluctuations are not part of the Dow Theory
interpretation of the stock market. However, daily movements must be carefully studied, along with
primary and secondary movements, as they go to make up the longer movement in the market.
Thus, the Dow Theory’s purpose is to determine where the market is and where is it going, although
not how far or high. The theory, in practice, states that if the cyclical swings of the stock market
averages are successively higher and the successive lows are higher, then the market trend is up
and a bullish market exists. Contrarily, if the successive highs and successive lows are lower, then
the direction of the market is down and a bearish market exists.
Charles Dow proposed that the primary uptrend would have three moves up, the first one being
caused by accumulation of shares by the far-sighted, knowledgeable investors, the second move
would be caused by the arrival of the first reports of good earnings by corporations, and the last
move up would be caused by widespread report of financial well-being of corporations. The third
stage would also see rampant speculation in the market. Towards the end of the third stage, the far-
sighted investors, realizing that the high earnings levels may not be sustained, would start selling,
starting the first move down of a downtrend, and as the non-sustainability of high earnings is
confirmed, the second move down would be initiated and then the third move down would result
from distress selling in the market.
2.4.2 Elliot Wave Theory
Inspired by the Dow Theory and by observations found throughout nature, Ralph Elliot formulated
Elliot Wave Theory in 1934. This theory was based on analysis of 75 years stock price movements
and charts. From his studies, he defined price movements in terms of waves. Accordingly, this theory
was named Elliot Wave Theory. Elliot found that the markets exhibited certain repeated patterns or
waves. As per this theory wave is a movement of the market price from one change in the direction
to the next change in the same direction. These waves are resulted from buying and selling impulses
emerging from the demand and supply pressures on the market. Depending on the demand and
supply pressures, waves are generated in the prices.
As per this theory, waves can be classified into two parts:-
• Impulsive patterns
• Corrective patters

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Let us discuss each of these patterns.

(a) Impulsive Patterns-(Basic Waves) - In this pattern there will be 3 or 5 waves in a given
direction (going upward or downward). These waves shall move in the direction of the basic
movement. This movement can indicate bull phase or bear phase.
(b) Corrective Patterns- (Reaction Waves) - These 3 waves are against the basic direction of
the basic movement. Correction involves correcting the earlier rise in case of bull market and
fall in case of bear market.
As shown in the following diagram waves 1, 3 and 5 are directional movements, which are
separated or corrected by wave 2 & 4, termed as corrective movements.

Source: http://elliotwave.net/
Complete Cycle -As shown in following figure five-wave impulses is following by a three-
wave correction (a,b & c) to form a complete cycle of eight waves.

Source: http://elliotwave.net/
One complete cycle consists of waves made up of two distinct phases, bullish and bearish. On completion
of full one cycle i.e. termination of 8 waves movement, the fresh cycle starts with similar impulses arising
out of market trading.

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2.4.3 Random Walk Theory

While discussing the Dow Jones theory, we have seen that the theory is based on the assumption
that the behaviour of stock market itself contains trends which give clues to the future behaviour of
stock market prices. Thus supporters of the theory argue that market prices can be predicted if their
patterns can be properly understood. Such analysis of stock market patterns is called technical
analysis. Apart from this theory there are many approaches to technical analysis. Most of them,
however, involve a good deal of subjective judgment.
Many investment managers and stock market analysts believe that stock market prices can never
be predicted because they are not a result of any underlying factors but are mere statistical ups and
downs. This hypothesis is known as Random Walk hypothesis which states that the behaviour of
stock market prices is unpredictable and that there is no relationship between the present prices of
the shares and their future prices. Proponents of this hypothesis argue that stock market prices are
independent. A British statistician, M. G. Kendell, found that changes in security prices behave
nearly as if they are generated by a suitably designed roulette wheel for which each outcome is
statistically independent of the past history. In other words, the fact that there are peaks and troughs
in stock exchange prices is a mere statistical happening – successive peaks and troughs are
unconnected. In the layman's language it may be said that prices on the stock exchange behave
exactly the way a drunk would behave while walking in a blind lane, i.e., up and down, with an
unsteady way going in any direction he likes, bending on the side once and on the other side the
second time.
The supporters of this theory put out a simple argument. It follows that:
(a) Prices of shares in stock market can never be predicted.
(b) The reason is that the price trends are not the result of any underlying factors, but that they
represent a statistical expression of past data.
(c) There may be periodical ups or downs in share prices, but no connection can be established
between two successive peaks (high price of stocks) and troughs (low price of stocks).
2.5 Charting Techniques
Technical analysts use three types of charts for analyzing data. They are:
(i) Bar Chart : In a bar chart, a vertical line (bar) represents the lowest to the highest price, with
a short horizontal line protruding from the bar representing the closing price for the period. Since
volume and price data are often interpreted together, it is a common practice to plot the volume
traded, immediately below the line and the bar charts.

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(ii) Line Chart: In a line chart, lines are used to connect successive day’s prices. The closing
price for each period is plotted as a point. These points are joined by a line to form the chart. The
period may be a day, a week or a month.

(iii) Point and Figure Chart: Point and Figure charts are more complex than line or bar charts.
They are used to detect reversals in a trend. For plotting a point and figure chart, we have to first
decide the box size and the reversal criterion. The box size is the value of each box on the chart,
for example each box could be Re.1, ` 2 or ` 0.50. The smaller the box size, the more sensitive
would the chart be to price change. The reversal criterion is the number of boxes required to be
retraced to record prices in the next column in the opposite direction.

Period Price 30
1 24 29
2 26 28 X

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3 27 27 X
4 26 26 X
5 28 25 X O
6 27 24 X O
7 26 23 O
8 25 22
9 26
10 23
2.6 Market Indicators
(i) Breadth Index: It is an index that covers all securities traded. It is computed by dividing the
net advances or declines in the market by the number of issues traded. The breadth index either
supports or contradicts the movement of the Dow Jones Averages. If it supports the movement of
the Dow Jones Averages, this is considered sign of technical strength and if it does not support the
averages, it is a sign of technical weakness i.e. a sign that the market will move in a direction
opposite to the Dow Jones Averages. The breadth index is an addition to the Dow Theory and the
movement of the Dow Jones Averages.
(ii) Volume of Transactions: The volume of shares traded in the market provides useful clues
on how the market would behave in the near future. A rising index/price with increasing volume
would signal buy behaviour because the situation reflects an unsatisfied demand in the market.
Similarly, a falling market with increasing volume signals a bear market and the prices would be
expected to fall further. A rising market with decreasing volume indicates a bull market while a falling
market with dwindling volume indicates a bear market. Thus, the volume concept is best used with
another market indicator, such as the Dow Theory.
(iii) Confidence Index: It is supposed to reveal how willing the investors are to take a chance in
the market. It is the ratio of high-grade bond yields to low-grade bond yields. It is used by market
analysts as a method of trading or timing the purchase and sale of stock, and also, as a forecasting
device to determine the turning points of the market. A rising confidence index is expected to precede
a rising stock market, and a fall in the index is expected to precede a drop in stock prices. A fall in
the confidence index represents the fact that low-grade bond yields are rising faster or falling more
slowly than high grade yields. The confidence index is usually, but not always a leading indicator of
the market. Therefore, it should be used in conjunction with other market indicators.
(iv) Relative Strength Analysis: The relative strength concept suggests that the prices of some
securities rise relatively faster in a bull market or decline more slowly in a bear market than other
securities i.e. some securities exhibit relative strength. Investors will earn higher returns by investing

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in securities which have demonstrated relative strength in the past because the relative strength of
a security tends to remain undiminished over time.
Relative strength can be measured in several ways. Calculating rates of return and classifying those
securities with historically high average returns as securities with high relative strength is one of
them. Even ratios like security relative to its industry and security relative to the entire market can
also be used to detect relative strength in a security or an industry.
(v) Odd - Lot Theory: This theory is a contrary - opinion theory. It assumes that the average
person is usually wrong and that a wise course of action is to pursue strategies contrary to popular
opinion. The odd-lot theory is used primarily to predict tops in bull markets, but also to predict
reversals in individual securities.
2.7 Support and Resistance Levels
When the index/price goes down from a peak, the peak becomes the resistance level. When the
index/price rebounds after reaching a trough subsequently, the lowest value reached becomes the
support level. The price is then expected to move between these two levels. Whenever the price
approaches the resistance level, there is a selling pressure because all investors who failed to sell
at the high would be keen to liquidate, while whenever the price approaches the support level, there
is a buying pressure as all those investors who failed to buy at the lowest price would like to purchase
the share. A breach of these levels indicates a distinct departure from status quo, and an attempt to
set newer levels. Let us get a better understanding about these levels by using price data for about
two months for shares of companies A and B given in the following Table:

Date A B
Dec. 1, 2005 177 177
5 171 171.5
7 172 175.5
12 174 177
13 177.5 181
14 181 184
15 180 186.5
18 163 176
19 142 162.5
20 127 156
22 123 147
25 124 147

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Jan. 3, 2006 107.5 137.5

4 97.5 140
8 105 145
10 102.5 143.75
12 108.75 150
15 100 142.5
25 95 135
26 91.25 133.75
Feb. 1 97.5 138.75
2 106.25 147.5
5 113.75 152.5
6 120 155
7 120 152.5
8 113.75 150
9 113.75 147.5
The line charts for Company A and Company B shares are shown in the graph below. From the
charts, it appears that the support level and resistance level for Company A at that time were about
` 100 and ` 125, while these levels for Company B were ` 140 and ` 160.

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2.8 Interpreting Price Patterns

There are numerous price patterns documented by technical analysts but only a few and important
of them have been discussed here:
(a) Channel: A series of uniformly changing tops and bottoms gives rise to a channel formation.
A downward sloping channel would indicate declining prices and an upward sloping channel would
imply rising prices.
(b) Wedge: A wedge is formed when the tops (resistance levels) and bottoms (support levels)
change in opposite direction (that is, if the tops, are decreasing then the bottoms are increasing and
vice versa), or when they are changing in the same direction at different rates over time.

(c) Head and Shoulders: It is a distorted drawing of a human form, with a large lump (for head)
in the middle of two smaller humps (for shoulders). This is perhaps the single most important pattern
to indicate a reversal of price trend. The neckline of the pattern is formed by joining points where
the head and the shoulders meet. The price movement after the formation of the second shoulder is
crucial. If the price goes below the neckline, then a drop in price is indicated, with the drop expected
to be equal to the distance between the top of the head and the neckline.

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(i) Head and Shoulder Top Pattern: This has a left shoulder, a head and a right shoulder. Such
formation represents bearish development. If the price falls below the neck line (line drawn
tangentially to the left and right shoulders) a price decline is expected. Hence it’s a signal to
(ii) Inverse Head and Shoulder Pattern: As the name indicates this formation, it is an inverse of
head and shoulder top formation. Hence it reflects a bullish development. The price rise to
above the neck line suggests price rise is imminent and a signal to purchase.


(d) Triangle or Coil Formation: This formation represents a pattern of uncertainty and is difficult
to predict which way the price will break out.
(e) Flags and Pennants Form: This form signifies a phase after which the previous price trend
is likely to continue.


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(f) Double Top Form:This form represents a bearish development, signals that price is expected
to fall.
(g) Double Bottom Form: This form represents bullish development signaling price is expected
to rise.


(h) Gap : A gap is the difference between the opening price on a trading day and the closing
price of the previous trading day. The wider the gap the stronger the signal for a continuation of the
observed trend. On a rising market, if the opening price is considerably higher than the previous
closing price, it indicates that investors are willing to pay a much higher price to acquire the scrip.
Similarly, a gap in a falling market is an indicator of extreme selling pressure.
2.9 Decision Using Data Analysis
Technical analysts have developed rules based on simple statistical analysis of price data. Moving
Averages is one of the more popular methods of data analysis for decision making.
(a) Moving Averages: Moving averages are frequently plotted with prices to make buy and sell
decisions. The two types of moving averages used by chartists are the Arithmetic Moving Average
(AMA) and the Exponential Moving Average (EMA). An n-period AMA, at period t, is nothing but the
simple average of the last n period prices.
AMAn,t = 1/n[Pt + Pt-1+ … + Pt-(n-1)]
To identify trend, technical analysts use moving average analysis:
(i) A 200 day’s moving average of daily prices or a 30 week moving of weekly price for identifying
a long term trend.
(ii) A 60 day’s moving average of daily price to discern an intermediate term trend.
(iii) A 10 day’s moving average of daily price to detect a short term trend.

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For example Moving Average is calculated by considering the most recent observation for which the
closing price of a stock on ‘10’ successive trading days are taken into account for the calculation of
a 5 -day moving average of daily closing prices.

Trading day Closing prices Sum of 5 most Two-item Moving Average

recent closing
Centered Total

1 25.00
2 26.00
3 25.50
4 24.50
5 26.00 127.00
6 26.00 128.00 255.00 25.50
7 26.50 128.50 256.50 25.65
8 26.50 129.50 258.00 25.80
9 26.00 131.00 260.50 26.05
10 27.00 132.00 263.00 26.30
Buy and Sell Signals Provided by Moving Average Analysis

Buy Signal Sell Signal

(a) Stock price line rise through the (a) Stock price line falls through moving
moving average line when graph of average line when graph of the moving
the moving average line is flattering average line is flattering out.
(b) Stock price line rises above moving
(b) Stock price line falls below moving average line which is falling.
average line which is rising.
(c) Stock price line which is slow moving
(c) Stock price line which is above average line rises but begins to fall
moving average line falls but begins again before reaching the moving
to rise again before reaching the average line.
moving average line

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(b) Exponential Moving Average: Unlike the AMA, which assigns equal weight of 1/n to each
of the n prices used for computing the average, the Exponential Moving Average (EMA) assigns
decreasing weights, with the highest weight being assigned to the latest price. The weights decrease
exponentially, according to a scheme specified by the exponential smoothing constant, also known
as the exponent, a.
EMAt = aPt + (1-a)(EMAt-1)
Where, a (exponent) =
n+ 1

Pt = Price of today
EMAt-1 = Previous day’s EMA
EMAt = (Closing Price of the day – EMA of Previous Day) x Exponent + Previous day EMA
2.10 Evaluation of Technical Analysis
Technical Analysis has several supporters as well several critics. The advocates of technical
analysis offer the following interrelated argument in their favour:
(a) Under influence of crowd psychology trend persist for some time. Tools of technical analysis
help in identifying these trends early and help in investment decision making.
(b) Shift in demand and supply are gradual rather then instantaneous. Technical analysis helps
in detecting this shift rather early and hence provides clues to future price movements.
(c) Fundamental information about a company is observed and assimilated by the market over a
period of time. Hence price movement tends to continue more or less in same direction till
the information is fully assimilated in the stock price.
Detractors of technical analysis believe that it is an useless exercise; their arguments are as follows:
(a) Most technical analysts are not able to offer a convincing explanation for the tools employed
by them.
(b) Empirical evidence in support of random walk hypothesis cast its shadow over the useful ness
of technical analysis.
(c) By the time an up trend and down trend may have been signalled by technical analysis it may
already have taken place.
(d) Ultimately technical analysis must be self defeating proposition. With more and more people
employing it, the value of such analysis tends to decline.
In a nutshell, it may be concluded that in a rational, well ordered and efficient market, technical
analysis may not work very well. However with imperfection, inefficiency and irrationalities that

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characterizes the real world market, technical analysis may be helpful. If technical analysis is used
in conjunction with fundamental analysis, it might be useful in providing proper guidance to
investment decision makers.


Although a successful investor uses both Fundamental and Technical Analysis but following are
some major differences between them:

S. No. Basis Fundamental Analysis Technical Analysis

1 Method Prospects are measured by analyzing Predicts future prices and their
economy’s macro factors such as direction using purely historical
Country’s GDP, Inflation Rate, market data and information such as
Interest Rate, Growth Rate etc. and their Price Movements, Volume,
company’s micro factors like its Sales, Open Interest etc.
Profitability, Solvency, Asset &
Liabilities and Cash position etc.
2 Rule Prices of a share discounts Price captures everything
3 Usefulness For Long-Term Investing For Short-term Investing


Efficient Market Theory was developed by University of Chicago professor Eugen Fama in the 1960s.
As per this theory, at any given time, all available price sensitive information is fully reflected in
securities' prices. Thus this theory implies that no investor can consistently outperform the market
as every stock is appropriately priced based on available information.
Stating otherwise theory states that no none can "beat the market" hence making it impossible for
investors to either purchase undervalued stocks or sell stocks for inflated prices as stocks are always
traded at their fair value on stock exchanges. Hence it is impossible to outperform the overall market
through expert stock selection or market timing and that the only way an investor can possibly obtain
higher returns is by purchasing riskier investments.
4.1 Search for Theory
When empirical evidence in favour of Random walk hypothesis seemed overwhelming, researchers
wanted to know about the Economic processes that produced a Random walk. They concluded that
randomness of stock price was a result of efficient market that led to the following view points:

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• Information is freely and instantaneously available to all market participants.

• Keen competition among the market participants more or less ensures that market will reflect
intrinsic values. This means that they will fully impound all available information.
• Price change only response to new information that is unrelated to previous information and
therefore unpredictable.
4.2 Misconception about Efficient Market Theory
Efficient Market Theory implies that market prices factor in all available information and as such it is
not possible for any investor to earn consistent long term returns from market operations.
Although price tends to fluctuate they cannot reflect fair value. This is because the future is
uncertain. The market springs surprises continually and as prices reflect the surprises they fluctuate.
Inability of institutional portfolio managers to achieve superior investment performance implies that
they lack competence in an efficient market. It is not possible to achieve superior investment
performance since market efficiency exists due to portfolio mangers doing this job well in a
competitive setting.
The random movement of stock prices suggests that stock market is irrational. Randomness and
irrationality are two different things, if investors are rational and competitive, price changes are
bound to be random.
4.3 Level of Market Efficiency
That price reflects all available information, the highest order of market efficiency. According to
FAMA, there exist three levels of market efficiency:-
(i) Weak form efficiency – Price reflect all information found in the record of past prices and volumes.
(ii) Semi – Strong efficiency – Price reflect not only all information found in the record of past prices
and volumes but also all other publicly available information.
(iii) Strong form efficiency – Price reflect all available information public as well as private.
4.4 Empirical Evidence on Weak form of Efficient Market Theory
According to the Weak form Efficient Market Theory current price of a stock reflect all information
found in the record of past prices and volumes. This means that there is no relationship between the
past and future price movements.
Three types of tests have been employed to empirically verify the weak form of Efficient Market
Theory- Serial Correlation Test, Run Test and Filter Rule Test.
(a) Serial Correlation Test: To test for randomness in stock price changes, one has to look at
serial correlation. For this purpose, price change in one period has to be correlated with price change
in some other period. Price changes are considered to be serially independent. Serial correlation

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studies employing different stocks, different time lags and different time period have been conducted
to detect serial correlation but no significant serial correlation could be discovered. These studies
were carried on short term trends viz. daily, weekly, fortnightly and monthly and not in long term
trends in stock prices as in such cases. Stock prices tend to move upwards.
(b) Run Test: Given a series of stock price changes each price change is designated + if it
represents an increase and – if it represents a decrease. The resulting series may be -,+, - , -, - , +,
A run occurs when there is no difference between the sign of two changes. When the sign of change
differs, the run ends and new run begins.
+ + −−− + − + −− + + −−− + − + −−
/ / / / / / / / / /
1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6
To test a series of price change for independence, the number of runs in that series is compared
with a number of runs in a purely random series of the size and in the process determines whether
it is statistically different. By and large, the result of these studies strongly supports the Random
Walk Model.
(c) Filter Rules Test: If the price of stock increases by at least N% buy and hold it until its price
decreases by at least N% from a subsequent high. When the price decreases at least N% or more,
sell it. If the behaviour of stock price changes is random, filter rules should not apply in such a buy
and hold strategy. By and large, studies suggest that filter rules do not out perform a single buy and
hold strategy particular after considering commission on transaction.
4.5 Empirical Evidence on Semi-strong Efficient Market Theory
Semi-strong form efficient market theory holds that stock prices adjust rapidly to all publicly available
information. By using publicly available information, investors will not be able to earn above normal
rates of return after considering the risk factor. To test semi-strong form efficient market theory, a
number of studies was conducted which lead to the following queries: Whether it was possible to
earn on the above normal rate of return after adjustment for risk, using only publicly available
information and how rapidly prices adjust to public announcement with regard to earnings, dividends,
mergers, acquisitions, stock-splits?
Several studies support the Semi-strong form Efficient Market Theory. Fama, Fisher, Jensen and
Roll in their adjustment of stock prices to new information examined the effect of stock split on return
of 940 stock splits in New York Stock Exchange during the period 1957-1959 They found that prior
to the split, stock earns higher returns than predicted by any market model.
Boll and Brown in an empirical evaluation of accounting income numbers studied the effect of annual
earnings announcements. They divided the firms into two groups. First group consisted of firms
whose earnings increased in relation to the average corporate earnings while second group consists
of firms whose earnings decreased in relation to the average corporate earnings. They found that
before the announcement of earnings, stock in the first group earned positive abnormal returns while

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stock in the second group earned negative abnormal returns after the announcement of earnings.
Stock in both the groups earned normal returns.
There have been studies which have been empirically documented showing the following
inefficiencies and anomalies:
• Stock price adjust gradually not rapidly to announcements of unanticipated changes in quarterly
• Small firms’ portfolio seemed to outperform large firms’ portfolio.
• Low price earning multiple stock tend to outperform large price earning multiple stock.
• Monday’s return is lower than return for the other days of the week.
4.6 Empirical Evidence on Strong form of Efficient Market Theory
According to the Efficient Market Theory, all available information, public or private, is reflected in
the stock prices. This represents an extreme hypothesis.
To test this theory, the researcher analysed returns earned by certain groups viz. corporate insiders,
specialists on stock exchanges, mutual fund managers who have access to internal information (not
publicly available), or posses greater resource or ability to intensively analyse information in the
public domain. They suggested that corporate insiders (having access to internal information) and
stock exchange specialists (having monopolistic exposure) earn superior rate of return after
adjustment of risk.
Mutual Fund managers do not on an average earn a superior rate of return. No scientific evidence
has been formulated to indicate that investment performance of professionally managed portfolios
as a group has been any better than that of randomly selected portfolios. This was the finding of
Burton Malkiel in his Random Walk Down Wall Street, New York.
4.7 Challenges to the Efficient Market Theory
Information inadequacy – Information is neither freely available nor rapidly transmitted to all
participants in the stock market. There is a calculated attempt by many companies to circulate
(a) Limited information processing capabilities – Human information processing capabilities
are sharply limited. According to Herbert Simon every human organism lives in an environment which
generates millions of new bits of information every second but the bottle necks of the perceptual
apparatus does not admit more than thousand bits per seconds and possibly much less.
David Dreman maintained that under conditions of anxiety and uncertainty, with a vast interacting
information grid, the market can become a giant.
(b) Irrational Behaviour – It is generally believed that investors’ rationality will ensure a close
correspondence between market prices and intrinsic values. But in practice this is not true. J. M.

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Keynes argued that all sorts of consideration enter into the market valuation which is in no way
relevant to the prospective yield. This was confirmed by L. C. Gupta who found that the market
evaluation processes work haphazardly almost like a blind man firing a gun. The market seems to
function largely on hit or miss tactics rather than on the basis of informed beliefs about the long term
prospects of individual enterprises.
(c) Monopolistic Influence – A market is regarded as highly competitive. No single buyer or
seller is supposed to have undue influence over prices. In practice, powerful institutions and big
operators wield grate influence over the market. The monopolistic power enjoyed by them diminishes
the competitiveness of the market.


Theoretical Questions
1. Explain the Efficient Market Theory in and what are major misconceptions about this theory?
2. Explain Dow Jones theory.
3. Explain the Elliot Theory of technical analysis.
4. Explain the various indicators that can be used to assess the performance of an economy.
Practical Questions
1. Closing values of BSE Sensex from 6th to 17th day of the month of January of the year 200X
were as follows:

Days Date Day Sensex

1 6 THU 14522
2 7 FRI 14925
3 8 SAT No Trading
4 9 SUN No Trading
5 10 MON 15222
6 11 TUE 16000
7 12 WED 16400
8 13 THU 17000
9 14 FRI No Trading
10 15 SAT No Trading

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11 16 SUN No Trading
12 17 MON 18000
Calculate Exponential Moving Average (EMA) of Sensex during the above period. The
previous day exponential moving average of Sensex can be assumed as 15,000. The value
of exponent for 31 days EMA is 0.062.
Give detailed analysis on the basis of your calculations.
2. The closing value of Sensex for the month of October, 2007 is given below:

Date Closing Sensex Value

1.10.07 2800
3.10.07 2780
4.10.07 2795
5.10.07 2830
8.10.07 2760
9.10.07 2790
10.10.07 2880
11.10.07 2960
12.10.07 2990
15.10.07 3200
16.10.07 3300
17.10.07 3450
19.10.07 3360
22.10.07 3290
23.10.07 3360
24.10.07 3340
25.10.07 3290
29.10.07 3240
30.10.07 3140
31.10.07 3260

You are required to test the weak form of efficient market hypothesis by applying the run test at 5%
and 10% level of significance.

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Following value can be used :

Value of t at 5% is 2.101 at 18 degrees of freedom
Value of t at 10% is 1.734 at 18 degrees of freedom
Value of t at 5% is 2.086 at 20 degrees of freedom.
Value of t at 10% is 1.725 at 20 degrees of freedom.
Answers to Theoretical Questions
1. Please refer paragraph 4
2. Please refer paragraph 2.4.1
3. Please refer paragraph 2.4.2
4. Please refer paragraph 1.2.2
Answers to the Practical Questions

Date 1 2 3 4 5
Sensex EMA for EMA
1-2 3×0.062 2+4
6 14522 15000 (478) (29.636) 14970.364
7 14925 14970.364 (45.364) (2.812) 14967.55
10 15222 14967.55 254.45 15.776 14983.32
11 16000 14983.32 1016.68 63.034 15046.354
12 16400 15046.354 1353.646 83.926 15130.28
13 17000 15130.28 1869.72 115.922 15246.202
17 18000 15246.202 2753.798 170.735 15416.937
Conclusion – The market is bullish. The market is likely to remain bullish for short term to
medium term if other factors remain the same. On the basis of this indicator (EMA) the
investors/brokers can take long position.
Date Closing Sensex Sign of Price Charge
1.10.07 2800

© The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India


3.10.07 2780 -
4.10.07 2795 +
5.10.07 2830 +
8.10.07 2760 -
9.10.07 2790 +
10.10.07 2880 +
11.10.07 2960 +
12.10.07 2990 +
15.10.07 3200 +
16.10.07 3300 +
17.10.07 3450 +
19.10.07 3360 -
22.10.07 3290 -
23.10.07 3360 +
24.10.07 3340 -
25.10.07 3290 -
29.10.07 3240 -
30.10.07 3140 -
31.10.07 3260 +
Total of sign of price changes (r) = 8
No of Positive changes = n1 = 11
No. of Negative changes = n2 = 8
µr= +1
n1 + n2
2 × 11× 8
µ = + 1 = 176/19 + 1 = 10.26
11 + 8

2n1n2 (2n1n2 − n1 − n2 )
σ =
r (n1 + n2 )2 (n1 + n2 − 1)

σ = (2 × 11× 8) (22× 11× 8 − 11 − 8) = 176 ×2 157 = 4.252 = 2.06
r (11 + 8) (11 + 8 − 1) (19) (18)

© The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India


Since too few runs in the case would indicate that the movement of prices is not random. We employ
a two- tailed test the randomness of prices.
Test at 5% level of significance at 18 degrees of freedom using t- table
The lower limit

= µ – t × σ =10.26 – 2.101 × 2.06 = 5.932

Upper limit

= µ + t × σ =10.26 + 2.101 × 2.06 = 14.588

At 10% level of significance at 18 degrees of freedom

Lower limit
= 10.26 – 1.734 × 2.06 = 6.688
Upper limit
= 10.26 + 1.734 × 2.06 = 13.832
As seen r lies between these limits. Hence, the market exhibits weak form of efficiency.
*For a sample of size n, the t distribution will have n-1 degrees of freedom.

© The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India

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