Explanation Hawks Roosting
Explanation Hawks Roosting
Explanation Hawks Roosting
These lines have been taken from the poem “Hawks Monologue" by Ted Hughes.
Ted Huges is a famous English poet. Death, destruction, violence and savagery
loom large in his poetry. The poem Hawk’s Monologue is a speech of a hawk.
Hawk thinks that he was a matchless bird in creation. But all powerful often forget
that their limited power lies in the seeds of death and destruction.
I sit in the top of the wood, my eyes closed,
Inaction, no falsifying dream,
Between my hooked head and hooked feet,
Or in sleep rehearse perfect kills and eat
Ted Hughes, using the persona of a wild bird, discusses the psychology and cruel
nature of the power drunk. A man in power is on top of all affairs. He says his
"eyes are closed". He is indifferent. He is careless. He is playing the game of life
even while dreaming, called "rehearse" to kill.