Explanation Hawks Roosting

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Hawks Roosting (poem )with reference to context and explaination

These lines have been taken from the poem “Hawks Monologue" by Ted Hughes.
Ted Huges is a famous English poet. Death, destruction, violence and savagery
loom large in his poetry. The poem Hawk’s Monologue is a speech of a hawk.
Hawk thinks that he was a matchless bird in creation. But all powerful often forget
that their limited power lies in the seeds of death and destruction.
I sit in the top of the wood, my eyes closed,
Inaction, no falsifying dream,
Between my hooked head and hooked feet,
Or in sleep rehearse perfect kills and eat
Ted Hughes, using the persona of a wild bird, discusses the psychology and cruel
nature of the power drunk. A man in power is on top of all affairs. He says his
"eyes are closed". He is indifferent. He is careless. He is playing the game of life
even while dreaming, called "rehearse" to kill.

The convenience of the high trees,

The air's buoyancy and the sun's ray,
Are of advantage to me:
And the earth's face upward for my inspection
Nature or Fate, has provided him the "convenience of high trees"; trees resemble
high status and position. Things are favorable for him to rule. He claims the earth
is has opened it for him to prey. All is made for him. Power often corrupts man. He
is very proud.
My feet are locked upon the rough bark,
It took the whole of Creation,
To produce my foot, my each feather;
Now I hold Creation in my foot.
He believes his "feet are locked upon" the position he holds. No one can remove
him. He is the most important among creation. He is the most superior. Therefore,
ironically, he seems right in saying "now I hold creation in my foot".

Or fly up, and revolve it all slowly,

I kill where I please because it is all mine,
There is no sophistry in my body;
My manners are tearing off heads .
He is contemptuous of the creation except himself. He deems himself all powerful.
He will prey where he pleases. His body is designed for the tasks of cruelty.
He is neither weak nor gentle. He is a warrior and smooth decision maker.

The allotment of death,

For the one path of my flight is direct,
Through the bones of the living,
No arguments assert my right
"Allotment of death" is his right that he may pierce the bones of the living.
Nobody can argue over his right. His superior position and the power he holds are
backed up by some design of nature.
History is evident that man becomes blind to his faults and errors while in power.
He holds people in contempt and he crushes the rules and regulations under his
feet. He is above law.
Stanza # 6
The sun is behind me,
Nothing has changed since I began,
My eye has permitted no change,
I am going to keep things like this
He has a firm belief that the source of life and power "is behind" him. His power
remains unchallenged since he began. He has not permitted any change. Captured
in the illusion of his pride and power, he is confident that he is "going to keep
things like this".
The Hawk says that his eyes do not allow any change. He claims that he is going to
keep things as they are. He will not allow any one to reduce or minimize his
powers. The hawk says that he enjoys absolute power and authority. In his solitary
domain, there is no change. His act of hunting and plundring would continue as
usual.He would not permit any change in them.

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