Ping Test Justification Update - 20181204

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Ping time latency (RTT Ping 32) KPI failed.

- Ping latency not achieve since the EnodeB is located far from the server which we are trying
to ping and it also passing through several hop and hub site to core and ping server.
Currently ping server using which is locate at Surabaya. Aside this is also
having “X” number of microwave hops which will also affect the latency.
- Optimization for latency has been as below:
 PreAllocMinPeriodForSparse = 1ms
 SmartPreAllocDuraForSparse = 2000ms
 PreallocationSizeForSparse = 80
 MOD CELLDLSCHALGO: LocalCellId=x, RbgAllocStrategy = ROUND_UP;

- We also conduct sample test from EnodeB to MME (NFV Solo), result is around 7-9 ms with
average 16 ms while theoretical latency from UE to EnodeB 6-8 ms means latency for
wireless part is still normal.

- Exclude ppt file dari justifikasi.

- Tambahkan capture hasil speedtest dengan SERVER H3i Solo sebagai perbandingan dan
ditambahkan kalimat dibawah sesuai hasil speedtest
- Remark jika speedtest < 20 ms : Based on ookla speedtest result, ping already achieve <20
ms and showing no issue from RF-Wireless part
4G LEVEL 1 KPI Report

- Remark jika speedtest > 20 ms : Based on ookla speedtest result, ping latency is > 20 ms
inline with moving ping latency test, but still in acceptable value.
- Tambahkan topology & table hop / hub site seperti biasa.


Ping time latency (RTT Ping 32) KPI failed.

- Moving ping latency not achieve since the EnodeB is still under SGSN Surabaya (S1306)
which given longer E2E latency compared to other Cities/EnodeB under NFV Solo (S1101),
for justification refer to justification slide from Huawei SME HQ below.
- Enodeb also located far away from the server which we are trying to ping, for Enodeb under
S1306-SBY we’re using BR router Surabaya Below picture is showing the
E2E latency results as 40ms, but the theoretical latency from EnodeB to server is already
occupying 25ms due the server distance. Meaning the radio interface latency is, 40ms –
25ms = 15ms. This results proves latency is normal for wireless part (currently Pre
Scheduling). Aside this is also having “X” number of microwave hops which will also affect
the latency.
- Optimization for latency has been as below:
 PreAllocMinPeriodForSparse = 1ms
 SmartPreAllocDuraForSparse = 2000ms
 PreallocationSizeForSparse = 80
 MOD CELLDLSCHALGO: LocalCellId=x, RbgAllocStrategy = ROUND_UP;

- We also conduct sample test from EnodeB to S1306-SBY, result is around 14-16 ms with
average 15 ms while theoretical latency from UE to EnodeB 6-8 ms means latency for
wireless part is still normal.

Justification Ping Latency Not Passed

Revision number: 00 2 Document Title : 4G LEVEL 1 KPI Report


4 Release status: Released

4G LEVEL 1 KPI Report

Ping DT Methodology

- Tambahkan capture speedtest dengan server AUTO / BEST SERVER sebagai

perbandingan dan ditambahkan kalimat dibawah sesuai hasil speedtest
- Remark jika speedtest < 20 ms : Based on ookla speedtest result, ping already achieve <20
ms and showing no issue from RF-Wireless part
- Remark jika speedtest > 20 ms : Based on ookla speedtest result, ping latency is > 20 ms
inline with moving ping latency test, but still in acceptable value.
- Tambahkan topology & table hop / hub site seperti biasa.


Ping time latency (RTT Ping 32) KPI failed.

- Moving ping latency not achieve while already using IP Solo server to do ping test, EnodeB
is passing through several hop / hub site to MME then ping server, which might given longer
E2E latency while through it. Aside this is also having “X” number of microwave hops which
will also affect the latency.
- Currently ping server already using IP / which is locate
at Solo.
- Optimization for latency has been as below:
 PreAllocMinPeriodForSparse = 1ms
 SmartPreAllocDuraForSparse = 2000ms
 PreallocationSizeForSparse = 80
 MOD CELLDLSCHALGO: LocalCellId=x, RbgAllocStrategy = ROUND_UP;

- We already conduct sample test from EnodeB to MME (NFV Solo), result is around 7-9 ms
with average 16 ms while theoretical latency from UE to EnodeB 6-8 ms means latency for
wireless part is still normal.

Revision number: 00 3 Document Title : 4G LEVEL 1 KPI Report


4 Release status: Released

4G LEVEL 1 KPI Report

- Exclude ppt file dari justifikasi.

- Tambahkan capture hasil speedtest dengan SERVER H3i Solo sebagai perbandingan dan
ditambahkan kalimat dibawah sesuai hasil speedtest
- Remark jika speedtest < 20 ms : Based on ookla speedtest result, ping already achieve <20
ms and showing no issue from RF-Wireless part
- Remark jika speedtest > 20 ms : Based on ookla speedtest result, ping latency is > 20 ms
inline with moving ping latency test, but still in acceptable value.
- Tambahkan topology & table hop / hub site seperti biasa.

Revision number: 00 4 Document Title : 4G LEVEL 1 KPI Report


4 Release status: Released

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