Jungle Flasher Xbox Jftut1.3.8
Jungle Flasher Xbox Jftut1.3.8
Jungle Flasher Xbox Jftut1.3.8
(x86 and x64 Compatible)
DO NOT TRY to read this tutorial by scrolling through all the pages!
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The FirmwareTool 32 tab is used to process firmware files. Jungle Flasher will parse the files,
identify the firmware type and display relevant information such as the all important DVD key
and OSIG strings etc... On the Target sub‐tab, MD5 hash checking of iXtreme firmware files is
conducted to confirm authenticity. With both source and target files loaded, the relevant
source data can be transferred to the Target (a.k.a. Spoofed), which can then be flashed to the
target drive.
The DVDKey32 tab is used to extract info from LiteOn - the undumpable drive. All unique
information is extracted: DVD key, unique inquiry and identify strings and drive serial
information. This info is stored in one easy to use file,”Dummy.bin”. This is a 256kb file that
mimics the approximate structure of a BenQ firmware file and is automatically loaded to the
source sub‐tab in the FirmwareTool 32 Tab. Jungle Flasher v0.1.55b also brought the unique
feature of dumping “Dummy.bin” from iXtreme flashed LiteOn Drives solely using S‐ATA. There
is also a facility to create a “dummy.bin” from previously extracted files, although fresh
extractions should be completed where possible. Every effort has been made to make key
extraction as reliable as possible. Multiple Dumps are no longer required as a Key verification
routine is now in place that verifies the Key against the Drive itself.
The MTKFlash 32 tab is used to unlock Benq and Samsung drives and then dump the current
flash for use in the source sub‐tab in FirmwareTool 32 tab. You can also erase a LiteOn in
preparation for flashing. All 3 MTK Based drives can be flashed using this tab.
The Hitachi GDR3120 tab is for Hitachi drives which are flashed differently from the MTK based
drives mentioned above, therefore have their own dedicated tab. Hitachi’s are flashed as a
“Live” drive, on a sector by sector basis and as such needs to be performed in a very controlled
way so the process is heavily automated. JungleFlasher will only flash iXtreme to a stock drive
and so a restore facility is provided, which allows for a full restore to stock f/w of previously
modded drives. Several additional features like setting Mode-B over PortIO, USmodeB and
79Unlock are included for convenience. Dumping and flashing is also possible over PortIO for
those who removed VIA drivers to work around Lite-On-Erase lockup issues.
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FirmwareTool32 is used to view firmware details, manipulate these firmwares, and to save the
firmware and/or details of the firmware.
It is split into 2 sections, Source and Target, with function buttons surrounding it.
Source, this is the originating firmware, this can be previously dumped firmware (containing
console specific drive key, Drive string ID and serial data), original firmware, dummy firmware
etc. This data should always mimic what the Xbox 360 should expect from the DVD Drive.
The Target area (buffer) should contain the firmware you wish to apply to the drive itself, this
firmware will be manufacturer specific, BenQ firmware for BenQ drives / LiteOn firmware for
LiteOn Drives etc. Hitachi Drives do not use FirmwareTool32 in the same manner; this is fully
explained in Hitachi section.
JungleFlasher v0.165 brought the inclusion of LO83info for LiteOn PLDS DG-16D2S 83850c V1
drives (83850C V1 occurred up to around Jul/Aug 09 drive manufacture dates). This hack being
used for obtaining the unique data from the 83850C V1 drive revision. With JungleFlasher
v0.1.66b incorporating Seacrest's OpenKey, used to decrypt the obtained file.
Jungleflasher v0.174 brought a Key verification routine which tests the keys, primarily on Lite-
On drives but is also applied to pre-78 Hitachi drives and Samsung drives and can be verified on
Benq too (though not automated like Lite-on) Using this ability it’s now possible to create a
new Dummy.bin from the key database and Verify that it is correct.
There are also 4 checkboxes found in this tab, VIA Ports Only and Include non-IDE ports, added
for extra safety and compatibility; USB Xtractor Switch – for use with the Maximus USB
Xtractor Push Button to extract feature this launches the DVDKey32 command from the
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MTKFlash32 contains a variety of functions, from unlocking and reading of BenQ and Samsung
drives using their dedicated Unlock buttons, or LiteOn drives after placing them in Vendor
Mode (using MRA Hack).
MTKFlash32 is also where you are able to send the Intro of Death (a.k.a LiteOn Erase) to the
LiteOn PLDS DG16-D2S after obtaining DVDKey, and for writing to the drive after Intro of
Death, or once drive placed in Vendor Mode using MRA Hack.
MTKFlash32 will also erase and write Samsung and BenQ and LiteOn drives, once the drives
have been unlocked/placed in vendor mode.
MTKFlash32 will show, in the lower left section, the details of the drive inquiring on the
respective I / O Port listed above. This is where you will identify which S-ATA Port to use for
carrying out the process.
Hitachi GDR3120 As mentioned previously, the Hitachi Drives are flashed completely differently
to the MTK Based drives; Hitachi’s are flashed as a “Live Drive” on a sector by sector basis.
For this reason, JungleFlasher has its own dedicated Hitachi tab, all the flashing options you
may need to do can be done under this tab.
As with the other Tabs, JungleFlasher will show the I/O port list for identifying what S-ATA Port
your drive is on.
It also incorporates a Raw Mode-B command for putting a drive into Mode-B and automates
the Play/Pause/Eject for 79Unlock – Audio Disc still required!
Once the drive is actually in Mode-B you can use the flashing options located in this section of
the application, the options themselves are pretty self explanatory.
With the Firmware Pack installed, JungleFlasher will automatically load the correct iXtreme file
for your drive, or Original Firmware if restoring.
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NOTE: If requesting advice/help in IRC Channel – PLEASE – give a good description of your
setup- OS, Drive, FW, SATA chipset, Difficulty you’re experiencing etc. DO NOT – give a single
line of info and expect people to magically know what your problem is!
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Place all the individual .bin firmware files inside the firmware folder!
If using ANY Operating System other than Win XP x86 you must right-
click on Jungleflasher Icon and select “Run as Administrator”
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You can do this easily by looking at the log at the bottom of the window (as shown)
* XX - will be either 32 (for x86 operating systems) or 64 (for x64 operating systems)
Support for earlier Missing Serial Data Return a LiteOn to Verified Lite-On
LiteOn dumps Stock Key?
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For Exact model information of drive you must read the label on top of the drive case!
You will require this information to enable you to choose the correct methods for your drive!
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The steps to modifying / restoring a Samsung Drive follow the basic outline of:
Writing Drive
The tutorial covers multiple unlock methods, which are dependent upon which drive, its current
firmware and your SATA chipset!
The following flowchart will help you decide which method you should use to achieve the
unlocked state on a Samsung drive (Vendor Mode – status 0x70) in preparation for READING
and/or WRITING to, the drive
Follow the flowchart below to obtain the correct method for your setup and drive!
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Note: Upon selecting the correct port the drive shows up and key is dumped and verified
against the drive! (Before doing anything to the drive) – The firmware has NOT yet been
dumped! However if you save the log you now have a known verified key from your drive.
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Note: Upon selecting the correct port the drive shows up and key is dumped and verified
against the drive! (Before doing anything to the drive) – The firmware has NOT yet been
dumped! However if you save the log you now have a known verified key from your drive.
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Sammy UnLock.
Select correct I/O Port (check for TS-H943 in the Drive Properties) and click Sammy UnLock.
You will be presented with the following warning notifying you that Sammy UnLock only works
on stock drives and how to unlock if using (i)Xtreme.
Select yes and watch the Running Log in JungleFlasher; this is a ‘good’ return message,
JungleFlasher will also automatically send the intro command and put the drive in Vendor
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burnt to Dual Layer + R Media (this is vital for later firmwares). Simply burn it with no
layerbreak settings, with all data present on first Layer, IMGBurn will do this fine just
select the ISO and confirm you want to burn to a large capacity disc with all data present on L0
(Layer 0).
Once burned, simply place it in your Samsung drive while connected to the PC, wait 30 seconds
and run JungleFlasher.
You will presented with a screen resembling this, select correct I/O Port (check for TS-H943 in
the Drive Properties)
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You need to power on the drive with Eject status closed but Tray Half Open – To do this using
an Xbox 360 as Power source, eject the DVD drive, then, press eject to ‘close’ the tray. Now this
is the important part – you MUST remove the DVD power plug from the DVD Drive BEFORE it
closes fully.
Wait for a few seconds and replace the power plug into the DVD drive taking extreme caution
to plug the plug the right way around – once done, the drive is now powered, console thinks its
closed but it is in fact half open.
You need to power on the drive with Eject status closed but Tray Half Open – To do this using a
connectivity kit as Power source, eject the DVD drive, then, press eject to ‘close’ the tray. Now
this is the important part – you MUST switch off the power BEFORE it closes fully.
Wait for a few seconds and switch power on connectivity kit back on – once done, the drive is
now powered, console thinks its closed but it is in fact half open.
The drive should be in Vendor Mode (0x70) now and return good flash chip properties, you can
check in the Running Log or Flash Chip Properties, The drive should also show as “Drive In
Vendor Mode!” in the Drive Properties.
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Select correct I/O Port (check for TS-H943 in Drive Properties) and click Intro / Device ID.
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Click Yes the Running Log will display something similar to this.
When ……. Are appearing, do as previously instructed by JungleFlasher. Power off the drive
then, within 1 second, power it back on.
The drive should be in Vendor Mode (0x70) now and return good flash chip properties, you can
check in the Running Log or Flash Chip Properties, The drive should also show as “Drive In
Vendor Mode!” in the Drive Properties.
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Select correct I/O Port (check for TS-H943 in Drive Properties) and click Intro / Device ID.
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Firmware reading:
Once the firmware has been successfully read, JungleFlasher will prompt you to save it.
Once saved, JungleFlasher will then prompt you asking if you would like to auto-load iXtreme
for Samsung Drives. You must have installed the JungleFlasher Firmware Pack into the same
directory as JungleFlasher.exe if you wish to benefit from this feature.
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Just verify Source data reports as it should, OSIG of TSSTcorpDVD-Rom TS-H943 with a key with
no multiple FF / 00 / 77 bytes
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JungleFlasher will ask you where to save the hacked firmware and what you want to name it,
and then you can proceed to write the firmware to the drive.
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Write Command, will erase and flash all 4 banks in turn, then read back the flash and verify.
A series of 16 …..’s is JungleFlasher writing the 16 sectors of each bank (4 banks, 0/1/2/3)
After writing all 64 sectors, signaled by 64 dots (16 dots across 4 banks) JungleFlasher will verify
what it wrote by reading back and comparing against the Target Buffer. So, what we really
want to see is Write Verified OK!
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Should you not get Write Verified OK! Please ask for support in the JungleFlasher support
channel, found at irc.efnet.net - channel #JungleFlasher, or click HERE
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The steps to modifying / restoring a BenQ Drive follow the basic outline of:
Erasing Drive
Writing Drive
The tutorial will state multiple unlock methods, once drive is Unlocked / In Vendor Mode
(0x73) you should proceed to the next step of reading the firmware from the drive.
The following Flowchart Enables you to use the correct method for your drive!
What is the firmware on
Alternative method
Stock FW > iXtreme 1.5 > for Nforce or Via
iXtreme 1.41 iXtreme 1.61 chipset users.
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Half Open Tray Unlock for iXtreme 1.5 > iXtreme 1.61.
If using a 360 to power the drive this method can be tricky to accomplish as the 360 likes to
close the DVD Drive after powering it on.
You need to power on the drive with the Tray Half Open – To do this using an Xbox 360 as
Power source, eject the DVD drive and then remove the power lead from the Drive.
Close the tray half way and plug the DVD Drive power cable back into the drive, being VERY
cautious to ensure the plug is the right way around.
The easiest way to do this is to simply use the eject button on your connectivity kit to eject the
drive tray, power off the connectivity kit, push the tray half in and power back on the
connectivity kit.
Ok, now we half the half open tray, we navigate to MTKFlash32 tab if you haven’t already.
If tray status is correct, drive should return good Flash Chip Properties showing status 0x73,
Drive Properties should show “Drive In Vendor Mode!”.
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Once drive is in Vendor Mode, you can proceed with Reading the Drives Firmware.
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Connect your BenQ drive up via SATA to your PC, power on, and run JungleFlasher.
Then, select correct I/O Port by verifying PBDS VAD6038 or SATA DVD-ROM shows in the Drive
Properties and click BenQ UnLock.
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The drive should be in Vendor Mode (0x73) now and return good flash chip properties, you can
check in the Running Log, Drive Properties or Flash Chip Properties.
Once the drive is in Vendor Mode, you can proceed with Reading the Drives Firmware.
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Then, select correct I/O Port by verifying PBDS VAD6038 or SATA DVD-ROM shows in the Drive
Properties and click Intro / Device ID.
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When ……. are appearing, do as previously instructed by JungleFlasher. Power off the drive,
then, within 1 second, power it back on.
The drive should be in Vendor Mode (0x73) now and return good flash chip properties, you can
check in the Running Log or Flash Chip Properties, Drive properties should display “Drive in
Vendor Mode!”.
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Then, select correct I/O Port by verifying PBDS VAD6038 or SATA DVD-ROM shows in the Drive
Properties and click Intro / Device ID.
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Click Yes, the Running Log will display something similar to this.
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Check the Running Log and you will see it reading the firmware from the drive.
Once the firmware has been read JungleFlasher will prompt you to save the firmware. Name it
what you wish and select directory path of your choice and click Save.
Once saved, JungleFlasher will then prompt you asking if you would like to auto-load iXtreme
for BenQ Drives. You must have installed the JungleFlasher Firmware Pack into the same
directory as JungleFlasher.exe if you wish to benefit from this feature.
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Just verify Source data reports as it should, OSIG of VAD 6038 or SATA DVDROM with a key
with no multiple FF/00/77 bytes.
Now, verify unique Source Data matches that in Target Buffer and click save to file if you wish
to backup your Hacked firmware.
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A series of 16 …..’s is JungleFlasher writing the 16 sectors of each bank (4 banks, 0/1/2/3).
After writing all 64 sectors, signaled by 64 dots (16 dots across 4 banks) JungleFlasher will verify
what it wrote by reading back and comparing against the Target Buffer, what we really want to
see is Write Verified OK!
This will release a drive from Vendor Mode and send ATA Reset to the Drive. It then sends an
inquiry command to the drive.
This will save you power cycling the drive and then changing port away and change it back
again, with the click of a button, drive will ‘reset’ itself and JungleFlasher will send an inquiry
command to the drive. If successfully flashed the drive should Inquire correctly and display
drive properties.
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Hitachi drives are completely unique in the way and which they are modded. We modify
Hitachis on a sector by sector basis. For this to happen the drive must be in Mode-B (mode-b
allows windows to recognise the drive!) there are several transfer methods available (some
only to certain revisions) But RAM Upload can be used for all drives!
WinAPI should used where possible, although WinAPI requires the drive to be assigned a drive
letter, this isnt possible with a VIA 6421 with Drivers Removed.
PortIO functionality was added for VIA 6421 Sata users who removed drivers to hack the Lite-
On drives without freezing issues.
To enable PortIO usage, check VIA Ports Only under DVDKey 32 tab.
you will not be assigned a drive letter in windows with no drivers!!! – You can still
dump/flash the drive – it just will NOT SHOW UP IN THE DRIVE LIST!
To enable PortIO usage, check VIA Ports Only under DVDKey32 tab
Not installing VIA drives IS NOT the same as removing them, JF will not enable portIO on
status 28
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Windows API Users, after setting ModeB, you must wait for hardware
changes to be detected (15 secs) If nothing is detected, click “Refresh”
Sometimes the drive will not automatically show up – if this is the case (WinAPI
users only) open device manager and “scan for changes”
JungleFlasher uses a unique way of calculating the checksum of the firmware and
JungleFlasher will also take over from the user as soon as possible to prevent user error, its
not necessary to dump the drive to patch the firmware, JungleFlasher will dump before you
try to do anything to the drive.
JungleFlasher also incorporates a “Stability Test” prior to modifying the drive, as safety is
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Setting Mode-B
Set Mode-B on Setting Mode-B
Flashed drive CLICK HERE
If the flashed
Drive is a V79
Drive in Mode-B
Flashed! Pre-79 with stock FW
Restore First!
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You will be presented with the dedicated Hitachi tab shown below (or similar to)
Note the Hitachi Drive inquires on my I/O Port and that PortIO is disabled (using non-VIA
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Once it inquires, Click send ModeB, you will be presented with the following message, its
preferrable you do as it states, as the ModeB built in on some Connectivity Kits, can cause
Once ModeB is set, if using WinAPI, JungleFlasher will scan for hardware changes automatically
after 15 seconds (if using vista/win 7 ensure you run jungleflasher as administrator) if drive
does not show up then scan for changes in device manager!
WinAPI users should see similar to this under the ‘Drive’ section
JungleFlasher WILL NOT scan for Hardware Changes after setting ModeB for PortIO users. The
Drive will NOT appear in drive list on right hand side!
Instead, the tasks are carried out, as long as the drive Inquires on the I / O Port
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This is done by powering on the drive with the tray fully open
If using WinAPI – drive should show in drive list on right hand side!
If using PortIO option – drive should be visible in port on left hand side
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JungleUSB is a hacked USB Storage driver that enables windows to see a Mode A drive over
USB, this enables USmodeB command to be sent and the drive.
First you need to connect the drive to your PC with a SATA-USB Bridge Adapter
Open Device manager and Find USB Mass Storage Device under Universal Serial Bus
Controllers. Right click on it and Update Driver.
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Select Don`t search I will choose the driver to install and click Next.
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Now click Browse and Navigate to JungleUSB.inf (can be downloaded from the usual
Select it and click Open. Then click OK
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Now Start JungleFlasher and select the Hitachi GDR3120 tab, Click the USmodeB button
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** Dumping the firmware from a Drive Using ‘Classic Mode’ will be fooled by firmware
stealth, this means, it WILL report as stock even though it isnt. **
As the drive is in ModeB already, we simply ensure drive revision matches that of the drive
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Upon saving the Firmware from the Drive, you can verify the key appears good and it reports as
GDR 3120 (ROM Ver)
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The Hitachi v79 requires ‘unlocking’ via Audio CD which can be downloaded here
Burn the .bin, using the cue sheet in IMGBurn (done by right clicking .cue file and selecting
“burn with imgburn”) and write to CD-R
Insert the disc into the Hitachi v79, wait for it to spin up (windows media player may try to
open! - just close it) then click 79 unlock
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Once it has read the Firmware it will prompt you to save the Firmware.
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JungleFlasher WILL NOT allow you to flash iXtreme over iXtreme, it will detect the checksum
and detect its hacked by checksum and force restore first.
You will need the JungleFlasher Firmware Pack for this to work.
With the drive in Mode-B (and Unlocked if a v79) simply select Flash iXtreme from the Flashing
Options list
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JungleFlasher will then dump the drive so it can compare sectors that will need to be written.
It will prompt you to save it. It’s heavily advised you do just in case.
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If you view the log, you see that JungleFlasher has automatically loaded iXtreme 1.51, copied all
your data (key sector 90004000 isn’t touched) into iXtreme, and flashed a test sector for
The stability test should return as stable, if so, you will see this message.
Again, JungleFlasher will take over and you will see it flashing the sectors like below:
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Power Off – Disconnect drive, connect sata back to console and test!
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Again, JungleFlasher will depend on the JungleFlasher Firmware Pack being in the same
directory as JungleFlasher.exe
With the Drive in Mode-B (and unlocked if it’s a v79 ) simply select Restore Firmware from the
Flashing Options list
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After it has dumped and compared the firmware, it will flash a test sector. If this flashes ok, it
will report it has passed the Stability Test
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Again, JungleFlasher will take control and flash the sectors required
It will then check the checksum and prompt you to fix the Checksum.
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If you wish to flash a Hitachi Drive using JungleFlasher and change the Drive String ID, you
should follow the procedure of:
Manual Spoofing
As usual you will need to first get the Drive into Mode-B (v79 unlocked) and assigned a drive
letter (VIA / No Drivers, utilise PortI0)
Ensure correct Drive Revision is selected; choose chosen transfer method (Pre78 use Mode
Select or RAM Upload, v78/79 users can only use RAM Upload)
Then, select Manual Spoof radio button, Then press Manual Spoof Button
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You can alter the drive key by manually typing it/pasting it/loading a saved key.bin
(Key.bin can be saved by loading donor drives firmware in FirmwareTool32 as Source and Clicking Save Drive Key.)
You can Change the OSIG (ID String) by selecting the desired drive from the drop down list,
And IF you have selected a LiteOn drive from OSIG list then you are able to enter the liteon
Barcode details by either:
1. If you have the Inquiry.bin from the Donor Lite-On, you can load it through Load bin
file button and navigating to the file and opening it.
2. If you have the Donor Lite-On Drive to hand, you can manually type the
Alphanumeric code on the top of the Drive like shown below
When you have selected ALL the sections you require to be changed, press the OK Button
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Job Done
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As with all Hitachi Tasks, you must set Mode-B (and unlocked if v79) first, have a drive letter
assigned if using Win API, or, PortIO for VIA / No Drivers.
Click Open Source Firmware button, load the Dumped firmware file from the donor drive.
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Jungleflasher will then test flash a sector for stability check and ask for confirmation to
proceed! Select YES!
Jungleflasher will then proceed to read, compare and write to drive – Firmwaretool 32 tab will
automatically open to show you the source (the drives previous firmware) and the target (the
Firmware that is now on your drive – including the spoof information)
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With the release of the 83850C firmware , LiteOn drives required two totally different methods.
With the release of the 83850C v2 and the 93450C there was no known way to extract the key.
However there is now a method to dump the whole FW from any of these LiteOn drives! (which
is the ONLY method to get the key from the 83850C v2 & the 93450C) Although MRA method
works on all (current) LiteOn's - DVDKey32 / LO83Info will always remain the simpler method to
obtain info from earlier drives.
The 74850C requires additional hardware (it requires the utilization of a RS232 to TTL serial
hardware, or a popular variant such as Xecuter CK3 Pro or Xecuter CK3 Lite with the Xecuter
Probe (v1 or v2) or Maximus USBXtractor & powerunit or or Maximus Xtractor (with optional
spear) to obtain the drive specific data (key/inquiry/identify/Serial) which once extracted are
used to create the dummy.bin
Whereas the 83850C v1 does NOT require additional hardware and can be dumped/flashed
using only a SATA connection
The key/inquiry/identify/serial files are merged into a dummy.bin (this allows for easy
manipulation of the drive info for placing into the iXtreme firmware). They contain information
that is required for proper identification and security related issues.
The 83850C v2 was quickly released to combat key retrieval by the earlier methods so key
retrieval using 83850C v1 or original method was no longer an option! This change occurred
around July/Aug 09 drive manufacture dates. There is no outward difference between the
83850C v1 and the 83850C v2 – the only way to discover which you have is to try the 83850C v1
method! If successful you have the version 1 – IF NOT Jungleflasher will tell you, you have an
83850C v2 and Lo83 function is ONLY for v1.
The 93450C quickly followed – Once again key retrieval was not an option with simple sata
commands or probe used for 74850C
Now available, is a method to dump the whole firmware from ALL current LiteOn Drives – The
MRA Hack method is a little more complex than previous methods and requires some soldering
skills and cutting and reconnection of traces on the PCB! However there are now some other
options available – the best of these are described in this tutorial.
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Here are some examples of those people without skill enough for the job!
If you are going to produce results like these – Don’t expect any sympathy!
IF you have previously flashed this drive and think you have its details in the Key Database –
Consider this option! No need to re-dump or MRA the drive?
otherwise continue through the flowchart
83850C V2 or 93450C
(pre-flashed with ix1.61- CLICK HERE )
74850C 83850C STOCK Firmware OR iX LT - CLICK HERE
(requires extra HW if stock) (SATA only) (additional skills and some modification
See Note 2 See Note 2 req’d)
Yes Yes
Previously obtained
LiteOn files, but don’t
have Dummy.bin LiteOn Erase/Write – 83850C, tried it but JF says
1. If your Drive has been previously flashed with iXtreme LT – then you will no longer be
able to use 74850C or 83850C v1 or ‘Dummy-from-iXtreme’ methods to retrieve
Dummy.bin! A full dump can still be performed using MRA method CLICK HERE
2. During Flashing process – IF your drive has been flashed before (i.e. NOT a VIRGIN
DRIVE) OR you have not used MRA hack to get a FULL OFW, then you are going to get a
statement like this: This is normal for a PRE-FLASHED
drives or you have used a Dummy.bin – Ignore it!
If you wish to include this info from a 74850C or 83850C v1 VIRGIN drive – you must do
a full dump using MRA style method - CLICK HERE
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If using a 360 to power the drive this method can be tricky to accomplish.
You need to power on the drive with Eject status closed but Tray Half Open – To do this using
an Xbox 360 as Power source, eject the DVD drive, then, press eject to ‘close’ the tray. Now this
is the important part – you MUST remove the DVD power plug (the black cable with white
plug on back of DVD-ROM) from the DVD Drive BEFORE it closes fully.
Wait for a few seconds and replace the power plug into the DVD drive taking extreme caution
to plug the plug the right way around – once done, the drive is now powered, console thinks its
closed but it is in fact half open.
For this method, we still need to power on the drive with the “half open tray”.
You need to power on the drive with Eject status closed but Tray Half Open – To do this using a
connectivity kit/power unit/Xtractor as Power source, eject the DVD drive, then, press eject to
‘close’ the tray. Now this is the important part – you MUST switch off the kit BEFORE it closes
Wait for a few seconds and switch the connect kit on again – drive is now at “half open tray”
(NOTE- if using Maximus power unit – you must hold in the eject switch till fully open then
release to close – as it closes switch off, then switch back on!)
The easiest way to do this is to use manual eject before powering the drive, to manual eject
simply push this slider along until the tray is released.
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And press the DummyGen button – this will allow you to load each file into Jungleflasher which
then creates a Dummy.bin and loads it as source. Ready for spoofing to target file and then to
proceed onwards to erasing and writing!
Page 86 of 180
Note: If you wish to include calibration data from the 83850C v1 (VIRGIN drives ONLY)
– you must do a full dump using MRA style method - CLICK HERE – if you are not bothered,
Go to DVDKey32 tab
this will allow you to load the file into Jungleflasher which then creates a Dummy.bin and loads
it as source. Ready for spoofing to target file and then to proceed onwards to erasing and
Page 87 of 180
For this method, we still need to power on the drive with the “half open tray”.
Select Correct I/O port (check for drive properties in the Drive Properties section) it should
report as PLDS DG-16D2S (unless spoofed), you can choose to dump dummy.bin only as
opposed to all 5 files (Key, Inquiry, Identify, Serial and dummy.bin) as dummy.bin contains all
the information of the other 4 files.
Page 88 of 180
Save as prompted,
Note: If you wish to include calibration data from the 74850C (VIRGIN drives ONLY) –
you must do a full dump using MRA style method - CLICK HERE – if you are not bothered,
You need to power on the drive with Eject status closed but “Tray Half Open” –
Open JungleFlasher,
Select Correct I/O port (check for drive properties in the Drive Properties section)
Page 90 of 180
optionally, choose to dump dummy.bin only (shown in red)as opposed to all 5 files (Key,
Inquiry, Identify, Serial and dummy.bin).
USB Xtractor user should enable USB Xtractor Switch check box (shown in blue)
Right-click on DVDKey32 button for time delay settings if you require a little settling time to
ensure probe is correct position before Jungleflasher attempts to read the key (time after
button press before key read starts)
then insert probe / spear into R707 via (as per table below),
Page 91 of 180
Mode switch to
LIT - (indicates button to
good connection commence
to R707 circuit) the read
Using USB cable to connect (can also use
(safety circuit
Page 92 of 180
Users can
press the
button on
probe to
BLUE LED start
SHOWING when in DVDKey32
contact with R707 extraction
and ready to read process (if
USBXtractor ticked on
USB ONLY screen)
Page 93 of 180
then prompt you to save key.bin, inquiry.bin, identify.bin, serial.bin (unless you have selected
dummy.bin only box) and dummy.bin.
Of course, should you have enabled the ‘Dummy.bin Only’ option you will only be prompted
to save Dummy.bin.
Page 94 of 180
The key is dumped then Verified against the drive itself! Using c4eva’s
extremely clever verification routine, Jungleflasher tests the key
against the drive (much like the xbox itself does!)
Page 95 of 180
Click Yes to auto load iXtreme (from the firmware pack) for Lite-On into the
Target Buffer, JungleFlasher will also load your previously dumped Dummy.bin as
Source Firmware. Then, copy data from source to target automatically.
Just verify Source data reports as it should, DVDKey 32 Extract with OSIG of PLDS
DG-16D2S with the same key you dumped (check log for reference).
Now, verify unique Source Data matches that in Target Buffer and click save to
file if you wish to backup your Hacked firmware.
NOTE – IF (by some bizarre reason!) you load an 83850C V2 dummy into source then
Jungleflasher will assume it to be 83850C V1 (as dummy is only “Usually” acquired from 83850C
V1 – as opposed to a full OFW dump from a 83850C V2) – IF this happens – select “NO” to the
autoload question and manually load and spoof the correct 83850C V2 firmware!
Page 96 of 180
(Please note the picture above is an example only! If you have a different firmware versioned
drive then obviously you will have different numbers appearing – The important part is that Key
and OSIG matches!)
Page 97 of 180
Sending the erase command to the Lite-On using VIA Card with drivers installed
poses the potential risk of the system locking up due to the VIA chipset polling
the erased Lite-On and not liking the response!!!!!!!
Please CLICK HERE and follow instructions to remove Card Drivers if you have
not done so already.
Page 98 of 180
Verify I/O Port is correct(for your setup!) and click Lite-On Erase.
JungleFlasher will warn of the importance of having a verified Good Drive Key.
Please Note, the only ways to know 100% that a key is good, is to ensure your drive key was
verified by JF or flash your firmware to a identical drive first and test it in the xbox itself
Page 99 of 180
After pressing yes and during the sequence of dots shown below, switch drive Power Off then
On - ONCE.
Hopefully you will see good Flash Chip Properties and Status 0x72 (2 known SPi Chips for Lite-
On’s, Winbond and MXIC) MXIC Shown, drive will appear in Vendor Mode under Drive
This will release a drive from Vendor Mode and send ATA Reset to the Drive. It then sends an
inquiry command to the drive.
Power Off – Disconnect SATA from PC, connect SATA back to console and test!
How to obtain the unique data from your PLDS DG-16D2S 83850c v1 drive and
create a Dummy.bin.
Obtaining Dummy.bin
Please Note: Dummy.bin is not Original firmware, it is [FAKE] firmware based on
the structure of an Original firmware file, and this makes everything easier to
work with.
(example only)
IF NOT then you have the 83850C v1 and should see THIS!
Please ensure you have the drive fresh / power cycled after setting Half Open
Tray, this is essential. Then, click OK
JungleFlasher will then send the LO83info command to the drive; you will see the
following in the Running Log
If the dump appears to JungleFlasher that it was valid, JungleFlasher will prompt
you to save, but look for this in the log: (with Your key!)
Check the keys match and the OSIG/model info is the same!
Then if you wish you can click Save to File button to save a copy of your hacked
When this hack was first released there was several differing methods appeared
varying mainly in where to connect certain wires and which traces to cut. After
testing several of them we have listed the popular methods, the original MRA
Hack, The Xecuter Probe II, The Xecuter LT Switch , Vampire & Rebuild Board,
Vampire w/o Rebuild Board
A full dump of your VIRGIN drive (not one that has been returned with other
stock firmware) is the ONLY WAY to get the ORIGINAL DATA from your drive into
the iXtreme LT firmware. So IF your drive has been flashed before please IGNORE
Trace cuts!
Cutting traces on the PCB: The traces that requires cutting on the PCB are only a thin strip of
copper laid on top of the PCB! They do NOT need carving up with a chainsaw! A reasonable
pressure with a sharp craft knife is sufficient to cut through them. Easily less than .5mm thick!
Moral of the story: You don’t have to cut right through half the PCB to cut the trace!
A 18 - 22 Ohm resistor is required and a switch such as dpdt (double pole, double
throw) -using one side only
Pic 1
With Jungleflasher running, have the switch so it connects 3.3v line to the middle
cable showing in picture 1 (switch selected OFF).
Connect drive to PC’s SATA and power drive, select MTK Flash 32 tab
Operate switch you added! To connect to the 22 ohm resistor side (On)
If everything has been done correctly – you should be faced with this!
After you get these good flash properties, quickly operate the added switch again
to 3v3 side (Off in pic 1)
Essentially the board preparation is the similar to the MRA hack but once fitted
need not be removed and has a switch on it to select between ‘normal’ operation
and R/W (presumably meaning read/write) though technically all reading and
writing is done with switch in ‘normal’ position, the R/W position is ONLY used to
place the drive into vendor mode!, then switched back to normal for reading and
writing operations.
NOTE: v1.5 has now been released! Added MULTI-R feature! Select 20ohms
normally – if drive status fails to leave 0x51, try selecting 18ohms or 22ohms and
try again.
Connect drive to PC’s SATA and power drive (GREEN LED will be LIT), select MTK
Flash32 tab
IF your drive has a WINBOND chipset then this will produce a screen showing
further instructions (shown below)
If everything has been done correctly – you should be faced with this!
Page 122 of 180
If you have a MXIC chipset & haven’t already done so – now quickly return the
switch to the ‘normal’ position (GREEN LED iluminated)
Select Yes
Make sure the OP Switch is in the UP (ON) position and switch the mode to MRA.
Power on the CK3 pro you will see that the Xecuter probe II BLUE POWER LED is on and the MRA
GREEN NORMAL LED is on (IF RED is LIT – op-switch is in WRONG position). This shows that
everything is functioning.
Use a fiberglass scratch pen and clean up the 2 holes to make the Probes contact better – Do this
before cutting traces, as you are less likely to stress the pad 101 while it’s still connected to trace
Cut traces on the PCB. The cuts are small and not difficult to do. Most people use a Xacto knife or a
small dremel tool. Make 2 small cuts where the yellow lines are. . (Be very careful not to damage
pad 101, once cut from the trace it becomes quite fragile)
Now turn the CK3 Pro power switch to on. You will now see the Xecuter Probe II BLUE POWER LED
come on and also the MRA GREEN NORMAL LED come on.
Press Yes! – Then power ON CK3,(RED LED – if it doesn’t go on – don’t worry – continue)
(NOTE: If you have a Winbond IC you may see a warning to switch LT switch back to normal then
press ok! Simply operate OP Switch to up position then click ok)
1. ONCE "save" button appears you can remove probe, power off CK3 and SAVE that OFW
Once you have dumped the drive simply repair the traces with the conductive glue that is
included with the Xecuter Probe II (or use your own if you bought the early batch that wasn't
included - simply solder) and you can then proceed to erase and flash your liteOn as normal!
Simply load your Lite-OFW as source (if you have closed Jungleflasher whilst you repaired
your PCB traces) AUTO load the target firmware, then Proceed to ERASE & WRITE
2. Continue to hold probe in place, allow JF to Autololad the fw, select Mtk tab then press
WRITE (remember to repair your trace cuts when finished!- before testing in console ).
touch the “VAMPIRE P101” Pad on the rebuild board,
3.3v probe its NOT Required to touch the pad since the rebuild board already supplies
the required voltage, you can just have it not touching the pad at all, in case you
choose to touch with the probe make sure don’t put into the hole.
after 1 or 2 seconds you should see the drive gets detected with a Status 0x72
Now if you have not done, remove the Vampire from touching the board and press
READ button
Once you have soldered the jumper of your choice! Power on the 360xtractor again –
Proceed to
Visit 360Xtractor website.for their own Tutorial – they suggest cutting PCB as follows
On MtkFlash32 Tab of Jungleflasher – Press intro/Device ID Button then press the Yes
on the pop-up window that appears.
Probe the 101 pad and 3.3v points on PCB whilst holding the button on vampire
pressed in!
after 1 or 2 seconds you should see the drive gets detected with Status 0x72
when the “Save” option appears its safe to remove probe from PCB
SAVE the Firmware you have just Dumped!
Power off the 360xtractor
Proceed to join jumper with solder as required!
To return a LiteOn drive to stock you need your Dummy.bin and a Stock FW for
your relevant drive.
Simply load your Dummy as Source, Decline the Auto load of iXtreme firmware,
So – you have connected your drive that you flashed already! You know it’s in
your Key Database as you flashed it previously. Connect it and refresh the port!
Just from refreshing the port Jungleflasher has identified that you have previously
dumped this drive, it looks up the key from the database and tests it on the drive!
– It’s verified!
So WITHOUT MRA you know what the key is for this drive!
To use this information to re-flash your drive with an update or back to stock
firmware, you have several choices! Follow the route below
Yes No
Yes No
Right-Click the Yellow Key If you moved the file and know where it
Select Open Job Folder is – CLICK HERE
The other options in that menu are self-explanatory! If you need to ask what they
do then maybe you shouldn’t be modding drives!
NOTE : If you have moved the folder you will see this!
Open the firmware file you think is the correct Dummy.bin or Lite-OFW.bin
Allow it to autoload the latest iXtreme Firmware. Then right-click over the source
firmware section again. Select Verify Key.
It’s Verified against drive click MTKFlash 32tab and proceed to ERASE/WRITE
Page 146 of 180
If you are convinced that you have flashed this drive before (regardless of type)
but it doesn’t show as verified initially - you can test all the keys in your Key
Database by using “Dummy from KeyDB” it will only create new firmware for Lite-
ons but it will find the correct key of other types of drive, if you have it in the
database! (if you have a lot of keys in DB it may take some time)
You no longer have the Dummy.bin or OFW.bin but the drive is showing as
verified in KeyDB?
Connect the drive and refresh the port, ensure it shows up as having a verified
In Win XP Win 7
Navigate to “SCSI and RAID Controllers” and click the + sign to expand the list
Right Click the VIA 6421 RAID Controller (may report as 3249 if using 550b drivers or above) and
mine were located, and most will be: C :\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\ XXXXXXX.sys file –
Find your disabled VIA 6421 Card, right click and select enable
Upon reboot, verify VIA 6421 still has a Yellow Exclamation Mark in Device Manager
Located in FirmwareTool32
You need the firmware you wish to Spoof loaded into the target buffer
If you have a key.bin or ‘Original Firmware’ you can save to key.bin as shown above in the Save
key to file section and use the Load key.bin option
Just click load key.bin and navigate to your key.bin file, select it then it will automatically load it
into the Manual Spoof Window.
If Changing OSIG to a Lite-On PLDS DG-16D2S this will activate the Lite-On Barcode section of
Manual Spoofing, please see below for instructions.
If you don’t have the Inquiry.bin file, JungleFlasher will let you manually type the barcode
(located on the top of the Lite-On) into the cox, in the format of 17 Alpha-Numberic Characters
followed by 3 spaces. You MUST include the spaces manually.
Checking the box removes all non-via sata ports, this will stop you trying to Inquire / DVDKey a
drive on your non-via SATA/IDE ports. Some chipsets don’t like the Inquiry and will hang the
**NOTE** If you do not actually have any VIA ports, JungleFlasher will itself uncheck the box
and re-enable the non VIA ports
JungleFlasher will then, ask if you wish to repair this data (only possible if you have original
source liteon available).
To rebuild the Serial Data you must copy the information from the physical drive itself, into the
boxes in the applet shown.
Page 158 of 180
3. The Laser
2. Hardware Revision
Possibly the easiest of the four, located on the top sticker of the drive and usually
A0A1 or A0A2
Insert this data into the HW Ver section of the Serial Rebuilder
3. The Laser
Self explanitory, located on the base of the laser.
Apart from spoofing a hitachi drive(as another type), the technique is very simple!
To begin with you should have a original dump from the drive you wish to “clone”
Now follow the tutorial to unlock (follow the tut for that specific drive up to the
point you would write to the drive) for whichever drive you are going to spoof as
the donor drive.
For instance you have a spare samsung drive you want to test a liteOn key with
before you erase your LiteOn! (you have already dumped the drive and saved the
Load target firmware – (you are about to flash a samsung so choose ix firmware
for a samsung drive)
The same method applies to all drives apart from Hitachi which is covered HERE
Ctrl + F1 key,
Enable context menus
Ctrl + F2 key,
Disable context menus
Ctrl+ F3 key
To Send Vendor Intro to currently selected Port
Ctrl + F4 key
To open iXtreme from firmware folder to Target
Ctrl + F5 key,
Set Modder mode backup directory, clear folder to disable it
Ctrl + F6 key,
Hitachi read block size 100 --> 2000 (78 and 79 FK models will fail on this)
Ctrl + F7 key,
Set working folder in Modder mode... clear all tabs and save log
Ctrl + F8 key,
Enable Hitachi Expert Mode!
Ctrl + F10 key
To add/update key database from Source tab info
Ctrl+ F11 key
To create .csv from key database
Ctrl + F12 key
To open key database in Notepad
BackupFolder – Contains the location set for backup folder for modder mode (blanked if modder mode not set
COMPort - Remembers last COM Port selected, number represents position in drop down menu
Delay32 – timed delay between clicking dvdkey32 and running the command, to allow time to probe r707 (milli-seconds)
IOPort - Remembers last IO Port selected, number represents position in drop down menu
ViaPortsOnly - enumerate only Via IO ports, for safety (Value 1) Lists all if removed or Value 0
In addition to the above registry settings – the key database is also stored in
In the same area of registry is a a folder called JF_KeyDB which if selected looks
something like this!
Page 169 of 180
If you select a numbered folder it will display all the details of that particular
dumped/loaded FW file. The entrys are fairly self explanitery.
If you do not have a VIA PCI card or a VIA Motherboard, proceed to the
DVDKey32 Tab, and ensure Non-IDE Ports is checked. You will no longer
get the warning when running JungleFlasher.
JungleFlasher will only show drives that have been assigned a drive letter in
The only 360 DVD Drive that has this during the process is the Hitachi
Drives (Once in mode-b) and using WinAPI. Please, don’t be surprised if
JungleFlasher doesn’t enumerate your DVD Drive.
I keep getting **Warning Serial Data is Bad** Errors when trying to DVDKey my
Is it definitely a 74850c version? The 83850c V1 uses LO83Info instead.
If this is the case, there are several things you will need to check.
Is the tray half in? You can check the User Guide on how to do this.
Without the tray half in, you will get this error.
Never rule out the possibility of one of the cables being faulty. If you
have tried all of the other checks, then try using alternative cables.
The Xbox 360 checks what DVD Drive is in there using the drives OSIG. If
this doesn’t match, the console will report E66.
To overcome this, we can change one string in the drives Firmware, making
one drive, report as the other, this fools the Xbox 360, but has an adverse
affect with JungleFlasher as it will also report as the “other” drive.
I LiteOn Erased my LiteOn and it failed / Device Intro Failed, now JungleFlasher
won’t detect my drive!
Calm down, your drive isn’t bricked! JungleFlasher tries to automate as
much of the process as possible, making it seamless. This time, sadly, it
didn’t work.
All you need to do is manually do the process again, power cycle the Drive,
then send a MTK Intro to the drive.
JungleFlasher Will not see the Drive (No Drive Detected) as it is actually,
now erased.
The second is caused by trying to dump a v79 that hasn’t been 79unlocked
I’ve set Mode-B but my drive won’t show in the drop down box.
If using Windows Vista, or Windows 7, please close JungleFlasher, scan in
Device Manager and re-open JungleFlasher, if this doesn’t help, please
leave your drive tray Ejected, and reboot your PC with drive still powered
and in Mode-B. If the problem persists, please feel free to join the support
channel and seek further assistance. HERE
If you are using PortIO option in Hitachi tab – It’s not meant to!
My Xbox keeps turning itself off while I’m trying to flash my drive
If you are using the Xbox to power your drive during flashing, you MUST
have the AV cable plugged into the Xbox (other end does NOT need to be
connected to TV), otherwise it will power down after a few minutes
(disaster if you are flashing a Hitachi). The HDMI cable can be used instead
but it MUST BE connected to the TV!
I am trying to insert the unlock79 CD but I press twice to close and it opens
This is fairly common, in mode B some drives take 3 presses of eject button
instead of 2 to get the drive to stay closed!
Try reading the tutorial………….! Remove your drivers for the card!
Instructions for how to do it properly are HERE. OR in the less likely event
that you have already correctly removed the drivers from the card and it
still freezes – try moving your card into another PCI slot! (You may be
required to reinstall drivers then remove using same method as before)
A full dump of your VIRGIN drive (not one that has been returned with
other stock firmware) is the ONLY WAY to get the ORIGINAL DATA from
your drive into the iXtreme LT firmware.
So IF your drive has been flashed before please IGNORE the statement that
I’ve Dumped the OFW using MRA Hack and get “Parse Failed” on loading
There is a good chance you clicked “read” whilst the resistor is selected to
GND (or in case of LT Switch – switch is in R/W position). After you have
vendor mode put switch back to 3.3v (or “normal” – LT Switch) BEFORE
pressing READ!
In VISTA and Win 7 it is a requirement that every driver must be signed. Because
PortIO driver is NOT signed – it becomes necessary to work-around the Driver
Signature Enforcement
There are 2 ways to do this.
One is simple but is required to be done every time you boot the pc and wish to
use the driver!
The other, is a way of setting test mode to be selected upon every boot of the
Thanks to:
Seacrest (Openkey)
MRA ()
Team - Xecuter