Riddle Poem
Riddle Poem
Riddle Poem
My mirror image is never that far, With a saint for a ride, I almost failed,
I have five different points like a star, Not so sure about the shape of the trail,
While I have no mouth that I can employ, But I pressed on as the road ahead curled,
I do make a loud sound when filled with joy. Surprised to find what seemed like a new world.
I’m an acrobat and a chatty chap, Like a rainbow I’m gone in a short time,
I travel with friends but I need no map, And my bow shape leaves only a moist slime,
I feed my children the milk of the sea, But unlike a rainbow, less of a blur,
And in France, I’m considered royalty. And, at least outside, only one color.
Father of a large noted family, Turn me upside down and I’m right side up
I made ends meet by fixing people’s keys; Empty my glass and you fill up my cup,
A local man of esteem when alive, I’m always on time and I’m never late,
Eighty years after my death I arrived. I never go backwards at any rate.
I am so very dark and moist inside, A loud sound of joy comes out of my mouth
My round structure may crumble on all sides, Or a loud sound that could cause someone’s death,
Yet people love to visit every day, Or a loud sound that could start a contest,
And they often take a drink on the way. Or a loud sound that lays someone to rest.
The most powerful thing that can be worn,
Yet I require little strength to be borne, I. Hand II. Dolphin III. Bach IV. Chocolate Chip Cookie
My rarity has increased up to now, (Chocolate Cookie also acceptable) V. Royal Crown VI.
In England, I still make some people bow.
Meteor (or Comet) VII. Christopher Columbus VIII. Banana
Have a try, IX. Hourglass X. Gun
Who am I?
Have a try,
Who am I?
RIDDLE adalah jenis puisi yang menggambarkan sesuatu tanpa benar-benar penamaan apa itu,
meninggalkan pembaca untuk menebak.
Teka-teki bisa apa saja, dari teka-teki tentang binatang sampai tentang obyek. Tidak ada aturan tentang
bagaimana struktur sebuah puisi teka-teki, teka-teki bisa lucu atau dapat sajak, itu tergantung pada orang yang
menulis teka-teki.