APTT-P page 1
1. Heparin sensitivity: 1. Langdell, R., Wagner, R., Brinkhous, K.: Effect of Antihe-
For example, the following results were obtained on a photo-optical mophilic Factor on One Stage Clotting Tests. J. Lab. Clin. Med.
instrument with one lot of MTI reagent: 41: 637, 1953.
Heparin conc. (U/ml) APTT (s) 2. Proctor, R., Rapaport, S.: The Partial Thromboplastin Time with
0.0 31.9 Kaolin. Am. J. Clin. Path. 36: 212, 1961.
0.05 35.0 3. Ratnoff, O., Crum, S.: Activation of Hageman Factor by
0.1 39.9 Solutions of Ellagic Acid. J. Lab. Clin. Med. 63: 359, 1964.
0.2 53.2 4. Brandt J.T Triplet! D.A.: Laboratory Monitoring of Heparin.
0.3 68.5 Effect of Reagents and Instruments in the Activated Partial
0.4 85.3 Thromboplastin Time. AmerJ Clin Path 76:530, 1981.
0.5 106.5 5. Thompson, J.M.: The Control of Heparin Therapy by the
Each laboratory should establish its own heparin sensitivity ranges. Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time. Sensitivity of Various
Thromboplastins to Heparin. Standardization of Coagulation
Assays: An Overview. Edited by D.A. Triplett, College of
2. Factor sensitivity:
American Pathologists, Skokie, Ill. 1982, pp 195.
MTI reagents was evaluated on mildly and severely deficient
plasmas with the following results: 6. NCCLS: Collection, transport, and processing of blood
specimens for coagulation testing and performance of
Factor % activity APTT (s)
coagulation assays. 3rd edition. Approved guideline. NCCLS
VIII <1% 150
Document H21-A3. Wayne, PA, 1998.
VIII 20% 50.7 7. Young, D.S., Thomas, D.W., Friedman, R.B., et al: Effect of
IX <1% >150 Drugs on Clinical Laboratory Tests. Clin Chem 18:1041, 1972.
IX 20% 39.6 8. Banez, E.L., Triplett, D.A., Koepke, J.: Laboratory Monitoring
XI <1% 88.7 of Heparin Therapy The Effect of Different Salts of Heparin on
XI 20% 44.5 the Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time. AmerJ Clin Path
XII <1% >150 74:569,1980.
XII 20% 43.2 9. Wujastyk, J., Triplett, D.A.: Selecting Instrumentation and
Prekallikrein <1% 55.9 Reagents for the Coagulation Laboratory. Pathologist 37:398,
Furthermore, the sensitivity of APTT-P to Factor VIII has been 10. Christensen, R.L., Triplett D.A.: Factor Assay (VIII and IX)
determined as follows: Results in the College of American Pathologists Survey
% Factor VIII APTT (s) Program (1980-1982). AmerJ Clin Path 80 (Suppl): 633, 1983.
100% 34.3 11. NCCLS: One-Stage Prothrombin time (PT) Test and Activated
70% 37.8 Partial Thromboplastin Time (APTT) Test; Approved
50% 40.9 Guideline. NCCLS Document H47-A. NCCLS, Wayne, PA,
40% 43.4 1996.
30% 46.2
20% 50.7
10% 57.0 Date of issue: 01. 2008.
5% 63.6
1% 85.2
<1% >150
These values should only be used as guidelines. Each laboratory
should establish sensitivity to individual factors using instruments,
reagents, and techniques used in their laboratory.
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