Cinnamon Extract 2 1 1
Cinnamon Extract 2 1 1
Cinnamon Extract 2 1 1
Kenneth Dave M.Bughao
Research Teacher
Marie Lou S. Paler
s pass through the wind to areas that are not exposed to pestici
Fire ants are omnivores, which means they feed on food sour
cinnamon and wiping down common ant hot spots like doors and win
Is it harmful to plants?
everyday purposes to get rid of ants which may bite and cause
that might harm the crops, and this study is also affordable and
environment friendly.
Conceptual Framework
almost a century ago and more recently into California and other
regions of the world(Marina Ascunce, Chin Cheng Yang et al,,
Ishak et al,, 2011). Fire ants are stinging invasive ants from
South America that infest over 129.5 million hectares in the
A, Collection of Cinnamon
B. Procedure
Procedure The sum of 100 to 150 g of mashed cinnamon sticks was insert
ed into the distillation flask, which was connected via a glass tube t
oils have been volatilized for 5 and 10 hours with boiling water at 1
00 ° C temperature.
It was allowed to settle the recovered mixture and extract the oil.
t the separating funnel's bottom layer and were removed several times
Place and add a jar container where there are many bees, then place th
sure the container is secure and is not going to fall over for hours a
t a time when left.The researcher will leave the container for a few d
e for the container to be stored so that other animals are less likely
to disturb it. Leaving the bait for a couple of days would make sure
the ants flock to it. Gather for testing all the ants collected.
D. Experimentation
Using the Cinnamon bark extracts produced, spray it with ants into the
Trial 1
Trial 2
Trial 3