Duchaine - UD (Dan Duchaine's Ultimate Diet)

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, : n*irjl";G:i:iiG 5iC ffi*-I*-,RL&tS

?hj-s *]cs! 1s'srirten br gre*p1e crp ere not fato ftis is r:ot a eji*t
for Ggff peqle; it is a preErar'. f+r aLhseteso iallc$ tc ;x*y*x5,:_*e:_-;
ii garticular, l4ri:e specifiea.i.Lvr the uLTrlt\TE DiET ',ra,s de,;eir.nor r-
deliver sr traordinary ;;;u:G-ib *x:niry -p*w:* ;r:t; ;;-;; #'i"rJ;
l-iftsti;ies of ccqeli.tive atbS*'les" 3e lc the best diet fi:r conpeti.iive
bcCybr-rilde:s vhc wish to gain ia.*3.e u*eigirt, v*i3e icsirg My:*f" ',ii;e are
ihe autipss cf lhe tXXRffiSJ}fD glEeCIID ItASlDBiP( {iS}1 frsr ehcet} and ti:j.s
Ls , as pranlsed in that *' i:ku the bllcn+ ry.;ci:.trr€. Yne iFii is e e<:r*
pllali+n of :iethc& nol apprwei ry the f$u the Ff"lA, or $tse doctcrs on
hov athle*,es use anabelic stez:rids io gain size a;'C staengt3r, Alth.*ugh
the style and founab of our pre;ious beok is eonsidel€ screxi:at *or*
irovezsialu *e feel that. the *asic in&n*etisn €snvelrd is rea33.y old
hai, We Cidnit drearn up lhose neihcds of use a* dsages cf anablj-c
steroiCs; ue gnss* onto ycu irtrat, the a"ehleies are dclng in lhe real
w*rld" trf 3aru hare aireaCy :'ead the L€li 1ou iviLl haie an edvanN4* in
urCez:tanCing part of ij^:e UL.fSt&33 DJCT', especS-ally if yCIu are planning
to use anabcl.ic ste:ci.ds as a dieli::E a1i3"
Il.re i.rE?II,lAffi SIET ;s ;t€r.' h:.';', ti,tre r;'o::it 'lel-l yo* r,ftaL rlhev Ccr,
This ric€ ii'e:re Ecir6 'L.s te11 313r: r,. at you sbuJ-ii Co" *:cse of ::r:i:'r,iio
a:3 ss=ctir; an slcse rf 'che secre! lisb of ehe best d:et drugs *ray be
disapp*inted" Trarkly, tfter our researc!:, .,,€ .",;e:e lc.o. Ch, 1,::s, Lher:r
ie!::'r.i're1y a:ie dzugs ar-e rDrc ?f:fuctj:'ze.;;irj.ie dierr::.g in r:ca:c: tc
slze erd strery-eh rebent,len, "f,ric: but i*:re is "".c.;LT3}1Af$ S'lTFO:t, Ycu see,
sL.errrids jusl dcn0L c33an; mus,:]e fc.=s c;r very 1cr.r calo::ie d:et.s; tney
heip 'rnly a 1ibtLe" l"k iris}: there r,';e;*'r{oeCer }iet Ste::cids beeai:se a;1'
di*t, sven o*rs is hard r,'iorl{, Sven sor if yeu bec*il* oniiz haif a-:
eneiied as lre are alroui ;his :-v:f,o:axiatisr-i liou?li noi be ab-:.e rn s1e*p
Lcnight." Xerre wi1d13a enLi'lresiast,:.c, ra';he:r p.rouC and oh*sc*s1ri,:9, Fi.-l
lhis beeause sciTeene j"s ai:eolu"iel-y right, a:ld 'b.hat lhis ::e,* ;r*ti,:d l:*:*.s
tTiTf,iATE DIE? rs coip::oof, Ji i,i
sg=cLacr-:1ar11' rcI.!- i>= fne
nc; a Vecdco 3iet" 3i, =.;eryere" ls cca3";1 an eJ.egant.. seiei:tifie apprc*cl: ii: l':3irrJ
bodyfat v:hil-e raaiii)arnirt o.: inereasi.=ig flruscie sass, a:id g:,iess i,'hr,
ir;.,,'*nted this? lle did , lil??re "bhie knal{*il*ails atid ..,;e'rs ab*o1i:tei;v'
eor"'ir:eed thal *a?r*;mre i:e$tt i:l:an anliCIne el.se absui diei:ing, 1r lzou
.i;''-;-c t :u:: p?:cgratrii :',=r1.-1. p.r-a:: :e i: yau"

Suri just wh+ lhis diet i.s f:::, cr

l-ei;s l:aclli:raek ane eiab*.rate c,n
beiler it is no:-- ft',:, fL not f:r pery1e tryirE ra gc* lhe-;rr:
1re't ir:hc j"s
ve:,ghi dor,v':: te ari€rage" Ll} y*r: lcic* +lnat la'reraEer isl' In ;*3derl',
$neric*, averege is cr:nsidered 30* bcdyicat. &rnlen ard 33* ib;'xci.;31,
'i:r:":' rea,rs '*rat. ihe a?erage 158 przr- iien is i:ar:J.irg aror'd 3fi pounas c:
fa:. "1 xana* af 1l-S par;nds, being considereC anerage, r,l:r.ild h;r,'e 25
p:r"::a: ef fal en hero a*d obese peryle am st.'ruggling ts bes$u* a"eragei
X": sa:uie thann but ,r;e ar* *ci calxemd ',,silh beccrairg xrerqe" :r? e;anc
p:cple :;;i:: are geit,i:-g 'Lheir rleictilrate ryree! in',-eighi 3css." l;:is 7!,i
nr k:":dergarden diei. ]t is'a supariar ciet ftlr pecple llhc i':ant lx:
achie;e superior res,;-Hs, 3f 3,:n Lhir:k that, tave:;g*? is s*i1.1 i*':. i;13r,
li:is :.: the drei frr you, tlhar'e d*es it :ed? He31l" teke yi'u rc i-.;;
pe:: ce:t:. bc{yel conte::i c:: iess {yer: tcc iadiesi i;:rh nc r--::lcie ti;s:
L:"ls" i*irholt :aass*;a ;ii;i*unf;-i; c,f d;:.Es, ad ":ith ri* !'ia:er :'arei:l-ic;: :'-r
':iie iol'.ntcii'."e i-tr9sL€s, I{i:aL ll::l of l=o-=ie r+lanL :'=r,'itli::s as .;eiica: ; :
:;' :-:? F+i'vbiti.lis:-:;,
,,': :. :fc'j? bc::',;b",:'^ L:I a:;J c.::) i:*€ i;:.ET. eu:c=isf.i ii-|-t:{r: -*lab !'; rt,'.'-e

€iCr.:iu.i-r:t3'.eij . Ev*n1;11 ;c{3'b,;i1rie;-g ,-,a:.': :rl;i:e gL::c€s= a-'- 'i-el-. j,::g i]-:an
a.;..:::.i1{ii: *,1,;: aLh--i-*;i:; ;*::jt>**. ?*ei r,a-L.gE b*;':ui-i,**;s _sfr rjif::Terl? :rr;
ir !..: -l -1".,'.:r, .ltl*.--r-:: ,'r,ii:il.:i-:.;l.i;.5 i;'J:: ft>::-a:,:'n7-r:i.ic :+:i;j-'-" .l.l ::":ii:ai]ii,;; ;l
mental one. The bodybuilderrs mind is subconsciously programned to
sr.rceed in order to fulfilL certain needs. A bodybuilder has a need to
srrcceed. Psycholcgists tell us that human beirgs are nrctivated to do
things because ve need to do thenr. Tlrat sourds like a fairly reasonable
thirg to assume, but e<actly what ttrcse needs ar.e is always subject to
acadernic debate. Ore psychologist, Abraham Maslow, did research into
definirg and orderirg basic human needs and concluded that there are
seven basic needs in the f:llowirg order:1) Honeostatic; these are the
essential physical needs of 6rod, later ard air. 2) Safety ard security
3) Love ard belonging 4) Esteern 5) .Self-actualization, a need to better
yourself 5) A need to kno* ard understard 7) Aesthetic e<pression
lihy scneone decides to diet. and r.hether he sticks to it j.s determined
by those needs. The more a diet can fiIfil-l a greater nr.:rdcer of those
seven besic needs, the norr: chance there is fcr slrcess. Ncn, letrs look
at our bodybuilder. lle may have started weightlifting to feel less
insecure, fiJ, lirq need nunber t\^D. All- those other needs, esteem of his
peers, belorgirg to a grcup, betterirg one's se1f, the artistry iruolved
in competition, exploring one's limits and capacities are direct-ly
fulfilled by sticking to a diet. The nuntrers are in the bodybuilderrs
farror. Granted, srrcessful diets such as the !^Ieightwatchers plan use the
same kind of psychological manipulations. But in bodybuildirg ycu are
not dealing with very ffary people who have an inordinate and consuming
(whocps) desire to eat, r.trich in obese pecple supplants or is substituted
ficr all oLher needs. with most obese peopJ-e you must first solve the
psychological mystery of their fixation. Then you must get them to take
pcsitive steps on need levels three, four and five raf,rile at the sane time
breakirg well worn eatirE habits. Thatrs an awful lot of nentaL ard
enr:tional- red tape. With bodybuilders, you don't need to worry about
this. The difference is that bodybuilCirg is not a short tern goal b:t a
way of life fior the person.

So ncrl ue @in to pick nits. We asked cr:rselves r^try sonre bcdybuildem

are rTore successful than others. As a group, bodubuilders are lrore
successful than arrerage people. We want you to understard what dif-
ferentiates the rate of sltlcess arTong the group itsel f . How do elite
bodybuilders r;et into top shape not just once, but cver ard cver, no
fl-uke? Are thqT srnarter? Probably not. Most bodybuilders, even the
great ones, don't l-rain with their heds; they train with their hearts.
They equate pain and suf fering automatically with slrccess. Too rnany
ROCICi ncnzies. You see, everybody can r.mderstard hard r*ork. |lct ezeryone
can r:nderstand snart r.rcrk, let alone attempt doing it. The success of
our diet irn'olves the concept that you fitay not always harre to work hard,
but yo.r al-ways have to *od< snnrt.
And here's v*ry ycu musl lork that way. It is because nrost of the body-
tx,rilders who diet down to 5t (and look good at it) donrt do it with
brains or drugs or bee pollen or spirulina. They do not fail because
they are the €NETIC elite. Thqy have physiological advantages. The big
wal1, that genetic advantage was sonrethirg that npst of us didnrt haze
ard couldn't do anything about. Until novr. The ULTII1ATE DIET vill
duplicate physiological processes that naturally do not @cur in the
avenrye dieter, but give our elusive and exclusive genetic elite its

Most aLl of you out there kncry the basics of fat. Werve learned that
fat is an energy Furce, that it is stored in nrrre abundance Lhan carbo-
hydrate in the body. It has nine calories per gram and about 3500
calories in a pound of it. These are the basics. There is also what we
term rfat prcpaganda'. we are led to believe thatAnericans are tm fat.
We eat too many falty foods. Fats are bad for us, will give us heart
attacks. That, fat is not healthy, not nat.ural-. This is an extreme
vie4point. As with all e<trsnist stards, it is not entir.ely correct.
So we think itts time frr you to learn the irnportant facts about fat,
inbrmation that is reLevant ard can be pr:actical.ly applied. All humans
are born with fat ce1ls. Ttre aTDunt varies irdividually, even racially.
It is not tne that ycn are born with a certain number of fat cel1s and
that this number ns/er charges. You can grcn rrDle fat cells. You can
redlre the size of the fat cells, bJt you cannot redr,re tlre nurrber e(cept
by surgery. You are born with a certain distribution of fut cells that
ns/er charges. You can change the distFibEbnbFcellsize, horrever.
Wonen have a mrrh different distrih:tion of fat cells tl:an nen. This is
npst apparent with the dvent of estrogen secretion, as little girls ard
litLle bqys generally get fat in the sane places (the candy cor"nter).
Although it is true that in rncdern tines hwnans donrt need to store a
nonthrs vDrth of food cal-orie-wise, itrs tougrh to convince your body of
that. Most normal, healthy people throughout the world, even the
Chinese, donrt dip belcn the I5t bodyfat rnark. Fat contents below 15*
are abnormal. We didntt say urhealtlry, jnst, r€11, rar€. What does it
nean *hen scneone s{sr rOh, he ras jr:st born fat. r? It neans that the
person got bad software, an inferior progran for his organic ccnrputer.
First he (she also) may have been born with many rfif,re fat cells than
normal, and they arenrt distributed qrenly around the body. ltrqy might
be piled a }ittle thick arorrd the vaist and hips. Worse yet, the Dl{A
code nqrer will allow the thyroid to work to fuIl efficiency, or tes-
tcstetone leveLs wiLl be 1o.r, ard estrogens (erren nen have estrogens) are
not. Cortisone ard irrsulin lsrels cqrld be naturally elerated ard these
sul'ctances cause fat retention. The pituitary wonrt produce enough
Grq*th llcErcne ard betalipotrcphirs, hourpnes essential for faL rcbiliza-
tion. Ehydroepiardrcterone (DHEA), the chemical essential fcr making
testosterone in both men and womenr my be lor. The point is, sorEone
can really be fat for a lot of uncontrollable physiological reasons.
I,lost pecpLe who lcse urcight quickly ard easily donrt srcceed because thery
vor)<ed hard, blt because ttrey have nore going for them than they Jcrow
about. Take a look sometime at chanpion bodybuilders r.,tro aLe a litLle
overhrcight. Usually they are oven*eight all over, 'sroothr is the
expression. An e<ceptional bodybuilder can carq/ a Lot of f;at ard not
look cnrenei$rt to the anrerage person because ther.e is no h:ildup in the
usual areas of the waist or hips; his genetic predisposition progrermred
his fat cells to be evenly distrih:ted.
And women. Gee, do you gals have it tough. Erren r+cnen bodldruilders
rarely harre an enren fat distribution. A woman can have a low bodyfat
percentage, but still look fat because whatever fat is left is
distrih:ted ncstly on the legs, hips and buttocks. Emaciated from the
waist up and snooth locJcirg below. l.lc one has qrer olved this problem
(mtil r€ care.forg). Wonen wtro have a very even distribution of fat
are either very young, as in beficre puberty (we brirg to your attention
femaLe gnrnnasts not 1et in their teens) or have low estrogen levels in
adultlpod or harre hd a hrysterectony.
So yourve decided to lcse rne bodyfat. Let's first ecplain hnm lour
body uses that fat. Fats that you eat trarzel a rather circuituous route
before they are actually used. You rnay harre heard that eatirg fats puts
a strain on the digestive systen. Actually many parts of the body are
stressed frcrn ingestirg fat. Fats thrat )lou eat are in a drsnical grqJp
caLled triglycerides. These end up in the srnall intestine ard are doused
with enzyres fron the pancreas'airich charge thsn into fatez acids. These
fatty acids are so insolr,rable that bj.1e salts fircm the liver (wtrich are
stored in the gall bladder) must first charge then into a primitive frrm
of soap so that they will pass through the lacteal of the small
intestine. Bile sal-ts are released fror the galt bladder by CCK lprnrne
(This will be important to you later on). once passed through the
intestinal wall, the fatty acids ar"e charged back into triglperides ard
c_oaEed with proteins so that they won't glob together. unlike other
foods which go frcxn the snnll intestine into the bloodstream, these
lipoproteins are dunped into the thoracic duct of the lynphatic system.
Werll give you a crash course on the llnrphatic systen. There are blood
vessels r^frich carry blood and lyrph vessels to carry.. .you guessed it.
The smaLlest blood vessel-s in the bod1l are catled capillaries; the walls
of them are just one cel-l thick. That's just thick enough to keep the
blood cel1s frcrn wanderirg cr:t, but not nearly thick encugh to keep> the
blood fluid toon leaking away. so, the blood fluid dumfs out oi the
capillary wal1s to bathe the connective tissres of lour -body with life
giving 'juicerand the e<cess is picked up by the lynphatic s1€tem, vtrich
shoots it into a big artery around the heart. That same network is
carrying the fat that yo-r eat. So after travelling the lynphatic detour,
our frotlocse fats are still not redy to be used as fue1.- The body does
not use fats, it uses fatty acids. How are fats transformed to tfris
usable fi.el source? Py the river thrcugh enzlrre reactiorrs.
Now the body is ready to burn that fat up. Hold on. rt's tine to
elaborate on rburnirg'. Mcst all fuels for the body are used by muscle
tissue. To say that your muscles are burni.g up sugars or fats is to
oversimplify n ny conpl& chemical reactions that you must understano to
srrcceed on any diet. chemically, vhen energy is used your muscles are
convertirg one type of organic phosphate, enF into another ATp. For
ex amp1e, i. f your musc l-es are using glucose ( sugar) fcr energy, one
nolecul-e of g1rccse will combine with 36 nolecules of alP and anoiher 35
molecules of inorganic phrsphate to make 36 nolecules of AT?. rf glrcee
level-s are 1ol or if activity level is also lcx.r, the muscle celG wiII
use fatty acids and amino acids as fLFl. Arnino acids are stored in the
cytcplasn of the muscle cell. ycu see, protein in the muscle cells is
constantly being exchanged for fresh proteins nnde Eron the anino acid
pool aroird it. If there are not enough amino acids in the cytoplasm for
the o<charqe, the muscle celL shrirks. Rsrember this. ft'i important.
AIso, you must know that if a musc1e cell- needs energy other than glu-
ccse, it is going to use the fastest avail-able source. -ir your body is a
r i ttl e slow in convertirrg fats to fatty acids and not too quick at
liberating stored fat. into a usable fuel source, wel1, those amino acids
ard lots of ttrern witl do quite nicely, thar{< pu.
Fat is stored- in your body as a lipid, lfiich is not a fat{ acid. Tb
be used as a fuel, the lipid must travel through the bloodstrean, once
again through the Liver, and then as a fatty acid to the muscle cells.
There are no direct pathways from the fat cells to the muscle cells.
That is to say that the fat around your waist will not be used by lour
stcrnach muscles, etc., etc. you now realize r.,fry you cannot spot rec,-ie.

Peqple who l-cse weight easily vrithout apparent muscle lcss hare tr,,o big
advantages in fat retaborism cver the average person. First, they can
corvert irqested fats into fatty acids at a rapid rate, Also, their
netabolism is srrh that stored fats are converted into fatty ac ids at a
faster than normal rate also. How could an average person duplicate
these traits? tetrs start withr the easiest and r*ork up. Wou1dn't it be
nice if roe ccr:ld scnehpr* eat fatty acids, that is, eat a fat source that
'aent directly 6rom thre srnaLl intestine into the bloodstream as a usable
fuel source? There isntt a fat source that perfect, but there is an in-
gestabte fat t}rat rvithort the use of bile salts passes through the smaLl
intestine into the portal system, vf,rich is an e(press:way to the liver'
bypassing the lynphatic syston, the heart, etc. Technically, this fcod
would be called a medium chain trigllceride ard in r.eality it is not a
nat,urally occr.:rring foodstuf f. Of couse, that doesnrt rean that some
bright guy cotrldnrt nake it, wi'rich soneone has, but only recently ard t.,e
kncp abotrt it and use it and so can yoLr! We wish it vere a product that
was a/ailable in the supermarkets or health fcod stores but it's not.
You cannot make it yourself but you can buy it from us. We are not
advocating some sort of high fat diet. What vre do beliere in is sr-ic-
stituting the fat thrat ycu would usually eat with this n*r faster acting
fuel. By gett.ing this food into your q/stsn as a usable enetgy surce
quickly ycu will be able to redrce your calorie intake to a lower point
than usual without the resultirg musle mass Ics. We call it Ultinate
MCT (nedium chain triglyceride) oil-. We use it to cod< with, as a salad
oil- and sren substitute it for the yolks when we make sranbled eggs.
l"1cst all the fats that rte eat raf,rile on the diet cone from MCT oil. We
mentioned that rcgular fats are doused with bile salts stored in the galI
bldder. Hovr large an anornt of bi-le released is dependant on the afipunt
of CCK horrcne. As yet there are no CG sutrplenentation dn:gs available;
however, phenylalanine (an amino acid) increases your own natural
production of CCK. Phenylalanine is found in abundance in beef
(lTmnrn.. . ). A1sor you can buy phenylalanine amino acid supplenrents.
What we harre done is given the zuer4e [Er€on an dvantqe by atlcnirg
fatty acids into the body not necessarily in greater abr.:ndance, but at a
faster than normal rate and thereby becornirg a rftlre redily arailable
fuel source. this is a prctein slnrirg activity; you rill tend to keep
]ounmrsle size if emino rcids are rpt used as a fi'el source,
Now let's go on to stor.ed fat. The goal here is to incr:ease the rate
that fat is liberated from the body's stores and converted into fatty
acids. The most obrious ley rculd be just to elgrate your netabolic rate
so that you burn nore calories than you nornally would. This involves
elevatirg your thyroid level with thryroid drugs. We hane used thyroid
drugs and ]<nqpn others who have. Elevating yoLrr thyroid a small arnoLnt
is an acceptable solut,ion her"e. I'{cst ulcnen hane hrypoctive (low output)
thyrcids; nine out of ten thyroid prescriptions filled at pharnncies are
for women. The trouble is that narry dieters don't use snall arpunts of
thryroid. We consider one to fior"rr grains (25 to 100 micrograms if one is
usirg a synthetic thyroid d*g) per day in the snall rarge. Thet'e are
tro ttrings to ]cncw abo:b thyroid supplenentation. First, even though
increased thyroid burns more fat, it also rreans that lour muscles need
frcl at a f,aster rate. Afso, higfi thyroid levels cause steroids, both
naturally occurring testosterones and any anabolics that you may be
takirg to be netabolized at a very high rate. Simply, the steroid will
be excreted so fast that it will not have a lorg encugh ti-ne i.n the body
to act.
Growth Hormone, nraru.rfactured in the pituitary, increases fat nrobiliza-
tion. A very safe ard easy way to elevate your own GH levels is with
massive dosages of certain amino acids srrch as Ornithine, Arginine or
snraller anourt-s of the prescription aminpo acid L-DOPA. Vasopressin,
another hormone, is anrailabl.e as a prescription drug (in nasal spray
fcrm) ard not only eJ-evates GH levels, but also causes the release of
betalipotrcphins, rrore fat rnrbilizirg honrones secr€ted in the pituitary.
HCG (see 'RATINE TliE DRUGST ) also elevates betalipotrcphin levels (not as
weIl as vasopressin, though). Brcrnocriptine is another drugiLthat
releases Gg, blt is p expensive in dn:g supplenentatiqt fcrm that is
rarely used for this PwPose.

Injectable huran gro,vth hosncne is e<traordinarlly etpe.nsiYe ard *e see

it u;ed quite often in porerlifting and bodybuilding circles. Growth
Hormone supplementacion in this form has always b.een thought of as
dangerous ana tufoo, blt this is basiocally utsrthetantiated dogrm with no
hard facts to back up the l'rysteria. We have just conpleted a study on Gl
use in ath-Letics ard Lhis sLnrunary is available in our (FH Update *1. As
to l-pw it relates to dietirg, ve will sqy that at this point Hunan Gro*th
Flcrnone is just so o(pensive as to not nerit most peoplets attention.
But arginine (20 grams per night) and L FPA (500 mg. Per night) are
afficrdabte and very effective.
Let's review the main points that this chapter has brought up.
Basically, h€ are trying to give the average person the advantage of
corvertirg ingested fats ard stored lipids into fatty acids at a faster
rate. thil can be done by l) elevating your metabolism, wtrich has its
drawbacks (but usml11r is necessary fior ncrst wcnen) , 2) by supplenentirg
one's natural Groe/th llcrnone supply, a splendid idea, ard 3) changing the
type of fats that you eat, which is quite simpJ-e to do: All these
mlinoas duplicate the processes occurring in people with genetic
predispositions fcr faster fat nrcbilization ard utilization rates.

In the pranio.rs chapters werve determined that the reasons sorre people
lose weight easier, better ard faster than othel€ can be a genetic one.
Sure, rnany Pecple get their bodyieight dcnrn, but ttrey rnay 1ce a tnenen--
dous anrount o f muscle mass, or st ill look fat from excess water
retention. Many (if rrot ncst) bodybui.lders will teLl the necphite dieter
that al1 leing rcight entails is just cutting calories. This is not
tnie ard herers v*ry. As l€tve said befcre, lrhen you are on a lcr,r calorie
diet your body still needs its calories at the sanre rate as befcre. If
you are of an everage genetic disposition metabolism*rise you will hane
rro difficulty in initial.ly leirg boQyfat. Hor,r€ver, your body will adapt
to your continr.:ed lcnr calorie diet by beccrnirg very efficient in its use
of ftrl by djustirg its netabolism so that it establishes rnaj.ntainance
(not losirg or gainirg weight) on your lcnr cal-orie diet. For e<ample,
millions of people in third wor.l-d cor.:ntries are able to maintain an
existerrce on literally a few hurdred calories per day. Granted, thqg are
not in the best of health, brt they are alive, This is an example in the
extreme; however many dieters rrill rrprder why tJrry suCdenly stop leirg
weight on their 1500 calorie a day allotnents wirile sone chart is
statirg that mai.ntainance levels sfpuld be arrcund 2500 calories. Their
bodies have adapted to a life threatening stL.ess (redrred frod). At this
point thirgs turn nastlz. Trr start }osing weight again it would be
necessary to redrce the calories dom-r frcrn 1500. As r"e nentioned beficre,
the body needs calories at a certain rate. On very 1o.r calorie diets,
srtch as our hypothetical rsonevhere r.nder 1500'calorie one, most people
(assuming nrrst are everage) will need fuel at a f,aster rate than this
aromt of food will pronride and remember that the muscle celI's amino
acid pool will be the fastest fuel source under these circurnstances.
This is vf,ry r.e are s concerned with rates of fat netabolism. Current
dognu is that tyou just canrt lcse npre than two pounds of fat per weeJ<r.
Ttre suppeititrr is that above this aromt you are leirg iean body mass.
This is rrot e<actly true simply because one just canrt arbitrarily assign
a trarc porrd liJnit to all of humanity. Obviously some people can lose
tremendous arnounts of fat weight per week without appreciably leirg
muscle. A smal-I anourt of peopJ"e actually claim to be able to increase
muscle mass while losirg fat. This really does happen as '^e've seen it
firsthard. If ycu frllcry all our recqnnendations verbatim, you will be
able to do this, too.
The trcr:ble with bodybuildirg is that there al:e no great mirds applyirg
thenrselves to solving problans. Scientists, researchers, doctors and the
like haue always concentrated on qtimizirg perfounance in other sports
(It tod< a wtrile frr bodybuilding to be recognized as a sport). Whether
it Oe puJclic acceptance, peer recognition, or just anount of dollars
irvolved, the real bright guys have traditionally ignored bodybuilding
problems. What this does is breed a group of bodybuildirg gurus qf,rose
only claim to any kind of tmth is the sLccess of thernselves as irdivj.-
duals. The [Erson rntro r^ants to becone gr€at relies on the questionable
Iogic of assuming intelligence throtrgh greatness. A goal is easier to
see wit.J: tr.,:r'rrel vision, b.rt not neccessarily easier to attain. Over the
Iast few years we harre seen physiqtre trainirg divide itself into three i*
distinct caq)s. The most traditiona] of these is the high set, high Et

reF,etition methpd of trainirg. Statistically nost champion bodybuilder:s s

have used this nethod. Another nethodology enrapturing the public is the s

colorfully named Hezuy DuQr system, Fopdarized by the Mentzer brothers

ard Arthur (Nautilus) Jones. This system atteflpEs to take a scientific
approach to weight trainirg (which rc thirk to be dmirable) ard always
seefis to have charisnatic replies to even the npst inane qLEstions put to
its prcponents. Lastly, powerliftirg type trainirg iruaded the body-
building culture wtren marrlz people saw in all those rStrongest Manl
ccrnpetitions that powerli fters rnay generally be a tittle fat, but thqy
also hold a trenerdous arrDunt of muscle rnass.
Who is righ t? lxrg ically, i t can' t be that one person is right ard
everyone else is wrorg. If thaL uer-e tn:e, only people wl-ro frlloqed that
particular method would be sr.rcessful. Srrcess by other nretlods cannot
be denied, and cannot'Deus e,( machina'be confined to some other
person's nodel of the answer. The real" tn:th is this: Everybody is right
at dif furent tinesl i{hen they are wrong there are genetic advantages
that downplay the results of those errors. we'Ll e<plain this by
analyzing the di f fererrt training sysLems as to their advantages and
[,ru I t s.

Trdrtional- bodybuildirg trainirg advocates 20 sets per bodypart, 10 to

15 reptitions, and to rcut up for a contestr hitting every bodypart
Ehree tr-nes a week, except calves ard aMoninal-s, 'nhich sesn to be r.nrked
every day. This training has gotten a Lot of bad press lately as being
really onJ-y useful to alvanced bodybuilder:s, detrinental to stimulatirg
murle growth, overtrainirg, b1ah, b1ah, bJ.ah. rgnored is the fact that
a Lot (we mean rlfst) of the bodybuiJ,ders rntro win contests train this r^ay.
The facts are that ncst ps6ple with average recuperative ability will
find this training to be generally not gro,rth irdrrirg. Ttris trainirg
nethod uses up a trenerdor:s amount. of carbohydrate cal-ories which are
stored rnostly in the muscle tissue. The body,s primary suwival
nechani.sm is consenration of energy. Tb nake this relevant, if you give
your muscles a stimulus to induce growth (Ii ftirg we ights) and also
deplete the carbohydrate stores of the muscle, the average body will
respond by f irst buildirg back up those depleted cari:ohydrate reseles.
You must also rea-l-ize that the body is not efficient at tvo functions at
once, that is, it does not do a good job of grcnrirg muscle tissue while
replentishirg carbohydrate stores. Exceptional genetic types; however,
have metabolisms that are relatively efficient at doirg these trro tasks
and these are the people who sr,rcceed on this type of training. The
bottom line is this: High set trainirg is an e<cellent way of burnirg
calories ard depletirg carbohydrates. It also stimulates Phase I of
adaptation for carbohydrate retention. This statgrent is important, so
keep it in yoLr mird.
Heavy Duty (heanee doodee). This is the thinking nanrs training
nethod. It uses a lot of scientific infi:rnation, hhich is to its credit.
l.lhat you don't know is that it ignores as mr.rh if not nxrre information
pertaining to muscle growth. For now that is neither here nor there.
Basically the principles are correct. Heavy leight used in e<cercises
clone in a suitably intense rranner is an wrusual stress to the body, r"frich
should induce muscle gro^rth as an adaptation to that stress. I,b hare to
get nore technical here than you would like, but it is important in
understaMirg the weak points of this way of training. Muscle tissue is
nude ft:om amino acids wiLh the help (ard never without them) of enzyrnes
called ribosomes. The ribcscrnes are activated to that duty by rTesserger
RNA. Now, there is noL an unlimited arnount of messenger RNA and
ribosomes to do these functions. rn fact there are just enough to
replace the protein turned over (broken dor^m). If the musle is sub-
Sectecl Lo an unusual stress (a la Ho training) the immediate res[Dnse
wilI not be muscle growth but increased ribosome and nessenger RNA t,

production synthesized over a period of a few days. only after these

factors are eLszated will a muscle grol foon the na(t Lnfarniliar stress.
The hal f Ii fe of ribosonres is only a couple days so that unfamiliar
stress must corne when ribccnre lsrels are high. Heavy Duty trainirg is
Lnrique in that it stresses both protein tissues (by subjecting them to
unfamiliar terrsions) ard carbohydrate stores prwidirg that ttpse stores
are very lry. This is because HD sessions are short and intense, so
short in fact that there is no time for fatty acids to help; itts all
carbohydrate as a fuel- source. If the body is 'carbed up'not a
sufficient amount of carbohydrate will be b.rrned up to stress the carl:
storage systern. So lbavy D:ty trainirg is optirnal when you have litt].e
carbohydrate in the muscle ard for sonre reason (ard r",e hane a very good
reason) you need to stress both carbohydrate sLores and protein tissr..e.

The weakness of trainirg is thaL pecple get too enthusiastic

Heavy Duty
vi-rile they are doirg it. Everyset in every vprkout becomes an adrenal I{
f ight or fL j.ght rollercoaster ride. The rnfamiliar stress is no,v quite tt
familiar. Ribosone leveIs are never elevated enough to groqr muscle i{
tissr-e. Peqle generally rcrk out not too lorg, but too hard, especially
on a cal-orie restricted diet. The lcx^er the caLorie level- generally the
lower the recuSnrative ability. By the way, Hearzy Duty trainirg, though
not as long as other types does burn up a tremendous amount of
carbohydrate calories. Tro sun up, this type of trainirg is an e<cellent
way of indrcirg an unusual str.ess to the muscLe, but its drawbacks are
that one can overtrain especial-1y on a calorie restricted diet. Hans
Selyars GeneraL Adaptation Slndrone describes how an organism adapts to
stress. Tb cordense his fasinatirg theory, the ALAF}{ stqe is activated
by an intense rnfamiliar stress. The ACCOIOBTION stage (in this case,
accorodation is musle grolrth) results frcrn a stress that is intense, but
not as intense as in the alarm stage. l'lany people on HD trainirg just go
for alaun type r.orkouts all the tine. Thre st4e of ACOI''IODATIOII can only
occur after increased ribosone synthesis ard represents incneased protein
synthesis. Both phases cannot take place at once, because by the tine
ribosones arc slnthesized, ressenger RllA (wtrich tells ribosonres what to
do) is gone.
Fower trai.ning irvolves a very lsr/ nturber of sets ard repetitiors on
e<ercises, usirg as many mu*le groups as pGsibly can be involved in a
movement. As you can imagine, this is a very unusual stress to the
muscle, ard alas to bone, ard ligarent also. It is a system vf,rere you can
stress the connective and muscle tissue to the greatest degree while
usirg very little carbohrydrate. Hovrever, individual contractile filanents
are sdclected to as great if not greater stress by HD trainirg because as
murl-e fibers are incorporated and then tire the few remaining active
fibers are subjected to rna<imr.rn tension. The way to increase the stress
to the muscle in Power training is to always increase the weight.
However, on a calorie restricted diet, it would be difficult to
continuaLly up your poundages because one just doesnrt have enough food
for tremendous amounts of protein synthesis ard carbohydrate storqe.
Given a certain anomt of musle ti-ssLle, the strength it can develop is
dependant on the concentration of ATP. The higher the ATP concentration
the nore freqrent there will b collisions witi contractiJ-e myosin. The
inore often myosin filaments contrac[ in a given movement of a joint
(mymin filanents must contract ard relax hundreds of tinres in a small
movenent to ratchet thgnselves up the actin strard) the higher the horse-
pcia€r. The nore carbohydrate in the muscle, the higher ATP levels can be
maintained. So Power wcrJcouts hare their place when energy ard protein
availability is high, Power training is most effective when ]) the
muscle is loaded with carbohydrate (ot.herwise you vnuld not be strorg
encr:gh to indr-re an urfamiliar stness) and 2) after the firs! phase of
the General Maptation Syndrqne has been stimulated. This sounds a^rfully
specific ard ccrnplicated brt soon you will see hor all these rrules' fit
Welre sure many of 1ou r.eders are wonderirg just why rne're sperdirg so
mr:chtine on these dif ferent training systems. The reason is simply
this. Each type of trainirg will irdrne chernical charges in your body'
qy using this lcncnle'dge creativelyr one can evolve a system of trainin'J
that assures that you ar€ doirg the right thirg all the tfurer because
are assuming that the average body cannot compensate when does
something wiorg. or the ULTIMATE DIET you will be integratirg all three
training nethods into a synnetrical r.ftole syst€m. Although most of you
readin! this may think that we have included too much technical
j"nfrrrnaiion, sone will realize that r.,e really have left out even lTpre.
The bicrnechanics of bodybuilding will be ttre subject of cur ne<t bod<'

oo \

\n >-?5.. I' \oo

U,q" to



She SayS it'S not v,orl<ing beause you don'l

in i
', I

B.u er ly t{ills 1"


So you've got a lot of infonnation in your hed - Worgan)zed, disas-

sociated. You could pid< ard choce vhatever suits you ard get somewhat
better results whrile dietirg than just watrhirg the calories, but ve want
fiore. We rmnt the ultfunate because ve need it. You see, although t€ are
irvolved in bodldcuildirg 're really donrt hane marryr genetic dvant4es. We
would like it to be as if !r€ put all this stray infcrmation into some
superccmputer and it would fabricate an cptimr-rn diet. We haze achisred
this resuJ.t, this Ultimate Diet without the computer (it took a few
years). Letrs tell you hsr r,'e arrived at it.
WeII, actually, !€ slEnt snne tine lod<irq at hcw the world was put to-
gether, ard hq* it keeps itselfgoirg. It seened to us that most of the
srrcessfrrl systers ard processes als-lnd us are q/clic in nature (no pu't).
Whether it is how it rains, the tide tabIe, animal reproductive
scheduLes, thg/ aLl irvolve r:epeatable patterns.

Rub your stqnach and pat your hed at the sane time. l'lost of us find
it hard to do (donrt let anyone who finds it impossible drive you
aqlv,irere). we are going to carry this analogy over into physiological
processes of the body. Your body doesntt like to do tlo thirgs at once.
Tb elaborate on a previo.ts e<ample, Iet's imagine that you exercised in a
prolorged and strenuous manner, encr:gh so that o/er a fan days of srch
activity, yourve depleted your fiuscles of their store of carbohydrates.
Although lourve stressed the muscLes to an e(tent, pur body is nxcsLly
av,iale that ycu are lovr on fuel. Your boQy will always want to presen/e
and replenish energy so this type of activity will not allql the body
mrch muscle tissue grovth. It is apparent that the body would tend to
grow fitore when it is rnt required to replenish energies used. Tb detail-
this further, hi$r intensity, sLort duration exercise causes the release
of additional Growt.h Horrnone frcrn the pituitary (in norrobese trncp1e
lnder the age of thirty). GH inhibits the effectiveness of insulin,
which has the function of takirq cartohrydraLes frcrn the blrcdstrean ard
placing them into the nusle cells. So you begin to see the balance that
the body tries to establish. Our feelings are that if the body will
naturally do things at certain tirnes, why not capitalize on thaL
information by isolatirg ard heightenirg ttpse ptrysiological processes?
Frarkly, not nany athr.letes of aryr kird do this.
Studies in the fifties have demonstrated that depleting the
carbohydrate stores from the muscles over a period of days wiLl result in
the body storirg carbohydrates in respcnse in an o/erccm[Ensary ntanner,
that is, 1'cr vill store rcre carbohydrates than usual in response to
scheduled carbohydrate depletion. You may have heard of endurance
athl,etes rcarbing up'; this is whrat they are doing. It is worth noting
that in interrse, heavy t'eighlliftirq the muscles rely on the carbohydrate
stored in the muscle tissue itself for energy. Do you see what this
means? We are at the beginning of a cycle where we can deplete the
muscle of carbohydrate, just to the point be fcre it is exhausted to the
point of Ketosis, a state where the body burns fat so inefficiently that
it also will use protein (ingested or lean body mass) as an energy
source. Ketosis can be monitored with littLe chgnical-ly treated paper
sticks that are dipped in urdiluted rrine (brand name Ketostix). This
clcse nonitorirg does nct aLlo* ]lru to cheat on a cartohydrate depletion;
you will always )srcry wtrat stage you are in. Not only wiII you be
depletirg your body of carbohydrates, but you will stress it enough to
instigate ribosone ard nessenger RNA synthesis. You can go very low on
calories because we harre increased the rate that your body turns both
ingested and stored fats into usable fuel. Then you can load up on

carbohydrates. On some days, even sugary 'junk' foods are allowed
because 'n'e are directing those carbohydrate calories into the muscle
cells. Once energy is in the murle cell-, it cannot get o.:t 4ain ard it
cannot turn to fat inside the muscle cell. At this point you could (if
you are not in a big hurry to lose fat) eat a nunber of caLories abo,.re
maintainance Level because yorr body will be storing l"lORE carbohydrates
r.n the muscles than it had before. Now that you are loaded up with
carbohydrates and additional ribosonres and rnessenger RI.{A you will be
ready to give the body the secord part of the one-two pmch. This vrilL
be a hearry growth prodrcing uorkcut that uses very little of the body's
energy stores. You will boct lour Grcx,vth Horrnone cutput whiLe you are
asleep with arginine supplenentation. Not only will this allo.r your
muscles to recuperaLe and grow at a faster rate, but GH also causes
bodyfat to be liberated and used at a faster than normal rate. This
rneans that you will be strong, able to grcey musle tissue ard lcse fat
al-l wi-lile on a naintainance diet or in some cases above, calorie-wise.
Not only does lour body ne../er get dapted to a stedy lor calorie regine
as it world on a nornel- non-qgclic diet (calories vary daily), but you
can readily tailor the grcr*thr-fat redrction rates quite easily. rf 1ou
have to lcse a trenendo-rs anornt of reight fast, the ULTII"IATE DIET is the
most effective for this in terns of musle mass retention. If ),ou !^ant
to keep your bdy weight stable or increase it a-l-l the 'ri^rile losing fat,
you (sien the most anterage of 1ou) can do it! The rate of fat lcs can
be controlled very predictabJ-y and easily over a wide range by fine
tuning the caloric intake at di fferent stages within the cycle. The
predictability of this ryc1e makes contest peaking a simple matter of
After your grcri/th v,rcrJ<out you are at the erd of the c1cle. After a few
days rest ycu will begin to deplete the carbohydrate from the muscl-es
again. You should haze *ore muscle mass to deplete. We'd like to
relieve you of a n4ging preconception you might have, which is that we
havenrt given you encr:gh tinre (a matter of days actually) to grod murle
tissr:e. Dcesnrt it take a long tine to gain a powd of muscle? Well, it
deperds on the way that you look at it. Muscle does not groa slo*ly. rt
gro^rs rather fast, about as fast as you can increase the size of fat
ceLls. Itrs just that muscfe doesn't gronr contirurously (usual-J-y). Sure,
you ma}/ take a year to put 5 or L0 pounds of muscle on your body, but
thatrs not because you are putting it on at a stedy trickre of a few
grarns a day. You rnay gror a lot durirg durirg a fs,u seeks then stop for
a while. A long while. But the clock is stil1 tickirq away. Your life
is goirg by.
The beauty of Lhe ULTIIVIATE DIET is that there is no gressnork. you'Il
yourll be growirg, always ]<no^r ho* to train, al-ways be aware of
lmo'v wtren
what kind of firod to eat ard e<actly qii-rat is happenirg to that. bod. rt
is not an easy diet because of the schedule that you must folror, but
there are plenty of bailout tricks in case you fi:ur up, ard there are
binge days. rt requires a dif lerent type of discipline. For example, i f
you haLf-heartedly try to deplete your carbohydrates, don't nonitor your
Ketone leveIs, €tc., €tc. and then you go to carb up (AKA pig out) you'J-r
find yourself no bigger, no stronger, nor leaner than before.
ALternately, you may have discipline and no brains. you may deplete
yourself into heany Ketosis (deep purple Ketostix color) because whjLe im
Keteis yow body extracts many less calories than the usuaL 3500 per
pound of fat so consequently needs in e<trsre Ketosis sonetines bpice as
much as usuaL for calorie requirenents. But Ketcis just guarantees you
to lce lean body mass as r^e11. We donrt want that, even tlrough it r,rorks
as a desperation rrr:ve.
You must establish a nsnr firrm of discipline. We'll allot ),rcu sreets,
and lots of them, and social drirkirg (on scne days, unfcrtunately not
necessarily on aII rreekends), and steak - atl sorts of fcrbidden things.
Thry all ha,re their sSncified tine ard place in the diet. Ttainirg? You
can train usirg all three popular methods (at least you'11 never get
bored). High Reps and High Sets fcr initial depletion. Heavy DuQr frr
increasirg fiessenger RNA ard ribosone prodr:ction, ard Poraer Workouts for
ma:<imum muscle stress with minirnwn c:rbohydrate &pJ-etion. We will slpw
ycu hcw all of them have their place and purtrnse.
Just who is this diet firP Frankly, \,€ arenrt the least bit interested
in the genetic elite. We rve seen the way thql train ard prepare thern-
selves firr a contest. They dontt have it too hard, because actually they
rerch their goals. Werre not sq/irg that thqT donrt have to work harrC or
that they donrt deserrre to win. This ,iiet is br the [Erson who doesn't
harre it so easy, who has had until now no hope in getting to a very
conpetitive 5t bodyf,at content. This is also for women who diet down
into two diffrrent pee1e. We will make the lorner half qzen cut with the
tcp without getting you emaciated looking. This is fur the average
penson who wants sutrnrior results. Right nctr let's take you throrgh the


Sirce ue have been through this l0 day cycle nany tines over the Past
few vears to fine tune it, rerd like to tal<e you day by day thrcugh erch
phase so that yourll )sro., hhat to do, what not to do, and rrf,rat you might
be feelirg at certain tines. It r.eally doesnrt rnatter what paft, of the
r,,eek you start this rycle as, rnfrrtr.nately, ther.e is no w4; to schedule
all your weekerds of f. It rnay at first seern incorvenient that 1ou cannot
eat carbohydrates on certain days and those days may be holidays,
vacations or weekends. Hornrever, once you start seeirg the trsrerdotrs
resulLs from the ULTIMATE DIET, these inconviences eronrt bother you as

mY I Day I is a very Ic'!', calorie, 1o.r carbolrydrate day. 9le Cry to keep
our calories to less than half that of maintainance lqrel (whatever that
is for you). Our workout is in the mornirg, since this is rf,ren your
energy will be highest, before we eat anything, vrtrich is qfien liver
glycogen is lowest. The workout is a fast paced, high set, high
repetition type, r^orkirg chest, shouldersr ord triceps with 20 sets per
bodypart, 15-20 repetitions beirg the nunbem that vre are shnotirg for.
If ycu are just starting this diet, yo will fird that the low anrount of
carbohydrates available and the durtion of the workout makes this an
4onizirg e<perience. Yourll feel r.eak ard nany tines lce notivation in
the middle of t.lre trainirg. You must not dq$t. You must stick it.
The first few days of the cycle are alwqgs hard to take. You really "rithmnt
this fieelirg because it signifies that the body is not faniliar with this
type of stress. In fact you rnay fird it hard to get ort 15 or 20 repeti-
tions on many etercises even with ridiculously lcn pou:rdages because you
may not be used to high reps under any circunstances inyour old type
vorkout. Sone of our test sr,icjects used stimulants for these first two
low carbohydrate wori<outs, usr-nlly cof fee or caffeine tablets. A fe$t t€
must dmit used things a bit stronger but didnrt seem to get greater
benefj.ts durirg the wor*out than with cafftine. Caffeine has been fcund
to be carbohydrateEp?iTfr during exercise, so if you henre trouble
depletirg, you may have to cut it out. With a training pattner, this is
a hpo ard a half lpur workout. After trainirg, our brreakfast corsists of
our l"lCT €9sr fcur to eight of them (recipe in the back), a small anrount
of carbohydrate ln the form of sliced tomatoes, cantalo.rpe, or corned
beef hash, and vater to drink. We take our vitamins then. We havenrt
concerned ourselves yet with vitamin therapy, so rre talce the stntgwt
appnoach, which is large dces of all the essential ones. Actually' our
gfm (Goldrs in Venice) markets convienient day-paks ard r*e use these
because re frrget to ta}e or"r vitamins if r'e have to open 12 different
bottles to do so. By the way, ve limit our carlcdrydrates to 60 grams
totaL for the day. Yotr will have to tailor your own carb intake by
monitorirg ketone levels in the urine. As a general guide, rTen ard r"crnen
both could start with 50 grens per day of carlcohydrate. why eat any at
aII? The brain needs carbchydrate daily as it cannot store it. If you
go on zero carbs, your behavior gets strange. If you have a problem
(mentally) on lo,r carbchydrates, pu might corvince your doctor to write
a rript frr Hydergine, made by Sarrdoz, Hydergine stabilizes the brainrs
metabolism of carbohydrates and wiIJ. help you with concentration ard
appetite control r^f,rile on these low carb days. Hydergine is very safe;
it rs not an anphetamine. We have aboJt one half pound of roast beef fcr
lrnrch as Lhe phenylalanine in beef keeps our appetites dqm. Along with
the beef, a small bag of potato chips (which surprisirgly dds only 18
grafis of carbohydrate). we drink either water or diet Rat-No-l'1ore.
Dinner is very lean ground beef acccmpanied by a salad (MCT oil ard
vinegar dressirg). The anpu-rts of all these foods will vary as Eo hout
low in ca.Iories ycu hant to go. We hane frund that if ycu rrant to lose a

trsrErdotts arDunt of fat per weel<, the days to neaIly cut caLories are on
the low carb days, as ycu are not concerned with strength on these days.
Toward the end of the day rle test cur urine 6cr ketones with Ketostix,
and re feel that a li$rt pink color, wtrich is the Trace range, should be
attained. Right before re go to bed,ae take 20 grams of Arginine alorg
with I gran of ITDOPA (a prescription amino acid). This supplenentation
increases our Growth Hormone output while r€ are asleq>. GH heJ.ps in
burnirg nore fat, sparirg muscle tissrn frcrn being catabolized and will
assist in carbohydrate depletion. In fact ve fird that we can eat nxf,re
carbohydrate 'rtrile usirg Arginine and LrFPA and still deplete rapidly.
If by the ne<t mornirg you are stiLl not in the Trace rarge this neans
yctr are doing sonething wrorg. Wrorrg things include: eating too much
carbohydrate, caffeine before the workout, you didnrt work out hard
enangh, you didntt use the arnino acid supplenents, or you are using an
anabolic steroid wi.th a high glycogen storing ability. If; hor."ever,
after one dqy yan have gone into the Snrall (as opposed to Trace) range of
keteis, lou sipuld dd nore car:icohydrates to your diet, usr-r:] ly abolt 10
to 20 e:<tra grarTs is encx.rgh. It is quite rare qhen this happens unless
your job requires a high arount of nanual labor. Be prepar=d; durirg day
I you are not going to feel happy. Low carbohydrates usually make
eve ryone tired , l istless, and downright grouchy. Triptophan and
Fhenylalanine supplenents befcre bedtine will help you out here, the
former to rela:< you ard allcnr sleep, the latter so that 1ou r.ake up in a
god ftare of mind (see or"r chapter on beef). These supplenents are not
drugs but are anino acids.
BY 2: Day 2 is just like day one e(cept that the nrcrnirg r^orkout grcr:ps
back, biceps, drd legs together. We put legs last ard on the day befcre
the rest day because orr e<perience slpvrs that workirg legs lorg ard fast
tends to rake people ill. Nausea, headaches, ard nental disorientation
cqne \rith high repetition leg r'ork because Lhe legs are usirg o<ygen ard
carbohydrates in trenerdous anoL!-rts (relative to the other muscle groups)
and at a high rate. After the leg rrcrkout )rou usrB'l1y ron't feel like
doirg anythirg else, arxl it may take that day of rest to fully recover.
We reccm(end that calves ard thigh bi-ceps be done first in leg trainirg,
as thry *on't require to much energy. Thigh exercises such as squats
and leg presses wi}l use rTpre carbohydrate than leg e{tentions. W the
way, the idea that leg extentions, lunges, etc, rcut upr the legs is
faLse. You can do leg extentions all day 1o.g; if lour leg stnrct.ure
does not allor striation and seperation of the muscle groups, this
exercise will not work miracles. If 1ou truly rorked your legs o<haus-
tively, ycu will probably fieel quite r"eak for the rest of the day. This
is the day when mentally )ou will be at your weakest on the diet. This
session n:ns about three hours with a partner. bnrt despair. Keep the
eating habits the same as day l and test for ketones at night. You
should be either in the Smatl range or just betrieen Trace and Small. If
you are still in the Trace rarge, you are sort of in troulcle. You might
hale to exterd the l0 day c1rcIe to 11 ard do a vtrol-e boQy vorkout on day
three, then take a day of rest. Alternatively, ycu could on the r-est day
'(day 3) go way do*n in calories, Fq this neasure speeds up depletion. :

DAY 3: Day 3 is a day of rest unless you are not on schedule 4

depletion-r+ise. If in the norning yor ane not quite into the Srnal] range I
on the Ketostix, drcp your carbohydrates belo,rr the usual lcw l*el ard
cut yoLE calories [z a far hr.:rdred. Re].a,r. bn't get too much sun on
this day as you are aLready somewhat dehydrated frcrn carbohydrate
depletion. If ycr: have trained hard enough during the first two days,
you will need this day of rest. Even though you hanenrt been liftirg
hea;y veight nor using ficrced reps, you will probably be sore. Donrt
neglect to eat beef as this will keep your creatine pl^osphate lqrels
high. We ourselves are still eating about the same food types (even
Lhose pocato chips) and usirq the same before bedtime nutritional
supplenents. Ready f:r tonorrol?
mY 4: On Day 4 things begin to get intetestirg. We are wirdirg do^rt
Lhe carbohydrate depletion phase and instigating an unusual stress to
elevate ribosome and rTESSenger RNA lsrels. You shpuld ber just beficre
the',orkout, either in the Medir-un range of Ketmis or just short of it.
Anythirg nore would indicate that your body will start usirg musle
tissue as a fuel source. Anything less neans that you havenrt been
serious enough. If thirgs are not r.orkirg o.:t frr you letter perfect,
don't be too upset. we feel that you will need two trial runs to
individualize the trainirg rycle ard diet fcr you. After all, it took us
two years to fine curre it to what r,,e thirk is generally right. frr arery-
one. Just befcre the rcrkout (as in 5 minutes before) r+e take about a
heapirg teaspoon of disodium sr,rcinate (AKA srcinic rcid disodiun salt)
in water, a salty (and foul , foul ,foul) tastirg cl'rgnicaL that is srr-
cinic acid in a dilutable f:rm. Swcinic acid is the prirmry chernical in
tl're start of Krebs Cycle, the chain of chgnicaL reactions that happen in
the muscle to mak energy. High levels of srccinic acid allcp the muscle
to work longer without the use of carbohydrate as fi.el ard witlout the
subseclrent lactic acid hrildup. Also Succinic Acid is a non-steroidal
activator of dditional glyccgen ard creatine phosphate stor4e. Vle can
strorrgly claim that Disodium Srrcinate is a safe nethod of increasing
nxf,sL a/eryoners athLetic performance. It has not been approred by the
FDA as a food snhstance. It does contain sodium, which is whry r+e only
use it two days out of ten. We seIl the stuff;1ou'11 fird ort bw to
order it in the back of the bcrok. In your Hea/y Duty workout (v'frich is
what you are doing on days 4 and 5) llcu are tryirg to &plete the last
bit of cari:ohydrate from the muscle, along with trying to push heavy
weight in order to subject the muscle to a highly rnusLe'l stress. We
said befcre that the danger of HD trainirg is that you can rod< tm hard,
that is, stress your muscles past the point of fast recuperaLion.
Superior genetic types have superior recutr=rative abilities; most of us
do not. By doirg your Heavy Duty trainirg on lcn carbchydrate days, 1ou
hane a built in failsafe. You p[sically cannot orert.rain on lcn car-
bohydrates; the fuel isnrt available. Yo.: will, after your day of rest
and with srrcinic acid suplenentation, be strorger than you had irnagined,
just strong enough in fact br the goals of increasing ribosone and
messenger RNA lgrels. Your ',orkout of chest, sLoulders ard triceps this
time should consist of the usual Heavy Duty fare of forced reps '
negatives, anjrnal ncises, ard an appreciation of of Wagnerian cperas ard
lgth century German philoscphy. Your fcod intake could consist of up to
500 calories abwe maintainance of wirich hal.f of the entire caloric
intake will be in the fcrm of complex carbohydrates (no whole rrfieat,
we'Il tell you wtry later). If pu are in a hurry to lGe fat 1ou rnay not
be able to eat this mr-rh. Even so, r"e dontt recomnend going any lTore
than 500 to 1000 (f000 if ycu alre a BIG BOY) calories belcnmaintainance.
So the average nale bodyb.rilder mi$rt be getting as much as 500 grams,
2000 calories frqn carbohrydrates ard still be leirg fat rcight. Vb use
ULti-nrate Orange (another of our'"rcnder Fcods, the drirk the astronauts
shouLd hare bru:ght to the nrcon ) as our surce of carbohydrates as it is
the sloqest fcrm of carbohydrate that is non--constipatory (white flour
for some people tends to be just that). See anr recipe flr LD in the
i:ack. We have discontinued our Arginine and L-DOPA supplernentation
because additional Growth Honnone interfer"es ryith carbohydrate lodirg,
Testosterone assists in carbohydrate loading. Personally, we use
Testosterone Aqueous Suspension on each mornirg of our lodirg qple,
starting with toda/, Day 4. Vb realize Lhat this anabolic steroid is not
everybody's cup of tea. What is; hotre/er, everldcodyts cup of tea is sas-
parilla. Sasparilla is a natural herb that has a very high amount of
testosterone in it. So r^re reccrurend lots of sasparilla if pu ethically
cannot use Testosterone in drug fonn. Testostercne is destrqyed in the
stcrnach, so the sasparilla herb must be put rnder the tongue and allowed
to enter the bloodstream sublirgually.
Ihy 5: We'Il say right cut that next to thee low carbohydrate days, Day
5 will be your hardest nentally. Again, le train in the mornirg befcre
vre eat, this Einre back, biceps and legs using caffeine and Disodium
Srrcinate as a pri.mer, alorg with sne sort of Testosterone sugplenent-
ation, natural or otherwise. Yql are going to have problens. You would
thirk that with those 500 or so grarrc of carbchydra[e in you (less ficr
littLer people), al-ong with increased caLories, that ycu will be havirg a
sLrorger, nlcre intense workout than yesterday. Not so. First, 1ou
haven't hd a fulL day of rest, secorrl, Lhose carlcohydrates havenrt fully
been replenished in the muscle cel.}s )€t, ard aLso because rnental"ly you
are preparing yourself for a heavy duty breakfast, not a Heavy Duty
workout. So now that you are forewarned abcr:t this, you shouldnrt be
di-ouraged, right? After the workout it's tifi.e t.o CIIOW DC[.JN! The
malority of calories )lcu eat will b frqn carbchydrates (yw) . we drink
a lot of Ultirate Orange because he can get large anounts of slow carbs
in a pretty condensed f,orn. Hoqr mrrh shpuLd you be eatirg calorie wise?
As; mrrh as you dare. O.rer the next twc days your l1 have to use t.he tare
measure to detennine this, alorg with the scale. we usually nreasure our
bicep as a gauge. Bicep size will drop do"n about one guarter to three
quarters of an inch. You will want to take in enough calories and
carbohydrates Eo bring your rleasurenent back up to chat it was, if noc a
litt1e more (every grarn of carbol'rydrate stores alorg with it 4 grams oi
water; thatrs vhere the rnorer cones in). We are assuming that you are
not holdirg a lot of fat on your auns; if you are a wontart you nay hav-e
pretty thid( skin over the triceps. Por.nd-wise, the depletion stage
should drop about 5 to 7 pounds off you. Carbchrydrate loadirg shoutd
bring yo: alnret up to your starting reight. Sone people wiII find thac
they wilJ- go c^/er their starting weight and stil-I hane fat. reduction!
For exanple, one of r:s has stayed at a bodyrreight of.22L pounds (before
depletion) while lcsirg four indres off the waistline ard nore fat other
places, ard this is with soneone of only average genetic dispcsition. As
we said before, it takes about two trial runs ficr a cycle to b€
individualized, according to how fast you need to lose the fat.
Obviously, if you must frr whatgrer reason lcse the weight fast, 1ourJ.1
not be going very much over maintainance leveIs, calorie-wise (we
i.puldnrt like to see you go below on loadirg day 5 no natLer how des-
perate yan are). Do not have any sucrose before bedtime, as ue don't
want to intern:pt the bodyrs natural- Gl release c1c1e.
IAlf 6: Day 5 is jurk frod day. bn't you Iove it! Since it i"s our fast.
day of carbohydrate lodirg, ue'd like to get as mr,rh into the muscle on
this day because at. bedtine v'e will be boosting our GH output again so
that. those e(tra calories will be put to gocd use. Personally, \^e sEart
off w'ith Lucky Orauns ard Tang (ve got tired of Alpha Bits and Hawaiian
Punch). The rest of the nxrrnirg ard afternon is fiLled with any other
garbage ve have a hankering flr. Sone people aL this stage can eat. 500C
plus calories and still Iose fat weight. Donrt assLrrrE tha[ you can be
Lhis radical; insulin is non-specific as to where it will send Lhose
carbohydrat.es; they can go into fat cel-Is, too. We drq.: o{Jr sLcrce
intake by late afternon arxJ have sofi€ slarchy stuff for dinner and no
dessert. AIl this srrrose during the day will keep lour insulin lgrel
high, so that ycu wilI be constantly hurgry and/or sleegy frorn low bloo<l
s uga r. Dxln' t feel guil ty I The nrrre insu-l- i-n you can secrete, the nore
thcse carbohydrates wilI be driven into the muscle and can be used as
energy in your Power workout. Once that carbCrydrate is in ttre muscle,
i'.'s not going tc Ao back out and turn to fat. You have prepped your
body to accept the effects of srrrme ard ccnsegrEntly the high insulin
lqrets. Don'L go too cEdz! r though. When first startirg this cycle'
keep the calories on this day r:nder maintainance Lr'rtil yor: kncr,r what you
can hardle. We'd like to see the calories as high as they can be withcut
putting fat on. At bedtine, ve have started again with the Arginine and
L-DOPA supplementation. We also use a vasopressin l.orrcne supplenent
cal"Led Diapid by Sardoz. This, along with causirg elevated levels of GH
secretion (it acts di f ferentJy than the anino acids) causes the release
of t-talipotrcphin, another fat nobilizing chemical in the pituitary.
The reason that you did not ha,re a dessert after dinner is that sLErGe
dces not.rliow Gl to be released b:cause of the high insul-in levels.
DAY 7: If you harre done werythirg right, by day 7 you sl-culd k very
strong. If yol here afi:aid to eat enough during the carb loadirg days,
you qrcnrt be. If you irrsist on keepiry the calories dooin you will hane
to have tr,o days of rest before your Power workout, making our cvcle
eleven days in lenqth. Because you (finai-Iy) hare al-I this enerEy ard
enthusiasm you nray be tenpted to train j.onger ard fiAR.ttrR ttran you should.
As'"rc stated earlier, one of the faults witb the Heany DuQr trainirg
nethod is that. people with slow recovery tines may train too hard. On
the lovr carbohydrate days, there is a bxrilt in failsafe to this problem.
On tlie Po^€r vrcrkout drys, there i-s no nutritional goverrror. You must
have enough disc ipl ine not to waste time and energy with e<cessive
wa6nr€s, sets, reps, etc. A Porner rcrkout has a goal of three reps on
the basic er<ercises. Once you cannot perfor:n three reps with lour near
maximum pounrdages, tliatrs it, go to another exercise. Oice again, chest
shoulders and triceps in t-his rorkout. Try to concentrate on e<ercises
ttrat irnrolve lots of murle groups. Presses for the chest, cleans for
the shoLilders, arri press ncrrenents fcr the Lriceps. I,le eat naintainance
Ievels of cal-ories in normal-, balanced airoulrts (60t carbs, 209 protein,
202 fat), You may want. to eat Less if you are behind schedule. The
usuaf Gl elevators are taken at. bedtine.
DAY 8: 'Ihis is nutritionally a repeat of day ss/en. Trainirg-rise we
are workin; back, biceps, ad legs. By the way, these tr^,o pover urcrkcr:is
are the only ones that e€ reccrruTerd thai: you do at night, after you henre
been eati-ril ail Cay, Ycxr shoul-d be stronger. Tonight is t.he tine foi-
the beers or whatqzer (after the workout, of course, and count the
calories ) . You have two days of rest coming up so al-chohol- is

DqY 9: Day 9 is your first of tr,"c ctays of rest. \,:u are eat:-rg on your
first rest dal, a balanced diet virich is belo^r naintainance. You wilL have
to decide just how mtrh 1ou r.nnl to cut calories here; our dvice is that
the less you cut the better, as yo: will gror ard recuperate faster. You
may be ternpted to keep your RAR to one day, but studies show U]at you
will be growirg ir,ore muscle witJr tvc days of rest. oy* taking GH prirers
sti-1l, you sl^ould'o: able to grovr muscle tissr-e on this slightly redr-rai
calorie diet.
BY I0: This is your last rest day, but lhe ftnr is orer, Tb prepa::e
yourself 6:r Dq/ I you nu-rst limit your carbohlzdrate intake Lo tire low
l-evel (our esti;natal a.rerage of 50 grars or less) once again. You slpulcj
be able to cr:t yor.rr calories way, dcrdn bodayf as you have been eating rreii
$ ard you har'e nothirg mtnh tc do in the f:nn of e<ercise.
$ Youtve got to airnit that lhis is one clever <iiet. Realty, wfro else
coul"d define the essential worti-r of TvirJci-es? It uses to the uF.ncst s/ery
nutritional aspect that changes body chelistry. ,Sure, it's complicateo
to get straight in your head, but the damn thir4 just. vori..s s well!
l.ater on rn tlte br:ck r^re'li have a chart i-hat quickly guides you through
the dors and donr t's. WerLl- almit t}la[ icr superior geneEic hrpes, all
these shenanigans may not be necessary, but tlrqy are frr uso Otr best
is our brain ard because physically r+ert€ average, r*e rve got to
use CJR genetic dvantqe.




LOw CAntss /tOw CpJ-

i rmnl cAr, cAnre















l0i +'t
/ yes

Everyone in bodyb:iJdirg contests lately seems to have water on the

brain. rToo puf fy, too snpoth, holdirg a lot of water, soft lookirg'.
You hear these phrases a lot nowdays. Your body is nostly r€ter, es-
pecially your musle ce1ls, nostly viater, a water lo pnotein ratio of 4. B
to 1. I f you are enterirg a bodybuildirg contest, gettirg RID of e<cess
water is not the solution to the probJ-em (we1l, it is, but it's a
ha-lf-assed one). I-etrs say you are an eccentric millionaire ard uere
walkirg do'n a dark al-lqg with 100 dollar bills st.apled to your jacket..
Not a healthy situation to be in. To allisziate the problem (con-
seqrEnces of reckLess abardon) would ycu throl all that roney away? No,
you wouJ"d put it where it couldnrt be seen. This rather infantile
analogy offers you our appr.oadr to vater retention. Since the r";ater is a
val-uable bodily resource, REDISTRIBUIE it where it carrnot be seen. }.bw
we'Il- *plain al-l this.
What tnlds water in the body? It is sonrethirg cal-Ied enotic pressure;
that is a chsnical term rel-ating hcw water is attracted to a higher ion
concentration. Ions are atoms that hane either rrcre or less electrons
tian usual in their outenrrct orbits. So rrtrat kind of ions are in the
body? The b^l'c that r"re ale concernd with are sodiun ard potassiurn.
Sodium abides in the connective tissrie, that is to say ncstJ.y your skin
(aJ-though blood carries odiLrn). l'luscle cells Lrcld very 1ittle sodirm.
ThqT l^oLd another ion. Fotassiurn. Water is held j-n the skin by sodium
and in the murscles by potassium. So, if qe lo^er the body's content of
srdiurn, ue shor:l.d nove the rcter out of the skin and with a little luck
into Lhe muscle cell. This virat )iou are supposed to do; v;t'rat nrost pecple
actually do is soriethirg else.
Most ccrnpetitors try to rid themselves of water using nainly three
nethods, all of thern BAD. The easiest and most popular is to use a
diuretic, a drug that dehydrates the body. There are marrlz ways that
diuretics actually work, but basicalJ-y most of lhe ones the general
public is famil- iar w ith are in a grarp ca1led Thiazides. Part of this
grcuprs ftnction is to redr-re sodium and potassium levels so that water
is dehydrated alrnost equally from t.he connective tissue, blood and
mucles. Ycn should real-ize that althor:gh these diuretics wiLl eLiminate
a lot. of water frcrn your body, your muscles wil.l be snraller for it.
After aII, the thiazide grcup v,as developed to redrre high blood pressure
not to win bodybuilding contests. High Diastolic blood pressure (the
nunber on the botton of the blood pressure 'fraction'), by the way, is
advantageous to a vascular appearance, but ta}cirg this kind of di.uretic
is quite cor.urterproductive 6cr a contest Look. You might want. to ]mor^r
lhat lasix , the rbodldruilderrs frierdr fa]-Is into this group.
There are Fptassium sparing diuretics on the market. As you might
conjecture, their purpose is to rid the body ef sodium vtrile learzirg the
potassium in the muscle tissue. However they are sti1l designed to
dehydrate the body and you will lme water frcrn areas besides the skin.
Although they are engineered to be potassium sparing, that doesnrt rnean
that they are l-00t effective in this function; you will lose some
potassiun b.:t of course not as much as with other types of diuretics.
For bodybuilders, there are tlo big reasons v,/ity hnter reEention is sirh
,} a problem (other than obriously eatirg SALTY TtlIl.GS). Marryr (nost) body-
bttiLders are using steroids frr contest preparation. lt{any steroids wilL
cause sodium retention in the blood and connective tissre (not in the
I musle cell. ). Als certain particular brands of steroids ( again, most )
wilr at a certain point of duraLion of use, begin to arqnatize. As p
discussed in the LEH, this does_not nean that you begin to snell god;
means that the steroid nolecure is turned into an estrcgen. ar3o, ii
bodyrs o/rTl estrogen ard aldeterorre levels rise after a period loui
with steroid use. Atdosterone is the hormone that specificalfV ii;
directly contrors the sodium level in the tissues of the body.' "m*
prwents sodium fron beirg lcst in the urine. Wcrnen hane thris h+p"nltto
a IIoIs extrellE degpe. .Estrogen ard aldcterone are two horTrDnes-rtrich
a11ow the connective tissues to retain e(cess t€ter (obviously tfris is-a
very narrcw view of vf,rat they 'a5e'). They do this in a variely of
the major.action is as vae said, one of sodium retention. ltct "-vs, U.iiy:
hilders either try to taper off their dn:gs befrre a contest or chanie
their particular anabolics to ones tiat don't arsr,atize. Wqnen who afu
not even orr steroids ard have these high estrogen ard aldcterone levels
just donrt )ano"v hhat to do e<cept 'take Iasix'. we feel that a sitch to
another brard of steroid (sudr as Anavar or Ma:<ibolan or oral Winstrol)
is quite counterProductive. As discussed before in the USH, these
steroids, although they donrt aromatize, just don't FoR Tm A\ERAG
BODYBUYILDER allow the size retention. A1so, Anavar can actually
(especially on a diet) rnake the musle get smaller through its superioi
creatine phosphate synthesizirg prcperties. It does this by robbirg the
muscle of pr.otein firr @ synthesis.
Tdeally' by lirniting your salt intake you shouldn't hane mrch hrater
retention. rn the real world this does help but doesn't give
astonishirgty fantastj.c results. AIso, the practice of s^Eatiry the
water off has beccne trrqpular, brt in this case you are still LOSI1G h6ter
frcrn the whole body. sweating it off rill allow you to lose e(cess
sodir-u'n. ltre trouble is that if sodiun levels in the skin are very high,
the water is rqlaced in a shcrt tiire. Blood serum will leak throrgh -t}e
capillary walls, rhidt is where the water corrEs from. Adrenalin wili
hold the blood semm in place, but drenalin lorer.s trressure in the large
veins near the surface of the skin, eliminatirg a vascular look (no.r you
lnow vtry ycur veirs dis4lnar when you are nervous).
Tlre PERFECf SOIIIIICN wculd be to be able to keep using the steroid that
)ncu r€re usirg (Keep listening girls, though ),ou rray not us€ ster.oids
therers a slution here frr you!), sonrehow get rid of the estrogen and
aldosterone related to it (see?)r get the sodir.:rn out of the skin, retaln
potassium in the musle, and not Lose much water from the body in the
process (and live happily ever after). this is no fairy taLe; here rs
hov the infrrmed elite go aba:t doirg it:
A size retainirg steroid has been used, ccrnnrcnly Dianabol (RIP) or
Anadrol. Along with the steroid(s) an estrogen antagonist is user!
startirg 6 to 8 weeks before the contest. This is a drug (usrratly tj*
brands flrlvade< or Ttsslac are used) that eliminates estrogen andlor rts
effects frcrn the body. These dn-rgs'"ere original ly Celreicpe,-l as an arr!
against breast cancer. Aldcterone is a bigger problem and tr,o drugs are
used here cLeer to the contest date (withj.n tr^lc rveeks). The best knont
aldcsterone antagonist is Aldactone (or with a diuretic, Aldactazide)'
This d rug reduces the ef fects of Aldosterone, npstly by freeing tlr
sodium associated with it. within the next )€ar a .t"r d-g,-to Cataprel l,
wilL be introduced. This reduces the brlin's ability prodrre tj*
hornone A-Ldetercne. Along with a sodirrn restricted diet, he pretty much
hatre eliminated the pdium in the skin. So nop w'ith nothirq to lDId il'
vf,rere does the water go -'nf,rere it is told to, that's where! Remenbef
that water wil-1 f low into a higher ionic'gradient, '"fiich would btr
potassium ions in the musle cell. You could ]ogically assunre that t{
you had nrcre potassium in the muscles, nore wat6r roriA be attrrtd l?
that u.'eu, and yo.r wor-:J.d be correct. I^rhat r"e nave-illustrated is a 'J!f
not only to el-iminate water frqn the skin, but also not lee it frcm the
body. You wouldnrt have to restrict your intake of water with this
method. Al-so, if you \dere to do careful potassium loadirg, you cou-Ld
actually drirk water in scxnevirat e<cess of nornal- levels ard retain that
hard l-ook.
We must talk about lntassium loadirg, uri'tich nany bodylcuiulders do no
nEtter hor they are eLiminating their water b.:ildup. Fotassiun lcss will
allcv the muscles to cramp when flexed hard. HCImVER, potassium does
much nrcre in the body and r^trrat we are concerned with here is that
potasium regulates your heartbeat, rntrich means that if lou load potassi,.rm
tm high ya-r wil-l achieve at Least an irregular heartbeit if not cardiac
arrest. That is tf,ry all high dee tablets of potassium are avaiLable bry
doctorrs prescription only (Ciba S1o,v K beirq the ncst widely used). A1l
the lbtassium supplements sol-d cnrer the counter are of vanishirgly lo.r

some bodybuj-rders, both men and women, wilr haze their ro,er reg ard
ankLe area sweLl \^ritt] tater from standirg long periods of tine auring tne
intewals r*'ren thqy are not cr:t on st4e birg jdged. Flui.ds do terd to
fl-op tcxnard gravity, sodj-um and potassium be danned. wrapping an ace
bandage frqn ankfe to knee will eliminate the problem. So ;i11 stardirg
on your head,
A test to see if the skin is hording excess water is to press the
surface with your finger ard apply sJ.ight pressure. rf after renoving
t.he firger the area shnws a light yello*ish diroloration, this is a sigi
of water being held in greater than usual anomts in the skin. It coul-o
also mean you're sunburnd. anyvay, it's a quick v,ay to shut pecpte up
wlo always benoan that, 'It,s not fat, itrs water.r
It seems t.hat a1l one hears concernirg hard' are desperation
cases. Although .nrany bodybuilders have 'gettirg
srrceeded in changing their
appearance drasticarly by *reatirg, peeirg, Fosirg, etc., these are the
acts of deslnrate nen and wdren wlc have made mistakes and had to correct
them. Although thry looked good enough to win, r.ho knonls ratrat they cotrl-d
have looked lile if they did everythirg riqht?


FinaLJ.y soneone is going to give ycu a little Lmth abcut jurk fcod and
how it relates to bodybuilders. I-etrs define it. tJunk flod' usually
neans very sv€et thirrgs loaded with whrite sugar (srcrose), whrite flour or
both. It has the reputation of hanirq empty calories, carrsing lcru blood
sugar, destroyirg B vitamins, arxl causirg constipation.
Since lunk food is firmJ,y part of our American culture, is tasty ard
easily available, it's almost impossibJ-e to stay away from it. Just
remember, those very vocal (AKA lord ard obno<ious) o<trsnists vho are
waging a continual war against junk food are usually nrotivated by
somethirg other than benwolence. You can usually tell by their slpes.
We thirk there is valr:e in alnmt arry fif,od, the reaL thinking involved is
to creatively use that value.
It is t.rue that white sugar/srrrcse causes an irsulin reetioni insul-in
is released from the pancr€as in an u:rusually high amount and sends the
sLErose-now-glucose into the tissue. Once the glucose is gone, the
insulin is still around, scavenging the blood of any sugars in it.
Although your muscles and liver can store carbohydrates, your brain
cannot and the brain does not use insulin to absorb clrbonyarafes. This
is why low blood sugar makes you feel sleepy, because the brain has a
need f:r caricohydrate. Flcnql ard brq,'n sugar will raise insulin level-s
just like srrrce. Fnrctose ard conple< carbchydrates do not.
High insulin Levels retard the release of Growth Hornone. GH is
released in its largest qtnntities durirg the first blc lours of slery.
As we nentioned befcre, Gl is a major factor in cell repair, gro,ath, and
also fat mobilization. Junk food just beficre one goes to bed is quite
detrinental, esSrcially since this is the ti-ne wtren many dieters binge.
Not only are thry takirg in e<tra calories, but thqy ar.e suppressirg the
l-ornone that directs hor thcse calories are used.
However, high insuLin levels are beneficial on a certain day of or:r
ULTII4AIE DIET. We feel that if you ]<ncx* what what an effect is from a
food that you enjoy, use it to its full advantage. After you harre
depleted yourself of carbohydrates and are loading up, a high insulin
level would be advantqeous. Since you are so depleted, Fur muscles
will be able to absorb quite a bit of carbohydrate. We wouLd like it to
absorb those carbohydrates at a fast rate, as when the Porner workout
begins and we are boetirg our natural Gl or,:tput, yd wil-l remember that
the action of insul-in is supressed. So on the n'ornirg of the rest day
before your Power workouts, we recommend that your first meal be
predolrinately srrrose. Sugary cereals, doughnuts, all the 'kid stuf f'
wil1 st jmul-ate insulin secretion to an exLraordinary degree. Remember,
once carbohydrate is in the muscle it cannot get back out ard be turned
to fat. You nust )€ep fueding yourself to keep your blood sugar high.
Towards late afternoon you sl^oul-d sJ-or^zly charge o.zer t-o nore ccrnpla car-
bohydrates, ta1=ring your insulin level of f. Ycu shoufd be eatirg little
carbohydrate after the anenirq rn-.al , and do not eat any sLErcse s./er
ire frre you go to bed.

Letrs abolish the myth about whole wheat fl-cur as ccmpared to white
flour. Wl-cle vdreat Elor.r fi:r the bodyhJilder, both male and female, is
the worst thing one can eat near contest t jJrE. White flour wiII allo^r
ycr-l to look leaner arrl lcse nore r^eight. W-ry is this so? Estrogen. The
hi^'est anount of naturaLly occurrirg irgestable estrcgen (which is a big
of Lhe water retention problern, along with fat retention properties)
:ould ccrne across is in the oil found in wheat 9€rflr vfroLe wheat

bread, and for that matter cold processed vitamin E. Why wheat has
estnogen is in itself a fascinating story of evolution and sunrival, a
story that has no place in otrr book if '*e want to maintain your attention
of nore relevant matters. Suffice to Say that whole wheat is the
dieterrs enony!
It has been a popular belief arnrg sore bodybuildirg nutrutionists that
grains (with wheat the #1 villain) make you fat. Scnre talked about car-
bohydrates, sone abo.:t allergies to the grain, but no's yor: lnow the true
reason. Donrt eat whole wheat arrythirg whril-e dietirg, nor wheat 9€ffi,
I raheat geun oil, drd go to a synthetic Vitanin E supplenent. eeople who
tell you that white flour causes corstipation are usually the ones rtto
want to give yo-r a fancy $100 enena.
To erd this jrmk f:od section, wirite sugar destrqys B vitanins that are
in the stcnach at the sane tine as the sugar. The solution is to take

i your vitamin B's whiJ-e you are not eatirg sLcrc6e. Once tJ:e B vitanins
are in the blcodstream, sLErGe has no effect upon them.

t'Hty, have you ever heard o€Ulfima+e Oran6e?tt

n|fr.r f\rru rrnr UIL'lIjro btrlJLU rjAl I'I'
The arrerage person who dieLs usually eliminates beef frcrn his dail
food intake, subslituting chicken, turkey or fish for his protei
raluirements. The t.rcdcle in doirg this is that nrost pecple assr.rre bee
is ;ust a source of protein.
Bodybuilders harze ttre reputation as beefeaters but lateLy dietirg body-
hilders seem to be cuttirg beef from their neals to reduce cal-ories.
The problem is not the beef, but that. SCI,IE beef contains a high enoLmt oi
fat. By eliminating the bee f, ya el-iminate the fat ard that solves the
problem, right?
Afraid not. For a bodybuilder especially beef suFplies thrirgs other
t.han just protein. The beef indusLry has a billboard campaign prc>
claiming that rBeef Satisfiesr. Although sone vegetarians may disagree
that it does, werll tell you why this hype is actually true.
Hrenylalanine. This is a chemical found abundantly in beef that does
many thirgs, but we are concerned with only brc. First, it acts as an
anti{epressant. So it keeps you rup' ard agressive; powerlifters have
said this for years. Phenylalanine raises the norpinqhrine lsrels in
the brain. Also, phenylalanine triggers the brain into releasing a
hormone called CCK whrich inhibits an eatirg urge. So if ycu are feelinE
happy and full yol should feel, well, satisfied. High amounts oi CCK
also a-Llow more bile to be released fron the gall bladder. Bil-e saLts
allcr.r fats in the smal-l intestine to be ab:prbed into the thoracic duct.
The fat in beef is absorbed faster than other forms of animal fats
because the phenylalanine in the beef will elevate CCK lsrels.

Beef a-l-so contains an organic chsnical called Creatine Phrosphate (CP).

Creat.ine phcsphate is a sLrcrt term energy b,rffer irvolved in the ADP/ATP
energy cycle. As he nrentioned prwiously, the pri-rnary chenical- r^eactions
irvolved in prodr"cirg energy in the murles are between phosphates. I:
is a conplicated chain of grents but simply put, creatine phosphar-e
al-l"or^s an anaerobicexercise of hi$r stress to last nore Lhan just a few
moments. Without creatine phosphate a weightlifter coul-d only do one or
b^tc repetitions of an exercise before exhaustion. One of the prinar-.'
benefits derived frcrn oral steroids is that they stimul-ate crea|,ine
phosphate synthesis to an extraordinary degree. Creatine phosphate cair
be made in the body f,ron the three amino cids, Arginine, Methionine, an:
Glycine. These amino acids do not @cur in high amounts in non-anir,ai
sources, ard thqy are rather e(pensive to take in tablet supplenent frrm.
The nore CP tiat you can inake, ingest and store, the stronger you will
be. Organic sources of creatine phosphate ard tlpse three anino acids
are highest in neat, ard the neats hi$rest in CP will be associated with
high oxygen contents. O<ygen is carried in the blood by mloglobin which
is also the pignent colorirg rd neat. So mrat with high CP will have a
high myoglobin content which nakes it red, voiJ-a, beef. So why is beef
red ard chicken isn't,? Creatine phcsphate is involved in rcvernents of
some duration ard stress. Cattle, by their very v,eight ard rarge habits
require nrore CP than a lighUeight bird. As lou rnay hane guessed, hor^se.
neat has a higher CP content than beef; it is usually much leaner and
less e<pensive al-so. Horsgreat is hard to fird in certain states. Werve
not been able to fird it in So:thern Califrrnia.
Which brirrgs us around again to the leanness factor in beef. Not al-I
beef is high in fat. Ground beef with l5t fat or less is always
available in the supermarkets, and if you personally pick lean,
inexS=nsive steaksr yo will have beef with fart contents of 10t or less.
Some of the more progressive nrarkets are dvertisirg fat free beef, ard

they are right down there in the rarge of chicken ard turkey ireat. Of
coutse lean beef is not as tasty nor as tender as the highly narbl_ed
varieties. This is not $fiE ner problem. Beef can be grornd or boiled
ard otherwise pururelled into linp sulxnission. We reccrnnerd that bee f be
eaten bpice a day durirg naqg days of the cycle.
What about chicken? Frankly beef every day is rather npnotonous.
Chicken happens to be high in Arginine, but not t"tettrionine, Gl1rcine or
CP. So the best tine to eat chicbn on the ULTIT'IATE DIET is on the days
when you are going to take Arginine to boost your natura_L GH outl>uL,
preferably on the rest days after yeur povler workouts. Chicken with
added Methionine and GIyci.ne supplementation is an alternative if 1ou
abolutely cannot tolerate bee f,
Fish? We1l, v,e just don,t lik-e fish.


The highest inciderce of drug use by bodybuilders are while they are
dietirg ard gettirg into contult snaL. the largest dcsqes seen used by
bodyh.riLders have generally been used in the atterpt to rcut up'. a-s we
hare deterrrined in our nesearch, r^e beliere thaC anabolic steroids rere
not designeci t9 uork cptirnally on a low calorie diet. Ttratrs not to say
LhaL they donrt hane Lheir aJvant4es wtril-e dietirg, just thac thqy r.orl<
best with increased cal-ories. We nentioned in the tEH that large d&ages
of anabolics wil-1 allow more weight gained than small anroJncs wi1L.
Also, no research has ever been done to -detennine just ho,v much is ,too
nuchr in terms of orerkill. Hc'h€ver, Iarge dos4es do not r,rcrk the sare
way on diet.s. Or a caLorie restri.cted diet, once anabolic steroids stop
working, uppirg the derye does not help nDSt pecple we've seen. if pl
',€re on a vanishirgly J.ow anor.nt in the first placer !€S1 do increaJed
cics4e will help.
We shouldpoint cr-rt Lhat the i.dea of steroids beirg used 'only the last
eight bef:re a contestrhas been bandied about in the magizines for
many ).eats. I'lct only are most of these heroic confessions cutright lies,
b-:t they are ultfumtely cornterprductive for the average body-builder.
TaLes of not losirg weight -5or a contest, but gainirg it, or nonsense
abot-rt staying the sane veigrt b-rt getting harder every diy over a period
of months may be true in a very few instances (ana these pherrcrnenae
happen frr siprt durations on the ULTIIT{ATE DIET), but if the average
bodybuilder assulTes that this can apply to himself he is in for quite a
s urprise .

The real- truth is that if you are not big enough to win a contest
bef:r"e you go on a diet, if the muscle mass is just. not there, you are
not goirg to beccrne Mr. Awsonre Miracle eight ueeks later rro matter what
drugs you take. We have cone out before and stated that anabolic
steroids vrhen used to their greatest potential will allo,r llcu to put a
lot of pen'nanant size on. ' Greatest potentialt does not incfude dieiirq.
What do steroids basicaLly do? They al-lor,v the muscle to store more
carbohydrate' creatine phcphate, to,synthesize nore prrctein into muscle
tissue, elevate ribccnre ard nesserger FNA Ls"zels, ard generally let the
body recuperate from stress faster. Also, indirectly, they allow
elerzated sodium levels in the btood ard connective tissrn. But when we
are on a diet, rhat would r.e li.ke them to do? we'd like them to spare
muscle tissue, that is, not arlo* the body to rob the murles of protein
and use it as a nutrient. We'd like to remain strong while on a lot
calorie diet. It uould be terrific if ue couLcl actual-fy quin s:-ze whi-le
on redrred caLories.
Anabolic steroids will do all these thirgs to a degree. Sore brards
wi-l1 vork better than others. They nmtly aren't e f f isient doing them,
a nd h uge amoun ts real Iy sL.rn't charge thirgs that mlrh. Don t tltink f: r
one instant tl.at h€ are lyrng to you. we have used these drugs, have
usql large arounts of Lhan, will stilL use thern in the future. we've hd
bad e<p=riences with chern, blt h€rre not bitter about it. They make us
bigger, strorger, ard happier. rf 1ou here a pr,erlifter, tryirg to make
a r",eight class ve wou]d have different things to say to you. Here we
woulrl be deaLirg with strergth relention. For a ccmpetitive bodybuilder
strength is not ultirmteJ.y important because it would involve raising
eqtrogen levels ard conseqr"renLly a]lcpr ncre water relention. we knol the
drugsr limitations better than n'cst of you out there and we're passing
thr-s information on to those who are choosing to use anabol-iCs fiife
dietr.ng. I-et's lust say that when we are aieting, e€ use anaboli.c
s teroids.

The drug conpanies who rnanrfrcture stencids are firrbidden in Arerica to
disclee any infrrrnation or additional uses of their prodrcts other than
the uses that hane been 4pro/ed by the FB,. If they did, thqg rcu1d be
breaking the 1aw. |ic anabolic steroid has been approved by the FDA for
imprcnzirg any kind of athletic perfourunce. This is wtry wery steroid
sold in Anerica ircludes a dislainer statirq that thry are not efftctive
toward that endeavor. If you look at written material in Europe;
horever, thirgs wcr:ld be ccrnpletety dif ferent. Also, the manufacturer
has to list grery possible side effiect that co.:l-d be encountered with the
use of a drq by both sick and healthy ren and worpn, so they cannot be
liable. What it boils dsm to is this: the manuf,acturers' sgncifications
fcr use ard dmage of the drugs, along with the Anerican standby, lhe
I Physician's Fsk Refererce is not necessarily the gospel for ttre healthry

we are presentirg a list of the popular stercids taken in Anerica ficr

contest preparation. we have thrcnsn in other dn:gs, and prescription
nutrients also if they are used. Details on justwhat thqy look like,
hoe much they cost, ard a description of alt their actions can be found
in the LINDEFGROLIND SIErcID mNBOOK, except f:r Growth Hornpne, r,i-rich th.e
LSH {.JPH|E *1 is devoted to.

Before we begin the list let us give you the nrost valuable dvice on
hor steroids work best on diets. You must find out hor rong your
particular body rercts favorably to the drugs ard dc4res llcu are tahirg.
This neans that the best results happen when your contest day is at or
around the time just before the dn:gs flat out stop wcrkirg for you.
l-etrs give yo: an exernple. Joe h:ff has used steroids befcre and noti.ced
that after eight weeks he stopped grorirEr ard started leLrg size ard
strengttt even after tryirg larger drug deages. In dieting fcr a contest
he gave hjmself brclve vrcd<s of preparation. But he didn't start steroid
usage dwirq that tvelve tted< span rntj-I he had faLlen within tJ:e cptimat
(ficr him) eight vrce)< rarge.
we must emphasize that sreryone has a different usefuL duration of
steroid ef fectiveness. It. is nol scnething to be estinrated. BasicalJ.y
it is just stupid to be big all durirg your contest preparati.on only to
shrink drastically drring that final week. We guarantee that steroid
ovelalse will do that to you, not to nention the problems loutlJ. have with
increased estrogen levels. [.et's start '.rith the list.
ALDACTAZIDE Thi.s is Aldactone with a diuretic dded. ttot only will it
inhibit the effects of Ardeterbne, h:t wjLr dehydrate yo: as *ue11.
ALBCIONE Aldactone is one of the best fighters of vater retention due
to high estrogen,/aldeterone levels. Aldetercne is prod6ed along with
estrogen in the body and it is actually aldcterone which aLlqls npre
sodium to be held in the connective tissues. Aldactone inhibits the
aldosterone effects that haie alredy happened upon the body, but does
not el:.minate the hornone itself,
ANADROL Anadrol is perhaps the most powerful ccrnbination size and
strength steroid. It is rather ardnogenic and consequently arornatizes
rx)re than any other oral anabolic. Pecple with r*eak constitutions don't
feel heaLthy or happy on this dnrg.
ANAVAR This oral steroid is one that doesn't arunaLize; to mnird you,
this neans that it. cannot be turned into an estrogen. Althouqh this
would seem to solve the problem of water retention, Ananar as a
bodybuirding drug does not have much going for it, rt does not add

significant size with its use, usually has to be taken in large to
rassive dcages to sho,rr ary str^engrtlrgivirg effects (it e<cels at this;
powerlifters love the stuff), and because it synthesizes creatine
phosphate to an extraordinary degree, it can actually make muscles
srnaller on a calorie ard creatine plosphate (r.ed beef) restricted diet.
Anavar does this because it will tear do*n existirg murle tissue to get
at the stored ernino aid I'{ethionine. lotr in alalrcgens, therefore favored
Ql woren. Alo it is not gmd at glycogen retention, of vhich the higher
ardrogenic stercids e<cel at.
CATAPRELL (We may not haue the right spellirg on this) Here we haue at
last dirovered a dnrg that inhibits aldcterone prodwtion by the brain.
No bodybuilders that we knor of are usirg this 1et because it is not out
on the narket.
CtaHID Clcnid stiq"rulat-es the pituitary to rnake nrore gondotrqpins nhich
in turn stj.mulates the testic.les to prodce rore Testosterone. It also
appears to somewhat stop the prodction of aldcterone. It doesn't do
this very r^e11. It is used as a fertifiry stimul-ator in wonen.
CORIISOI{E If pu are corcenred with fat lcss ard water retention, nsJer,
never elevate your cortisone levels, as too much keeps you fat and
retains i€ter.
IECA DURABOLIN This is generically kno,n as Nardral-one Decanoate when
bottled by other laboraties (at a much 1or"er price ). In European
athletic research, the Decas along with the slnrter rctirg Durabolins
qere of little valre as a fixlscle sparirg aid rrtren om a calorie restricted
diet. Hors/er, rost Anerican bodytuiJ-ders beliqze othemise. Other than
increasirg basic reo.rperative ability,',^e don't think that it has much
value while losirg weight. By the way, contrary to popular belief, it
does aronatize.

DLAPID This is vaopressin (another l-nrnrcne) in a nasaf sprq/ fcnn that

is used in large deages as an anti-diuretic (inlected, it is a blood
pressure elevator). In slnall de4es of less than I00 IU's il not only
causes the pituitary to produce additional GH but ALSO more
b€talipothrqphins ',f,rich mobilize fat (donrt $are the Lnr."ses, Bill).
DIAZIIE This is ttre nrst widely kno,m potassium sparirq diuretic. It
reduces sodium and water frcrn the connect i.ve tissue. It is not l00t
potassium sparirg. It alsc.dehydrates the body.

DHXABOL Ciba has taken Dianal:o1 off the world ner*et so the onLy thir4
l-eft are tJ:re generic (ae half the price) versions, with nugby Labs' Lhe
most available. DianaboL has lorg been recognized by tJre bod/cuildirg
corunmity as Ehe best size and strength drug that you can swallcr^/, as it
is Iess toxic than Anadrol. Because it aronatizes easily it causes a
high amount of sodium retention. Consegr-rently, it has not merited
consideration as an up to the contest preparation drug. Because of iLs
god glycogen loading properties and the ava ilability of I'lolvadex and
Aldactone in athletics, DianaboL is rrestablishirg itself as the best
oraL anabolic ff,r contest preparation.
GROffH HORI{ONE GH is also known as Sornatropin or the brand nalne
Asellacrin by Serono Labs. The tr+o major brands on the market are human
growth hormone, not the brornish stuff derived frcrn rhesus norkeys. Our
LFH UPDATE #l details aLl re have learned about this drug. Although at
this time we feel t.hat it is too e'(pensive to merit most peoplers
attention, we will just say that it is THE drug of the future in
a thl,et ics ( rt is aI redy f innly established in porne rli ft irq ) . It is also
mLtch safur to take than runored, does not cause the dredful side effects
initialJ-y asociated r.rith inferior rhesus-derived GH and is a def inite
Iife e<terdirq substance that wilL ccrnbat the majority of long teun
unhealthful side effects to the immune system caused by anabolic
ECG Hunnn Clprionic Gondotrcphin is al"so kncnvrr as Pregnyll ard has the
reputation as a vrcnder dn:g frr dieters. It is a hornone that makes the
testicles produce more testosterone, sb if a male dieter (it is a
fertility stimul-ator f:r worTen, increasirg cnzulation b.rt not estrogen or
aldosterone) is de f icient in ardrcgerrs, this r,oul-d boct thsn. Usually
the contest bodyb:ilder is on dn-rgs fcr such a long tinre and uses such
large amounts that his Testcsterone lszel- is vay dorpn. HCG shoul"d brirg
the level up. This would drange the estrogen/testosterone balance to a
more (cosmetically) sought after ratio, bul sti1l does rxrthirg to the
estrogen in the body. We l<now of only one [Erson rrtro thirks he ]anons the
optimal- way to use HCG ard hers not tellirg any s€crets lately (he wants
to write his own book). It does cause additional betalipotrophin
release, 'nhich nobilizes fat.
INSULIN A year qo we would hane wordered what the hell vpul,d interesL
any bodyb:il-der about insul-in. tately users of GH are supplenrenting
their naturaL insul-in with injected or ingested (oral Tblinase is an
insulin refease st imulat.or) insuLin because GH redr.rces the e f fect of
insulin ard therefore the body's ability to get carbcLrydrate into the
muscle. We have no research on insuLin. We do have soIT€ things to say
abo-rt insulin ard GH which can be ficund in the LEH UPB,TE #1.
L mPA This anino acid is available as a prescription nutrient and is
used generally in treating people with Parkinson's disease. It
stimuLates the pituitary to prodLce rrore Growth Hornone.
IASIX Lasix is the last chance dnrg. It is a poverfuL diuret.ic which
eliminates sodiun, [Dtassium and water from the body. Not only has it
helped a l-ot of bodybuilders vf,ro have scrqned up rqrally but it has done
as much damage to them with cramps, faintness, and the all around
defl-ated look. People who donrt. beliqze inwhat this book has to say
wil-I use tasix.
HAXIBOUA.N Another oral steroid that doesnrt arcmatize, M&< ibolan
recently has been a switchover choice frorn Dianabol- frcr the last seeks
preceeding the contest. As a bodybuilding drug, this is a
disappointnrent. It is low in androgens, has no creatine phosphate
synthesizirg prqerties, littl-e gJ.pogen retainirg prcpert.ies, ard has to
be used in expensively high dosages to allo,v size gains through its
protein synthesis ability. Women use it a lpt because they think it's
safe. It is not very toxic to the liver. Because \,i€ no./ understand the
principles ard cau*s of rater retention, r,e don't thj-nk I',la<ibolan has a
lot groing frr it.
NOLIfAIEX Tafnoxifen Citrate is an estrogen anL€inist deveJ.cped to fight.
breast cancer and '"od<s by ccrnpeting with the estrogen binding sites so
t.hat the estrogen uLtimately is eliminated frcrn the body in the feces.
It is a dandy substance (albeit rather pricy) that eliminates most aII
the effects of arcrnatized estrogens caused by anabolics. It is al-so Lhe
sal-vation fcr woren r^tn just cannot. get the fat off evenJ-y. This is the
bodpuiJderrs ccrnlEnion to Dianabo/And rol.
PARLOIEL Here h€ have 1et another (ho-hum) GH elevator with the brand
nalne fcr brcrnocriptine. Expensive stufi. If you have sonehcw slprt.
circuited yor.r pituitary into bringing you into acronregaly, this also is
the piJ I for you.
PRII{ABOLAN Primabolan Acetate is the German, not legally arailable on'
that everyboQy \^a,nts. The Dpot is Mexican, also not approved fcr sa1,.
in the US but is easy to ccnre bV ard cheaper than the Acetate. Acetat;
is faster acting (hydralized in abcr:t a day). Epot has a ]i fe of 10 tc
14 days. They both uork the safie way. Acetate is tJre more 'porerful' of
the t,o' Prinobolans vere the only anabolics used in athletic researci-.
to be of significant value in protein sparirg r.hile on a caLorie redunsi
diet. it(rre sirnply put, the Pri,rnbolans allcrv you to keep nore of your
muscle size whjl-e on a diet than any other anabolic. We think ttrat thel'
do this by increasing ttle glycogen storage capacity ard netention in thc
musle. rt does not arcrnatize. llcw 1ou lcncw vhy ererylcody vants it.
SODILF1 SIJCCINATE Talen just befrre a r+crkcut, this awful tasting stuf f
allows you to work lorrger without lactic acid h:ildup. This is a non
presription subetance that also increases Cp ard glycogen loadirg.

STROI{BA This was a cheaper form of injectable Winstrol availabte in

Mexico. It is no longer available.
TESTOSTERONES whether Aqueous, Qlpionate, or prcpionate, generally all
re have to say about testosterones is that testosterone is the best
glycogen l-oader to the murles, dmgwise, other than insulin. This has
no bearing to most bodybuilders r.nless they are playing aror-rrd with
glycogen storage capacity (which we are). As to its Cp and protein
synthesizing abilities, most 17 alpha alkylated anabolics do these
ftrrctions better. As you might imagine, testosterones arqnatize nx:re
than any other sterord. They are londerful- po^erliftirq dn-igs, uhat with
increased fluid retention from the aromatization and increasecl
rygresiveness, blt must be nonitored car"efully by contest bodyblilders.
IHIOilEASE this is the worder drug frcrn France that topically nxrbilizes
fat. Thiomtrase contains thiokynase and mr.rcognlysacharase, tvro far-
dissolvirg ard nobiliztrrg enzyrles. Unfcrtunately they are -tive enzynes
which have, when reconstituted with water an extremely shbrt
Llnrefrigerated 1ife. Once wanned up, the enzlrnes are no lorger active.
Thionrase cones in three f:nns, as an injectable to be reconstituted, as
a rub on crealn, and as a sup[Dsitory. we fee] that only the injectabl_e
is effuctive, ard even fiore efective when mixed with DMSo and appliei
tcpicalty, rather than injectd.
THYROID Thyroid drugs, both natural- ard syrtheLic, are used freqr-renlly
j-n bodyhildirg contests. In our experience (personal and observed)
anything c^,'er 4 grairs has been detrinrental in teuns of s:-ze ard health.
High thyroid levels aLlo,v steroids to be e<creted so fast that they don't
stqT aru:nd lorg enolgh in the body to hane any effect. Taken in nrodicr-r'n
e€ fuel they are an e<celrent aid in breaking past sticking points in
dietirg, i.e. as when one may go fcr a werk witlput lcsirg fit sren on
very lcxa ca-l-ories. Also, nmt u,rcren are hypclhyroidal .

THRYRTROPETN This drug is rn/hat the pituitary produces to make the

thryoid grand produrce nore thyroid. As IlcG is to the testicLes,
Thryotrqphin is to the thryroid.
THI&TYIWEIN RELEASIIG FA0IOR tbnrt 1ou vord'-'r where we ccrne up with alJ-
these weird drugs? As you might imagine, this drug stimuLates the
pituitary to make more thyrotrophins r.ih.ich as you just found out
stimulates the thyroid to make nore netabolic elevators. Frankly, no one
has quite figured cut l-pw to use aLL this stuff in bodybufldi.rq.-
TOLII&SE This is a mild oral diabetic dnrg that causes lour [Ercreas to
release nore insulin. Tlclinase has been used as an aid in carbing up
after a depletion.
WINSTROL We used to think that Winstrol vras a total- waste as a
bodyb:ildirq drug. It doesnrt arcnEtize but frr nrost people doesn't do
mrch else either. Hoqever, certain top bodybuilders claim that they get
good results with Winstrol, enough saying this as to not complet.eJ-y
discount it. Winstrol then rnay be beneficiat to certain pecple, but frr
nmt peopJ.e, will be inef fective.
WINSTROL V This is injectable Winstrol ard he've heard nothirg but good
thirgs said abcr:t it. Even people vf,ro don't firri oral Winstrol to work
sesn to think that the injectable is just a better dnrg. It does not
arcrnatize and'"e fieel that along with the Primabolans, this is a good
contest prep dnrg
WYDASE Wydase is sutr4nsed to dissolve the mr-rcpolysaccharides that lpld
the fat cells together. Of course, thatrs not what the manufacturer
irvented it fcr. Anyway it doesnrt sesn to r+or*. lbt with lour Deca,
not shrot into the fat with litle insul-in needles, not mixed with DI"ISO.
Cod, ve wish it did. Believe us, \€'ve used it. So have ctir firierds.
By the wayr'"hile we're on the subject, there's no such thing as lhe
tooth fairy either.



Aerobics is not an interyrar part of the Qyclic Diet. rt is an add on.

We say this because we cannot assune thlt weryone has abore a/er€e
r^ecuperative ability. The type of trainirg that i.e advocate j.n t.he ten
day cyc le is tough. We, ourselves, on 1o* carbckrydrate days one ard tvro
fird it hard enq-rgh to get through the those long workouls; we do not
hatre outstandirg recuperative abilities so r^rculd not corrsider dditional
exercise on thee particular days. Sone of you rnay have no choice btt to
include aerobics in Lhe ten da1' cyc1e. If lour efryroid lsrel is lcxl (Are
you listening, girls?) and you do not wjnt to take thyroid drugs,
aerobics is a must. rf pu are in a hurry to lGe fat weight, aerobics
e<ercise will burn additionar calories. ff done right, m6st of those
calories witl be fron fat.
We divide aerobic o<ercise into tup sbr-les. Aerobic Style l consists
of thee e<ercises that leave you out of breath, anri by working smalr
musc le groupsr ive you a lactic aci_d burn. l"lost of tnis type of
er<ercise takes place in those structured aerobics classes wirere the
instructors pride themser..res on rnflictirg as mrrh pain f:r as lory as
possible during their hour long classes. This cype of exercisg is
actually low intensity, but since it isolates snall musle groups will
burn carbotsrydrate stored in thee particular groups. The rule -is ihat i f
iE burns, lou are usirg carbohydrate as a frreL. on days ten, one, two,
ard three this type of exercise will be ncst effective, is y6rl are trying
to deplete the muscles of carbohydrate. On al-I the otlier aays of *re
rycle yoJ are either tryirrg to build glycogen stores or consewe Lhem fcr
max imum strergth. We don't recornnerri this lype of aerobic e(ercise on
days four: t.hrough nine. Aerobic Style 2 consists of J_onger, lower
intens ity wcrkouts strh as long distance joggirq, swirrningr or bicyc1c
ridinE. This type of addsj exercise can be quile benefi6ral tn our
program' as you can eat nore protein ard carbcfiyj;ates ard st.ill lcse a
lot of fat wei.ght as jt is nostly fat cal-ories burnecl in such low
inlens ity cDrk. Bicplirg is a big fovoriLe of ours as lt does not leal
to st) nany injuries ccITuIDr"l tc rr-nnirg i:odyb,ri1<iers (ufro seigh a lot nore
than arerage mnners). We recorurenl r-hat bicyclirg be aided starting at
day eight on up th-ratgh darr ten. tJoe many hours vou spen4 eacn daiz in
the sadcl 1e depends on a iot of thirgs. Just don't inake ;,e11rsel f Crck.
v{e";e sairi before that it's prertty easy t_o overtrarn whrlc on Iow
caLories. i,Je donrt think utaL aqz aerobic e<ercise sl-or_ilLj br: &xe clurin;
the span between the ljeavy days and the end of the l-ast power
'"r;r'kout. Most s/eryone whoDuty has trierl to dd aerobics Curirg t5rs r- j;rc
ilidlr't lod caCoohydrate qltiniall1'ard lust u€ren't st.rong'*heri rhqy r.ere
supposed to be.

v/e harze rnclCed aerobrcs t-n cur Len day chart at the el.rl of t-he book,
Lut it is not imperative t*hat you do the alditional r^ork. I f you are on
a Light rhslule, it is. We hanen't said mwh abolt runnin; because rncst
iroc]yh-:ilders jr.:st don't have gocd tuck with rr_mning. WorTC,n clon't have
too mu:h trouble because they don't carry arcxlncl t.he c< tra we ight that
rrrxt nen do. Just. rernerber Lhat the slo"er yol rt-ur, the rore yoJ wrl_1 be
i:urning f at calories. spri.nts, hil, I climb:-ng, and stuf. .rn= are
cariohydrate rurnirg.
Your body cdrl Q€t trsed to aerobic e(ercj.se arri gear donm tlre metabolism
to ccrnpensate f:r the aJdi-,iona] calor jes beirg burngl . That's why we
say that this is an acld on activity. rnclqle it in the ten day rycIe
when your ,.eight lcss begins to sloa.

This Oiet Book las been in print foi about three years" ln that tims we have found out a fe;'
things that you should know,

GROWTH hORtuiONE ELEVATORS We:re afraid that we were overly onthusiaslic about argining arc
ornithine" Alinough there is grod sciid research on ihe anabolic effec! of massive <iosages ol lhese
aminos in.jected irito tne OoOy,- it seerlrs ihat oral dosages donrt wcrk ior the rnajority ol people' The
one study showing positive rerponse via the oral rouie was a 'riggedt sludy us;ng. leenage tnales' tne
easiesf group to stinrulate a response in" L-Dopa {lhe prescription amino} does have $ome excelleni
evidence showing it to be ef f eclive in oral dosages. Also an anii-hypettensive medicine caiisc
lo Jive
Catapr€s {generiially tno*n ur clonidine) does at least ggubie your own GH outpul for up positive
houri. Oo$age is between.? and.3 milligranrs. Our 5i'66i1?nce with Catapres has been
except that it y/ilt make you a bi! drowsy,* We lake it before we go to bedn but slilt ;:el yoir
after we wake up in the irorning, This is a very powerfui
-wili drug and you rnus!.be sure thet dc
not have lovr blood pi**urro otierwise Catapres lower it to a dangercus level' To reiterale'
other than L-Dopa and Catapres we feel that these nevr GH elevators are wo.thless.
WAT€R RETEtiTION lncreased estrogen levels automaticaliy raise alCosterone levels only in
v,,omen. Most mgn can nave significantly high estrcgen levels and not have ralsed aldgsletone
Estrogen does retain water in rnales but in i way other than aldosterone cioes. AlCosterone outpll
nrates does elevate with stress. Thanks to J. A. Fellciano in coll€cl:ng us. Howeveau a general rtjie
stili applies: Steroids which arornatize also seem to cauge watst retention.
CATApRELL The correct sp€lling is Capoten {generic name Captoprii) by Sguibb. l! is an
antihypertensive agent and no bodybuiicJer *" ino* of has experitnented *rilh it. Yet.

GROWTH HORMONE Clinically we have encountered an 80o/o+ failure rate in anabolic response l.
injected HGH. Yle cannot pinpoint why this is' bul sirnply put, mcsl people have golten no ef ie':t
a right and a rvrct'rg
fronr eilher Crescornron {Swedish) or Asellacrin (American), There is definitely($10pp]
way to approactr GH th€.atly and our new book ULTITTATE MUSCLE MASS has a chapl3!-
detailing the cu;'rent Praciices.
I a:y \/
SUCCINIC ACID A wonderiul chemical, bui some,pgoplg'.
nauseouE" lVe slill use it and find it effective, but $om€ ly a
teaspoon. One person ciaims he fainted. Vleive never had such extreme reactions' but
is nCl approved for h1n1an ccnsumption, tf you are going tg try it, start out with a smali dosa;e,
probabt! less lhan half a teasPoon,

Atili..]() ACIDS We thought youtci ilke to know vihal we thought of amino acids. To keep thls €itcti'
ther€ are aming acids, puiti,:&, and proteins, Researih has shown {ifostly D' B. A, Siik's vrorki lna*'
lhe body gets the mo!t'eiiect out of. peptides, which are tvvo, thr6€ or four aminos bonded logeih€r.
Happily, plptides
'def are much cheaper than aminos. They are a qood source 0t. suppiemental nctamincs
ti at jre icient in f ish and pcultry, Pharmaceutical grade f ree lornr amino acids are
efficient way of getting supplementai protein. Peptide bond aminos are and ws now stock the Unipic

W:NSTROL y We nave had direct experjence with Winstrol V and found it to be no better ti'r3n
regular winstrol tablets. of course with the average cosage we'vg seen being 50nng every day,

sohathing nright happeno but reallyu this is not a cost effeclive or efficient sleroid icr men. lVcrnen
5ge.n to do welt on it, though. 6i cour.e, their dosage seeois to be 50rng every otlrer day and
is very high and reiil act as ar, androgen"

THIOMUCASE Thiomucase does is allow that !,rater trapped in the fat cells to have an eas;er
tine oi out. Mc$t p,ecple f ind that. the suppcsitgries work best.. lt do€e nothing in lhe
being f lushed
t ay oJ reduclng the fat cell size, o:ner than letting the wlter be removed easiaf,
THyROTROFHTN This is calied Thytropar lU every lhirc
-regular and is an injection made by Arcrogrt One thyr:rid
day 'lvilt allo\./ the ttlyroid to keep
-elEganl output. Many anabolic steroids dep.ress output'
ifi'is is th€ wiy g: keepi$g s€ium thy':oid norrrral, Af $S5 for tel- ll.Jrs, i!. i5 not as 'csi
ef fectlve as supplefllentai thyro;d.
lln the last year and:a hall we'rhav€'hed rnany,latters exiolling. our ULTIMAT!PIET.; 9]lme oJ thess
psagls have yrln coiriexs- usi"g'thJtlO auy .y"1*. Thi:y'co1qldi't believe hqw.'lippgd'.thev goli we
l;riint le ;3pp'iai, ir,**u ^#- t*dylulicii6'-lrttlr rrate alO'female:wholhqve- fi-eYq1:-lql a -lonleti
u-iiiiii iiri;;';;;,;"trr dist,:on*'of,,rs vreni to* "
oolv*eignt ot ;ec:and;eflooylallf:rcentig* oi
ig'*.tu ,,1"eigni'.et isr-*;!i'i-"r* wrc"nt"g"'ol sJs%l *ri,rernaniber,nei1ryl,$.u5S,.ll*u- nnu"

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