Understanding OPNFV Ebook PDF
Understanding OPNFV Ebook PDF
Understanding OPNFV Ebook PDF
Amar Kapadia
Nicholas Chase
Understanding OPNFV
Understanding OPNFV
All rights reserved. No part of the book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system,
or transmitted in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the
publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embedded in critical articles or reviews.
Every effort has been made in the preparation of this book to ensure the accuracy of
the information presented. However, the information contained in this book is sold
without warranty, either express or implied. Neither the authors, nor Mirantis, Inc. and
its dealers and distributors will be held liable for any damages caused or alleged to be
caused directly or indirectly by this book.
Mirantis, Inc. has endeavored to provide trademark information about all the companies
and products mentioned in this book by the appropriate use of appropriate marks.
However, Mirantis, Inc. cannot guarantee the accuracy of this information.
First publication: April 2017
Second publication: May 2017
Understanding OPNFV
Authors Interviewees
Brandon Wick
Cover Work
Christopher Price
Fatih Degirmenci David Stoltenberg
Frank Brockners
Gregory Elkinbard
Heather Kirksey Amar Kapadia
Kathy Cacciatore
Marc Cohn Editor & Proofreader
Morgan Richomme
Nicholas Chase
Raymond Paik
Serg Melikyan
Steve Vandris
Tapio Tallgren
Yongsheng Gong
Understanding OPNFV
Amar Kapadia is an NFVI specialist consulting for Mirantis, the pure play open cloud company,
and a NFV Strategy Orchestrator (pun intended) at Aarna Networks, Inc, his current startup gig.
He was previously senior director of product marketing at Mirantis. Prior to Mirantis, he was the
senior director for EVault s Long-Term Storage Service, a public cloud storage offering based
on OpenStack Swift. He has over 20 years of experience in storage, server and networking
technologies at Emule , Philips and HP. Amar s current passion is in NFV, unikernels,
containers, serverless scheduling, OPNFV, ONAP and CORD. He holds a master s degree in
electrical engineering from the University of California, Berkeley. His blogs can be found at
http://aarnanetworks.com/blog, or you can reach him on Twitter at @akapadia_usa.
I would like to thank Boris Renski from Mirantis and Adarsh Sogal
from Intel for funding this book. I want to especially thank Brandon
Wick from the Linux Foundation; without his encouragement and
community outreach this book would not have been possible. Finally, I
would like to thank my family for tolerating my late-night and weekend
book writing sessions.
Nicholas Chase is Head of Technical and Marketing Content for Mirantis, the pure play open
cloud company. Prior to Mirantis, he was an IBM DeveloperWorks Master Author, the Chief
Technical Officer of an interactive development company, an Oracle Instructor, a software
developer, the founder of the social bookmarking site NoTooMi.com, author or co-author of
Understanding OPNFV
more than a dozen technical books, a sysop on the original Cleveland Freenet, and the driving
force behind one of the very first applications to use a web browser to update a database. He
lives on a farm with his wonderful wife Sarah Jane, 27 chickens, 12 goats, 7 ducks, 2 dogs and a
furbaby, 3 fish, 2 parakeets, and Hazel the Hedgehog. He holds a Bachelor's Degree in Physics
and Education from Case Western Reserve University and John Carroll University, and his
current passions are cloud computing, Internet of Things, and Machine Learning and AI. His
blog can be found at http://www.nicholaschase.com, or you can reach him on Twitter at
Understanding OPNFV
Understanding OPNFV
Table of Contents
1. What is NFV? 15
NFV Business Drivers 15
What is NFV? 16
Benefits of NFV 18
NFV Use Cases 21
NFV at ETSI 22
NFV Requirements 24
Next Steps 27
3. I a bi d, i a plane, i OPNFV! 47
OPNFV Driving Factors 47
What is OPNFV? 48
Open Source Systems Integration 50
Benefits of Open Source 51
Multiple Approaches to NFV 52
So Why Should I Care Again? 53
Understanding OPNFV
{Create-Compose-Deploy-Test}.Iterate 53
Understanding OPNFV
Understanding OPNFV
Open source has revamped how enterprises build out their IT systems. Now, open source
promises to do the same for NFV. OPNFV is the open source project for integrated testing of the
full, next-generation networking stack to enable accelerated NFV. Engineering, network
operations and business leaders in companies around the world are wondering what OPNFV is
and how they can use it to their advantage. Whether you work for a telecom operator or a
technology provider, this book will give you a complete overview of the OPNFV project so you
can confidently provide direction to your technical team in terms of how to use or get involved
with OPNFV.
Chapter 2, NFV Transformation: Where s the CLI?, covers model drive architectures, DevOps,
cloud native software, the impact of NFV transformation on an organization, and tips on how to
Understanding OPNFV
Chapter 3, It s a bird, It s a Plane, It s OPNFV!, talks about the driving factors that were the
impetus to create the OPNFV project, an overview of what OPNFV is, the concept of open
source systems integration, the benefits of OPNFV, and finally, alternative approaches.
Chapter 4, Upstream Projects in OPNFV, provides a comprehensive view of all the NFVI, VIM
and MANO projects integrated in OPNFV.
Chapter 5, OPNFV Upstream Contributions, briefly covers all the OPNFV feature projects
that contribute requirements and code to the constituent upstream projects. We also take a
deeper look at a successful project, OPNFV Doctor.
Chapter 6, OPNFV Continuous Integration, covers the infrastructure projects in OPNFV and
takes a detailed look at the CI pipeline that fully automates integration, builds, deployment, and
Chapter 7, OPNFV Automated Software Deployment, discusses the notion of scenarios, the four
major installers that deploy these scenarios, and other deployment related projects.
Chapter 8, OPNFV Continuous Testing, talks about the various testing projects in OPNFV, test
dashboards, and plugfests.
Chapter 9, Writing VNFs for OPNFV, provides a brief overview of VNF software architecture
options and VNF onboarding, and ends with a concrete example of the Clearwater project
onboarded by OPNFV for testing purposes.
Chapter 10, Utilize OPNFV to Drive Business, covers the all-important topic of " hat s in it for
me" (WIIFM) in other words, how does OPNFV help end users, technology providers, and
individuals? The chapter continues by providing specific ways you can get involved with
Chapter 11, Additional Resources, lists useful links for all 10 chapters.
Understanding OPNFV
As a valued book reader, register yourself on the Mirantis website to receive ongoing
information about NFV related blogs, webinars, white papers and more! Register at
https://content.mirantis.com/Understanding-OPNFV-eBook-Landing-Page.html and you will
also get an electronic copy of this book.
Understanding OPNFV
Since its founding in September 2014, the OPNFV project has been on an extraordinary journey.
Watching our community embrace open source, execute multiple releases, and grow ever more
mature in how we approach our upstream communities and our own activities has given me high
confidence in our industry, our capabilities, and our commitment to transforming networking.
Working side-by-side with NFV end users gives us extraordinary insight into the real-world
challenges of NFV deployments along with the many opportunities of evolving toward a
software defined future. Through this ongoing and active collaboration, OPNFV facilitates the
development and evolution of open source NFV across the industry via integrated testing of the
next-generation net orking stack. It s a formidable and inspiring challenge that is producing
real business value to NFV end users, technology providers and individuals alike.
Participation in OPNFV is open to anyone, whether you are an employee of a member company
or just passionate about network transformation. Reading this book will provide you with a solid
foundation of open source NFV, the OPNFV project and community, as well as connect the dots
on where you fit in and how you can benefit. The journey toward NFV is as much a cultural
transformation of people and processes as it is any specific technology, and I welcome you to
our vibrant, agile, and continuously improving community.
Heather Kirksey
Director, OPNFV
April 2017
Understanding OPNFV
Understanding OPNFV
Over-the-top and Web Average revenue per user Pressure to evolve existing
services are exploding, is under pressure due to services and introduce new
requiring differentiated rising acquisition costs, services faster is
services and not just a churn and competition. increasing.
pipe .
Enterprises with extensive branch connectivity or IOT deployments also face similar challenges.
If telecom operators or enterprises were to build their networks from scratch today, they would
likely build them as software-defined resources, similar to Google or Facebook s infrastructure.
That is the premise of Network Functions Virtualization.
Understanding OPNFV
What is NFV?
In the beginning, there was proprietary hardware.
We've come a long way since the days of hundreds of wires connected to a single tower, but
even when communications services were first computerized, it was usually with the help of
purpose-built hardware such as switches, routers, firewalls, load balancers, mobile networking
nodes and policy platforms. Advances in communications technology moved in tandem with
hardware improvements, which was slow enough that there was time for new equipment to be
developed and implemented, and for old equipment to be either removed or relegated to lesser
roles. This situation applied to phone companies and internet service providers, of course, but it
also applied to large enterprises that controlled their own IT infrastructure.
Today, due largely to the advent of mobile networking and cloud computing, heightened user
demands in both consumer and enterprise net orks ha e led to unpredictable ( an time,
an here ) traffic patterns and a need for ne ser ices such as oice and ideo o er portable
devices. What's more, constant improvement in consumer devices and transmission technology
continue to evolve these themes.
This need for agility led to the development of Software Defined Networking (SDN). SDN
enables administrators to easily configure, provision, and control networks, subnets, and other
networking architectures on demand and in a repeatable way over commodity hardware, rather
than having to manually configure proprietary hardware. SDN also made it possible to provide
"infrastructure as code," where configuration information and DevOps scripts can be subject to
the same oversight and version control as other applications.
Of course, there was still the matter of those proprietary hardware boxes.
Getting rid of them wasn't as simple as deploying an SDN; they were there for a reason, and that
reason usually had to do with performance or specialized functionality. But with advances in
semiconductor performance and the ability of conventional compute hardware to perform
sophisticated packet processing functions came the ability to virtualize and consolidate these
specialized networking functions.
And so, Network Functions Virtualization (NFV) was born. NFV enables complex network
functions to be performed on compute nodes in data centers. A network function performed on a
Understanding OPNFV
compute node is called a Virtualized Network Function (VNF). So that VNFs can behave as a
network, NFV also adds the mechanisms to determine how they can be chained together to
provide control over traffic within a network.
Physical Network
Although most people think of it in terms of telecommunications, NFV encompasses a broad set
of use cases, from Role Based Access Control (RBAC) based on application or traffic type, to
Content Delivery Networks (CDN) that manage content at the edges of the network (where it is
often needed), to the more obvious telecom-related use cases such as Evolved Packet Core
(EPC) and IP Multimedia System (IMS).
Benefits of NFV
NFV is based on the Google infrastructure for e er one else trend here large companies
attempt to copy the best practices from the web giants to increase revenue and customer
satisfaction while also slashing operational and capital costs. This explains the strong interest in
NFV from both telcos and enterprises with numerous benefits:
Increased Revenue
New services can be rolled out faster (since we are writing and trying out code vs. designing
ASICs or new hardware systems), and existing services can be provisioned faster (again,
software deployment vs. hardware purchases). For example, Telstra s PEN product as able to
reduce the provisioning time for WAN-on-demand from three weeks to seconds, eliminate
purchase orders and man-hours of work and reduce customer commitment times for the WAN
Understanding OPNFV
The standardization of hardware also slashes operational costs. Instead of managing thousands
of unique inventory items, your team can now standardize on a few dozen. A bonus to reduced
opex is reduced time-to-break-even. This occurs because, in addition to just virtualizing
individual functions, NFV also allows complex services consisting of a collection of functions to
Understanding OPNFV
be deployed rapidly, in an automated fashion. By shrinking the time and expense from customer
request to revenue by instantly deploying services, the time-to-break-even can go down
significantly for operators.
Using industry standard servers and open source software further reduces capex. Industry
standard servers are manufactured in high volumes by multiple vendors resulting in attractive
pricing. Open source software is also typically available from multiple vendors, and the
competition drives down pricing. This is a win-win where reduced or elimination of vendor
lock-in comes with reduced pricing.
Additionally, operators can reduce capex by utilizing different procurement models. Before
NFV, the traditional model was to issue an RFP to Network Equipment Manufacturers (NEMs)
and purchase a complete solution from one of them. With NFV, operators can now pick and
choose different best-in-class vendors for different components of the stack. In fact, in some
areas an operator could also choose to skip vendors entirely via the use of 100% open source
software. (The last two option is not for the faint-of-heart, and we will explore the pros and cons
of different procurement models in the next chapter.)
TIA Net ork s The Virtuali ation Re olution: NFV Unleashed Network of the Future
Documentary, Part 6 states that the total ope plus cape benefit of an NFV-based architecture
could be a cost reduction of up to 70%.
on the OSS/BSS layer, which is the layer that improves competitiveness and generates revenue.
Understanding OPNFV
to grow as we have moved from 2G to 4G/LTE, with 5G around the corner. vEPC enables
mobile network operators (MVNO) and enablers (MVNE) to use a virtual infrastructure to host
voice and data services rather than using an infrastructure built with physical functions. A
prerequisite to pro iding multiple ser ices simultaneousl requires net ork slicing or the
network multi-tenancy, a capability also enabled by vEPC. In summary, vEPC can cut opex and
capex while speeding up delivery and enabling on-demand scalability.
This list is by no means comprehensive, even in the short term. Numerous other use cases exist
today and new ones are likely to emerge. The most obvious one is 5G. With 50x higher speeds,
10x lower latencies, machine-to-machine communication, connected cars, smart cities, e-health,
IOT and the emergence of mobile edge computing and network slicing, it is hard to imagine
telecom providers or enterprises being successful with physical network functions.
In 2012, ETSI took the reins of the standardization process for NFV, with the goal of defining
just what NFV was and what the industry was going to do. The Industry Specification Group
(ISG) for NFV at ETSI has grown from seven to more than 300 individual companies, and has
published more than 40 documents with details of how NFV should be implemented and tested.
The ongoing contribution of ETSI in furthering the cause of NFV in the standards arena has
been invaluable. Let us briefly look at three important NFV-related documents created by the
Understanding OPNFV
Understanding OPNFV
The purpose of these PoCs is to provide feedback about one or more interoperability or technical
challenges that must be overcome for a fully-functional NFV ecosystem.
NFV Requirements
While it is easy to fixate on the positive aspects of NFV, there are also several requirements that
must be sol ed before NFV can succeed. Some of the more important carrier-grade
requirements are discussed below.
Security is vital in today's world, where new threats are discovered every day, and cyber-
espionage is a pervasive problem.
That said, it's important to understand that the nature of virtualized infrastructure does bring with
it additional security concerns that come with NFV. The NFV ISG Security Expert Group
looked at the situation and came up with a list of 10 security concerns that are particular to
Understanding OPNFV
virtualized environments:
Topology validation and enforcement: Topology validation and enforcement is the
process of making sure that traffic can only go where it's supposed to. In a physical
network this is more straightforward; traffic can be administratively separated. In a
virtualized environment, this is more involved the theoretical possibility exists for
traffic to go anywhere, and for inadvertent loops to be exploited.
Availability of management support infrastructure: In this case, we're talking not
about the higher-ups in the organization, but rather about the ability to administer a
system after it has crashed. While the preference is for a separate physical network, for
cost reasons, this is normally provided by connectivity through a separate port; it's
important to make sure that this access is protected, at a minimum by VPN.
Secured boot: It's important that a host be able to verify that VNFs are genuine before
firing them up, and for a VNF to know that a host hasn't been compromised before
performing sensitive operations.
Secure crash: When and if a VNF crashes, the system must make sure to destroy all
references to it, such as open connections or data that's been persisted to the file system.
Performance isolation: In a public cloud, this is often called the "noisy neighbor"
problem; two processes running on the same core or sharing other resources can
interfere ith each other s performance. To sol e this problem, ou can specif that
processes must have their own reserved resources, but that brings its own challenges
based on resource usage.
User/tenant authentication, authorization and accounting: NFV increases the
number of layers at which users must be identified, as well as the complexity of
accounting requirements. Some security risks can be mitigated with the use of tokens
rather than direct identity passing, but overall, NFV does present a larger attack surface
than traditional hardware environments.
Authenticated time service: In this case, it's a matter of a potential for attacks, rather
than actual attacks that is being pointed out; some code relies on timing to function
properly, so it queries multiple sources to get the "true" time. A VNF, however, can only
talk to a hypervisor, so there is no possibility of getting multiple "votes". (Note that this
is actually a cloud issue, as opposed to a NFV-specific issue.)
Private keys within cloned images: In an ideal world, cloned images would not
include private keys or passwords for access, and instead that information would be
injected at boot time. Unfortunately, we do not live in an ideal world. This is a problem
that's not necessarily a technical challenge, but an operational one.
Back-doors via virtualized test & monitoring functions: Another operational issue
involves test or debug interfaces that may be enabled on an official or unofficial basis to
enable operators to test or debug production components. If you must leave them in
place, they must be protected from attack.
Multi-administrator isolation: Mitigation of Multi-Administrator Isolation issues is an
Understanding OPNFV
area that still requires research. It involves the technical consequences that arise when
the administrator of a VNF is meant to heave more secure access than the administrator
of the overall system. (This situation comes up in cases of "lawful interception.") The
problem is that in general, it's difficult to secure resources on a system from the system's
The NFV Security Expert Group has presented these issues to the NFV ISG, which is working
with other standards bodies to try and alleviate these problems.
NFV infrastructure is designed to emulate a hardware environment with one made up of
software, but that doesn't mean that you can just drop the software into your cloud and go. Most
of what NFV does requires extremely performant systems but they're required in an
environment where the VNF doesn't always know what it's getting.
What this means is that it's up to the operator to configure and deploy the software in such a way
as to take advantage of best practices when it comes to performance. In fact, according to the
NFV ISG, the difference in speed between using NFV and using NFV correctly can be as much
as 1000%. Needless to sa , NFV s promise of reducing capital e penditures can quickl get
eroded if instead of one proprietary box, you have to buy multiple industry standard servers that
perform poorly. In short, as an industry, we need to close the gap between NFVI and physical
network function price-performance.
NFV is meant to be an ecosystem that is occupied by multiple players, so it's especially
important that all their solutions can work together. To that end, it's crucial to have
specifications that define interoperability between the various portions of the overall system,
such as the Orchestrator, the Virtualized Infrastructure Manager (VIM), the Virtual Network
Function Manager (VNFM), the VNF, and the actual Network Functions Virtualization
Infrastructure (NFVI). Also, interoperability with legacy OSS/BSS systems is just as important.
In this case, both the open source approach and the encouragement of PoCs can help reach this
goal, as multiple operators attempt to compose systems out of multiple components.
Easy to Operate
Amazon has an army of cloud specialists to operate Amazon Web Services. If we require the
same of NFV deployments, we will either increase the operational cost dramatically and/or
Understanding OPNFV
decelerate its deployment. Therefore, a key requirement for NFV to succeed is operational
simplicity. From da -1 initial deplo ment to da -2 post-deployment operations such as
changing configurations, adding capacity, adding functionality, modifying reference
architectures, updates and upgrades, all need to be simplified dramatically for NFV to be
deployed at a large scale. And by the way, these operations need to be performed without
interrupting existing VNF workloads. Additionally, log monitoring, metrics and alerts need to be
provided for an entire cluster in aggregate, in a simple to consume manner.
NFV-Specific Requirements
NFV has numerous unique requirements that are distinct from, say, enterprise requirements. Let
us look at a couple of the most important ones:
Service assurance: Arguably the availability demands on a VNF are higher than a web
or mobile cloud application. After all, an OnStar customer relying on the LTE network
to request emergency services in response to an accident cannot tolerate any loss of
availability of the network! So how are we to detect the root cause of a failure and
address it efficiently? This is the crux of service assurance, where we want to be able to
trace the root cause of a failure to the actual infrastructure fault and then address it in the
most optimal manner. Over time, we want to predict potential failures before they
happen, and be proactive rather than reactive. The holy grail is to use artificial
intelligence and machine learning to predict and respond to issues.
Service function chaining: This is a concept where a service provider needs to apply
services, consisting of multiple chained VNFs, to data traffic between two endpoints.
These services could be anything from authentication to security to transcoding. What
makes the requirement even more interesting is that the insertion of VNFs is policy-
based and dynamic. So, two users requesting a video from the same website could have
different VNFs inserted in the middle depending on the device they are using, their
payment plan, and, say, their location.
Next Steps
NFV is gaining momentum both in the telecom and enterprise fields, which is leading to new
service models and use cases, as evidenced by a study conducted by Heavy Reading in August,
2016, where 98% of the service providers surveyed indicated that NFV is part of their strategy.
More generally speaking, NFV is nothing but a network-heavy workload (as opposed to
compute-heavy). With the rise of IOT, machine-to-machine communication, intelligent edge
devices (wearables, drones, augmented reality, and so on) NFV will see widespread adoption in
enterprises as well. Net-net, everyone needs higher quality, more dynamic, increasingly elastic,
and better tuned connectivity to their applications and services.
Understanding OPNFV
In addition to ETSI, numerous standards and open source organizations have started working on
NFV. A leading organization in this effort is the Linux Foundation. And the Linu Foundation s
OPNFV project. In the ne t chapter, e ll look a slight detour to look at what an NFV-
transformation means for an organization, before coming back to OPNFV in Chapter 3.
Understanding OPNFV
We have already established that network and software development agility and the ability to
out-innovate competitors will become increasingly important, and that NFV is a way to achieve
this agility. However, to be successful with NFV, users will need to undergo a transformation
that is broader than just technology. In fact, NFV affects a variety of non-technology related
aspects such as processes, organizational structure and skill set acquisition. NFV also affects
secondar factors, such as business models and procurement methodolog . Let s first re ie
three major technology changes NFV requires, and then look at the resulting organizational
Understanding OPNFV
Most of these changes are still in their infancy, but as they mature they'll become increasingly
By replacing these fixed function boxes with industry standard servers allows the infrastructure
to be provisioned rapidly, but still does not solve the problem of deploying a service rapidly.
Even with virtualization, VNFs have to be installed and configured, and then connected to form
Understanding OPNFV
a complete service. Bringing up the service often has dependencies whereby functions have to
be provisioned in a certain order. Finally, the monitoring infrastructure for each VNF must be
put in place. Once the service is up and running, da -2 acti ities kick in in terms of updates,
upgrades, scaling-out, scaling-in, self-healing, configuration changes, and so on (see Full
Automation of NFV Software Lifecycle figure below). Doing this manually can take weeks or
months of effort.
That s here model dri en architecture comes into the picture. Model dri en templates describe
the entire network service, with configurations for each VNF, its topology and connectivity,
various dependencies and policies for triggering actions specified in a human-readable file.
These templates can also capture management, monitoring and capability APIs. With the entire
network service descriptor (NSD) available as code, there are no manual steps or tickets to
provision services, and the service is created, composed and deployed in exactly the same
manner, every time. This is true even across different environments ranging from dev/test to
production, even with different underlying NFVI, VIM or SDN controller elements. Moreover,
model driven templates can also be put in revision control for better tracking and compliance.
If model driven templates are so useful, why stop with just network service descriptions? In fact,
these templates are used for lower level components such as VNF descriptors, software
application and infrastructure resources, and higher level items such as products (collections of
services with commercial attributes) and offers (bundles of products with marketing
configurations). While lower level templates concentrate on the resource, policy, topology,
configurations and dependencies, higher-level templates include process, order, pricing and
business rules. To sum it up, a model driven architecture vastly reduces the time it takes
operators to deliver new products and services to their customers, and enables rapid onboarding
Understanding OPNFV
The second area of technology change to required ensure a successful NFV transformation is
Every layer of the NFV stack (VNFs, NFVI, and MANO) is seeing innovation at a rate faster
than anything witnessed in the prior era of physical network functions, and this pace is not going
to slow down. To absorb this rate of innovation, organizations will have to fundamentally
change their approach to technology components.
The figure on the left shows, on a relative basis, slower innovation created by vendors at a
predictable rate. In this case, users can upgrade every 6-18 months and perform routine
operations in the interim.
The right-hand side figure shows how that same safe and stable approach breaks down with
rapid, continuous, and unpredictable rates of innovation coming from not just vendors but
increasingly from open source communities. A 6-18-month upgrade is now going to create
massive risk to an entire service or class of services.
What's more, this indo also keeps inno ation a a from the end users hands for an
unnecessary 6-18 months, just as it keeps valuable user feedback away from developers. What
makes sense instead is small incremental changes, made regularly.
Understanding OPNFV
What does that kind of environment look like? Let's take Netflix as an example. Netflix isn't
strictly an NFV architecture, but it does exemplify this type of development; Netflix makes
thousands of small changes to their production environment every single day. Using the old
method of "forklift upgrades", that kind of pace would have been not just unheard of it would
be suicide.
This process of making continuous incremental changes results from a practice called DevOps.
The term "DevOps" has become slightly overused lately, leading to some argument over what it
actually means (solid Wikipedia definition notwithstanding). Some view it as a mindset where
development and ops teams work in tight collaboration. Others view it as a set of activities. In
reality it is perhaps a bit of both.
Using the former viewpoint, DevOps is about two groups with different goals coming together.
De elopment s1 goal is to increase software velocity. Clearly, development is incentivized to
create change. Operations, on the other hand, is measured in terms of network availability, Mean
Time Between Failures (MTBF), Mean Time to Repair (MTTR) and other operational metrics.
So, while Operations, isn't necessarily trying to prevent change, they are obligated to
operationalize change and make sure that it happens without disruptions. DevOps is a way to
encourage collaboration by breaking down the walls between these two teams and helping them
embrace change without jeopardizing stability.
If e ie De Ops from the second lens of acti ities , it involves these following steps:
continuous integration, continuous testing, continuous delivery, continuous monitoring.
1In the case of NFV, the development of the NFV software stack and VNFs is typically not done in-
house. For that reason, De in De Ops for NFV ma be loosel considered e ternal endors and open
source communities. This is different from web giants, where most of the development is in-house.
Understanding OPNFV
Classic DevOps for internally developed software components is different from DevOps for
NFV, where software components are sourced from vendors and open source communities. In
this sense, NFV users do not own the development-integration-test cycle of VNFs, instead acting
as integrators that compose these third-party VNFs. Another contrast is that classic DevOps
assumes homogeneous services, while DevOps for NFV is all about diversity. For these reasons,
DevOps for NFV is distinct and different from classic DevOps. Let's take a further look at
DevOps for NFV:
Continuous integration (CI): The idea here is to continuously build and integrate code.
When the development is in-house, this could mean that literally every developer
commit results in a new integration. However, with third party and open source
software, this typically means an integration effort can be kicked off every time there is
a release of some external software. With so many components (hypervisor, VIM,
MANO, SDN controller, VNFs), you can expect there to come a point in the future
where you will see some change just about every week, if not every day!
Continuous testing: It is not enough to just integrate the software. Even though each
piece of software has been tested by itself, the entire stack has to be successfully
integrated and tested in a development or staging environment. Naturally, all this testing
must be automated. It is not feasible to run manual tests at such a high frequency.
Continuous delivery (CD): Once the software passes all automated tests, it needs to be
deployed into production. Ideally, the new software component co-exists with the older
version, and the new component is made available only to a subset of the affected
services. These techniques are called canary or blue-green deployments. If the new
component holds up in its initial limited production deployment, it's expanded to the rest
of the production environment and the old one can be retired. If not, you can simply
rollback the changes. In this way, small incremental changes promote stability. They
Understanding OPNFV
isolate failures to just one component at a time. So, you are unlikely to have an entire
service or set of services fail, which is a distinct possibility with a forklift upgrade.
Continuous monitoring: The final piece of the puzzle is to monitor NFV services
continuously. Every log, metric, and alert has to be processed by automated big data
systems, because lifecycle management decisions for any NFV software component
must be made automatically based on policies. It is simply not possible to have a human
being monitor all individual components. That's why you should never see CLI access to
an individual VNF. The concept no longer makes sense in NFV!
Again, don t orr if this topic feels completel futuristic, e don t anticipate a full De Ops for
NFV approach to take hold for at least a few years.
Simply put, cloud native NFV software architecture requires the following:
Ability to scale out (to multiple nodes), scale in, and self-heal in an automated fashion.
Ability to withstand, even thrive in an environment where hardware failures are
Support the DevOps for NFV approach (see above section) to fully automate the entire
lifecycle of every component of the NFV software stack.
Understanding OPNFV
In short, every step below has to be software defined, with zero manual steps:
These three requirements necessitate re-architecting software applications around a set of core
principles. The list below is not supposed to be complete; modern cloud native software is based
on a principle called "twelve factor applications," but while you'd think that NFV was a shoo-in
for "cloud native" computing, it turns out there are some differences.
Twelve-factor apps, you see, are meant to stateless they're all about separating processing and
state management so that any part of a system is the same as any other part. However,
networking applications are all about state management, so the normal cloud native assumptions
need to be translated for NFV2:
Microservices with API as contracts: A VNF needs to be split into small pieces or
microservices that are loosely coupled and communicate through well-defined APIs.
Both the code and the data model has to be split. This approach provides benefits to both
operators and VNF vendors. Operators benefit by being able to scale VNFs in a very
granular fashion, reduce the impact of faults (by limiting the blast radius to one
microservice) and manage the lifecycle of VNFs using a DevOps mechanism. Vendors
benefit by being to roll out new features faster and eliminate dead features. As we have
discussed, VNFs are different from classic apps, in that they have a datapath that
performs packet processing and a control-path that provides management, signaling etc.
For this reason, microservices have to be used with care. The datapath is not an obvious
candidate, as multiple microservices in the datapath could create inefficiencies due to
multiple packet hops, each with switching and packet processing overhead.
Decoupled from hardware: Most benefits from the DevOps section can only be
We mostly talk about VNFs, but the principles apply to other components of the NFV stack as well
Understanding OPNFV
experienced if the workload is completely decoupled from the underlying hardware and
can request resources through APIs. This, of course, is achieved through virtualization.
Decoupling doesn t mean di orcing a VNF from hard are, since in NFV there ill
always be some VNFs that need servers with specific features, for instance data plane
acceleration. Over time, new paradigms such as Platform-as-as-Service (PaaS) and
ser erless apps (where the code is executed in response to events while completely
abstracting the underlying server, operating system and related infrastructure) will
further promote VNF-hardware decoupling.
Example 1: Example 2:
Old Contract Between VNF & New Contract Between VNF
Pe Inf a c e & Ca le Inf a c e
State isolation: In classic cloud native applications, the state for the application is
isolated to database (SQL or NoSQL) services. All other functionality is in stateless
services. Again, since networking is essentially all about distributed state management,
state isolation applies only within the context of a microservices in VNFs. Each
microservice should separate transaction processing logic from its state. This promotes
Understanding OPNFV
In reality, it takes a long time to get to all of an organization's workloads to be cloud native. It
took Netflix 7 years to completely move from traditional applications to cloud native! For most
users, in the interim, many of the benefits of NFV can be realized even with cloud hosted VNFs
(traditional VNFs virtualized) or cloud optimized VNFs (partially cloud native VNFs). In fact,
most VNF vendors are taking this exact approach by simply virtualizing their physical network
functions and doing some basic performance optimizations to begin with.
Understanding OPNFV
Organizational Impact
The three above changes model driven architectures, DevOps and cloud native VNFs impact
many aspects of your organization, requiring a transformation. A complete discussion of what that
transformation might look like is outside the scope of this book. Instead we will raise questions to
help you determine the readiness of your organization for NFV. Score each question on a scale of
1 through 5 (1=not ready, 5=fully ready). For every section, the scores mean the following:
Score Readiness
Moreover, cloud native thinking might force even more dramatic changes. For example, Twitter
assigns one team to one microservice. The team is no more than seven individuals. Each team is
cross-functional and owns the complete job of developing, testing, deploying and monitoring
their microservice in production. Teams are typically collocated, and run like a startup. They
make their own technology decisions, prioritize their own backlog and are held accountable as a
team. There is of course cross-team coordination and negotiation. This frees up the platform
team; it is only responsible for operating the actual hardware and providing automation tools.
Failures are inevitable, and when there are failures, there is a blameless post-mortem across
Understanding OPNFV
multiple teams.
Impact to Process
During the 2016 OpenStack Summit in Austin, Jonathan Bryce talked about a customer who
took 44 days to deploy an application. Once the company implemented OpenStack, they were
able to cut this down to a disappointing 42 days. They had left all the checkpoints and manual
signoffs intact! Once the cultural issues and processes were addressed, the duration was cut to 2
hours. This proves that to succeed, organi ations need soft are defined people .
Processes may range from the mundane, such as checkpoints and signoffs, to more complex,
such as inventory management, security, service assurance, auditing, and so on, which are all
difficult in a virtual world as instances spin-up and down. Often there is a lot of bureaucracy in
place for any change, put in place to promote stability and reduce risk. With NFV, a complete
review of all processes will be required, and those that do not truly contribute to stability will
have to be replaced based on a culture of trust and accountability. Any spreadsheet, meeting,
Understanding OPNFV
ticket, or handoff that doesn t trul add alue must be eliminated. To goal is to mo e a a from
processes organized around physical network functions to a cloud-based approach.
Impact to Technology
The impact of technology is perhaps the clearest. The organization must be able to absorb these
new technologies and use them effectively.
Understanding OPNFV
Understanding OPNFV
While organizational structure, processes, technology and skill set acquisition are the primary
areas impacted, there are also two secondary areas that need to transform: business models and
procurement. Unlike the primary areas, we will skip the questionnaire for secondary areas.
Understanding OPNFV
Procurement Models
There are many sub-variations, but broadly speaking the models are:
100% do-it-yourself (DIY): In this model, the user purchases commodity hardware and
utilizes only open source software. This results in staffing and, more importantly,
retention of in-house software engineering, integration and operations. A substantial
investment is required to create architecture, engineering, testing, DevOps, integration,
interop testing, bug fixing teams and ops support as well. Furthermore, operational
teams are required for design, deployment, monitoring, lifecycle management, break/fix
support, and so on. In addition to investment and a level of sophistication, the user
would also need the scale to amortize these investments. Ultimately the question to ask
is, does a 100% DIY approach provide any differentiation, or is it a distraction?
Software from different vendors: In this model, the user purchases commodity
hardware and procures software from a variety of vendors (proprietary or open source).
The user would act as a system integrator and then own operations as well. The burden
is less than a 100% DIY case, but still substantial. DevOps, integration, testing, interop
testing, bug fi ing ould still be the user s responsibilit along ith all operational
tasks. The user would have to be adept at finding issues in a multi-vendor environment
where finger pointing amongst vendors could kill months.
External system integrator: In this model, the user would purchase the entire solution
from one vendor, yet retain operational management of their cloud. While less
burdensome that the first t o models, operating an NFV cloud ould be the user s
Managed services: In this last model, the user would purchase the solution from one
vendor and then ask them (or another vendor) to manage it. This is the least burdensome
option from an effort point of view, but may be more expensive at scale.
Clearly, there is no right answer in terms of these options. The answer may be different for
different users. Choosing the wrong model could actually add to the TCO rather than cutting it.
Understanding OPNFV
3. Agile instead of big bang: With 4G and prior initiatives, it was not
uncommon to let the specification be fully complete and then do a complete
implementation. With NFV, you will need to adopt an agile philosophy
without waiting for every little detail to be ironed out. Small things need to be
tried out, corrected and evolved with time.
Understanding OPNFV
This above table does not talk about VNFs; even with VNFs, users could go with cloud
hosted, cloud optimized, or cloud native VNFs. Similarly, users could use DevOps
practices only for the development environment first, or jump into DevOps for all stages
dev/test/staging/production. And so, there are many routes to your destination.
5. Find use case: It is too tempting to build out a 20-50 node NFVI/MANO POC and then
wait for VNF workloads. But this approach does not work it results in orphan clouds.
What does work is to find a real production workload ideally non-mission-critical
and then create an NFVI/MANO infrastructure around it. It is perfectly fine if this is a
small use case to begin with, you need some real time gains today! To use a non-telco
example, in the case of Volkswagen, they picked a car configurator application for their
customers in Spain and built an OpenStack cloud around it.
6. Find executive sponsor: It is important for a key transformation such as NFV to have
top-down support. Without an executive sponsor, an initiative such as NFV is likely to
wither away. Executives such as André Beijen, head of network innovation for KPN,
and Deutsche Telekom Vice President Axel Clauberg have been vocal about their
implementation approach to NFV.
7. Use dedicated teams: Rather than add another task to e isting teams burden, starting
with a new dedicated team seems to be more successful. The new team can also
embrace a new culture, processes and tools, as opposed to reusing existing ones. KPN,
for example, assembled a new team for virtualization projects, recruiting key talent by
asking for volunteers rather than assigning people.
8. Spread the knowledge: The initial team needs to act like a catalyst that transfers its
newly acquired skills, knowledge, thinking, culture and processes to the rest of the
organization. Going back to the Volkswagen example, they actively organize ongoing
workshops and technology days to disseminate the knowledge across the company.
In addition, the above best practices, OPNFV is an open source community that can help you
with your NFV journey. In the next chapter, we will look at what OPNFV is.
Understanding OPNFV
Just as onlookers were mystified at the sight of Superman streaking through the sky, those trying
to understand OPNFV through the lens of traditional open source projects might be confused by
its somewhat non-traditional nature. Let s look at the driving factor for creating yet another open
source project before exploring what OPNFV is.
points of view and take the best practices from all three.
Testing the stack: Finally, the stack composed from multiple projects has to be tested.
While open source projects do some level of testing, it is generally limited to the scope
of their own project, and no one project is going to take ownership of testing the newly
composed stack nor is any one community going to test for NFV-centric attributes.
Getting end user feedback: Unless an open source project targets a particular use case,
it is difficult to get in-depth user participation, which is so critical for any project to
What is OPNFV?
OPNFV stands for Open Platform for Networks Functions Virtualization. The project was
formed in September 2014, and is housed under the auspices of the Linux Foundation. Initially
OPNFV s main goal as to de elop an integrated and tested open source platform on which to
build NFV functionality. The current mission according to the OPNFV website is:
Open Platform for NFV (OPNFV) facilitates the development and evolution of NFV
components across various open source ecosystems. Through system level integration,
deployment and testing, OPNFV creates a reference NFV platform to accelerate the
transformation of enterprise and service provider networks.
OPNFV builds the end-to-end stack to support NFV with verified capabilities and
characteristics, establishes agile reference methodologies (requirements, documentation and
propagation; continuous integration, testing, and continuous delivery), and offers a process and
supporting tools for testing and validating NFVI and MANO products and solutions.
OPNFV responds to the four driving factors directly by organizing its project around the
following three pillars, and by consciously including end users as key contributors.
Understanding OPNFV
The technical work of OPNFV is organized into projects. There are projects common across all
three pillars, such as CI/CD, security and documentation, and there are those specific to a given
At the time of writing of this book (April 2017), OPNFV has 51 member companies, 45+
projects, 340+ contributors, 16 test labs and 20,000+ commits (source: OPNFV community
dashboard). To ensure adequate end user participation, OPNFV has 30+ members in its end user
advisory group. OPNFV has completed three plugfests and organized two major worldwide
summits to date. On average, OPNFV provides six-month major releases, each named after a
river. Highlights from the most recent Danube release (number 4), include the introduction of
stress tests, integration of the MANO stack, additional support for data plane acceleration
technologies and significant improvements in the CI and test framework.
Understanding OPNFV
Mar. Apr.
Brahmaputra Danube
2016 2017
OPNFV is a unique project because it works both upstream and downstream. The integration
and testing pillars are a downstream activity, while new feature development, on the other hand,
is an upstream activity. For this reason, OPNFV ma also be called a midstream project.
often fail to ensure true interoperability. And since they work for long periods of time without
getting customer feedback, standards sometimes end up in a wasted effort. We are by no means
suggesting that standards are going away; what we are saying is that some types of standards can
be replaced by open source software. In that sense, open source software supplements open
standards. Case-in-point, OPNFV collaborates with standard bodies such as ETSI NFV ISG,
IETF, MEF, TM Forum, and so on.
While open source, per se, is not a business benefit, the following is a list of the primary end
user benefits of open source:
Interoperability: Open source assures stronger interoperability than open standards
because not only are the APIs open, the reference implementation is also open and
frequently created jointly by multiple companies, including competitors.
Innovation velocity: The rate of innovation in open source projects typically exceeds
proprietary products and standards.
Faster troubleshooting: In a multi-vendor system, troubleshooting becomes a complex
multi-party effort. With open source, all parties have access to the source and the ability
to fix bugs, including the end user.
Roadmap influence: The ability of a user to influence an open source project is higher
than a proprietary product. In fact, if all else fails, the user can simply start contributing
to the project and get the features they want.
Reduced cost: Open source projects are not free. However, open source enables sharing
R&D burden across multiple companies in the ecosystem and drives greater competition
that in turn results in cost savings.
Transparency: In the current age of heightened security concerns, open source
transparency provides protection against malevolent features.
However, for a subset of use cases such as vIMS, a public cloud may be an option. Also,
parts of the NFV stack such as MANO software could be hosted in public clouds.
Form a purely technical point of view, you may still be thinking that if OPNFV is not a standard
open source software project with a ready-to-use single distribution that you can use, why
should you spend time on it? Well, if you are looking to deploy NFV across telco or enterprise
networks using open source projects, consideration of OPNFV is critical. OPNFV, in a nutshell:
Promotes integration and interoperability: Open source projects are unlikely to work
together out-of-the-box. OPNFV ensures combinations of different projects work
together. The integration work is not trivial. Even if a user or vendor chooses not to use
OPNFV artifacts, the integration work will cut down internal R&D work significantly;
and those resources can be redirected to higher value activities.
Drives requirements: OPNFV drives key NFV-centric features and code into relevant
upstream projects.
In short, OPNFV is like a take-and-bake pi a. It s not completel cooked and read to eat, but it
has taken care of numerous labor intensive steps that reduce your time to eating, or in this case,
time to NFV in production! See Chapter 10 for a deeper discussion on the benefits of OPNFV.
To summarize, the goal of OPNFV is to create new features, integrate a variety of upstream
open source projects to compose NVF stack(s), deploy and test them. This entire cycle gets
repeated over and over again, triggered by any upstream component change.
In subsequent chapters, we will look at each of these four stages (create, compose, deploy, test)
in more detail.
Understanding OPNFV
Understanding OPNFV
As described in the pre ious chapter, OPNFV is a midstream project that dra s from a
number of upstream open source projects. OPNFV integrates and tests combinations of different
projects, and also influences these projects to align them with NFV requirements. When the
communit does contribute code, it s usuall contributed directl to the rele ant upstream
project. This chapter provides an overview of the main upstream projects used in OPNFV.
Understanding OPNFV
As you see from the above diagram, in several cases, OPNFV integrates multiple software
projects for the same purpose. In this way, OPNFV enables choices for end users through
multiple options, and it is not OPNFV s role to recommend one technolog o er another.
A common temptation when comparing open source projects is to focus on features and
functionality. An equally, if not more important aspect to look at, however, is the community,
and its constitution, structure, governance, momentum, funding and development
methodologies. You will see wide variations in these factors among the projects discussed
The Open Network Automation Platform (ONAP) is a Linux Foundation end-to-end service
orchestration project. It is the result of a merger of two projects: OPEN-O and Open Source
ECOMP (open source ersion of AT&T s ECOMP project). AT&T and China Mobile are
driving ONAP with a diverse group of members. Platinum members include Amdocs, AT&T,
Bell Canada, China Mobile, China Telecom, Cisco, Ericsson, Gigaspaces, Huawei, IBM, Intel,
Reliance Jio, Nokia, Orange, TechMahindra, VMware, and ZTE, with more to come. There are
numerous silver members as well.
The ONAP project is unique in two ways. First, it started as a pair of user-driven projects, as
opposed to a vendor-driven project. Second, it embodies Cloud Native architecture from the get-
go by using a microservices architecture and an agile development methodology. As a testament
to agility, ECOMP, with over 8 million lines of code, took only 1.5 years to develop with just
300 developers! Because a combined release is not yet available, let's take a brief look at both
projects separately.
ECOMP (Enhanced Control Orchestration Management and Policy) can be best described as a
MANO++ project. ECOMP automates the design and delivery of network services that run on a
cloud. In addition to service delivery and automation of SDN tasks, ECOMP also automates
many service assurance, performance management, and fault management tasks.
Understanding OPNFV
ECOMP adds several capabilities over and above the ETSI MANO architecture. It addresses the
entire service delivery lifecycle using model driven architectures. For example, it has a rich
service design environment for service creators to build services using a collaborative, catalog-
driven self-service design studio. The design studio also creates service, VNF, and infrastructure
descriptions that are richer in scope than hat s required b the ETSI architecture b adding
numerous pieces of metadata. NFVO and VNFM functionalities are enhanced for greater control
over NFVI, VIM, and SDN controllers, and for faster on-boarding of new VNF types. ECOMP
supports YANG, TOSCA, OpenStack Heat and other modeling languages. Finally, the project
includes FCAPS (Fault, Configuration, Accounting, Performance, Security) functionality to
provide greater control over closed loop automation (in the ETSI architecture this functionality
resides in the EMS Element Management System). While OpenStack is the primary VIM
(Virtual Infrastructure Manager) supported, Open Source ECOMP can be extended to other
VIMs too.
OPEN-O is a Linux Foundation open orchestration project that combines NFV MANO and
connectivity services orchestration over both SDN and legacy networks. OPEN-O employs a
model-driven automation approach, and has adopted standard modeling languages YANG (for
networking devices) and TOSCA (for services).
The OPEN-O architecture is partitioned into three main orchestration functions: global services
orchestrator (GSO), SDN orchestrator (SDN-O), and NFV orchestrator (NFV-O), along with a
Understanding OPNFV
set of common services. OPEN-O is built upon a microservices architecture for extensibility,
and features a modular design that supports multiple VIMs, VNFMs, SDN Controllers, and
legacy network and element management systems.
In the Opera project, OPNFV integrates the OPEN-O project, with Juju and Tacker utilized as
A MANO project started by Fraunhofer Fokus, the largest research group in Germany,
OpenBaton was designed with modularity, extensibility and interoperability in mind.
Now on its 3rd release, OpenBaton enables you to use just a couple of modules: NFVO and a
messaging bus module or the entire set of components, such as the fault management system,
autoscaling engine, generic VNF manager (VNFM) or a Juju VNFM. It also includes support for
multiple VIMs, with OpenStack being the primary one; Docker support has been demonstrated
as well. OpenBaton supports network slicing, which will become important with 5G, and has a
VNF marketplace.
OPNFV has integrated OpenBaton into the platform under the Orchestra project.
Understanding OPNFV
OpenBaton MANO
OpenStack Tacker
Tacker is an official OpenStack project that started off as a generic VNFM but has since expanded its
scope to provide an NFVO as well, making it a full-fledged MANO project.
Being a part of OpenStack, it is also well integrated with other OpenStack components such as Nova,
Horizon, Heat, Keystone, and so on. The main contributors are Brocade, Infinite, NEC, 99cloud,
Huawei, Imagea, Nokia, and China Mobile. Because Tacker can be used as just a VNFM, it can also
coexist with other open end-to-end service orchestration projects such as OPEN-O and ONAP.
Understanding OPNFV
Tacker MANO
In addition to these three MANO projects, Open Source MANO (OSM), originally from
Telefónica and now housed under ETSI, could be integrated into OPNFV at some point.
Currently OPNFV uses OpenStack as its primary VIM. In the context of NFV:
OpenStack Foundation).
OpenStack, one of the largest open source projects in the world, is a seven-year-old project
and its 15th release, Ocata, was developed by 1,925 community members from 285
organizations. Sponsors include Platinum members such as AT&T, Canonical, Huawei,
IBM, Intel, Rackspace, Red Hat and SUSE, as well as a large number of Gold and other
sponsors. In a recent Heavy Reading survey, 86% of global telecoms stated that OpenStack
is either important or essential to their success, and over 60% are also using or testing
OpenStack for NFV. Perhaps more interesting, over 21% of those surveyed, plan to get
OpenStack as part of OPNFV!
OpenStack includes numerous optional projects, and several of them are relevant to NFV.
Understanding OPNFV
The OpenStack Project Navigator lists each project and provides tags for age, maturity and
adoption. Age indicates how long the project has been in development, adoption reflects the
percentage of production deployments as reflected via bi-annual user surveys. There are
several additional maturity indicators, including rolling upgrade support, vulnerability
management team support, and documentation. These tags are provided for your project
evaluation. Typically, core projects are more mature than optional services, so as a user,
you have to choose carefully.
Understanding OPNFV
Beyond optional services are community projects, affiliated with OpenStack. Some of them are
relevant to NFV.
The latest OpenStack release, Ocata, has important ne features for NFV, and e ll co er more
about these topics as we progress through the book. The key takeaway is that OpenStack views
NFV as an important use case, and the OpenStack Ocata release has important new features,
Understanding OPNFV
Kubernetes enables containerized VNFs to be used in NFV deployments. The use of Kubernetes
in the Danube release does not include any SDN controller integration, nor is it integrated with
any other NFV-centric project. However, we expect Kubernetes integration to deepen over
subsequent releases. OPNFV OpenRetriever is one such project that aims to provide Kubernetes
integration and testing for the Euphrates release.
SDN controllers are responsible for setting up overlay networks. An overlay network is a virtual
network built on top of a physical network that connects virtual machines. These overlay
networks can go through a router or a gateway to communicate with the external world.
OpenStack Neutron
OpenStack Neutron is both an API translation layer and
an SDN controller. If used only as an API layer, it
utilizes core plugins to connect to third-party SDN
controllers through their respective northbound
interfaces. If used as both an API layer and an SDN
controller, Neutron manages OVS (see NFVI Virtual
Switching below) and external physical switches through
drivers. Typically, Neutron is not used as an SDN
controller in complex environments, and instead it is
used only as an API translation layer. Also, if ou eren t confused b the dual personality of
Neutron, the project actually also has service plugins that would traditionally be thought of as
VNFs, such as load balancer as a service (LBaaS), firewall as a service (FWaaS), VPN as a
service (VPNaaS) and so on.
Like OPNFV, OpenDaylight (ODL), is also
a Linux Foundation project. It is a full
blown modular SDN controller that caters
to multiple use cases such as NFV, IoT, and
enterprise applications. It supports
numerous southbound interfaces to manage
virtual and physical switches (OpenFlow,
Netconf and other protocols). For the
northbound interface to OpenStack or other
orchestration layers, ODL uses YANG (a standard modeling language) models to describe the
network, various functions, and the final state. The ODL community is large, with Brocade,
Cisco, Ericsson, HPE, Intel, and Red Hat being just a few of the companies supporting the
Understanding OPNFV
ONOS is a modular SDN controller
specifically built for service providers
with carrier-grade considerations such as
scalability, high performance, and high
availability in mind. The core of ONOS
is distributed, so it can scale horizontally.
Northbound interfaces are based on an
intent framework with a global network
view. Southbound interfaces include
OpenFlow and Netconf to be able to manage both virtual and physical switches. ONOS is
managed by the Open Networking Lab (ON.lab), a member-funded organization with 17 key
members that include operators such as AT&T, China Unicom, Comcast, Google, NTT
Communications, SK Telecom, and Verizon, and a number of technology providers.
OpenContrail is an SDN controller that
was open sourced by Juniper. It targets
both cloud and NFV use cases for
enterprises and service providers. Unlike
the other two SDN controllers,
OpenContrail uses BGP and Netconf as
the primary southbound interfaces to
manage physical switches and routers,
and XMPP to manage virtual router
elements in compute nodes. Given the XMPP choice instead of OpenFlow, OpenContrail does
not interoperate with OVS and installs a vRouter on each compute node. For overlays,
OpenContrail leverages MPLS protocols over GRE, UDP or VXLAN. The OpenContrail
architecture has three types of controllers that all scale horizontally: control node cluster,
configuration cluster, and analytics cluster.
OVN stands for Open Virtual Network. It is
being developed by the same team that
Understanding OPNFV
developed the OVS. The project aims to add virtual network abstractions such as virtual L2
and L3 overlays and security groups. OVN is dissimilar from the above projects in that it
focuses narrowly only on virtual networking rather than being a full blown SDN controller.
So, it does not try to solve the problem of managing physical switches. In this way, the
code is lighter and more focused, but solves a narrower problem.
NFVI Compute
This layer provides the datapath for running virtual machines or containers. These compute
instances are scheduled, i.e. created and torn down, by OpenStack Nova.
Kernel-based virtual machine (KVM) is a hypervisor that creates virtual machines, and is part
of the Linux kernel.
Understanding OPNFV
KVM provides a virtual machine that looks just like a physical machine to the operating system
and associated applications it has virtual CPUs, memory, networking ports, and SSD or HDD
storage. Since each virtual machine has its own operating system instance, the isolation and
security characteristics are almost as good as separate physical machines. KVM is a mature, 10-
year-old project.
OPNFV also integrates LXD, a system container technology from Canonical that, at a high-
level, is similar to Docker. It uses the same low-level isolation mechanisms as Docker to provide
isolation of containers.
Understanding OPNFV
Containers virtualize the operating system as opposed to the entire machine. As a result,
containers are much lighter than virtual machines, but suffer from isolation and security issues
by virtue of sharing a common kernel. As an aside, for this reason many users run containers
inside virtual machines. Given their small footprint, containers are popular in cloud native
micro-services-based software architectures.
libvirt/ HostOS
OPNFV supports Ubuntu, CentOS and SUSE as host operating systems that run the hypervisor.
libvirt is a virtualization API to manage hypervisors running on the Host OS. It communicates
with the VIM on one side and KVM or LXD on the other side.
NFVI Storage
According to the OpenStack user survey, Ceph is the most popular external block storage
software used in OpenStack deployments. For this reason, Ceph is also integrated with OPNFV.
Ceph is software defined storage that scales horizontally by adding storage servers. The software
was open sourced by Red Hat, and now has contributors from Red Hat, ZTE, Mirantis, SUSE,
XSky, Digiware and Intel. According to the official website:
With cloud native architectures, the need for persistent block storage should diminish with
database-as-a-service and filesystem-as-a-service; however, as VNFs are not cloud native yet,
persistent block storage is useful for high availability where a pair of active-active or active-
passive VNFs may want to access the same state.
The Open vSwitch (OVS) project is a Linux Foundation project. It was started in 2009 and is
broadly used in the industry. It implements a virtual switch that runs in the host Linux operating
system to provide virtual networking between virtual machines.
OVS is a multilayer virtual switch that can be distributed across multiple physical machines, and
includes security, monitoring, QoS, VLAN, VXLAN, GRE, NetFlow, sFlow, NIC bonding and
automated control features. The reference implementation can be managed via OpenFlow.
OpenStack Neutron, ONOS, and ODL all support OVS.
OpenContrail comes with its own virtual networking technology, a vRouter, that runs in the
hypervisor. It is similar to OVS, except that it can perform forwarding too, hence the name
vRouter. Instead of OpenFlow, OpenContrail relies on XMPP to manage the vRouter.
A high-performance alternative to OVS, the core engine of the Fast Data project (FD.io) is a
vector packet processing engine (VPP) that came from Cisco.
Understanding OPNFV
VPP processes a number of packets in parallel instead of one at a time. This spreads the
overhead of lookups and computation across an entire set of packets contributing to the added
efficiency. VPP exposes a high-performance low level API. For software stacks that need to use
a higher-level mechanism to communicate with VPP, another FD.io technology called
Honeycomb translates YANG models exposed via Netconf/Restconf to VPP APIs. A controller
hich supports Netconf/YANG, such as ODL, can mount the Hone comb Management Agent
to communicate with the VPP.
Independent testing has shown FD.io throughput to be about 5x better than OVS with DPDK
(see next section) when forwarding to 2,000 IPv4 addresses and about 39x better when
forwarding to 20,000 IPv4 addresses. FD.io, you guessed it, is also a Linux Foundation project
and the Platinum members of FD.io include Cisco, Ericsson and Intel, with 12 additional Gold
and Silver members.
The technology is available on multiple processors and is being promoted by Intel® as part of a
broader portfolio of Enhanced Platform Awareness (EPA) technologies aimed at accelerating the
data plane. The main technologies in EPA other than DPDK are huge pages, NUMA pinning
and SR-IOV. Huge pages improve VNF efficiency by reducing page lookups, NUMA pinning
ensures that the workload uses memory local to the processor, and SR-IOV enables network
traffic to bypass the hypervisor and go directly to the virtual machine.
Understanding OPNFV
The OpenDataplane (ODP) project, supported by the Linaro Networking group and its 13
member companies, aims to create a set of standard cross-functional APIs for networking data
plane acceleration. Hardware vendors love to create acceleration features such as security,
switching offload, and others. However, no user wants to use proprietary features. ODP bridges
this divide by providing APIs that applications can utilize in a standard way, and that vendors
can adapt to their specific hardware acceleration features.
NFVI Hardware
OPNFV tests its software against proprietary and open source hardware based on both Intel®
and ARM® architecture. One notable open source hardware project is Open Compute Platform
(OCP). OCP is different from traditional open source software projects since it is all about
hardware! OCP was started by Facebook to bring their efficiency, cost and power innovations to
a broader community. This community designs compute servers, storage servers, networking
equipment and entire racks in the open source. The telco working group within OCP specifically
addresses the needs of telecom operators. The group has a ne carrier grade 19 rack le el
system design that accommodates compute, storage, networking and GPU sleds.
At this time, functional testing of VNFs, VNF integration or VNF development is out of scope;
nevertheless, some tests do take advantage of open source VNFs such as the vIMS Clearwater
project. Additionally, the OPNFV Samplevnf project aims to use sample open source VNFs, that
mimic the behavior of real VNFs, for benchmarking and performance optimization.
In the next chapter, we look at how OPNFV collects requirements for these various projects and
influences them to get these features coded.
Understanding OPNFV
OPNFV has several projects that collect NFV-centric requirements for the various upstream
open source communities and influence those projects, even contributing code to upstream
communities and where needed. These efforts aim to recreate the same level of service
assurance, Quality of Service (QoS) and availability on a virtual infrastructure that is currently
available on a physical infrastructure.
Below is a list of all upstream contribution projects (as of the OPNFV Danube release) and a
brief description of each. More details on OPNFV projects are available on the wiki. These
projects fall into the following general categories:
Service assurance and availability
Easing integration of upstream projects
NFVI/VIM/VNF deployment and lifecycle management
Documentation and security
Understanding OPNFV
Project Details
Projects related to service assurance and availability are:
Project Description
Availability (HA This project creates APIs and requirements for high availability (HA) in
for OPNFV) carrier-grade NFV scenarios. The project addresses HA at three different
layers: hardware HA, virtual infrastructure HA and service HA. As an
e ample of the project s success, during the Colorado release of OPNFV,
this project identified a number of gaps that were successfully closed in
OpenStack s Mitaka release, hile some others ere deferred to the
Newton release.
Doctor (Fault Doctor creates fault management and maintenance systems to ensure high
management) availability for VNFs (see the next section) to match what operators are
used to with physical network functions.
VES (VNF While Barometer focuses on VNFI, VES gathers VNF event streams using
Event Stream) a common model and format to enable the management of VNF health and
life cycle. Currently end users have to deal with events and statistics from
VNFs in a variety of different formats using different standards (for
example, SNMP vs. 3GPP or CSV vs. XML) in order to implement service
assurance. This increases engineering costs and delays the introduction of
new VNFs. VES aims to streamline this by creating three components: an
agent for mapping source telemetry to the VES event format, collector for
receiving and displaying events, and a VES data schema to support these
two activities.
Understanding OPNFV
Projects aimed at easing the integration of various upstream projects into OPNFV include:
Project Description
Forwarding Graph This project plans to work with OpenStack networking-sfc and
(OpenStack based Tacker, along with ONF OpenFlow to demonstrate that this
VNF forwarding combination of technologies can be used to dynamically set up
graph) VNF forwarding graphs (VNFFG), aka service function chaining.
It further demonstrates that traffic from different tenants can flow
through distinct service chains (that is, a sequence of VNFs).
Movie (Model OpenStack has an IaaS-centric API. However, that burdens the
oriented MANO layer with a lot of detailed work. The Movie project is
virtualized creating a more abstract VIM northbound API (NBI) as an
interface) alternative to the existing OpenStack API, which could simplify
MANO s job in areas such as resource access, connection
generation, flow identification, policy operation and so on.
ONOSFW (ONOS The ONOSFW project develops requirements for the ONOS SDN
framework) controller in OPNFV.
Understanding OPNFV
Open vSwitch for This project develops requirements, collaborates with the
NFV upstream community, and creates functional and benchmarking
tests to help integrate OVS in OPNFV. One main area of focus
has been performance, and moving OVS from the kernel to the
user space and taking advantage of data plane acceleration has
resulted in 10x improvement in packet throughput for small
packet sizes.
Opera (OPEN-O The Opera project develops requirements for OPEN-O MANO
integration) support in OPNFV with an emphasis on APIs and data models.
The VNFM used is Juju.
SDN VPN (SDN This project develops requirements for OpenStack BGPVPN in
distributed routing OPNFV. This project enables the integration of layer-3
and VPN) networking services with wide-area-networks (WAN).
Project Description
Copper (NFVI A user s intent for a ser ice gets orchestrated to VNF deplo ments,
deployment which then get orchestrated to virtual infrastructure. It is possible
policies) that a user s intent in terms of affinit for a geograph , partitioning,
security or specific HA requirement may get lost in translation by
Understanding OPNFV
ENFV (Edge In vCPE, vPE (provider edge), IoT, or other use cases, it makes
NFV) sense to split the NFVI between a centralized cloud and edge
compute nodes. This is also called fog computing. Splitting NFVI
in this manner creates unique challenges. The goal of this project is
to specify requirements for edge NFV in areas such as tunneling,
the abilit to handle man small data centers , remote node
monitoring, data plane optimization, and so on. The project
collaborates with other OPNFV projects and influences upstream
OpenStack, ODL, and OVS projects.
Escalator With NFV, upgrading the NFVI and VIM becomes more
(Smooth complicated than fixed function boxes. The Escalator project plans
upgrade) to define requirements for smooth upgrades for major or minor
version changes in a manner that does not unreasonably degrade
VNF uptime. The project identifies parameters such as the
maximum duration of upgrade or rollback, maximum duration of
VNF interruption, and mechanisms to prepare an upgrade. More
recently, the project has also created test cases to test upgrades.
Understanding OPNFV
Models (Model- Different VNFMs use different techniques and data models. The
driven NFV) goal of the Models project is to disseminate and promote
convergence of information and/or data models pertaining to
VNFM. Activities range from creating use case tests to comparing
VNF packages for different VNFMs and fleshing out end-to-end
lifecycles for services and VNFs. Finally, the project also acts as a
liaison between OPNFV and other NFV standard bodies such as
BBF, ETSI, MEF, OASIS, ONF, TM Forum, and so on.
Multisite (Multi- NFV use cases require that services span infrastructures that are
site virtualized distributed across geographical locations, more so than enterprise
infrastructure) use cases. This creates new requirements for core OpenStack
services such as Nova, Cinder, Neutron, Glance, Ceilometer and
Keystone in areas of network management across sites, multi-site
image replication, global and per-site quota management, and so
on. This project documents these requirements and influences
various upstream projects. Multisite integrates with OpenStack
Kingbird (Centralized service for multi-region deployments) and
OpenStack Tricircle (Networking automation across Neutron in
multi-region deployments). In the OpenStack Ocata release, cells
v2 in Nova makes it easier to scale and have multiple compute
environments managed together.
Promise There are situations when the MANO layer might want to reserve
(Resource compute, storage and network resources for a certain duration of
management) time. Before this project, OpenStack had no such mechanism. The
OPNFV Promise project solved this gap by helping create the
Blazar (reservation-as-a-service) project in OpenStack.
Understanding OPNFV
Project Description
Moon (Security The Moon project is in the process of working with the upstream
management) OpenStack Keystone and Congress projects to improve the
isolation, protection and interaction between VNFs. The project
does so by identifying gaps in OpenStack and ODL and
contributing features to upstream projects around authorization,
logging, network enforcement, storage enforcement, and so on.
Moon also enables OPNFV Copper to ensure that security policies
are being met.
The above projects are all executed by small teams that are generally distributed around the
world. Each project has a project technical lead (PTL), committers, and contributors. Teams
work year-round, communicating via collaboration tools (described in Chapter 6), weekly
meetings, and IRC. To engender periods of intensive collaboration, there is a design summit
once a year concurrent with the OPNFV summit. Each year there are also multiple hackfests, at
which team members can collaborate face-to-face. These are usually concurrent with plugfests
(see Chapter 8).
Project Analytics
To learn how these projects are doing, a variety of statistics about each project are available on
the OPNFV analytics site.
Understanding OPNFV
Given the state of OpenStack at the time, virtual machine, storage or network port failures would
eventually get detected using software polling or timeouts, but while these long durations were
acceptable in enterprise use cases, they were unacceptable in NFV. The Doctor project started to
address this by working with numerous upstream OpenStack projects such as Nova, Neutron,
Congress and Aodh.
The goal of OPNFV Doctor was straightforward: once an infrastructure failure is detected, map
it to the affected virtual resources, and take failover or any other action within 1 second. The
challenges were numerous:
Defining what infrastructure failure is
Mapping it to affected virtual resources
Understanding OPNFV
OPNFV Doctor may also be used with the OpenStack Vitrage root-cause-analysis project. The
combined OPNFV Doctor and OpenStack Vitrage solution involves the following steps:
The first step, of course, is to monitor a failure in the infrastructure. Doctor allows for many
different options here, including coll ect d (see OPNFV Barometer). The raw failure information is
transmitted to the failure policy engine.
Understanding OPNFV
The Doctor project contributed PushDriver and Doct or Servi ce Dri ver datasource drivers to
Congress to enable the policy engine to evaluate events coming from the above-mentioned
- scenari o:
conditi on: hi gh_cpu_l oad_on_host and host _cont ai ns_i nst ances and alar m_on_i nst ance
acti ons:
- acti on: Add causal
acti on_t ype: add_causal _rel ati onshi p relationship
acti on_t ar get:
source: zabbi x_al ar m
tar get: i nstance_al ar m
Understanding OPNFV
Now Vitrage is armed to act. Once it receives an event from Congress, it will evaluate what part
of the topolog graph is affected and hat templates need to be e ecuted. This step deduces
what alarms need to be sent up to the management layer. Vitrage can map the failure to virtual
resources and also to affected applications. In parallel, Vitrage also marks virtual and physical
resources appropriately as required by the template. Finally, Vitrage makes a variety of views
available to the user for visualization:
Topology View
Understanding OPNFV
Topology Graph
Understanding OPNFV
Alarms View
OpenStack Nova, Neutron or Cinder projects send failure notification event(s) to a software
component such as OpenStack Aodh (which provides alarms and notifications) which then
communicates to the MANO software. The MANO layer can then take an appropriate action,
such as triggering a failover. During the OpenStack Barcelona summit, a vEPC demonstration
showed that a failover in response to network failure was completed in less than 500ms, without
interrupting an ongoing cell phone call. See the short video at youtu.be/Dvh8q5m9Ahk.
In summary, OPNFV upstream contribution projects are staffed by experts that are well versed
in the best practices in carrier grade deployments, and they use this knowledge to recreate those
same service assurance, QoS, and availability guarantees in the NFV world. In the next chapter,
we will look at the next pillar of OPNFV: Continuous Integration.
Understanding OPNFV
Understanding OPNFV
As we saw in Chapter 4, OPNFV integrates a number of upstream projects. To achieve this
integration in an automated manner, OPNFV has created a Continuous Integration (CI) pipeline
supported by three infrastructure (infra) projects 3: RelEng, Pharos and Octopus. These three
projects are critical for the success of the OPNFV project. We will review these projects and
then see how they are used for integration and release processes. Chapters 7 and 8 will discuss
how the CI pipeline is used for deployment and testing.
Collaboration JIRA/Confluence
OPNFV uses Confluence Wiki for community collaboration, and JIRA for bug and issue (epics
and user stories) tracking and to assign issues to contributors. The combination of a Wiki page
for each project, weekly meetings (open to public), JIRA stories and some additional tools
described below, provides for an open and transparent way for any individual to contribute.
OPNFV Gerrit
Understanding OPNFV
OPNFV Jenkins
RelEng also provides additional tools for test result data collection, analytics, search and
visualization, such as Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana and Grafana.
Understanding OPNFV
The rigor of testing on Pharos is impressive; for any particular release, Pharos supports the
creation and teardown of thousands of OpenStack + SDN controller clusters with multiple tests
suites run against them. This is actually superior to the testing performed by corresponding
upstream communities. It s no onder that upstream communities get tremendous alue out of
OPNFV testing.
Specification: The specification activity lays out minimum requirements for each
individual environment or POD. A POD is a jump server with a set of five servers used
as controllers, compute and storage nodes. A POD also needs a number of networks and
lays out storage and switching requirements. One or more PODs make up a lab. The lab
provider needs to publish specification files describing the lab and each POD. The
specification work stream continues to build additional specifications for security,
stability and lifecycle management.
Dashboard: The Pharos dashboard provides a holistic view of all labs, resources and
Understanding OPNFV
Lab-as-a-service (LaaS): While the key goal of Pharos is testing, some projects need
access to bare metal resources for development purposes. LaaS provides lab resources to
projects in the form of a service.
Validator: These are a set of tools to validate that a lab is compliant with the Pharos
Virtual labs: Most of the focus is on bare metal resources. But for development, virtual
labs will also be made available.
CI Pipeline
The pipeline for build, test and release looks like this:
Understanding OPNFV
Understanding OPNFV
As you might expect, the ultimate goal is to evolve to a continuous delivery approach where
releases are available at a higher frequency and ultimately, the trunk is stable at any given point
in time.
One important aspect is security checking, where every commit will get checked for security
violations using automated tooling. Under consideration are checks such as Lint and
vulnerability scanner for source code files, the inclusion of binary objects, use of strings that
might contain passwords, keys or hashes and missing licenses.
When it comes to consuming upstream projects, the default practice is to use regular stable
releases. The next step, already in place with certain projects, is to consume upstream projects
on a more regular basis, even daily. Using this process, OPNFV can do two things i) provide
feedback for each commit using health checks and ii) run daily and weekly tests on the latest
code base. The OPNFV Cross Community CI initiative, or XCI, covers these newer processes
initially for OpenStack, ODL, FD.io and ONAP. The benefits of XCI are faster access to the
latest innovation and rapid feedback to the upstream community.
These improvements are some of the more visible, but constant evolution is going on behind the
scenes as well, in an attempt to be cleverer in the execution of tests, to improve the utilization of
Understanding OPNFV
In summary, OPNFV integrates upstream projects for the purpose of running different tests. To
achieve this, OPNFV uses sophisticated continuous integration to ensure access to the latest
innovation. So far, we have not talked about the exact mechanism of how testing is actually
performed. In the next two chapters, we will see how the upstream projects are deployed, and
how tests are run against those deployments.
Understanding OPNFV
One of the main goals of OPNFV CI, as we saw in the previous chapter, is the continuous
and automated testing. The testing process occurs in two steps:
1. The CI process deploys a set of upstream projects with specific configurations
2. The CI process runs automated test(s) against the deployed software
In this chapter, we will cover the first step; we'll look at the second step in Chapter 8.
Understanding OPNFV
u tra o e
no ap rad ub
Ar m olo a n
rah C D
In addition to providing choices for different layers of the NFV stack, OPNFV also
provides choice in the installer that deploys and configures the software. Diving a bit
deeper, scenarios are labelled using the below notation. So, using the below key, os-
odl _l 2-fdi o- ha, Fuel means: OpenStack with ODL Layer2 SDN Controller and FD.io in
High Availability mode installed by Fuel.
Understanding OPNFV
However, not all 55 Danube scenarios qualify as reference architectures that could be
deployed to a production environment. Twenty of them do not use high availability (i.e.
noha), and 3 more are experimental because they use Kubernetes as the VIM or Daisy as
an installer. So now you are down to 32, as shown below.
os-nosdn-fdio-ha x
os-nosdn-kvm_ovs_dpdk_bar-ha x
os-nosdn-kvm_ovs_dpdk-ha x
os-nosdn-kvm-ha x x
os-nosdn-lxd-ha x
os-nosdn-nofeature-ha x x x x
os-nosdn-openo-ha x
os-nosdn-ovs-ha x
os-ocl-nofeature-ha x
os-odl_l2-bgpvpn-ha x
os-odl_l2-fdio-ha x
os-odl_l2-nofeature-ha x x x
os-odl_l2-sfc-ha x x
Understanding OPNFV
os-odl_l3-fdio_dvr-ha x
os-odl_l3-fdio-ha x
os-odl_l3-nofeature-ha x x x
os-odl_l3-ovs-ha x
os-odl-bgpvpn-ha x
os-onos-nofeature-ha x x x
os-onos-sfc-ha x
os-ovn-nofeature-ha x
As you can see, if we ignore the association of scenarios to a specific installer, we are
down to 21 scenarios that could be used as candidates for creating production
In the spirit of providing choices, OPNFV uses four installers. These installers deploy all
the software required for a scenario, and then also configure the software. Even though
there are many differences, the fundamental mechanism of every installer is similar: the
installer first installs an application on a specified jumphost , hich in turn runs and
downloads, installs and configures all of the necessary software on designated compute
and controller nodes resulting in a fully deployed scenario. This sets the stage for tests to
be run against the scenario. The use of installers is fully automated through the CI
Frankly, if the only job of the installer was to set up these scenarios, there is no need for
using more than one installer. However, these installers also have a life outside of CI
testing. Beyond installation, they can also be used for day-2 lifecycle management tasks
such as post-deployment configuration changes, capacity expansion, functionality
enhancements, updates and upgrades. Some installers also have integration with
monitoring software. For this reason, OPNFV provides installer choices. At this time,
OPNFV does not test any day-2 functionality, so while interesting, a discussion about
those capabilities is outside the scope of this book. Let s take a deeper look at the 4
Understanding OPNFV
Fuel is a purpose-built OpenStack installer community project that came out of
Fuel supports APIs, a CLI, or a GUI. Once the Fuel master node starts up, all compute,
controller and storage nodes are discovered using PXE. Configuring the cloud is a simple
matter of point-and-click by going through different tabs organized by functionality.
There is a network check to ensure that the environment is correctly configured before the
software is deployed. After the deployment is completed, there is a post-deployment
health check as well. Fuel has an extensible framework via plugins that allow for new
functionality to be integrated into Fuel (for example, plugins for an SDN controller,
MANO, and so on).
Apex is RDO s OpenStack installation tool, based on the OpenStack Triple-O project.
Understanding OPNFV
(RDO is a project that takes OpenStack packages originally developed for Ubuntu and
ports them to CentOS, Fedora and Red Hat Enterprise Linux.) Triple-O uses an interesting
philosophy of OpenStack on OpenStack. It first installs a light-weight OpenStack
undercloud . An OpenStack o ercloud , the one that ill actuall be used b
workloads, is deployed by the undercloud using Heat templates. Apex provides flexibility,
but at the cost of numerous manual steps.
JOID stands for Juju OPNFV Infrastructure Deployer. JOID uses two open source
projects that came out of Canonical: MAAS and Juju. Both are general purpose
technologies, as opposed to purpose-built.
Sample JOID Juju Screenshot
MAAS (metal as a service) is a tool for provisioning bare metal servers. MAAS has
functionality such as OS provisioning, inventory management, IPAM (IP address
manager) and PXE/IPMI integration with a convenient GUI, CLI, or API access.
Juju is a service orchestration tool that is used for deploying OpenStack on a MAAS
en ironment. If Juju sounds familiar, it s because e discussed it in Chapter 4 in the
context of being a VNFM for multiple MANO projects. Juju uses descriptors called
Charms that are a template file to define a service. Charms support languages such as
Chef, Puppet, Ansible and so on, and allow for the easy addition of new functionality
such as SDN controllers or MANO.
Understanding OPNFV
Compass is another OpenStack community purpose built installer project, from Huawei.
The tool can be accessed via a GUI, API or CLI. It has a wizard-like feel where Compass
systematically moves the user across various stages of deployment. It starts with
discovery, which can use a variety of mechanisms such as IPMI, SNMP and Intel® RSA.
The next stage is provisioning of the OS Centos and Ubuntu are both supported. After a
number of configuration steps (network, storage partitioning, security, role assignments
for various roles, and network mapping), various OpenStack software packages are
deployed using Chef or Ansible. Compass also integrates infrastructure monitoring
dashboards for logs and metrics.
Project Description
Understanding OPNFV
IPv6-enabled OPNFV The project, as the name suggests, identifies gaps in upstream
projects to implement a full IPv6 NFV deployment and also
creates IPv6 scenarios. For the Danube release, the project can
use Fuel, JOID and Compass.
FastDataStacks (FDS) The FDS project uses APEX to deploy FD.io scenarios.
Currently installers are tied to particular PODs. To improve POD utilization and for
projects such as Multisite (see Chapter 5) it becomes important to decouple installers from
PODs, and the future direction of OPNFV is to make the mapping of scenarios to POD(s)
a lot more flexible and dynamic.
Understanding OPNFV
In the next chapter, we will look at how tests are run against each scenario in an
automated and continuous manner.
Understanding OPNFV
Understanding OPNFV
All OPNFV activities discussed so far build up to the finale continuous testing. It is important
to reiterate how critical end-to-end testing of the full stack is, and that OPNFV is the only
community currently driving this. Through this testing, the OPNFV community is able to find
bugs and security issues that cannot be discovered by testing each component individually.
The test projects in OPNFV are meant to validate the numerous scenarios using multiple test
cases. The following figure shows a high-level view of the OPNFV testing framework. The rest
of the chapter will analyze this figure in more detail.
Understanding OPNFV
Once a scenario is deployed by the installer, a variety of test cases are run against that scenario.
These tests vary in terms of coverage, scope, tiers, purpose and frequency of testing. Both the
test cases and the results are stored in a database. The database is connected to a number of
visualization tools to view the results. As we have talked extensively, all these tests are part of
the CI pipeline, and are run in a completely automated manner.
The coverage of a test case can be end-to-end, be restricted to a single component or to a
subsystem. Components tests cover individual items of the NFV stack such as OpenStack, NICs,
ODL, VNFs, and so on. Subsystem (also called ETSI domains) tests can be the entire VIM, the
storage aspect of the NFVI, a complete service consisting of VNFs (such as vIMS), and so on.
End-to-end test cases cover all components of an entire scenario as a cohesive unit.
The scope of each test case is split into three broad categories: functional, performance and
compliance. For now, there aren t enough stability or security tests in OPNFV, so these are
bucketed with functional testing. As the emphasis on these areas increases, they could be broken
out into their own categories. Test cases that cover OAM (operations, administration,
management including lifecycle management), longevity (how long an environment is stable),
scale, and destructive testing are not in the OPNFV scope at this time.
OPNFV has numerous test tiers that increase in complexity and reduce in frequency.
Understanding OPNFV
A trust indicator has been defined for test cases and scenarios. Trust simply means that with
each subsequent tier, the confidence in the scenario being tested increases. Test cases with
higher levels of trust are also run at a lower frequency, because they are often long running tests,
and hardware resources are always limited. In this manner, the trust indicator helps both users in
evaluating scenarios and the infrastructure team in optimizing CI resources.
A test case may have one of many purposes:
To gate commits: The verify or health-check test is run in response to a commit to
provide a +1 or -1 to gerrit.
To gate a release: These are tests that must pass for a release to occur. As mentioned
earlier, major OPNFV releases are on a 6-month cadence. Each major release also has
minor releases, such as Danube 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0, each of which share the same stable
branch and vary only in terms of bug fixes.
Informational only: A number of performance tests do not gate a release. They are
simply run to publish informational data.
Benchmark: These metrics synthesize a benchmark based on performance metrics.
OPNFV compliance: These tests test against a set of validation criteria to be able to use
OPNFV trademarks. They are not to be confused with regulatory compliance testing.
Understanding OPNFV
One additional point: each individual upstream contribution project is responsible for developing
its own tests, and global tests that are not under the purview of a given project are covered by
the activities of test projects. Let's take a deeper look into those test projects.
Test projects
OPNFV test projects are organized by scope. At the top level, there are functional tests
(Functest), followed by performance tests (Yardstick along with a number of sub-projects) and
OPNFV compliance tests (Dovetail).
The Functest project deals with the tooling and actual test cases around validation and functional
testing of various OPNFV scenarios. The current focus is around VIM + NFVI functionality.
The baseline is to use test cases from various individual upstream projects, such as Tempest
(functional) and Rally (scale) for OpenStack, the Robot framework for ODL, and the Teston
framework for ONOS. There are four reasons to repeat these upstream tests in Functest: 1) it
tests projects together to ensure end-to-end interoperability, 2) it adds functional tests for the
numerous OPNFV upstream contribution projects (the tests are also contributed back to the
upstream projects), 3) it adds a number of end-to-end test cases, and probably the most
important, 4) it incorporates open source VNFs, such as Clearwater vIMS, along with MANO
projects to generate real-life test conditions on the underlying VIM + NFVI layers.
Yardstick is all about performance testing and is based on ETSI reference test suites. After
surveying a large number of NFV workloads, the Yardstick project has broken down overall
requirements into a set of performance vectors to quantify compute, network and storage aspects
of NFVI. The project develops the test framework and test cases for each performance vector,
and some test cases can get quite complex where Yardstick needs to run tests in parallel, inject
faults, and test multiple topologies.
Yardstick is extensible via a plugin architecture. It exposes and consumes APIs from specific
performance testing sub-projects such as VSPERF (vSwitch), Cperf (SDN controller), Storperf
(storage), Qtip (Benchmarking as a service) and Bottlenecks (bottleneck detection).
Yardstick also includes traffic generation tools, as well as a Network Service benchmarking
Understanding OPNFV
The irtual s itch (such as OVS) is a major aspect of a VNF s performance, as measured b
throughput, jitter, packets per second, and processing latency. For this reason, the VSPERF
project measures the performance of the vSwitch and associated virtual and physical network
ports. The project currently evaluates the performance of OVS, with and without DPDK, though
the test project is agnostic of both the vSwitch implementation and the traffic generator.
Performance is measured for paths such as:
Port S itch Port
Port S itch VNF S itch Port
Port S itch VNF S itch VNF S itch Port
Different test cases, based on a number of industry specifications and use cases, measure a
variety of aspects such as forwarding rates, the impact of a noisy neighbor, datapath and control
path coupling, CPU and memory utilization, and so on. VSPERF tests a vSwitch as if it were a
physical switch and uses an external traffic generator, and is careful to ensure accuracy,
consistency, stability and repeatability of tests across runs. VSPERF can be launched in
standalone mode or through Yardstick.
Cperf measures the performance of the SDN controller. It taps into the expertise of the upstream
project s performance teams, such as the OpenDa light Performance Group. The project runs a
variety of performance tests, such as:
Network scalability (for example, max switches, ports, links, and so on) with one
controller node
Cluster scalability (for example, max controllers)
Network scalability (for example, max switches, ports, links, and so on) with a cluster of
controller nodes
Flow performance (for example, max flows/sec, packet latency, and so on)
API performance (for example, Northbound, Southbound API latency, and so on)
Datastore performance (for example, max reads/sec, writes/sec, and so on)
Storperf measures the performance of external block storage. The goal of this project is to
Understanding OPNFV
provide a report based on SNIA s (Storage Net orking Industr Association) Performance Test
Specification. The project measures latency, throughput, and IOPS (IO per second) across
different block sizes and queue depths (number of outstanding I/Os in flight).
Getting down to actual steps, a Docker container with the Storperf test APIs is invoked on the
jumphost. Automated tests use these APIs to spin up volumes and VMs, connect them, run a
variety of storage tests, and collect the results. Storperf is suitable for both HDD and SSD
storage. The methodology of using a Docker container for test tooling is common across test
projects. Finally, Storperf can also be launched in standalone mode or through Yardstick.
Remember benchmarks such as MIPS or TPC-C, which attempted to provide a measure of
infrastructure performance through one single number? Qtip attempts to do the same for NVFI
compute (storage and networking part of roadmap) performance. Qtip is a Yardstick plugin that
collects metrics from a number of tests selected from five different categories: integer, floating
point, memory, deep packet inspection and cipher speeds. These numbers are crunched to
produce a single Qtip benchmark. The baseline is 2,500, and bigger is better! In that sense one
of the goal of Qtip is to make Yardstick results very easy to consume.
Wouldn t it be great to find performance s stem limitations (in other ords, bottlenecks) in a
staging en ironment rather than a production en ironment? That s e actl hat the Bottlenecks
project does. Bottlenecks is integrated with Yardstick. As opposed to Qtip, where the goal is to
create a new benchmark, here the goal is to use a variety of existing benchmarks and metrics to
measure whether the network, storage, compute, middleware and app performance meets a
user s requirements or not. The entire process is dri en off e periment configuration files that
are set up by the user. Bottlenecks drives its activity based on these files and fully automates
setting up the infrastructure, creating workloads, running tests, and collecting results. The data
collected from these tests tends to be quite large, so the project also invests in analytics and
visualization tools. The results help identify the metric(s) that do not meet requirements, in turn
enabling the user to make decisions such as hardware selection or software tuning, protocol
selection, and so on, and the results assist in evaluating compliance with SLAs.
As we saw in Chapter 3, one of the primary benefits of using open source software is to avoid
Understanding OPNFV
endor lockin. This is easier said than done. Ho might a user erif that a endor s distribution
is consistent with the original project, and that some aspects ha en t been (inad ertentl )
changed? In the case of OPNFV, it s e en harder, because there s isn t one single distribution to
deal with. Instead, there are numerous scenarios, any one of which could be considered as the
basis of a distribution. Dovetail solves this problem by providing compliance tests. By running
these tests, which heavily leverage Functest and Yardstick, Dovetail forms the foundation of the
Compliance Verification Program (CVP) for commercial products. The goals of the CVP is to
help build the market for OPNFV-based infrastructure and applications designed to run on that
infrastructure, reduce adoption risks for end-users, decrease testing costs and enhance
There are many dashboards to interact with and to visualize test results. We can classify them
by: Scenario status reporting, complex results display (Grafana) or API interaction (Swagger).
For the Danube release, they can be accessed from a central portal.
Scenario reporting results are available for Functest, Yardstick, Storperf and VSPERF. For
Functest there s also reporting on the IMS VNF testing. For example:
Functest Dashboard
Yardstick results can be visualized through a Grafana dashboard (creds opnfv/opnfv). Any test
Understanding OPNFV
case can be viewed by scenario and POD. Since the data is coming from a time-series database
InfluxDB, the user can also specify the time-period.
Yardstick Dashboard
The Swagger dashboard (creds available by emailing test-wg@lists.opnfv.org or joining the test
working group weekly meeting) enables users to visualize and interact with the test API 5. For
example, if you try the GET / api/ v1/ pr oj ects/ {pr oj ect _na me}/ cases and type in pr omi se , you will get
a list of all test cases related to the project Promise.
Swagger Dashboard
5 A side note, test projects are not required to use the API framework, but most do. Also, the API is
reachable in a read-only mode outside of the Swagger dashboard as well.
Understanding OPNFV
OPNFV conducts plugfests after each release. Vendors and community members get together
and collaborate on interop testing and different test projects. The plugfest serves two purposes.
First, it accelerates projects significantly by having a burst of intense activity with the ability to
work on issues and solve problems with other contributors face-to-face rather than remotely.
Second, vendors with proprietary products that cannot be included in the OPNFV CI pipeline
can test their wares across different scenarios and test cases. These plugfests are generally held
concurrently with hackfests, as mentioned in Chapter 5.
In addition to the already mentioned valuable contribution of RelEng, Pharos and Octopus, there
is a lot of background infrastructure work in terms of developing tests, troubleshooting failures,
creating and managing databases, providing the Docker containerization framework for test
project tooling, building the tooling to promote scenarios through the tiers of tests, and finally
analyzing the contribution of specific scenarios and pods to overall testing results.
Finally, the OPNFV community recognizes the value of running functional and performance
tests using real VNF workloads. In addition to project Clearwater mentioned above, a new
project called Samplevnf has been created to do performance testing, benchmarking and
characterization using five open source VNFs. These are open source appro imations of
carrier grade VNFs and not production grade; nevertheless, they are adequate for testing
purposes. They are:
CG-NAT (carrier grade network address translation) VNF
Firewall (vFW) VNF
Provider edge router (vPE) VNF
Access control list (vACL) VNF
Next Generation Infrastructure Core (NGIC) aka VEPC-SAE-GW VNF
This chapter completes the discussion of the various OPNFV projects. In the next chapter, we
will discuss how VNFs can be onboarded into OPNFV.
Understanding OPNFV
Understanding OPNFV
The entire OPNFV stack, ultimately, serves one purpose: to
run virtual network functions (VNFs) that in turn constitute
network services. We will look at two major considerations:
ho to rite VNFs, and ho to onboard them. We ll
conclude by analyzing how a vIMS VNF, Clearwater, has
been onboarded by OPNFV.
Writing VNFs
We looked at three types of VNF architectures in Chapter 2:
cloud hosted, cloud optimized, and cloud native. As a VNF
creator or a buyer, your first consideration is to pick the
Understanding OPNFV
Some developers refactor cloud hosted VNFs to make them more cloud friendly, or "cloud
optimized". A non-disruptive way to approach this effort is to take easily separable aspects of
the monolithic application and convert them into services accessible via REST APIs. The VNF
state may then be moved to a dedicated service, so the rest of the app becomes stateless. Making
these changes allows for greater velocity in software development and the ability to perform
cloud-centric operations such as scale-out, scale-in and self-healing.
While converting an existing VNF to be fully cloud native may be overly burdensome, all new
VNFs should be written exclusively as cloud native if possible. (We have already covered cloud
native application patterns in Chapter 2.) By using a cloud native architecture, developers and
users can get much higher velocity in innovation and a high degree of flexibility in VNF
orchestration and lifecycle management. In an enterprise end-user study conducted by Mirantis
and Intel, the move to cloud native programming showed an average increase of iterations/year
from 6 to 24 (4x increase) and a typical increase in the number of user stories/iteration of 20-
60%. Enterprise cloud native apps are not the same as cloud native VNFs, but these benefits
should generally apply to NFV as well.
Ultimately, there is no right or wrong architecture choice for existing VNFs (new VNFs should
be designed as cloud native). The chart below shows VNF app architecture trade-offs.
VNF Onboarding
The next major topic to consider when integrating VNFs into OPNFV scenarios is VNF
onboarding. A VNF by itself is not very useful; the MANO layer needs associated metadata and
Understanding OPNFV
descriptors to manage these VNFs. The VNF Package, which includes the VNF Descriptor
(VNFD), describes what the VNF requires, how to configure the VNF, and how to manage its
lifecycle. Along with this information, the VNF onboarding process may be viewed in four
A detailed discussion of these steps is out of scope for this book and instead we will focus on the
VNF package.
For successful VNF onboarding, the following types of attributes need to be specified in the
VNF package. This list is by no means comprehensive; it is meant to be a sample. The package
may include:
Basic information such as:
Licensing model
VNF packaging (tar or CSAR etc.)
VNF configuration
NFVI requirements such as:
Data plane acceleration
CPU architecture
VNF lifecycle management:
Understanding OPNFV
Currently, the industry lacks standards in the areas of VNF packaging and descriptors. Each
MANO vendor or MANO project and each NFV vendor has its own format. By the time, you
add VIM-specific considerations, you get an unmanageably large development and interop
matrix. It could easily take months of manual work for a user to onboard VNFs to their specific
MANO+VIM choice because the formats have to be adapted and then tested. Both users and
VNF providers find this process less than ideal. Both sides are always wondering which models
to support, and what components to proactively test against.
The VNF manager (VNFM) might further complicate the situation. For simple VNFs, a generic
VNFM might be adequate. For more complex VNFs such as VoLTE (voice over LTE), a custom
(read: proprietary) VNFM might be needed, and would be provided by the VNF vendor.
Needless to say, the already complex interop matrix becomes even more complex in this case.
In addition to manual work and wasted time, there are other issues exposed by the lack of
standards. For example, there is no way for a VNF to be sure it will be provided resources that
match its requirements. There may also be gaps in security, isolation, scaling, self-healing and
other lifecycle management phases.
OPNFV recognizes the importance of standardizing the VNF onboarding process. The MANO
working group, along with the Models project (see Chapter 5) is working on standardizing VNF
onboarding for OPNFV. The projects address multiple issues including VNF package
development, VNF package import, VNF validation/testing (basic and in-service), VNF import
into a catalog, service blueprint creation, and VNFD models. The three main modeling
languages being considered are: UML, TOSCA-NFV simple profile, and YANG:
Understanding OPNFV
Next, workflows specify how a series of actions occur, which can get complex when
considering various dependencies. Finally, TOSCA also allows for policies that trigger
workflows based on events. The TOSCA-NFV simple profile specification covers an
NFV-specific data model using the TOSCA language.
YANG: YANG is a modeling language standardized by IETF. Unlike TOSCA or UML,
YANG is a network-centric modeling language. YANG models the state data and
configurations of network elements. YANG describes a tree of nodes and relationships
between them.
OPNFV is considering all three approaches, and in some cases hybrid approaches with multiple
modeling languages, to solve the VNF onboarding problem. Given the importance of this issue,
there is also considerable collaboration with outside organizations and projects such as ETSI,
TMForum, OASIS, ON.Lab, and so on.
Clearwater vIMS
Understanding OPNFV
For OPNFV testing, TOSCA is used as the VNFD modeling language. The TOSCA blueprint
first describes each of the nodes and their connectivity. A snippet of this code is shown below:
homest ead_host:
type: clear wat er. nodes. Monit oredSer ver
scal abl e:
pr operties:
mi n_i nst ances: 1
relati onshi ps:
- target: base_securit y_gr oup
type: cl oudif y. openst ack. ser ver _connect ed_t o_securit y_gr oup
- target: homest ead_securit y_gr oup
type: cl oudif y. openst ack. ser ver _connect ed_t o_securit y_gr oup
homest ead:
type: clear wat er. nodes. homest ead
pr operties:
pri vat e_do mai n: clear wat er.l ocal
release: { get _i nput: release }
relati onshi ps:
- type: cl oudif y.relati onshi ps. cont ai ned_i n
tar get: homest ead_host
- type: app_connect ed_t o_bi nd
tar get: bi nd
Understanding OPNFV
Next, the TOSCA blueprint describes a number of workflows. The workflows cover full
lifecycle management of Clearwater. Finally, the blueprint describes policies that trigger
workflows based on events.
The TOSCA code fragment below shows a scale up policy based on a threshold, that then
triggers a workflow to scale up Sprout SIP router instances from the initial 1 to a maximum of 5.
polici es:
up_scal e_poli cy:
type: cl oudify. polici es.t ypes.t hreshol d
servi ce: cpu.t ot al. user
threshol d: 25
stabilit y_ti me: 60
tri ggers:
scal e_tri gger:
type: cl oudify. polici es.tri ggers. execut e_wor kfl ow
para met ers:
wor kfl ow: scal e
wor kfl ow_para met ers:
Understanding OPNFV
Once the blueprint is complete, an orchestrator needs to interpret and act upon the TOSCA
blueprint. For purposes of testing Clearwater, OPNFV uses Cloudify, a MANO product from
Gigaspaces available in both commercial and open source flavors. Cloudify orchestrates each of
the workflows described in the above blueprint. Specifically, the workflow to deploy the VNF
looks like this:
Understanding OPNFV
Running this entire series of steps in an automated fashion in Functest requires the following:
Step 1: Deploy VIM, SDN controller, NFVI
Step 2: Deploy the MANO software (could be Heat, Open-O or Cloudify, which is the
current choice). For testing purposes, it is possible to use the full MANO stack (NFVO
+ VNFM) or just the VNFM.
Step 3: Test the VNF. For project Clearwater, Functest runs more than 100 default
signaling tests covering most vIMS test cases (calls, registration, redirection, busy, and
so on).
We have talked about a specific VNF, but this approach is pragmatic enough to be applied to
other VNFs open source or proprietary. Using OPNFV as a standard way to onboard VNFs
brings great value to the industry because of the complexity of the VNF onboarding landscape.
No one vendor or user has the resources or time to perform testing against a full interop matrix.
But as a community, this is eminently possible.
At this point, it is worth taking a bit of a detour to illustrate the power of open source. The initial
Understanding OPNFV
project Clearwater testing work was done by an intern at Orange. The work became quite
popular, and has been adopted by numerous vendors, influenced the OPNFV MANO working
group, and even convinced some operators to use OPNFV as a VNF onboarding vehicle.
In summary, we saw how VNFs can target different application architectures, what is involved
in onboarding VNFs, and a concrete example of how the Clearwater vIMS VNF has been
onboarded by OPNFV for testing purposes. In the next chapter, we will discuss how you can
benefit from and get involved with the OPNFV project.
Understanding OPNFV
The OPNFV project provides real business benefits to NFV end users, technology providers and
individuals alike.
Tangible Benefits
Telecom operators and enterprises gain measurable business benefits by getting involved with
the OPNFV project:
Faster rollouts of new services: Networking deployments are often marred by endless
delays from technology evaluations, proof-of-concept projects, vendor selections, field
trials and production deployment. By getting involved with OPNFV, end users can
complete many of these above steps in the community in collaboration with other end
users. What remains is simply choosing a vendor whose products are based on an
OPNFV stack, since these products benefit from all the community testing and
interoperability work. This results in a direct time-to-market reduction for the end user.
Understanding OPNFV
VNF onboarding platform: There is no easy way to compare benchmarks across VNFs
since the underlying NFVI, SDN controller and VIM platform is not consistent across
vendors. By using an OPNFV scenario, end users can standardize on a consistent
environment against which different VNFs can be tested, characterized and
benchmarked. Moreover, users can utilize Yardstick and other OPNFV performance
testing projects to validate platform performance in-house. This results in both a time-
to-market reduction and an improved technology stack resulting a higher project return-
on-investment (ROI) for the end user.
Best-in-class components: One of the major benefits of open source software, as we
discussed in Chapter 3, is to be able to pick and choose best-in-class components
aligned with specific use cases. OPNFV deliberately provides multiple choices at
different layers of the NFV stack enabling this selection; this in turn results in a greater
project ROI by increasing the value of the stack and freeing up valuable developer
resources for other activities.
No vendor lock-in: Another major benefit of open source software is the ability to
eliminate vendor lock-in. Assuming the market is large enough, there are bound to be
multiple vendors; and this drives down cost and makes it possible for users to switch
vendors. We are by no means minimizing the effort of switching vendors, but it is
significantly smaller than what would be required when switching across proprietary
technologies. This results in a clear total-cost-of-ownership (TCO) reduction.
Product that solves real problems: Rather than communicating with a proprietary
endor s engineering team through an arm of gatekeepers such as account e ecuti es,
systems engineers, product managers, systems architects, field CTOs, and so on, in the
OPNFV community, users can work side-by-side with engineers from a vendor to
ensure that features they care about are included in the product. Or users can contribute
features themselves. This results in an improved project ROI for end users.
Intangible Benefits
It would be myopic to consider OPNFV as just technology. By getting involved with the
OPNFV community, telecom operators can gain insights into all aspects of NFV transformation
to speed up their journey.
Specificall , let s re isit the four pillars of NFV transformation discussed in Chapter 2, and
evaluate how OPNFV helps with each one.
committers and contributors. These teams prioritize their own backlog, develop requirements,
contribute upstream code if required, develop their own tests, and ensure the readiness of their
project for a given release. The technical steering community (TSC), infrastructure, and test
projects perform coordination and common activities across OPNFV projects.
Users can learn how to organize their teams for successful NFV transformation by getting
in ol ed ith OPNFV, and model their organi ational structure after that of OPNFV. Let s
revisit the organizational structure readiness questionnaire from Chapter 2 and see how OPNFV
Are there mechanisms to discuss 5 With the TSC, infra and test
requirements that affect multiple teams, there are plenty of
Understanding OPNFV
Impact to Process
While OPNFV does not manage a production NFV cloud, the development, test and release
processes are closer to those of Web 2.0 companies than a traditional telecom operator.
Decision-making and coordination between projects in OPNFV is governed by light-weight
processes. For example, a proposal to create a new project is as simple as creating a Wiki page
and presenting the project to the technical community after two weeks of initial review. If there
are no objections, the proposal moves to the TSC for approval.
At a more concrete level, the CI/CD process employed by OPNFV provides a great opportunity
for traditional telecoms to be exposed to DevOps methodologies that are sometimes thought to
be inapplicable to the telecom community.
Users can learn how to retool their processes for successful NFV transformation by getting
in ol ed ith OPNFV. Let s re isit the process readiness questionnaire from Chapter 2 and see
how OPNFV helps:
Understanding OPNFV
Impact to Technology
The primary objective of the OPNFV project is to give users open source technology they can
use and tailor for their purposes.
Over and above the benefits from the Tangible Benefits section above, by getting involved, users
can also gain valuable experience with technologies required for a successful NFV
Let s re isit the technology readiness questionnaire from Chapter 2 and see how OPNFV helps:
Understanding OPNFV
Let s re isit the skill set readiness questionnaire from Chapter 2 and see how OPNFV helps:
Are employees permitted any time N/A OPNFV Pharos Labs allow
and/or access to lab resources to members and others to integrate
learn new things on their own? with the CI/CD infrastructure and
run test deploys of VNFs.
Understanding OPNFV
Does your product use any upstream components from the OPNFV project? If so, which ones?
Does your product incorporate any of the OPNFV upstream contribution projects? If yes, which
ones? If not, why not?
Does your product incorporate any of the OPNFV testing and integration projects? If yes, which
ones? If not, why not?
Do you use one of the installers used in OPNFV? If yes, which one? If not, please describe your
Understanding OPNFV
Do you test against all OPNFV test suites? If yes, please provide results. If not, why not?
What value have you created over and above an OPNFV integrated stack in terms of
functionality or services?
Has your stack passed the OPNFV compliance verification program (not available yet, but
coming soon)?
Vendors creating products based on one of OPNFV s integrated stacks can shrink their
schedules and reduce their effort by piggybacking on the efforts of the OPNFV community.
Alternatively, vendors may choose to integrate their proprietary products with OPNFV. In these
situations, OPNFV does not include proprietary products in their routine testing, but there is
nothing to prevent technology providers from conducting their own testing with OPNFV by
setting up a private Pharos-like lab and a CI pipeline to run specific test cases against a set of
scenarios. Both the tests and scenarios can be enhanced to accommodate proprietary products.
Another forum to test products is OPNFV plugfests, where all technologies and commercial
products are welcome.
In both cases abo e, the ROI for the endor s project impro es significantl .
Getting Involved
There are many ways for users, technology providers and individuals to get involved with
OPNFV. You don t ha e to be an OPNFV member to contribute, but man ha e decided to join
and support open source NFV. The specific step to get involved requires a free Linux
Foundation account. It s that simple!
Here are some specific ways to get involved, and the associated benefits:
Suitable For
Activity End-user Provider Individual Benefit
Understanding OPNFV
In summary, OPNFV brings solid benefits to end users, technology providers and individuals.
The next generation network is being built today, and it's being built with open source tools.
OPNFV is accelerating the testing, integration, and collaboration necessary to leverage open
source NFV end-to-end.
The foundation of the next-generation network is forming; and OPNFV is accelerating the
testing, integration, and collaboration necessary to leverage open source NFV end-to-end. It is
easy to get involved, so why wait? Get involved today!
Understanding OPNFV
OPNFV website opnfv.org
Chapter 1 Resources
Telstra PEN telstraglobal.com/products/connectivity/pen
Understanding OPNFV
Chapter 2 Resources
12 factor applications 12factor.net/config
Chapter 3 Resources
OPNFV dashboard opnfv.biterg.io
Understanding OPNFV
CORD opencord.org
Chapter 4 Resources
ONAP onap.org
OPEN-O open-o.org
Juju jujucharms.com
OpenBaton openbaton.github.io
OpenStack openstack.org
Kubernetes kubernetes.io
Understanding OPNFV
OpenDaylight opendaylight.org
ONOS onosproject.org
OpenContrail opencontrail.org
OVN benpfaff.org/~blp/dist-docs/ovn-architecture.7.html
KVM linux-kvm.org
LXD ubuntu.com/cloud/lxd
libvirt libvirt.org
Ceph ceph.com
OVS openvswitch.org
FD.io fd.io
DPDK dpdk.org
ODP opendataplane.org
Understanding OPNFV
Chapter 5 Resources
Nokia: OpenStack with Real-Time openstack.org/videos/barcelona-2016/nokia-
Applications openstack-with-real-time-applications
Chapter 6 Resources
OPNFV JIRA jira.opnfv.org
Understanding OPNFV
Chapter 7 Resources
OPNFV Danube scenarios wiki.opnfv.org/display/SWREL/Danube+Scenario+
Chapter 8 Resources
OPNFV testing overview wiki.opnfv.org/display/testing/TestPerf
Functest wiki.opnfv.org/display/functest/Opnfv+Functional+
Yardstick wiki.opnfv.org/display/yardstick/Yardstick
VSPERF wiki.opnfv.org/display/vsperf/VSperf+Home
Understanding OPNFV
Cperf wiki.opnfv.org/display/meetings/CPerf
Storperf wiki.opnfv.org/display/storperf/Storperf
Qtip wiki.opnfv.org/display/qtip
Bottlenecks wiki.opnfv.org/display/bottlenecks/Bottlenecks
Dovetail wiki.opnfv.org/display/dovetail/Dovetail+Home
Chapter 9 Resources
Object Management Group omg.org
Understanding OPNFV
YANG tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6020
Cloudify getcloudify.org
Chapter 10 Resources
OPNFV get involved opnfv.org/community/get-involved