Economics MCQ'S
Economics MCQ'S
Economics MCQ'S
1. _______ shows various combinations of two products that give same amount of satisfaction:
(a) ISO cost curve (b) Indifference curve (c) Marginal utility curve (d) ISO
2. Total utility is maximum when:
(a) Marginal utility is maximum (b) Marginal utility is zero (c) Average utility is maximum (d) Average
utility is zero
3. An indifference curve is always:
(a) Concave to the origin (b) Convex to the origin (c) L-shaped (d) A
vertical straight line
28. Total utility derived from the consumption of a commodity is equal to Rs.5. Marginal utility is equal to 1
and consumer has bought 3 units. What will be his consumer surplus?
(a) Rs. 2 (b) Rs.2.5 (c) Rs.3 (d) Rs.4
1 B 8 D 15 A 22 C
2 B 9 A 16 A 23 C
3 B 10 A 17 A 24 A
4 D 11 D 18 A 25 D
5 A 12 A 19 A 26 B
6 D 13 D 20 B 27 B
7 B 14 A 21 B 28 A
Unit - 1: Market
1 D 5 A 9 C
2 D 6 A 10 C
3 A 7 C 11 B
4 C 8 B 12 D
1 B 2 C 3 B 4 D 5 C 6 B 7 A
1. A competitive firm in the short run incur losses. The firm continues production, if:
(a) P > AVC (b) P = AVC (c) P < AVC (d) P<+AVC
2. Under ________ market condition, firms make normal profits in the long run:
(a) Perfect competition (b) Monopoly (c) Oligopoly (d) None
3. A monopolist is able to maximize his profits when:
(a) His output is maximum (b) He charges a high price
(c) His average cost is minimum (d) His marginal cost is equal to marginal revenue
4. Under which market structure, average revenue of a firm is equal to its marginal revenue:
(a) Oligopoly (b) Monopoly (c) Perfect competition (d) Monopolistic
5. Under Monopolistic competition the cross elasticity of demand for the product of a single firm would be:
(a) Infinite (b) Highly elastic (c) Highly inelastic (d) Zero
6. When AR = Rs. 10 and AC = Rs.8 the firm makes __________
(a) Normal profit (b) Net profit (c) Gross profit (d) Supernormal profit
7. What are the conditions for the long run equilibrium of the competitive firm?
(a) LMC = LAC = P (b) SMC = SAC = LMC (c) P + MR (d) All of these
8. Kinked demand curve hypothesis is given by:
(a) Alfred marshal (b) A.C. Pigou (c) Sweezy (d) Hicks & Allen
9. Supernormal profits occur, when:
(a) Total revenue is equal to total cost (b) Total revenue is equal to variable cost
(c) Average revenue is more than average cost (d) Average revenue is equal to average cost
10. If under perfect competition, the price line lies below the average cost curve, the firm would:
(a) Make only Normal profits (b) Incur losses (c) Make abnormal profit (d) Profit cannot
11. The MR curve cuts the horizontal line between Y axis and demand curve into:
(a) Two unequal parts (b) Two equal parts (c) May be equal or unequal parts (d) None of these
12. The kinked demand curve is observed in:
(a) Duopoly market (b) Monopoly (c) Oligopoly (d) Competitive market
13. Competitive firms in the long run earn:
(a) Super normal profit (b) Normal profit (c) Losses (d) None
14. For a monopolist, the necessary condition for equilibrium is:
(a) P = MC (b) P = MR = AR (c) MR = MC (d) none
15. A firm will shut down in the short run if:
(a) If is suffering a loss (b) Fixed costs exceeds revenue
(c) Variable costs exceed revenues (d) Total costs exceed revenues
16. ________ is the price at which demand for a commodity is equal to its supply
(a) Normal Price (b) Equilibrium Price (c) Short run Price (d) Secular Price
17. OPEC is an example of:
(a) Monopoly (b) Duopoly (c) Oligopoly (d) Monopolistic
18. ___________is a ideal Market
(a) Monopoly (b) Monopolistic (c) Perfect Competition (d) Oligopoly
19. Under which Market Situation demand
(a) Perfect Competition (b) Monopoly (c) Monopolistic Competition (d) Oligopoly
20. Which market have characteristic of product differentiation?
(a) Perfect Competition (b) Monopoly (c) Monopolistic Competition (d) Oligopoly
21. Which of these are characteristics of Perfect Competition.
(a) Many sellers & Buyers (b) Homogeneous Product (c) Free Entry and exist (d) All of the above
22. __________ type of curve is found in oligopoly.
(a) Horizontal (b) Vertical (c) Kinked (d) Negativity sloped
23. MR Curve = AR = Demand Curve is a feature of which kind of Market?
(a) Perfect Competition (b) Monopoly (c) monopolistic (d) Oligopoly
24. In the long-run monopolist can
(a) Incur losses (b) Must earn super normal profits (c) Wants to shut-down (d) Earns only
normal profits
25. The demand curve of the firm and industry will be same in which form of market
(a) Monopolistic Competition (b) Perfect Competition (c) Monopoly (d) Oligopoly
1 D 11 B 21 D 31 C 41 D
2 A 12 C 22 C 32 A 42 C
3 D 13 B 23 A 33 C
4 C 14 C 24 B 34 D
5 D 15 C 25 C 35 D
6 D 16 B 26 A 36 D
7 A 17 C 27 C 37 D
8 C 18 C 28 D 38 D
9 C 19 A 29 D 39 B
10 B 20 C 30 D 40 C
: National Income
1 B 9 C 17 B 25 D
2 B 10 D 18 D
3 A 11 B 19 B
4 B 12 B 20 C
5 C 13 B 21 A
6 C 14 D 22 B
7 A 15 B 23 A
8 C 16 C 24 C
1 C 5 C 9 B 13 C
2 B 6 B 10 B 14 B
3 D 7 A 11 C 15 C
4 A 8 D 12 D 16 D