Nctiabe'19 Paper-Aparajita
Nctiabe'19 Paper-Aparajita
Nctiabe'19 Paper-Aparajita
This document explains the format of the script which is to be submitted to NCTIABE’2019. Use the
respective styles mentioned for each content or part of the paper. The abstract should be of 300 words explain
the glimpse of the research, identified/ addressing issue, methods of data collection and conclusion in brief.
3. South east Direction ruled by fire influences comfort, peace, prosperity and progeny.
4. South Direction ruled by damage yields nothing but mourning, depression and pain. If
this direction used properly safeguards from envy of others and cast of all evils.
5. West Direction ruled by rain influences reputation, fame, prosperity and success.
6. South west Direction ruled by demon influences Protection, strength and stability
7. North west Direction ruled by wind influences peace
8. North - wealth influences good strength, better business sufficient in flow of money,
education, industrial growth etc.
9. Center ruled by creator of universe.
Natural elements
Each of the elements corresponds to a natural force that affects our lives. Our ascendants
were great scientists and they understood the effect of the natural forces on the lives of
human beings.
They are:
Earth: Magnetic field of the earth
Water: Gravitational attraction of the Earth
Fire: Solar radiation
Air: Wind energy
Space: Cosmic radiation
Magnetic field of the earth
Temples are located strategically at a place where the positive energy is abundantly
available from the magnetic and electric wave distributions of north/south pole thrust.
The main idol is placed in the core center of the temple. In fact, the temple structure is
built after the idol has been placed. The place of the deity is where earth’s magnetic
waves are found to be maximum. In most the temples we find that the god’s statue is
placed on a copper plate. This is because it is widely believed that these copper plates
absorb earth’s magnetic waves and radiates it to the surroundings.
• Thus a person regularly visiting a temple and walking clockwise around the Main
Idol receives the beamed magnetic waves. This is a very slow process and a
regular visitor will eventually start feeling the positive vibes.
• If you would notice, in a temple, the chamber of the god is closed on three sides.
This increases the effect of all energies. The lamp that is lit radiates heat energy
and also provides light inside the sanctum to the priests. The ringing of the bells
and the chanting of prayers takes a worshipper into trance, thus not letting his
mind waver. When done in groups, this helps people forget personal problems for
a while and relieve their stress.
Temple and the Structure of Human Body:
Everything is governed by one law. A human being is
a microcosm, i.e. the laws prevailing in the cosmos
also operate in the minutest space of the human
Garba-griham (main sanctum) is equated with human
head; antarala (vestibule) is equated with human
neck; ardha - mandapam (half-hall) is compared with
human chest; maha - mandapam (main hall) is
equated with the stomach; flag-post is viewed along
with human male organ; andgopuram or temple
gateway tower is viewed along with human feet.
Fig2. Vastu tabernacle pattern
To achieve a right balance of these natures’ forces, cosmic and thermal imbalances,
Vastu offers a remedy in the form of the helix concept also known as the ‘Golden ratio
Helix. It finds reference in all the ancient scriptures as the centre of energy balance is
located at the origin of a logarithmic helix fitted in a rectangle with sides having
proportionate golden ratio of 1:1.618. The ill effects of a Vastu defects diminish
automatically if this helix centre lies inside the building. This center is known as the
nabhi or the focal point of the plot and is the source of all cosmic energies and bio
energetic fields. Hence balancing the building within a given plot and tapping into the
focal point is the key to achieving a good structure which enhances the flow of energy
and good vastu. However this may not be feasible at all times as limitations in terms of
plot size, shape, apartment dwellings etc exists but one could adapt certain basic
guidelines by paying attention to important sectors and compass directions in a plot or
Temples were designed and oriented with various components to harmonize the
movement of the sun and daily human cycle according to the rotation of the earth and
the position of the sun through the days. The 24 hours in a day was divided into eight
parts, representing the eight cardinal directions and the nature of each activity in a
building reflected the quality of each compass direction.
It was observed that temples that were not properly aligned or had no sense of
orientation, gave rise to restlessness, misfortune, and sickness.
Activate spiritual pursuits, education and knowledge in the Northeast sector or Ishanya.
The ancient Indian holy saints or monks (known as rishis), of the Vedic Age had
mastered this knowledge and techniques and It’s no surprise that the sacred places of
worships, temples, monastery and
Ashrams of spiritual training were established in this direction near the holy rivers.
i.e. the Earth on which its stands, the image of the rocky hill, the running water,
The axial elevation of the superstructure that looks out into the world, And so on —
signify a sacred geography that goes towards breaking down the boundaries between the
human and the ‘other world’. ‘A sacred mathematics is created, composed of a language
Of precise measurements, this permits a symbolic realization of the underlying cosmic
This is the symbol of the mandala that permits, through dynamic rituals and ceremonies,
the realization of these ideas so that the Hindu temple functions as a place of
transcendence, where the human may progress from the world of illusion to a universe
of knowledge and truth.
The ground plan, representing the microcosm,
And the superstructure, as an edifice (vastu or alaya), representing the Macrocosm, i.e.
the universe
The function of a mandala is therapeutic, as it assists an individual to become aware of
the levels of consciousness within.
As well as the energy that unifies him or her with the environment.
Accordance with the configuration of mandala,
The Hindu temple begins with the womb chamber (garbhagriha), which is usually a
darkish enclosure or cella where the central shrine (sanctum) is to be located.
Thischamber is enclosed in a towered sanctuary, crowned with a pyramidal
Dome or a tapering spire (sikhara), possibly in several tiers, and finished with a finial at
the pinnacle.
The entire sanctuary is called a vimana, although the term is also used to refer to the
tiered, domed structure as well. The area where vimana is to be placed is cleared and
consecrated for lay in the spiritual foundation.
Most of the ancient temples which are present now (leaving the destructed ones) are
built on the rules of Agama shastras. New researches tell us that all these ancient
temples were built on regions or places where there is high flow of magnetic vibrations
or waves to say. Most of the temples are built in the direction of east facing sun such
that sun's rays first fall over the Kumbham of Temple Tower.
Before a Vigraham is installed over a place, a copper plate is taken on which vedas and
Mantras are written and then it is placed under the vigraham of Garbhagudi or
Moolasthanam. Proper Avahanam(rituals) and Prathista is done before installing the
Vigrahams. These copper plates have the ability to absorb the magnetic vibrations
(nature of copper metal is like that) and pass these vibrations on to the Vigraham. In
Agamic temples, the inner sanctorium will be always small and open on one side such
that these vibrations pass towards us while praying. These vibrations are needed for a
man to give eternal energy for the soul.
During the time of Deeparadhana, the priest’s will close the door and light the lamps
first and suddenly they open the doors and show Aarthi to Gods and at the same time
bells are rung. During this time, the light or heat energy from Karpooram (Camphor),
sound energy from the bells, the fragrant scents of Flowers adorned over the God all
combine with magnetic vibrations or energy and falls on us, passes through us and
again goes into the ground.
Even the holy water or theertham kept in copper vessels of Temple are very energetic
due to the presence of Ayurveda herbs and these holy water are a medicine for curing
certain diseases like common cold.
During the ancient times, men had the habit of removing their upper clothes (now also
Kerala and Tulunadu temples follow).The women used to wear more Gold in their
traditional dresses (Some now also follow it).The reason is bare body and gold (metal)
can help in taking these energies in temples very easily.
Whatsoever,temples are not only the places of worship but also a natural hospital for us
where the saying “Prevention is better than cure” holds true.