BOQ NGP Earthwork

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Bill of Quantity

SL Quantity Item Description Unit

1 341421.41 Excavation in all kinds of soil including boulders upto 0.6 m diameter ( 0.113 cum) for canal,
seating of embankment, filter drains / catch water drains etc., and placing the excavated stuff
neatly in dump area or for formation of service road / embankment as directed including cost
of all materials, machinery, labour, dressing bed and sides to required level and profile etc.,
complete with all Lead and Lift. cu.m

2 224216 Providing hearting embankment using selected impervious material available directly from
excavation in layers including cost of all materials, machinery, labour, all other operations
such as collection of material, spreading soil in layer of specified thickness, sorting out,
breaking clods, levelling, sectioning edges / sides,watering, compacting each layer
to density control of not less than 95 percent or as stipulated using vibratory compactor etc., cu.m
complete with all Lead and Lift.

3 304132.45 Providing Cohessive Non- Swelling ( CNS ) Material below lining to canals using selected
material from approved borrow area including cost of all materials, machinery, labour,
spreading soil in layers of thickness not more than 150 mm including providing 20 cm or so
(perpendicular to side slope) of extra pride ,removing pride just prior to the placement of
lining, breaking clods, watering, compacting to density control of not less than 95 percent or cu.m
as stipulated, dressing to required profile etc., complete with up to 06 km Lead and Lift.

4 21248.64 Providing casing Embankment using selected material from approved borrow area including
cost of all materials, machinery, labour, spreading soil in layers of thickness not more than
150 mm including providing 20 cm or so (perpendicular to side slope) of extra pride
,removing pride just prior to the placement of lining, breaking clods, watering, compacting to
density control of not less than 95 percent or as stipulated, dressing to required profile etc., Cu.m
complete with up to 06 km Lead and Lift.

324132.45 Extra Rate for additional lead beyond 06 km Lead Km/Cmt


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