SAP FICO Material
SAP FICO Material
SAP FICO Material
FI Basic Setting
1. Company- OX15
The smallest organizational unit for which individual financial statements are created
according to the relevant legal requirements. A company can include one or more company
codes. All the company codes within a company must use the same chart of accounts and
fiscal year. However, each company code can have a different local currency.
The company code is the central organizational unit of external accounting within the
SAP System. You must define at least one company code before implementing the Financial
Accounting component. The business transactions relevant for Financial Accounting are
entered, saved, and evaluated at company code level.
Business areas are used in external segment reporting (over and above company
codes), based on the significant areas of operation of a company (for example, product lines,
In General Ledger Accounting, a fiscal year can have a maximum of twelve posting
periods and four special periods. You can define up to 366 posting periods in the
You have the following options for defining fiscal year variants:
You use this field to define which fields are displayed when you post accounting transactions
to a G/L account. A field may have one of the following statuses:
hidden (suppressed)
Chart of account is a list of all G/L accounts used by one or several company codes.
For each G/L account, the chart of accounts contains the account number, account name, and
the information that controls how an account functions and how a G/L account is created in a
company code.
This allows you to provide statements for the country's legal requirements.
This is optional to assign.
The account group is a summary of accounts based on criteria that effects how master
records are created.
The number interval from which the account number is selected when a G/L account
is created.
The screen layout for creating G/L accounts in the company code-specific area
Retained Earnings Account is used to carry forward the balance from one fiscal year
to the next fiscal year. You can assign a Retained Earning Account to each P&L account in
the chart of accounts (COA). To automatically carry forward the balance to the next fiscal
year, you can define P&L statements as per COA and assign them to the retained earning
In real time business scenario, tolerance groups allow the SAP system to process and
post the transactions not beyond the tolerance groups limits. Tolerances are referred as
payment differences, it can be a amount tolerance, percentage tolerance, and debit & credit
Tolerance group in sap is defined to make sure that the employees do not exceed their
authority while entering any financial transactions. Tolerance Group is created by some
configuration as a result the limit is restricted to a specific point beyond which transaction
cannot be carried out.
Q & A-
We specify name of COA, language of COA, length of GL account number and cost element
System does not know which line item debit and which line item is credit, based on posting
key which we give at line item level system will treat debit and credit line items. And posting
key also controls the field status of the document line item like field status group.
8. Deference between posting key and field status variant?
Posting key is at client level field status group is company code level. So if you make any
changes at posting key level it will be applicable to all company codes in client whereas field
states group does not do it because it is company code level.
9. What is the use of propose fiscal year check box?
If we select this option system proposes the always with current year as default value like
value date also works.
10. What is the use of default value date?
If we select this option system proposes the always with current date as value date as default
11. What do you mean by company code is productive and where do we specify?
If you select this option system prevent automatic deletion of programs and settings
generally, we select this in production system. This option is available in global parameters.
Control Data
Document types reflect the different business transactions in your organization. Since
the document type can be displayed for every line item, you can immediately find out the
type of business transaction in both document display and line item display. You can also use
the document type for evaluation purposes.
Document splitting splits up line items during the posting for selected dimensions
such as receivable lines by PROFIT CENTER. Also, to affect a zero-balance setting in the
document for selected dimensions such as SEGMENT, document splitting can be used. The
zero-balance setting may generate additional clearing lines in the general ledger view.
Through F-02 you can post any kind of adjustment entry for any FI Module viz.,
Vendor, Customer, Assets, General ledger, etc. The key here is what posting key you select.
For Eg: If you need to post to Vendor or Customer, you will have to select the designated key
like 25, 35 etc; For Assets posting key like 70 & 75.
11.Recurring Document-
Recurring documents can eliminate the need for the manual posting of accounting
documents, which do not change month to month. For example, office rent. at the end of the
month all recurring entries automatically posted through a batch process.: Posting key,
Account, Amount.
12.Sample Document-
Sample document is a reference document for the original documents. It will not update
any transaction figures. We can use the sample documents for month end provisions. The Tc
is F-01; you can use the standard document type X2 for sample documents.
If you go for partial clearing the document will keep open till you pay remaining amount
whereas if you go for residual clearing the original document will be cleared and new
document will be generating for new residual line amount.
Here we specify whether it is balance interest calculation are item interest calculation.
Here we specify interest calculation indicator the frequency (monthly, quarterly, yearly)
and calendar type Calendar type is G
Here we specify whether this interest rate is for debit or credit and effective from date
In this activity we establish the link b/w interest calculation indicator or reference
indicator rate.
If the GL account is subject to tax we have to specify tax category whether it is input or
output or all categories. Then you must give tax category field value.
2. What is the use of alternative account number in GL master?
The alternative account number field in the company code area is freely definable. You could
use it to enter the account number from your legacy system or
If we implemented country specific chart of accounts this field must filled with country
specific account. The account number from a country chart of accounts if your corporate
group uses a standard chart of accounts.
3. What is the use selecting line item display?
Select this option if you want to see line items in ledger view. If you select open item
management check box this field is mandatory. We must select to clear line items.
4. What is the use of open item management explain briefly?
Select this option where clearing is required. If you select this option, we will be able to see
all the line items separately in ledger like open item and cleared items. Generally we select
this option for only balance sheet GLs we can`t select for P/L accounts. Then we can clear
against line items fully or partially or residually
5. What do you mean by post automatically check box and for what type of account
we select give some examples?
Select this option where you want to post automatically. If we select we can`t post manually
to particular GLs.
6. What do you mean by GL account block and how many ways are there the uses of
each one is?
If you go for account block it will ask you against what you want to block like
i. Block for creation
ii. Block for planning
iii. Block for posting
So if you block GLs those will be no longer valid to against you option. If you block for
posting we can’t make any posting like remaining also work.
7. How many segments are there in document what are they?
Two segments are there in document those are 1.header data segment (BKPF table) 2.line
item segment (BSEG table).
8. What do you mean by interest calculation type and what are the types?
There are 2 types of calculations are there
1) Balance interest calculation (on GLs) S
2) Item interest calculation (on vendors and customers) P
9. What is the use of exchange rate calculation in sap?
As per accounting standards we have to value the FC in local currency how much we are
holding as FC. So when we value this we may get either profit or loss, we called it as
exchange loss or exchange gain.
Accounts Payable
AP deals with vendors. Here all vendors activates will be taken care like invoice
management, making payments based on terms and conditions.
1. Create Vendor Account Group- OBD3
Here we create the vendor account Group with the screen layout rules like Reconciliation
account as required entry, all account Groups are Client level.
2. Create Number range for vendor account Group- XKN1
Here in this step we will create number range for Vendor account Group
3. Assign number ranges to Vendor account Group- OBAS
4. Define tolerance limit for vendors OBA3
In this step we will configure the debit and credit limits for the vendor postings and
5. Create Vendor Master - XK01
Vendor master record consists of the following configuration screens.
1. Create vendor initial screen – Company code, Account Group, Purg Org.
2. Vendor address- Country, address
3. Vendor control - Tax details, VAT Reg. Number, Customer
4. Vendor payment transactions -Bank account, Alternative Payee details
5. Vendor accounting information ( Reconciliation account, Cash mgnt group)
6. Payment Transaction accounting – Payment terms, Pay method.
7. Vendor correspondence accounting– Dunning Details
8. Withholding tax accounting – If applicable
6. Define document types and number ranges- OBA7
KR- Invoice - 19
KZ-Payment -15
KA –Reversal document -17
7. Posting an vendor invoice F-43 FB60
Here we will post the invoice with the help of line items 31 and 40.
8. Outgoing payment (Full/ Partial/ Residual) F-53
9. Display Vendor balance FK10N
10.Vendor payment Difference & Rounding off difference OBBE
Here we post the pay difference and rounding off the total amount while making a
payment; first we need to create the reason codes for both pay difference and rounding
off in OBBE.
Where you need to specify the paying company code, sending company code, and
also the separate payments as per the business area would like to process. And also we
can consider special GL transactions for vendor and customers. Apart from that we need
to configure another step i.e.
Minimum Amounts for Incoming and Outgoing Payments, bill of exchange Parameters,
Forms for Payment Advice and EDI
Where you specify whether the payment medium is for incoming payment or
outgoing payment. Whether it is check or bank transfer and also we need to specify
document types of payment. Also we need to specify the payment program name for
check printing whether it is going for payment medium exchange. Also we need to
specify currency specifications if you want to specify. After that we need to specify the
Minimum and maximum payment amounts, whether payments abroad and foreign
currencies are allowed, Grouping Options, Bank Optimization and Forms for payment
5. Bank Determination:
Where you specify the ranking orders and currency specifications, house bank, account
id, and available balance, later we will process the vendor open items then, the system
will identify the corresponding house bank and system will generate the payment
advises and send the communication to the bankers and vendors.
6. Print Run- You need to define the variants for print programs, you need to run the
print program at least one variant per print program per payment method. The data
created by Payment Program is stored in tables like: REGUH – Payee or payment
method data, REGUP – Individual open items data, REGUD – Bank data and payment
amounts data.
17.Extended Withholding Tax (TDS)-
Withholding Tax is also called as retention tax. Its requirement of Government to deduct
or withhold a particular percentage from paying to the vendor and pay such amount to the
Government on behalf of other person. It’s a kind of Indirect Tax
IMG- Fin. Acct. –Fin.Acct. Global settings- Withholding tax- Extended Withholding tax –
Calculation – Withholding tax codes – Define withholding tax codes.
E. Assign withholding tax type to company code-
IMG- Fin. Acct. –Fin.Acct. Global settings- Withholding tax- Extended Withholding tax –
Company code – Assign withholding types to company codes.
F. Activate Extended withholding tax-
IMG- Fin. Acct. –Fin.Acct. Global settings- Withholding tax- Extended Withholding tax –
Company code – Activate withholding tax.
G. Maintain company code settings-
IMG- logistic general – Tax on goods movement – India – Basic settings – Maintain
Company code settings.
H. Create TDS Payable GL account FS00
I. Define account for Withholding tax to be paid over OBWW
J. Assign withholding tax code to vendor master data XK02
Q & A-
1. What is vendor account group and what it controls?
This source to create vendor master records it controls the number range interval of
the master record and field status of the master record. These account groups are at client
2. What is cash journal?
Why do we use in SAP? Normally GL cash account accepts negative balances, but cash
journal will not accept negative balances. In companies they take daily cash statement
showing open cash balances / receipts for the day / payments for the day and closing cash
balances. Cash journal provides this statement. Some companies use this cash journal as
petty cash purpose. Define Number range interval for CJ: FBCJC1. Document type: SA.
Setup cash journal: FBCJC0. Create/change/delete business transaction: FBCJC2. Setup
print parameters for Cash Journal: FBCJC3. Post cash journal entries: FBCJ.
3. Where do you give program for check printing?
Payment method tells us what type of payment it is. Like whether it is check payment or
bank trance for or bill of exchange what it is. It is at country level.
5. What is the use of payment advice and payment medium?
Based on payment advice bank will make payments to party’s. In payment advice due
date would be there based on bank carryout payments.
6. If I give single particular currency for payment method is it possible to make
payments in different currency?
No, that is not possible to make in different currency if payment method currency is
7. What is the use of tolerance days in APP?
There are various standard correspondence types available like invoice print, account
statement etc. Custom correspondence types can also be created.
Correspondences can be created at the time of particular business transaction
processing or at a later stage for already created transaction postings.
Correspondence can be sent to customer/ vendor in various formats like email, and
fax. Correspondence is basically letters etc. which is sent from SAP to vendor/
customer etc.
Accounts Receivables
AR deals with customers gathering the requirements from the customers and providing
goods and services invoicing for it and taking incoming payments if any pending’s from
customers issuing dunning notices all the activities will be done.
We configure dunning program for accounts receivable and accounts payable. Dunning
Program includes following configuration steps:
1. Dunning procedure controls the path of dunning to the customer and vendor
through the system. We can define our own dunning procedure as per our
convenience. Transaction code: FBMP.
2. Dunning level defines dunning text; maximum nine dunning levels are available.
As the dunning level increases, text will also change as consistent to make
Q & A-
1. How many Dunning levels are there and generally how many levels we use?
Maximum levels are 9 generally we use 4 levels if we want to use all the levels we can
2. What is the difference in donning notice for each level?
For each level of donning notice severity of notice and text will be change. If there is
any interest for next level that will be add to amount so in this case amount also change.
3. Is it possible to integrate vendor and customer?
Yes, we can integrate vendor and customer in 2 master records we have field under
general data segment in control tab to enter customer and vendor.
4. If we integrate vendor and customer is it possible to make payment by
adjusting the amount with payment?
There are 3 are 1. General data segment 2. Company code data segment 3. Sales
organization data segment
6. What is the use of item interest calculation in AR?
10.Create GL Accounts-
1. Asset GL Account - Reconciliation account
2. Accumulated depreciation account - Reconciliation account
3. Depreciation account -Expenses
4. Loss on Sale asset accounting -Expenses
5. Loss on scrap asset accounting -Expenses
6. Profit on scrap asset account -Revenue
7. Sale of asset account -Revenue (Field group- G052)
11.Assign of Accounts for automatic postings AO90
12.Determine depreciation Area in the asset class-Layout 200 OAYZ
13.Specify document type for posting of depreciation (AF) OBA7
14.Specify intervals and postings rules OAYR
15.Specify Rounding off net book value and /or depreciation OAYO
16.Define Screen layout for asset master date
Path: IMG-F.A-A- Master data-Screen layout-Define screen layout for asset master data.
Required Fields to be amend.
1. General data – Description 1 (Main No, Sub No, Copy)
2. Posting information –Capitalization date (Main No, Sub No, Copy)
3. Time dependent date – Business Area (Main No, Sub No, Copy)
17. Define screen layout for asset Depreciation Areas
Path: IMG-.F.A-A.A-Master data-Screen Layout-Define screen layout for depreciation area.
2000(Depreciation on asset sub-number level)- Depreciation Key (Main No, Sub No,
Copy)& Ordinary depreciation start date (Main No, Sub No, Copy) required entries.
18.Depreciation Keys- AFAMS
Depreciation key is nothing but rate + method. How much rate of depreciation and what
type of method it is whether it is straight line or written down method?
We have total 5 Depreciation calculation methods in depreciation key –
1. Base line method
2. Declining balance method
3. Maximum amount method
4. Multi-level method
5. Period control method
We have total 2 depreciation methods available in SAP
1. Straight line Method
2. Written down method
19.Maintain period control method AFAMP
20.Maintain depreciation key AFAMA
21.Create asset master AS01
Asset master contains some necessary information to calculate the depreciation for the
asset. They are: capitalization date, depreciation areas for that asset, depreciation key, and
useful life, change over if any, scrap value if any and start date of depreciation.
22.Create sub-asset master AS11
23.Asset Acquisition posting F-90
24.Asset explorer AW01N
25.Depreciation AFAB
26.Asset sale postings F-92
27.Asset transfer posting ( Within company code) ABUMN
28.Asset retirement by scrapping ABAVN
Q & A-
1. What is asset accounting flow?
Sub asset master will be create with reference to main asset master
Main asset master will be create with reference to asset class
In asset class we specify all the attributes like account determination and screen
layout rule etc…
Values will be flow respective GLs through account determination base on nature
of transaction
2. What is the use of sub-asset in SAP?
We can see the report sub asset level and we can post values to sub asset.
3. How many segments are there in asset master?
There are 2 those are 1. Company code segment or asset segment 2. Depreciation segment
4. How many ways can we control asset master fields?
2 way are there one is from general screen layout rule and 2nd one is from depreciation tab
5. Can you create multiple assets in one transaction?
Yes, you can create multiple assets under single transaction AS01, only when all the
assets belong to same asset class with same company code. You cannot create long text
though this method. Time-dependent tab in Asset master: All cost accounting
assignment related data such as cost centre, internal orders or investment projects
needs to be maintained in this tab. Asset shutdown and shift operation is also
maintained here.
6. How do shutdown the particular asset?
First you have to select Asset shutdown option when assignment of calculation
methods tab in depreciation key level (AFAMA). Then also you have to select asset
shutdown optional in time dependent tab in asset master screen layout. Then you come to
the asset edit mode (AS02) and you can select asset shutdown button and add the interval
from what date till what date it has to shutdown in time dependent tab in more intervals
7. Asset transaction type:
100-external asset acquisition,
110-house acquisition,
200-asset retirement without revenue,
210-asset retirement with revenue, etc. Transaction types are assigned to Transaction
type groups.
8. Is it possible for you to assign an Asset to more than one Cost Center?