The Return of Christ

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Jabez L. Jimenez Ptr. Kady Gutlay

BTh –IV September 18, 2017

The Return of Christ


1. The Return of Christ is one of the most fascinating prophecies in the Bible.
2. It strengthens the faith of Christians upon meditating on it, deepens the curiosity on studying it,
encourages in believing it.
3. What is the significance of His return? Why would He come back bodily? Why not just take us to
heaven only and be with us forever? As we study verses in the Bible about his coming, it will become
clear to us that it is necessary and reasonable to come back bodily.

I. The Facts Concerning His Return

A. It is prophesied. Not a single promise of God is proven false. They are all been fulfilled. A
large number of prophesies in the Bible are yet to be fulfilled. Where in the bible can we find
1. Enoch (Jude 14-15). David (Ps.96:13). Isaiah (Is. 13:3-5). Joel (Joel 3:15-16). Micah
(Mi. 1:3-4). Zephaniah (Zep. 3:8). Haggai ( Hag. 2:1-9). Zechariah (Ze. 2:10,13; 8:23;
14:5). Malachi (Mal. 3:1-2). Christ Himself (Mat. 25:31). The angels ( Acts 1:10-11).
The apostles (2 Th. 1:7-10). The book of Revelation (Re.19:11-21).
B. It is unpredictable. No one has the right to tell timeline or dates when the Lord will be back.
1. No one knows the hour nor the day (Mat. 24:36).
2. We must be ready at all times. (Mat. 24:42).
C. It is physical, visible and supernatural.
1. In Acts 1:9-11, we see that he will come in the same manner physically as he went up
to heaven.
2. With the saints and angels (I Thes 3:13, Mt. 16:27)
3. With flaming fire (II Thes 1:8)
4. In the clouds ( Mat. 24:30)
5. In great glory (Mt. 16:27;25:31;24:30)

II. The Events Connected with His Return

A. He will raise the dead saints (I Thes 4:15-17)
B. He will punish the unbelievers and rebels (2 Thes. 1:7-9)
C. He will bind Satan (Re.20:1-3)
D. He will establish government on earth (mat.25:31)
E. He will judge all nations (Mat. 25:32-41). He will rule the world (Zec.14:9)
III. The Purpose of His Return
A. To complete the salvation of the saints (Heb.9:28). This world is not our home. God will
not let us abide in this wicked untoward generation forever.
1. To be glorified in His saints (2 Thes. 1:10)
2. To reveal the hidden things of darkness (I Cor 4:5)
3. To destroy death (I Cor 15:25-26)
B. To know what it means in the believers’ life
1. It comforts us in our earthly trials(I Thes 4:13-18)
2. It causes us to leave obedient lives (1 John 3:1-3)
3. Causes us to separate from evil (Titus 2:13-14)
C. To prepare for His return
1. Expect Him
2. Abide in His word
3. Continue in prayer
4. Live a holy life
5. Preach the gospel
6. Exercising spiritual gifts and ministries


1. We must not only be amazed of the events in the coming of Christ but diligently look for its
personal application in Christian life.
2. His return is sure. Is your service to him sure? Are you living a holy life enough? Are you
preaching the gospel of the kingdom?
3. If not, look at how near Christ will come. The signs of the time are already here. He said like a
thief, he will come in time you would not think of. The return of Christ encourages us to remain
faithful because all of our heart aches, sorrows and pain will be vanished away the time he gets
back and takes us also where ever He is.

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