Clapets Guide Selection AVK UK
Clapets Guide Selection AVK UK
Clapets Guide Selection AVK UK
An Introduction to Non-Return Valves
and the Importance of Correct Selection
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AVK UK Limited, 8 Rushmills, Northampton, NN4 7YB, United Kingdom
The check or non‐return valve is most commonly used in pumping stations and allows the flow in only
one (and always the same) direction thus preventing back flow when the fluid in the line reverses
direction. The main importance of this function is twofold:
1) To prevent damage to upstream equipment that can be affected by reverse flows such as pumps
and measuring equipment.
2) To prevent reverse flow after system shutdown (water hammer).
Check valves are therefore safety critical valves that protect the system and its equipment from damage
which can range from accelerated wear and tear to full, catastrophic system failure depending on the
extent of the system design.
The importance of selecting the correct type, size and specification of check valve is crucial to ensure the
running of the system is smooth, trouble free and provides long‐term operation.
However, check valves are generally one of the least understood valve types and their importance is
regularly overlooked. If these valves are incorrectly specified it can lead to major operational problems.
Because of this, check valves are one of the least popular valve types as they can cause extensive system
issues which require downtime, cost and labour to resolve. This will also result in loss of revenue while
the system is being repaired.
This document has been developed to introduce the phenomena of check valve slam and the associated
water hammer. It also hopes to aid with the selection of check valves by providing the reader with an
introduction to the various product types available for both water and waste water systems covering the
following topics:
i) The valves main components and how it works?
ii) What are the main advantages and disadvantages of each valve type?
iii) What are the applications suitable for each valve type?
It will also highlight the importance of selecting the correct valve type and size based on hydraulic
characteristics, closing speeds and available options for these valves.
Reference will also be made to the general installation, operation and maintenance requirements of
check valves.
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Check Valves – General Information
Check valves, also known as non‐return, reflux or one‐way valves are automatic valve types that do not
require any manual or electrical intervention to open and close.
Check valves are used to allow flow in one direction only and prevent the reversal of flow. They are also
used to protect the system and it’s components from water hammer and pressure surges.
Introduction to Water Hammer
In a pumped system, the water is forced from a lower level to a higher level by means of a pump. The
fluid flows in one direction only when the pump is in operation. When the pump stops, the flow of fluid
will reduce until it also stops. Because the overall pipeline will be rising, when the fluid stops, it will then
return back down the pipe. To prevent this flow reversal entering into the pump, well or intake, a check
valve is installed.
In many cases, the rate of fluid reversal is not a cause for concern and standard check valves will
perform well. However, in pumped systems where fast flow reversal can occur, the selection of the
correct check valve is crucial.
If a pump stops and the forward flow reverses back down the line towards the pump before the check
valve has fully closed, the flow will force the valve door to slam onto its seat. This scenario can almost
instantaneously stop the reverse flow and it is this instantaneous stoppage which results in pipeline
water hammer. This can produce loud hammer noises which is not the noise of the valve coming into its
seated position but is the stretching of the pipe under these conditions.
The consequent pressure wave (surge) can cause considerable damage to the system including pipe
cracks, bursts, cavitation and implosion due to vacuum pressures being formed. It is also important to
note that these failures may not be due to one single, large surge pressure but by repeated surges which
eventually cause fatigue failure of the system.
It is important to note that other factors are required to ensure a safe and trouble free system. The
correct number, types and sizes of air valves, closing and opening times of isolation valves, flow control
valves etc all require to be considered to protect the system from pressure surges.
To prevent the occurrence of check valve slam, the valve should close either very quickly to prevent the
onset of reverse flow or very slowly once reverse flow has developed. For a check valve to close slowly,
this requires additional ancillary equipment such as hydraulic dampers which act to cushion the valve
door as it comes into its seated position. However, this slower closure does allow the fluid to pass
through the check valve until it closes and consideration must be given to the upstream pump to ensure
that it is suitable for reverse spin and flow.
There is a wide range of check valve types available to the water and waste water markets and the main
ones will be described here.
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(A) Swing Check Valves
Swing check valves are the most common type of check valves used (Fig. 1).
Fig. 1 – Standard swing check valve
The valve consists of a double flanged body and cover which are manufactured from cast ductile iron.
The upper part of the body, just under the cover, accommodates the valve disc when in the fully open
position. The shaft is positioned above the top of the seat and is installed horizontally, supported at
both ends by either plastic or metallic bushes. The shaft is free to rotate and usually one end protrudes
from the body allowing the fitting of optional levers and weights. The disc is circular and is attached to
the shaft via hinge arms. A typical cutaway section is shown in Fig. 2. When closed, the disc seals onto
the metal seat section within the body. The disc seal can be either resilient of metallic. In order to
ensure optimal sealing performance, it is important that there is some flexibility in the disc sub‐assembly
so that the disc seal maintains close contact with the metal seat around the complete circumference.
The metal to metal seal is usually used for larger size valves and allowance is made for slight leakage
rates. The resilient seat design provides fully drop‐tight sealing performance and generates less noise
during operation.
Hinge Arm
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Fig. 2 – Swing check valve internals
The operation of the swing check valve is based on a rotary motion. Under flow conditions, the fluid
exerts a force on the disc which causes it to rotate upwards. When the flow reduces, due to gravity, the
disc returns back to its closed position. When the flow reverses, the pressure of the fluid acting on the
disc forces it onto its seat which seals the valve and prevents flow reversal.
The main advantages for swing check valves are that they can be designed with a full bore design (Fig.
3). This results in very low head loss across the valve during full flow conditions. This design feature
provides an unobstructed flow path which greatly reduces turbulence and also allows this valve type to
be used for both water and waste water applications. These valves can also be designed with relatively
low disc weights which reduces the force required to open and close the valve, thus are suitable for
operation in both low and high pressure applications. They are also suitable for installation in the
horizontal and vertical orientations although careful consideration is required for the correct positioning
of levers and weights when these are attached to the valve. Swing check valves have a good size range
available and are commonly supplied between sizes of DN50 – DN1000.
Fig. 3 – Principle of full bore design
Swing check valves are not generally suitable for pumped stations with frequent pulsating flows.
Depending on the frequency and severity of these pulses, it can result in accelerated wear and tear of
the moving parts within the valve. Because of the disc travel, swing check valves are generally not used
for systems in which water hammer is likely to occur.
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(B) Resilient hinge check valves
The resilient hinge check valve is a relatively new concept in the non‐return valve family. Figure 4 shows
an example of this valve type and it can be seen that the valve disc and hinge pin assembly is fully
encapsulated with rubber and reinforced with nylon. As flow enters the valve, the disc opens and bends
the resilient section of the disc until it reaches the fully open position. This disc will be constantly flexing
during operation so it is of vital importance that the rubber is adequately reinforced with a suitable
material to ensure that rupture of the disc is eliminated.
Due to the inclined seating angle (usually 35 degrees), this shortens the operating travel of the valve
allowing quicker closure. When fully open, the valve has low obstruction resulting in a low pressure
drop across the valve. Unlike conventional swing check valves, the resilient hinge check valve does not
rely on rotation around the hinge pin. It is the resilience of the rubber that allows the movement of the
disc and because of this, frictional losses between the hinge pin is completely avoided, reducing the time
taken to close. Also, the resilient hinge check valve requires no protrusion from the valve body and the
maintenance requirements for this valve are practically zero.
Because of this, the resilient hinge check valve is suitable for use in water and sewage applications and
due to its quicker reaction times, can be used to prevent valve slam in water and waste water pumping
Fig. 4 – Resilient hinge check valve
Another benefit of this valve type is that the valve only has one moving part (the disc) and thus greatly
increases the product’s longevity as there is no requirement for shaft / bearing connections etc. It is
also possible to install these valves in buried applications albeit, where at all practical, access to any
valve should be made possible in case of any unexpected operational issues or maintenance
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(C) Recoil check valves
The recoil check valve is one of the oldest and recognized types of high performance check valves. They
are used in pumping systems where high rapid flow reversal takes place. Typically, these active systems
are pumping stations which adopt high branch velocities and, in addition, provide automatic stopping
and starting, deliver into a vertically rising main and have multi‐pump sets delivering into a common
Recoil valves are either single (Fig. 5a) or multi‐door (Fig. 5b) designs depending on size.
Fig. 5a – Single door recoil check valve Fig. 5b – Multi‐door recoil check valve
The recoil check valve is used for more extreme conditions and is designed to incorporate every
mechanical and hydraulic assistance for accelerating the closure of the door(s). Mechanical assistance is
given by a combination of inertia reduction, concentration of mass and ideal suspension of the moving
elements. Hydraulic assistance is given by the provision for forward and backward water streams within
the body and around the valve door(s). The cross‐sectional details of the fully open single and multi‐
door recoil valves are shown in Figs. 6a and 6b.
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Fig. 6a – Single door recoil check valve internals Fig. 6b – Multi‐door recoil check valve internals
Each door has an integral concentrated mass which loads the door resulting in faster closure. The
seating angle is inclined to reduce angular travel of the door and each door has its own individual
stopper which controls and limits the door travel so that under normal flow conditions, the doors are
held against the stopper, thus eradicating oscillations with flow, which would otherwise accelerate the
bearing wear.
For larger valve sizes, a multi‐door design is used. By sharing the volume of flow by two, three or even
four doors, this reduces the required angular travel of each door, thus reducing the closure times of the
The recoil check valves have metal to metal seats and an allowable leakage rate is to be considered.
Apart from the fast‐acting closure of the recoil valve, because all hydraulic and mechanical features are
incorporated into the actual valve, there is no requirement for additional options such as levers,
weights, dampers or springs. As such, the recoil check valve is a self‐contained product that requires
practically zero maintenance. Extensive information is available on the dynamic characteristics of this
valve type which is extremely valuable when undertaking check valve selection for systems in which
rapid flow reversal can take place.
Due to the internal design of the recoil valve, the head loss characteristics are higher compared to that
of swing check valves. However, any modest increase in head loss is more than compensated for the
additional safety and security that the recoil valves can provide to the system.
Recoil valves are generally used in water systems and are not recommended for sewage applications
due to the potential for ragging within the valve. These valves are suitable for horizontal installations
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(D) Tilting disc check valves
The tilting disc check valve is similar in appearance to an eccentric butterfly valve. The valve body is
double‐flanged and of a short length. The disc is held in place via a shaft which is positioned
eccentrically from the body centreline in both the horizontal and vertical axes. Higher quality products
have stoppers attached to the disc which limits the valve opening and ensures that the disc remains in a
more static position when subjected to sufficient flow rates. This reduces the wear and tear of the
rotating components of the valve and also provides stable and consistent head loss characteristics
during operation. Figure 7 shows an example of a tilting disc valve in the fully open position.
Fig. 7 – Fully open tilting disc check valve
The substantial double eccentricity of the shaft results in the lower section of the disc occupying a
greater area in the flow path. Consequently, the disc begins to open at very low flow rates. The tilting
disc check valve is therefore commonly used in pumping systems with low flow rates and also for
pulsating flows.
During flow reversal, the disc closes due to gravity and the upper part of the disc above the shaft
centreline pushes against the flow thus acting as a hydraulic brake which cushions the disc as it returns
to the closed position. Tilting disc valves can be supplied with optional levers and weights to adjust the
closing characteristics of the valve.
As such, the tilting disc check valves are better suited to reduce the risk of water hammer compared to
conventional swing check valves.
Because of the internal shafts which are within the flow stream, the tilting disc check valve is used for
water and treated effluent applications.
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(E) Slanted seat check valves
Like the tilting disc check valve, the slanted seat offers enhanced resistance to water hammer. The valve
has the double eccentric shaft position similar to the tilting disc but it also has an increased seating
angle. This yields a shorter valve stroke, thus reducing the time taken for the door to close. The slanted
seat check valve can be installed with an optional hydraulic damper which is located at the internal base
of the valve body. Figures 8 and 9 show this device and the mechanism by which it operates.
Fig. 8 – Slanted seat check valve with optional hydraulic damping device
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Fig. 9 – Operation and effect of using hydraulic damping device
Figure 9 depicts the typical operation of the damping device. This shows that the valve disc closes
quickly over the first 85% of its angular travel before coming into contact with the hydraulic damper.
The damper then dissipates the kinetic energy of the disc and forces it to open slightly. The disc closes
until it contacts the damper again and this cushions the disc until it returns to its fully closed position,
sealing the valve. This function greatly reduces the onset of water hammer due to the damped and
controlled method of valve closure.
Hydraulic dampers are strongly recommended for use on the slanted check valves, especially when they
are installed on a pumping station where high frequency opening and closing of the valve is required.
Under these conditions, the damper will greatly protect the valve from accelerated wear and tear of the
internal moving parts.
The slanted seat design also allows these valves to seal at lower back pressures.
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(F) Dual disc check valves
Also known as the butterfly check valve, the dual disc check valve is a maintenance free, self‐acting
pivoting check valve of the double disc wafer type. This valve is particularly useful for installation in
pipelines due to its compact design and very short face to face dimensions. The short cylindrical body is
usually of the wafer type and has a centric shaft design which is inserted into the body. Torsional
springs are fitted onto the shaft which hold the discs in a closed position in zero flow conditions. When
flow passes through the valve, the hydraulic force exceeds the spring force and causes the discs to open
parallel to the axis of flow. The resilient seal is fixed onto the internals of the valve body so that when
the metallic discs are fully closed, they provide leakage‐free sealing performance.
Fig. 10a – Fully closed dual disc check valve
Fig. 10b – Full open valve shown clamped between pipes
Figures 10a and 10b show a wafer type valve in the closed and open positions for a horizontal
installation with the shaft orientated vertically. These valves can also be installed in vertical pipelines
with the liquid flowing upwards.
The wafer type design generally has a minimal reduced bore and the discs are streamlined resulting in a
higher Kv value compared to many other check valve designs.
This valve type is mainly used in water applications. Their compact design is space saving, resulting in
potential civil cost reductions of pump houses. Maintenance costs are very low as there are no stem
protrusions from the valve body.
Consideration is required when installing these valves. The short face to face of the body results in the
discs protruding out with the body space envelope (see Fig. 10b). Connection directly to other pieces of
equipment or to pipes with internal diameters less than the diameter of the valve can cause fouling and
must be avoided.
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(G) Nozzle check valves
The nozzle check valve (shown in Figure 11) has a double flanged valve body with a venturi type internal
profile. The valve disc is connected to a stem which is guided on the central horizontal axis. A spring is
positioned between the disc and the diffuser sleeve. When flow enters the valve, the hydraulic force
exerted onto the front face reacts against the spring, causing the spring to compress and allow the valve
to open. When the flow stops, the spring forces the disc to return to the closed position. The disc
surface is resilient, providing a drop‐tight seal against the body seat.
Fig. 11 – Typical nozzle check valve (single stem design)
Nozzle check valves up to around DN300 sizes are generally designed based on a single stem / disc
design. Similarly to the aforementioned recoil check valves, larger nozzle check valves tend to have a
multi‐stem / disc arrangement as shown in Figure 12. This ensures that the disc travel is minimised thus
reducing the closure time.
Due to the spring‐assisted closure and the short linear valve stroke, the nozzle check valve is one of the
quickest acting check valves available and is commonly used in pumped systems where water hammer is
a potential concern. Because the disc is constantly in the direct line of flow, the head loss characteristics
of this valve are higher compared to that of conventional swing check valves. However, in systems with
potential water hammer, the superior performance and increased protection to the system that the
nozzle check valve offers far outweighs any slight increase in head loss across the valve.
Because of the obstruction in the flow path, nozzle check valves are used in water and finely treated
effluent pumped systems.
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Fig. 12 – Multi‐stem nozzle check valve
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(H) Ball Check Valves
Because of their clear bore design, ball check valves (Figure 13) are commonly used in waste water
applications. This check valve type consists of the following components (see Figure. 14) – the body
(item 4), cover (item 1) and ball (item 5). The body is generally flanged but can also be threaded. The
internals of the body provide a full and smooth bore ensuring full flow with low head loss across the
valve. This design also ensures that no solid deposits can build up at the base of the valve. The ball
rotates during operation eliminating the risk of impurities getting stuck on the ball. The ball material is
generally manufactured as an NBR lined ball but optional materials such as polyurethane are also
Fig. 13 – Ball check valve
Fig. 14 – Main components of ball check valve
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During flow conditions, the fluid makes contact with the ball and is guided up via contours into the top
chamber of the body just below the cover (Figure 15a). When the forward flow ceases, the ball returns
back to the closed position due to gravity and seals onto its seat preventing reverse flow (Figure 15b).
Fig. 15a – Valve fully open Fig. 15b – Valve closed
Further to the aforementioned low head loss and unobstructed flow path, these valves are also
relatively economical and can be installed in both the horizontal or vertical orientations as standard.
Due to the simple nature of the operation and the small number of moving parts, ball check valves
require very little maintenance. When maintenance is required, the ball check valve can be accessed
from the top and can be maintained with the body installed onto the pipe.
High end manufacturers provide balls with different weights. These differing weights can be used to
modify the closing characteristics of the valve. Generally, if frequent noise is heard from a ball check
valve, it is due to the standard ball weight being too heavy for the flow conditions resulting in unstable
operation. By reducing the weight of the ball, this will help the ball to lift more easily and stabilize under
the same flow conditions. If the standard ball is too light, it will take longer to close and by using a
heavier ball, this will close more quickly, thus reducing the risk of water hammer. These valves are
commonly available in sizes ranging from DN32 – 600.
These valves are not used for installations where there is a high risk of water hammer as they are not
particularly fast closing compared to other check valve types. This is mainly due to the ball not being in
direct contact with the reverse flow.
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Selection and sizing of check valves
As can be seen, there are a number of different types of check valves available for water and waste
water systems. Where a check valve is required, it is crucial that the correct type and size is selected so
that the system will:
operate smoothly with optimised efficiency
have reduced levels of maintenance, repair and shutdown
have an increased lifetime
The following points should always be considered when selecting check valves:
1. Flow media
For waste water, it is important that the valve has a full, clear bore design to allow solids
to pass.
2. Flow rates (minimum and maximum)
This allows the correct valve size to be calculated. Different check valve types reach the
fully open position at different flow velocities.
To optimise system efficiency, it is important that the valve will be in the fully open
position under normal flow conditions as this will minimise the head loss across the
valve. It also ensures that wear and tear on the internal moving parts are minimised
and that it will operate under stable conditions.
Graphs 1 & 2 show the head loss characteristics of swing check valves with and without
lever and weight. As an example, for a DN200 swing check valve with bare shaft, the
flow velocity to reach the fully open position is 0.88m/s. This increases to 1.24m/s for
the same size valve with additional lever and weight.
The maximum flow velocity is generally governed by relevant international standards
(such as BS EN1074‐1) and 4m/s considered the maximum.
3. Working pressures at inlet and outlet (minimum and maximum)
This will determine the pressure rating of the valve (e.g. PN10, 16, 25 etc)
It is important to know the cracking pressure of the valve as this is the inlet pressure
that flow begins to pass through the valve.
The reseal pressure (downstream side of disc) is that which provides sufficient force to
the disc to affect a seal and is especially important in low pressure systems.
From Graphs 1 & 2, the minimum pressure to open the valve is increased for the lever
and weight version as the hydraulic force required to push the valve disc from its seat is
increased. Again, using the DN200 size as an example, the pressure required to crack
the bare shaft valve open is 0.02m and this increases to 0.12m for the lever and weight
Energy consumption costs are higher for valves with increased head loss.
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Graph 1 – Swing check valve head loss – bare shaft version
Graph 2 – Swing check valve head loss – lever & weight version
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4. Horizontal or vertical installation
It is more common that check valves are installed in horizontal pipelines.
Where vertical installation is required, care should be taken to ensure that the check
valve type is suitable for this orientation as some are not. Also, the configuration of any
external equipment such as levers and weights must be considered as this is usually
different compared to the horizontal configuration and will affect operation.
Check valves with spring assisted closure can close more quickly when installed in
vertical pipelines as gravity aids the closure of the disc.
5. Slow, normal or fast acting type required (this is usually based on hydraulic analysis of the
The closing speeds of check valves vary with type and design. Generally, reverse
velocities up to 0.3m/s will generate mild slam conditions and this, in many cases, is
acceptable and normal check valves can be used. However, where reverse velocities
exceed 0.3m/s, the resulting water hammer can be considerable and suitable check
valves should be used to minimise the risk of damage under these conditions.
Fast closure is usually required on multi‐pump systems as reverse velocities are
generally higher on these installations.
When fast acting closure is required, suitable valves such as nozzle, tilted, recoil or
resilient hinge types should be used.
The dynamic characteristics of the valve are required to confidently determine if the
valve type is suitable for a particular system.
When slow closure is required, hydraulic dampers should be installed onto the check
Graph 3 shows a general comparison of reverse velocities between various check valve types. The lower
the reverse velocity at a system deceleration, the better the valve is for protecting against water
hammer. It is important to note that the exact dynamic characteristics of the valves depends very much
on valve size. Graph 3 is for general comparisons only. A worked example using more accurate
techniques is provided on the following page.
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Graph 3 – Reverse velocity vs system deceleration curves for various check valve types
Worked Example
In order to help highlight the importance of selecting the correct check valve for systems with higher
reverse velocities, the following worked example is provided.
A hydraulic analysis of a multi‐pumped clean water system with steel pipe material, a working pressure
of 10 bar and a flow rate of 1.1m3/s has determined that the maximum system deceleration is 10m/s2.
This is considered a severe scenario and one where fast acting check valves would certainly be required
to protect the system from surge pressures.
If a fast acting recoil valve was to be considered, firstly, the correct size of valve should be determined.
To achieve the flow velocity of 2m/s which is the velocity used to ensure that the valve is fully open, a
DN800 valve would be selected.
The pressure head rise (or surge pressure) can then be calculated using the Joukowsky equation
h is pressure head rise (m)
a is wave velocity of pipe (m/s) – (975m/s for steel – material dependent)
v is reverse velocity (m/s) – a function of the valve
g is gravitational acceleration (9.81 m/s2)
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Graph 3 – Dynamic characteristics of multi‐door recoil valves
Referring to the dynamic characteristics of the recoil check valve (as shown in Graph 3), the maximum
reverse velocity for a DN800 valve at 10m/s2 deceleration is 0.42m/s.
= 41.7m
So, for a deceleration of 10m/s2, which is a severe condition, using a DN800 recoil check valve will result
in a maximum pressure head rise of 40m (4 bar) which is well within the pressure ratings of the valve
and overall system. It is important to note that this surge pressure requires to be added to the
maximum working pressure of the system – in this case, this would give a maximum system pressure of
14 bar.
Comparing this to a conventional swing check valve, under exactly the same conditions, a DN800 SCV
would result in a pressure head rise in excess of 300m (30 bar) which would very likely cause the valve
and system to catastrophically fail.
This shows the importance of selecting the correct valve type for a particular system and the
phenomenal reduction in the resulting surge pressure is due to the difference in reverse velocity
characteristics of the two valve types.
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Check valve costs (and costs of getting it wrong)
The selection of any product is almost always affected by the cost. The same is true for check valves.
We have seen that there are a number of different check valve types available, each with a different
selling price.
As stated previously, compromises are often made when selecting check valves as no one valve type can
meet every condition required for a particular system. The closing speed of operation of one valve may
be superior to that of another but the head loss may be higher for that valve making it undesirable.
When considering costs, the customer should review the following points:
1. Are energy consumption costs high due to an increased head loss across the valve?
2. Will the valve protect the system and its equipment? – consideration should be given to system
downtime, cost of replacement components or full valves, labour, loss of revenue etc.
3. Is the price competitive and are the prices being compared from different suppliers based on
similar valve types with similar performance and quality? Failures such as the ones shown in the
pictures below were caused by poor manufacturing methods and product design. In order to
reduce the material costs, the door designs were weakened, resulting in product failure and
considerable associated costs in replacing this DN1200 multi‐door check valve.
The picture below, showing another valve failure where no bearing bushes were in place causing
misalignment, accelerated wear and electrolytic corrosion resulting in product failure
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Installation and maintenance of check valves
The check valve is installed on the discharge or downstream side of the pump to protect the pump from
excessive back pressure and the prevention of flow reversal in case of pump failure. It is good
engineering practice to ensure suitable isolation of the check valve is provided for maintenance
purposes. It is preferable to use gate valves as isolators as this provides a smoother system flow due to
the full bore design of the gate valve and makes this valve type a more efficient isolator as it has a lower
head loss, thus providing reduced energy consumption costs. Butterfly valve isolators create some
turbulence as the flow passes over the butterfly valve disc and if these valves are used, a sufficient
distance should be made between the butterfly and check valves to ensure smooth flow conditions.
Butterfly valves are not recommended for water systems with medium to high levels of solid particles.
As a general principle, the check valve should be installed at least 5 x the valve DN from the pump or any
pipe fittings which will cause discontinuous flow velocities such as bends. These velocities can cause
turbulence which may affect the operational performance of the check valve, the stability of the system,
increase the head loss across the valve and accelerate the wear and tear of the moving parts.
For rotary check valves such as the swing check and recoil valves, it is crucial to ensure that the hinge
and shaft of the valve is installed perfectly horizontal as any slight angular offset will result in erratic
performance of the valve and accelerated wear and tear.
The maintenance for check valves, like any other piece of hydro‐mechanical equipment, is important
and should be carried out in line with the manufacturer’s instructions. Some check valve types require
less maintenance than others as explained earlier. However, for any valve type, checking that the valve
disc can move completely free will help provide a long and trouble free operation of the check valve.
This usually involves periodic checking of the hinge pin, bushes and disc to ensure no sedimentation
build‐up or excessive wear has taken place.
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Table 1 aims to summarise the above points for all check valves described in this document. This table
should be used for general purposes and information only.
Table 1 – Summary of check valve types and their suitability for various functions
AVK offer a vast range of valves for water and waste water applications. All valve types described in this
document are available from AVK and we would be happy to discuss your requirements for check valves
and associated valves and fittings for your pumped systems.
Greg Morris CEng MIMechE
Technical Manager (Water & Wastewater)
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