Thesis Task 1
Thesis Task 1
Thesis Task 1
Abstract—Today, Data mining is rapidly growing in wide range of applications. One of the important
data mining fields is medical data mining. There is a wealth of data available in healthcare but there is
no effective analysis tool to discover hidden relationships in data. Although millions of people die of
heart disease annually, application of data mining techniques in heart disease diagnosis seems to be
essential. Discovered Knowledge can help physicians in diagnosis of heart disease. The objective of this
paper is to evaluate different classification techniques in heart disease diagnosis. Classifiers like J48
Decision Tree, K Nearest Neighbors(KNN), Naive Bayes(NB), and SMO are used to classify dataset. After
classification, some performance evaluation measures like accuracy, precision, sensitivity, specificity, F-
measure and area under ROC curve are evaluated and compared. The comparison results show that J48
Decision tree is the best classifier for heart disease diagnosis on the existing dataset.
Data mining is the exploration of large datasets to extract hidden and previously unknown patterns,
relationships and knowledge that are difficult to detect with traditional statistical methods
[1].Knowledge discovery and data mining are concepts that are applied in business more than a decade.
By development of data mining technology, it is not only extensively applied in commercial purposes,
but also successfully applied in many different applications like medical tasks, for examples in intensive
care medicine analysis, time dependency patterns mining in clinical pathways, breast cancer screening
and diagnosis of heart disease [2]. Data mining in healthcare is an emerging field of high importance for
providing prognosis and a deeper understanding of medical data[3]. According to the World Health
Organization, 12 million deaths are caused by heart diseases and stroke in the world annually, 50
percent of which can be prevented by controlling risk factors. Heart diseases are expected to be the
main reason for 35 to 60 percent of total deaths expected worldwide by 2025. In Iran 44 percent of
death is because of heart disease and it is the second reason of death in country.
Data mining is the process of extracting hidden knowledge from data. It can reveal the patterns and
relationships among large amount of data in a single or several datasets[4]. In other words Data mining
is one of the steps of knowledge discovery for extracting implicit patterns from vast, incomplete and
noisy data [5]. It is a field with the confluences of various disciplines that has brought statistical analysis,
machine learning techniques, artificial intelligence and database management systems together to
address the issues [6]. Classification and clustering have been two main issues in the data mining tasks.
Classification is the supervised learning task of finding the common properties among a set of objects in
a database and classifying them into different classes [7]. Classification is closely related to clustering,
since both put similar objects into the same category. In classification, the label of each class is a
discrete and known category, while the label is an unknown category in clustering problems [8].
Clustering was thought as unsupervised classification [9]. Since there are no existing class labels, the
clustering process summarizes data patterns from the dataset. Usually medical data mining has been
treated as a classification problem, which is to search for optimal classifier to classify patient and
healthy. Today researchers are using data mining techniques in the diagnosis of several diseases such as
diabetes, stroke, cancer, and heart disease. There are many different classification tech
B. KNN Classifier
KNN classification is based on the closest training examples in the feature space [14]. This is a
type of instance based learning technique also called non parametric lazy algorithm. This
technique does not use any assumptions on the data distribution, and hence, is called non
parametric. In this algorithm, the knearest neighbors are estimated and majority voting is
performed. During this, the class which is found most common among the k neighbors is
assigned as the class for the new data. K Nearest neighbor is one of the most popular
classification techniques introduced by Hodges and fix [15]. Without any additional data,
classification rules are generated by the training samples themselves.
C. SMO Classifier
Support vector machine is a class of machine learning algorithms that can perform pattern
recognition and regression based on the theory of statistical learning and the principle of
structural risk minimization [16]. Implementation of support vector machine in weka data
mining tools is Sequential Minimal Optimization, which is an algorithm for efficiently solving the
optimization problem that arises during the training of Support Vector Machines. It was
introduced by John Platt in 1998 at Microsoft Research. SMO is widely used for training SVM.
The publication of the SMO algorithm in 1998 has generated a lot of excitement in the SVM
community, as previously available methods for SVM training were much more complex and
required expensive thirdparty QP solvers [17].
D. Naive Bayes Classifier
Naïve Bayes is a data mining technique that shows success in classification of diagnosing heart
disease patients [18]. Naïve Bayes is based on probability theory to find the most likely possible
classifications [19]. According to Bayesian theorem, the probability of a set of data xt belonging
to c is: (1) Based on Bayesian classifier calculates conditional probability of an instance
belonging to each class, and based on such conditional probability data, the instance is classified
as the class with the highest conditional probability. In knowledge expression, it has the
excellent interpretability same as decision tree, and is able to use previous data to build analysis
model for future prediction or classification [20]. The Bayesian classifier has been applied in
many medical issues, for examples, in measuring quality of care in psychiatric emergencies [21]
and assisting diagnosis of breast cancer [22].
A. Dataset Description
This dataset contains 209 records and 8 features that is collected from a hospital in Iran,
under control of health ministry. It is a standard dataset and so far no data mining operation
is done on this dataset. Description of dataset features is given in Table 1. Data is from one
resource so there is no need of integration operations. Also all the features in all the 209
samples contain value and there is no missing value problem.
B. Feature Selection
There are so many different methods for feature extraction, In this research Gain Ratio
Attribute Evaluation method and ranker search is used as feature selection method.
According to the dataset four insignificant features removed from the dataset. finally, four
features Chest_pain_type, max_heart_rate, exercice_angina and target feature, Disease,
selected as desired features.
C. Classification Operation
In this phase, data is ready for applying classification algorithm. After model creation from
training data, classification operation is performed on test data. Then some of the most
important performance evaluation measures like accuracy, precision, sensitivity, specificity,
F-measure and area under ROC curve are evaluated and compared. This study employed 10-
fold cross-validation in classification model construction and efficiency evaluation. This
method increases the validation of classification and prevents from random and invalid
In this study four different classification algorithms applied on existing heart disease
dataset. The Gain Ratio evaluation technique used as feature selection technique and four
features extracted from dataset. Then preprocessed datasets, used to test the four
classifiers using 10-folds cross validation. Six different performance measures considered for
classifiers. Results of comparison showed that j48 decision tree achieved the highest value
in accuracy, sensitivity, specificity, F-measure and precision performance measures. The
optimum heart disease predictive model obtained in this study, adopts j48 decision tree as
classification algorithm. Hence, it is a suitable candidate for testing in a clinical environment
and implementing in decision support systems for helping physicians and healthcare
professionals in diagnosis of heart disease.
[1] Platt, John, "Sequential minimal optimization: a fast algorithm for training support vector
machines,"Technical Report Microsoft Research.
[2] Sitar-Taut, V.A., et al., "Using machine learning algorithms in cardiovascular disease risk
evaluation,"Journal of Applied Computer Science & Mathematics, 2009.
[3] Yadav, S. K., and Pal, S."Data Mining: A Prediction for Performance Improvement of
Engineering Students using Classification,"World of Computer Science and Information
Technology (WCSIT), 2012.