Netflix Effect
Netflix Effect
Netflix Effect
0 Introduction
Netflix become prevalent in entertainment industry. It is responsible for 8% of all time spent
on watching videos worldwide with more than 151.56 million users as of 2018. It is the second
most used video streaming service in the US with an average of 72.9 million monthly users, and
55% when it comes to paid subscribers worldwide. It makes up to 30 % share of global video
streaming subscription and has been the top video streaming site worldwide (Statista data, 2018).
Over the years, Netflix has over 800 movies and TV shows that can access in 190 countries.
It became a source of binge watchers all over the world and can cause different effects to a
person. As Netflix provides full series on their video streaming site, people were able to watch
more than just one episode of some particular show each week. It changes the way how they
spend their time on watching television and online series. These binge watchers are being pulled
away from their everyday households, school activities, and even from their work
Many people especially students said to relieve stress from a hard day and has been their
source of relaxation once they started watching a series and escape from reality. About 92 % of
college students have access to a Netflix account. As hours gone by and one episode has now
become many in one sitting, people lose track of their time and is now called binge watching.
One of many reasons of why it is so easy to binge watch is because of cliffhangers at the end
of each episodes. This cliffhanger produces Corticotropin-releasing hormones (CRH), a hormone
which releases stress. When a person is stress, the body becomes more alert and tends to stay
awake to find out what will happen next instead of sleeping (Brown, 2017).
A study of Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine reported that binge-watching could lead to
sleep deprivation. Sleep is an essential need for a human to function, fight off diseases and
maintain memory. People are advice to get 7 to 8 hours of sleep but because of binge watching,
most of them only get to sleep for six hours that can lead to higher levels of loneliness and
depression. This can negatively result to slipping of grades, being late to class, and can no longer
have time to socialize (Kelson, 2017).
Despite all the negative effects of Netflix, it can still lead to a meaningful relationship among
others. A great number of students use watching couple of episodes as a reward after a stressful
day and for completing academic tasks (Mishra, 2018).
Prior to this, the purpose of this study was to identify the significant effect between watching
Netflix and the Academic productivity of first year Psychology students. This study will serve as
a guide to individuals to know if watching Netflix plays a vital role in the academic performance
of first year psychology students in Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Valenzuela.
The researchers’ used Purposive Sampling Technique in order to identify the needed sample
for the study. It sets a set of criteria that is relevant to the topic under study. The method is well
suited for a number of research purposes and is particularly applicable when the focus of the
study is on a sensitive issue, possibly concerning a relatively private matter, and thus requires the
knowledge to locate people for study (Biernacki & Waldorf, 2004).
From the population of 189 first year Psychology students of Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng
Valenzuela, the researchers’ accumulated 30 respondents who are legitimate users of Netflix.
The researchers’ starts finding a participant that fits the criteria of the following: (1) First year
Psychology student in Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Valenzuela (2) 18-20 years old (3) Netflix
Descriptive statistics is the term given to the analysis of data which helps us to describe,
show or summarize the data that are collected. It allows us to make conclusions further than the
data we have been analysed or reached regarding any hypotheses we might have made. It is
simply describing the data. When using descriptive statistics, it can help to summarize the group
of data by combining the tabulated description (i.e., tables), graphical description (i.e., graphs
and charts) and statistical commentary (i.e., discussion of the results).
% is the percentage
F is the Frequency
In this chapter, the data gathered by the researcher from the participants will be presented,
analysed and interpreted properly; mainly the results of the findings with regards to the purpose
of the researchers’ quantitative study to determine the effects of watching Netflix in Academic
45% 43%
20 years old 19 years old 18 years old 18 years old 19 years old
Distributed by age for female, 11 respondents or 45% are aged 18 years old, 5 respondents or
39% are 19 years old and 2 respondents or 16% are 20 years old. On the other hand, Male
respondents are also distributed according to their age. Sorted into two groups, 7 respondents or
57% are 18 years old and 5 respondents or 43% are 19 years old.
This result indicates the hours spend in watching Netflix by the 30 respondents. It shows that
15 or 50% out of 30 respondents spend 3-5 hours a day watching Netflix, 8 or 27% respondents
spend less than 2 hours and 7 or 23% respondents spend 6 hours and above. This implies that
many students spend 3-5 hours a day watching Netflix.
This table indicates the variation of Repetition the viewer spent in watching Netflix. It shows
that the 7% or 2 out of 30 Respondents watch Netflix Once a week; 9 Respondents or 30% or
both Twice and Quintuple times they watch Netflix per week; 23% or 7 Respondents claimed to
On table 3, viewers preferred different time slots to watch on Netflix. Out of 30 respondents,
none have chosen to watch on Mid-Afternoon. It followed by 1 respondent or 3% of the 30
sample prefer to watch by Morning and Afternoon. The second most preferred timeslot is by
Midnight with over 11 people or 37% of 30 sample. The most wanted timeslot for watching
Netflix according to the viewers is by Evening, voted by 14 respondents or 47% of the sample
This table shows the film type preference of viewers in watching Netflix. Short Film, Tv
Shows and Other film types the respondents indicated which have not mentioned at the choices
have all got 17% or 5 votes individually. 19 respondents or 63% of 30 samples preferred to
watch Series types while the most preferred Film type to watch according to the respondents is
movies with over 73% or 22 respondents.
Different Genres have taken into account in table 5 that shows what the respondents would
like to watch on Netflix. 30% of the respondents preferred to watch Comedy genre, followed by
Adventure and Romantic Comedy with both 40% of the population. Drama got 43% preferences,
Thriller with 47% of the 30 respondents claimed to be one of their preferences. Action and
Science Fiction got the third place of most wanted genre with over 50%. The second most
favorite genre is Romance with over 53% of the population. Finally, the top most viewed Genre
according to Netflix is Horror with over 63% of the population.
Table 6 specified the activities that are limited to be done due to spending their time
watching on Netflix. The least activity to be hindered is the Social Relationship with 5
respondents or 17% or the sample, followed by Family Gathering with 6 respondents or 20%,
then the Personal Relationship with 23% of the population. The third most hindered activity
doing School Activities with 40% of the sample. The Second most limited activity is Homework
with 43% of the population. The lastly, doing Household Chores is the most limited activity due
to watching of Netflix with over 47% of the population.
Table 7 presents the reasons or factors that influence the respondents to watch Netflix. All 30
respondents indicated their reason where only 1 respondent or the 3% only watch Netflix out of
trend. 10 Respondents or the 33% watch Netflix to divert or remove their Emotional Stress.
Relaxation and Entertainment both got 16 respondents or 53% of sample as their reason for
watching Netflix.
Table 8 shows the Positive effects of watching Netflix in Academic Productivity. Watching
Netflix contributes to increase productivity and helping Cultural Relationship according to 7
respondents or 23% individually. Emotional Stress diminisher is also claimed to be a positive
effect according to 13 respondents. 15 respondents or 50% watch Netflix for Entertainment while
14 respondents claimed that watching Netflix is a source of Relaxation.
On table 9, the negative effects of watching Netflix according to the respondents are shown.
Money Consumption is voted by 6 respondents or 20% of the sample. Watching Netflix causes
to increase health issues according to the 8 respondents or 26%. Sleep Deprivation and Time
Consuming are prioritized as the most negative effect of watching Netflix according to 16
With both positive and negative effects, Table 10 shows the percentage of the respondents
with its continuity in watching Netflix. 1 respondent or 3% is not sure if they will continue to
watch Netflix. 7 Respondents or 23% would probably watch Netflix while 22 respondents or
73% will definitely continue to patronize Netflix. This implies that there are still a large amount
of viewers that will continue to watch Netflix despite of having different effects in life of a
5.0 Conclusion
Netflix has its various effects on every person. Being engaged in this platform can have
benefits like relaxation, entertainment, productivity and reduction of stress. It also provides help
in terms of cultural relationship just like the results which showed that all 30 students provided
the same benefits they get when they are watching Netflix.
On the other hand, this can also have disadvantages like sleep deprivation, time and money
consumption and increase in health issues. In connection with the aforementioned disadvantages,
15 out of 30 students take 3-5 hours a day watching and 25 out of 30 students spend 2-5 times a
week watching Netflix which shows how it negatively affects a person. In summary, Netflix can
be considered as only one of the reasons as to how academic performance of a student can work
accordingly or not.
Good Day!
We would like to ask for your minimal time in answering our survey form with its direction
indicated at the form itself. Your personal information will be kept by the researchers
Your cooperation would be very much appreciated for the accomplishment of our research.
Thank you!
Instructions: Put a check mark ( /) on the space provided before each item.
____Mid-morning(3a.m-6a.m) ____Mid-Afternoon(3pm-6pm)
____Morning(6a.m-12nn) ____Evening(6pm-12a.m)
____Afternoon(12nn-3pm) ____Midnight(12a.m-3a.m)
____Thriller ____Action
____Drama ____Adventure
____Horror ____Sci-fi
6. What do you think Netflix limits you from doing? (check all apply)
____Personal relationship
____Relaxation ____trend
____Entertainment ____none
8. What are the positive effects of watching Netflix in Academic Productivity? (check all apply)
____Helps productivity
9. What are the negative effects of watching Netflix in Academic Productivity? (check all apply)