How To Read and Write To T24 JMeter
How To Read and Write To T24 JMeter
How To Read and Write To T24 JMeter
- Stack Overflow
i am trying to perform a load test on a temenos T24 application ascertain the performance of the
application using JMeter. It uses servlets which makes impossible to go to other pages because
0 its fully javascript based. I am hoping the gurus would help me out . Thanks in Advance. Regards,
2 Answers
You can access the BrowserServlet of T24 using jmeter. All the transactions of t24 is handled
through browser servlet. Try capturing a login and logoff action using jmeter proxy, filter
3 everything apart from the browserservlet (filter even the javascripts), replay the script, you should
be able to get the response from T24.
Can you elaborate the answer please? – Abdul Alim Shakir Nov 17 '19 at 12:02
After following the steps, getting Error Message : SECURITY VIOLATION (Code: SV-06). Can you help? –
Abdul Alim Shakir Nov 19 '19 at 11:55
1 Security violation is a global error message from T24 and there could be several reasons behind it(session
ids, window names, tokens, counters etc). Please check the browser logs for more information. – Natty Nov
22 '19 at 11:52
T24 is not a JavaEE web application, even it can be accessed via web. The named JBasic is
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3/1/2020 javascript - How to read and write to a Temenos T24 application using JMeter? - Stack Overflow
-3 tool). But I suggest you first read helptext in T24, if you understand what's the APPLICATION,
VERSION and FUNCTION, and then you could be batter understand T24. Good luck!
This comment is completely wrong and misleading. The OP never asked anything about JBasic (which by
the way is wrong too, just like "Shh tool" is too), nor did they ask anything about applications versions and
functions which refers to a completely different area of the system. – lucianf May 2 '15 at 18:04
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