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 Is defined as all things that have ever happened (includes all physical events and occurrences)
 It would also seem that it is synonymous to the definition of the past
Williams points out that past is not history. To him some events in the past were not observed or recorded therefore,
history is only a subset of the past.
Approaches to the study of history:
 Idealism is the belief that history can be described in terms of ideas.
 Historicism its premise is that “the autonomy of the past must be respected”(Tosh 6).
 Relativism is the belief that there is no absolute truth and that all views of history are valid.
“Social memory” is one thing that historians have to deal with. Tosh describes social memory as “being based on
 It is obviously impossible to have a replay for most historical events. Thus, those events are left open to
 Supposition does not equal evidence, and evidence is not equivalent to proof. History is not a pure science.
 "history is part science and part art”.
Primary source is an original item such as an image, document, map, artifact or recording that provides evidence about
the past.
Secondary source is a means through which a primary source is presented.
Some sources are:
Genetic testing, when applicable, is an excellent method of obtaining proof of identity.
The Internet is also a source but they are prone to error.
Thomas Hobbes wrote in 1651, “The register of knowledge of fact is called history”.
Another issue facing historians is understanding
causation. Complex events may have multiple causes.
An analytical approach is needed to accurately present historical events. For an argument to be valid, it should be based
on sound evidence.
An important contribution of the positivists of the 19th century was that they valued the critical examination of
evidence, and they sought to classify and organize as a scientist would.
 Cliometrics is quantitavely expressing history through statistics and mathematics.
Manipulation and censorship is a problematic way of revealing history in that full truth either can’t or won’t be revealed.
Other Methods of presenting history:
-print media -filming
Manipulation and Censorship is a problematic way for revealing history in that full truth either can't or won't be
Data Manipulation
-It is the way of manipulators for their special interest.

Narative - used by historians to connect sequences of events with descriptive sentences. It is also a better way of
understanding the past.
Revisions and Alteration - an important method to improve accuracy as new evidence is acquired.
Another Method of presenting data:
-Printing Media

History is brought together by historians of many different specialties and interest. Our worl history also would include
many different types of histories on a singular topic.

Historian Hayden White stated that the only valid reason for choosing one interpretation of history "over another are
moral or aesthetic ones." (Williams 29)
But we have the ability of today's moral filter through which to see the past. The honest depictions based on the higher
sense of morality that we now have, we can make honest assessments of events in the past.

Sigfried Kraucer stated that "historian is both passive and active, a recorder and a creator" (Williams 41)

Historian - researches, studies, collects data and records it.

- they also discovers information and constructs the method or medium through which to present it.

Present is needed to acquire information, verify sources, piece the narrative together chronologically and present it in a
way that the past is accurately depicted and comes alive as history.

B. Why Study History?

Both knowledge of the past and the practice of researching and making sense of what happened in the past that
is crucially important to the welfare of individuals, communities, and the future of our nation.

In studying history it is essential for following reasons:

To Ourselves
 Identity
History nurtures personal identity in an intercultural world.
 Critical Skills
History teaches critical 21st century skills and independent thinking.
To Our Communities
 Vital Places to Live and Work
History lays the groundwork for strong, resilient communities.
 Economic Development
History is a catalyst for economic growth.
To Our Future
 Engaged Citizens
History helps people crafts better solutions.
 Leadership
History inspires local and global leaders.
 Legacy
History, save and preserved, is the foundation of future generations.

C. History Differentiated
1. History vs. Past
Past it involves everything that ever happened since the dawn of time in every thought and actions of man and
woman on earth, every leaf that fell and every chemical changed in the universe and others.
History is a process of interpreting evidence or records from the past in a thoughtful and informed way.
2. History vs. Prehistory
History is the record of significant events that happened in the past.
Prehistory is the period of the human activity prior to the inventions of writing systems.
3. History vs. The Other Disciplines
No discipline is an island the ways that we study, write and teach history have changed dramatically,
often because of influence from the other disciplines.
4. History, Historicity and Historiography
History is the narrative account used to examine and analyze past events.
Historicity is the authentication of characters in history, as opposed to legend or myth.
Historiography is the writing of history, and understanding of how the interpretations of historian
change overtime.
5. History vs. Herstory
History is the aggregate of past events.
Herstory emphasizes the role of women, or that is told from a woman's point of view

2. Defining Historical Research

Examples of Historical Research
1. Chalkboard to Whiteboard.
2. The effects of the historical decision of the Philippine Supreme Court on Philippine prisons.
3. The evolution of print journalism in the Philippines through a study of collections of newspapers.

A. The Purposes of Historical Research

- Past, Present and Future.
- To reach insights or conclusions about past persons and occurrences.
- Entails more than simply compiling and presenting factual information
- Histories focus on particular individuals, social issues and links between the old and new

B. Characteristics of History Research

1. It focuses exclusively on the past. (Fraenkel & Wallen)
2. It is not a mere accumulation of facts and data or a portrayal of past events.
3. It Involves the process of collecting and reading the research material collected and writing the manuscript from the
data collected.
4. It deals with discovery of data that already exists and does not involve creation of data using structured tools.
5. It is analytical in the it uses logical induction
6. It has a variety of focus such as issues, events, movements and concepts
7. It records and evaluates and accomplishments of individuals, agencies or institutions.

C. Advantages and Disadvantages of Historical Research

1. Main Advantage: it permits the investigation of topics that could be studied in no other way.
2. The historical method is well suited for trend analysis
3. The research is not physically involved in the situation under study
4. No danger of experimenter-subject interaction.
5. Documents are located by the researchers, data is gathered, and conclusions are drawn out of sight
1. Controlling for many of the threats to internal validity is not possible in historical research.
2. The researcher cannot control for threats to internal validity
3. Limitations are imposed due to the content analysis
4. Researchers cannot ensure representation of the sample
5. There is bias in interpreting historical sources
6. Interpreting sources is very time consuming
7. Availability of sources of historical materials may be problematic
8. There is lack of control over external variables

D. Steps in Historical Research

There are four essential steps involved in doing a historical study. These include:
1. Identifying a topic/subject and defining the problem or hypothesis to be investigated;
2. Searching for sources of data and other relevant source materials;
3. Summarizing and evaluating the sources the researcher is able to locate;
4. Analyzing, synthesizing and interpreting the evidence obtained and then drawing conclusions about the problem or
Theories of history

A. Cyclical View of History

A cyclical view of history stems from the histories of the Greeks.
The Greeks thought that events recurred on a regular basis.
B. Linear View of History
Linear view of history implies the acceptance or subscription to linear time.
It views that history is a progressive, moving forward and not having a cyclical return.
C. The Great God View of History
The most primitive attempts to explain the origin and development of the world and man are the creation myths to be
found among preliterate people.
The making of heaven and earth with all its features and creatures to a God who worked in a six-day schedule.
D. Great Man View of History
This theory suggest that dominant personalities determine the course of history.
Rulers, warriors, statesmen are the decisive forces in history and history is the record of the deeds of great people.
E. The Best People View of History
This view of history believes that some elite, the best race, favored nation, the ruling class makes history.
F. Ideas or the Great Mind View of History
People's idea is the driving force of this view.
The conditions that creates history are created or changed by ideas.
G. The Human Nature View of History
This view believes that, in the last analysis, has been determined by the qualities of human nature, good or bad.
H. Economic View of History
This view sees the economic factor as the most important determinant of history.
Production, exchange of goods and services are the bases of all social structures and processes.
I. Gender History
This theory looks at the past from the perspective of gender.
It considers in what ways historical events and periodization impact women differently from men.
J. Post-modern view of history
It differs dramatically from all other world views.
Postmodernist view history as "what we make of it." Most of them doubt that an accurate telling of the past is possible
because they blur the difference between fact and fiction.
K. Other Views of History
There are other theories that explains history. Some historians suggests that history is the result of geographic factors,
others would say because of wars, religion, race or climate determines the course of history.

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