Critical Reading PDF
Critical Reading PDF
Critical Reading PDF
02 Vocabulary
03 Fluency
04 Comprehension
Definition and Procedures
Definition and Procedures
Why do we need to learn about Basic Reading?
01 Scanning is a fast reading technique.
It's a way of reading to look for specific
information in a text.
02 Skimming is a fast reading technique.
Use it to obtain the gist of a piece of
Scanning can be used to read through the
SCANNING ads in a newspaper, or for browsing TV
schedules, timetables, lists, catalogues or
web pages for information. For these tasks
you don't need to read or understand every
Reading the introduction to
search for the thesis Second:
point or main argument Scanning by topic
in the introduction and to sentences, ie. The
verify the overview sentence which makes
provided by the contents the point of the
page paragraph and which
is usually the first
sentence of the
Thesis Point
Always The role of the introduction is to background to
Take Note the topic and to put forward the writer's thesis
point (or main argument). This thesis point
of the ff.: can often be found towards the end of the
introduction. The thesis point is usually
reiterated in the conclusion as well, so to
gain a good idea of the argument being put
forward and the main evidence being
presented you should read both the
introduction and the conclusion. This will
give you a framework for reading the rest of
the content.
In the media we often hear or read about the rising trend of children leading
unhealthy lifestyles. While many believe both schools and parents share equal
responsibility for solving this problem, I disagree and feel that parents are fully
responsible for changing the unhealthy lifestyles of their children.
(Body 1)
As the main caregiver and educator, parents spend the most time with their children
and therefore are the biggest influence on the way their child eats and act4s. The best
way to solve this is to be a role model for their child, by making healthy choices on
what to eat and how much activity or sports they take part in. . . . .
The global phenomenon of urbanization from the beginning of industrialization to the
present day has brought opportunity and prosperity, albeit at a cost in the quality of
life. With an increasing city population, the complexity of the challenges also increases,
the causes and solutions for this are outlined below.
(Body 1)
The causes for the decrease in the quality of life are paradoxically the prosperity
endowed on such metropolitan centres. Their growth is largely due to the increase of
opportunities on offer, which in turn increases their attractiveness, essentially they
are trapped in a positive self enforcing cycle.
Topic Sentence
Always Topic sentences play a role in advancing
Take Note the argument in an organized and logical
way. Remember that topic sentences
of the ff.: indicate the point being made within a
paragraph; all other sentences in the
paragraph expand, explain or provide
evidence for that point. They usually occur
as the first sentence in the paragraph,
although they often also occur as the last
sentence, particularly in science writing,
and they can occasionally occur in some
other position.
Example 1: (BEGINNING)
Example 2: (MIDDLE)
Looking at rainfall in Yoknapatawpha County since 1995, a clear
trend is evident. Except for 1999, when the annual rainfall level fell to 29
inches, rainfall has increased steadily since 1995. Between that year and
2008, rainfall rose from 32 to 40 inches annually.
Example 3: (END)
Example 1:
Original sentence: Her life spanned years of incredible change for
It is using your own
words to express Paraphrased sentence: Mary lived through an era of liberating
someone else's reform for women.
message or ideas. It is
important to keep the
original meaning and to
present it in a new form. Example 2:
Basically, you are
simply writing Original sentence: Giraffes like Acacia leaves and hay, and they can
something in your own
words that expresses consume 75 pounds of food a day.
the original idea.
Paraphrased sentence: A giraffe can eat up to 75 pounds of Acacia
leaves and hay every day.
How can we apply CRITICAL READING?
Paraphrased Passage:
It is using your own In the first season of The Sopranos, Tony Soprano’s
words to express
someone else's mobster activities are more threatened by members of his
message or ideas. It is biological family than by agents of the federal government.
important to keep the
original meaning and to This familial betrayal is multi-pronged. Tony’s closest friend
present it in a new form. and associate is an FBI informant, his mother and uncle are
Basically, you are
simply writing conspiring to have him killed, and his children are surfing the
something in your own Web for information about his activities.
words that expresses
the original idea.
How can we apply CRITICAL READING?
Ways wherein critical reading is applied:
(submitted by a student in CRIM 1006E focusing on Sonia Bodi’s article)
I found the article written by Sonia Bodi was very informative and
interesting. Although many of the ideas she presented I agreed
with, there were also a few points that I'd like to argue against. First
I would like to answer the question that was proposed in the title of
Think or write about the this article: How do we bridge the gap between what
implications of what you
read, and in particular we(professors) teach and what they ( students) do? To fill in that
you should think about gap, both sides need to work together. Students need to push
how what you read
connects with own prior themselves to expand their knowledge and help themselves
knowledge, other become more inquisitive, critical, and reflective. Professors, on the
concepts learned in the
course or in the “real” other hand, should push and challenge the students to become
world. better thinkers and help them use what skills they know to their
advantage. When students and professors are thinking on the same
page, they will start to understand each other's viewpoint, thus
making researching a paper easier…
How can we apply CRITICAL READING?
Ways wherein critical reading is applied:
(submitted by a student in CRIM 1006E focusing on Sonia Bodi’s article)
… I enjoyed very much reading this article. It allowed me to
critically reflect upon the way students carry out their
research papers. Sonia Bodi presented many valuable
Think or write about the
implications of what you points that will help me focus on any future papers I will
read, and in particular research.
you should think about
how what you read
connects with own prior
knowledge, other (Source:
concepts learned in the
course or in the “real”
How can we apply CRITICAL READING?
Ways wherein critical reading is applied:
Title: “ Should girsl be allowed to wear makeup in school?”
Reflecting Source: South China Morning Post (20/9/2006)
From my point of view, I don't think that girls should be allowed to wear
Think or write about the makeup in school. First of all, I think that wearing makeup is a waste of time,
implications of what you especially wearing it before going to school. If the girls have to wear makeup
read, and in particular
every morning, then they have less time to sleep or rest, or maybe they
you should think about
how what you read would be late. Then they would be less attentive in class. Also, the makeup
connects with own prior materials are the chemical substances. It would be harmful to our skins if we
knowledge, other
always use them, so I think that it should be used as infrequently as
concepts learned in the
course or in the “real” possible, not when going to school. To conclue, I think that wearing makeup
world. to school is a behaviour that brings more harms than advantage, so I
support not to wear makeup to school.
It is defined as
taking a lot of Paraphrasing
Annotating information and
Outlining Think or write
creating a It is using your about the
condensed version own words to implications of
Write on the text.
that covers the main express someone what you read,
You can Identify the points. An example else's message or and in
underline, circle main points of of summarizing is ideas. It is particular you
or highlight the writer and writing a three or important to keep should think
words, phrases list them down four-sentence the original about how
or sentences to identify the description that meaning and to what you read
that contain ideas that the touches upon the present it in a new connects with
important details writer has main points of a long form. Basically, own prior
or you can write raised to book. Answering the you are simply knowledge,
marginal notes support his main questions who, writing something other concepts
asking questions stand. Write in what, where, when, in your own words learned in the
or commenting bullets or and how are helpful that expresses the course or in
on the ideas of numbers.
the writer.
to breaking down the original idea. the “real” world.
larger ideas.
Thank you