28 Is Dua Weopon of Believer

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Is Dua the Weapon of the

Is Dua the Weapon of the Believer?
‫ﺑﺴﻢ اﻟﻠﻪ اﻟﺮﺣﻤﻦ اﻟﺮﺣﻴﻢ‬

So many times we’ve heard Muslims refer to Dua

as being the weapon of the believer more so
than worship. Dua plays a major role in the
life of the Muslim in regards to his
relationship with Allah. When the servant makes
dua it affirms that he trusts, relies and is in
need of the Most High’s Assistance. The
Prophet [‫ ]ﷺ‬named dua worship , but did he call
it the weapon of the believer and why do people
often refer to it as their weapon. After
looking to see if the Prophet [‫]ﷺ‬, His
companions, or did any from the Salaf name Dua
the believer’s weapon I found a hadith.
: َ‫ ﻗ َﺎل‬، ْ‫ﻋ َﻠِﻲ ٍّ ر َﺿ ِﻲ َ اﻟﻠَّﻪُ ﻋ َﻨْﻬ ُﻢ‬
ِ‫ﻗ َﺎلَ ر َﺳُﻮلُ اﻟﻠﻪِ ﺻ َﻠَّﻰ اﻟﻠَّﻪُ ﻋ َﻠَﻴ ْﻪ‬
، ِ ‫ اﻟﺪ ُّﻋ َﺎءُ ﺳ ِﻼ َحُ اﻟْﻤُﺆْﻣِﻦ‬: َ‫وَﺳَﻠَّﻢ‬
ِ‫ وَﻧُﻮر ُ اﻟﺴ َّﻤَﺎوَات‬، ِ ‫وَﻋ ِﻤَﺎدُ اﻟﺪ ِّﻳﻦ‬
ِ‫وَاﻷ ر ْض‬.
Ali [radi Allahu anhu] narrated the Prophet [‫]ﷺ‬
said : The Dua is the weapon of the believer, a
pillar of the religion and a light for the
Heavens and the Earth.
Imam Al-Albani in his Da’eefah mentioned the
hadith was fabricated.
This hadith by Abu Ya’la [ 429], Ibn ‘Adee
[2/296], Al-Hakim [1/492], Al-Qada-ee [1/2/4]
all by way of Al-Hussain ibn Hammad—Muhammad
ibnil Hasan ibniz Zubayr Al-Hamadani— Ja’far
ibn Muhammad ibn Ali ibnil Hussain— on his
father—his grandfather on the Prophet[‫]ﷺ‬
Al-Hakim said this hadith was authentic and
Imam Ath-Thahabbi agreed with Al-Hakim’s
Imam Al-Albani said this is a gross error from
two angles;
The chain is broken and Imam Ath-Thahabbi
mentioned this in Al-Mizan. Somebody is
missing between Ali ibnil Hussain and his
grandfather Ali ibn Abi Talib.

Muhammad ibn Al-Hasan Al-Hamadani isn’t

trustworsty as Al-Hakim mentioned. In fact
he is Muhammad ibnil Hasam ibn Abi Yazid
Al-Hamadani and he’s a known liar.
After mentioning the verdict of Ibn Ma’een for
Muhammad ibnil Hasam ibn Abi Yazid Al-Hamadani
Imam Ath-Thahabbi himself mentioned this hadith
in his biography.[1]
Maybe people are calling Dua the weapon of the
believer based on this fabricated narration
,and Allah knows best; however Fudayl ibn Iyyad
said: Dua is the weapon of the believer.” [2]
Therefore, perhaps the Muslims refer to the Dua
being their weapon based on the wise words of
this noble Imam. Nevertheless, it’s important
to describe things the way Allah and His
Prophet did, so we mustn’t say the Prophet said
Dua is a weapon. And He [‫ ]ﷺ‬said:
( ‫اﻟﺪ ُّﻋ َﺎءُ ﻫُﻮَ اﻟْﻌِﺒَﺎدَةُ ) ﻗ َﺎلَ ر َﺑ ُّﻜ ُﻢُ ادْﻋ ُﻮﻧِﻰ‬
ْ‫أ ﺳْﺘَﺠ ِﺐ ْ ﻟَﻜ ُﻢ‬

Dua is worship. Your Lord said: call on Me and I’ll answer


Allah the Most High knows best and to Him I

repent if I’ve said anything wrong.
Prepared by,

Abu Aaliyah Abdullah ibn Dwight Battle

Doha, Qatar 1438H©

The Believer’s weapon in Dua
and Thikr by Ibn Al-Imam
745H Ibn Al-Jazri said: ” No
book has ever been written
on the subject like it”

[1] Silsilahtul Ahadith Ad-Dha’eef #179, by Imam Al-Albani[

‫رﺣﻤﻪ اﻟﻠﻪ ﺗﻌﺎﻟﻰ‬ ]

[2] Collect by As-Silafi in 1/64 ‫اﻟﻄﻴﻮرﻳﺎ‬

[3] Abu Dawud 1329; graded as being Sahih by Imam Al-Albani.

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