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• General Operating Principles

1. Hydraulic Control Systems
2. Electro-Hydraulic Control Systems
3. MUX (Multiplex) Control Systems
• Operation of Hydraulic Control System
• Manipulator / Selector Valves
• SPM Valves
• Accumulator Systems
• Response Times
• Regulators
• Hose Reel Manifolds
• ROV Intervention
• Cameron Modular Pods – Stingers and receptacles

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BOP Control Systems
The BOP control system supplies and controls hydraulic fluid for the operation of the blowout
preventer stack and associated equipment. The system consists of surface equipment located on
the drilling vessel, connecting hydraulic umbilical hoses (or electrical cables) and subsea
components mounted on the blowout preventer stack.

Control systems from several different manufacturers can be found in service (eg Cameron,
Shaffer, Koomey and Hydril). Although using different components, all operate on similar

There are three "types" of control system used to operate a subsea BOP stack, namely:

1. Conventional hydraulic control systems.

2. Electro-Hydraulic Control Systems
3. MUX (multiplex) control systems.

Hydraulic Control System

Conventional hydraulic control systems are the most common in service and have been
successfully used in water depths of 5,000 ft. A typical control system would comprise of the
following equipment:

• Fluid mix system. An automatic system which mixes fresh water, BOP fluid concentrate
and, where appropriate, glycol, to produce "BOP fluid" which is the generic name used to
describe the hydraulic fluid used in control systems. A typical mix ratio for a North Sea rig
in winter would be, concentrate 2%, glycol 20% and fresh water 78%. The mix system
delivers the mixed fluid to a tank or reservoir typically of 500 to 1,000 gallon capacity.

• Hydraulic Power Unit (HPU) or Accumulator Unit. One or more (typically two) electrically
powered positive displacement triplex pumps draw BOP fluid from the mix tank and charge
the surface BOP accumulator bottles. The pumps are automatically controlled by pressure
switches to maintain accumulator pressure at 3,000 psi with a cut in pressure of +/- 2,700
psi. In the event of a power blackout, air operated pumps are normally available as back up.
(It is also a common practice to have one triplex pump connected to the emergency
generator board).

• Accumulator bottles. Accumulator bottles, pre-charged with nitrogen to 1,000 psi, are used
to store BOP fluid at 3,000 psi. Surface accumulators range in size from 10 gallons to 80
gallons. The smaller size accumulators have an internal bladder while the larger size are of
the guided float design. Both designs incorporate a poppet valve assembly which seals off
the accumulator to prevent bladder extrusion or loss of nitrogen when empty of fluid.
Connected to the main accumulator system and charged from the same via a check valve,
one or more accumulators are used to store pilot pressure hydraulic fluid (pilot pressure
accumulator nitrogen precharge is 1,500 psi). The check valve maintains pilot pressure at
close to 3,000 psi regardless of accumulator pressure. Some control systems use a dedicated
pneumatic pump to charge the pilot pressure accumulators.

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• Control Manifold. The control manifold, sometimes designated master control manifold,
can be subdivided into two parts, gauge panel, and valve panel.

Gauge panel. Contains gauges to monitor various control system pressures. eg

Accumulator pressure, pilot pressure, annular regulator pilot and readback pressures,
manifold regulator
pilot and readback pressures and rig air pressure. The gauge panel also contains the
various regulators or regulator controls required for adjusting accumulator pressure at
3,000 psi to the actual pressure required for function operation etc. A flowmeter
totalizer is also included to indicate function fluid usage.

Valve panel. Contains the control valves for the blowout preventer functions. Three
position, four way manipulator valves (1/4") are used to direct pilot pressure to the Blue
and Yellow RBQ plates (Round Box Quick-disconnect) mounted on the control
manifold. (Blue and Yellow pilot lines are pressurised simultaneously). Typically, a
control valve will operate the open and close functions of a BOP component. In one
position the open pilot is pressurised and the close pilot is vented, in the opposite
position, the close pilot is pressurised and the open pilot is vented. In the centre or block
position, both pilots are vented. The control valves can be manually operated at the
manifold or remotely operated from the driller's or toolpusher's BOP control panels.
Pressure switches tee'd into the pilot lines are used to provide light indication of
function status at the remote panels.

The valve panel also includes the pod select valve. This valve, normally 1" is again a
three position, four way valve. The pod select valve directs accumulator pressure, via
the jumper and pod hoses to which ever of the two pods is selected, venting the supply
to the opposite pod. When in the centre or block position, both pods are vented.

Depending upon manufacturer, some control manifolds contain a third section with the
gauges, regulators and control valves for the operation of the diverter functions. Other
manufacturer's provide a separate stand-alone panel for this purpose. If stand alone, the
hydraulic fluid supply may be self contained or provided from the main accumulator

• Driller's and Toolpusher's BOP control Panels. Provide remote operation and light
indication positional status of the control valves at the master control manifold. The driller's
panel also provides remote operation of the regulators at the control manifold and includes
repeat gauges to monitor accumulator, pilot and pod operating pressures and a repeat
flowmeter totalizer. Generally powered by 120V DC with battery back up, the driller's and
toolpusher's control panels are connected to the master control manifold by multi-core
cables. When a function button at either panel is operated, a solenoid valve at the control
manifold is energised (the solenoid will remain energised as long as the push button is
depressed) When energised, the solenoid valve will direct rig air pressure to the remote
operator of the specific control valve being functioned. Depending upon manufacturer, the
remote operator may be a cylinder connected to the control valve handle (Koomey or
Shaffer) or may be built into the actual control valve (Cameron). Pressure transducers at the
master control manifold convert pressure into an electrical signal, which drive the pressure
gauges at the driller's panel.

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• Jumper Hoses. Connect the Blue and Yellow RBQs at the control manifold to the RBQs at
the pod hose reels. Each hose bundle consists of a central 1" ID main hydraulic supply hose
surrounded by pilot hoses, normally 3/16" ID. The number of pilot hoses can vary from +/-
30 to +/- 65, depending upon the system. To provide some protection from mechanical
damage, the hose bundle is encapsulated in a thick polyurethane sheath.

• Pod Hose Reels. The Blue and Yellow pod hose reels store the pod hose umbilicals and reel
the hoses in and out when pulling or running the BOP stack or LMRP. The reel end of the
pod hose umbilical is terminated at a fixed RBQ plate in the side of the reel. The reel end of
the jumper hose is terminated at a removable RBQ plate which, during normal drilling
operations, is
connected to the fixed RBQ plate. When pulling or running the BOP, the removable RBQ
plates are disconnected to allow the reels to rotate. A small control manifold is fitted on
each reel to allow operation of selected BOP functions when the jumper hoses are
disconnected. Two hoses from each jumper hose are not connected through the RBQ plates.
The 1" main hydraulic supply hose is connected into a swivel in one end of the reel centre
shaft. The pod latch pilot line is connected to a swivel in the other end of the reel centre
shaft. These two lines can remain pressurised during rotation of the reels.

• RBQ Plates. Generic term for junction plates regardless of shape, round or square. Used in
pairs, one is normally fixed and one is removable. RBQ plates are used to terminate the
jumper hoses and pod hoses and are the means by which the hoses are connected to the
control manifold, hose reels and pods. Each pilot line is connected to a check valve, male
on the removable plates and female on the fixed plates. When each pair of plates are made
up, the male / female checks unseat each other allowing bi-directional flow. When the
removable RBQ plate is disconnected, the checks close, trapping the pilot fluid in the pilot

• Pod Hose Umbilicals. The pod hoses are of the same construction as the jumper hoses and
connect the hose reels to the pods. The 1" main hydraulic supply hose carries the hydraulic
fluid which is used to actually operate the BOP functions. The pilot lines are used to
function the pod valves and regulators.

• Pods. The Blue and Yellow pods contain the regulators and valves used to direct BOP fluid
to the hydraulically operated functions on the BOP stack. Each pod has a manifold
regulator which reduces the 3,000 psi supply pressure to the required operating pressure,
normally 1,500 psi. In addition, each pod also has an annular regulator (sometimes two)
which regulates the supply pressure to the pressure required for operating the annular
preventer(s). The output from the regulators is manifolded to the various pod valves which,
when functioned by a pilot signal, direct operating fluid to the stack functions.

Both Blue and yellow pilot lines from the control manifold to the pods are pressurised
simultaneously, assuming all RBQ plates are connected, but only the pod selected has its
main hydraulic supply pressurised.

• Subsea accumulators. If used, subsea accumulators are of the same construction as surface
accumulators, though are more likely to be bladder type with a 10 to 20 gallon capacity.
They are used to store a volume of high pressure fluid close to the pods in order to reduce
function operating times. (fluid is available locally rather than having to be provided from
the surface accumulators). The nitrogen precharge pressure is increased to compensate for

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the hydrostatic effect of seawater at the depth the BOP is deployed. Subsea accumulators
should be vented prior to the BOP or LMRP being pulled otherwise hydrostatic pressure
trapped in the accumulators could over-pressurise them on surface when not balanced by
hydrostatic on the outside.

• Stack hydraulic control system. Collective name for the various shuttle valves, hoses and
control valves mounted on the BOP and LMRP. The shuttle valves, which should be
mounted directly on the function being operated, are connected to each pod via hoses. An
internal spool is shifted by operating pressure and isolates the live pod from the vented pod.

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Electro-Hydraulic Control Systems

When considering a conventional hydraulic control system, the time taken between pushing a
button on the drillers BOP control panel, and the actual function being completed is dependent
upon several things, but one of the most significant is the time taken for the pilot hose in the
pod umbilical to pressurise sufficiently to function the pod valve. As oil exploration and
drilling operations moved into deeper waters, the response times using a hydraulic control
system were not considered adequate, especially when drilling from a dynamically positioned
(DP) vessel where the ability to close a well in and disconnect in 30 to 40 seconds is required to
prevent damage to the BOP and / or wellhead during vessel drift off or drive off.

Electro-hydraulic control systems use multi-conductor cables to connect the drilling vessel to
the control pods. The master control manifold is redundant for this system and all BOP
functioning is achieved from one of the remote panels. When a function is operated, an
electrical signal is transmitted down one of the conductors in the multi-conductor cable and
energises a solenoid valve in each pod. There is a cable conductor core and pod solenoid valve
for each BOP function. When energised, the solenoid valve directs control fluid to a pod valve
which in turn operates the specific BOP function.

While response times using the electro-hydraulic control system were much improved over the
conventional hydraulic system, the multi-conductor cables were not very reliable. Advances in
electronic technology lead to the development of the MUX (multiplex) control system.

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MUX (multiplex) control system

MUX control systems have evolved from the early electro-hydraulic control systems, though
the basic principle that an electronic pilot signal is used to initiate a pod function rather than a
hydraulic signal, remains the same. Modern MUX control systems are all similar in operating
principle, but the various manufacturer's use different techniques and components.

The basic principle of a MUX system is that push button operation of BOP functions, at the
BOP control panels, can be converted to a coded digital or analogue signal which can be
transmitted down a single pair of wires from the drilling vessel to the pods. Each BOP function
has a specific signal which is identified at the pod and a corresponding solenoid valve
energised to fire the function pod valve.

Data from the pods is also transmitted back to the drilling vessel. As a minimum, this data
drives the function position indicator lamps and pressure gauge displays at the control panels. It
is also common practice to utilise the MUX cable for transmitting instrumentation data, for
example, from inclinometers (upper and lower flex joint angles), pressure and temperature
sensors installed on the choke and kill lines, and TV signals.

Processors (computers) installed in the BOP control panels or, depending upon which system, a
central control unit, provide the ability to convert, transmit and receive data to and from the
panels and the pods.

The MUX portion of the subsea pods contain the subsea electronics module (SEM) and the
solenoid valve package. Each SEM contains the processors and electronics which convert the
digital or analogue data from the control panels into a signal to fire a specific solenoid valve.
Conversely, imput from instrumentation on the BOP is converted and transmitted back to the
vessel. The MUX solenoids, when functioned, direct pilot pressure to shift the pod valve which
in turn directs operating fluid to the BOP function.

The MUX cables connect each pod SEM to the drilling vessel. The cable is steel wire armoured
to provide strength and protection from mechanical damage and the environment. A typical
MUX cable will be 1-1/4” to 1-1/2" diameter and will contain both power conductors and data
communication conductors. Power conductors will always be copper, but data may be
transmitted through copper or fibre optic cable depending upon manufacturer and system.
Spare conductors may or may not be included in the cable as specified by the system
manufacturer or drilling contractor. The cables are stored on powered reels which generally
have a level wind device to ensure correct spooling. Slip rings allow reel rotation while
maintaining full communication between the control panels and the pods.

As an alternative to transmitting data up and down copper conductor cabling, systems are
available which utilise fibre optic filaments to transmit data in light form. Fibre optics have the
ability to transfer data at a higher speed than wire conductors which may be beneficial in
extremely long cables. In addition, fibre optic data transmission is unaffected by the electro-
magnetic fields of other cabling. The down side of fibre optic communication is that
termination of fibre optic filament is a slow skilful task which generally requires the
mobilisation of third party expertise.

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The systems are designed so that the loss of one element, eg Blue pod SEM or the toolpusher's
panel, will not inhibit the ability to operate the BOP stack from the other pod or other panel. In
addition, reliability is enhanced by the provision of double, and sometimes triple redundant
processors and data highways. System integrity (ensuring the correct solenoid is energised)
varies from manufacturer to manufacturer. One system in use requires the SEMs, upon receipt
of a command, retransmitting the command to the surface processors for verification. If the
command is received a second time at the pod, the SEM will function the required solenoid.

In common with all the control systems described, operation of a control panel push button will
cause a pilot signal to be generated at both pods (the solenoid valve in each pod MUX module
will be energised). Only the pod that is selected will have a hydraulic supply to actually operate
the function. If the pod selection is changed, the solenoid valves in the opposite pod will be in
the correct state to maintain the positional status of the BOP components.

A rigid conduit line (some systems have two) is used to convey hydraulic fluid (BOP fluid)
from the vessel to the LMRP. Typically of stainless steel construction, the conduit line is
attached to the marine riser. At the LMRP the conduit line is connected to a valve assembly,
sometimes known as the conduit valve module (CVM). The CVM includes the pod select
valves which are used to provide a main hydraulic fluid supply to the selected pod. Another
function of the CVM is to supply pilot pressure fluid to the solenoid valves in the MUX
modules of the pods.

The hydraulic power unit (HPU) or accumulator unit for a MUX system is very similar to the
HPU for a hydraulic control system. Triplex pumps again draw fluid from the mix tank and
charge the accumulator system (which supplies the conduit line). Due to the large fluid
volumes required for deepwater operation, additional pumps may be provided and the newer
systems operate at 5,000 psi rather than 3,000 psi. The nitrogen precharge pressure for the
5,000 psi accumulators has been increased to 1,650 psi. No pilot pressure accumulators are
required at the HPU. The control manifold is very minimal. Local gauges monitor accumulator
and conduit line pressures, and there may well be a diverter function control panel, but no BOP
functions can be monitored or functioned from the HPU.

Operation of the Hydraulic Control System

All conventional hydraulic control systems work in a similar manner. The description of
operations which follows is typical. There may be some differences between various systems,
but the basic principles remain the same.

During drilling operations any functioning of the BOPs will most likely be instigated from the
driller's control panel. The toolpusher's control panel, although function tested on a regular
basis, is primarily intended as a back up in the event that the rig floor has to be abandoned
during a fire or severe well control situation. Both panels have the ability to close the various
blowout preventers, but the toolpusher's panel may not have the ancillary pressure gauge

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readouts and flowmeter totalizer found on the driller's panel. All BOP functions are also
operable at the master control manifold on the accumulator unit, or HPU.

Regardless of where the function is operated from, the hydraulic fluid required for the function
originates at the accumulator unit, also called the hydraulic power unit (HPU). The 3,000 psi
fluid supply to the pods which is used to operate the BOP functions is called the main hydraulic
supply (MHS). Electric triplex pumps at the HPU charge the system accumulator bottles to
provide a large volume of high pressure fluid for use on demand. From the surface
accumulators, the fluid supply routes through the pod select valve to the pod in use. The MHS
also charges subsea accumulator bottles mounted on the LMRP or BOP. These accumulators
allow faster function response times by having a volume of fluid at the, or close to, the pods.
Without subsea accumulators, all the fluid required to operate a function would have to flow
down the MHS from the drilling vessel. Using subsea accumulators, fluid is immediately
available. The accumulators are kept charged by the MHS (though not necessarily as fast as
fluid is being used). Figure 1 shows the schematic for a typical MHS. Note the accumulator
isolators which can be used to isolate the surface or subsea accumulators. Not shown on figure
1 is the pilot pressure supply which is used to operate the pod valves and other subsea
functions. Pilot pressure is either tee'd off the main accumulators (through a check valve), or
provided by a separate pump. Figure 2 shows a typical pilot pressure supply circuit.

When you push the button, what happens?

To operate a function from either panel, the function pushbutton, incorporating an indicator
light, is depressed. A standard safety feature found on all remote / electric panels is a "push to
operate" button. This is another pushbutton which must be depressed in conjunction with the
function button being operated. Two hands are required to operate the function which should
prevent any accidental operation. In addition, critical functions such as the shear rams and riser
connector should have covers over their pushbuttons.

When a function pushbutton is depressed, an electrical circuit (120V DC) is completed and a
solenoid valve at the master control manifold is energised. The solenoid will remain energised
for as long as the pushbutton is depressed. When operating functions, the button should be held
in for a few seconds rather than just pushed and released. When energised, the normally closed
solenoid valve will open and rig air pressure directed to the function panel valve, remote
operator cylinder.

The master control manifold at the accumulator unit has a series of 1/4" three position, four
way, manipulator panel valves. A panel valve will typically operate both functions of a BOP
operator, ie open and close, or lock and unlock. The centre position is called block. Remote
operation of the panel valves is achieved by an air cylinder connected to the valve handle, or,
by operator pistons
built into the actual valve. Three solenoids are required for the operation of a three position
valve. When energised as described above, the open solenoid will shift the valve to the open
position, the close solenoid will shift the valve to the close position and the block solenoid will
centre or block the valve (three position functions have three pushbuttons on the remote
panels). The block position is achieved by the block solenoid, using two shuttle valves, putting
an air signal on both sides of the valve operator causing the valve to centre. See Figure 3

The panel valves are used to direct pilot pressure from the pilot pressure accumulator(s) to the
pilot lines in the pod hose umbilicals and ultimately, to the pods to shift the pod valves. When a

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function is operated, pilot pressure is directed to both pods, and the function pod valve in both
pods will open. Panel valves are manipulator valves. When in the "open" position, the "close"
pilot line will
be vented, when in the "close" position the "open" pilot will be vented and when in the centre
block position, both pilots will be vented. Tee'd off each pilot line at the control manifold are
pressure switches. When a function is operated, and the pilot line pressurised, the pressure
switch is closed. The pressure switches are used to provide light indication at the remote
panels. The indicator light built into each pushbutton operator will illuminate after the panel
valve has shifted and the pilot line pressurised.

Three position functions also have a memory circuit which is physically located in the
toolpusher's panel. By using relays and diode's, the memory circuit allows the indicator lamp of
the last position a function was in, to remain illuminated, after the function is placed in the
centre block position and the pilot line has vented. For example, if the lower pipe rams are
shifted from the open position to the block position, both the open and block lamps will
illuminate. If the function is shifted back to open, the block light goes out. If the function is
shifted to close (from block), the open and block lights go out and the close lamp illuminates.

Also installed at various points on the master control manifold are pressure transducers. These
convert pressure into an electrical signal which is used to drive gauges on the driller's panel
(occasionally also on the toolpusher's panel).

Not all BOP functions require a three position operator (although a three position valve is still
used) Single functions such as connector secondary unlock (there is no individual secondary
lock) have only one pilot line connected to the panel valve. Shifting the valve to the opposite
position vents the pilot pressure from the operational side of the valve. There is no requirement
for a centre block position. Only two solenoid valves are used for a two position function. See
Figure 4. As only one pilot line is connected to a two position function, only one pressure
switch is available for light indication, but both sets of contacts used. When the function is
operated, the normally open contacts close, and, using our example, the secondary unlock light
illuminates. When the panel valve is placed in the vent position, the pressure switch "switches",
and the normally closed contacts illuminate the vent lamp.

The pods are an assembly of valves and regulators which, when piloted, direct fluid to operate
the BOP functions. Each pod can operate all the stack functions, the second pod providing
redundancy (both pods should fully operational when drilling). In the event of a malfunction
with a pod, it can normally be independently retrieved for repair and then reran. The pods are
installed on the LMRP and are mounted in pod receptacles. Hydraulic hoses connect the ports
in the pod receptacles to the various BOP functions.

Pod valves are either two position, three way, or three position, four way valves, depending
upon manufacturer and pod design. Shaffer and Koomey pods use two position valves that are
all installed in the "pockets" of a central valve block. This type of sub plate mounted (SPM)
valve is
opened by pilot pressure and closed by spring pressure when the pilot is vented. Each SPM
valve will operate a single function, ie lower pipe rams open. A separate SPM valve will
operate lower pipe rams close. Cameron and Hydril pods use three position valves that are
mounted on the side of the pods rather than in pockets. A three position valve is generally
double piloted and will operate both sides of a function depending upon which way it is shifted.

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ie lower pipe rams open and close will be operated by the same pod valve. If both pilots are
vented (panel valve in the block position) the three position valve will also centre.

Regulators in the pods reduce the 3,000 psi hydraulic supply pressure to the required operating
pressure for the various stack functions. The annular regulator supplies operating fluid for the
annular preventer(s), the manifold regulator supplies operating fluid for all other functions. The
regulators have a 1:1 operating ratio and receive a hydraulic pilot signal through a pilot line in
the pod hose. A 1,500 psi pilot signal to the regulator will result in a 1,500 psi output pressure
from the regulator. Operating pressure is monitored by a second pilot line which connects the
regulator discharge to a pressure gauge at the control manifold. The pilot signal to the
regulators is called the manifold or annular pilot pressure; the return pilot is called the manifold
or annular readback pressure. The hydraulic pilot signals to the pod regulators are generated by
hydraulic regulators at the control manifold. These are called the manifold pilot and annular
pilot regulators.

The pilot regulators are adjusted by an air signal acting upon a diaphragm or driving a small air
motor. The air signal can be adjusted locally at the control manifold or remotely at the driller's
panel. Remote operation of the pilot regulators is achieved by using a pair of solenoid valves to
increase or decrease the air pilot pressure to the diaphragm, or to drive the air motor. See
Figure 5.

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Figure 1

BOP Control System - Typical Main Hydraulic Supply Schematic

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Figure 2

BOP Control Systems - Typical Pilot Pressure Supply Circuit

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Figure 3

BOP Control System - Typical 3 Position Function

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Figure 4

BOP Control System - Typical 2 Position Function

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Figure 5

BOP Control System - Typical Increase / Decrease Circuit

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Cameron MUX BOP Control Systems
(As Installed on Global Marine’s “Glomar Explorer” and “Glomar Celtic Sea”)

Electronics Overview

The Cameron Multiplex (MUX) BOP control system utilises two independent data
communication links, (termed A and B), to inter-connect the BOP operating panels, distribution
cabinets, MUX cable reels and pod Subsea Electronic Modules, (SEMs). Each of the two
operating panels, (driller’s and toolpusher’s) is capable of full independent control of the BOP
stack. All function commands and system status data is transmitted via the communication
links to all the system panels and cabinets so that they are continuously updated and have
identical data. The system is designed such that the loss of an operating panel, distribution
cabinet, power supply or data link will not cause loss of control of the BOP stack.


The major hardware components of the system are the Driller's BOP Operating Panel, the
Toolpusher's BOP Operating Panel, the Hydraulic Power Unit (HPU), the Distribution
Cabinets, the MUX cable reels and the Pod Multiplex Packages.

The Driller’s and Toolpusher’s BOP operating panels are identical in functional capability, but
the Driller’s panel is designed for use in a hazardous environment while the Toolpusher’s panel
is only suitable for use in a safe area. Each panel contains redundant Central Processing Units
(CPUs), with driver cards for the various inputs from the push button operators and outputs to
the indicator lamps and analogue gauges. Also included are power supply modules, Profibus
interface’s and Optical Link Modules (OLM’s). Each panel provides full operational control of
all BOP and diverter functions with associated pressure and flow totalizer readouts.

The Hydraulic Power Unit (HPU) control cabinet also contains CPU’s, driver cards etc, as
installed in the BOP operating panels. No BOP functions can be operated from the HPU. The
CPU provides information to the Profibus regarding pump status, accumulator pressure and
diverter function status, etc. In addition, diverter functions are operated from the HPU, CPU,
which receives commands via the Profibus. The BOP fluid mixing system is also managed
from this unit.

Distribution Cabinets A and B are again located in a safe area. Each cabinet contains two
CPU’s, power supply modules, modems and Profibus interfaces with OLMs. Adjacent to each
Distribution Cabinet is an Uninterrupted Power Supply (UPS) module which contains sufficient
batteries to provide operating power in the event that rig mains power is lost.

Two combined power and data cables are ran from each Distribution Cabinet, one to the Blue
and one to the Yellow MUX cable reels. Connected in a junction box mounted externally to the
reel, power and data from system A and system B is fed, via slip rings on the reel centre shaft,
to another junction box in the reel in which the main MUX cable is also connected. The MUX
cable is wire armoured with four cores for data transmission and nine cores for power
transmission, one of which is a spare.

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The Multiplex Package is mounted on top of the hydraulic section of the pod and contains the
Subsea Electronic Module, (SEM), and the solenoid valves that provide pilot signals to the pod
function valves. The SEM is contained in a pressure vessel that is subject to the external
hydrostatic pressure at the drilling location, but with an internal pressure of one atmosphere
(currently nitrogen is used to purge the SEMs, but its use for this purpose is under review by
Cameron who propose to place bags of Silica Gel in the SEMs to absorb any water vapour).
The MUX cables plug into their corresponding pod’s SEM.

Each SEM contains separate power supplies, CPUs, modems, solenoid driver cards and
analogue input cards for system A and system B, (the two systems are generally referred to as
SEM A and SEM B, but as both systems are in one SEM, they should be referred to as SEM
system A and SEM system B). The twelve cores used in each MUX cable provide individual
power and data links for each system (four cores for power and two cores for data). If one
system loses power or data, the pod can still be functioned via the other system.

Solenoid valves mounted in the Multiplex Package are two position, three way valves with dual
operating coils. One coil is energised by SEM A and the other coil by SEM B. Regardless of
which SEM is selected on the BOP operating panels, both coils will be energised when the
function is operated. A single coil will shift the valve if one system fails.

Mounted adjacent to the SEM is the Subsea Transmitter Module (STM). Of similar
construction to the SEM, the STM contains ten pressure transducers and one inclinometer. The
pressure transducers are connected to the various hydraulic supply and regulated pressures in
the pod and provide an analogue input to the SEM via an interconnecting cable. This data is
sent via the MUX cable and the Profibus to the BOP operating panels. One transducer provides
a hydrostatic pressure value which the operating panel CPUs deduct from the measured subsea

Also connected to the SEM, but mounted on the LMRP riser adapter is the Riser Control Box
(RCB) aka Riser Instrumentation Package (RIP). The RIP contains a second inclinometer
which provides differential flex joint angle data. Combined pressure and temperature sensors
mounted on the LMRP choke and kill lines, and a temperature sensor mounted on the riser
adapter, are also connected to the RIP. Data from these sensors is ultimately displayed at the rig

Portable Electronic Test Unit (PETU). Used in conjunction with a laptop computer, the PETU
can be used to monitor or function the BOP control system. Primarily used as a diagnostic tool,
the PETU can only be connected at the Distribution Boxes or directly into the SEMs.

BOP Test Box. A small portable box, which connects to a test socket, mounted adjacent to
where the BOP is stored when on surface. The Test Box provides local control of
approximately 16 BOP functions and would be used mainly during pressure testing. A switch
in the Toolpusher’s BOP control panel enables the Test Box, while at the same time, disables
the Toolpusher’s and Driller’s control panels.Event Logger. Detects and logs all
communications on the two Profibus links. Current data is displayed to provide online system
monitoring, or stored data can be retrieved for review. The Event Logger can not operate any
part of the MUX control system

The BOP operating panels, the Hydraulic Power Unit (HPU) control cabinet and the
distribution cabinets are connected by two Profibus links running through fibre optic cable.

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Profibus is a brand name serial communication protocol. The various panels and cabinets
constantly communicate and update each other. Fibre optic data transmission is used as it is
unaffected by the electro-magnetic fields generated by other cabling. Data communication
through wire can be corrupted by this phenomena, known as “noise”. Optical Link Modules at
the operating panels, HPU and Distribution Cabinets convert operating data to and from digital
light signals which can be transmitted through the fibre optic cables. Power distribution is via
standard copper conductors in separate cabling.

Communication between the Distribution Panels and the SEMs is also via copper conductors.
Modems convert the data into a propriety analogue message format which is transmitted up and
down dedicated cores in the MUX cables. The MUX cables contain individual power and data
links for system A and system B in each SEM.

NB. Current technology only allows data to be transmitted in one direction at once through
fibre optic cable. Copper conductors can convey data in two directions simultaneously.

Figure 1 Cameron Multiplex BOP Control System Overview

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Accumulator Systems

Usable Fluid Volume From Nitrogen Pre-charged Accumulators

Figure 1

P1 = Nitrogen pre-charge pressure.

P2 = The maximum operating pressure of the accumulator when fully charged with

P3 = The minimum operating pressure of the accumulator after discharge. The

recommended minimum operating pressure is 200 psi above pre-charge

V1 = Total volume of the accumulator, fluid and nitrogen.

V2 = Nitrogen volume in the accumulator at maximum operating pressure P2.

V3 = Nitrogen volume in the accumulator at minimum operating pressure P3.

Usable Fluid Volume = V3 – V2

The amount of Usable Fluid Volume available from an accumulator is calculated using Boyle’s
Law which states that the pressure and volume of a given gas are inversely proportional when
the gas is compressed, as long as there is no temperature change, ie

P1 V1 = P2 V2 = P3 V3

Page 125 of 168

Usable Fluid Volume Calculations

3,000 psi Systems

Figure 1 shows a representative 11 gallon bladder type accumulator. The maximum operating
pressure of these accumulators is typically 3,000 psi with a nitrogen pre-charge of 1,000 psi.

For calculation purposes, it is a common practice to attribute 1 gallon of the total nominal
volume of the accumulator to the bladder. For an 11 gallon bladder type accumulator, V1 will
be 10 gallons. The nominal volume of guided float type accumulators already allows for the
displacement of the float and no reduction in V1 is required when determining usable fluid.

P1 = 1,000 psi V1 = 10 gallons

P2 = 3,000 psi V2 = unknown
P3 = 1,200 psi V3 = unknown

Using Boyle’s Law,

For V2 For V3
P1 V1 = P2 V2 P1 V1 = P3 V3
1,000 x 10 = 3,000 x V2 1,000 x 10 = 1,200 x V3
V2 = 10,000 ÷ 3,000 V3 = 10,000 ÷ 1,200
V2 = 3.333 gallons V3 = 8.333 gallons

Usable Fluid Volume = V3 – V2

= 8.333 – 3.333
= 5 gallons

5 gallons of fluid at 1,200 psi are available from the 10 gallon (nominal 11 gallon)

5 gallons of usable fluid equates to half, or 50% of the total gas and fluid volume. The 3,000
psi system with a nitrogen pre-charge of 1,000 psi has an Accumulator Sizing Factor of 2. If a
BOP requires X amount of usable fluid, then the total accumulator volume required (gas and
fluid) to provide this fluid would be 2X.

2,000 psi Systems

Some surface BOP installations (jack ups, platform and land rigs) use a 2,000 psi accumulator
system. Nitrogen gas precharge remains at 1,000 psi and P3 at 1,200 psi. Applying the same
calculations for the 2,000 psi system as the 3,000 psi system, the usable fluid per 10 gallon (11

Page 126 of 168

gallon nominal) accumulator equates to 3.33 gallons. This volume is 1/3 of the total
accumulator volume and gives an accumulator sizing factor of 3. Figure 2 shows a pictorial
comparison of the usable fluid available from 2,000, 3,000 and 5,000 psi systems.

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5,000 psi Systems

The new generation of MUX control systems for deepwater operation incorporate an upgraded
accumulator system suitable for 5,000 psi maximum operating pressure. The nitrogen pre-
charge pressure has also been increased to 1,650 psi. Our typical accumulator for this
application would be of the guided float design with a total gas and fluid capacity of forty
gallons. In this example:

P1 = 1,650 psi V1 = 40 gallons

P2 = 5,000 psi V2 = unknown
P3 = 1,850 psi V3 = unknown

For V2 For V3
P1 V1 = P2 V2 P1 V1 = P3 V3
1,650 x 40 = 5,000 x V2 1,650 x 40 = 1,850 x V3
V2 = 66,000 ÷ 5,000 V3 = 66,000 ÷ 1,850
V2 = 13.2 gallons V3 = 35.676 gallons

Usable Fluid Volume = V3 – V2

= 35.676 –13.2
= 22.476 gallons

22.5 gallons of usable fluid at 1,850 psi are available from the 40 gallon accumulator. The
5,000 psi system with a nitrogen pre-charge of 1,650 psi has an Accumulator Sizing Factor of
The industry standard minimum accumulator operating pressure for a 3,000 psi system is 1,200
psi, but there are occasions when this pressure may be insufficient to comply with
requirements. Part 2 of API Specification 16D states that after cycling one annular and all the
ram BOPs, the remaining accumulator pressure shall “exceed the calculated minimum
operating pressure” which is defined as the greater of the operating pressures required “to close
any ram BOP (excluding shearing pipe) at the maximum rated wellbore pressure of the stack”,
or, “open and hold open any choke or kill valve in the stack at the maximum rated wellbore
pressure of the stack”. A Cameron 18-3/4” 10K type U ram BOP has an operating ratio of
7.4:1and will require 1,351 psi operating pressure to close in against 10,000 psi wellbore
pressure. A Cameron 18-3/4” 15K type UII ram BOP has an operating ratio of 7.6:1 and will
require 1,974 psi operating pressure to close in against 15,000 psi wellbore pressure.
Manufacturers generally state that 1,500 psi would be required to open a subsea valve against
maximum wellbore pressure. When sizing an accumulator system to comply with this
specification, consideration must be given, not only to the total volume of usable fluid required,
but also to the pressure of the operating fluid.

Increasing the nitrogen pre-charge in an accumulator will increase the amount of usable fluid
available at a higher pressure while reducing the overall volume of fluid available. For
example, a nominal 11 gallon accumulator pre-charged to 1,000 psi can provide a total of 5
gallons of usable fluid at 1,200 psi, but only 3.3 gallons at 1,500 psi. Increasing the nitrogen

Page 128 of 168

pre-charge to 1,200 psi. will provide 4 gallons of fluid at 1,500 psi but only 4.57 gallons at
1,400 psi (the new minimum operating pressure). By balancing the increase in usable fluid at
higher pressures against the overall reduction in usable fluid, an increase in the nitrogen pre-
charge can be used to optimise the fluid available from an accumulator system whose
volumetric capacity may be marginal.

The following table and graph show how the volume of usable fluid available from an
accumulator is proportional to the nitrogen precharge in the accumulator. The table shows
usable fluid from a 10 gallon accumulator.

Nitrogen Usable Fluid Usable Fluid Usable Fluid

Precharge available at P3 available at available at
Pressure (precharge + 200) 1,500 psi 1,974 psi
(psi) (gallons) (gallons) (gallons)
1,000 5.0 3.33 1.73
1,100 4.79 3.67 1.9
1,200 4.57 4.0 2.08
1,300 4.33 4.33 2.25
1,400 4.09 4.67 2.43
1,500 3.82 5.0 2.6
1,600 3.55 4.67 2.77
1,700 3.28 4.0 2.95
1,800 3.0 3.67 3.12

When accumulator pressure has dropped to precharge pressure, the gas bladder assembly (or
float) depresses a poppet valve which seals off the accumulator to prevent extrusion of the
bladder (or loss of nitrogen), through the fluid port. An accumulator cannot supply fluid at a
pressure less than its precharge pressure, therefore, where the precharge pressure is greater than
the minimum fluid pressure required, the table reflects the fluid available from the accumulator
until precharge pressure is reached.

Page 129 of 168

Usable Fluid verses precharge pressure for an 11 gallon Accumulator

P3 (P2 + 200)
Usable Fluid (gallons)

1,500 psi

1,974 psi

800 1,000 1,200 1,400 1,600 1,800 2,000
Nitrogen Precharge Pressure ( P2)

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Usable Fluid from Subsea Accumulators
The actual fluid pressure in a subsea accumulator is equal to the "gauge" pressure plus the
hydrostatic pressure at the specific water depth (0.445 psi / ft). If we consider an accumulator
bottle at 800 ft, then additional fluid pressure due to the hydrostatic effect = 356 psi. For our 10
gallon accumulator, P1 remains at 1,000 psi, P2 = 3,356 psi and P3 = 1,556 psi.

Usable fluid equation is

(P1V1) ÷ P3 - (P1V1) ÷ P2

(1,000 x 10) ÷ 1,556 - (1,000 x 10) ÷ 3,356

6.4267 - 2.9797

3.447 Gallons

To increase the usable fluid available from subsea accumulators, the equivalent hydrostatic
pressure is added to the initial nitrogen precharge of 1,000 psi. A subsea accumulator in 800 ft
of water would have a precharge of 1,356 psi. With the higher precharge, usable fluid would
now be:

(P1V1) ÷ P3 - (P1V1) ÷ P2

(1,356 x 10) ÷ 1,556 - (1,356 x 10) ÷ 3,356

8.7146 - 4.04

4.67 Gallons

Increasing the nitrogen precharge by the equivalent hydrostatic pressure will always optimise
the amount of usable fluid available, but as water depths increase, usable fluid will decrease due
to the increased volume of nitrogen.

Accumulator Recharge Time

API 16D states that "The subsea BOP control system shall have a minimum of two independent
pump systems (primary and secondary). The combination of all pumps shall be capable of

Page 131 of 168

charging the entire accumulator system volume from precharge pressure to the maximum rated
system working pressure within 15 minutes"

Accumulator Sizing Factors

2,000 psi 3,000 psi 5,000 psi

50% 33.3% 33%

Fluid level
Fluid level at 5,000 psi
3,000 psi
Fluid level at
2,000 psi 50 % 56.2%

16.7% 16.7% 10.8%

Fluid level at Fluid level at Fluid
level at
1,200 psi 1,200 psi 1,850 psi

1,000 psi Pre-charge 1,000 psi Pre-charge 1,650 psi Pre-charge

Figure 2

Accumulator Nitrogen Minimum Usable Fluid Accumulator

Operating Precharge Accumulator Volume as % Sizing
Pressure - psi Pressure - psi Pressure - psi of accumulator Factor
2,000 psi 1,000 psi 1,200 psi 33.3%` 3
3,000 psi 1,000 psi 1,200 psi 50% 2
5,000 psi 1,650 psi 1,850 psi 56.2% 1.78

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Accumulator Fluid Volume Requirements

There are several different recommendations and requirements that specify the volume of
usable fluid which should be available from an accumulator unit. The geographical location of
the drilling rig often determines which standard applies, e.g. in the Norwegian sector of the
North Sea, the NPD regulations must be adhered to. On the USA continental shelf, the MMS
regulations take precedent. Where no legislation is in place, drilling contractors and oil
companies generally comply with one of the various API specifications or recommended
practices. In some cases individual oil companies have their own requirements which may be

Perhaps the most common standard used in the industry is API Recommended Practice (RP)
53. There are now three editions of this RP, each with slightly different requirements for
accumulator volume. The first edition specified a fifty percent fluid volume reserve above that
required to operate the various preventers when considering a subsea installation. The fifty
percent reserve requirement was dropped from the second and third editions, though the third
edition has the greatest fluid volume requirement when considering surface installations. API
16D is a specification rather than a recommended practice and takes into account the pressure
of the usable fluid as well as its volume. Although issued in 1993, this specification has not as
yet been widely adopted.

The various recommendations and requirements are as follows:

API Recommended Practice 53: Recommended Practices for Blowout

Prevention Equipment Systems. First Edition, Feb. 1976, Reissued Feb. 1978
Closing Units – Subsea Installations

5.B.2 As a minimum requirement, closing units for subsea installations should be equipped
with accumulator bottles with sufficient volumetric capacity to provide the usable fluid
volume (with pumps inoperative) to open and close the ram preventers and one annular
preventer and retain a fifty percent reserve. Usable fluid volume is defined as the
volume of fluid recoverable from an accumulator between the accumulator operating
pressure and 200 psi above the precharge pressure.

Closing Units – Surface Installations

5.A.2 As a minimum requirement, all blowout preventer closing units should be equipped
with accumulator bottles with sufficient volumetric capacity to provide the usable fluid
volume (with pumps inoperative) to close one pipe ram and the annular preventer in the
stack plus the volume to open the hydraulic choke line valve.

5.A.3 Usable fluid volume is defined as the volume of fluid recoverable from an accumulator
between the accumulator operating pressure and 200 psi above the precharge pressure.
The accumulator operating pressure is the pressure to which accumulators are charged
with hydraulic fluid.

Page 134 of 168

API Recommended Practice 53: Recommended Practices for Blowout
Prevention Equipment Systems for Drilling Wells. Second Edition, May 25
Closing Units – Subsea Installations

5.B.2 As a minimum requirement, closing units for subsea installations should be equipped
with accumulator bottles with sufficient volumetric capacity to provide the usable fluid
volume (with pumps inoperative) to close and open the ram preventers and one annular
preventer. Usable fluid volume is defined as the volume of fluid recoverable from an
accumulator between the accumulator operating pressure and 200 psi above the
precharge pressure.

Closing Units – Surface Installations

5.A.2 As a minimum requirement, all blowout preventer closing units should be equipped
with accumulator bottles with sufficient volumetric capacity to provide the usable fluid
volume (with pumps inoperative) to close one pipe ram and the annular preventer in the
stack plus the volume to open the hydraulic choke line valve.

5.A.3 Usable fluid volume is defined as the volume of fluid recoverable from an accumulator
between the accumulator operating pressure and 200 psi above the precharge pressure.
The accumulator operating pressure is the pressure to which accumulators are charged
with hydraulic fluid.

API Recommended Practice 53: Recommended Practices for Blowout

Prevention Equipment Systems for Drilling Wells. Third Edition, March

Control Systems for Subsea BOP Stacks

13.3.2 BOP systems should have sufficient usable hydraulic fluid volume (with pumps
inoperative) to close and open one annular type preventer and all ram type preventers
from a full open position against zero wellbore pressure. After closing and opening one
annular preventer and all ram type preventers, the remaining pressure shall be 200 psi
(1.38 Mpa) or more above the minimum recommended pre-charge pressure.

Control Systems for Surface BOP Stacks

12.3.2 BOP systems should have sufficient usable hydraulic fluid volume (with pumps
inoperative) to close one annular type preventer, all ram type preventers from a full
open position and open one HCR valve against zero wellbore pressure. After closing
one annular preventer, all ram type preventers, and opening one HCR valve, the
remaining pressure shall be 200 psi (1.38 Mpa) or more above the minimum
recommended pre-charge pressure.

Specification for Control Systems for Drilling Well Control Equipment

Page 135 of 168

API Specification 16D (Spec 16D) First Edition, March 1 1993
Hydraulic Control System for Subsea BOP Stacks Calculated Accumulator Volumetric Capacity Requirements.

The hydraulic control system for a subsea BOP stack shall have a minimum total stored
hydraulic fluid volume, with the pumps inoperative, to satisfy the greater of the following

1 Open and close, at zero wellbore pressure, all of the ram type BOPs and one annular
BOP in the BOP stack, with a fifty percent reserve.

2 The pressure of the remaining stored accumulator volume after opening and closing all
of the ram BOPs and one annular BOP, shall exceed the calculated minimum system
operating pressure. The calculated minimum system operating pressure shall exceed the
greater of the following minimum stack component operating pressures.

1) The minimum calculated operating pressure required (using the operating ratio) to
close any ram BOP (excluding shearing pipe) at the maximum rated wellbore
pressure of the stack.
2) The minimum calculated operating pressure required to open and hold open any
choke or kill valve in the stack at the maximum rated wellbore pressure of the stack

Control Systems for Surface Mounted BOP Stacks Accumulator Volumetric Requirements

The BOP control system shall have a minimum stored hydraulic fluid volume (VR), with
pumps inoperative, to satisfy the greater of the two following requirements:

1 Close from a full open position at zero wellbore pressure, all of the BOPs in the BOP
stack, plus fifty percent reserve

2 The pressure of the remaining stored accumulator volume after closing all of the BOPs
shall exceed the minimum calculated (using the BOP closing ratio) operating pressure
required to close any ram BOP (excluding the shear rams) at the maximum rated
wellbore pressure of the stack.

Page 136 of 168

US Department of the Interior – Mineral Management Service (MMS)
Title 30 CFR, Revised July 1 1997
Part 250.56 Blowout preventer systems and system components.

(d)(1) An accumulator system which shall provide sufficient capacity to supply 1.5 times the
volume of fluid necessary to close and hold closed all BOP equipment units with a minimum
pressure of 200 psi above the pre-charge pressure without assistance from a charging system.

Norwegian Petroleum Directorate, Acts, Regulations and Provisions for the

Petroleum Activities. Revised April 1997

Accumulators shall have sufficient volumetric capacity to close, open and close all the installed
blowout preventers, plus 25%of the volume of one closing operation for each of the said
blowout preventers.
Accumulators shall have sufficient pressure capacity to enable cutting of the relevant drillstring
in accordance with the following minimum requirements, ha or alternately hb.
ha) There shall be sufficient remaining accumulator pressure to enable cutting of the drill
string after having used a volume corresponding to
Closing and opening of one annular preventer;
Closing, opening and closing of one pipe ram preventer.
hb) Alternatively a dedicated shear ram auxiliary pressure system may be installed to meet
the minimum requirements to cutting of the drillstring if the remaining accumulator
pressure is not sufficient to enable cutting after having performed operations as
mentioned in subsection ha.
With regard to floating offshore units with blowout preventers placed on the sea bed, there
shall in addition be sufficient remaining pressure to enable the lower marine riser package
(LMRP) to be disconnected after completion of cutting.

Petroleum (Submerged Land) Act 1990 (Australia)

Accumulators, without accumulator pump assistance, shall have sufficient capacity at all times
during the drilling operation to:
1. Open or close all the hydraulically operated choke line valves.
2. Close or open all annular type blowout preventers.
3. Close or open all blowout preventer pipe rams.
4. Open the riser connector in the case of a well drilled from a mobile drilling unit (other than
a jack up platform).

Page 137 of 168

Response Times

Response time is the time taken between operating a BOP function (for example, pushing the
button), and the completion of the operation (for example, ram is closed). The various API and
government regulatory specifications generally include minimum acceptable response times for
ram and annular preventer closure.

Closing Units - Subsea Installations

Ram BOPs Annular BOPs (all sizes)

API RP 53 - 1st Edition No Specification
API RP 53 - 2nd Edition Less than 45 seconds Less than 60 seconds
API RP 53 - 3rd Edition Less than 45 seconds Less than 60 seconds
API Specification 16D Less than 45 seconds Less than 60 seconds
US Dept of Interior MMS No Specification
Norwegian Petroleum Directorate Less than 45 seconds Less than 45 seconds

Closing Units - Surface Installations

Ram BOPs Annular BOPs

API RP 53 - 1 Edition Less than 30 seconds Less than 30 seconds
(45 secs above 20" bore)
API RP 53 - 2nd Edition Less than 30 seconds Less than 30 seconds
(45 secs above 20" bore)
API RP 53 - 3rd Edition Less than 30 seconds Less than 30 seconds
(45 secs above 18-3/4" bore)
API Specification 16D Less than 30 seconds Less than 30 seconds
(45 secs above 18-3/4" bore)
US Dept of Interior MMS No Specification
Norwegian Petroleum Directorate Less than 30 seconds Less than 30 seconds
(45 secs above 20" bore)

Page 138 of 168

Double Female Pod Receptacles - Shaffer / Koomey

The pod latches in the upper receptacle which is mounted on the Lower marine Riser Package
(LMRP). The lower female is sprung loaded and is mounted on the BOP upper receiver plate.
When the LMRP is stacked up on the lower BOP, the upper female lands in the lower female.
Hydraulic hoses run from the NPT ports on the receptacles to the BOP and LMRP functions.

Page 139 of 168

Typical 1" SPM Valve - Shaffer / Koomey Pods

Item No. Description

1 Housing
2 Spring
3 Spring
4 Arbor
5 Cover
6 O-Ring
7 Cylinder
8 O-Ring
9 Seal
10 Piston
11 Cage
12 O-Ring
13 Seal Sleeve
14 O-Ring
15 O-Ring
16 Nut (Stainless)
17 Cotter Pin (Stainless)
18 Back up Ring
19 Piston Rod
20 Retaining Ring (Stainless)

Typical 3/4" SPM Valve - Shaffer / Koomey Pods

Page 140 of 168

Item Description
1 Housing Plug
2 O-Ring
3 Spring
4 Spring Housing
5 Spring Plate Assy.
6 Spring Pin
7 O-Ring
8 Top Seal
9 Spacer
10 Upper Cage
11 Lower Cage
12 Bottom Seal
13 O-Ring
14 Piston
15 O-Ring
16 O-Ring
17 Retaining Ring
18 O-Ring
19 Spindle Valve


Open Pilot

Fluid Supply

Outlet (to function)

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Panel Valves, Manipulator or Selector?
Do you know the difference?

Page 144 of 168

There is no visual difference between a manipulator valve and a selector valve (other than the
part number on the tag), yet installing the wrong one in the wrong place can cause a serious
malfunction of the control system. Both types of valve are three position, four way but have
rotors (item 23) which are ported differently. Manipulator valves are centre vent, ie when
placed in the centre or block position, both outlets are open to the vent port. Selector valves are
centre block. When placed in the centre or block position, any pressure in either of the outlets is
trapped. Manipulator valves are used on the control manifold at the accumulator unit. Selector
valves are used on the pod hose reel control panels.


2 1 2 1

Panel Valve Parts Identification

Item No. Description

1 Shaft Nut
2 Shaft Washer

Page 145 of 168

3 Handle
4 Grip
5 Handle Spacer
6 Detent Disc
7 Detent Ball
8 Detent Spring
9 Stop Pin
10 Body Screw
11 Housing
12 Nameplate
13 Nameplate Screw
14 O-Ring
15 Thrust Washer
16 Ball Bearing
18 Retainer Ring
19 O-Ring
20 Shaft
21 Rotor Adapter (not shown)
22 Adapter Pin (not shown)
23 Rotor
24 O-Ring
25 Shear Seal Seat
26 O-Ring
27 Back-Up Ring
28 Washer
29 Dowel Pin
30 Body
31 Washer
32 Nut

Hydraulic regulators used in BOP control systems are typically of the shear seal type. The
method of adjusting the regulator varies with application, but the operating principles are the
same. Four "types" of regulator are used in control systems.

• Manual regulators. The regulator is adjusted manually by an adjusting screw.

Page 146 of 168

• Hydraulic operated hydraulic regulators. The regulator is adjusted by a hydraulic pilot
signal which acts upon a plunger.
• Air operated hydraulic regulators. An air pilot pressure acts upon a diaphragm which in turn
acts upon a plunger. If the air pilot is lost, regulated pressure will decrease to zero.
• Failsafe or TR regulators. A combination of manual and air operated regulator. The
regulator can be adjusted manually but also has a small air motor which drives the
adjusting screw. Can be operated remotely, but loss of instrument air pressure will not
affect regulator setting.

Figure 1 shows the fluid end of a manually adjustable regulator in a balanced position. Cavity /
outlet pressure opposes the force on the seal carrier exerted by the spring. In this position the
inlet and vent ports are covered by the shear seals, there is no flow in or out of the regulator. If
the set pressure is increased, the additional spring force will push the seal carrier downwards
until the inlet port is uncovered. Inlet pressure will flow into the regulator until the cavity /
outlet pressure is sufficient to overcome the spring and return the seal carrier to the neutral
position. If the set pressure is decreased, cavity pressure will lift the seal carrier until the vent
port is exposed. Cavity pressure will vent until the spring force can push the carrier back to the
neutral position. Any fluid use downstream of the regulator will reduce the cavity pressure, the
carrier will be depressed and fluid flow through the regulator will occur. When the fluid usage
is complete, cavity / outlet pressure will build up, lift the carrier and seal off the inlet port.

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Operation of Typical Hydraulic Regulator

Shear Seal
Inlet Pressure 3,000 psi

Outlet Pressure 1,500 psi

Seal Carrier / Piston

Seal Plate
Vent 0 psi

Figure 1

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Cameron Style Panel Valve

Item Description Item Description

1 Body 20 Screw, Soc Hd Cap
2 O-Ring 21 Push Rod
3 Spool 22 Fixed Clevis
4 O-Ring 23 Universal Handle Block
5 Seal Sleeve 24 Spirol Pin
6 Spring 25 Handle
7 O-Ring 26 Plastic Knob
8 Outlet Seal Plate 27 End Cap
9 O-Ring 28 Screw, Soc Hd Cap
10 Outlet Flange, Dual Ports 29 Ball 0.312" Dia
11 Cap Screw 30 Detent Spring
12 Inlet Seal Plate 31 Detent gasket
13 O-Ring 32 Detent Holder
14 Inlet Flange 33 1/4" Dowel Pin
16 Gasket 34 Drive Screw
17 O-Ring 35 Tag
18 Special End Cap 43 O-Ring
19 Screw, Soc Hd Cap

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Operation of the Pod Hose Reel Manifold
The pod hose reel manifolds provide control of selected BOP functions while running or
pulling the BOP stack. The manifolds, mounted on the side of the reels, provides the only point
of control during these operations when the jumper hoses, which run from the master control
manifold, are disconnected to allow the reels to rotate.

Hose reel manifolds are typically configured to provide operation of the wellhead and LMRP
connectors with one or two other functions included as required. When the jumper hose is
disconnected from the hose reel (by removing the RBQ plate), only the 1" main hydraulic
supply hose and pod latch functions remain connected, through the swivels in the ends of the
reel centre shaft. A hydraulic supply is provided to the hose reel manifold from the pod latch
function (Cameron) or the main hydraulic supply (Koomey) NB the main hydraulic supply will
only be pressurised if the pod associated with that reel is selected.

The hose reel manifold contains a manually adjustable regulator which provides a hydraulic
signal to the pod manifold regulator, ie provides manifold regulator pilot pressure. The outlet
from the regulator and the panel valves on the manifold are tee'd into the pilot lines of the
selected functions at their connections to the fixed RBQ plate inside the reel. When a panel
valve is operated, the pilot line becomes pressurised, the pod valve shifts and the function

Selector valves (centre block) are used in the reel manifolds. This is necessary so that when the
jumper hoses are connected, pilot pressure is not lost through the panel valve vent ports which
would be the case if manipulator valves (centre vent) were used. Conversely, when the jumper
hoses are disconnected, the check valves in the RBQ plates prevent loss of pilot pressure from
the reel manifold.

To pull or run a BOP, the following procedure would be typical:

1. At the master control manifold, block all panel valves.

2. Reduce manifold and annular pilot pressure's to zero.
3. Check pod latches are in "Lock".
4. Select the pod to be used.
5. Remove the RBQ plates from both reels.
6. At the live reel (If Blue pod is selected, blue reel will be live because the 1" hose is
pressurised) ensure all panel valves are in the block position.
7. Open the reel manifold hydraulic supply isolation valve.
8. Adjust the manual regulator to provide 1,500 psi manifold pilot pressure.
9. Place the panel valves in the required positions.

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To put the reels in drilling mode, the following procedure would be typical:

10. Close the reel manifold hydraulic supply isolation valve.

11. Place all reel manifold valves in the block position (hold them slightly off centre initially to
allow the pilot lines to vent to zero).
12. Back off the manual regulator. Manifold regulator pilot pressure will decrease to zero.
13. Install hose reel locking pins and connect RBQ plates.
14. At the control manifold, adjust pilot pressure regulators and position panel valves as

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Typical Hose Reel manifold Schematic

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ROV Intervention

ROV intervention for BOP control systems means the ability of the ROV (remotely operated
vehicle) to operate one or more critical stack functions. This is made possible by having female
stab assemblies connected into the control system via shuttle valves. The ROV engages a male
stab into the female stab through which operating fluid can be directed. Traditionally the ROV
male stab is connected to a hot line hose ran from the drilling vessel, but in deepwater
operations a self contained power pack is used by the ROV to provide operating pressure.

As a minimum, the following functions should be considered for ROV intervention:

• Wellhead connector unlock

• Wellhead connector secondary unlock
• Wellhead connector gasket release (mechanical or hydraulic)
• LMRP connector unlock
• LMRP connector secondary unlock
• LMRP connector gasket release (mechanical or hydraulic)

Additional functions found with ROV intervention capability include

• Close shear rams

• Close one set of pipe rams
• Close wedgelocks (if applicable - Cameron U & UII BOP)

Original ROV intervention systems used a "ROV Panel" with a single female stab connected to
a valve manifold assembly. See figure 1. The ROV would open and close the valves (ball
valves) as required in order to operate the required function. The male and female stabs
incorporated the male and female halves of checked, quick connect fittings which would lock
together. Problems encountered with this arrangement included:

• Difficulty in engaging and locking the stabs

• Panel valve handles being pulled off the valve spindles by the ROV
• Hydraulic locks occurring between the function and the ROV panel so that he function
would not operate with the regular BOP control system.
• Panel valves leaking / "wrong" functions being operated.

Newer installations tend to be of a simpler design. A single smooth bore female stab is used for
each function with ROV intervention (sometimes both primary and secondary connector unlock
functions are connected to a single stab where both would operate simultaneously) Only one
shuttle valve per function is required to connect the female stab into the control system. To
operate a function, all that is required is for the ROV to push the male stab (with OD seals) into
the female stab, and to apply pressure. See figure 2.

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