Teal Newspaper

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l&g r* #l.d @im.d Sun"frlt 30,1976-.

Port I 7
for Real
- MADISON, na. ruPl)-Writing a scjenc€
ror ni!'- oi|n anussnentaight yearEagD,Bob Teal.,
dreamedup ar ,,trhpo6sible rnaihind.' :
Todeyit's wo*lng in a shedin bi6yard.
'Ihe $-year-ok
;tiffd ei€cfiruatngr.reer la" inomt-
erl,amotorrun by.el€ctromagneb, He calk it a.mrgne-
pulsionen8jne',and believe8tt coujdset lhe world of
Pulsion on it! eer. )
'The flrst re&ctior js: ,Hey,
_ of everyone it can'! work , tr i
Tealsald."But her€it i!, andit wort!. you'vegot lo seeit i
to believeiL'
ri"t'm"iu ttt" *itA. put""hrl8 diEct currentelectdci- :
ry troma smeUmotorcyclebsttery traveb throufh hiB€e-
(ret tlmin8 del.tceto sjx etectGula8nets,only a; incl in

. The-ma8rets.in tum, start a ?tpound fllrrh€el whi!-

rin8. Thesorking modelof Teal'Bmame.Dul's|tonandno..
can spin the flywh€el at a maxinu; of-800revolutloE
lA! mrnute. .,i
He doesn'thale tlle aquipnent to lneaBu! its hor!tr 1
pow€?but say! ,,if you tly !o hold the crankhali iul t.r't
up ),oul hand.r
To demonstrateib uEeIulnBs,Teal ha,sh's lt0pourd:
macnmeDookedup to run a bble saw.
Tealt inventlonrequbesno fu€I. emitsno gas6e!qndIt
lery qljet in_op€ration.Ir ha€ few movin-gparts erd
nee(arftte mamlenance
Teal'smodelj6 a crudepieceof €quipmentheldtogeth€!
,by wooden
_a_ lrame of twcbyJourt andlwo-by-sixes,
_'lou anouldiave aeenmy fiNt hodeiwhichworked,,
Tcal chortled,,'It bad wood€nshafls, woodenrods and
wooden b€aringE.I powered jr wilh a ftashLishr
ne maKesa "wal out guess.his enginecouldb€ marrr.
om.luced!o popel_autorrobilesat a cosLof about$300to
per ulnl..lt ello c!t!d be aalaptedto run airylan€s,
noal-.,powerptaDis,andmanyolher devices,he sard,
Tlal itr !.d irqujrie, tmh an
oler tn€ n.ilon .bou! hi! enrrne
sme tle rir !€di.r. c.rri.i a
ory i! M.t 1976.
.. Overriosi.g rite3 iI his homeoI-
tre coDt3rnorr€3pohdenct !e svs.
rrorn pnvare indjviduats otferins
morcy. r!!€rrch rnd devetobheni
rrrml .nd, tovenmed offictai! Fho
$yiney.re irte.ested in ue enrin€.
noeever,.ccordingto Tet, rhev
er nim !o corDe!o oeln r.d tl;
I oo€n-t nrve $€ non.y for tiiD6 rll
over lne nrtid
''I nrve
invited Cader'! enerev
p.opl€ .nd crclrmor ast€Fr otfia
ro conc dotlt Dut I dont tnor f,hen
ucy Filllet her€. T€lt std
G€oryir dlveloFr! t.en ,nore

\ i''l
Dr€r6t d ti.! olErt, .Gt{riing to
Terl t|id one hcker trom V.t
d6t!, G.. !.d oft Ed htm a 50.000
4urrc root bujldihg strh equiD;;i
rnd nr.ncttrI tor ii! ro.t.
. VUl. te decliD€d ro t|rmc u€
Drcrar, Tcrl l.id b. DhDned!o t|t.

? r!. otf€l ll !ov.rnm.n! offtchb

oo|'r-r,ios lr .rst Drctty roon,
"l'nout ot moniyeaitcor;t rent

I l'r# +i
to Ell lh. .!gi!e td to|n. cnnDr;
to b. l!.lvld b.crur6 l! || |Il.i4;.
nv. b Dnud.ndoFr.re," T.!t titd.
Tna A not th. flrrt trvlntlon tor
t!. r3or.d .idn.€r. Whit. portin,
rrul nc^ urder contnct fo! r!:

Nrvy. T.ll Inventcd a dcvic. to.
ln.a3uarg rnd 3tretchint ndlo ar.
o|. rn,dl ||ved much Uma $d
Ihonly for tt. N3ra,
T.rl c4litned n th! ndto oF
..rt!onl nrd pr.vloulty b.€n dorin
tor tro or tir.€ dlF sh€n crble
wrltersayshlsnewenglnewoi-ii rlDrlr r... n c€n ry. Witll nb
'Magnipffinswer . . . buthahasn't
_gai r-iitiJ "Tal T!b." tlL
m-H ^-

crtdlt lor $e di|.ov.ry. Hot v.r,

gv grisis- Bpb r eat ffit*jli'qi;lit

Ev DoRls MoRGAN Att r etpl.initS ttt!! th. thjir t! . "I i.!c built tir .rtio.. |!d oqor uc lrdiudual.i..rDlrlmd.

,,.Bn. 'qr he. Teai s.id be
.!lF.r lo tte.ne.ty crilii.
toond!lite i !G;n8 mrcilDewtii;
operilinr.is rlte'ti! h;;-d;;
Tat raF ht! Invenuon
coil.'d oir'r'r"r
c.dd "-- mri€po!'€r
could b€ incrersd rs
oe buv€ndelired,by rddin8lnore
caus hi' masni cicctdnismr ttlrchine' 'ri;;'ie;i to cnar! .tedlicirt.""""i;;ii;;i: pod!' !o tle o'irrhir en.
If,.q I:jIl€tic
die hebes;;; fJ'u:'ro!"nf":,.t'j,;f":id; *;e
$":fr.fff,il"d:ilI:;n ",illili 51*'';"0 hvenlor
!.F heEv'e€
"''iir", e,rit"$ PumPup .nd roou
_.- 50c"ntr P€rdiv " !. latd om Fno E doubtturo' int€r"t'd in
,",rans rrom an €nrin€€r
ils p*t rr He_w'ii d#:'1jf - -
Ei,hunsr;,ico 'r.oushtber,'m}I;e,,:"f,Ir*:Iff Bf*":Xl;.i:f"ffi1'l,1lJ:l:
IS#*1,"113i"h1',,TljhJ'{: :I$RT#:"";! sledtis.edi;"€d ronst ;teren..conunu€!'ort on
ffitp"1il ffi: hfflfl;fl;"*l;ilf:'*:Hr
troP..you e€ teo suiDlesssret co.. "A5 tr i noe th€ mactirc cft
fU! Fporter se it and dGn t
ryii&T'litr,:T,*fslff si1""1lTi*";i,lqjJlfli
uPurlFn engin6. i4r.poper by rddin8 msFlers;
VRLD0STRTintes -Feorrrr ?aee FeRItuee
13 M[rRLh tl??

Madison 'n
Man Builds
r\ew r:rDngrne
MADISON,FIa. - Th. writing of a
!ci.nc. liction book .ventually led a
M.ililor r.!ld.ri to lnvenl an €lec-
tlomagnctc €nglne ehich he sry!
emit! no polludon ad take! littl€
B. R. xBob" Teal, r Edr€d €lec-
llonicr cnSln€erand authot har oh.
D.tent erd two pendlnSor hi! iB^
"I wrota e s4lanca llction b@l
lavelsl yaall b€foru reudng and I &...
n!€drdth. ltory phu.lbl. -an.ngh. ,
t}|rt cBiltld no pollution- nols.or all
lolludon- soh ny mhdetthe tlmc I t.
"Thc, eft6r !.llrln8 h HonoluluIn
1972rr crmc to Mrdilon !o llve and
hrvlrg nolhingclle to do, I d.cidedto
bulldthac|ltln.. I bullt ttlDdii wo.k!,"
Terl, 5{, !rid s.i€ntlltr srdontlnc€r!
lllva coma lrom all ov.r tlD country
lnd conflrm.d thet it do.! whrt they
consld6r to b. impo$lbls.
"I havo Dullt dx lnglr€! rnd th6
lat€lt vlll op6lsl€a 2o-tonconveyor,"
sald T*1, who $a! boft i! Morven,
N.C..abotrt€{)thll€. lrom Chellolt .r.lt
oper|tc| frotlt e strn&ad car battGry
rnd dtaw! a|l extlemalysmallamatunt
ol cun.nt. I bo[ghl th. cr! brlterte.
ov.r ! y.rr rgo and th€y hlvc r.ver
TeaI con.tluctld ht3 flrlt etrgin. ol
c,oodrithln a fee s.?k! io se. if tt
eould worl. Th€ secondenElnewas a
cnrdcon. ol metal andlat!! lr. w€ntto
Jacklolvllle to g.t parb made for t
"I havr d!..m! of buildingon.hrgc BobTealVith HisMachine
€nou8i to nrtl call srld boatr," T€al
!aid. "Judgirg froln what I havc done a penry for lhat," sald Teal,sho has a
sofar,I gu€s.ll wouldcoltabout1400 ?eal said tal€8rans fron ail ovcr the
nalion, includitr8 Flolida, Catifolnis, l€tte. lrom lhe Navy D€partment
or t500.Th.re ar€ very few novirg givinghim full a€dit for $einv€ntlon.
pa.ts so y(rr eould not lE€d highly Or.gan, Ulah, Nebraika, Minnesola,
Alablma, Georgia, W8t Virginia, Teal, wbo att€nded Woflord College
traineal m€chan ics.,' VirSiria, Ma.yland, New J€Eey, North h Spsrtanburg, S.C., add the
Sinceth6 UnitedPrestlr&rnational Carolinr, Soulh Caroli.r, Ilunois tnd Univ€Biiy of Hawaii, r€tired from the
c.rricd e ltory of his inventh ir May, CoastGuad atter 20 years in 1962.He
19?6,Tc.l ha! receiveil hlndl€dr ol Ohio, from for€i8r citie!, such .r
Guam, Hong KonS.nd Totyo have then $,orked Ior Ling lemco Vought,
lettlls aboutth€inventiortrdn around b€€n sent to Pr$ident Jimmy Carler RCA and finally s'ent ln!o Ciyil Service
andthe world and be! an!r/e.e.lrll of asking him to investi8ate tb.potential work with the Air Forc€, r€tiring in
ofthe€ngite. 19?2,
"I fieve b€€nattemptirg b gat th€ Th. el€cbomaSnelic€ngineis notthe
gov€rnmcntint€le3led in hopet ot lir3t inventioofo. T€al. While worling Dorinc t97&?6hewrote a cdumn, "Is
geltihga g.ant to buiid a shopardhire ss a RCAengineerand lillirga contract Justice?:'for the Madison Carie. and
qualified personn€I,"h€ said. "If I wit! the Navy in 1964,he was r6pon- lsst year he publisheda bookd poems.
don'tsucceedintheve.y n€arfutureit sibh foi a classifled invettio! which He k msrri€d to the forfter B€alrice
i€l5'.ea!tc iad:. :..q'rei.y .!b!e! erc M.. c.le of Ballirnore. Md.. and thev
FeparinStogopublic analsellstock.,' was valued st 15,0million. "I didn't get bavetwo ma.rted children.

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