Scancommander Manual
Scancommander Manual
Scancommander Manual
User´s Manual
Version 4.31f
August 2007
5. Chaser ......................................................................................... 33
5.1 Programming of chasers .......................................................................... 33
5.1.1 New chaser steps ............................................................................. 33
5.1.2 Programming chaser parameters ...................................................... 34
5.1.3 Insert or delete chaser steps ............................................................. 34
5.2 Playback chasers .................................................................................... 35
5.2.1 Enable Chaser .................................................................................. 35
5.3 Modifying a chaser program ..................................................................... 36
5.3.1 Changing names and parameters ...................................................... 36
5.3.2 Changing sequence of steps ............................................................. 37
5.3.3 Changing step matrix and levels ........................................................ 39
6. Sequences ................................................................................... 40
6.1 Programming of sequences ...................................................................... 40
6.1.1 New sequence steps ......................................................................... 40
6.2 Playback of sequences ............................................................................ 43
6.2.1 Playback of a sequence by GO button .............................................. 43
6.2.2 Playback of a sequence with adjusted step rate ................................ 44
6.2.3 Playback of a sequence triggered by sound input .............................. 44
6.2.4 Manual x-fade between sequence steps ............................................ 44
6.2.5 Playback of a sequence with programmed STEP MODE ................... 45
6.2.6 Enable Sequence .............................................................................. 45
6.2.7 Sequence playback menu ................................................................. 46
6.3 Modifying a sequence .............................................................................. 47
6.3.1 Changing sequence step times ......................................................... 47
6.3.2 Changing step sequence and STEP MODES .................................... 48
6.3.3 Changing step matrix and levels ........................................................ 50
6.3.4 Recalling a memory or chaser as step of a sequence ....................... 51
7. REMOTE ..................................................................................... 52
7.1 Remote via Touchboard ............................................................................ 53
7.1.1 Input signal ....................................................................................... 53
7.1.2 Assigning board functions ................................................................. 53
7.2 Remote via DMX input .............................................................................. 54
7.2.1 Input signal ....................................................................................... 54
7.2.2 Assigning board functions ................................................................. 54
7.3 MIDI ......................................................................................................... 55
7.3.1 Choosing the MIDI channel ................................................................ 55
7.3.2 MIDI data format of the Scancommander ........................................... 55
7.4 Master-Slave Operation ........................................................................... 56
7.4.1 Installation......................................................................................... 56
7.4.2 Starting the couple mode .................................................................. 56
7.4.3 Working on master-slave mode ......................................................... 56
7.5 SMPTE TIME CODE ................................................................................ 57
7.5.1 Time Code Network Technics ............................................................ 57
7.5.2 Live recording of a Time Code show .................................................. 58
7.5.3 Time Code Playback ......................................................................... 60
7.5.4 Modifying a Time Code program ........................................................ 61
7.6 The Scancommander Extension Unit ....................................................... 63
Chapter 2 describes the set up, which has to be followed step by step:
Choosing lamp type, giving DMX starting address and initializing the stage.
Trackball, Makes it easy to control movements. All Atari compatible trackballs or mice
Computermouse can be used. Note: PC compatible mice cannot be used !!
Keyboard Enables you to label your programs. Any PC-MF keyboard will work. American
keyboards may cause some problems by exchanging different letters.
(>>Memory Names, Preset Names)
Keyboard drawer The keyboard, offered by MA, can be mounted in a drawer underneath the
Backup cue card All programs can be stored on a memory card in addition to the internal
storage. Cards from 32 to 256 kilobyte, type ITT STAR CARD S-RAM can be
1.3 Installation
Powersupply 100-240 Volt, 40-60 Hz via Euro plug. No switching of voltage necessary.
According to USITT DMX 512 (1990) protocol. The output is opto insulated and
DMX 512 output even better than RS 485 or RS 422. The pins in the 5 pin XLR plug are: Pin 1:
ground, Pin 2: Data-, Pin 3: Data+ (Pin 4 and 5: not used)
2. Setup
2.1 Top menu
TIME: 14 : 50 : 17 DATE: 01 / 16 / 97
+/- 00 %
Display buttons The squares in the display show the current function of your 12 buttons around
the display. The 3 encoders are dedicated to the 3 lower squares of the
Quit button By pressing the Quit button 2 x you can return to the TOP MENU. The current
operation will be cancelled and the board returns to the normal operation
Running fade The encoder wheel no.2 can be used to modify the speed of all active fades
modification (see 9.1 for details).
Selecting number of Scans In the "Scan Selection" block the buttons have to be
switched on according the number of scans to be
All necessary data for this scan type is now
downloaded. The three other kinds of initialization are
for registration of different scan types for simultane-
ous operation.
The square SCANS has to be inverted.
Encoder 1:
Selects the startaddress. An address is only possi-
ble to select, if the number of channels, needed for
this scan, is freely available (Number in brackets
shows the number of channels, necessary for the
registered lamptype)
Registers the selected address for the activated Scan.
To go on the next automatically selected scan has to
be chosen.
( ) Clear
Clears the registered address and enables the selec-
tion of a new start address.
SCAN Selection
Selection of one single scan.
Exchanges the DMX signal of the pan and the tilt
Changes the direction of the pan or tilt channel.
Using the DMX mode, the values, adjusted on the Scancommanders display,
are send directly as DMX values to the lamps.
Beside this mode the Scancommander offers a stage adapted way of control-
ling pan and tilt. The difference between this two modes are listed in the
following chapter and in 3.3.1.
The Display shows the MOVEMENT SETUP Menu.
Selection of one scan.
RESET data can be used RESET
for controlling the move- Clears all former initializations and gives the scan a
ment, but cannot be standard movement. This is helpful if the movement
adapted to new stage of the scan in some way is restricted by a former
Changing movement After RESET (square inverted) the buttons CHANGE PAN<>TILT, INVERT
directions after RESET PAN and INVERT TILT offer the chance of a course adaptation of the
trackerball movement to the beam movement.
SET - button
SET - button
SET - button
SET - button
3. Direct access
Actual Scan Selection There is constant direct access to the single functions of the scans. Any
function can be controlled for a number of scans simultaneously. The LED´s in
the Scan Selection block determine, which of the 16 scans will be affected.
The "CLEAR" button beside the "SCAN SELECTION" block clears the selection,
the "INVERT" button inverts the actual selection.
"CLEAR"-"INVERT" selects all 16 Scans.
As long as the OPTION button is held down, the lower display button on the
left side changes between the SINGLE and MULTI mode.
SINGLE: Only one scan can be selected at once. All other scans will be
deselected automatically.
MULTI: It is possible to select more than one scan at a time to be
controlled simultaneously.
SCAN Selection
Selection of the scans, which shall be stored as one
of the groups.
Keep button pressed, select "SCAN" to be displayed
on white background,
Programming of scan
groups ...and simultaneously press...
If you accidentally release the STORE button before pressing a group button,
press two times QUIT to return to the TOP MENU.
Group buttons, when pushed during standard running mode, always overwrite
the actual scan selection.
To have one or more of the scans lighting the stage, at least one of the group
brightness faders has to be up. Even during movement initialization there will
! Attention ! be no beam on stage as long as all group brightness masters are at zero.
The function "MASTERS ALL 100%" at the SETUP menu will set all master
faders to full on. This makes sense during playback of synchronised shows
! Attention ! but should be switched off during standard operation (white background).
The encoder always controls the scans, which are
actually selected in the selection block. Their num-
bers in the display list are printed inverted and the
values are modified when the encoder is used.
Encoder 1, 2 and 3
The three lower sections in the display show the
functions, which are controlled by the encoder. The
inside part of the encoder controls the function step
by step, the outside ring offers a fast and course
adjustment. (16 steps per increment).
As it is now possible, to select small beams and to control movement scan by scan, the stage initialization
should be done before going on with programming. This is important to have the chance of transforming
programs to new stage setups. (>>Movement initialization)
QUIT button
The display switches to the TOP MENU.
The display shows the actual output values and the
headline "Adjust Preset".
Feature button
Presets can be programmed for all functions. Also for
PAN/TILT, positions can be prepared as presets.
2. x STORE button
For all selected scans the actual output values are
stored as PRESET.
Testing and modifying Preset button pressed for more than 1/2 sec
PRESETS The selected PRESET will be recalled and can be
modified and stored.
After the second STORE the next PRESET can be programmed or the desk
will return to the TOP MENU by using the QUIT button.
Feature Button
Selects a function for direct access.
Display buttons
In direct access mode preprogrammed PRESETS
can be recalled by their button. Similar to the control
via encoder, only the scans which are actually
selected, will change to the new value.
Display list:
If the actual value of a scan was selected by recalling a preset, the list will no
longer show the channel value, but will show the preset name.
Encoder 1 to 3
Modifications via encoder:
- Any modification via the encoder will change the
display to show the actual output value. If the value
returns to the preset value, the display returns to
show the preset name.
SAMPLE function The SAMPLE function enables the recall of up to nine presets even for different
features simultaneously. The SAMPLE preset commands can be created in
advance and are listed in the display, as soon as the SAMPLE button is
Any new preset command, which is sampled in the list, may overwrite and
therefore automatically clear a former command. (For example if a new
command sets a gobo for all scans, any former gobo commands in the sample
list are cleared.)
Movements on fade:
- depends on mechanical construc- - linear movement of the beam within
tion of the lamps the stage area
Follow mode:
- not possible - without any problem up to 50% out-
side stage
Special regulations on - During stage oriented movement mode the value in the display reaches from
stage oriented movement -99 to +99. The centre of the stage corresponds to 0/0, the corners have values
of +/-25. Values outside +/- 25 mean, that the beam is actually outside the
- When a preset is recalled with a x-fade time greater than zero, the beams will
change slowly and with a linear travel from their actual position to the new one.
- If the movement initialization was done correctly, any combination of scans,
which shows the same values in the display, meet the same point on stage.
Outside the stage, this effect will loose its accuracy.
During any programming of positions make sure, that the circle radius is set to
! Attention ! zero. If only the circle speed is zero, but the radius is greater zero, there is no
circle movement visible, but the radius is still valid and will cause an offset on
the programmed positions.
OPTION button
The actual mode is marks by "S" or "D" for all 16 scans. Changing the mode
via option cancels all running fades.
Changing the working The working mode is stored within any preset, memory, chaser or sequence
mode can be done by step. The playback of this programs automatically restores the according
recalling according working mode. Fades between two positions with different working mode
playbacks always run in DMX direct mode.
Transforming programs to All movement positions which are stored as presets, memories or scenes, are
a new stage setup automatically adapted to a new stage setup, as soon as the movement
initialization is done. Therefore it is important to have the first movement
initialization done before any program is stored. If the programs had been
done on the basic of an exact initialization, no further adjustments are
necessary. The same initialization is necessary, if the mounting position or
height of a scan has been changed.
Adjusting preset positions Preset positions can also be adjusted, if the point they have to hit on stage,
has moved. If, for example, the position of the keyboard player has moved,
only the preset "KEYB." has to be adjusted, and any memory, chaser or
sequence step, which was programmed to meet the keyboard, will recall the
right position.
Transforming direct DMX If programs are stored on direct DMX mode the easiest way is to adjust the
memories lamp position as exact as possible.
Otherwise all programs, which are based on preset positions can be trans-
formed by simply adjusting the 44 preset positions. Stage pictures, which are
not based on presets, have to be tested and adjusted one by one.
Speed Encoder 1
Controls the speed. Crossing zero will change the
Terminating a circle Any circle movement can only be terminated by turning the radius to zero or
movement by recalling a preset, which sets the radius to zero.
For keeping control of circle movements and to have the chance to terminate
circles as quick as possible, it is recommended to program a preset for circle
Using the selective way of programming memories and sequence steps, it is
important to have one of the memories S1 to S10 stored as "CIRCLE OFF"
memory. (>> 4.3 Selective memories)
When a circle movement is terminated by setting the radius to zero, the beam
returns to the centre of the circle.
During any programming of positions make sure, that the circle radius is set to
! Attention ! zero. If only the circle speed is zero, but the radius is greater zero, there is no
circle movement visible, but the radius is still valid and will cause an offset on
the programmed positions.
Lamp types with 10 to 16 As the DMX 512 signal features a 8 bit resolution, it offers control with 256
BIT accuracy steps. A much improved movement control is possible, if the lamp offers a
second channel for fine adjustment, reaching a 10, 12 or 16 bit resolution.
Unfortunately today only few of the available lamps feature this second
channel for high resolution control via DMX 512.
Lamp types with smooth Some of the lamps feature an intelligent logic, which enables the lamp to
movements by creating make smooth movements by creating their own intermediate steps. Therefore
intermediate steps these lamps show a little delay on slow movement (Hysteresis). Especially
when doing the movement setup, this may cause some loose of accuracy.
Other lamps require that the speed data are sent on a separate DMX 512
Lamp types with a speed channel. As this speed information has to be set by the user any time there
channel are changes between fast movement and slow fades or follow spot operations,
it is not very handy.
Setting this speed to maximum leaves no chance to do slow movements, as
the lamps will jump from position to position.
Appendix 1 lists the scans, which will successfully interface with the
MA SCANCOMMANDER. Unused features such as focus or zoom can be
used as a makeshift for lamps which need additional speed information.
Controlling the movement speed of these scans can be done by programming
some selective memories on S1 to S10, which only set a value on to the speed
(>>4.3 Selective memories)
During initial programming operations, all blocks within the matrix have to be
displayed in inverted contrast. In case some of the squares are not inverted,
2. x CLEAR
The matrix is completely selected. All blocks are
Note: if the STORE
displayed inverted.
MATRIX is not completely
selected, only some of the
adjustments on stage are The matrix is stored internally and reconstructed as soon as the next picture
stored. is stored.
(>> 4.3 Selective Memo-
Trigpoint and x-fade Features may be selected for slow infade (indicated by the small ramp) or for
fast switching to the new value (trig). A trigpoint will set, whether the switching
will be done at the beginning, the middle or the end of the fade.
Example: A scan may move slowly from its old position to the middle of the
stage, the color is set to change quickly at 50%, means middle of the travel.
Encoder 1
Selects a feature marked by an arrow.
Encoder 2 or 3
Switches between Trig and fade.
Ramp (black triangle): Slow x-fade
No Ramp :Switching at the Trigpoint
Memory pages the PLAYBACK area right hand on the front panel offers 40 buttons for
memories, whereas the upper 30 buttons can be switched to 4 different pages
A to D. The right hand buttons with two LED´s are able to contain chasers. A
flashing LED in a page button shows the preselected page. The lower ten
memory buttons S1 to S10 stay untouched by the page buttons and should be
programmed to contain the mostly used memories.
A small graphic
shows the STORE
matrix of this memory
FREE: (84233)
FADE 0.0 sec TRIG 0%
Encoder 1 and 3
Sets x-fade time and trigpoint.
Memory button
Recalls the memory with the adjusted fade time.
Moving the fader will crossfade the values between
the start position and the new memory.
SCAN Selection
Select a combination of scans
MEMORY button
The fixed channels get no longer affected by any
memory, even if they had been selected in the store
matrix of this memory.
Changing the scan selection and pushing another feature button will create a
Changing the selection of combination of frozen channels shown in the display.
frozen channels Selecting a feature where already some scans are fixed will clear the old
selection of scans and will freeze the new selection. This way, for single
features, the Freeze can be cleared by not selecting any scans.
Controlling frozen chan- Direct Access via presets or encoder will work even on frozen channels. The
nels Freeze only protects against playback buttons like memories.
Automatic FREEZE on All scans fixed to follow effect by EXTRA FOLLOW Mode are frozen
FOLLOW MODE automatically. This is to avoid accidental changes of the beams, which are
used to track a person. (>>Fixing the followspot mode)
Display buttons and All the functions of the desk remain untouched, but the display buttons and
encoder locked encoders will be cancelled as long as the list is in display.
Setting names via key- The names of memory 1 to 30 are displayed with 2 x 7 characters. S1 to S10
board get 7 characters each. When typing the name during STORE or EDIT, small
arrows mark the beginning of the second 7 characters.
SCAN No: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
A small copy of
this matrix will be
displayed during the next FOCUS
step and during any edit R-G-B
or modify operation. PRISMA
Selecting single channels
Unlike programming standard memories, on programming selective memories
only a part of the channels are selected.
SCAN Selection
Selects the scans which will be affected by the
following feature
FEATURE button
For the actual selection of scans, this feature is
selected. Selected channels are displayed inverted.
Changing the scan selection before pushing the next
feature button enables you to select any free
combination of channels.
The STORE MATRIX of the last modified memory stays in the temporary
storage and will be reconstructed when doing the next store operation.
5. Chaser
The right column of memory buttons contain a second LED. With these
buttons it is possible to program single stage scenes as memories or complete
chaser programs. Chaser programs are just a list of scenes which change with
preselected step time.
A small graphic PROGRAM CHASE
shows the STORE 1
Matrix of this step 2 CHASE: A 25 LINK FADE
FREE: (94770) 0.00 sec
SPEED 0.500 HZ
3 2.000 Sec
( ) Clears the chase and erases all old steps.
Saves the stage picture as a new step at the end of
the chase
As the STORE MATRIX may be different from step to step, the listed parameters
are global for the complete chaser program.
Encoder 2
Speed in Hertz (steps / sec.) and in seconds.
Inverts the respective block in the display. In case
LINK FADE is selected, the fade time is set in
percentage of the step time
Encoder 3
Changes the selected parameter. The step fade is
allowed to be longer than the step time (SPEED).
This makes sense if the fading channels are not
selected in the next step. Otherwise they will not find
the time to do their fade. (>> selective programming)
Encoder 1
Selection of a step number.
Termination of a chaser A second push on a chaser button will not stop the chase but will make it start
again with step number one. On the MA SCANCOMMANDER always the
latest pushed button has the highest priority. To stop a running chaser, all the
channels, which are actually controlled by the chaser steps, have to be
overwritten by recalling a memory or preset in direct access.
Partly overwriting a Recalling selective memories may overwrite parts of the channels, controlled
running chaser by the chaser. Therefore the chaser looses its priority on these channels,
whereas other channels may still be controlled by the next chaser steps.
A chaser may control color, and movement of the scans. If the
color has been overwritten by recalling a pure color memory or
any color preset in direct access, the chaser will still go on to
control movement, but it has no longer priority over the color. This
makes it possible to do the same movement with different colours.
In the same way a selective memory may control all features of
only one or two scans. Recalling this memory after starting a
chaser will cut down the effect of the chase as it can no longer
control these scans. The rest of the scans will continue with the
chaser steps.
Freezing single channels Channels, fixed to their value by the FREEZE function, will no longer be
affected by chaser steps. After clearing the FREEZE the chaser resumes
control of these channels.
EDIT button
Chaser button
FREE: (94770) 1.00 sec
SPEED 0.500 HZ
3 2.000 Sec
Selection of a parameter.
Encoder 3
Changing the selected parameter. In case LINK FADE
is selected, the fade time is set in percentage of the
step time.
Any change of the parameters will work directly on the running program.
EDIT button
Chaser button
6 STEPS: 6
FREE: (94120)
Encoder 1
Selects a new step number.
Moves the sequence of steps, marked as block, to
the new address. The total number of steps stays
Makes a copy of all the steps in the block and inserts
these steps at the new address
Deletes all steps marked as block and shifts the
following steps ahead.
Cancels the block operation mode and returns to the
Modify Menu.
EDIT button
Chaser button
6 STEPS: 6
FREE: (94770)
Edit Matrix has to be displayed inverted, if the STORE
MATRIX will be checked or modified within the next
Testing the single chaser Encoder 1
steps Scrolls through the list of steps and recalls the steps
on stage.
Note: Scrolling backwards through a selective chaser
with different STORE MATRIX selections from step to
step, will not produce the same pictures as scrolling
forward. To be sure to see the right scenes switch off
MODIFY, turn to step one and switch on MODIFY.
Now, scrolling through the steps forward, will produce
the right scenes.
1. x STORE button
If EDIT MATRIX was selected, it will show the STORE
MATRIX of this step.
2. x STORE button
Saves the modified step and returns to the modify
Individual step - Unlike the chaser steps, every step of a sequence may have its individual
parameters parameters. The time, until the next step starts (STEP TIME), the x-fade
time and the trigpoint may be different from step to step.
GO MODES - The steps may be triggered via GO button, by SOUND INPUT, they may be
recalled by manual x-fade or on automatic mode with an internal timer and
preprogrammed or with an adjusted step time.
Overwriting during play- - GO MODE, STEP TIME and FADE TIME of the single steps can be set
back manually to overwrite the programmed parameters.
Linking steps to - Standard chaser programs and memories can be recalled as one step of the
memories or chaser sequence.
SEQUENCE button 1 - 16
Selecting one of the 16 sequence buttons.
Programming of
sequence steps INSERT ALL SINGLE
1.0 1.00 sec
3.0 FREE: (94770) 0.00 sec
...... STEP TRIG
6 STEP : 3.5
The step will wait for a sound impulse.
The step will be recalled automatically, as soon as
the STEP TIME of the last step runs out.
Changing the value of the selected parameter.
In case LINK FADE is selected, the fade time is set
in percentage of the step time
STORE button
Overwrites the selected step by the new stage plot.
The total number of steps remains unchanged.
By any memory or chaser, recalled by its respective button after the start of
the sequence, the sequence may loose its priority. If the memory was a
selective one, some of the channels may still be available for the sequence, if
it was a standard memory with fully selected STORE MATRIX, the following
steps of the sequence will no longer have any effect on stage.
Red LED in the Step Mode A red LED in one of the STEP MODE buttons indicates, how the next step has
buttons to be recalled. The internally stored step mode is indicated by the green
LED´s, but has no effect as long as a red one is on.
Green LED in the Step Green LED´s: Only if none of the red LED´s is on, the next step is triggered by
Mode buttons the internally stored step mode.
GO buttons GO+ and GO- buttons are always working, like the EXTERN GO input via
1/4" jack on the back panel does.
Set Time LED SET TIME LED: if the LED is on, the x-fade time between the steps can be set
by the fader. The internally stored x-fade time of the steps has no effect.
GO+ button
Recalls the first step of the sequence
Recalls the steps one by one.
GO- button
Recalls the previous step.
Note: When using standard memories, the GO- but-
ton will really recall the right stage picture. When
using selective programmed steps, recalling a step
via GO- may have another effect than recalling this
step via GO+.
Green LED´s indicating GREEN LED´s inside the SET MODE buttons
internal STEP MODE Show the step mode of the next step, as it was set
when programming the sequence. If one of the green
LED´s is on, the sequence waits for a trigger signal.
By the GO button the next step can be recalled any
ENABLE button.
Keep button pressed ...
... and simultaneously press ...
Sequence button of the actual sequence
The next step of the sequence is enabled to control
all channels according its step matrix.
Line one lists the step which was recalled last. Line 2 to 4 show the next
steps. Each line shows step number, indicator of go mode, steptime, fadetime
and triggerpoint.
Right hand a small graphic shows the matrix of the steps (see 4.3),
indicating which channels get affected by this step.
If the step is a LINK MEMORY step, the number and name of the memory is
listed instead of the graphic.
Left side on the bottom line the go mode is shown on black background. If the
next step is a timed automatic, the remaining time is listed on the display.
The graphic right on the bottom line shows which channels are still
controlled by the Sequence. As soon as this graphic is empty and
white, all channels are overwritten by any memory or preset playbacks - the
sequence has no more effect on stage.
1.0 2.00 sec
3.0 FREE: (94770) 1.00 sec
...... STEP TRIG
Selection of a step. The stored parameter of this step
are displayed and can be modified.
EDIT button
Sequenz button 1-16
The selected step are recalled to stage and the
square MODIFY is displayed inverted.
3 STEP : 2.1
Changing the step num- Changes the step number. The ring is changing the
bers digits after the decimal point.
Clears the selected step and shifts all following steps
Erasing a step one step ahead.
Makes a copy of the selected step and inserts this
Creating a new step copy right in front. The new step may now be modi-
fied or linked to a memory (>>6.3.4 Recalling a
memory or chaser as step of a sequence).
Numbers all steps consecutively.
Clearing step numbers
The sections on top of the display show the different
block operations available.
Encoder 1
Selects a new step number.
Deletes all steps marked as block and shifts the
following steps ahead.
EDIT button
Sequenz button 1-16
3 STEP : 2.1
Edit Matrix has to be inverted, if the STORE MATRIX
will be checked or modified within the next steps.
Encoder 1
Testing single steps Scrolls through the list of steps and recalls the steps
on stage.
Note: Scrolling backwards through a selective se-
quence with different STORE MATRIX selections from
step to step, will not produce the same stage scene
as scrolling forward.
Feature button
Changing channel values
Scan Selection
and the matrix of a step
Preset button or Encoder
Changing channel values via direct access.
1. x STORE button
If EDIT MATRIX was selected, it will show the STORE
MATRIX of this step.
2. x STORE button
Saves the modified step and returns to the modify
Memories and chasers as Memories and chasers of the playback section can be recalled as a step of a
steps of a sequence sequence. This saves programming time and storage capacity.
EDIT button
Sequenz button 1-16
3 STEP : 2.1
Across the top of the REMOTE Menu are four buttons which activate the
remote initialization menus.
QUIT button
Returns to the REMOTE top menu
Remote via DMX In addition, up to 24 DMX 512 input channels can be used to remote control
single functions on the SCANCOMMANDER.
The pin layout for the DMX 512 input connector conforms with USITT protocol.
Pin 1 = Ground, Pin 2= Data - , Pin 3 = Data +
Linking to one of the Playback buttons (the same as on remote via touchboard)
playback functions Links the selected function to the selected DMX
Activating and terminating DMX ON/OFF at the Remote top menu
the remote input Switches the remote input on and off.
7.3 MIDI
MIDI Sequencer The SCANCOMMANDER enables to record playback commands like recalling
memories, chasers, sequences and GO button pushes on to a MIDI sequencer.
During playback of the sequencer, the SCANCOMMANDER will receive these
commands as soon as the MIDI input is activated.
Encoder 1-3
Selection of one of the MIDI channels 1-16.
7.4.1 Installation
Installation for master- MIDI OUT connector of the master has to be connected to
slave operation
MIDI IN at the first slave unit.
More slaves can be added using the MIDI THRU port of the previous slave
The DMX output of all coupled units can be used as separate DMX lines.
Via the DMX input and by patching all scans to different DMX address
numbers, the control signals of more than one Scancommander can be send
on one DMX line.
The last step is to set up the master board via REMOTE - MIDI - MODE
MASTER. If a SLAVE is used with a software version smaller than 4.20 it is
then really necessary to press the button "Mode: Old master".
The following RESET will send all necessary data from the master to all slave
units. If any slave comes later than the master, it will wait for a master reset
(lowest display button left side or switching off and on the master power
Transfer of all functions to All functions including trackerball movements, group selection and brightness
the slave unit master are send from the master to the slave units.
Just the single scan selection button have to be operated at the according
units. To make sure that during DMX PATCH and MOVEMENT SETUP only
one scan is handled at a time, all other scans have to be deselected manually.
Time Code Videocontroller
(Trac 3)
MA Scan-
Sound signal
(Trac 1 and 2)
Synchronized playback During playback of the tape the Time Code signals are sent to all connected
controllers. Each device has stored in memory, which program has to be
recalled at which time.
The Time Code input at the Scancommander is on the 1/4" jack at the
SMPTE menu
(000) 00:00:01:15
Parallel to the ON/OFF button in the Remote Top
menu this button will switch on and off the Time Code
Select record mode RECORD
OVERWRITE mode and
RECORD : NEW selected (blocks inverted)
Tape machine
When starting a new playback of the tape, the Time
Code will be sent to the controllers again. As long as
the Time Code input is active, the Scan-commander
will recall the events as they are stored inside.
The Remote Top menu shows the incoming time and the last event. The
SMPTE menu shows the actual section of the event list.
Periodical playback Playback of Time Code synchronized shows recommend no further operation
at the Scancommander. Every time the tape starts to send the Time Code, the
Scancommander will recall the programmed events. Even after switching off
and on the power supply, the Scancommander will stay in the Time Code
playback mode.
Overwriting a running During a running Time Code show, all functions of the Scancommander stay
Time Code show active and can be used for manually overwriting the program. Only a GO+ or
GO- command of the event list will have no effect, if the running sequence was
started manually. All other events will work as if the according playback
command was selected directly. To stop the Time Code show and go on
manually, the Time Code input has to be switched off. Returning to Time Code
any time will continue the show with the events, stored for this section.
Starting playback in the A Time Code show can be started at any point of the tape. Using selective
middle of a show memories or sequences this may cause changes in the effect on stage.
(GO commands do not recall well defined stage pictures, but do just trigger
the last selected sequence to go to the next step).
The display shows the SMPTE menu with a list of the
programmed events.
009 00 : 00 : 10 : 05 MEM. A/02 DELETE
010 00 : 00 : 10 : 15 MEM. A/03 EVENT
011 00 : 00 : 11 : 02 SEQU. 01 INSERT
012 00 : 00 : 11 : 03 GO + OVERWRITE
013 00 : 00 : 12 : 15 MEM. B/02
014 00 : 00 : 13 : 15 MEM. A/05 RECORD:
015 00 : 00 : 15 : 02 GO + NEW
016 00 : 00 : 18 : 03 GO -
017 00 : 00 : 18 : 15 MEM. A/01 FINE
(053) 00:00:12:15
When FINE is selected, the encoder will change the
time in single frames or minutes, otherwise they will
do a course adjustment.
Using the Extension as slave it will be switched to slave mode like a
Scancommander. As noted in 7.4 only the display and the single scan
selection buttons will work.
Number of channels per Each EXTRA unit may have up to 3 channels (number in brackets). The actual
unit number will be adjusted automatically according to the free DMX channels
following the selected address.
Encoder 1 to 3
Control the channels of the selected units.
and simultaneously
GROUP buttons A - H
Stores a group for the EXTRA selection.
During EXTRA 1 or EXTRA 2 in DIRECT ACCESS the group buttons recall the
EXTRA groups instead of the scan groups.
When controlling color changer on EXTRA channels, this groups can be set to
be not under the control of the master faders. On dimmer channels EXTRA can
be set to be mastered by the fader.
Controlling color changers via EXTRA becomes very easy by using the presets.
As with the color channel of the scans the different colours can be prepared
and labelled in their display blocks.
Even controlling dimmer channels via EXTRA is more handy when certain
values are stored as presets. For every EXTRA there are 4 pages offering 44
presets. As the value of the single channels may be different within a preset,
complete lighting cues can be stored as presets.
Instead of setting the values for EXTRA 1 or 2 via the encoder wheels or
Programming the EXTRA presets, it is possible to set the values via a standard DMX console, connected
1 and 2 via a standard to the Scancommanders DMX input.
lighting console
1. The DMX output of the lighting console goes to the DMX input of the
Scancommander, the Scancommander DMX output goes to stage.
2. EXTRA 1 or 2 units get patched to the same DMX addresses like the
lighting board channels. The Scancommander will compare the incoming
value and the Scancommander setting for the values and the highest will be
send to stage.
Storing any memory or chaser step will take the DMX input values as set at
the lighting console and will store it within the Scancommanders memory.
The actual values at the Scancommander are ignored.
9. Utilities
9.1 Display index
Active special functions are listed in the Top Menu.
Global modification of all
+/- 00%
running fades
In the Top Menu encoder number two can be used to
slow down or speed up all running fades simultane-
- Memories controlling scans with 4 to 6 channels will need less space than
scans with 12 or more channels.
- Selective memories or steps only keep the data for the selected channels.
This way they also save space.
Save data to card
Scrolls through the list of files on card, available for
the selected data type. ("......" offers to create a new
file, to be named via keyboard.)
Saves the selected data section into the card with
name, time and date of storing.
LOAD - Encoder 1 - OK
Loads all data of the selected file into the boards
Load data from card internal storage register and therefore overwrites the
data, already stored in the desk.
Encoder 1
Selection of one of the files on card
ATTENTION: The cue cards work with a battery which has to be mounted
before the first use. Average lifetime of these batteries is two years. Note the
date of inserting the battery on the backside of the card and exchange the
battery in time, otherwise all programs on card get lost.
Change battery only while card is inserted - the card is supplied
meanwhile by the desk. All shows will get lost, when you remove the
battery from the card, while the card is not inserted in the desk.
Insert the card in the desk. Release the locking device of the Battery carrier
and remove only the battery carrier. Attatch a new battery to the carrier (pay
attention to the polarity + / -) and insert the carrier with the new battery in the
card. Move the locking device in direction of the arrow ("Lock")
The type of battery varies from manufacturer to manufacturer - whether you
find a type identification on the card or remove the battery - while card is
inserted - and identify the type of battery.
!! ATTENTION !! Please remove the card from the desk as long as the card is not in use.
Clear single memory, Clearing a single memory is done by overwriting the old memory with a new
chase or step one with completely cleared STORE MATRIX.
STORE button
CLEAR button in the feature section
Clears the complete matrix.
Memory button
STORE button
Overwrites the old memory with a pseudo memory,
containing no data.
9.4 Keyswitch
Protecting programs The keyswitch right on top of the front panel allows to protect the programs
against unauthorized modification.
All functions of the Scancommander are available
All playback functions are available, programming or
modifying pictures is not possible.
All buttons, encoders and faders on the front panel
are locked, but internally running programs go on.
Playback via any kind of remote input or master slave
communication keep on working.
9.5 Macros
The five macro buttons A to E right beside the cue card slot offer the possibility
to sample different key strokes to one single button.
In case the maximum step number is reached (22-62 depending on the kind of
button), the macro is stored automatically with "MACRO FULL".
Deleting a macro Macros can not be listed in the display. All special macros, including any
programming or deleting commands in their list, should be cleared as soon as
they have done their job.
!! ATTENTION !! Deleting a macro is done by
DMX 512 output The DMX output conforms to USITT DMX 1990. Every unit using this protocol
can be successfully interfaced with the Scancommander.
The DMX Output is optically isolated and exceeds the RS485 Norm.
Pinout: pin 1 = Shield
pin 2 = Data -
pin 3 = Data +
pin 4 = not connected
pin 5 = not connected
DMX 512 input The DMX Input allows operation of two different functions:
a. All incoming DMX-Data will be merged with the Data produced by the
Scancommander. The highest value takes precedence at the DMX output.
b. To remote various functions of the Scancommander via DMX, e.g. coupling
a lightning desk and a Scancommander. For configuration see “Remote”.
The connector is a Mono or Stereo Phone Jack 6,3mm and the input is
galvanic insulated. Input impedance is ca. 3K Ohm, the threshold is min. 3
Sound input mV. The electrical connection is tip and sleeve. The Sound Input controls are
located on the upper left side of the front panel.
Adjustment: Turn the volume control until the left LED begins to light; higher
inputs are limited automatically. To get the best results, the frequency
control should be turned to the left for low frequencies (50 Hz), to the right
for high frequencies (2 kHz). ”Hold-Off” control should be initially set full
To avoid double triggering of a bass drum for example, rotate “Hold Off” as
needed. At full right, “Hold Off” time is a full six seconds.
Trackball or mouse Necessary to work comfortably in the Follow Mode and to set the Pan/Tilt
The trackerball connector is compatible with the ATARI norm. PC compatible
trackerballs will not work with the Scancommander.
Keyboard Necessary to enter the names of the Memories etc. The connector is a 5pin
Din. Every PC compatible AT/MF-keyboard can be used.
All DMX512 and analogue inputs and outputs must be shielded and the shielding
must be connected to the ground and the case of the corresponding plug.
ENCODER 2 and 3:
Selection of the DMX channel (inverse) and the corres-
ponding function. These channels must be selected and
set up one by one.
Gobo 1 Zoom
Gobo 2 Shutter
Color 1 Speed 1
Color 2 Speed 2
Dimmer Special
Cyan Gobo1-Rotation
Magenta Gobo2-Rotation
Yellow Prism Rotation
Prism Pan
Iris Pan fine
Focus Tilt
Frost Tilt fine
Deletes all settings starting with the selected channel for
this user type.
Leads back to the MAKE LAMPTYPE menu.
leads to the menu defining the brightness master
ENCODER 2 and 3:
Select the line and function
: -----
The last function of the filed channel list can be sepa-
rated optionally from the other DMX channels of the scan.
Later this function can be patched separately. Therefore it
must be selected by the third encoder.
SCAN - button
DIMMER here the lamp can be selected and patched
C-M-Y Mode 78
Index Computermouse 6
Controlling color changers 65
Symbole Controlling dimmer channels 65
00:00:15 67 Copying memories 32
16 BIT accuracy 23 Cue card 6
ACCESS ALL 70 Daisy chaining a DMX signal 54
Adaptation to new stage setups 18 DELETE ALL 33, 42
Adjusting preset positions 20 DELETE BLOCK 38, 49
Atari compatible mouse or trackball 6, 21 DELETE STEP 37, 48
B Deleting a chase 70
Deleting a file on card 69
Backup on cue card 6, 68 Deleting a macro 71
Blackout 77 Dimmer and color changers 9, 64
Block operations 37, 49 Direct access 13
Board housing 6 Display buttons 7
Brightness fader 13 DMX 512 9, 64
brightness master on EXTRA 65 DMX 512 input 66, 73
C DMX 512 output 6, 73
DMX interface 9
CANCEL BLOCK 38, 49 DMX output addresses 9
Changing chaser name and parameters 36 DOUBLE STEP 37, 48, 51
Changing chaser step matrix and levels 39 Drawback of selective programming 30
Changing memory matrix and data 31 Drawer 6
Changing memory parameters 31
Changing order of chaser steps 37 E
Changing sequence step matrix and levels 50 EBU Time Code 57
Changing sequence STEP MODE 48 EDIT 31, 32, 36, 37, 39, 47, 50, 53, 54
Changing sequence step numbers 48 EDIT MATRIX 31, 39
Changing sequence step order 48 Enable Chaser 35
Changing sequence step times 47 Enable Sequenz 45
Changing the event time 61 Encoder ring 14
Channels per EXTRA unit 64 Encoders 7, 14
Chaser 33 END OF RANGE 61
CHASER SPEED 34 Events 58, 59
Circle mode 22 EXT SOUND 41, 44
CIRCLE OFF 22, 30 Extension Unit 56, 63
Circle speed 22 EXTERN GO 43
CLEAR (DMX output patch) 9 EXTRA 1 100 % 65
CLEAR (Scanselection) 13 EXTRA 1 DMX INPUT 66
CLEAR (STORE MATRIX) 24 EXTRA 1 and 2 groups 65
CLEAR ALL 70 EXTRA 1 and 2 in memories 66
CLEAR FREEZE 27 EXTRA 1 and 2 on direct access 64
"CLEAR"-"INVERT" 13 EXTRA 1 and 2 Presets 65
Clearing a memory 70 EXTRA channels 64
Clearing programs 70 Extra1,Extra2 9
New stage setup 20 Radius 22
NEXT in the sequence menu 46 RATE Fader 44
Number in brackets 9 RECORD 58
RECORD : NEW 58, 59
OK 68 Red LED´s in SET MODE 43
OPTION 13, 19 Red printed functions 14
Outside the stage 21 Registration card 5
Overwrite an old step 34 Registration of selected lamp type 8
OVERWRITE mode 58, 59, 62 REMOTE 52, 55, 58
Overwrite parts of a show 59 Remote GO input 73
Overwriting a running chaser 35 REMOTE Top Menu 52
Overwriting the programmed fade time 26 Remote via DMX input 54
Remote via Touchboard 53
PAGE A-D 25 RESET 10, 11, 56
PAN/TILT via encoder and Presets 18 rhomb in front of Pan/Tilt values 18
PAN/TILT coordinates 18 RUNNING FADE 7, 67
PATCH 9, 64 S
PC compatible mice 6
PC-MF keyboard 6 S1 to S10 25
Percentage 34, 36, 42, 47 SAMPLE CLEAR 17
PLAYBACK area 25 SAMPLE display 17
Playback chasers 35 SAMPLE function 17
Playback memories 26 SAMPLE GO 17
Playback of presets 16 Save data to card 69
Playback of selective memories 30 Scan groups 13
Playback of sequences 43 SCAN SELECTION 13, 14
Powersupply 6 Scancommander Extension 63
PRESET names 15 Selecting a single event 61
Preset X-Fades 16 Selective memories 24, 29, 35
PRESETS for Pan/Tilt 19 sequence playback menu 40, 46
Priority 35 Sequence playback rate via fader 44
Programming chaser parameters 34 Sequence via GO button 43
Programming macros 71 sequence via Sound input 44
Programming of basic memories 24 sequence with intern stored STEP MODE 45
Programming of chasers 33 Sequences 40
Programming of presets 15 SET RATE 41, 44
Programming of scan groups 13 SET SELECTION TO DMX 19
Programming of selective memories 29 SET SELECTION TO STAGE 19
Programming of sequences 40 SET TIME 26
Set Time LED 43
Q SET- corner button 12
QUIT 7 SETUP 7, 8, 9, 11, 64, 69
Shutter Strobe Off 30
SINGLE 13, 33, 42, 67
Slow/Fast 21
Vlm m3 10
Vlm m4 Ex 13
Vl5/Vl5B m3 11
Vl5 m4 16B Ex 14
Vl5 Arc m3 v5.1 10
Vl5 Arc m4 16B Ex 13
Vl6 m3 16Bit 10
Vl6 m4 16B Ex 13
Vl6 m5 16B Ex 11
Vl6 m6 16B Ex 14
Vl6B m5 16Bit 14
Vl6B m6 16B Ex 17
Vl7 m7 16Bit 17
Vl7 m8 16Bit Ex 20
Vl7B m9 ADD6 Extra 17
Vl220X 16bit Std. 14
Vl220X 16bit Enhc 17
Vl2401 16bit Std. 12
Vl2401 16bit Enhc 15
Vl2402 16bit Std. 12
Vl2402 16bit Enhc 15
Vl2416 16bit Std. 12
Vl2416 16bit Enhc 15
VL1000 A 19
VL1000 AI 19
VL3000 Wash 16
2500 Wash 15
2500 Spot 22
VL 500 Wash 13
X & Y Yoke XL 7
MN 400 Wash 12
MN 400 Spot 13
MN 600 Wash 14
MN 600 Spot 14
Bim 1200 14
Movement: Mirror - Brightness Master on Dimmer Movement: Head - Brightness Master on Dimmer
DMX channel order DMX channel order
1: Pan 2: Tilt 3: Pan fine 1: Pan 2: Tilt 3: Pan fine
4: Tilt fine 5: Spped 1 6: Special 4: Tilt fine 5: Speed 1 6: Special
7: Color 1 8: Gobo 1 9: Dimmer 7: Color 1 8: Color 2 9: Prisma
10: Pr.-Rotation 10: Gobo 1 11: Gobo 2 12: Rotation 1
——————————————————————————— 13: Iris 14: Zoom 15: Shutter
16: Dimmer
Scan type: SC-740 HR ———————————————————————————
Short name: SC-740 Manufacturer GENIUS
Movement: Mirror - Brightness Master on Dimmer Scan type: OMEGA 2
DMX channel order Short name: OMEGA2
1: Pan 2: Tilt 3: Pan fine Movement: Head - Brightness Master on Dimmer
4: Tilt fine 5: Spped 1 6: Special
7: Color 1 8: Gobo 2 9: Dimmer DMX channel order
10: (no used) 11: Gobo 1 12: Rotation 1 1: Special 2: Color 1 3: Gobo 1
13: Iris 4: Shutter 5: Pan 6: Tilt
——————————————————————————— 7: Dimmer 8: Prisma 9: Gobo 2
Scan type: SC-780 HR 10: Rotation 2
Short name: SC-780
Movement: Mirror - Brightness Master on Dimmer Manufacturer GLP
DMX channel order Scan type: MINI STAR TEC
1: Pan 2: Tilt 3: Pan fine
4: Tilt fine 5: Spped 1 6: Special Short name: M STAR
7: Color 1 8: Gobo 2 9: Prisma Movement: Mirror - Brightness Master on Shutter
10: Pr.-Rotation 11: Gobo 1 12: Rotation 1
13: Iris 14: Focus 15: Shutter DMX channel order
16: Dimmer 1: Pan 2: Tilt 3: Speed 1
——————————————————————————— 4: Gobo 1 5: Rotation 1 6: Shutter
Scan type: SC-940/980 HR ———————————————————————————
Scan type: MIGHTY SCAN
Short name: SC-940
Short name: MIGHTY
Movement: Mirror - Brightness Master on Dimmer
DMX channel order Movement: Mirror - Brightness Master on Shutter
1: Pan 2: Tilt 3: Pan fine DMX channel order
4: Tilt fine 5: Spped 1 6: Special 1: Pan 2: Tilt 3: Speed 1
7: Color 1 8: Color 2 9: Prisma 4: Color 1 5: Gobo 1 6: Shutter
10: Gobo 2 11: Gobo 1 12: Rotation 1 ———————————————————————————
13: Iris 14: Focus 15: Shutter Scan type: MAX
16: Dimmer
——————————————————————————— Short name: MAX
Scan type: MH 640 WASHLIGHT Movement: Head - Brightness Trigger on Shutter
Short name: MH 640 DMX channel order
Movement: Head - Brightness Master on Dimmer 1: Pan 2: Tilt 3: Speed1=Pan
4: Speed2=Tilt 5: Rotation1 6: Color1
DMX channel order 7: Gobo1 8: Shutter
1: Pan 2: Tilt 3: Pan fine ———————————————————————————
4: Tilt fine 5: Speed 1 6: Special Scan type: STARTEC 2000 EXT9
7: Color 1 8: Cyan 9: Magenta
10: Yellow 11: Speed 2 12: Color 2 Short name: STAR X
13: Prisma 14: (no used) 15: Shutter
16: Dimmer Movement: Mirror - Brightness Master on Shutter (Dimmer)
——————————————————————————— DMX channel order
1: Pan 2: Tilt 3: Color
Scan type: MH 660 SPOT HR 4: Gobo 1 5: Shutter 6: Special
7: Speed 8: Rotation 1 9: Iris
Presets available
eMail: . Tel.: + 49 9 31 49 79 40 . User's Manual Scancommander
Scan type: VL1000 A 16BIT ENHC 25
Scan type: VL2401 16BIT STD. Short name: V1000A
Short name: VL2401 Movement: Head - Brightness Master on Dimmer
Movement: Head - Brightness Master on Dimmer DMX channel order
DMX channel order 1: Dimmer 2: Pan 3: Pan fine
1: Dimmer 2: Pan 3: Pan fine 4: Tilt 5: Tilt fine 6: Focus
4: Tilt 5: Tilt fine 6: Cyan 7: Zoom 8: Frost 9. Cyan
7: Yellow 8: Magenta 9. Frost 10: Magenta 11: Yellow 12: Gobo 1
10: Shutter 11: Zoom 12: Special = Control 13: Rotation 1 14: Rotation 2 15: (not used)
——————————————————————————— 16: Speed1 17: Color 1 18: Speed 2
19: Special
Scan type: VL2402 16BIT STD. ———————————————————————————
Short name: VL2402 Scan type: VL1000 AI 16BIT ENHC 26
Movement: Head - Brightness Master on Dimmer Short name: V100AI
DMX channel order Movement: Head - Brightness Master on Dimmer
1: Dimmer 2: Pan 3: Pan fine
4: Tilt 5: Tilt fine 6: Cyan DMX channel order
7: Yellow 8: Magenta 9. Color 1 1: Dimmer 2: Pan 3: Pan fine
10: Frost 11: Shutter 12: Special = Control 4: Tilt 5: Tilt fine 6: Focus
——————————————————————————— 7: Zoom 8: Frost 9. Cyan
10: Magenta 11: Yellow 12: Gobo 1
Scan type: VL2401 16BIT ENHC 13: Rotation 1 14: Rotation 2 15: Iris
Short name: V2401E 16: Speed1 17: Color 1 18: Speed 2
19: Special
Movement: Head - Brightness Master on Dimmer ———————————————————————————
DMX channel order Scan type: VL2500WASH 27
1: Dimmer 2: Pan 3: Pan fine
4: Tilt 5: Tilt fine 6: Cyan Short name: V2500W
7: Yellow 8: Magenta 9. Frost Movement: Head - Brightness Master on Dimmer
10: Shutter 11: Zoom
12: Speed 1 = Movement Timing DMX channel order
13: Color 2 = Color Timing 1: Dimmer 2:Pan coarse
14: Speed 2 = Beam Timing 3: Pan fine 4:Tilt coarse
15: Special = Control 5: Tilt fine 6:CYAN
——————————————————————————— 7: YELLOW 8:MAGENTA
9. COLOUR1 10:FROST;Beam Diffuser
Scan type: VL2402 16BIT ENHC 11: SHUTTER;Strobe 12: SPEED1;Focus Time
Short name: V2402E 13: GO-ROT1;Color Time14: SPEED2;Beam Time
15: SPECIAL;Control
Movement: Head - Brightness Master on Dimmer
DMX channel order Presets not available
1: ———————————————————————————
Scan type: VL2500SPOT 28
Short name: V2500S
Dimmer 2: Pan 3: Pan fine
4: Tilt 5: Tilt fine 6: Cyan Movement: Head - Brightness Master on Dimmer
7: Yellow 8: Magenta 9. Color 1 DMX channel order
10: Frost 11: Shutter
12: Speed 1 = Movement Timing 1: Dimmer 2:Pan coarse
13: Color 2 = Color Timing 3: Pan fine 4:Tilt coarse
14: Speed 2 = Beam Timing 5: Tilt fine 6:CYAN
15: Special = Control 7: YELLOW 8:MAGENTA
——————————————————————————— 9. COLOUR1;color wheel 10:FROST;Edge
11: SHUTTER;Strobe 12: ZOOM
13: GOBO1;fixed gobo wheel
Scan type: VL2416 16BIT STD. 14: GO-ROT1;rotating gobo wheel
Short name: VL2416 15: GO-ROT2;index high byte
16: GO-ROT3;index low byte
Movement: Head - Brightness Master on Dimmer 17: IRIS 18: SPEED1;Focus Time
DMX channel order 19: COLOUR2;Color Time
20: SPEED2;Beam Time
1: Dimmer 2: Pan 3: Pan fine 21: GOBO2;Gobo Time 22: SPECIAL
4: Tilt 5: Tilt fine 6: Cyan
7: Yellow 8: Magenta 9. Focus = Beam
10: Shutter 11: Rotation 1(Lens) Presets not available
12: Special = Control ———————————————————————————
——————————————————————————— Scan type: VL3000 WASH 16BIT ENHC 29
Scan type: VL2416 16BIT ENHC 24 Short name: V3000W
Short name: V2416E Movement: Head - Brightness Master on Dimmer
Movement: Head - Brightness Master on Dimmer DMX channel order
DMX channel order 1: Dimmer 2: Pan 3: Pan fine
1: Dimmer 2: Pan 3: Pan fine 4: Tilt 5: Tilt fine 6: Focus
4: Tilt 5: Tilt fine 6: Cyan 7: Color 2 8: Cyan 9: Magenta
7: Yellow 8: Magenta 9. Focus = Beam 10: Yellow 11: Color 1 12: Shutter
10: Shutter 11: Rotation 1(Lens) 13: Speed1 14: Rotation 1 15: Speed 2
12: Speed 1 = Movement Timing 16: Special
13: Color 1 = Color Timing ———————————————————————————
14: Speed 2 = Beam Timing Scan type: VL500WASH 16BIT EXT 30
15: Special = Control
Short name: VL500W
Movement: Head - Brightness Master on Dimmer
DMX channel order
3. DMX address
The DMX address of each scan has to be set
- via the address switches at the backpanel of the lamp and
- at the Scancommanders DMX patch menu.
Unlike setting the address for the Lightwave Research Controller, the address at the lamp has to be decoded
That means, switch number 1 has the value 1
switch number 2 has the value 2
switch number 3 has the value 4
switch number 4 has the value 8
switch number 5 has the value 16
switch number 6 has the value 32
switch number 7 has the value 64
switch number 8 has the value 128
Choose any DMX number and patch the scan to this address at the Scancommanders DMX patch menu.
Substract 1 from this number and set to "ON" as many switches as necessary to get this number as the total
of the values.
I.E.: Scan patched to DMX channel 75 in the Scancommander patch menu.
Substract 1 = 74
Switch 7 ON = 64
Switch 4 ON = 8
Switch 2 ON = 2 , all other address switches OFF
To address channels 257 to 512 set personality switch 4=on,5=off, substract 256 and go on like above.
3. DMX address
The DMX address of each scan has to be set
- via the address switches at the backpanel of the lamp and
- at the Scancommanders DMX patch menu.
Unlike setting the address for the Lightwave Research Controller, the address at the lamp has to be decoded
That means, switch number 1 has the value 1
switch number 2 has the value 2
switch number 3 has the value 4
switch number 4 has the value 8
switch number 5 has the value 16
switch number 6 has the value 32
switch number 7 has the value 64
switch number 8 has the value 128
Choose any DMX number and patch the scan to this address at the Scancommanders DMX patch menu.
Substract 1 from this number and set to "ON" as many switches as necessary to get this number as the total
of the values.
I.E.: Scan patched to DMX channel 75 in the Scancommander patch menu.
Substract 1 = 74
Switch 7 ON = 64
Switch 4 ON = 8
Switch 2 ON = 2 , all other address switches OFF
To address channels 257 to 512 set personality switch 3=off,4=on, substract 256 and go on like above.
6. Homing function
When using the Extended DMX mode, the homing function can be addressed via the SPECIAL function in the
SPEED menu of the Scancommander.
Homing the lamp is done by setting the SPECIAL channel to 50% for at least 3 seconds.
- Press SPECIAL at the feature selection area.
- Select one or more scans via the SCAN SELECTION buttons
- Set the values to "00" via the Encoder wheel
- Set the values to "50" via the Encoder wheel.
(If the display is set to hexadecimal showing...,09,0A,0B..,the 50% value corresponds to 7F)
After 3 seconds the scans should start their homing procedure.
All personality switches stay 0, just setting address switch 8 to on will change to DMX.
2. DMX address
Unlike Trackspot or Intellabeam, the Cyberlight DMX address is set like on Lightwave Research protocol,
switch 8 always has to be on for DMX 512.
Switch 1 to 8 = 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 =lamp 1 DMX adress 1
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 =lamp 2 DMX adress 21
0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 =lamp 3 DMX adress 41
1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 =lamp 4 DMX adress 61
0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 =lamp 5 DMX adress 81 ....
As this three steps have to be done within 3 seconds, please store this settings as presets (see cap 3.2.2 of
the Scancommander manual). The brightness Master of this scans have to be up during this steps.
After further 3 seconds the scans should start the selected function.
Additional informations: All DMX512 and analogue inputs and outputs must be
shielded and the shielding must be connected to the ground
resp. to the case of the corresponding plug.
Waldbüttelbrunn, 07.11.1995
User's Manual
Version 4.31