ADR Form

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Number: Centre / Month / Year


Reporting Form for Suspected Adverse Reactions to ASU Drugs
Please note : (I) Information about the patients, prescribers and reporters will remain confidential.
(II) It is requested to report ALL suspected reactions as soon as possible, even if complete
information is not available. Please note however that column numbers 1,2,3,4, 6 & 10 are
1. Patient / consumer identification (please complete or tick boxes below as appropriate) :
Name /Identifier Initials Patient’s Record Number
Ethnicity: IPD/OPD Age : Sex : Male / Female
Address Weight: Prakriti/ Mizaj /
Village/ Town
Post/ Via Occupation:
District/ State
2. Description of the suspected Adverse Reactions (please complete boxes below) :
Date and time of initial observations:
Description of

3. List of all ASU drugs including drugs of other systems used by the patient during the
reporting period :
Manufacturer’s Date
Dosage form and
Name of the name/ Batch no./ Daily
route of Reason for use
medicine Manufacture/ dose Starting Stopping
Expiry date

4. Brief details of the suspected ASU Medicine :

a. Composition of the formulation / Part and form of the raw material used
b. Expiry date if any:
c. Remaining part of drug / Product label
d. Please tick : Ayurveda, Siddha, Unani, any other
e. Adjuvant(Anupana):
f. Dietary history(Intake/Restrictions) if any:
g. Whether the drug is consumed under medical supervision or used as self medication.
h. Any other relevant information.

5. Treatment provided (if any) for suspected adverse reaction :

6. Outcome of the suspected adverse reaction (please complete the boxes below) :
Recovered / Unknown : If Fatal
Not recovered Fatal :
Recovering : Date of death:
Severe: Yes/ No Reactions abated after drug stopped or dose reduced:

Reaction reappeared after re introduction:

Was the patient admitted to hospital?

If yes, give name and address of hospital
Is any follow up required:

7. Laboratory investigations done, which provides suspicion of drug involvement :

8. Please tick, if the patient is suffering with any chronic disorders :

Hepatic Renal Cardiac Diabetes Malnutrition Any Others

9.Whether history of allergy / Drug reactions exists:

10. Identity of the reporter :

Nurse / Doctor / Pharmacist / Health worker / Patient / Manufacturer /
Type (please tick):
Distributor / Supplier / Any others (please specify)
Name :

Address :
Telephone / E – mail
if any :

Signature of the reporter: Date:

Please send the completed form to:

The centre from where the form is received or
To The Coordinator
Name & address of the
National Pharmacovigilance Resource Centre For ASU Drugs
I.P.G.T. & R.A., G.A.U., Jamnagar, Gujarat - 361 008, India
 (O) 0288 – 2553936 , Fax : 0288 – 2676856 / 2553936
Website :, Email:

Who Can Report? :

 Any Health care professionals including, ASU Doctors / Dentists / Nurse / Pharmacists
What to Report? :
 All suspected adverse reactions, Lack of effects, Resistance, Drug interactions,
Dependence and Abuse
Where to Report ?
 Peripheral Pharmacovigilance Centre or Regional Pharmacovigilance Centre or
National Pharmacovigilance Centre
 The patient’s identity will be held in strict confidence and protected to the fullest extent.
Programme staff will not disclose the reporter’s identity in response to a request from
the public.
 Submission of report doesn’t constitute an admission that, medical personnel or
manufacturers or the product caused or contributed to the reaction.

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