Academic Vocabulary Set 01 Unit1:Learn To Succeed: Words IPA Meaning and Example Adolescence

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November,28 2010

Nguyễn Thùy Anh

Academic Vocabulary set 01

Unit1:Learn to succeed
Words IPA Meaning and example
Adolescence /,ædou'lesns/ n. the time period between the beginning of
puberty and adulthood (Developing into an
Thời thanh niên
ex.Yet another novel about the joys and sorrows
of adolescence
Aptitudes /'æptitju:d/ n. An inherent ability, as for learning; a talent:
an aptitude for mathematics.
Năng lực thừa hưởng,khả năng
Attitude /'ætitju:d/ n.a feeling or opinion about something or
someone,or a way of behaving that is caused by
It’s often very difficult to change people’s
Thái độ,quan điểm
 one's attitude towards a question: quan
điểm đối với một vấn đề
 an attitude of mind: quan điểm cách nhìn
Cognitive /'kɒgnɪtɪv/ Adj.Connected with thinking or conscious
mental processes,
Some of her cognitive functions have been
Liên quan đến nhận thức
Comparatively /kəm'pærətɪvlɪ/ Adj. Relating to, based on, or involving
comparison. Estimated by comparison; relative
We couldn’t afford it and yet we’re
comparatively well-off
Tương đối
Deny /dɪ'naɪ/ verb .Declare untrue; contradict.Refuse to
accept or believe..
He denied all responsibility for the rumours which
have been circulating
Từ chối, phản đối, phủ nhận
 to deny the truth: phủ nhận sự thật
 to deny a charge: phản đối một lời buộc
November,28 2010
Nguyễn Thùy Anh


Discriminate /dis'krimineit/ Verb/Adj.Recognize or perceive the

difference,treat differently on the basis of sex or
race, distinguish
She felt she had been discriminated against
because of her age.
(+ from) phân biệt:to discriminate one thing
from another: phân biệt cái này với cái khác
Elicit /i'lisit/ Verb.To obtain or produce something,especially
information or a reaction
Have you managed to elicit a reponse from them
khêu ra, gợi ra, moi
 to elicit an answer: moi ra câu trả lời suy
ra, luận ra (sự thật)

Hinder /'haində/ Verb.To limit the ability of someone to

dosomething or to limit the development of st.
Prevent the progress or accomplishment of
High winds have hindered firefighters in their
efforts to put out the blaze
Adj.Ở đằng sau
Verb.Cản trở, gây trở ngại
 to hinder someone's work: cản trở công
việc của ai
 to hinder someone from working: cản trở
không để ai làm việc gì

Participate /pɑr'tɪsɪpeɪt /pɑː't-/ Verb. become a participant; be involved in.To

take part in an activity
She never participates in any of our
discussion,does she?
tham gia, tham dự; cùng góp phần
 to participate in something: cùng góp
phần vào cái gì
 to participate insomething: cùng góp
phần vào cái gì
 to participate with somebody: cùng tham
gia với ai
November,28 2010
Nguyễn Thùy Anh

“ Từ có thể đã biết,nhưng phải dùng

được thì mới là được

1. The questionnaire was intended to……information on eating habits.
2. He……. All responsibility for the rumours which have been circulating
3. We encourage students to ………fuly in the running of the college
4. I will take your personal …….and abilities into account
5. It’s often very difficult to change peole’s………
6. We couldn’t afford it and yet we’re ……….well-off
7. It is illegal to discriminate…. On grounds of race,sex or religion
8. Her progress certainly hasn’t been….by her lack of experiencce
9. …..brings about major changes in a young person’mind
10.Some of her ……..funtions have been impared

And learn this

Cognition – an opinion or belief
“I just found out I am paid 20% less than my coworkers.”
Affect – the emotional or feeling segment associated
with that belief
“I feel angry that I am not being treated fairly.”
Behavior – the intention to behave in a certain way
“I am going to quit this job soon as I can, and I am taking
the red stapler with me!”
=>Three components/steps causes ATITUDE
November,28 2010
Nguyễn Thùy Anh

Quote of the day

“Attitude is a litte thing that makes a big difference”

“Life doesn't give you the people you want. Instead it gives you the ones
you need, to teach you, to hurt you, to love you & to make you exactly the
way you should be.”

Now ’s break time,have a nice day darling 

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