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A publication under Free Textbook Programme of Government of Tamil Nadu

Department Of School Education

Untouchability is Inhuman and a Crime

6th Science_IInd Term English Book_Index.indd 1 03/08/18 8:08 PM

Government of Tamil Nadu

First Edition - 2018

(Published under Uniform System of

School Education Scheme in Trimester


Content Creation

The wise
possess all

State Council of Educational Research

and Training
© SCERT 2018

Printing & Publishing

Tamil NaduTextbook and Educational

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6th Science_IInd Term English Book_Index.indd 2 03/08/18 8:08 PM


The Colourful world of children is full of excitement and

spectacular thoughts! Their imaginative power can even attract
the wild creatures to accompany them in a friendly manner.
Their enthusiasum and innovative prescription can even
trigger the non-living entities and enchant the poetic Tamil. It
is nothing but a bundle of joy blended with emotions when you
travel into their creative world.

We have tried our level best to achieve the following

objectives through the new Text Books by gently holding the
tender hands of those little lads.

• To tune their mind away from rote-learning and guide

them into the world of creativity.
• To make the children be proud of their ancient history,
culture, art and rich Tamil literature.
• To march triumphantly with confidence into the modern
world with the help of Science and Technology.
• To facilitate them to extend their journey of learning
beyond the text book into the world of wisdom.

These new Text Books are studded with innovative design,

richer content blended with appropriate psychological
approach meant for children. We firmly believe that these
newly designed text books will certainly create a sparkle in
your mind and make you explore the world afresh.


6th Science_IInd Term English Book_Index.indd 3 03/08/18 8:08 PM

The Science textbook for standard six has been prepared following
the guidelines given in the National Curriculum Framework
2005. The book is designed to maintain the
paradigm shift from the primary General
PREFACE Science to branches as Physics, Chemistry,
Botany and Zoology.
The book enables the reader to read the text,
comprehend and perform the learning experiences with the help
of teacher. The Students explore the concepts through activities and
by the teacher’s demonstration. Thus the book is learner centric with
simple activities that can be performed by the students under the supervision of

 The Second term science Book for has

seven units. HOW
 Two units planned for every month TO USE
in addition computer science chapter THE BOOK
has been introduced.
 Each unit comprises of simple activities and experiments
that can be done by the teacher as demonstration if
necessary student’s can perform these activities.
 Colourful infographics and infobits enhances the visual learning.
 Glossary has been introduced to learned scientific terms.
 The “Do you know?” box can be used to enrich the knowledge of general
science around the world.
 ICT Corner and QR code has been introduced in each unit for the first time
to enhance digital science skills.
Lets use the QR code in the text books ! How ?
• Download the QR code scanner from the Google PlayStore/
Apple App Store into your smartphone
• Open the QR code scanner application
• Once the scanner button in the application is clicked, camera opens and
then bring it closer to the QR code in the text book.
• Once the camera detects the QR code, a URL appears in the screen.
Click the URL and go to the content page.


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Table of Contents

Unit 1 Heat.......................................................................... 1
Unit 2 Electricity............................................................. 16
Unit 3 Changes Around Us.......................................... 32
Unit 4 Air............................................................................ 41
Unit 5 The Cell ................................................................ 57
Unit 6 Human Organ systems.................................... 68
Unit 7 Parts of Computer................................... 85

E - book Assessment DIGI links

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1 Heat

Learning Objectives
 To list out the sources of heat

 To define heat

 To distinguish hot and cold objects

 To define temperature

 To differentiate heat and temperature

 To understand the conditions for thermal equilibrium

 To understand why thermal expansion take place in solids

 To list out the practical applications of thermal expansion in day - to - day life

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Introduction  Friction

We are all familiar with heat. We feel it Rub your palms

on our body when the sun shines, we use for some time and
heat for cooking our food, We reduce the then hold them to
heat by adding ice cubes while preparing your cheeks. How
fruit juice. Let us learn about sources of do you feel? We can generate heat by
heat. rubbing two surfaces of some substances.
In the past people used to rub two stones
1.1 Sources of heat together to light fire.
 Sun  Electricity
When electric
current flows through a
conductor, heat energy
is produced. The water
heater, iron box, electric kettle etc., work
on this principle.

1.2 Heat

We all know that the sun gives us Molecules in objects are constantly
light. Does it give us heat? After standing vibrating or moving inside objects. We
under the sun light for some time, touch cannot see that movement with our naked
your head. Does it feel hot? Yes, it feels eye. When we heat the object this vibration
and movement of molecules increases and
hot because the sun gives out heat besides
temperature of the object also increases.
light. Now, You can understand why it is
difficult to walk bare-footed on sunny days
in the afternoon.
 Combustion (Burning)

Thus, Heat is an energy that raises

the temperature of a thing by causing
the molecules in that thing to move
Heat energy can be generated by the faster.
burning of fuels like wood, kerosene, coal,
Heat is not a matter. It doesn’t occupy
charcoal, gasoline/petrol, oil, etc., In your
space. It has no weight. Like light, sound
home, how do you get heat energy to cook
and electricity, heat is a form of energy.

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In short, Heat is the total kinetic energy

of constituent particles of objects. SI Unit Priya says,“My right hand tells me that
of Heat is joule. The unit calorie is also the water in the bowl is hot and the
used. left hand tells me that the same water
is cold.”
1.3 Hot and cold objects

In our day-to-day life, we come across Write down in your own words what
a number of objects. Some of them are do you experience? Discuss in the class
hot and some of them are cold. How do why this happens.
we decide which object is hotter than the _______________________________

We use the tip of our finger to find out _______________________________

whether the tea in a cup has enough heat When you placed your left hand in the
to drink or whether milk has been cooled hot tub, the heat from the bowl made
enough to set for making curds. We often
the molecules on your hand vibrate
determine heat by touching the objects.
faster. When you keep the same hot
But is our sense of touch reliable?
hand in the second bowl the vibrations
transferred from your hand to make the
Activity 1: Take three bowls. Pour particles in the water vibrate. Therefore
very cold water in the first bowl. you feel loss of heat and hence your
(you can also add ice cube for cooling). hand feels cold.
Place luke warm water in the second.
In the same way, your right hand which
Half fill the third with hot water (-not
was placed in cold water, feels hot
hot enough to burn!) Set them in a row
when you insert it into the lukewarm
on the table, with the lukewarm water
water. Because it takes heat energy
in the center. Place your right hand in
from lukewarm water.
the cold water, and your left hand in
the hot water. Keep them in for a few So, the same lukewarm water gives your
minutes. Then take them out, shake off hands different feeling according to the
the water and put both into the middle temperature of your hand. Measuring
bowl. How do they feel? temperature by touching is not

Thermometers are used to

measure temperature accurately
and quantitatively.
Cold Lukewarm Hot

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1.4 Temperature
Does the temperature of the boiling
Definition of Temperature water rise further after that?
The measurement of warmness or
coldness of a substance is known as When boiling water is heated for
its Temperature. some time, the water continues to
receive more heat, but it's temperature
SI unit of temperature is kelvin.
does not rise further. The point at
Celsius and Fahrenheit are the other units
which the water boils and temperature
used. Celsius is called as Centigrade as
becomes stable is called the boiling
point of water.
It determines the direction of flow of
heat when two bodies are placed in contact.
Guess and Write:

Activity 2: The Temperature of (Check your assumption with the

Boiling Water help of a thermometer.)

Take water in a vessel and place the  Approximate temperature of the tea
vessel on a stove. Fix the thermometer when you drink _____________
as shown in figure (Caution: The  Approximate temperature of
thermometer should not touch the cool lemon juice when you drink
vessel in which the water is being _____________
heated. Otherwise
Normally, the room temperature of
the thermometer
water is approximately 30oC. When we heat
will be broken at
water, its temperature raises and it boils at
high temperature.)
100oC. If we cool the water, it freezes at
All students 0oC.
have to read the (Note : you have to say 30oC as
temperature of the 30 degree celsius or 30 degree
water and note centigrade)
the reading on
Is Neela correct?
the blackboard.
Do you notice that Beaker A and B has water at 80o C.
the temperature is

What is the
temperature of water when it is boiling?

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Then pour the water of A and B to an empty 1.5 Heat and Temperature
beaker C. Now, What is the temperature of
Heat and temperature are not the
the water in the beaker C? Neela says it will
same thing, they in fact mean two different
be 160oC.
o o o
80 C + 80 C = 160 C
Am I right?  Temperature is related to how fast the
atoms or molecules move or vibrate
within the substance.

 Heat not only depends on the

temperature of the substance but also
depends on how many molecules are
What is your opinion? Does Neela there in the object.
say correctly? Make a guess and verify it
 Temperature measures the average
kinetic energy of molecules. Heat
__________________________________ measures the total Kinetic Energy of
__________________________________ the molecules in the substance.

Activity 3: Take one litre water in a

One day in 1922, pan, and heat it on a stove. Calculate
the air temperature the time taken to start boiling. (i.e. the
was measured at time taken to thermometer reading
59 C in the shade in goes up to 100oC). Take five litre water
Libya, Africa. The coldest temperature in another pan and heat it on the same
in the world was measured in stove. Calculate the time taken by the
the Antarctic water to start boiling.
continent. It was
– 89oC. The
minus sign (–)
is used when the temperature falls
below the freezing point of water,
which is 0oC. If water becomes ice
at 0oC, you can imagine how cold In which pan the water starts to
– 89o C would be. Our normal body boil earlier?
temperature is 37oC. Our body feels  One litre water
cool if the air temperature is around
15 to 20 degree Celsius.
 Five litre water.
Both, however, show a temperature
Can you estimate the night temperature
of 100oC at the boiling point. Five litre
in your village or city during winter?

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Let Us Think
water takes more time to boil i.e. more
heat is needed to boil the larger amount Pavithra is having tea while watching
of water. So, five litre boiling water has the pond near her house. Surely, tea is in
more heat energy than one litre water. higher temperature than the water in the
pond. Now, a question is arising in Pavithra’s
Place an open can of lukewarm water
mind. Which one has more heat energy, a
in each pan. Observe their temperature
to find out which can gets hotter. cup of tea or the water in the pond? What do
you think? __________________________
In which can water shows quick
rise in temperature? __________________________________
 Can in One litre boiled water
 Can in five litre boiled water.
You can see that, five litre water
pan will raise the can of water to a
higher temperature. Though, both pans
of boiling water have the temperature
of 100oC the five litre water can give off
more heat energy than one litre water.
Because it has more heat energy, and
gives more energy to the water in the
Even though the temperature of the tea is
Total heat is measured by calorie, the higher than that of pond water, the volume
amount of heat needed to raise one gram of the water in pond is very high, hence the
of water by one degree centigrade. amount of molecules in the water in the
pond is higher than the tea in the cup. So,
 Which has more heat energy in
pond has more heat energy than tea cup.
each pair? Put  mark.
1.6 Flow of Heat

An analogy
between temperature
and water level:

Water ‘flows’ when there

is a difference in the ‘levels’ of water in
different places. It does not matter if there
is more water in one place or another. Water
from a puddle can flow into a reservoir or
the other way around. The ‘temperature’
of an object is like the water level – it

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determines the direction in which ‘heat’ that normal body temperature is

will flow. Heat energy flows from higher 37oC). Would the Heat energy transfer
temperature to lower temperature. from.

Thermal contact and Thermal a. Your body to the air particles, or

b. The air particles to your body?

3. You are standing outside

on a winter day. It is 23 C
outside. Would the heat
energy transfer from:

a. Your body to the air particles, or

b. The air particles to your body?

Consider two bodies A and B. Let the Two objects are said to be in thermal
temperature of A be higher than that of contact if they can exchange heat
B. On bringing bodies A and B in contact , energy. Thermal equilibrium exists when
heat will flow from hot body A to the cold two objects in thermal contact no longer
body B. Heat will continue to flow till both affect each other's temperature.
the bodies attain the same temperature.
For example, if a pot of milk from the
The temperature determines the refrigerator is set on the kitchen table, the
direction of flow of heat. two objects are in thermal contact. After
certain period, their temperatures are the
1. You are holding a hot cup of coffee.
same, and they are said to be in thermal
Would the Heat energy transfer from



10 min
HOT TEA (800C) TEA (300C)

1.7 Expansion in solids

Sam is trying to open a tight jar, but he

a. Your body to the coffee, or cannot open it. He asks his uncle to help.
His uncle says that pour some hot water on
b. The coffee to your body? the lid of the jar. Sam does so and tries to
2. You are standing outside open it now. Wow! The jar is opened easily!
on a summer day. It is Do you have such experience? How
40 C outside (note do you open a tightly closed cap of the

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solid liquid gas

Substances are made up of molecules. The molecules in any object are in a state of vibration or movement.
This cannot be seen with our naked eyes

On Heating

are heated the
vibration and
movement are
increasing This vibration is transferred
to one molecule to another
On Cooling and hence heat flows.
The total number of molecules remain unchanging after heating.
Hence, No Change in weight.

On Heating On Heating

Solid On Cooling Liquid On Cooling Gas

On H

The molecules in the

substances move faster
when heating, spread apart g also

lin states from solid to liquid

change their
On C
and occupy more space. So, substances
expand when heated. and liquid to gas.

Water ‘flows’ when there is a difference

in the ‘levels’ of water in different places.
The ‘temperature’ of an object is like the
water level – it determines the direction
in which ‘heat’ will flow. High Low
8 Temperature Temperature

6th Science_IInd Term English Book_Unit_1.indd 8 06/08/18 10:44 AM

pen which could not be opened by you contract when cooled. The change in length
normally? / area or volume (due to contraction /
expansion) is directly related to temperature
Most substances expand when heated and

The expansion of a substance

on heating is called, the thermal
expansion of that substance.

1.8 Linear and Cubical Expansion

A solid has a definite shape, so when a

solid is heated, it expands in all directions
Activity 4:
i.e., in length, area and volume, all increase
Hammer a nail into a tin can. Ease the on heating.
nail out. Put it in again to make sure
The expansion in length is called
that the hole is large enough for the
linear expansion and the expansion in
nail. Then, holding the nail with a pair
volume is called cubical expansion.
of pliers, scissors or forceps, heat the
nail over a candle, in hot water, or over Why is the iron rim of a bullock cart
the stove. Try to put it into the hole in wheel heated before it is fitted onto the
the can. wheel? Why is a small gap left between
I see that:_______________________ two lengths of railway lines?
_______________________________ We can perform an interesting experiment
You will see that, now it is hard to put to find out an answer to these questions.
the nail into the hole. Heat expands All we need to do is to heat a cycle spoke.
solids. The molecules in the solid move
faster, spread apart and occupy more
space. Activity 5: Linear Expansion
Take a bulb, dry cell, candle, cycle
spoke, coin (or broad - headed nail)
and two wooden blocks.
Place one end of
the cycle spoke on
a wooden block and
connect an electric
wire to it. Put a stone
over the spoke to hold
it firmly in place on the wooden block,

6th Science_IInd Term English Book_Unit_1.indd 9 06/08/18 10:44 AM

as shown in Figure . The spoke should coin. Now light the candle and heat the
be parallel to the ground. Place the spoke with it.
second wooden block under the free  Did the bulb light up after the
end of the spoke. Wrap some electric spoke was heated for some time?
wire around the coin (or nail) and place _______________________________
it on the block. You may put a stone
 If it did, then explain how the
over the coin to hold it in place. spoke touched the coin after it was
Connect a bulb and dry cell to the free heated.
ends of the wires connected to the coin _______________________________
and the spoke and make the circuit _______________________________
shown in the figure.
 Why does the bulb go off some
time after the candle is taken away
from the spoke?
 What happens to the length of the
spoke when it is heated or cooled?
When the tip of the free end of the
spoke touches the coin, the circuit
is completed and the bulb lights up.
Activity 5: Cubical Expansion
Check to ensure this. If the bulb does
not light up, it means the circuit is not Take a metal ring and metal ball of such
complete, so check your connections size that the ball just passes through
properly. (Note: We will learn about the ring.
electric circuit elaborately in electricity
lesson.) Now slide a page of your book
between the coin and spoke and then
slide it out. That way you would get a
gap between the coin and spoke equal
to the thickness of the sheet of paper.
 Does the bulb light up? If it does
not, what could be the reason?
_______________________________  Heat the ball and check whether
it passes through the ring.
 Passed through
You saw that the bulb does not light
up when the spoke does not touch the  Not passed through


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 Now let the ball cool down, and

check whether it passes through
the ring.
 Passed through
 Not passed through
Solids expand due to heat and come
back to the original state if heat is
removed. 1.10 Thermal Expansion Examples

1.9 Uses of Thermal Expansion Give Reasons for the following

Fitting the iron rim on the wooden 1. Gaps are left in between
wheel rails while laying a railway
The diameter of the iron ring is slightly
less than that of __________________________________
the wooden wheel. __________________________________
Therefore, it cannot __________________________________
be easily slipped 2. Gaps are left in between
on from the rim of two joints of a concrete
wooden wheel. bridge.
The iron ring is, therefore, first heated __________________________________
to a higher temperature so that it expands __________________________________
in size and the hot ring is then easily slipped __________________________________
over to the rim of the wooden wheel. Cold
Cracking of a thick glass tumbler
water is now poured on the iron ring so that
it contracts in size and holds the wooden Glass is a poor
wheel tightly. conductor of heat. When
hot liquid is poured into the
tumbler, the inner surface
Rivets are used to join two steel plates of the tumbler becomes
together. Hot hot and expands while
rivet is driven the outer surface remains at the room
through the hole temperature and does not expand. Due to
in the plates. One this unequal expansion, the tumbler cracks.
end of the rivet Electric wires
is hammered to
form a new rivet Electric wires between electric posts
head. When cooled, the rivet will contract contract on cold days and sag in summers.
and hold the two plates tightly together. To solve this problem, we leave wires slack


6th Science_IInd Term English Book_Unit_1.indd 11 06/08/18 10:44 AM

2. One calorie heat energy is needed

Glassware used in
to raise the temperature of the water from
kitchen and laboratory o o
30 C to 31 C. How much heat energy is
are generally made up
needed to raise the temperature of the
o o
water from 30 C to 35 C.
of Borosilicate glass
(pyrex glass). The Points to remember
reason is that the  The main source of heat is sun, we can
Borosilicate glass do obtain heat from combustion, friction,
not expand much on being heated and and electricity.
therefore they do not crack.
 Heat is an energy that raises the
so that they are free to change length. temperature of a thing by causing the
molecules in that thing to move faster
Summer day Winder day
 Heat is the total Kinetic energy of
constituent particles of objects.
 SI unit of Heat is joule (J).
 The measurement of warmness or
coldness of a substance is known as its
 The photographs below show an
expansion joint at the end of a bridge  SI unit of temperature is kelvin.
in winter and in summer. Which season  Temperature determines the direction
is shown in each picture? Explain how of flow of heat when two bodies are
do you know? placed in contact.
_____________________  Two objects are said to be in thermal
_____________________ contact if they can affect each other’s
_____________________ temperature.
 Thermal equilibrium exists when two
1.11 Numerical problems
objects in thermal contact no longer
1. I put a kettle containing 1 litre of affect each other’s temperature.
cold water on the gas stove, and it takes 5
 Most substances expand when heated
minutes to reach the boiling point. My friend
and contract when cooled. The
puts on a small electric kettle, containing ½
expansion of a substance on heating
litre of cold water, and it takes 5 minutes to
is called the thermal expansion of that
get up to boiling point. Which gives more
heat in 5 minutes?
 A solid has a definite shape, so when
a. the gas supply; or
a solid is heated, it expands in all
b. the electricity supply? directions i.e., in length, area and
Can you say how many times as much? volume, all increase on heating.


6th Science_IInd Term English Book_Unit_1.indd 12 06/08/18 10:44 AM

ICT Corner

Through this activity you

will be able to understand the
‘Thermal Energy Transfer'.

Step 1: Use the given URL in the browser. ‘THERMAL ENERGY TRANSFER activity
page will open.
Step 2: Click the = icon on the top left of the activity window, a list will drop
down, from the list select a title.
Step 3: A small flash video window will open, click the play icon to play the video
and observe.
Step 4: From the list select any title under the 'Example" list, a small flash activity
window will open, click anyone of the tab given under the window to know
the process of thermal transfer. Repeat the activity with different titles
from the menu.

Step 1 Step 2

Step 3
Step 4

*Pictures are indicative only


6th Science_IInd Term English Book_Unit_1.indd 13 06/08/18 10:44 AM

Expansion Change of States


iron rim


a tio n s






p lic

n ts
o R i ve move and vibrate faster
wo s

spread apart

yt a

f rai HEAT Total Kinetic Energy
il s o
een ra

ri d rgy le
Gap betw Ene jou

ere t

c o n c
s of
Gap in joint
s sla c
electric wire ss
warmne or coldness?
Temperature owm
al Contact H
erm tic energy of molecules
Th age Kine
Temperature to kelvin
High ure
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Low The

uilibri rmo
High mete
Temperature Thermal eq r


a. 80oC
b. More than 50°C but less than 80oC

c. 20oC

d. around 40oC
I. Choose the appropriate answer 4. An iron ball at 50°C is dropped in a
mug containing water at 50oC. The
1. When an object is heated, the
heat will
molecules that make up the object
a. flow from iron ball to water.
a. begin to move faster
b. not flow from iron ball to water or
b. lose energy
from water to iron ball.
c. become heavier
c. flow from water to iron ball.
d. become lighter d. increase the temperature of both.
2. The unit of heat is II. Fill in the blanks
a. newton 1. Heat flows from a ____________ body
b. joule to a ____________ body.

c. volt 2. The hotness of the object is determined

by its _______________
d. celsius
3. The SI unit of temperature is ________
3. One litre of water at 30 C is mixed
with one litre of water at 50oC. The 4. Solids________________ on heating
temperature of the mixture will be and______________ on cooling.


6th Science_IInd Term English Book_Unit_1.indd 14 06/08/18 10:44 AM

5. Two bodies are said to be in the state 3. Total Kinetic Energy of molecules: Heat
of thermal______________ if there is :: Average Kinetic Energy : __________
no transfer of heat taking place.
VII. Give very short answer
III. True or False. If False, give the
1. Make a list of electrical equipments at
correct statement
home which we get heat from.
1. Heat is a kind of energy that flows from
2. What is temperature?
a hot body to a cold body.

2. Steam is formed when heat is released 3. What is thermal expansion?

from water. 4. What do you understand by thermal
3. Thermal expansion is always a equilibrium?
nuisance. VIII. Give short answer
4. Borosilicate glass do not expand much
1. What difference do you think heating
on being heated.
the solid will make in their molecules ?
5. The unit of heat and temperature are
2. Distinguish between heat and
the same.
IV. Give reasons for the following
IX. Answer in detail
1. An ordinary glass bottle cracks when
1. Explain thermal expansion with suitable
boiling water is poured into it, but a
borosilicate glass bottle does not.

2. The electric wire which sag in summer X. Questions based on Higher Order
become straight in winter. Thinking Skills

3. Rivet is heated before fixing in hole to 1. When a window is accidentally left

join two metal plates. open on a winter night, will you feel
uncomfortable because the cold is
V. Match the following
getting in, or because the heat is
1. Heat - 0oC escaping from the room?
2. Temperature - 100oC
2. Suppose your normal body temperature
3. Thermal Equilibrium - kelvin
were lower than what it is. How would
4. Ice cube - No heat flow
the sensation of hot and cold change?
5. Boiling water - joule

VI. Analogy 3. If you heat a circular disk with a

hole, what change do you expect in
1. Heat : Joule :: Temperature : the diameter of the hole? Remember
_____________ that the effect of heating increases
2. ice cube : 0oC :: Boiling water the separation between any pair of
:_____________ particles.


6th Science_IInd Term English Book_Unit_1.indd 15 06/08/18 10:44 AM

2 Electricity

Learning Objectives
 To know the sources of electricity

 To be aware of the equipments working on electricity

 To know the different kinds of electric cells and understand their applications

 To be able to use different types of cells in different applications

 To understand the symbols of circuits and apply them in different circuits

 To identify conductors and insulators

 To be able to make their own batteries


6th Science_IInd Term English Book_Unit_2.indd 16 06/08/18 10:54 AM

Introduction Let us look in to the conversation given

We use electricity in our day to day life.
Have we ever wondered from where do we Selvan: Sir, How do the electric bulb
get this electricity? How does this electricity lighten up when we switch on the switch?
work? Can we imagine a day without
Engineer: Due to electricity.
electricity? If you ask your grandfather,
you can come to know a period without Selvan: Oh! From where do we get this
electricity. They used oil lamps for light, electricity?
cooked on fires of wood or coal. By the
Engineer: We get electricity from thermal
advent of electricity, our day to day works
power, hydel power, tidal power, wind
are made easy and the world is on our
power, solar power etc., as sources of
hands. What are the appliances those work
on electricity? What are the materials those
allow electricity to flow through? What are Selvan: Sir! Are these plants exist
electric circuits? What are electric cells and everywhere?
batteries? Come on, let us descend into
Engineer: No, these plants are constructed
this lesson to know more about electricity.
depending upon the natural resources
available at that particular place. For
Activity 1:
example, we have thermal power plant
List out the electrical appliances used in
in Neyveli, Tamilnadu as lignite is available
your home.
_______________________________ Selvan: Yes, I have seen wind mills near
_______________________________ the hills of Tirunelveli District which has
_______________________________ potential wind resource. Thank you sir, for
your valuable information.
2.1 Sources of Electricity Grandfather: (while walking back to
Selvan and Selvi are twins. They are home) Do you think we get electricity only
studying in sixth standard. They visited from the above mentioned sources.
their grandparent’s village during summer
Selvan: (while entering into the home,
vacation. At 6 O'clock in the evening
noticing the clock on the wall) Grandpa!
Selvan's Grandfather switched on the light.
look at that wall clock, How does it work?.
The whole house was illuminated. Seeing
this Selvan asked his grandfather "How do Grandfather: It needs electrical energy
we get light by switching on the switch?" to work. Apart from the above mentioned
So, his grandfather took him to the nearest sources, we get electricity from cells, and
electricity board and enquired about the batteries.


6th Science_IInd Term English Book_Unit_2.indd 17 06/08/18 10:54 AM

gas is used to produce steam. The steam

thus produced is used to rotate the turbine.
While the turbine rotates, the coil of wire

kept between the electromagnet rotates.

Due to electro magnetic induction electricity
Selvan: Yes, Grandpa , now I am going to is produced. Here heat energy is converted
discuss about all these with Selvi. into electrical energy.
What do you infer from the above 2. Hydel power stations
dialogue? Any device from which
electricity is produced is called the
source of electricity. We get electricity
from different sources.

The Major Electric power stations in

Tamilnadu are: Thermal stations (Neyveli
in Cuddalore District, Ennore in Thiruvallur
District), Hydel power stations (Mettur in In hydel power stations, the turbine is
Salem District, Papanasam in Tirunelveli made to rotate by the flow of water from
District), Atomic power stations (Kalpakkam dams to produce electricity. Here kinetic
in Kanchipuram District, Koodankulam energy is converted into electrical energy.
in Tirunelveli District), and Wind mills Hydel stations have long economic lives
(Aralvaimozhi in Kanyakumari District and low operating cost.
Kayatharu in Tirunelveli District). Apart from
these Solar panels which are prevalent in 3. Atomic power stations
many places are used to produce electricity. In atomic power stations, nuclear
Let us discuss in shortly about working energy is used to boil water.
power stations.

1. Thermal Power stations

In thermal power stations, the thermal

energy generated by burning coal, diesel or


6th Science_IInd Term English Book_Unit_2.indd 18 06/08/18 10:54 AM

The steam thus produced is used to Primary Cells

rotate the turbine. As a result, electricity is
They can not be recharged. So they
produced. Atomic power stations are also
can be used only once. Hence, the primary
called as nuclear power stations. Here
cells are usually produced in small sizes.
nuclear energy is converted into mechanical
energy and then electrical energy. Examples

4. Wind mills cells used in clocks, watches and toys

etc., are primary cells.

In wind mills, wind energy is used to

rotate the turbine to produce electricity.
Here kinetic energy is converted into
electrical energy.

2.2 Cell
Secondary Cells
A device that
A cell that can be recharged many
converts chemical
times is called secondary cell. These
energy into electrical
cells can be recharged by passing electric
energy is called a cell.
current. So they can be used again and
A chemical solution which produces again. The size of the secondary cells can
positive and negative ions is used as be small or even large depending upon the
electrolyte. Two different metal plates usage. While the secondary cells used in
are inserted into electrolyte as electrodes mobiles are in the size of a hand, the cells
to form a cell. Due to chemical reactions, used in automobiles like cars and buses are
one electrode gets positive charge and the large and very heavy.
other gets negative charge producing a
continuous flow of electric current.

Depending on the continuity of flow

of electric current cells are classified in
to two types. They are primary cells and
secondary cells.


6th Science_IInd Term English Book_Unit_2.indd 19 06/08/18 10:54 AM

Secondary Cells are used in Mobile
phones, laptops, emergency lamps and All experiments with
vehicle batteries. electricity should only be
performed with batteries
Activity 2: From the following pictures, used in a torch or radio. Do not, under
identify those use primary cell and any circumstance, make the mistake of
secondary cell. Mark Primary cell as 'P' performing these experiments with the
Secondary cell as 'S'. electricity supply in your home, farm
or school. Playing with the household
electric supply will be extremely

2.3 Electric Circuits

Grandfather asked Selvi to bring

torchlight. While taking the torchlight, it
fell down and the cells came out. She puts
the cells back and switched it on (Fig. A)


Often, we call cells as ‘batteries’. Fig: A

However only when two or more cells are
combined together they make a battery. A The torchlight did not glow. She thought
cell is a single unit that converts chemical the torchlight was worn out. She was
energy into electrical energy, and a battery afraid that grandfather might scold her. She
is a collection of cells. started crying. Her uncle came there and
asked the reason for crying. She conveyed
±  ±  ±  the matter. Her uncle removed the cells
±  ±  ± 
and reversed them (Fig B)

Activity 3: Take a dry cell used in a

flashlight or clock. Read the label and
note the following Fig: B
1. Where is the '+' and '–' symbol?
2. What is the output voltage? Now, the torch glows. Selvi’s face
Look at the cells that you come across also glows. Uncle told her the reason and
and note down the symbols and voltage. explained her about electric circuits.


6th Science_IInd Term English Book_Unit_2.indd 20 06/08/18 10:54 AM

Inside view of torch the circuit is called an open circuit. The

bulb will not glow in this circuit.

b. Closed Circuit

Cell Key (closed)

+ -

electric bulb
An electric circuit is the continuous or
unbroken closed path along which electric In a circuit if the key is in closed (on)
current flows from the positive terminal condition, then electricity will flow and the
to the negative terminal of the battery. circuit is called a closed circuit. The bulb
A circuit generally has: will glow in this circuit.

a) A cell are battery- a source of electric Can you make a simple switch own by
current simple things available to you?

b) Connecting wires- for carrying current Types of Circuits

c) A bulb- a device that consumes the 1. Simple Circuit

electricity 2. Series Circuit
d) A key or a switch- this may be 3. Parallel Circuits
connected anywhere along the circuit
to stop or allow the flow of current. 1. Simple Circuit

a. Open Circuit A circuit consisting of a cell, key, bulb

and connecting wires is called a simple
In a circuit if the key is in open (off) circuit.
condition, then electricity will not flow and



2. Series Circuit
If two or more bulbs are connected in
series in a circuit, then that type of circuit is
called series circuit. If any one of the bulbs


6th Science_IInd Term English Book_Unit_2.indd 21 06/08/18 10:54 AM

is damaged or disconnected, the entire If any one of the bulb is damaged or

circuit will not work. disconnected the other part of the circuit
will work. So parallel circuits are used in

+ –


3. Parallel Circuit

If two or more bulbs are connected in

parallel in a circuit, then that type of circuit
is called parallel circuit.

Symbols of Electric Components

In the circuits discussed above, we used the figures of electric components. Using
electric components in complicated circuits is difficult. So, symbols of the components are
used instead of figures. If these symbols used in electric circuits, even complicated circuits
can be easily understood. Electric component Figure Symbol Remarks

Longer terminal
refers positive and
1 Electric cell
+ - shorter terminal
Cell refers negative.

Two or more
2 Battery cells connected
Battery + -
in series

Switch is in off
3 Switch-open
OFF ON Open position

Switch is in on
4 Switch-closed Closed

The bulb does

not glow
5 Electric bulb

The bulb glows

Used to connect
6 Connecting wires


6th Science_IInd Term English Book_Unit_2.indd 22 06/08/18 10:54 AM


6th Science_IInd Term English Book_Unit_2.indd 23 06/08/18 10:55 AM

Electric Eel is a kind

of fish which is able
to produce electric
current. This fish can
produce an electric shock to safeguard
itself from enemies and also to catch
its food.


The rate of flow of electric charges

in a circuit is called electric current.
The materials which allow electric
charges to pass through them are
called conductors. Examples: Copper,
iron, aluminum, impure water, earth etc.,

More to Know

Ammeter is an instrument used in

electric circuits to find the quantity of
current flowing through the circuit.
This is to be connected in series.

Insulators (Non-Conductors)

The materials which do not allow

electric charges to pass through
them are called insulators or non-
Examples: plastic, glass, wood, rubber,
china clay, ebonite etc.,
2.4 Conductors and Insulators
Will electric current pass throw all

If an electric wire is cut, we could see a

metal wire surrounded by another material.
Do you know why it is so?


6th Science_IInd Term English Book_Unit_2.indd 24 06/08/18 10:55 AM

Activity 4: Connect the objects given

in the table between A and B and write
whether the bulb glows or not.

Sl. Materials of Glow or

No. the objects not glow

1. Pin
4. Pencil
5. More to Know
6. Rubber Thomas Alva Edison (February 11, 1847
7. Pen – October 18, 1931) was an American
Wooden inventor. He invented more than 1000
useful inventions and most of them are
9. Hairpin
electrical appliances used in homes.
Glass He is remembered for the invention of
electric bulb.

Safety measures to safeguard a

person from electric shock

I. Switch off the power supply.

Thomas Alva Edison
II. Remove the connection from the
Activity 5:
III. Push him away using non - conducing
Produce electricity using copper plates,
zinc plate, connecting wires, key, beaker
IV. Give him first aid and take him to the and porridge (rice water) [the older the
nearest health centre. porridge the better will be the current]


6th Science_IInd Term English Book_Unit_2.indd 25 06/08/18 10:55 AM

 Electric cells are of two types depending

Arrange copper and zinc plates in
on the continuity of flow of electric
series as shown in the figure. Half fill
two beakers with porridge. Connect
the copper plate with the positive of  Primary cell is a cell that is designed to
and LED bulb and zinc to the negative. be used once and discarded.
Observe what happens.
 A cell that can be recharged many
Now you can replace porridge with times is called secondary cell.
curd, potato, lemon etc.
 Two or more cells combined together
to make a battery.

 An electric circuit is a combination of

cells, key, bulb and connecting wires
arranged in proper manner.

 A circuit consisting of a cell, key, bulb

and connecting wires is called a simple

 If two or more bulbs are connected

in series in a circuit, then that type of
circuit is called series circuit.

 If two or more bulbs are connected in

parallel in a circuit, then that type of
circuit is called parallel circuit.

 Symbols of electrical components are

used to represent complicated circuits
Points to remember in simple way.

 Any device from which electricity  The materials which allow electric
is produced, is called the source of charges to pass through them are
electricity. called conductors.

 There are many sources of electricity  The materials which do not allow
such as thermal power stations, hydel electric charges to pass through them
electric power stations, wind mills, are called insulators or non-conductors.
atomic power station etc.

 Device that converts chemical energy

into electrical energy is called a cell.


6th Science_IInd Term English Book_Unit_2.indd 26 06/08/18 10:55 AM

Scientist for the People

A poor blacksmith’s family in South
Michael, this is our food for London.
one week. Recite fourth
table, do you?
y.. y.. yes, mom, I will o.. o.. one.. f..f..four… i.. i..
adjust with this…

MICHEL FARADAY Fraday couldn’t continue his
(1791 – 1867) school studies because of poverty.

joined in book binding Your books are bound. Would you Your quest for knowledge
works. please take the book “Conversations wondering me. I have the
on Chemistry” of Jane Marcet by tickets for scientist Humphry Thanks
tomorrow?. I am reading that. Davy’s Lecture. sir!

Wonderful! ! you
read that book!??

Used to read those books Sir, I did those experiments

in leisure times. too.

Faraday continuously listen to the Sir, may I join as

lectures of Humphry Davy in your assistant?
Royal Society.
Just you have
appointed an Wrong.
ordinary man? Don’t

You have
wonderfully taken my
Take notes. Humphry lecture notes. Faraday had lot of
Davy Definitely join. interests and skills.

Faraday did so many He invented dynamo, and designed Faraday’s scientific lectures attracted
experiments in his the forerunner of the electric motor. the people.
leisure time.

Sure. Faraday
should be given
‘SIR’ title.

Sorry! I don’t want of any awards. Science

should be used for people. To my last breath,
Two milestones in technology. I want to be a scientist for people.


6th Science_IInd Term English Book_Unit_2.indd 27 06/08/18 10:55 AM

ICT Corner

Through this activity you will

be able to form a simple circuit.

Step 1: Use the given URL in the browser. ‘Simple Circuit will open.
Step 2: In right side of the activity window there are diagrams of some wires and
in the left side diagrams of a battery, switch and a bulb are given.
Step 3: By using the mouse drag and drop the wires to the battery and switch to
make connections. Click on the switch, if the circuit is formed correctly the
bulb will glow.
Step 4: Use the second URL to try Series and parallel circuits.

Step 1 Step 2

Step 3

Simple Circuit’s URL:
Series and parallel circuits url
*Pictures are indicative only


6th Science_IInd Term English Book_Unit_2.indd 28 06/08/18 10:55 AM

II. Fill in the blanks

1. ____________ are the materials which
allow electric current to pass through
2. Flow of electricity through a closed
I. Choose the appropriate answer
circuit is ____________.
1. The device which converts chemical 3. ____________ is the device used to
energy into electrical energy is close or open an electric circuit.
a. fan b. solar cell 4. The long perpendicular line in the
c. cell d. television electrical symbol represents its
____________ terminal.
2. Electricity is produced in
5. The combination of two or more cells is
a. transformer b. power station
called a ____________.
c. electric wire d. television
III. True or False. If False, give the
3. Choose the symbol for battery correct statement

a. b. 1. In a parallel circuit, the electricity has

more than one path.
2. To make a battery of two cells,
the negative terminal of one cell is
c. d. connected to the negative terminal of
the other cell.
3. The switch is used to close or open an
4. In which among the following circuits
electric circuit.
does the bulb glow?
4. Pure water is a good conductor of
a. b.
5. Secondary cell can be used only once.
IV . Match the following

c. d. Symbol Description

+ -
open key

2 cell

5. ______ is a good conductor 3

bulb glows

a. silver b. wood 4 battery

c. rubber d. plastic 5 bulb does not glow

+ -


6th Science_IInd Term English Book_Unit_2.indd 29 06/08/18 10:55 AM

V. Arrange in sequence




VI. Give very short answer

5. What type of circuit is there in a torch
1. In the given circuit diagram, which of
the given switch(s) should be closed.
So that only the bulb A glows. 6. Circle the odd one out. Give reason for
your choice.
+ -
Switch, Bulb, Battery, Generator.
VII. Give short answer
K2 1. Draw the circuit diagram for series

A 2. Can the cell used in the clock gives us

an electric shock? Justify your answer.
3. Silver is a good conductor but it is not
preferred for making electric wires.
B Why?

2. Assertion (A) : It is very easy for our VIII. Answer in detail

body to receive electric shock. 1. What is the source of electricity?
Reason (R) : Human body is a Explain the various power stations in
good conductor of electricity. India?
2. Tabulate the different components of
a. Both A and R are correct and R is
an electric circuit and their respective
the correct explanation for A.
b. A is correct, but R is not the correct 3. Write short notes on conductors and
explanation for A. insulators.
c. A is wrong but R is correct. IX. Question based on Higher Order
d. Both A and R are correct and R is Thinking Skills
not the correct explanation for A. 1. Rahul wants to make an electric circuit.
He has a bulb, two wires, a safety
3. Can you produce electricity from
pin and a piece of copper. He does
not have any electric cell or battery.
4. Identify the conductor from the Suddenly he gets some idea. He uses
following figures. a lemon instead of a battery and makes
a circuit. Will the bulb glow?


6th Science_IInd Term English Book_Unit_2.indd 30 06/08/18 10:55 AM

X. Search ten words in the given word grid and classify them as conductors and




6th Science_IInd Term English Book_Unit_2.indd 31 06/08/18 10:55 AM

3 Changes Around Us

Learning Objectives
 To recognize and enlist a few changes that happen in our day-to-day life
 To classify the observed changes as,
 slow / fast, reversible / irreversible
 physical and chemical changes
 desirable / undesirable, natural / human made
 To explain the process of dissolution
 To distinguish between a solvent and a solute


6th Science_IInd Term English Book_Unit_3.indd 32 06/08/18 10:59 AM

Observe the pictures in the previous page

Activity 1: What happens when you
and fill in the gaps.
blow air into a
Ini�al stage Changing stage balloon?
Seed Sapling  Is there
change in
raw fruit
 Yes  No
What is common in all the above pairs?  Is there change in shape?
__________________________________  Yes  No
 Is there any other change?
What is a change?

The process in which something 3.1 Classification of Changes

becomes different from what it was earlier? There are different
It is the observable difference between types of changes
initial state and the final state of any observed in nature that
substance. occurs around us. Some
Change is the Law of Nature. In our day changes take place very
- to - day life we see many changes around quickly while others take
us. Weather changes periodically (daily/ hours, days or even years. Some changes
seasonly), Seasons changes periodically. A are temporary while some others are
paper burns readily while it takes a few days permanent. Some changes produce new
for an iron nail to rust. It takes a few hours substances while others do not. Some
for milk to turn into curd but vegetables get changes are natural while others are made
softened in a few minutes when cooked. by human beings. Some changes are
desirable to us but some changes are not
The said changes are accompanied
by change in properties like shape, colour,
temperature, position and composition. We shall now try to classify changes
Some changes can be observed while some on the basis of certain similarities and
are not possible to notice. differences.

Can you observe some changes and  slow and fast

write about it?  reversible and irreversible
 physical and chemical changes
 desirable and undesirable
 natural and man - made


6th Science_IInd Term English Book_Unit_3.indd 33 06/08/18 10:59 AM

3.1.1 Slow and Fast changes Touch me not plant

Activity 2: Look at the pictures and

discuss about the duration for the
changes to take place.

Activity 3: Try to make a boat and an

aeroplane one by one using the same
piece of paper. This means the change
of shape discussed here is reversible.

Slow changes

Changes which take place over a long

period of time ( hours / days / months /
years ) are known as Slow changes.

Examples: growth of nail and hair, change

of seasons, germination of seed.

Fast Changes
Irreversible change
Changes which take place within a
Changes which cannot be reversed or
short period of time (seconds or minutes)
to get back the original state are known as
are known as fast changes. Irreversible changes.
Examples: Bursting of balloon, breaking
of glass, bursting of fire crackers, burning Activity 4: What kind of changes are
of paper. they?
3.1.2 Reversible and Irreversible

Reversible change
Changes which can be reversed (to
get back the original state) are known as
reversible changes. a) Burning of a candle.
Examples: Touch me not plant _______________________________
(Responding to touch), stretching of rubber b) Piercing a balloon with a pin.
band, melting of ice.


6th Science_IInd Term English Book_Unit_3.indd 34 06/08/18 11:00 AM

Examples : Change of milk into curd, Let us now understand the physical
digestion of food, making idly from batter. changes that take place in water. You
already know that water exists in three
states as solid, liquid and gas. Change
of state takes place either by heating or
cooling. By heating energy is supplied and
by cooling energy is taken away. These are
the reasons for the changes.

3.1.3 Physical and Chemical


Activity 5: Take an apple and cut it Let us name a few processes connected
into two halves. with the changes in states of water.
Cut one half into
pieces and share it Change Process
with your friends. ice into water on
Is there any heating
change in the composition of the Apple
water into steam
while cutting? vapourisation
on heating
No, only the shape and size have
changed. This can be called a physical steam into water
change. on cooling
Leave the other half on the table for water into ice on
some time. You can see brown patches cooling
formed on the cut surface because of
the reaction between some substances More to Know
in the apple and the air around it. This
The change of state from solid to gas
is a Chemical change.
directly is called Sublimation.
Example : Camphor
Physical changes

Physical changes are the temporary Let us understand one more physical
changes in which there is change in the change
physical appearance of the substance but
not in its chemical composition. Here no
new substance is formed. The spreading of the solid particles
Example: Melting of ice, the solution of (broken into individual molecules) among
salt or sugar, stretching of rubber band. the liquid molecules is called as dissolution.


6th Science_IInd Term English Book_Unit_3.indd 35 06/08/18 11:00 AM

 Solvent is a substance that dissolves Chemical changes

the solute.
Chemical changes are the permanent
 Solute is a substance that is dissolved changes in which there is change in the
in a solvent to make a solution. chemical composition and new substance
 When solute is dissolved in a solvent it is formed.
forms a solution. Examples: Burning of wood, Popping of
Solute + Solvent Solution popcorn, Blackening of silver ornaments,
and Rusting of iron.
Water is known as the
Physical Chemical
universal solvent. It
Change Change
dissolves a wide range
No new substance New substance
of substance.
formed formed

Activity 6: Take half a cup of water, No change in There is change

add one spoon full of sugar and stir the chemical in the chemical
well. composition composition
It is a temporary It is a permanent
change change
It is reversible It is irreversible

Activity 7: Look at the pictures and

write whether they are Physical or
a. What do you observe? Chemical changes.

b. What happened to the sugar?

c. Where is it gone?

d. The solute in the above solution is

e. The solvent in the above solution is
f. Have you seen a glass of water and
a glass of sugar solution looking


6th Science_IInd Term English Book_Unit_3.indd 36 06/08/18 11:00 AM

3.1.4 Desirable and Undesirable

Activity 9: Identify the type of changes
Natural / Human made
Activity 8: Look at the pictures and
Floods Carpentry
write whether they are desirable or
undesirable changes.
forest fire decaying of fruit
______________ ______________
Planting of seedlings Land slides

__________ ___________

egg to chicken Wind mills

______________ ______________

Natural changes

Changes which take place in nature

__________ __________`
on their own and are beyond the control
of human beings are known as Natural
Desirable changes
The changes which are useful, not
Examples: Rotation of the earth, Changing
harmful to our environment and desired by
phases of the Moon, Rain.
us are known as desirable changes.
Human made or artificial changes
Examples: Ripening of fruit, growth of
plants, cooking of food, milk changing to The changes which are brought about
curd. by human beings are known as human
Undesirable changes made or artificial changes. They will not
happen on their own.
The changes which are harmful to our
environment and not desired by us are Examples: Cooking, Deforestation,
known as Undesirable changes. Cultivating crops, construction of buildings.

Examples: Deforestation, decaying of Points to remember

fruit, rusting of iron.
 Everything in this world undergoes
3.1.5 Natural and changes. Changes occur in position,
human made shape, size, state, colour, temperature,
changes composition etc.,


6th Science_IInd Term English Book_Unit_3.indd 37 06/08/18 11:00 AM

 Fast change – short period of time Undesirable change - changes that are
harmful to our environment.
Slow change – long period of time
 Natural change - changes that take
 Reversible change – can go back to its
place in nature on their own
original state
Human made change - changes that
Irreversible change – cannot go back are brought about by human beings
to its original state
 A solute when dissolved in a solvent
 Desirable change - changes that makes a solution.
are useful and harmless to our
 The process of dissolving the solute in
solvent is called dissolution.

Changes Around Us
ICT Corner

Through this activity you will be able to understand

reversible & irreversible changes.

Step 1: Use the given URL in the browser. ‘Reversible and irreversible changes's page will
open. Use the arrow marks on both sides of the substance to choose another
substance to test.
Step 2: Click and drag the substance into the beaker, observe whether it dissolves or not.
Click the Dissolving / Reversing button to switch between the both activities.
Step 3: In the Reversing activity, with some substances you can choose either to cool or to
Heat them. With other substances you can choose either to Heat or to filter them
by clicking the respective buttons.
Step 4: Click on the Reset button to clear.

Step 1 Step 2

Step 3
Step 4

Reversible and irreversible changes's URL:

*Pictures are indicative only


6th Science_IInd Term English Book_Unit_3.indd 38 06/08/18 11:00 AM

II. Fill in the blanks

1. Magnet attracts iron needle. This is
change. (a reversible / an

2. Boiling of egg results in

I. Choose the appropriate answer
change. (a reversible / an irreversible)
1. When ice melts to form water, change
3. Changes that are harmful to us are
occurs in its
. (desirable / undesirable)
a. position b. colour
4. Plants convert Carbon-di-oxide and
c. state d. composition water into starch. This is an example of
2. Drying of wet clothes in air is an change. (natural / human
example of made)

a. Chemical change 5. Bursting of fire crackers is a

change whereas germination of seeds
b. Undesirable change
is a change. (slow / fast)
c. irreversible change
III. True or False. If False, give the
d. physical change correct statement

3. Formation of curd from milk is 1. Growing of teeth in an infant is slow

a. a reversible change
2. Burning of match stick is a reversible
b. a fast change
c. an irreversible change
3. Change of New moon to Full moon is
d. an undesirable change human made.
4. Out of the following an example of a 4. Digestion of food is a physical change.
desirable change is
5. In a solution of salt in water, water is
a. rusting b. change of seasons the solute
c. earthquake d. flooding
IV. Analogy
5. Air pollution leading to Acid rain is a
1. Curdling of milk : irreversible change ::
a. reversible change Formation of clouds : ________change

b. fast change 2. Photosynthesis : __________ change

:: burning of coal : Human – made
c. natural change
d. human made change


6th Science_IInd Term English Book_Unit_3.indd 39 06/08/18 11:00 AM

3. Dissolving of glucose : reversible VII. Give short answer

change :: Digestion of food:
1. What happen when paper is burnt?
___________ change
4. Cooking of food : desirable change ::
2. Can deforestation be considered a
decaying of food : _________change
desirable change? Explain.
5. Burning of matchstick :_______
3. What type of changes is associated
change: Rotation of the Earth : Slow
with germination of a seed? Explain
VIII. Answer in detail
V. Circle the odd one out. Give reason
for your choice 1. Give one example in each case that
happens around you.
1. Growth of a child, Blinking of eye,
Rusting, Germination of a seed a. Slow and fast change

2. Glowing of a bulb, lighting of a Candle, b. Reversible and irreversible change

breaking of a coffee mug, curdling of
c. Physical and chemical change
d. Natural and man-made change
3. Rotting of an egg, condensation
of water vapour, trimming of hair, e. Desirable and undesirable change
Ripening of fruit
IX. Question based on Higher Order
4. Inflating a balloon, popping a balloon, Thinking Skills
fading of wall paint, burning of kerosene
1. When a candle is lit the following
VI. Give very short answer changes are observed.

1. What kind of a change is associated a. Wax melts.

with decaying of a plants?
b. Candle keeps burning.
2. You are given some candle wax. Can
c. The size of the candle decreases.
you make a candle doll from it? What
kind of change is this? d. The molten wax solidifies

3. Define a slow change. e.

Which of the changes can be
reversed? Justify your answer.
4. What happens when cane sugar is
strongly heated? Mention any two
changes in it.

5. What is a solution? 


6th Science_IInd Term English Book_Unit_3.indd 40 06/08/18 11:00 AM

4 Air

Air is
Air for the
survival of plants & Uses of
animals air

and its



Burning &




Oz of Oxygen, Nitrogen and


Learning Objectives
 To identify the components and uses of air
 To develop skills in performing experiments and arriving at conclusions
 To clarify the role of oxygen in the process of burning
 To realize the significance of air for the survival of plants and animals on earth
 To appreciate the need of air in protecting our atmosphere


6th Science_IInd Term English Book_Unit_4.indd 41 06/08/18 11:04 AM

Fig 1 Fig 2
Air is present everywhere around us.
We cannot see air. But we can feel its
presence in so many ways. For example,
we feel air when the trees rustle, clothes
hanging on a clothes-line sway, pages of an
open book flutters when the fan is switched the trough filled with water as shown in
on, when kites fly in the sky. We cannot Fig 1. Observe the bottle. Does water
see, touch or taste air but we can feel it. It enter the bottle? _________
is the air that makes all these movements
Now tilt the bottle slightly. Now again
possible. Thus, we can understand that air
dip the open mouth of the bottle as
is present all around us.
shown in Fig 2. Do you think that water
Air is necessary for us to live. We can will enter the bottle? _________
live without food for some days, without
Kindly observe the Fig 2 carefully. You
water for a few hours, but cannot survive
can see bubbles coming out of the
without air for more than a few minutes.
So, air is very important for all living
beings to survive. When you perform the experiment, can
you hear the bubbly sound? can you
When air is moving it is called wind. It
now guess what was inside the bottle?
is cool and soothing as breeze. When air
moves with force it can even uproot trees
and blow off the roof tops. Air is necessary Yes, you are right. It is “air” that was
for breathing and also for combustion. Shall present in the bottle.
we do an activity? The bottle was not empty at all. In fact,
it was filled completely with air even
Activity 1: Air is everywhere when you turned it upside down. That
Let us take an empty glass bottle. Is it is why we notice that water does not
really empty or does it have something enter the bottle when it is pushed in
inside? an inverted position, as there was no
space for air to escape.
Now, shall we turn the glass bottle
upside down? Can you agree that there When the bottle was tilted, the air
is still something inside the empty glass was able to come out in the form of
bottle? Let us do the following activity bubbles, and water filled up the empty
to find what is there inside an empty space that the air has occupied.
glass bottle.
Hence we can see that air fills all
Dip the open mouth of the bottle into the space inside the bottle.


6th Science_IInd Term English Book_Unit_4.indd 42 06/08/18 11:04 AM


6th Science_IInd Term English Book_Unit_4.indd 43 06/08/18 11:04 AM

4.1 Atmosphere Aircrafts usually fly above this layer to avoid

strong winds and bad weather.
Our earth is surrounded by a huge
envelope of air called the atmosphere. The stratosphere lies above the
Atmosphere extends to more than 800km troposphere. This layer has the ozone layer
above the surface of earth and is held in in it. The ozone layer protects all life on
place by the earth’s gravity. The atmosphere earth from the harmful ultraviolet rays of
protects us from many harmful rays coming the sun.
from the sun. The air envelope is thicker
near the earth’s surface and as we go A weathercock shows
higher the density and the availability of air the direction in which
gradually decreases. This is because, as we the air is moving at a
go higher, the force of gravity decreases, particular place. You
so it is not able to hold large amount of air. can also make a wind sock to find the
direction of the wind. Can you try it
The atmosphere is made of five
different layers – the troposphere, the
stratosphere, the mesosphere, the
ionosphere and the exosphere.

4.2 Experimental verification of

presence of Oxygen, Carbon-di-
oxide and Nitrogen in Air
Is air a thing or a composite mixture?
For long time, that is, until eighteenth
century, human thought ‘air’ as a
fundamental constituent of matter. However
an ingenious experiment conducted by
Joseph Priestley in 1774 showed that "air
The troposphere is the layer closest is not an elementary substance, but
to the earth. It is the layer in which we a composition," or mixture of gases. He
live. It extends upwards for about 16km was also able to identify a colourless and
above the surface of the earth. Movement highly reactive gas which was later named
of wind takes place in this layer. It also ‘oxygen’ by the great French chemist
contains water vapour, which is responsible Antoine Lavoisier.
for making clouds. This layer is responsible Priestley took a tub of water and made
for the weather we experience on earth. a float and placed a candle on it. He covered


6th Science_IInd Term English Book_Unit_4.indd 44 06/08/18 11:04 AM

Fig-1 Fig-2 Fig-3 Fig-4

Candle is put-off as Mouse died as there was no

Candle Glows Mouse is inserted oxygen in candle glass jar.
there was no oxygen

Fig-5 Fig-6 Fig-7

Candle continued to glow because Candle glows, mouse survies with

Mint plant is introduced a mint plant inside.
mint provides oxygen

the candle with a glass jar. [As the bottom Now as the jar was inside the water,
portion of the jar was filled with water, Priestley could gently lift the jar and place a
no air can enter or exit and hence the jar live mouse inside it without allowing outside
was completely sealed (Fig-1)]. As you air to enter the jar (Fig-3). Without
would have guessed the candle flame was oxygen, as you would have guessed, the
extinguished in a very short time. He used mouse died (Fig-4). It was clear that
a magnifying glass to focus the sun rays to oxygen was necessary for the survival of
light the candle. Thus he tried to to relight the mouse.
the candle many times without opening the
In the next step, he gently lifted the jar
sealed jar (Fig-2). The candle could not
and placed a mint plant (Fig-5). (Note:
be relit. What can we make out of it?
Look at the Figure- 5; you could see that
It was clear that something in the the plant is inserted into the bell jar when
air was being used for burning and being the jar is very much inside the water. This
converted into another substance. Once is done to ensure that the outside air is
the substance in the air that was aiding not entering into the bell jar.) Plant being a
the burning was completely used by the living thing like mouse, perhaps he thought,
burning flame and converted into another would die. Instead, the plant survived. After
substance, the flame went out. placing the mint plant, he lit up the candle
[Later chemist named the substance and it continued to burn (Fig-6).
necessary for burning as oxygen and during In fourth experiment, he took a jar,
the process of burning oxygen is converted burned a candle and converted all oxygen
mostly into carbon dioxide.]
into carbon dioxide. He placed a mint plant


6th Science_IInd Term English Book_Unit_4.indd 45 06/08/18 11:04 AM

and a mouse into this jar. Both the plant

Leave the beaker in sunlight for some
and the mouse survived (Fig-7). He found
time. You will notice some bubbles
that plants and animals have a synergy.
rising in the test tube. The bubbles
Animals consume oxygen and release
contain oxygen released by the plant
carbon-di-oxide and plants take up carbon
during photosynthesis. If we show a
dioxide and release oxygen.
glowing splinter to the collected air, it
During 1730 – 1799, Jan Ingenhousz burns brightly. This shows that the
showed that sunlight is essential to the collected gas is oxygen.
plant to carry out photosynthesis and also
to purify air that is fouled by breathing
Test for the proportion of Oxygen and
animals or by burning candles. Nitrogen in air
From these experiments it was clear
that “air” was a composite mixture of Activity 3: We know that iron
many gases like oxygen and carbon- undergoes rusting with oxygen and
di-oxide. forms iron oxide. This process can be
used to estimate the percentage of
Proof for release of oxygen in
oxygen in air, which has been removed
by the rusting reaction.

Activity 2: Take a healthy branch of Take a small portion of iron wool, press
Hydrilla and place it in a funnel. Invert it into a 20 ml graduated test tube and
the funnel in a beaker of water as wet it with water. Tip away excess of
shown in the figure. Invert a test tube water. Take a 500ml beaker and fill
over the stem of the funnel. The stem half of the beaker with water. Invert
of the funnel should be kept immersed the test tube and place it in air. Leave
inside the water. the arrangement at least for a week
without making any disturbance to the
test tube.

Observe the changes that had happened

in the iron wool and to the level of
water inside the test tube. We could


6th Science_IInd Term English Book_Unit_4.indd 46 06/08/18 11:04 AM

limewater. After a few minutes, look at the

see that the water level has increased
lime water carefully. The lime water will
inside the test tube. The rise in water
produce a white precipitate and that the
is because of oxygen in air which has
lime water will eventually turn to a milky
been removed by the rusting reaction.
white solution. This shows the presence
This will be about 20% which is
of carbon-di-oxide in air.
approximately the percentage of
oxygen in the air. 4.3 Composition of Air

More to Know! From Priestley's experiment which was

followed by Ingenhousz and Rutherford,
Daniel Rutherford, a Scottish chemist, we came to know that air was not just one
discovered nitrogen. He removed oxygen substance. We will now describe what air
and converted it into carbon-di-oxide using is made up of. This is called composition
an inverted bell jar using a burning candle. of air.
He passed this air without oxygen through
lime water and removed carbon-di-oxide The major component of air is nitrogen.
also. Almost four – fifth of air is nitrogen. The
second major component of air is oxygen.
Once the carbon-di-oxide was removed About one – fifth of air is oxygen. In
in that air, neither a candle burned nor a addition to nitrogen and oxygen gases, air
plant breathed. Hence he was sure that also contains small amount of carbon–di–
the remaining air he had did not have oxide, water vapour and some other gases
oxygen and carbon-di-oxide. He was like argon, helium etc. The air may also
able to produce a gas, which showed the contain some dust particles.
same property of the air without oxygen
and carbon-di-oxide. Hence this gas was The composition of air in terms of
named ‘nitrogen’. percentage of its various components
can be written as follows:
Test for Carbon-di-oxide in air

Pour some lime water in a glass tumbler.

Bubble some air using a straw through the


6th Science_IInd Term English Book_Unit_4.indd 47 06/08/18 11:04 AM

The composition of air changes slightly Ensure that the dust collectors do not
from place to place and also from season to get blown away. After the time scheduled
season. For example, for performing this activity is reached,
remove the paper and count the number of
 Air over industrial cities usually has a
collected dust particles in the marked area
higher amount of carbon-di-oxide in it
in all the sheets, using a magnifying glass
than the air over open spaces.
at the dust collector. We can see something
 Air in coastal areas may have more similar to the diagram below:-
water vapour than inland areas.

 Air also contains more water vapour in

rainy season.

 The amount of dust in the air is more

in windy places than other areas.

Test for the presence of dust particles

in air

You might have seen the sunlight

entering into a dark room through a narrow
slit and making shiny dust particles dancing
merrily on the path of sunlight. Actually, Then, calculate the mean number of
the air in a room always contains some dust particles in the marked area.
dust particles, but they are so small that
normally they are not visible to us. When
a beam of sunlight falls on them, the tiny The range of the dust can also be
dust particles become visible. calculated as given below:-

Shall we do an activity to calculate the Range = Maximum value – minimum value

amount of dust particles in air from our Collect details from all the areas where
area? we have kept the dust collector sheets.

Take a graph sheet. Using marker pens Tabulate the recordings in the table given
draw a 5x5 cm square on the graph. Apply below:-
a thin film of grease on the graph sheet. Location of Mean number Range
This sheet will serve as dust collector. Make dust collector of dust particles
four or five graph sheets. per small square

Discuss in the whole class, as where

to place the dust collectors, how long to
collect dust particles and place the dust
collectors in agreed positions.


6th Science_IInd Term English Book_Unit_4.indd 48 06/08/18 11:04 AM

 Which area do you think will have the not get oxygen necessary for burning to
most dust? continue and hence the substance will stop
burning. In rockets, as they go high in the
atmosphere, the availability of oxygen is
 Which area do you think will have the considerably reduced. Therefore in rockets
least dust? along with the fuel, oxygen is also carried
for combustion.
The process of burning of a substance
Test for water vapour in air
in the presence of oxygen and releasing
a large amount of light and heat is called
burning. If the process does not emit
flame then it is called combustion.

Activity 4: Oxygen is necessary for


Place two candles on a table. Ensure

that both the candles are of same size
and height. Mark them as candle 1 and
Take a few ice cubes in a glass. Keep
candle 2 using a chalkpiece. Light both
it on the table for a few minutes. Observe
the candles. Now, cover candle 2 with
what happens. You could see tiny droplets
glass tumbler as shown in the figure
of water all over the outer surface of the
Observe the happenings at both the
glass. From where do these droplets come?
The water vapour present in the air Candle-1 Candle-2

condenses on the cold surface of the

glass. This shows that air contains
water vapour.

4.4 Burning and Combustion

When we burn a candle, paper,

kerosene, coal, wood or cooking gas (LPG),
oxygen is needed. The oxygen needed for
the burning of candle, paper, kerosene, candles.
coal, wood and cooking gas comes from What does happen to candle 1?
the air around us. Thus, for burning a
substance continuously so as to make fire, a
continuous supply of fresh air is needed. If What does happen to candle 2?
we cut off the supply of fresh air to a burning
substance, then the burning substance will


6th Science_IInd Term English Book_Unit_4.indd 49 06/08/18 11:04 AM

4.5 Importance of air for survival of

Can you guess why did the
plants and animals
covered candle extinguish?
Respiration in plants
Let us summarize the happenings.
Plants require energy for their growth
The candle 1 continues to burn, unless
and hence respiration also occurs in plants.
it is blown – off by strong moving air or
During respiration, plants take in oxygen
any other external force. This is because
fresh air is continuously available to the and release carbon–di–oxide, just as
candle for its burning process. animals do. Gaseous exchange with air in
atmosphere takes place in plants with the
Candle 2 glows for a while and then
help of tiny holes called stomata present on
gets put – off. When the burning candle
is covered with a glass tumbler, the their leaves.
candle can use the oxygen available in Photosynthesis
the air inside the glass tumbler. Since
only a small amount of air is present Plants manufacture food by a
inside the glass tumbler – only a small process called photosynthesis. During
portion of oxygen is available for the photosynthesis, Carbon-di-oxide from
candle to continue glowing. When all the air and water from the soil react in
the oxygen of the air inside the gas the presence of sunlight to produce food.
jar is used up, then the burning candle Most plants possess a green pigment
gets extinguished.
called chlorophyll and it is also used-up in
Now, repeat the candle – glowing the process of photosynthesis. The word
experiment taking four containers of equation given below explains the process
different sizes. For example, you can of photosynthesis.
take a 250ml conical flask, a 500ml
bottle, a one – litre jar, a two – litre jar. Sunlight
Cover the burning candle one by one
Carbon-di-oxide +water Food + Oxygen
with these containers and find out how
long it takes for the candle to extinguish
in each case. Record your observations Plants release oxygen during
in the following table. photosynthesis which is much more than
S. Volume of the Time taken the oxygen consumed by the plants, during
No. container (ml) for candle to respiration.
extinguish (second)
Respiration in Animals

When we breathe in air, the oxygen

Can you write interpretation based on present in the air reacts chemically with
your observations at the table? digested food within the body to produce
carbon-di-oxide gas, water vapour and

6th Science_IInd Term English Book_Unit_4.indd 50 06/08/18 11:04 AM

This energy is required to carry out Let us have a look at the following
many processes in the body such as table to compare the composition of air in
movement, growth and repair. This process inhaled and exhaled air.
by which oxygen reacts with digested food
to form carbon-di-oxide, water vapour and Component Inhaled air Exhaled air
energy is called respiration. The process Nitrogen 78% 78%
can be represented by a word equation as Oxygen 21% 16%
given below :-
Carbon-di 0.03% 4%
Food + Oxygen Carbon-di-oxide -oxide
+ water + Energy Water Variable amount
Carbon-di-oxide formed during vapour amount increases in
respiration dissolves in the blood and is exhaled air
exhaled out of the body through the lungs. Noble gases 0.95% 0.95%
The inhaled and exhaled air thus contain Dust Variable none
the same substances but in different amount
proportion, except nitrogen which is Temperature Room Body
present in the same amount. Inhaled air temperature temperature
contains more oxygen while the exhaled air
contains more carbon-di-oxide.


6th Science_IInd Term English Book_Unit_4.indd 51 06/08/18 11:04 AM

Respiration of plants and animals in  Under extra – ordinary conditions such

water as:

The water of ponds, lakes, rivers and a. a patient having breathing

seas have some amount of dissolved air difficulties,
containing oxygen in it. The plants and
animals that live in water use the oxygen
dissolved in water for breathing. For
example, frogs respire through their skin,
fish respire using their gills.

When carbon-di-oxide
is cooled to -570 C, it
directly becomes a
solid, without changing

to its liquid state.

It is called dry b. a mountaineer climbing a high
ice and is a good mountain,
agent. Dry ice is used in trucks or freight
cars for refrigerating perishable items
such as meat and fish while transporting

4.6 Uses of Air

 Air is used by plants and animals for

c. a diver going deep into the sea-
 Air is used for burning fuels like wood,
oxygen gas cylinders are used for
coal, kerosene, LPG etc.
breathing purposes.
 Compressed air is used to fill tyres of
various kinds of vehicles.
 Air plays an important role in
maintaining the water cycle in the
 Ozone layer, present in the atmosphere,
helps in preventing harmful radiations
of the sun from reaching the earth’s


6th Science_IInd Term English Book_Unit_4.indd 52 06/08/18 11:04 AM

 Blowing air is used to turn the  Ingenhousz experiment helped us to

blades of wind mills. know the role of sunlight in evolving
Oxygen during photosynthesis.

 Air contains 78% Nitrogen, 21%

Oxygen, 1% of carbon-di-oxide, water
vapour, Noble gases, and dust particles.

 Composition of air changes slightly

from place to place and also from
season to season.

 In plants,
The wind mills are used to draw water
Carbon-di-oxide +water Food + Oxygen
by running pumps, run flour mills and
to generate electricity.
 In animals,
Points to Remember
Food+Oxygen Carbon-di-oxide
 Air is all around us. + water + Energy
 Our earth is surrounded by a huge  Aquatic plants and animals use oxygen
envelope of air called the atmosphere. dissolved in water for breathing.

 The process of burning of a substance  Ozone layer, present in the atmosphere

in the presence of oxygen and releasing helps in preventing harmful radiations
a large amount of light and heat is hitting the earth directly.
called combustion.

 Priestley helped us in understanding

the presence of oxygen in air
that is produced by plants during
photosynthesis which can be used by
animals for respiration.


6th Science_IInd Term English Book_Unit_4.indd 53 06/08/18 11:04 AM

ICT Corner

Through this activity you will be able

to understand the atomic level of the
process that plants use to convert
solar energy into chemical energy.

Step 1: Use the given URL in the browser. ‘Illuminating Photosynthesis page will
Step 2: Three buttons given on the top of the activity window to explore. Click the
'The Cycle' button, in this window you can open the curtain and water the
plant by click on the curtain and the watering pot.
Step 3: Explore the atomic level process of the photosynthesis by clicking the 'Atomic
Shuffle' button.
Step 4: Click 'Replay" to view the process again and 'Next' to view the next level of
the process.

Step 1 Step 2

Step 3
Step 4

Illuminating Photosynthesis URL:
*Pictures are indicative only


6th Science_IInd Term English Book_Unit_4.indd 54 06/08/18 11:04 AM

II. carbon-di-oxide
III. Noble gases

IV. Oxygen

a. I and II b. I and III

I. Choose the appropriate answer
c. II and IV d. I and IV
1. __________ is the percentage of
II. Fill in the blanks
nitrogen in air.
1. __________ is the active component
a. 78% b. 21%
of air.
c. 0.03% d. 1%
2. The gas given out during photosynthesis
2. Gas exchange takes place in plants is _________.
using ___________.
3. __________ gas is given to the patients
a. Stomata b. Chlorophyll having breathing problems.

c. Leaves d. Flowers 4. _______ can be seen moving in a

beam of sunlight in a dark room.
3. The constituent of air that supports
combustion is __________. 5. ________ gas turns lime water milky.

a. Nitrogen b. carbon-di-oxide III. True or False. If False, give the

correct statement
c. Oxygen d. water vapour
1. Inhaled air contains a large amount of
4. Nitrogen is used in the food packaging
industry because it _________.
2. Planting trees help in decreasing global
a. provides colour to the food
b. provides oxygen to the food
3. The composition of air is always exactly
c. adds proteins and minerals to the the same.
4. Whales come up to the water surface
d. keeps the food fresh to breathe in oxygen.

5. _______ and ______ are the two 5. The balance of oxygen in atmosphere
gases, which when taken together, is maintained through photosynthesis
make up about 99 percentage of air. in animals and respiration in plants.



6th Science_IInd Term English Book_Unit_4.indd 55 06/08/18 11:04 AM

IV. Match the following

1. Moving Air - Photosynthesis

2. Layer in which we live - Troposphere

3. Stratosphere - Wind

4. Oxygen - Ozone layer

5. carbon-di-oxide - Combustion

V. Arrange the following statements

in correct sequence VIII. Give very short answer
1. Plants manufacture food by a process 1. What is atmosphere? Name the five
called photosynthesis. layers of atmosphere.
2. Plants require energy for their growth. 2. How do the roots of land plants get
oxygen for breathing?
3. Plants take in oxygen and release
carbon-di-oxide just as animals. 3. What should be done if the clothes of a
person catch fire accidentally? Why?
4. Plants take carbon-di-oxide from the
atmosphere, use chlorophyll in the 4. What will happen if you breathe
through mouth?
presence of sunlight and prepare food.
IX. Give short answer
5. Such oxygen is available to animals
and human beings for breathing. 1. Biscuits kept open on a plate during
monsoon days lose its’ crispness. Why?
6. During this process, oxygen is released
by plants. 2. Why do traffic assistants wear a mask
on duty?
VI. Analogy
X. Answer in detail
1. Photosynthesis : _____ :: Respiration :
1. How do plants and animals maintain
the balance of oxygen and carbon-di-
2. 78% of air : Does not support oxide in air?
combustion :: _____ : Supports
2. Why is atmosphere essential for life on
VII. Observe the given figure XI. Question based on Higher Order
carefully and answer the Thinking Skills
1. Can you guess why fire extinguishers
1. What will happen if we remove plants throw a stream of carbon-di-oxide
from the aquarium? while putting - off fire?
2. What will happen if we remove the fish
from the aquarium and keep it (with
green plants) in a dark place?


6th Science_IInd Term English Book_Unit_4.indd 56 06/08/18 11:05 AM

5 The Cell


Types of cells

Prokaryotic cells Eukaryotic cells

No true A true
nucleus nucleus
Bacteria Cyanobacteria Plant cells Animal cells

Learning Objectives
 To know that all living things are made up of cells
 To observe the cell structure using microscope
 To understand the structure of cell
 To explain the components of a cell
 To understand the structural difference between animal and plant cell


6th Science_IInd Term English Book_Unit_5.indd 57 06/08/18 11:12 AM


Observe the two pictures given above.

More to Know
Do you observe any similarity between
them? Can you see a cell with your naked
Close your eyes and imagine a brick
wall. What is the basic building block of the Cells are very minute and said to be
wall? A single brick, of course. microscopic cannot be seen with our
naked eyes.
Like a brick wall, your body is composed
of basic building blocks, and are named as They can be observed only through a
“Cells”. specialized scientific instrument called
The cell is the basic structural
and functional unit of every living Now a days an electron microscope is
organism. used to magnify the cells and observe
the cells
The cell is self-sufficient to carry out all
the fundamental and essential functions of
an organism.

5.1 The Cell

All living things are made of one
or more cells. There are variety of cell
types however, they all
have some common
characteristic features.

5.1.1 Discovery of the cell

The Englishman Robert hooke was a
scientist, mathematician, and inventor.
He improved microscope which was used


6th Science_IInd Term English Book_Unit_5.indd 58 06/08/18 11:12 AM

in those days, and built a compound Based on this observations Hooke

microscope. He placed water-lens beside published a book named Micrographia in
the microscope to focus the light from an the year 1665, where he first used the term
oil-lamp on specimens to illuminate them Cell . He describe the structure of tissue
brightly. So that he able to see the minute using the term cell.
parts of the objects clearly.
In Latin the word 'cellua' means a small

Compound The branch of science that deals with

the study of cells is called ‘Cell Biology’.
Flame Water Lens
5.2 The Structural Organization
Brightly Of The Cell
lit specimen

A typical cell consists of three major


1. An outer cell membrane.

2. A liquid cytoplasm.

3. A nucleus.

Analogous to the body's internal organ,

like eyes, heart, lungs organelles are
specialized structures and perform valuable
functions necessary for normal cellular
operation. Many of miniscule but distinct
structures called Organelles lie within the

5.2.1 Size of the cell

Robert hooke
The size of cells may vary from a
micrometer (a million of a metre ) to a few
One day Hooke made thin sections
centimeters. Most cells are microscopic
of the cork and observed them through
and cannot be seen with the nacked eye.
his microscope. He observed many small
They can be observed only through the
identical chambers which were hexagonal
in shape. He was surprised.
After that he saw many objects like Smallest size of the cell is present
Butterfly's wings, Bee’s compound eyes in Bacteria. The size of the bacterial cell
etc., ranges from 0.01 micrometer to 0.5 micro


6th Science_IInd Term English Book_Unit_5.indd 59 06/08/18 11:13 AM

5.2.2. Shapes
Activity 1:
Aim: To observe the structure of a Cells are of different shapes. For
single cell (Hen’s egg). example some shapes are given in the
below pictures.
Materials Needed: A hen’s egg and
a plate.
Method: Crack the shell and break
open the egg in a plate.
Observation: The egg has a yellow
part and a transparent part surrounding
it. The white transparent part (albumin)
Nerve cell Red Blood cell
is jelly-like and represents the cell’s
cytoplasm, while the yellow part (yolk)
is thicker and represents the cell’s
nucleus. On the internal side of the
shell can be seen a thin membrane-
like structure, which represents the cell Muscle cell
5.2.3. Number

The number of cells present in

different organisms may vary. Organisms
may be either unicellular (single cell) or
multicellular. Organisms such as Bacteria,
Amoeba, Chlamydomonas, and Yeast are

On the other hand, organisms such

as Spirogyra, Mango, and Human beings
On the other hand the largest cell is
are multicellular. (i.e) made up of a few
the egg of an ostrich with 170 millimeter
hundreds to million cells.
width. We can see this with the nacked eye.

In Human body the nerve cells are

believed to be the longest cells. Approximate number
of cells in the human
Cell size has no body is 3.7 X1013 or
relation to the size of
an organism. It is not
necessary that the cells
of, say an elephant be
much larger than those of a mouse.


6th Science_IInd Term English Book_Unit_5.indd 60 06/08/18 11:13 AM

Ranges of cell size Ostrich egg

(From small to Large)
Hen’s egg

Frog egg

Human egg
Plant cell
Virus Bacterium cell

5.3 TYPES OF CELL 5.3.2 Eukaryotic cell

Generally cells are classified into two Cells which has true nucleus is called as
types. First one is Prokaryotic cell .It has eukaryotic cell. It is bigger than prokaryotic
No true nucleus consisting of no nuclear cells. It’s organelles bounded by membrane.
membrane. Another one is Eukaryotic cell. Ex. Plants,animals, most of the fungi
It has True nucleus consisting of nuclear and algae.
5.3.1 Prokaryotic cell
The unicelluar organisms like Bacteria has Membrane-
Prokaryotic cells. It has No true nucleus. nucleus
This type of nucleus is called as nucleiod. No
nuclear membrane is around this nucleiod.
These cells were the first form of life on Cell
earth. It is ranging from 0.003 to 2.0 micro
meter in diameter.
Activity 2:
Eg. Eschericia coil bacteria.
Aim: To observe onion peel cells under
Structure of Prokaryotic cell Eg.Eschericia coli
a microscope
Chromosome Materials Required: Glass slide,
cover slip, onion, iodine solution, knife
and microscope.
Procedure: Take an onion and cut it
into two halves along its length. Take



6th Science_IInd Term English Book_Unit_5.indd 61 06/08/18 11:13 AM

out one of its fleshy leaves. With the Observation: You will be able to see
help of a pair of forceps, remove a rectangular cells of the onion peel, with
transparent, thin peel from the inner a nucleus in each of them.
surface of the leaf. Take a glass
slide and put a drop of water at the
centre. Place the peel on the drop of
water. Pour a drop of iodine solution
on the peel. Now place a cover slip
over the material. Observe under the

Differences between Prokaryotic cell Eukaryotic cell

Prokaryotic cell Eukaryotic cell
It’s diameter ranges from 1 to 2 micron It’s diameter ranges from 10 t0 100 micron

Absence of membrane bound organelles Presence of membrane bound organelles

Nucleus consisting of no nuclear True nucleus consisting of nuclear
membrane membrane
Absence of nucleoli Presence of nucleoli

5.3.3. Plant cell and Animal cell

Both plant and animals are made up

of cells. Both cells are eukaryotic in nature,
having a well defined membrane – bound

Plant cell

 It is usually larger in size. It is hard in

Animal cell
 Plant cell have a cell wall in addition to
their cell membrane.  Animal cells are generally smaller than
plant cells. It is not so hard as plant
 Plant cell have chloroplast which
contain chlorophyll
 A cell wall is absent.
 Plant cells have large vacuoles.
Centrioles are absent.  Chloroplast is usually absent.


6th Science_IInd Term English Book_Unit_5.indd 62 06/08/18 11:13 AM

 An animal cell may have many small 3-D view is appealing because it is
vacuoles. more like reality.

 Centrioles are found in animal cells. In 3-D, We can see the entire view of
the cell. It exposes the accurate size and
Animal Cell
shape and shows the correct location of the
cell organelles.

Golgi apparatus

Activity 3:
Endoplasmic recticulum (Rough)
Plasma membrane
To rectify the variation between 2-D
shape and 3-D shape.

Material required:
3 Dimension - cell structure
1. How does a cell look like? Polythene bag, water, marble ball
(golli gundu)
2. What is its shape and size?

Take a polythene bag with water. Put

a marble ball into the polythene bag.
Then draw a picture in your note book
about this task.

If you draw a picture in round shape.

Cell Membrane
It will be called 2-Dimenstional picture.
Nucleolus If you draw a picture in spherical shape
it is called 3-dimenstional.
Mitochondrion Result:

Now you understand your

misconceptions. So the animal cells are
Endoplasmic Golgi
Reticulum Complex spherical in shape and structure, not in
a round shape.
The above cell has a three dimensional
view. We can see the three sides of the cell
structure. You can also view the size, shape
and location on the organelles of the cell


6th Science_IInd Term English Book_Unit_5.indd 63 06/08/18 11:13 AM

5.3.4. Cell components and their functions

S.No Cell Main Functions Special Name

1 Cell wall • Surrounds and protects the cell Supporter and protector
• Make the cell stiff and strong

2 Cell • Holds and protects the cell Gate of the cell

membrane • Controls the movement of materials
in and out of the cell

3 Cytoplasm • A watery, gel-like material in which Area of movement

cell parts move
4 Mitochondria • Produce and supply most of the Power house of the cell
energy for the cell
5 Chloroplasts • Contain green pigment chlorophyll Food producers for the
• Capture the energy of sunlight and cell (Plant cell)
use it to produce food for the cell by
6 Vacuoles • Store food, water, and chemicals Storage tanks
7 Nucleus • Acts as ‘brain’ of the cell Control centre
• Regulates and controls all the cell
8 Nucleus • Surrounds and protects the nucleus Gate of the nucleus
membrane control the movement of materials in
and out of the nucleus

Points to Remember
 Cells are the basic units of all living organisms.
 There are two major cell types such as prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell.
 Both plant and animal cells have unique organelles which are capable of carrying out
specialized functions.
 Plant cells have two unique components such as cell wall and chloroplasts compared to
animal cells.


6th Science_IInd Term English Book_Unit_5.indd 64 06/08/18 11:13 AM

ICT Corner
The Cell

Through this activity you will be

able to understand the differences
between Plant and Animal Cell, their
organelles and their functions.

Step 1: Use the given URL in the browser. ‘What do Cells do? Page will open. Click
the Start Button to begin the activity.
Step 2: Click continue to proceed to the activity, a column with cell organelles is
given. Your task is to build a plant cell and animal cell. Roll the mouse over
each organelle to learn about it.
Step 3: Use the mouse to drag the appropriate organelles to build the cell.
Step 4: After finishing the animal cell, continue the same process to finish the plant

Step 1 Step 2

Step 3

What do Cells do? URL:

*Pictures are indicative only


6th Science_IInd Term English Book_Unit_5.indd 65 06/08/18 11:13 AM

2. I control the food production of a cell.

Who am I? ____

3. I am like a policeman. Who am I ____?

4. The Term “ cell” was coined by ______

I. Choose the appropriate answer 5. The egg of an Ostrich is the

___________ single cell.
1 The unit of measurement used for
expressing dimension (size) of cell is III. True or False. If False, give the
____ correct answer.

a. centimeter b. millimeter 1. A cell is the smallest unit of life.

c. micrometer d. meter 2. Nerve cell is the longest cell

3. Prokaryotes were the first form of life

2. Under the microscope Priya observes
on earth.
a cell that has a cell wall and distinct
nucleus. The cell that she observed is 4. The organelles of both plants and
animals are made up of cells.
a. a plant cell b. an animal cell
5. New cells are produced from existing
c. a nerve cell d. a bacteria cell
3. A ‘control centre’ of the eukaryotic cell
IV. Match the following
1. Control center - Cell membrane
a. Cell wall b. Nucleus
2. Food producer - Mitochondria
(Plant cell)
c. Vacuoles d. Chloroplast
3. Gate of the nucleus - Nucleus
4. Which one of the following is not an 4. Gate of the cell - Chloroplasts
unicellular organism?
5. Energy producer - Nuclear mem-
a. Yeast b. Amoeba brane

V. Arrange in a correct sequence

c. Spirogyra d. Bacteria
1. Elephant, Cow, Bacteria, Mango,
5. Most organelles in a eukaryotic cell are
Rose plant.
found in the
2. Hen Egg, Ostrich egg, Insect egg.
a. Cell wall b. cytoplasm
VI. Analogy
c. nucleus d. Vacuole
1. Prokaryote : Bacteria :: Eukaryote
II. Fill in the Blanks :_______
1. The instrument used to observe the 2. Spirogyra : Plant cell :: Amoeba
cell is _____ : ______


6th Science_IInd Term English Book_Unit_5.indd 66 06/08/18 11:13 AM

3. Food producer : Chloroplasts :: 3. Distinguish between prokaryotic and

Power house :____ eukaryotic cells

VII. Give very short answer 4. Make sketches of animal and plant cells
which you observe under microscope.
1. Who discovered the cell in 1665?
5. Write about the contribution of Robert
2. What type of cells do we have?
Hooke in cell biology.
3. What are the essential components of
IX. Answer in detail
a cell?
1. Tabulate any five cell organelles and
4. What are the organelles found only in
their function.
plant cell?
2. Draw a neat labelled diagram of a
5. Give any three examples of eukaryotic
prokaryotic cell.
X. Project
6. Which one is called as “Area of
movement”? 1. Use your imagination and create 3-D
model of a plant cell?
7. Shiva said “ Bigger onion has larger
cells when compared to the cells of 2. You can use numerous food materials
smaller onion”! Do you agree with his such as a jelly and some cake to make
statement or not ? Explain Why? a cell body. Cell organelles can be
made using nuts and dry fruits. You
VIII. Give short answer
can display the model in your class
1. Why cells are called building blocks of room and invite teachers or students
life? from other classes to rise questions on
the project and try to give answer.
2. Identify any four parts of the Plant cell.


6th Science_IInd Term English Book_Unit_5.indd 67 06/08/18 11:13 AM

6 Human Organ systems

Learning Objectives
 To understand the structure and function of organs and
organ systems of human body

 To gain knowledge of various human body systems and their


 To understand the importance of the life processes such as

Digestion, Absorption, Respiration, Excretion


6th Science_IInd Term English Book_Unit_6.indd 68 06/08/18 11:27 AM

Introduction  Skull
 Vertebral column
Organ systems are formed by the
association of organs which are organized  Rib cage
from tissues. This kind of organization
helps the organism to perform various
Appendicular skeleton consist of the
activities more efficiently. A group of organs
bones of the limbs along with their pectoral
that work together to perform a particular
and pelvic girdles.
function is known as an organ system.
The Human body has eight major organ Activity 1: Sit absolutely still. Observe
systems. They are the movements taking place in your
body. You must be blinking your eyes
Skeletal System 
 Muscular System
time to time. Observe the movements
Digestive System  Respiratory System
 in your body as you breathe. Write
down the movements in your note
Circulatory System  Nervous System

Endocrine System 
 Excretory System
We are able to move a few parts of our
In this lesson, let us study more about body easily in various directions and
the structure and function of these organ some, only in one direction. Why we
systems of our body. are not able to move some parts at all
6.1 Skeletal System

The skeletal system consists of bones, Skull

cartilages and joints. Bones provide a The skull is made up of cranial bones
frame work for the body. Bones along and facial bones. It protects the brain and
with muscles help in movements such as the structures of the face. The hyoid bone
walking, running, chewing and dancing present at the base of the buccal cavity
etc., and the auditory ossicles (Malleus, Incus
and Stapes) are also included in the skull.
The adult human skeletal system
Lower jaw bone is the largest and strongest
consists of 206 bones and few cartilages,
bone in the human face.
ligaments and tendons. Ligaments help in
connecting bone to bone. Tendons connect Skull
bone to muscle. The two major divisions of
the skeletal system are Axial skeleton
and Appendicular skeleton.

Axial skeleton forms the upright axis of

the body which includes


6th Science_IInd Term English Book_Unit_6.indd 69 06/08/18 11:27 AM

Vertebral Column limbs). Fore limbs are used for holding,

writing etc., while hind limbs are used for
Vertebral column extends from the base of
walking, sitting etc.,
the skull. It protects the spinal cord. It is
formed by a number of serially arranged Girdles
small bones called vertebrae (singular : The fore limbs and hind limbs are attached
vertebra) to the axial skeleton with the help of
Rib cage pectoral and pelvic girdle respectively.

The rib cage is made up of 12 pairs of curved,

Activity 2: To show that we can bend
flat rib bones. It protects the delicate vital or move our body only at those points
organs such as heart and lungs. where the bones meet.
Limbs Materials required: A wooden scale
and string.
Man has two pairs of limbs namely upper
limbs (fore limbs) and lower limbs (hind Method: Ask your friend to tie a
wooden scale and your arm together.
Skeletal System
So that the elbow is at the centre. Even
if you try hard, you cannot bend your


Conclusion: A single bone cannot
bend. The different bones joined
together at the elbow, help the elbow
8OQD to bend.

3HOYLV 1.The smallest bone

in our body is present
inside the ear. It is
called Stapes. It is
only 2.8 millimeters long
(average length). The longest bone in
the body is the thigh bone. (Femur)
2. A new born baby has more than 300
bones. As the baby grow, some bones
are joined together, hence the skeleton
of an adult has 206 bones.


6th Science_IInd Term English Book_Unit_6.indd 70 06/08/18 11:27 AM

6.2 Muscular System triceps at the back stretch to pull up the

arm. When we lower our arm, the triceps
In the body, muscular system along
at the back contract and biceps stretch to
with the skeletal and nervous system, is
pull the arm down.
responsible for the body movements.
Skeletal Muscles
Muscles can contract and therefore,
help in moving other parts of the body. It Skeletal muscles of our body are
maintains the posture and body position. attached to the bones. They are called
There are three types of muscles namely Voluntary muscles because they can be
controlled by our will. Example: Muscles of
 Skeletal muscle
 Smooth muscle
 Cardiac muscle
Activity 3: Move your lower arm up
and down gently. Feel the contraction
and relaxation of your biceps and
triceps muscles. The muscles present in
the upper arm help in the contraction
of front biceps muscles (become short
and thick), and also relaxation of rear
triceps muscles (become long and
thin). You can feel the muscles on top
that go stiff. When the arm is moved
Smooth muscles
downwards, the front muscles relax
and the rear muscles contract. Smooth muscles are found in the walls
of the digestive tract, urinary bladder,
How do muscles work? arteries and other internal organs. They
are called ‘Involuntary muscles’ because
Muscles of the body can only pull
they are not controlled by our will.
and they cannot push. Two muscles are
required to move a bone at a joint. When
one muscle contracts, the other muscle

For example, to move ‘the lower arm

up and down two type of muscles called
biceps and triceps are required. When
we raise our lower hand, the biceps in Pancreas
front become short by contraction and the Intestine


6th Science_IInd Term English Book_Unit_6.indd 71 06/08/18 11:28 AM

Cardiac muscles Heart

The walls of the heart is made up

of cardiac muscles. They are capable of
rhythmic, contraction continuously and
involuntary in nature.

Muscular System

Bends the arm at the

Finger flexors Straightens the elbow
Bend the fingers
Finger extensors
Straighten the fingers


6th Science_IInd Term English Book_Unit_6.indd 72 06/08/18 11:28 AM

6.3 Digestive System Parts of Alimentary canal

1. Mouth
Digestive system consists of the
2. Buccal cavity
alimentary canal and associated glands.
3. Pharynx
This system is involved in the conversion of
4. Oesophagus or Food pipe
complex food substances into simple forms
5. Stomach
and absorption of digested food.
6. Small Intestine
The digestive glands associated with 7. Large Intestine
the alimentary canal are salivary glands, 8. Anus
liver, and pancreas. They secrete enzymes
which help in the process of digestion of Associated glands for digestion
food in the digestive tract or alimentary 1. Salivary glands
canal. 2. Gastric glands
3. Liver
The alimentary canal is about 9 meters
long. Stomach is a major organ for digestion 4. Pancreas
of food materials. Absorption of digested 5. Intestinal glands
food occurs in the small intestine.

Digestive System


6th Science_IInd Term English Book_Unit_6.indd 73 06/08/18 11:28 AM

6.4 Respiratory System Lungs

Respiratory system is involved in Lungs are the main respiratory organ.

exchange of respiratory gases and there by They are located within the chest cavity.
helps us to breathe. The human respiratory The trachea, commonly called windpipe,
system consists of nostrils, nasal cavity, is a tube supported by cartilaginous rings
pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi and that connects the pharynx and larynx to
lungs. It helps in the movement of air in the lungs, allowing the passage of air. The
and out of the body. Exchange of O2 and trachea divides into right and left bronchi
CO2 occurs between air in the lung and and enter into the lungs. They divide
blood. The entry of food into the wind pipe further and ends in small air sacs called
is prevented by a flap like structure called alveoli. The lungs are covered by a double
layered pleura. Diffusion of gases (O2 and
CO2) occurs across the alveolar membrane.
Respiratory System


6th Science_IInd Term English Book_Unit_6.indd 74 06/08/18 11:28 AM

Exchange of gases by the respiratory 6.5 Circulatory system

system involves three different
The circulatory system is one of the
processes such as;
important system consisting of heart, blood
1. External Respiration: Intake of O2 vessels and blood. It transports respiratory
from the air and releasing of CO2 from gases, nutrients, hormones and waste
the lungs occurs through nostrils. materials within the body. It protects the
body from harmful pathogens and also
2. Internal Respiration: Taking in
regulates the body temperature.
of oxygen and giving out CO2. The
circulatory system transports O2 and Heart
CO2 to and from all parts of the body. Heart is located in the thoracic cavity
Hemoglobin in the red blood cells between the two lungs. The heart is four
(RBCs) transport O2 and CO2. chambered and is surrounded by a double
3. Cellular Respiration: Cells take in O2 layered membrane called pericardium.
and release CO2 The heart pumps blood continuously
throughout our life time.
Activity 5:
Aim: To prove that exhaled air is rich in Sinus
carbon- di- oxide
Materials required: Two glass jars Atrium

with lime water and a straw

Procedure: Leave the first jar with Node
lime water undisturbed, blow air in to Ventricle
the second jar with the help of a straw Ventricle

Observation: Lime water turns milky

in few seconds in the second jar. The Blood vessels
CO2 gas alone can change the lime
Three types of blood vessels are present
water into milky white.
in the body. They are arteries, veins and
Conclusion: Carbon-di-oxide is capillaries. They form a closed network
present in the air that we exhale. through which the blood is circulated.


Each lung has about Blood is a fluid connective tissue of

300 million air sacs or red colour containing plasma and blood
alveoli. cells. There are three types of blood cells
namely, Red blood corpuscles (RBCs),
Yawning helps us to take
White Blood corpuscles (WBCs) and Blood
in more amount of O2 and to give out
Platelets. RBCs are produced in the bone

6th Science_IInd Term English Book_Unit_6.indd 75 06/08/18 11:28 AM

Circulatory System

Activity 6: Place the middle and index fingers of your right hand on the inner side of
your left wrist. Can you feel a throbbing movement. Why do you feel the throbbing?
This throbbing is called the pulse and it is due to the blood flowing in the arteries.
Count the number of pulse in one minute.

How many pulse beats could you count in one minute?

The number of beats per minute is called the Pulse rate.
A resting person usually has a pulse rate between 72 to
80 beats per minute.

Find other places in your body where you can feel the
pulse. Record your own pulse beats and your classmates
as beats per minute; Compare the values.


6th Science_IInd Term English Book_Unit_6.indd 76 06/08/18 11:28 AM

Donate Blood
Hospitals have blood banks where
blood can be temporarily stored before
it is given to the patients in need. Every
healthy person over 18 years of age can
donate blood. So that, it can be given to
persons in need during emergencies of
accidents or operations. Blood donation
saves their life.

6.6 Nervous System

Nervous system is well developed in human and is composed of neurons or nerve cells.
This system includes brain, spinal cord, sensory organs and nerves. The two important
functions of the nervous system along with the endocrine system are conduction and co-
Nervous System

Is the part of the central nervous
system that regulates and controls
activities throughout the body; the
site of consciousness and memory

Spinal cord
Is a bundle of nerves extending
from the brain stem through the
backbone; conducts signals to
and from the brain


Peripheral nerves Radial

Are the network of nerve
nerves and ganglion
that carry signals to Femoral
and from the central nerve
nervous system


6th Science_IInd Term English Book_Unit_6.indd 77 06/08/18 11:28 AM

Brain 2. Integration
The interpretation of the sensory signals
The brain is a complex organ which is
and the formulation of responses.
placed inside the cranium. It is protected
by a three layered tissue coverings called 3. Motor output
meninges. Brain has three regions namely The conduction of signals from the brain
fore brain, mid brain and hind brain. It is and spinal cord to effectors, such as muscle
the controlling centre of the body. and gland cells.
Brain is said to store as
many as 100 million bits
of information in a life

6.7 Sense organs

Sense organs are like the windows to

the outside world. There are five sense
organs in our body such as eyes, ears,
nose, tongue and skin. They make us aware
of our surroundings. We are able to see,
Spinal cord hear, smell, taste and feel, only through
It is the extension of medulla oblongata sense organs.
of the hind brain and is enclosed within the
vertebral column. Spinal cord connects the
brain to different part of the body through Eyes help us to see things around
nerves. us i.e., their colour, shape, size whether
The Functions of the Nervous System they are near or far, moving or at rest.
The eyelids and eyelashes keep the eyes
safe. The eye has three main parts namely
cornea, iris and pupil.


1. Sensory Input
The conduction of signals from sensory


6th Science_IInd Term English Book_Unit_6.indd 78 06/08/18 11:28 AM

Ears keeps the body moist and regulates the

body temperature.
Ears help to hear and differentiate
sounds around us. The ears also help us in Functions of the skin
maintaining the balance of the body when 1. Skin forms an effective barrier against
we are walking, running or climbing. The infection by microbes and pathogens.
ear has three major parts, the outer ear,
the middle ear and the inner ear. The 2. Skin helps us to synthesize vitamin D
outer ear in human beings is made up of an using sunlight.
external flap called pinna.
Take Care of Your Sense organs

Do not read in very bright or very

dim light and also in moving vehicle.

Avoid exposing eyes to screens of

television, computer, laptop and cell
phone for a long time.

Do not rub your eyes harshly.

 Wash your eyes gently with clean

water, two or three times a day.

Ears should be protected from hard

Skin blows.
Skin is the largest sense organ as it One should never try to prick ears

covers the whole body. The skin helps to with toothpicks or hairpins, which
feel the things around us by touching, that are dangerous practices because
is whether they are hot or cold, smooth or it may puncture the ear drum and
rough, dry or wet, hard or soft. Skin covers cause ear infection.
the body and protects it from germs. It also
One should bath at least once a day

to keep skin clean and fresh.

6.8 Endocrine System

Endocrine system regulates various

functions of the body and maintains the
internal environment. Endocrine glands
are present in the body, produce chemical
substances called hormones.


6th Science_IInd Term English Book_Unit_6.indd 79 06/08/18 11:28 AM

Endocrine System Kidneys

These are bean shaped structures

present in the abdominal cavity. The
functional units of the kidney are called
Nephrons which filter the blood and form
the urine.


Blood with

Blood Medulla
waste Cortex

Why do we drink water?

Our body contains about
70% water. Some parts
have more water like the
grey matter of the brain (about 85%)
Glands Location and some less, like fat cell (about 15%).
At the base of
Pituitary gland We normally consume 1.5 to 3.5 litres of
water every day in the form of food and
At the base of
Pineal Gland water.

Thyroid Gland Neck

Thymus Gland Chest
Pancreas (Islets of
Langerhans SWEAT
Adrenal Gland Above the kidney

Gonads Pelvic cavity

6.9 Excretory System

The nitrogenous wastes are removed
from the body by the excretory system. It
is composed of kidneys, ureters, urinary
bladder and urethra.


6th Science_IInd Term English Book_Unit_6.indd 80 06/08/18 11:28 AM

Excretory System


Points to Remember

 The skeletal system gives shape to  Digestion is the process of breaking

the body and protects the soft internal complex food into simple and soluble
organs. substances.

 There are three types of muscles –  Brain is protected by the skull. It has
skeletal muscle (voluntary), smooth three parts – cerebrum, cerebellum
muscle (involuntary) and cardiac and medulla oblongata.
 The sense organs are Eyes, Ears, Nose,
 Circulatory system constitutes the Tongue and Skin.
heart, blood vessels and blood.

 Diaphragm – A large flat muscle

forming the floor at the chest cavity.


6th Science_IInd Term English Book_Unit_6.indd 81 06/08/18 11:28 AM

ICT Corner
Human Organ systems

Through this activity you will

be able to understand the organ
system of the human body.

Step 1: Use the given URL in the browser. ‘The human body systems page will open.
Select any human organ system from the list given to explore.
Step 2: In the activity window the selected organ system will appear, you can zoom
it by scrolling the mouse wheel or by clicking the + icon given.
Step 3: The multiple layers of the organ system can be increased or decreased by
scroll over the ' Layers" button given..
Step 4: You can view a particular organ of a system by zooming over or by selecting
the organ from the list given in the description below the activity window.

Step 1
Step 2

Step 3

The human body systems URL:

*Pictures are indicative only


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III. True or False. If False, give the

correct statement

1. Blood is produced in the bone marrow.

2. All the waste products of the body

are excreted through the circulatory
I. Choose the appropriate answer system.

1. Circulatory system transports these 3. The other name of food pipe is

throughout the body alimentary canal.

a. Oxygen b. Nutrient 4. Thin tube like structures which are the

component of circulatory system are
c. Hormones d. All of these
called blood vessels.
2. Main organ of respiration in human 5. The brain, the spinal cord and nerves
body is form the nervous system.
a. Stomach b. Spleen IV. Mach the following
c. Heart d. Lungs
1. Ear - Cardiac muscle
3. Breakdown of food into smaller 2. Skeletal - Flat muscle
molecules in our body is known as System
3. Diaphragm - Sound
a. Muscle contraction
4. Heart - Air sacs
b. Respiration 5. Lungs - Protection of internal
c. Digestion
V. Arrange in Correct sequence
d. Excretion
1. Stomach  Large intestine 
II. Fill in the blanks
Oesophagus  Pharynx  Mouth
1. A group of organs together make up  Small Intestine Rectum  Anus
an ____________________ system 2. Urethra  Ureter  Urinary Bladder
2. The part of the skeleton that protects  Kidney
the brain is __________________ VI. Analogy
3. The process by which the body removes 1. Arteries : Carry blood from the heart::
waste is _____________________ _________ :carry blood to the heart.
4. The ______________ is the largest 2. Lungs: Respiratory system::
sense organ in our body ___________: Circulatory system.

5. The endocrine glands produce chemical 3. Enzymes: Digestive glands::

substances called ________________ _____________: Endocrine glands


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VII. Give very short answer A. Which organ removes extra salts
and water from the blood?
1. Describe about skeletal system.
B. Where is the urine stored?
2. Write the functions of epiglottis.
C. What is the tube through which
3. What are the three types of blood
urine is excreted out of the body?
D. What are the tubes that transfer
4. Define the term "Trachea".
urine from the kidneys to the
5. Write any two functions of digestive urinary bladder called?
X. Questions based on Higher Order
6. Name the important parts of the eye. Thinking Skills

7. Name the five important sense organs. 1. What will happen if the diaphragm
shows no movement?
VIII. Give short answer
2. Why is the heart divided into two
1. Write a short note on rib cage.
halves by a thick muscular wall?
2. List out the functions of the human
3. Why do we sweat more in summer?
4. Why do we hiccup and cough
3. Differentiate between the voluntary
sometimes when we swallow food?
muscles and involuntary muscles.

IX. Answer in detail

1 List out the functions of Endocrine

system and Nervous system.

2. Label the diagram given below to show

the four main parts of the urinary
system and answer the following


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7 Parts of Computer

Learning Outcomes
 To know the Input unit, CPU and the Output unit.

 To understand the memory unit.

 To differentiate the input and output devices.

 To link the connections in Computer.


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Is it easy to connect our sprawling input units. Keyboard plays an important

planet to a point? If it is easy, then how role in a computer as a input device.
would it be possible? The answer to these Numbers and alphabet plays a role of Data
questions in today's world is the Computer. in computer. Keyboard helps to enter data.
In this Modern World computer eases the Keyboard has two types of keys, namely
effort and speeds up the processes to a number keys and alphabet keys. The keys
great extent. Now-a-days the usage of with numbers are called number keys and
computer plays an important part in every key with letters are called alphabet keys.
walk of life. So, it is apt time to learn
about computers. To start, it is necessary
to note that there are three key units in
the computer. Understanding of this three
units will make us to operate a computer in
ease. In this section, let us learn what are
the three units? What are the functions of Mouse is an essential part of the
each of these units. computer. Mouse has two buttons and

7.1.1 Parts of a Computer

 Input Unit Scroll Ball
Right Button
 Central Processing Unit (CPU) Left Button

 Output Unit

Input Unit


The input unit helps to send the data

a scroll ball in the middle. The mouse is
and commands for the processing. The
used to move the pointer on a computer
devices that are used to input data are
screen. Right button is used to select files
called input devices.
and to open the folder. Left button is used
Keyboard, Mouse, Scanner, Barcode to carryout corrections in the file. The page
reader, Microphone-Mic., Web camera, on the monitor can be moved up and down
Light Pen are some of the input devices. using the scroll ball.

Keyboard Central Processing Unit (CPU)

Keyboard and mouse are the important CPU is the brain of the Computer. The


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data is processed in the CPU. The CPU has Output Unit

namely three parts.
The output unit converts, command
1. Memory Unit received by the computer in the form of
binary signals into easily understandable
2. Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU)
characters. Monitor, Printer, Speaker,
3. Control Unit scanner are some of the output devices.
Control Unit
Of the various output devices, monitor
The control unit controls the functions is the important output device because
of all parts of the computer. it is link to the computer. Monitor screen
Arithmetic Logic Unit looks like TV screen. The input data in the
form of Alphabets, Numbers, Pictures or
Arithmetic and Logic unit performs
Cartoons and Videos it will be displayed on
all arithmetic computations like addition,
a monitor. There are two types of monitor
subtraction, multiplication and division.
Memory Unit
1. Cathode Ray Tube Monitors (CRT)
The memory unit in the computer
2. Thin Film Transistor Monitors (TFT)
saves all data and information temporarily.
We can classify memory unit into two types Now a days computer system has TFT
namely primary and secondary memory. monitor as they occupy less space and emit
Memory can be expanded externally with less heat than CRT monitors.
the help of Compact Disk (CD), Pendrive,
7.1.2 Memory Units
The data is measured in units which is


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A DVD is capable of
storing 6 times more
data than a CD.

Desktop Laptop

called as Bit. A Bit has a single binary value

either 0 or 1.

Classification of Computer Tablet

The computers can be classified as 1. Desktop

follows based on their design, shape,
2. Laptop
speed, efficiency, working of the memory
unit and their applications. 3. Tablet

 Mainframe Computer 7.1.3 Connecting the Computer

 Mini Computer You must have seen tube light and fan
working by connection through electric wire.
 Micro or Personal Computer Likewise various parts of the computer are
 Super Computer linked through connecting cables. We call
computer as system as it is connected with
one another. Do you know how these parts
are connected? There are many cables
used to connect these parts. These cables
are called as connecting cables. These
Mainframe computer Mini computer cables are found in different sizes. Each
cable has its own specific use. Let us see
the different types of cables and its uses.

Types of Cables

 Video Graphics Array (VGA)

Micro personal computer Super computer
 High Definition Multimedia Interface
Personal computer and its types
 Universal Serial Bus (USB)
Personal computer comes under the
microcomputer. Based on the memory and
 Data cable
efficiency in PC they can be classified as  Power Cord
 Mic cable
 Ethernet cable

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1. VGA cable 6. Power cord

It is used to connect Power cord
the computer monitor temporarily connects
with the CPU. an appliance to
2. USB cable /cord the main electricity
Devices like Printer,
Pendrive, Scanner, 7. Mic cable
Mouse, Keyboard, To connect the Mic
web camera, and to the CPU, Mic wire/
Mobile phone devices cord is used.
are connected with 8. Ethernet
the computer using
Ethernet cable helps
USB cord or cable.
to establish internet
3. HDMI cable connectivity.
HDMI cable transmits 7.1.4 Wireless Connections
high quality and high
Bluetooth, Wi-Fi are used to connect
bandwidth streams
to internet without using any connecting
of audio and video.
cables / devices.
It connects monitor,
projector with the 1. Bluetooth
Mouse, Keyboard can be
4. Data cable connected to the computer
Data cable transmits using the Bluetooth. Using
data and it is used the Bluetooth the data can be
to connect tablet, shared with nearby devices
mobile phones to the 2. Wi-Fi
CPU for data transfer.
Net connectivity can be obtained using the
5. Audio jack
Wi-Fi without any connecting
The audio jack is
cables. Any data from anywhere
used to connect
can be shared using Wi-Fi.
the speaker to the


6th Science_IInd Term English Book_Unit_7.indd 89 06/08/18 11:38 AM

Evaluation 4. Keyboard - Wireless

5. HDMI - Output device

III. Give short answer

I. Choose the correct answer 1. Name the parts of a computer.

2. Bring out any two differences between
1. Which one of the following is an output
input and output devices.

a. Mouse b. Keyboard

c. Speaker d. Pendrive

2. Name the cable that connects CPU to

the Monitor

a. Ethernet b. Power Cord

c. HDMI d. USB

3. Which one of the following is an input


a. Speaker b. Keyboard

c. Monitor d. Printer

4. Which one of the following is an example

for wireless connections

a. Wi-Fi b. Electric wires

c. VGA d. USB

5. Pen drive is device.

a. Output b. Input

c. Storage d. Connecting cable

II. Match the following

1. VGA - Input device

2. Bluetooth - Connecting cable
3. Printer - LDMI


6th Science_IInd Term English Book_Unit_7.indd 90 06/08/18 11:38 AM


(Look at the magic of connecting cables to desktop computer with 4,3,2,1 formu-
la, start from 4 proceed till 1. Now your computer is ready to use).
By connecting the various parts of a computer we can assemble a computer. For the
construction activity, students have to use 4-3-2-1 formula.
A system consist of mouse, key board, monitor, CPU, power cables, and connecting
cables Students has to connect the four parts of a computer in row 4, using the cables in
row 3, through the power cables in row 2 to construct a system.

Using the 4-3-2-1 formula we can connect the parts of the computer

Mouse Keyboard Monitor CPU

Connection cables
VGA USB (connecting USB (connecting
cable)for Keyboard cable)for Mouse

Power cords

USB (connecting USB (connecting

cable)for CPU cable) for Monitor

Working system
A complete computer


6th Science_IInd Term English Book_Unit_7.indd 91 06/08/18 11:38 AM

Control Unit - கட்டுப்பாட்டகம்

Compact Disk - குறுவட்டு

Cord/cable - கம்பி
- செரிமான மண்டலம்
Atmosphere - வளிமண்டலம் Data cable - தரவுக்கம்பி
Arithmetic Logic Electrical energy - மின் ஆற்றல்
Unit - கணிதத்தருக்கச் செயலகம்
Electrical circuit - மின் சுற்று

உண்மையான உட்கரு
Audio jack - ஒலி இணைப்பான் Eukaryotic cell -
உடைய செல்

Battery - மின் கல அடுக்கு Excretory

- கழிவு நீக்க மண்டலம்
Basic Unit - அடிப்படை அலகு Endocrine
- நாளமில்லாசுரப்பி மண்டலம்.
Barcode Read­er - பட்டைகுறியீடு படிப்பான்
Friction - உராய்வு
Bluetooth - ஊடலை
Fuel - எரிப�ொருள்
Combustion - எரிதல் Flame - சுடர்

Contraction - சுருங்குதல் Freezing - உறைதல்

Cortical Flagella - கசைஇழை

- பரும விரிவு
Expansion Food production - உணவு உற்பத்தி
Cracking - விரிசல் Heat - வெப்பம்
Cell - மின்கலன் Heat transfer - வெப்பம் கடத்தல்
Chemical energy - வேதி ஆற்றல் Insulators - மின்கடத்தா ப�ொருள்
Conductors - மின் கடத்திகள் Inflammable - எளிதில் எரியக்கூடிய
Composition - இயைபு Input unit - உள்ளீட்டகம்
Compressed air - அழுத்தப்பட்ட காற்று Kinetic energy - இயக்க ஆற்றல்
Chloroplast - பசுங்கணிகம் Linear
- நீள் விரிவு
Chlorophyll - பச்சையம் Expansion

Compound Leucoplast - வெண்கணிகம்

- கூட்டு நுண்ணோக்கி
Light Pen
- ஒளிப்பேனா
Cell organelles - செல் உறுப்புகள்
- இரத்த ஓட்ட மண்டலம் Laptop - மடிக்கணினி


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Molecules - மூலக்கூறுகள் Projector - ஒளிவீழ்த்தி

Mountaineer - மலையேறுபவர் Rusting of iron - இரும்பு துருப்பிடித்தல்

Muscular system - தசை மண்டலம் Respiration - சுவாசம்

Microphone - ஒலிவாங்கி - சுவாச மண்டலம்
Memory Unit
- நினைவகம் Secondary cell - துணை மின்கலன்

Monitor - திரையகம் Series circuit - த�ொடர் மின் சுற்று

Mainframe Solvent - கரைப்பான்

Computer - பெருமுகக்கணினி
Solute - கரைப�ொருள்

Mini Computer - குறுமுகக்கணினி Sublimation - பதங்கமாதல்

Micro computer - நுண்கணினி Skeletal system - எலும்பு மண்டலம்

Nerve cell - நரம்புச் செல் Sense organs - உணர்வு உறுப்புகள்

Nucleus - உட்கரு Speaker - ஒலிப்பெருக்கி

Nervous system - நரம்பு மண்டலம் Super Computer - மீக்கணினி

Output unit - வெளியீட்டகம் Scanner - வருடி

Poor conductor - அரிதிற் கடத்தி Temperature - வெப்பநிலை

Photosynthesis - ஒளிச்சேர்க்கை Thermometer - வெப்பநிலைமானி

Pyrex glass - பைரக்ஸ் கண்ணாடி Thermal

- வெப்பச் சமநிலை
Primary cell - முதன்மை மின் கலன்
- வெப்ப விரிவு
Plasma Expansion
- பிளாஸ்மா சவ்வு
Vapourization - ஆவியாதல்
உட்கரு முதலில் த�ோன்றிய
Prokaryotic cells -
செல் Vacuoles - குமிழ்கள்

Parallel circuit - இணை மின் சுற்று Wind Mills - காற்றாலைகள்

- வரைவி Wi-Fi - அருகலை

Pen drive - விரலி


6th Science_IInd Term English Book_Unit_7.indd 93 06/08/18 11:38 AM

VI Std Science
Authors List

Advisory Committee & Chairperson Authors

Dr. T.V. Venkateswaran D. Perumal Raj
Scientist, B.T. Asst.,
DST, Vigyanaprasar, New Delhi. PUMS, Manickamangalam, Valaingaiman Block, Thiruvarur.

Dr. N. Radhakrishnan Dr. M.N. Thanuja

Assistant Professor, B.T. Asst.,
Centre for Advanced Studies in Botany, University of Madras, GHSS, Devarsholai, The Nilgiris.
Chennai. R. Raman
BT Asst, GHS, Vaiyavoor, Kanchipuram.
Dr. N. Vidhyageetha
Dr. V. Sivamadavi
Lecturer - DIET Aduthurai, Thanjavur.
Associate Professor,
Bharathi Women's College, Chennai. M. Ananthan
B.T. Asst., GHS, Servaikaranpatti, Dindigul.
Dr. G. Ramesh
Assistant Professor, N. Manikandan
Dr. Ambedkar Govt. Arts College, Vyasarpadi, Chennai. B.T. Asst., GHS, Rasingapuram, Theni.
Dr. Rajalakshmi N. Balusamy
Assistant Professor, HM (Retd.), Corporation Hr. Sec. School, Peelamedu, Coimbatore.
Department of Botany, Bharathi Women's College, Chennai. M. Tamilarasi
Dr. Mazher Sulthana P.G.T. (Retd.), St. Joseph GHSS, Vadugarpet, Lalgudi, Trichy.
Professor & Head (Retd.), M. Mohanapriya
P.G. Department of Zoology, Presidency college, Chennai. P.G.T. Asst., GGHSS, Koradachery, Thiruvarur Dt.
Experts & Coordinators S. Shyamala
B.T. Asst., GHS (Adi Dravidar), Pulianthopu, Chennai
Dr. Vanitha Daniel
Deputy Director, Dr. R. Asir Julius
SCERT, Chennai. Assistant Professor, SCERT, Chennai.
D. Prabakaran
ICT Coordinator
Assistant Professor,
SCERT, Chennai. G. Dhavamani Maheshwari
Senior Lecturer, DIET, Thiruvallur.
S. Rajesh
B.T. Asst., P. Chinadurai
GHSS, Vanganoor, Thiruvallur. S.G.T., PUMS, T-Sanaarpalayam
Content Readers
N. Thamaraikannan
P.G. Asst.,
Jai Gopal Karodia Hr. School, Tambaram, Chennai
Dr. S. Ravi Kasi Venkataraman
Head Master
Govt. G.Hr. Sec. School, Dhesur, Thiruvannamalai Dist.

Art and Design Team QR Code Management Team

R. Jaganathan
Illustration S.G. Asst. (SPOC)
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Pramoth, Velmurugan, Mathiyazhagan.
N. Jagan
Info Graph B.T. Asst.
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6th Science_IInd Term English Book_Unit_7.indd 94 06/08/18 11:38 AM

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