Attitude Trackers For Complex and Realistic NPCs

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The document discusses tools for tracking NPC attitudes and reactions to help GMs make NPCs feel more complex and realistic.

The document introduces an approach to tracking NPC attitudes and interactions that can help breathing more life into NPCs for tabletop roleplaying games.

It introduces using 'attitude trackers' to track NPC stats and reactions in a more formalized way beyond just improvisation.

Attitude Trackers for Complex and Realistic NPCs

© 2016 J. Evans Payne, all rights reserved 1

Ed Shim (order #21723026)

Attitude Trackers for Complex and Realistic NPCs

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What is This?
There are many ways of making characters “feel How, and to what extent, you apply these concepts
real” in a tabletop roleplaying game. in your gaming group is really a function of the
style of gaming your group enjoys, and the goals
Experienced game masters (GMs) can use
the GM and players have in gaming to begin with.
improvisation to bring life to even the most
Hack-and-slash groups need not even consider this
common NPC. But some GMs, some gaming groups,
sort of formalized approach; groups whose main
might not be good at improv, or may wish to have a
focus is on storytelling and character might benefit
slightly more formalized, thought-out-in-advance
from this sort of tool.
approach to breathing life into NPCs.
This approach is provided free of charge, for two
This document introduces an approach to character
reasons. First, I genuinely feel that this is a useful,
interaction that may help gaming groups of all
interesting alternative to other methods, and it’s
manner. It provides tools for tracking and
worked really well for me over the decades as a GM
managing NPCs and suggesting reactions.
Although it’s a concept that was developed for use
Second, as a means of introducing GMs and players
with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, the
alike to the concept, since it’s used heavily
concepts and tools described here are mostly
throughout all Infinium Game Studio RPG
abstract. Except for explicit skill checks, for
example, nearly all of the tools herein can be
applied to a roleplaying game of any system and Enjoy!

© 2016 J. Evans Payne, all rights reserved 2

Ed Shim (order #21723026)

Attitude Trackers for Complex and Realistic NPCs

Attitude Trackers
You can have a great deal of fun at either end of the
Crunch and Fluff spectrum, or anywhere in between! This document
attempts to describe a set of tools that will make it
“Crunch” is a term commonly used to refer to the
easier for GMs to elaborate a great deal of fluff.
dozens of statistics that describe a creature from
the standpoint of raw game mechanics. Although
there is a great deal of flexibility in these stat
Attitude Tracker
blocks being used to convey flavor, demeanor,
Each NPC in your adventure or campaign setting
behavior, and personality, such “softer” yet still
can be given an Attitude Tracker. This is meant to
important game elements are often referred to as
represent an NPC’s current Attitude toward the
Each GM and player has their own relationship to
Pathfinder uses the five classifications of Hostile,
these game elements, and preferences as to their
Unfriendly, Indifferent, Friendly, and Helpful;
balance in gameplay. Some groups live by crunch,
this adventure introduces a bit more detail into the

and largely ignore fluff; adventures tend to be little equation. The Tracker provided below uses these
more than an organized dungeon crawl, and classifications; for use with another roleplaying
min/maxing your PC’s character options and game system, you can adapt these gradations to
equipment is commonplace. Other groups focus those used by your game.
solely on storytelling, and use game mechanics only
An example of an Attitude Tracker is shown below.
when it’s necessary to introduce a bit of
The GM is encouraged to use pencil to mark the
randomness to the proceedings.
current and changing Attitude of each NPC as the
game progresses.

Using the Attitude Tracker Attitude Modifiers

Attitude is measured on a 29-point scale: 1 is the Beneath “Starting Attitude” can be one or more
worst possible feeling an NPC can have toward the Attitude Modifiers. Each describes a scenario, and
party, and 29 is the most favorable. This is the effect it has on that NPC’s Attitude Value.
referred to as an NPC’s Attitude Value. Attitude Modifiers can be pre-existing,
The five Attitude classifications defined in the unchangeable things, such as “Party Contains at
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game correspond to Least One Elf”. These Modifiers should be taken
roughly 6-point “blocks” of these values. into consideration as soon as the party see the NPC,
Specifically, Attitude Values between 1-6 represent or even during pre-game setup by the GM.
a Hostile character, values between 7-12 mean the Some are action-based: for example, “Party
NPC is Unfriendly, Indifferent characters have Engages in Conversation: +2”; in that scenario, the
Attitude Values between 19 and 24, and any value moment the party approaches the NPC and greets
of 25 or above means the character is Helpful her, that NPC’s Attitude increases by 2 points.
toward the party. This is the NPC’s Attitude Action-based Attitude Modifiers only have an
overall. effect once; in the example above, if the party
Each NPC is given a “Starting Attitude”, for approaches the NPC the next day and speaks with
example, “14 (Indifferent)”. When the adventure her, there is no further effect to her Attitude.
begins, and with no other considerations or An NPC may have repeatable action-based Attitude
complicating factors, this is the NPC’s initial Modifiers; these may take effect multiple times,
perspective on the party. and are usually phrased to make this obvious. For

© 2016 J. Evans Payne, all rights reserved 3

Ed Shim (order #21723026)

Attitude Trackers for Complex and Realistic NPCs

example: “Each Time the Party Slays a Giant Rat on her means the ensuing conversation would take
the Property: +1”. place with her being Friendly.
Others have maximum effect caps. In the example Modifiers that would take an NPC’s Attitude Value
“Making a Purchase (+1 per 50 gp spent, max 5)”, above 29, or below 1, have no effect.
the NPC in question will grow more fond of the
party the more they buy… but this caps out at +5 Default Attitude Modifiers
for 250 gp spent. The party is of course welcome
to spend more money than that, but it will have no The following is a suggested set of “default”
further effect in terms of the NPC’s Attitude. Attitude Modifiers that would reasonably apply to
most NPCs. A given NPC may have higher or lower
Attitude Modifiers that cause an NPC’s Attitude to specific values of Effect for a given modifier; as
shift to the range for a different classification take well, one or more of these modifiers may simply
immediate effect as it applies to Diplomacy rolls not apply to a certain NPC.
and the like. For example, if an NPC’s Attitude
Value is 18 (Indifferent), and speaking with her The GM is encouraged to use these as a starting
grants +1, this would bump her up from point only for NPCs in your adventures.
Indifferent to Friendly. So, starting a chat with
Type Condition Effect Notes
Action NPC joins party for any +5 Does not stack with subsequent iterations of
length of time itself (maximum effect +5 no matter how many
times NPC joins party)
Action NPC witnesses the PCs -5 Assumes the crime does not involve the NPC;
commit a crime stacks with other modifiers that involve crimes
against the NPC; does not stack with other
“witnesses crime” modifiers
Action NPC witnesses the PCs -10 Assumes the crime does not involve the NPC;
commit murder stacks with other modifiers that involve crimes
against the NPC; does not stack with other
“witnesses crime” modifiers
Action NPC witnesses the PCs -5 Assumes the crime does not involve the NPC;
commit murder in self- stacks with other modifiers that involve crimes
defense against the NPC; does not stack with other
“witnesses crime” modifiers
Action NPC witnesses the PCs +10 Does not stack with other “witness” modifiers
defend a bystander or
innocent against violence
Action PCs agree to help when +4 Per request; maximum +12
Action PCs attack with -10 Does not stack with other attack-based modifiers
Action PCs attack without -15 Does not stack with other attack-based modifiers
Action PCs defend this NPC +15 Does not stack with other “witness” modifiers
against violence
Action PCs heal or “boon” NPC +5 Per healing spell/potion/skill check or beneficial
spell or effect; maximum +15
Action PCs refuse to help when -3 Per request; no maximum

© 2016 J. Evans Payne, all rights reserved 4

Ed Shim (order #21723026)

Attitude Trackers for Complex and Realistic NPCs

Type Condition Effect Notes

Commerce Make a purchase +1 per Maximum effect +5 for spending 250 gp;
full 50 gp assumes NPC is a vendor or merchant of some
spent sort, or offers services for sale
Conversation Engage NPC in +1 -
conversation outside the
context of a mercantile
Conversation PCs attempt a bribe (for -1 GM’s discretion as to whether the bribe produces
information, for action) results (positive or negative!)
Conversation PCs fail at a Diplomacy -1 Per failed check; no maximum
check for any reason
Conversation PCs fail at an Intimidate -2 Per failed check; no maximum
check for any reason
Conversation PCs share Rumors / Lore +1 Per each Rumor shared; maximum +4; assumes
an adventure context that has some form of
Rumors and Lore table
Conversation PCs succeed at a +2 Per successful check; maximum +6
Diplomacy check for any
Conversation PCs succeed at a Sense +1 Per successful check; maximum +4
Motive check for any
Conversation PCs threaten violence -5 -
Extant One or more PCs have -1 Per offense, no limit; assumes a civilized urban
been arrested adventure context or one with a lawful
enforcement organization
Extant Party contains at least one +1 No effect for 2 or more such PCs; assumes NPC is
PC of the same race as the of a “minority” or disadvantaged race (e.g., half-
NPC orc)

Converting Existing NPCs to the Attitude Tracker Format

Adapting an NPC to use this format is quite evil NPCs or those who are initially at conflict with
straightforward, and involves two steps. You can the party may have a lower value to begin with.
use this approach to “convert” NPCs that are
The GM is encouraged to thoughtfully define a
already defined as somewhat fleshed-out
Starting Attitude for each NPC, and to note it to
characters in existing adventures, or you can apply
this approach to more “common”, less fully-
featured NPCs as desired.
Step Two: Adjust the Default
Step One: Define a Starting Modifiers
Attitude The Default Modifiers table listed above is, as
mentioned, merely a starting point. For common
The Starting Attitude value should perhaps be
or inconsequential NPCs, it can be used as-is.
somewhere in the middle of the range. 14-16 seems
to be a good place to begin. For characters who have a long, or major, plot
relationship, or those who are intended to be quite
NPCs from an allied faction, or who are pleading
close to the PCs, further modifications are in order.
with the PCs for help at the start of an adventure,
may have a higher Starting Attitude. Conversely,

© 2016 J. Evans Payne, all rights reserved 5

Ed Shim (order #21723026)

Attitude Trackers for Complex and Realistic NPCs

Blank Attitude Tracker

On the next pages is a blank attitude tracker. The
intent here is for GMs to print this out, and fill it
out as needed to represent the Attitude of a given
Simply write in an Initial Attitude value in the top
section. Next, cross out the Attitude Modifiers
that you do not intend to use, or cross out and
write in new Effect values if desired.
Finally, there are several blank lines for you to
write in your own custom Attitude Modifiers that
might apply specifically to this NPC.

Hopefully, these tools are helpful considerations
for your gaming group. If you choose to use them
as-is, may they serve you well. Other GMs may use
them merely as inspiration for their own methods
of fleshing out NPCs.

© 2016 J. Evans Payne, all rights reserved 6

Ed Shim (order #21723026)

Attitude Trackers for Complex and Realistic NPCs

Blank Attitude Tracker

Attitude Tracker

Starting Attitude: ____

Type Condition Effect Notes
Action NPC joins party for any +5 Does not stack with subsequent iterations of
length of time itself (maximum effect +5 no matter how many
times NPC joins party)
Action NPC witnesses the PCs -5 Assumes the crime does not involve the NPC;
commit a crime stacks with other modifiers that involve crimes
against the NPC; does not stack with other
“witnesses crime” modifiers
Action NPC witnesses the PCs -10 Assumes the crime does not involve the NPC;
commit murder stacks with other modifiers that involve crimes
against the NPC; does not stack with other
“witnesses crime” modifiers
Action NPC witnesses the PCs -5 Assumes the crime does not involve the NPC;
commit murder in self- stacks with other modifiers that involve crimes
defense against the NPC; does not stack with other
“witnesses crime” modifiers
Action NPC witnesses the PCs +10 Does not stack with other “witness” modifiers
defend a bystander or
innocent against violence
Action PCs agree to help when +4 Per request; maximum +12
Action PCs attack with -10 Does not stack with other attack-based modifiers
Action PCs attack without -15 Does not stack with other attack-based modifiers
Action PCs defend this NPC +15 Does not stack with other “witness” modifiers
against violence
Action PCs heal or “boon” NPC +5 Per healing spell/potion/skill check or beneficial
spell or effect; maximum +15
Action PCs refuse to help when -3 Per request; no maximum
Commerce Make a purchase +1 per Maximum effect +5 for spending 250 gp;
full 50 gp assumes NPC is a vendor or merchant of some
spent sort, or offers services for sale

© 2016 J. Evans Payne, all rights reserved 7

Ed Shim (order #21723026)

Attitude Trackers for Complex and Realistic NPCs

Type Condition Effect Notes

Conversation Engage NPC in +1 -
conversation outside the
context of a mercantile
Conversation PCs attempt a bribe (for -1 GM’s discretion as to whether the bribe produces
information, for action) results (positive or negative!)
Conversation PCs fail at a Diplomacy -1 Per failed check; no maximum
check for any reason
Conversation PCs fail at an Intimidate -2 Per failed check; no maximum
check for any reason
Conversation PCs share Rumors / Lore +1 Per each Rumor shared; maximum +4; assumes
an adventure context that has some form of
Rumors and Lore table
Conversation PCs succeed at a +2 Per successful check; maximum +6
Diplomacy check for any
Conversation PCs succeed at a Sense +1 Per successful check; maximum +4
Motive check for any
Conversation PCs threaten violence -5 -
Extant One or more PCs have -1 Per offense, no limit; assumes a civilized urban
been arrested adventure context or one with a lawful
enforcement organization
Extant Party contains at least one +1 No effect for 2 or more such PCs; assumes NPC is
PC of the same race as the of a “minority” or disadvantaged race (e.g., half-
NPC orc)

© 2016 J. Evans Payne, all rights reserved 8

Ed Shim (order #21723026)

Attitude Trackers for Complex and Realistic NPCs

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Ed Shim (order #21723026)

Attitude Trackers for Complex and Realistic NPCs

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15. COPYRIGHT NOTICE Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Advanced Player's Guide.

© 2010, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Author: Jason Bulmahn
Open Game License v 1.0a Copyright 2000, Wizards of the
Coast, Inc. Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Advanced Race Guide. ©
2012, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Authors: Dennis Baker, Jesse
System Reference Document. Copyright 2000, Wizards Benner, Benjamin Bruck, Jason Bulmahn, Adam Daigle,
of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Jim Groves, Tim Hitchcock, Hal MacLean, Jason Nelson,
Skip Williams, based on material by E. Gary Gygax and Stephen Radney-MacFarland, Owen K.C. Stephens, Todd
Dave Arneson. Stewart, and Russ Taylor.
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2011, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Author: Paizo Publishing, Paizo Inc.; Authors: Dennis Baker, Jesse Benner, Logan
LLC. Bonner, Jason Bulmahn, Ross Byers, John Compton,
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook. © 2009, Robert N. Emerson, Jonathan H. Keith, Dale C. McCoy, Jr.,
Mark Moreland, Tom Phillips, Stephen Radney-
Paizo Publishing, LLC; Author: Jason Bulmahn, based on
material by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, and Skip MacFarland, Sean K Reynolds, Thomas M. Reid, Patrick
Williams. Renie, Mark Seifter, Tork Shaw, Neil Spicer, Owen K.C.
Stephens, and Russ Taylor.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary. © 2009, Paizo
Publishing, LLC; Author: Jason Bulmahn, based on Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Mythic Adventures ©
2013, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Authors: Jason Bulmahn,
material by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, and Skip
Williams. Stephen Radney-MacFarland, Sean K Reynolds, Dennis
Baker, Jesse Benner, Ben Bruck, Jim Groves, Tim
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary 2. © 2010, Paizo Hitchcock, Tracy Hurley, Jonathan Keith, Jason Nelson,
Publishing, LLC; Authors Wolfgang Baur, Jason Bulmahn, Tom Phillips, Ryan Macklin, F. Wesley Schneider, Amber
Adam Daigle, Graeme Davis, Crystal Frasier, Joshua J. Scott, Tork Shaw, Russ Taylor, and Ray Vallese.
Frost, Tim Hitchcock, Brandon Hodge, James Jacobs, Steve
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game NPC Codex. © 2012, Paizo
Kenson, Hal MacLean, Martin Mason, Rob McCreary, Erik
Mona, Jason Nelson, Patrick Renie, Sean K Reynolds, F. Publishing, LLC; Authors: Jesse Benner, Jason Bulmahn,
Wesley Schneider, Owen K.C. Stephens, James L. Sutter, Adam Daigle, Alex Greenshields, Rob McCreary, Mark
Moreland, Jason Nelson, Stephen Radney-MacFarland,
Russ Taylor, and Greg A. Vaughan, based on material by
Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, and Skip Williams. Patrick Renie, Sean K Reynolds, and Russ Taylor.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary 3. © 2011, Paizo Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Occult Adventures. ©
2015, Paizo Inc.; Authors: John Bennett, Logan Bonner,
Publishing, LLC; Authors: Jesse Benner, Jason Bulmahn,
Adam Daigle, James Jacobs, Michael Kenway, Rob Robert Brookes, Jason Bulmahn, Ross Byers, John
McCreary, Patrick Renie, Chris Sims, F. Wesley Schneider, Compton, Adam Daigle, Jim Groves, Thurston Hillman,
Eric Hindley, Brandon Hodge, Ben McFarland, Erik Mona,
James L. Sutter, and Russ Taylor, based on material by
Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, and Skip Williams. Jason Nelson, Tom Phillips, Stephen Radney-MacFarland,
Thomas M. Reid, Alex Riggs, Robert Schwalb, Mark
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary 4. © 2013, Paizo Seifter, Russ Taylor, and Steve Townshend.
Publishing, LLC; Authors: Dennis Baker, Jesse Benner,
Savannah Broadway, Ross Byers, Adam Daigle, Tim Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Pathfinder Unchained. ©
2015, Paizo Inc.; Authors: Dennis Baker, Jesse Benner,

© 2016 J. Evans Payne, all rights reserved 10

Ed Shim (order #21723026)

Attitude Trackers for Complex and Realistic NPCs

Ross Byers, Logan Bonner, Jason Bulmahn, Robert

Emerson, Tim Hitchcock, Jason Nelson, Tom Phillips,
Stephen Radney-MacFarland, Thomas M. Reid, Robert
Schwalb, Mark Seifter, and Russ Taylor.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Ultimate Magic. © 2011,
Paizo Publishing, LLC; Authors: Jason Bulmahn, Tim
Hitchcock, Colin McComb, Rob McCreary, Jason Nelson,
Stephen Radney-MacFarland, Sean K Reynolds, Owen K.C.
Stephens, and Russ Taylor.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Ultimate Campaign. ©
2013, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Authors: Jesse Benner,
Benjamin Bruck, Jason Bulmahn, Ryan Costello, Adam
Daigle, Matt Goetz, Tim Hitchcock, James Jacobs, Ryan
Macklin, Colin McComb, Jason Nelson, Richard Pett,
Stephen Radney-MacFarland, Patrick Renie, Sean K
Reynolds, F. Wesley Schneider, James L. Sutter, Russ
Taylor, and Stephen Townshend.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Ultimate Combat. © 2011,
Paizo Publishing, LLC; Authors: Dennis Baker, Jesse
Benner, Benjamin Bruck, Jason Bulmahn, Brian J. Cortijo,
Jim Groves, Tim Hitchcock, Richard A. Hunt, Colin
McComb, Jason Nelson, Tom Phillips, Patrick Renie, Sean
K Reynolds, and Russ Taylor.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Ultimate Equipment. ©
2012 Paizo Publishing, LLC; Authors: Dennis Baker, Jesse
Benner, Benjamin Bruck, Ross Byers, Brian J. Cortijo,
Ryan Costello, Mike Ferguson, Matt Goetz, Jim Groves,
Tracy Hurley, Matt James, Jonathan H. Keith, Michael
Kenway, Hal MacLean, Jason Nelson, Tork Shaw, Owen KC
Stephens, and Russ Taylor.

© 2016 J. Evans Payne, all rights reserved 11

Ed Shim (order #21723026)

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