The problem with many guys who are stuck is that they want the
performance confdence before they’ve done any performing or when
they’ve only done very little performing. That’s impossible. It’s like saying
two plus two makes fve. You can’t have confdence in your performance if
you’ve never done any performing. It just doesn’t work that way.
The trap that guys get into is that they won’t take a step forward unless
they’re guaranteed a perfect result. Of course you can’t get any result, let
alone a perfect one, unless you take a step forward. They wind up never
taking a step forward and never getting any results. If you wind up never
taking a step and never being certain, congratulations, you’re a double
failure. You’ve really f***ed up your life, if that is the loop you’re stuck
What most guys do to address this is just absorb more material. They
fgure, “If I just study more, then fnally I’ll be certain enough to take that
step and know that it will come out perfect.” It really doesn’t work that
How do you know if you’re suffering from that syndrome? Check your
bookshelf, closet, basement or CD shelf. If you’ve got a lot of CDs, DVDs
and programs on pick-up and seduction and notes from all of the seminars
that you’ve gone to, but you still haven’t done much of anything, you’ve
got the syndrome. The solution is to aim at the right kind of confdence.
Recognize that you cannot have performance confdence until you’ve done
the performing.
The right kind of confdence will also depend on where you are in your
learning cycle. As you get enough trials and practice under your belt, you
can start to have legitimate performance confdence. You want to avoid
premature performance confdence seeking syndrome.
Let’s talk about rehearsal confdence because I do believe in this.
Rehearsal confdence means that you rehearse in vivid detail out loud what
your responses will be. I’ve said many times that if you want a different
response, rehearse it. You’re going to rehearse how you’ll sound, how you’ll look, and what your
movements will be. You’ll rehearse responding
and feeling a certain way.
There are some keys to a good effective rehearsal.
Having said that, here’s the Gold Key. If you really want to add punch to
your visualizations, imagine it from a woman’s perspective. First, imagine
how you would look and how you would stand. Rehearse it out loud. Then
imagine looking at yourself through her eyes.
Hear her on the inside say, “Damn, he’s hot! I’ve got to meet him. I
want to meet him.” Then imagine the flow of feelings in her body as she
feels that little bit of a desire to talk to you. It’s not overwhelming, boiling
lust because you’ll burn out the circuits. It’s just a little bit of, “Wow, I
really want to meet this guy!” Then pull back and see her through your
eyes. Shift perceptual positions. Now you’re looking at her again through
your perspective. See her smiling at you.
What are we doing here? We’re changing perceptual positions. You’re starting out seeing
yourself from her perception, her eyes. It’s like you’re
inside of her head, looking at you. I don’t know exactly how it works, but
it sort of keys the other person to respond in the way you want them to.
First you want to rehearse the way you look and sound. Then slide into the
other person’s perceptual position
Again, I give you the warning to not rehearse too much. Watch your
rehearsal to action ratio. For every fve points of rehearsal, there should be
20 or 30 points of taking action.
Let me tell you about the next kind of confdence that’s very useful.
Often, this is what you’ll have to rely on in the beginning. It’s what I
call acceptance/extraction confdence. What does acceptance confdence
mean? It basically comes down to accepting the facts and eliminating all
of the drama.
It essentially means that you cannot know with certainty what any
outcome will be. Even if you’ve done things 1,000 times right with your
pick-up, you don’t know what 1,001 will bring you because women are
random and chaotic. They have a structure, but that structure can be
chaotically influenced by the smallest little element You never really know for sure, and that’s
okay. It’s based on
acknowledging that you don’t know what’s going to happen, that you don’t
like that you don’t know what’s going to happen, and making a decision.
You acknowledge reality. You’d like to talk to the girl. You acknowledge
that you don’t know what’s going to happen. You acknowledge that you
don’t like that you don’t know. Then you make a choice. “I’m going to fnd
out. Let’s go fnd out what will happen.”
Really this has to do with epistemology. Epistemology is the study of
how we can know things. Can we know things just from fguring out in our
heads, or ultimately is there some realm of human experience where we
have to go out and experiment to know?
I want to suggest that empiricism is your epistemology. Empiricism
says that ultimately the only way to fnd out about the world outside of
ourselves is to experiment. It’s a perspective that says you’re going to let
action and reality teach you what works rather than worrying, guessing or
speculating. It’s okay to form a theory. As you see, I form theories. But you have to let reality
and action teach you what will work.
This is the most important little bit of leverage I can give you. It’s not
the kind of thing you would think about. It doesn’t feel like super roomflling confdence, but you
don’t need to aim at that. This perspective that
you will let action and reality teach you what works is a key to having a
fun, fulflling, thorough and varied life.
In this approach, we acknowledge that there are no answers. At best,
there are ideas. It’s only when the idea is acted upon that it becomes an
answer. If you’re looking for answers, no, at best you’re going to fnd
incredibly useful, accurate and powerful ideas. They only become answers
when you act on them. You have to potentiate the idea into the reality of
an answer through an action, not speculating, worrying, chewing on it or
ruminating but through action.
You should write this down 100 times and number each one. “Without
action, there are no answers, and there is no knowledge.” I mean it. Write
it down. If you want your life with women to transform, write it down 100
times. Number each one. Sign and date it.
What does this mean? It means that not knowing what’s going to happen
ceases to mean that you have to stop and wait. Not knowing what’s going
to happen means you choose to go forward and there’s an opportunity
to learn. You act in a way to fnd out. You change the meaning of not
You’re not going to claim that you do know. You’re going to accept
that you don’t know and change what that means and change the decision,
choice and action that follow. You’re sticking with facts. There’s no drama.
You don’t say, “Oh, my god, Sally Jane!” You don’t spin around it
You don’t start making representations on how women have always hurt
you and why that woman treated you like crap and saying you were nice to
her for a year and all she did was talk about her boyfriend. That’s all going
to drop. You drop all that noise in the system and just focus in on the fact
that you like to talk to the woman, you don’t know what’s going to happen,
you don’t like that you don’t know, and you choose to go forward.
There’s something that happens. You get used to living this way. You
may begin to get excited about not knowing. You may get really happy and
enthusiastic about not knowing because it means you’re about to expand
your defnition of what you can do in the world. That is a cool thing.
Note what we’re not doing. We’re not building a super powerful, super
dynamic 40-foot tall you. I do teach that with rehearsal confdence. For
some of you, rehearsal confdence is not going to be useful.
We’re not aiming at optimal. We’re not aiming at what Tony Robbins
talks about, peak states. F*** that! You can’t go around in a peak state all
the time. You’ll burn yourself out and overwhelm a lot of people. Peak
states involved a lot of noise sometimes. You just don’t need to do it. We
don’t want optimal or super world meaning. We just want nominal, just
what will work. Anything that’s required to get us in a useful state, get our
feet moving, and get the action going is what we want to do.
Note when you’re seeking a solution that the most effcient one is the
one you want, the one that requires the least energy and preparation to get
the job done. Most of life just requires steady, day-to-day effciency. It
doesn’t require heroism
Sometimes it does. There is a place in life for heroism and super
excellence. To me, what I’m doing here is heroic. I’m reaching out to
people and saying, “I’m going to break your chains. I’m going to open
your prison door.” Hopefully you’ll come back, and out of reciprocity,
want to become my customer, give back to me, and keep getting from me.
Maybe not. I think this is a heroic effort I’m undertaking. This is me at my
best, doing what I love most.
Usually in life, you don’t need to be heroic. You don’t need super
excellence or Olympic level performance. You just need steady effciency
from day to day. You’re just going to talk to a woman. It’s not some heroic,
herculean feat. They’re humans, like we are. Their plumbing is different,
and the way they process the world is different, but they’re still human. Again, there’s nothing
wrong with being radiant and powerful. You will
experience that. I guarantee it. But sometimes it’s not what you want to aim
at, and it’s not necessary. You don’t have to wait for it. It’s not required.
The other part of acceptance confdence is extraction confdence. That
just means that you have a very good strategy for learning from situations,
even situations that may be confusing.
I should back up. I think one of the biggest challenges for guys starting
out in this is not fear, frustration or loneliness. It’s confusion. You try a
tool, and it doesn’t work 100% of the way. It works maybe 70% or 90%.
You can’t quite fgure out, “Is it working? Is it not working? Am I making
progress? Am I falling backward?” That confusion can really keep you
stuck. If you have a good strategy for learning and transmuting confusion
into clarity, then you’ve got something going.